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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
THE OREGON MIST. " VOL. XXIII. " . " rrrrr . a - - m, . HT. JIKLKNN, ORECJON, FWIDAV. MAY 18. 190(3. J-iva iiO, . NEWS OF THE WEEK la a Condensed form lor Busy Readers, Our ISSUE PAUL JONES STAMP ro.ion c. Has Hitherto "Rnia our Nival Haro.s. , or death leas t .l,f ,,, or th pustagi ""'. will appear niton . Stamp. A naval officer C OM II I I M ll.l --. non w in. fact jut Ih Unltod Hi.!.. nayy whos. achievement ,inN1,,nUll unbr. k.n lln. or Victoria., hu l,.,l iruaum.fth.L...,mn0rW u. I?:''1 'WTl,ion l "'o '-l- of tl. . , - i i'"uiiiic. UBInrinmnl iui l. I .i.. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS Not L.i. lntrsllna; of th Past W..K. i . r'""""! " onirer. or the United 0.UK)q our postal Imum Is con i-emmi. Wilt. ha H)tu to tlm front In tlm Kuaalan tiir houae. 1 II. ItftVkl Officer ll ITr. I. lOOJonly on. reiirewntatlv. 11.. I""7 r been ramgnliad for a iiimt upon 1, 1, 1 1., I ui.lM .....l... Tim Rneelan council ol Ih empire .tamp Coiiuimdur P.rry ol Uka Krl. win mTur iiiiira- aim uurai r.iurm.. I " aim nil position wa o obacur. An obnoxlou. po)U- official at War- , T '" i","a 1.0 w saw. Ruaaia. he. boon blown id bri , " ,,,mP' ". " homu. (in m.w atKn. lo tha t0-cnt .Ump .. , , , , . . . . '' r'"'W until 102, hin V rm ri el ften la alnarltt tint I . ... ..., I ... .. i ' .... . -., ... ...i ,i, mixing new I'lac. ic.ux preparing ymnm tut in. r.untiu- lor Admiral Farragut, who was voted nig o, c7, nolo I lie charmed po.t.1 clrcl., th. Tim Mutual 1.1 f Insurance company iiorltle I'.rrjf and im. iM-guii mil aualnvl IU oincr. to -- piac. rovor itwl rouianr moimjr ilmiau-Varllla, n mlnl.Uir ot Pana ma to Dm t'nitwl Hlatea, n;i a Irvrl ranal ! lb. only practicable on. lo bulKI. A mil baa Iwn .tartwl at IVratur, I.linola, to prvnl lb. union ot t'uni Urlan.l Trfubylarian with tb. oM I'rra byt.rlan rbunb, KMiwivlt baa aimatrxl Tillman', at tack on bl. cotir. rraanlini tb. rat. lull. II. lay. Im n.v.r pMg bliu K la any provision. Krv. rr. Kulu. Jiilimton, John l. Km kftailcr' paalor. llt Iw-om. pm. iliinl or tb. I'nlvrralty ot 'blco to urrwl tb. lal. Dr. ilari, Mr. JrfIcrio iHvl. la .lowly link' lug Koiiator ll.yburi'a condition Improved. rim imw MriM ol ataim for il. M IK. . i i iiiiippin., now In procra. ol printing in nwiiingmn, iixpicu Admiral Haoin. on on tb. lA.r.ntava (8 cent.) itamp, mi u(Kin unui Main, tlainp. until ios i rry r.ignwi tupram. On tb. olh.r band tb. armv baa ta ceivwl nom.rou. lienor. Irom tb. au. tlioilllra alio Jetnriulne wbat lacra lull adorn our poatan atainp.. lUt ginning witb (l.n.ral Waabinglon, th. Ilal Inrlud. (ien.ral Wlnlleld Hi(t, Unnnral Zacbary Taylor, U.nrral (iar- nelil, Uvn.tal tiranl. General Hborman, (Innoral llarraon. Malor McKinler (ien.ral Hli.riilan' likenrti I. lepre mhiImJ on Iba reply poaUl card. RISING FEARED IN CHINA. not M.ttlonarlat Sand Word Thai Soldi.ri May Prov. Ditloyal. MinimaiKilli, May IS lliahop Dalil. Inl tfi I'nifMl KrMiLn I ill.a..n Farm laborer, in la bava .truck church, baa nt rablngr.i... to lb. mi. lor an inrr.awi In pay . alonarlea ol tb. church in China, order- Tim aullan or Turk.r baa yl.ldwl ah- them to leave lh. dialricla in which aoliilely lo tb. llriOah demand.. they am engaged. In raa. they coneidt 11.,1.,-li..- .Ill ..... rumrww.. ,,"if ,n ''" Hl'liop I'ahl OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST CURE FOR LOOTING. Work RAIN ON HOMELESS OFFICIAL BALLOT. lehuild church, in Han Franclaco. Tb. Kuaalan par'lanmnt baa demand nl amiiealy (or piiaou.r. and will try 10 concilia!, th. car. Whit, lb. coal miner, ol tb. Kaat dltl not tlm raiea in wacM tbay i.lrrx lhy nerurrd t recount I lull ol their union lr tlm Ural tlum. Kvidnc at tb. Ktandard 011 invealicatlon. by th. Iiiter.tM. Comwerc. tViiurulMion .how. I ha! the baa received three lettvr. Irom mierinn ariea ol tlm I'nllwl Church In China who lorecaat trouble In lb. natur. ol new revohillon. Acroiding to the, letter th. di luiltanca la centerml around Kuning f'u, ol lb. Hunan district, liev. J. H Nlockk., who write, one ol tlm