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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1906)
OREGON MIST Uatrred t the IWofa t St. Helen. Oregon, u second-class mail matter. Issued Evhbv Friday Bv b. h. flagg. Editor .and Fropriktor. One copy, one year, in advance. ...fl 00 Sis months. .. .' W F Igal notice 23 cent per line. FRIPAV. May 25. 190rt. j '-r-r, - ' - PPOBLICAN STATE TICKET I'nited States Sea-ater: JONATHAN BOCRXB For Senator, short tern : F.W. 3IV1JCEY. CongrMf : W. B. 1UX1S. Governor : JAMES WITHYCOMBE Svpreme Jadg : ROBERT EAKJN. Secretary of State : ' F. A. BEXSOX Treasurer: GEO. A. STEELE operimlentleat oi PuWic Instruction : "' " J.H. ACKERMAS Attorney General : A.M. CRAWFORD State Printer : WILLIS S. DCSIWAY Labor Commisstoer: O. P HOFF EEPGBLlCAg CQD1TY TICKET. Representative: ELMER T. CONNELL. Connty Clerk: W. A. HARRIS. Sheriff: MARTIN WHITE. Treasurer EDWIN ROSS. Commissioner: HARRY WEST. Sorrevor : W.T. WATTS. Coroner: H.B. CLIFF. Read np on the whiskey bill and then yote "So." (305 X So.) PECULIAR fOUrCS. Gov. Geo. Chamberlain is publishing n advertisement in a number of papers, irom which the following is an extract: "Sav. von who have a true wife look ing alier your welfare, wodd yon change her and take another, just because she belongs to the same dancing class party Ihat you do 7" Bare not, George, but if we were run ning a factory and had a superintendent who was continually giving jobs to men who were opposed to oar business in terests, and could get just as good a man who would see that all his subordinates were our friends we would certainly fire the other fellow so quick that it would make his head swim. Besides, Governor, a political party is not a dancing class. It is an organiza tion for the purpose of enacting into laws certain principles of government. Although you are afraid to advocate na tional democratic policies on the stump, you are in fuct a stri:t party man and you have done and will do everything iu your power to n.ake Oregon a Demo cratic State. Your advertisement does not even state what ticket you are run ning on, and neither you nor any of your lieutenants dare discuss party is sues. It is a sad plight the old Demo cratic party has come to when it exists only for the purpose of boosting one man into office. Better nail your colors to the mast and go down to .defeat contending for principles than to be beaten, as you will be, in an attempt to secure ..a, second term by evasion and concealment of your true principles. fk Official DectioTi Ballot for the MARK CROSS (X) STATE For United States SauUf " 1 MULS.EY. FRED W. o( unoa CiH) 4 Forfaited State Senator Sr.VST Vot BOURNE JR.. JOSATHfcH of lie i Caaatr For Governor Vow WITHYCOMBE. JAME4 k Baatoa Coaat? for Secretary of State 5g BENSOft. FRANfc ' of Doaflu Carnal) r- tsi. a a tint nrAVf T Tme Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. t For State Treasurer Vow. srpi STEEL &EORGE A. oi CtcMa Coaaty For Supreme Judf V EAKIN ROBERT of Ubioo Coaaty For Attorney General CRAWFORU.- A-It OI Ooatlatt V For Superintendent of Public Instruct) on Vol vow For 8tat Frtntaf - LERMAN. J H I Baltaoaak Coast dommianioi DUNIWAV WH.E1S S of Uieaak Coaal For ler of Lath Statistical and laapectc of Factories and Workshop Voter II V HOff. O. P f of Maltaa 2d Cgres-iotial District ' BprawntatTw to OtMfrws Eg attlU Caaawr COLUMBIA'S SHARE. In the last gubernatorial election, Columbia County gave Furnish 803 votes, and Chamberlain 4S5, a majority for Furnish of 318. Governor Chamberlain was elected by the norrnn martrin of 26 votes in the state. It is easily within the power of the Republicans of Columbia "County 9 wipe out that small plurality, and in doing so tbey will have the her of Democrats and independents who believe Mr- Withycombe to be the best man for the farmers and pro- ducers to vote lor. ms posiuon a; uuctiui ui ah- ment station at the State Agricultural .College has brought him into direct contact with the agriculturists and tbey know that he can be depended upon to do everything m bis power tli iustice to all classes, to advance their in terests. He has been faithful to' the" duties ' imposed' upon t,; anrl ?n pverv walk of life, as public servant and private citizen he has demonstrated that his only guide of action is right and duty. He is 01 tne nignesi type 01 nmcncaa p.u-. ,ocV,?n an pdncated and up-to-date farmer. His work has been productive of the greatest good to all who earn their li vines upon the farms or in the orchards, dairies or hopfields of Oregon. As Governor he would stand for the best in terest of ail the people, and measures that he believed in imical to the public weltare ne wouia nave no nesuanon whatever in vetoing. Had he been in the executive chair during the last session of the legislature he would promptly v,o,r votnoA trie o-eneral appropriation bill instead of passing it on to the people and thereby losing to the state over a hundred thousand dollars. 1 nere is no possiDie reason wny ins. 3 sino-le Republican vote, and there are many why he should secure the votes of those who class them selves as independent. . , . fw. ore nvpr eio-hteen hundred voters registered in Columbia County, and out of that number we should be able to give James Withycombe a majority ot over seven hundred. Don't forget to take your Republican neighbor to the n .5tVi -..mi and Columbia will show that, in proportion to its population, it is the banner Republican county of Oregon. the makeup last week the name of Tames Withycombe was signed to an editorial on the Rainier ij rt.,rVti.c it- mat soon Qiscoverea. ana no narm aone. U13iuiuauvw - " ' ' a TRAINS DAILY a TO DULUTH MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL DRN V It H-I.l NCOLS-OM A It A kANSAl'ITY-T. IOI IS THE KAST The Regular Yellowstone Park Route Via Livingston and Gardiner Gateway, the llovernmcut Official Entrance to the Park. SEASON JUNE I TO SEPT. 20. SEE EUROPJ3 IF YOU WILL. BIT SEE lMEIITCA. .FIRST START RIGHT. SEK YELOWSTONE NATURES URKATKST WONDKRLAND PARTICVLARS AT 256 MORRISON STRKL'T As D. CHARLTON Assistant Ccueral Passengrr Agrnt Portland Oregon Titles Examined Abstracts Made jj? Non-Resident Taxes Paid ? Real Estate vl? Loans, etc 0 VOTE FOR ELHER T. CONNELL Regular Republican Nominee for Representative Herewith pledges himself if elected to work at all times for the best interests of Columbia County. 1 Iff lit iU nr Iff SUMMER SCHOOL MONHOUTH STATE NORHAL Jane 27 to Aug. 6 and Ang. 13 to Sept, 7. First six weeks devoted to special preparation for county and state exams. Regular Normal subjects and Metbods also. Last four weeks a continuation of Nor mal instruction and special atten tion to Primary Methods with model pupil clasws FACULTY OF OVER TWENTY -INSTRUCTORS-C m Regular Normal Faculty assisted by noted col lege and public school educators TUJTIONVFirst term $7.50 Second term $5.00. For catalogue, summer school circular or other " ' K information write to Pres. E. D. Ressler- iU JOB PRINTING 18 OUR PU81NE88 WK liavo U