letter. dated in April, eeyi Ih. China ar riling agalnat their own government I thia diatricl, and he anaerta that tin olHi-era and lb. government otllclal thriiiwlvn. do not believ. that thai policy ol tb. company waa anyibing to own .oldier. .1. lo he depended upon a. they ar. receiving pay from the revo lutionise. Ha aay. they ai. couitanl ly ilril th. Kihliera will betray them and open the gilea to th. enemy. in. Invr.llgatlona are now In progrea. re garding au alleged -padrone ayalein in the L'niled Slate, among (Ireekl. ll ia rlaltnp.1 ih.rt are S,IMHI in bondage In Chicago alone. Hitiley and Tillman have made lo-l-itl att k on Kooee.'elt in regard to the rale bill, raying be mad. arrange mm.u to carry lb bill through with liMii.x rallc volea and tbiia aurreiidvied to Ih. A'drich combination. iMw I I. giailtialljr dying ol droay and cannot iaat long. Itm-rnl eartliquake ihorka bare caua el a Cuban mlno to cave in. Mra. Jrffereon Da via la much Im proved though Hill qnlte ill. Congre. I. receiving many ixainat the prohibition or paaae. Han Kranclico aatooni have mn cloa ed ludefliiitoly by tb autboritlea. John F. Wallace baa (orinetl a 112, 000,000 ele-tric company in New(Yoik. The .trlke ol funeral driven In N.w York baa canned tlm ol many liintrala. Count Lamrdorfl, Kuaalan miuUtnr ot Komigii aftalra, bai reilgneil lor a place In tlm council ol th empire. Tb Itrillah fleet ia all ready lor an at 1 ark on Turkey ahould that country voutinue bur boatil movement.. Chicago printer, have declared a boy cott on Methodiit rituali on account of lalKir trouble! with tb M.tliodiat Mook concern. 1 . Tall refueea to confine pnrchaie. ol i'n a I aupplie. to tlm United Htatea and haa told congren. i( they want him to buy all at bouie to pana neceitary lawi. Tbn flrii aleamer of the aeaaon haa left Hcattie lor Nome. The withdrawal ol troopi Irom Ban Vrancleco baa begun. The flret .lep ol tb Riiaaian lower home will be to demand amlieaty. CHINESE IN A PANIC. Many Certificate of Reajtlratton De ttroy.d In Fir. Ln Angele. Cel., May 1ft. Th. California Chine, are tounkean effort liefore the blgheat aulhoriliea (or com idele r- refill rat ion ol their people. The contention ol leading Chlneie I that more than 25,000 certificate ol regliitratlon, a great part ol which ate not duplicated in Washington, were de al roved n the rian Franciaco Ore, II ia ta'ed that there are only (0,000 Chi neee in California. Many ot the Chinamen are bordering on panic, lor they real lie thai anouid their right to be In the I'ni I Htatea be quealloned they have lillle to how ia r a dence. For uiontha lo come any Cbineae who bai a poaaihltf kuow ledue ol Knirliah and American cnatomi will claim on arrrnit that bia veitiflcate waa deatroved in Han Franoiaco. The problema that now conlront the immi gration offlclala are practically endleaa Tlm registration now in effect wa made 13 year ago. TheChineiie claim that tliii waa imperfect and in .otne rnapocti on a wrong Imnia. Compromise Jewiah Queation. Ode. May 15. A dispatch recelv el here today from Ht. reter.burg statu, that at a conference ol Jewiah. Cntiatitutional Democratic and labor leader iu parliament it waa agreed not to raise the Jewiah queation separately, but to compromise it in the general ineatinn ol abrogation ol national re strlciloni and clasa privileges, lor .lil.-li a bill la bains drafted. Aa the realt ol the agreement the Jewish and Polish nmmliera decided not lo consil tut. national groups, but to join the Democratio block. The Hlate department hi lorwarded 1200,000 to Japan for use by the starv ing people. Hanator Ankeny wanti the govern ment to use all home material for the Panama canal. Oreat Britain will advocate disarma nient at th coming Hague conference. Turkey Expreisea Regret. Constantinople, May 15. The Port. today replied to (Jermany'i protest against the boarding and detention ol the German sailing ship Odysseus by Tnrklah otllclal lecentlv. while the vessel wa discharging cargo at Cibiik In. The reidy cipressea regret at tin occurrence and promises to punish tl nillnlal resuonsible lor It, but ll pro- y:i,0UU. Hie uerinii pnnwoi mowhwm the leisure ai an act ot piracy. Th United SUtci will not allow a revolution In Panama. Conditions there are now bordering a revolt. Must Not Spit on Floor. Washington, May 15. A government mnlove who inlta upon the floor ot a Governor Pardee aay Banta Koaa government building or oflice In future sufTored more proportionately than Ban la liable to imnuiary dismissal irom Franciaco and that nnnditlnna there now I his position, under rule! now being are heartrending. M Gorky, Iba Russian author, de claroa tb duuma a farce and lay the Itusaian people know they must have revolution In order to be free. promulgated through the departments iiv nr.ier m tne nresiueni. aiiv i'imi- dpnt consider, drastic rules of this kind arc necessary to prevent ipread ot tu berculosis among the government em- ployo. icaei 1 o Be voted On In June Made Up by Secretary of State. nal em Hecretarv nl Html. I), baa iasued hi certificate of tlm Ropub- ! i.emocraiic primary nomina von. wie nominal Ions of the H- i.i n.l 11... 1. II. l.J. i. . .. ...u 1 loiuimioniiia ami urn arrange nmnt ol th t aiue on the official ballot in atat aenaturini ami imi.riauLn 1 iilkbi 1. as loiiowa: Uovernor I. II. Ami. Multnomah county, rrohibltlon; C. W. Ilarzee, wasco, Hoclallati George K. Chamber lain, Multnomah, Democratic j James nunycomtie, Henton, Kepuhliian. oecrewryoi Htale Frank W. Ben Jn, IloUKlas. Henuhlli-an! R. C nrown, Ihiimlas. Hocialist: T. H. M uaniei, Multnomah, Prohibition; P. II. Hroat. Marion. Democratic. HUte Treasurer Utile Butler. Was. co, Prohibition; Q. R. Cook, Multno- man, ttoclallsti J. I). Mtilock, Una, immocrauc; Ueorge A. Hteel, Clatka mas. Republican. Huprem JiKlgo C. J, Briiiht. Bher man, Prohibition; Holjert Kakin, Un ion, Republican; T. O. Ilailey, Uma- Ulla, Democratio i Marcu W. Kobhioi. joaepnum, Hoclall.t. Attorney-General C. C. llrli. Crook. ftclalist; A. M. Crawford. Douglas. Republican; Robert A. Miller, Mulmo- man, Jiemocratlc; F. B. Rutherford, iiuunomali, rrohibltlon. riuperinl.ndent of Public fnatruction J. H. Ackerman, Maltnnmah. Re publican ; J. K. Iloamer, Mullnomab, socialist; llenry Hbeak, Benton, Prohibition. Htale Printer J. C. Cooper. Yam hill, Hocialist; Willi. H. Duniwav, Multnomah, Republican; Alvin H. Hawk, Multnomah, Prohibition; J. Bcott Taylor, Klamath, Democratic. Commiuiooer ol Ijibor Htatistic. and Inapector ol Farlorle and Workshop! U. P. IloB, Mullnomab, Republican: 8. Richards, l.inn. Hocialist. United HUte Senator (to fill vacan cy) llitam Gould, Yamhill, Prohibi tion; Fred W. Mulkey, Multnomah, Republican; J. D. Hleveua, Multno mah, Hocialist. United Htatea Benator (term begin ning March 4, 1U07) Jonathan Bourne Jr., Multnomah, Republican; John M. Qearin, Multnomah, Democratic; B. Lee Paget, Multnomah, Prohibition; A. G. Himola, Multnomah, Socialist. Congressman, First District Charier V. Galloway, Yamhill, Democratic; Edward F. Green, Benton, Prohibition;! Willis C. Ilawley, Marion, Republican; W. W. Myers, Clackamas, Hocialist. Congressman, Second District W. R Kllit, Umatilla, Republican; James Harvey Graham, Baker, Dtmon-ati; A.M.Paul, Union, Socialist; II. W. Stone, Multnomah, Prohibition. W. INITIATIVE MEA8URES. Chief Dlnan Prescribe Hard ana Plenty of It. Han franciaco. May 14. A novel .iriVS: pan Francisco Dwellers In Tents despite tb item men ore taken by tbe civil ana military authorities, ba been inaugurated by Chief ol Police Dlnan Iliat oCJcial ba Issued an order that put in a tquad under tb command ol ASHES ARE CAUSING DOWNPOUR Detective Sergeant Charlee S. Taylor. and Shacks Sutler. Question on Which Oregon Voter Will Pas at dune Election Halein There are 1 1 measures upon which tbe people will be called to vote III J tin A fill a fit utiioL .A n.niu.aji.1 amendments to the state constitution. .M.en,be., ?' n(, compelled to The remaining six are leui.l.tlv. m.. 'Dor " UnnK away tb debna. AI- n. irnuu,i i.u 1 Ti.i..i ready Sergeant Taylor baa 75 men nn tie and order on the ballot, which are der , m' '"1 U!e .nonibe' constantly growing. The taskmaster of tbia chain gang li given discretionary poweri a to tne term act ol tb member! shall serve. Already tb ilroel about Portamonth Buuar and tbe Hall of Justice are be ginning to asaum ineir oid-llm ap pearance of cleanliness, tbe result of the work of the captured looter. Chief I'man believes that, when the exist ence ol Bergeant Tavlorv's armv be. looting will Leaky Roof, Damp Floor and No Fire Make People Wretched Prepare for Special Setslon. to lie voted "yes" or "no." follow: Shall act appropriating money main taming lneane asylum, penitentiary. deaf mule, blind school, university. agricultural college and normal school be approved? For equal suffrage constitutional amendment. For amendment to the local ontion law giving auti-i'orhibitioniit!! privilege. For law to aliolisb tolls on the Mount comei generally known. Ilooil and Barlow road and providing K"7 aecrea. or us ownership by the state. Tbe liquor question was again dis- For constitutional amendment dm- cussed todav bv . the anthnritiea. n.l it viuirig meinoil ol ameuding constitution uaa been nropoaed tbat the charter nl ana applying the referendum to all tbe citv be amended an that tha lioanu law affecting constitutional conven- which baa heretofore been 110(1 hi lions and amendmenta. raiaed to 1500. Belore th fire there Fo' conrtitutional amendment giving were 4.000 saloons in thia citv. nH it citie and towns exclusive power to en- i believed that tbe increased license Isidio and Fort Mason are without plan act and amend their chaitere. will reduce tbia number to 1,000, with-' flooring and became damp at once. San Francisco, May 15. Tbe cold disagreeable rain wb'cb fell all tbii af terooon createa much misery among the re I v: aee camps and even caused con Iderable annoyance to householder? wbo were cooking in tbe ttreet. Thmgb it ia tbe middle of May and ram i nn usual at thia period, tbe aihea wbi;h drifted into tbe sky during tbe three days of tbe conflagration are believed to have concentrated sufficient moisture to cause many drizzlea for some time to come. It i most nnfortunate at this partic ular time, when a third of San Francis co's population ii camping. M.iny of tbe tents in Golden Gate park, the Pre- ror constitutional amendment to al low the itate printing, binding and printer'i compensation to Im regulated by law at any lime. For constitutioi al amendment for tbe initiative and referendum on local. out in any way diminishing tb reve- The sbacki throughout tbe vacant loti nnea ol tb city. in which many of the relugeei are liv- A proclamation bai been issued bv ing, are poorly constructed and leaky. mayor Bcnraita directing tbat all refug I ai a meeting 01 tne committee on eea be concentrated in two great camps, special aesiion of the legislature today on N In ha )ru-.f asl In th. Pn m-t . V. I it nnanin.nn.l .l.u-i ilcui that tha special and municipal law and narts I anih u. t. .u. j .v.. ..1 . It m .... 1, i. .i...u v,. Ol laWS. Cinlilan n.t. T1.1. .t I .n.JI t..t Oil .... .Ill . ..... w.uvh mvw . . . . 4ijji uig .uioh-'vu w ui., ir.D " a law Iiron I biting Iree been made MWMin for r . I hereafter be nermiltKl in the ntata passes and dlHCIImlnatlon by railroad ton., aa militarr Hiinllr,. mn.t Thia is looked nnnn h the real estate t'nm ...1 r.i I . ... ..i.i;. I ..... V...r... . r l ..r ...v. iUr- van in tnese tented cities, if the health man aa a most important aten. a tbev purauons. ol the inmataa la tn ha ntoumJ it I maintain that nrwler tha new ennrfitinna an act retltliring Bleeping car nreaent averv innn. in h. .it. hnililinir will r.roareaa r.nirllv. The companies, reir gerator ear companies many vacant lot! are covered witb the committee also decided to recommend ami oil compjnics to pay an annual li- tenia of refogee. Th militarv ar. an increase of tbe inheritance lazes and now ordering tbeae people to tbe cen-1 corporation licensee. Tbe state will be cense npon gross earnings ror an act requiring expret com panics, telegraph companies and tele phone companies to pay an annual license upon urofs earnings. Mammoth Canal at Klamath Fall Bend Mason, Doris A Co. have the contract Jor constiuction of a big canal t Klamath Falls. The amount in volved is about 1400,000. and some thing like 700.000 of dirt will be xcavated. The contract includes much concrete work and a tunnel 3,800 leet long, which will pass undor the town ol Klamath Fulls. tral camp. OIL TRUST AT BAY. Free Will Make Hard Fight Against Alcohol in Senate. Washington, May 14. Intense pres. mre is being brought to bear on the senate to force through tbe bill recently passed ny tne House ot representative! removing tbe internal revenue tax from denatured alcohol." There ia not tbe slightest donbt tbat a larse ma- asked to authorize tbe issuance of bonis in tbe sum ol $600,000 to be t tax on tbe tonnage ol San Francisco lor a re construction of those portions ol the wharves and the seawall destroyed in tbe recent calamity. CANNOT REACH PRESIDENTS. Spring Produce Clama. Albany Water Irom a spring fl iwing Irom a solid sandstone bill, three mile northeast ol Lebanon, produce Iresh aater clami. Though theie are no clami In tbe spring, and, 10 tar as known, none that iti water could come in contact with in any way, yet the water, when poured into a tiough, pro duce, clam., which grow to ordinary aixe. Water flow! irom solid rock through an iron pipe, about 45 yards. Into watering trough. In this trough tbe clama develop. The trough baa been frequently cleaned, but Iresh wa ter clama alwaya developed in it again Stickney Proposes Fine, Not Impris onment, for Rebaters. Washington, May 15. Senator Nel- ann tvlav read in the. adnata the fnllnw. Seventy-five teams lnrlt nl th. .n.t. th. Inn talati Pa m I -.- It a nroaianf- nf Inn a, at.rt. t 1 a I arvuaatxv was aa iraosOXO I B w'tF,w"' ""Ui uw 'iv3iucus V fcuw no aooiil oUu men have been engagtd. ,,l thia bill and a trench nine I .n nnrortnnitv tii nt. for it hnt nn I ";t Paul r r,n tu. i tantt The contrax-t calls lor in Me long, 44 leet wide on tbe bottom and 1 5 leet at the top and 13 leet deep The in take is at Upper Klamath lake fortunately it waa refered to the com- Hon. Knote Nelson, United State. Sen mlttee on finance, of which Aldricb is ate, Washington, D. C: As you know, PARLIAMENT MEETS. Elect or Russian People Assemble In Open Session. Bt. Petersburg, May 11. Without single bitch and with only a minor in cident to mar tb memorable day. tb Russian parliament wa inaugurated yesterday. Tbe emperor's message in reality was less a tbron speech than a greeting, and required only tbree min ute for JU delivery. Emperor Nicho las read slowly. The admirable and even cordial ton of the sovereign in re newing bit pledges and asking the co operation ot parliament for tbe regen eration of the country was only nega tively satisfactory. Courtiers and spectators other than members ot tbe national parliament led the cheering, bnt the members were ominously silent. Wbat rankled most wa tbe failure ol tbe emperor to men tion amnesty, and later, when tb members assembled in the Tanride pal ace, away from the spell of tbe tbron room, many of them were with diffi culty restrained from precipitating matters by offering resolutions on tb subject. Tbe Constitutional Democra tic leaders, however, who dominated everything, were anxions not to weaken the reply which tbe lower houte will prepare to tbe speech from tb throne, in which issues with tbe crown will be joined, and succeeded in staving off premature action. By tbe irony ot fata, Ivan Petrunke- vitch, whose first mention of tb word constitution 12 years ago was dismissed by Emperor Nicholas II aa "a foolish dream." today stood in tbe front rank ol tbe members ot tbe representative chamber, while Emperor Nicholas pnt nis official seal npon tb Russian parliament. GIVES MANY BRIBES Indians Want to Work. Klamath Falls It is probable tbat a part ol tlm labor in constructing the Klamath project of tbe United States reclamation service will be performed by the Indians ol tbe Klamath reser vation, who are said to be faithful workmen. It is understood the ques tion has been taken up with the Iudian bureau through the proper channels and that Irom 100 to 250 descendants ot the brave who fought on the battle fields ol tbe lava beds In the famous M tdofi war will work in digging tbe ditches. Sawmill on Wendllng Line. Eugene The Southern Pacific com pany has selected a site for one ol its proposed sawmills along the Wendling ranch railroad. It will he located on the company's land about one mile north of M areola station. A large force of men is clearing the right of way for spur fr ra the Wendling line to the sawmill site, nearly on mile. Agents of tbe company have been In Eugene the last two days looking tor about 20 men to assist In the work. Branch of Boys' and Girls' Aid. McMinnville An advisory board of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Siety has been organiud in McM nnville. This board will pars on replications from Yamhili county for children to be ta ken into family homes. It will also keop in touch with the children thus placed out. : n 1 report on their condi tion. This bonid mny take up the matter ol truancy, neglect and other tonus ot delinqtisrvv, in which case strung co-operation will be lurnished. Hop Farm Is Incorporated. Salem The Milson Hop Farm com pany, ol Kick real, Or., is the title ot a corporation whose articles have been filed iu the secretary of state's office, with Altiert J. Ray, Clifton N. Mc Arthur and Earl C. Bronmigb as incor porators. The princ ptl office is in Portland and the capital stcck is $50,- U00, in shares of 1100 each. chairman, and Aldricb is tbe one man in the senate who ia determined to kill the bill it possible. Aldricb knows that this bill would work great injury to tb Standard Oil company, in tbat it wonld pnt on tbe market a fuel cheaper and more desira ble in other ways than kerosene. Be ing the Standard Oil repieeentative in I am in full sympathy witb tbe main features o! the amendment propostd to the interstate commerce act, but I de sire to protest against tbe injustice of the proposed amendment imposing fines and imprisonment on officers and agents ol railway companies for allow ing rebates. Such penalties cau never be inflicted npon presidents and bigb congress, be is naturally anxious to officials ot 160,000 miles ol railways of abut off legislation that is inimical to the interest ot his good triend, tbe oil trust. MAJORITY FAVORS SEA LEVEL. Ques- PORTLAND MARKETS. bluestem, 7;c; gfy, Flooded With Paper Money. Oregon City Oregon City is being flooded with paper currency In conse quence 01 a suspension 01 me mint at San Francisco by leason of the earth quake and aubiequent conflagration. Local bai ki have received their gold and silver largely from the Ban Fran cisco mint, and have alwayi been plen tifully supplied heretof re. Entire Sawmill Mad In Albany. Albany The Albany Iron Works has lust completed a complete sawmill outfit and shipped It to Madford, where will be erected and placed in opera tion immediately. All the machlneiy from the largest to the smallest piece was made in the local foundry. Rich Strike In tha Goldbug. Sumpter The Blue Mountain Amer ican says: "Another wonderfully rich strike baa been made at the Goldbug ine, in the Red Bay district, on north drift, vein No. 5. The pay streak is eight to ten Inches thick. One assay gives $300 to $1,000 a ton." Wheat Club, 71c; red, Oslc; valley, 70c. Oats No. 1 white feed, $29; $28.60 per Urn. Barley Feed, $23.50 24 per ton; brewing, $:424.50; rolled, $24.50(3 25.60. Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $12 18 per ton; clover, $7.508 $(37; grain liny, 17(38; alfalfa Butter Fancy creamery, 17j20c. KgK" Oregon ranch, l!)c per doxen. Poultry Average old hens, 14(915c per pound; mixed chickens, 1314c; broilers, 20(822)0; young roosters, 1213c; old roosters, 12ai2Wc; dresstd chickens, lOOmCc; turkeys. live, 1718c; turtevs, dressed, choice, 20l28o; geese, lire, 10($llc; geese. dressed, old lOo, jouuxJlL'c; ducks, old 1 7c, young 20c. Hops Oregon, If 05, ll( Wool Kan tern Oregon average best, l(i21c; valley, coarse, 22S23c; fine, 24(S25o per pound; mohair, choice, 28 30o. F'rnits Apples, $2.503.50 per box; cherries, $1.25(31.60 per box; straw berries, California, $1.40(41.50; Ore gon, 12 H) 15c per pound; gooseber ries, 8c per pound. Vegetables Asparagus, 75c$l .25 per box; beans. 1 2 1 (it 15c; cabbage, $3 8533 per 100; cauliflower, $2.25 per crate; celery, $5 per crate; head lettuce, 25c per di sen; onions, 10Uc per doien; peas, 6 (4 tie; radiBbes, 20c a dosen; rhubarb, 3a pound; spinach. 00c per box; parsley, 25c; turnips, tl 1 25 per sue!'; enrrots 65(76o per sack; beets, 85c$l per saJc. Onions 3c per pound. Potatoes Fancy graded Burbatks, 103K6o per hundred; ordinary, nomi nal; new California, 2i2e per pound. Veal Derssod, 8070 per pound. Beef Dreeeed bulls, 80 per pound; oows. 4t5c; country steers, 66o. Mutton Dresned fancy, 88)o per pound; ordinary, 536c; lambs, v1.'" pelt, on, 0c. , " " ' l 'Pork Dresser? Carmack's Return Will Decide tion of Canal Type. Washington, May 14. The senate committee on inter-oceanic canals is in a deadlock on the qoestion of the tvpe 01 canal :o be recommended. The quettion was taken np today and the oned vote snowea nve lor a sea level canal and five for the lock type, recommend ed by the minority ot the board of con sulting engineer.- There weie two absentees. Senators Gormsn and Carmack. Tbe latter tel egraphed from Tennessee, instructing tbe chairman tu count his vote for the sea level type, which would have made a majority against tbe lock canal de sired by the administration: Alter wranguug lor an nour over tne ques- lion 01 accepting the this country who live in New York and lo not deal directly with rates, while their -demand lor revenue will induce some freight agent on a stlary of $3, 000 or $4,000 a year to grant a rebate "Mike tbe penalty as high as you please against tbe railway company This is the only way to reach tbe rail way czars and grand dukes. Tbe pen alty of imprisonment was in existence many years, and only one man, a poor freight agent, trying to support bis tamily on a meager salary, waa lmpris- 'A. B. STICKNEY." WILL FIGHT IN COURTS. for vole of Senator .!,.. In . .. " ' ... . iueu . iT ;? ,, . , "",u""B0uJuruei n-l courts. Application will be made in a. u. til Wednesday next. Lrrt tn.ntM. iv., th ,n.intin Wednesday 1 Eastern Men Ready to Invest. San Francisco, May 14. Within ths past few days it is said new accounts have been opened at several ot tbe com mercial banks of San Francisco by men from tbe East wbo have deposited sums ranging from $10,000 upward. Some of them are known by reputation to bai. king men to be possessed of large wealth. Otbors are supposed to repre sent wealthy clients in Eastern money centers. The evident purpose of these men, the bankers say, 11 to make in vestments of their funds in San Fran cisco. Voliva Breaks Off Negotiations Peace With Dowie. Chicago, May 15. All overtures for a peaceful compromise of the contro versy over the control of Zion City were called off today and General Over seer Voliva and bia associates hare de cided . to fijtht for supremacy in the Economy in City Government. San Francisco, May 14. Retrench ment in all municipal departments is the order that baa gone forth, and there will be a great reduction In tb city's working forces witb the next 30 days Mayor Schmits made the announcement today that plans already are under dis cussion whereby tbe most rigid economy may be enforced. It is estimated that about 300 city employes either will lose thtir positions or suffer a material re duction in salaries. Elaborate Festivities Planned. Madrid, May 14. Spain is preparing tor rejoicing on a magnificent scale on th occasion ol tb marriage of King Alfonso to Princess En ol Battenberg. Premier Moret announced today that some of th featurea ot the early pro gram have been changed, but tbe essen tial featnrea remain. The marriage ' J:- ".lac May 31 in, the church of the temporary injunction recently granted to Dowie. This will bring the crista tbat will determine whether John Alexander Powie shall own and rnle Zion or whether the present ad ministration shall continue in power. Want to Answer Peirce. Washington, May 15. Two of tbe ex-coneular officers beside Robert M McWade, who were mentioned unfavor ably in the famous "confidential re port" ol Assistant Secretary Peirce, have taken exception to the charges made against them and have appeared at tbe btate department to get an op portnnity to clear themselves. They are Oscar F. Williams, formerly consul at Singapore, and Richard F. Greener, who was commercial agent at Vladivos tok. They will be permitted to make further representations. Cannot Collect Rebates. . Washington, Miy 15. The supreme eourt cf the United States today, in de ciding against Mugg & Dryden in their suit against the Texas and Pacific rail road, lays down the law that a" shipper who is promised a rate below the pub lished tariff and is then charged the full published : ate cannot recover the difference, as the action ol tbe road in giving a rat which is below the tariff is contrary to the interstate commerce set. Total of Red Cross Fund. Washington, My 15 Red Cross re ceipts for 8an Francisco to date aggre gate $2,125,000, of which $1,700,000 has not been expended. nner Workings of Standard Oil Mad Public by Former Employe. Chicago, May 11. Corruption of railroad employe and agents of inde-1 pendent oil companies, dishonest meth ods of procuring land leases, tbe giving of short measure, the selling of three iflerent kinds of oil out of the earn tank and misrepresentations as to th quality ot oil sold, were charged against tbe Standardl Oil company at today's hearing before the Interstate Commerce commission. . Incidentally, it Was charged that the Frisco road gives a rat of 2 cents a hnndred pounds to tb Standard Oil company when it charges competitors of tbat corporation 10 time as much for tbe same haul. The inqniry was held nnder an order ol congress and this session held here today was along tbe same line a that held some time ago in Kansas Citv. The principal witnesses today were E. M. Wilboit, of Springfield, Mo., form erly for ten years agent of tbe Standard Oil company at Topeka. but now an in dependent operator; H. C. Deran, of Fremont, O.; E. P. Ripley, president of tbe Atchison, Tcpeka and Santa Fe road, and M. Maxon, a former agent of the Standard Oil in Illinois. PUT OVER HEAD OF HART. China Appoints New Officials to Man age Customs Service. Pekin, May 11. An imperial edict which may radically affect the status of Sir Robert Hart, director general of tb Chinese customs and tbe customs estab lishment, waa published today, aa fol lows: "Tieh Liang, president ot tbe board of revenue, is hereby appointed super intendent of customs affairs. Tons - Sbao, junior vice president of the For eign board, is appointed associate min ister of Customs affairs. All Chinee and foreigners employed in the various customs are placed under their control." Both these offices are new creations in the customs service. Hitherto tb customs have been nominally under th direction of the Foreign board, bnt practically Sir Robert Hart has exer cised absolute control. Tbe diplomats here are unwilling to comment on the edict until its inten tions and full force are arpatent. If it means a step toward active Chines management of the customs, the foreign governmenst are expected to resist it. Advance Rates In West. Chicago, Miy 11. The Tribune to day says: Fire insurance rates in Chi cago on less desirable risks will be ad vanced 25 per cent or more to reimburse companeis tbat have suffered loss in the San Francisco fire. This action practically was decided yesterday at a meeting of 20 Western managers in th rooms of the Western Union in tha American Trust A Savings bank build ing. At the same time tnere will be a large reduction in brokers' commis sions. The advance in rates will be confined to the congested district. Give SOAO.000 to California. Washington, May 11. The house committee on public lands today author ised a favorable report on a bill which will result in placing about $900,000 in the state treasury of California from the Federal treasury, if it becomes a law. The bill grants the state five per cenLof the proceeds of tbe sale of tb public lands ol the state from the be ginning of the state government, and n that respect put California on tb same basis as other states. Will Make Jefferson Statu. Washington, May 11. Secrrtarr Root announced today that Augustus St. Gaudens had been secured as sculp tor for the proposed Thomaa Jefferson monument to be erected in Washington.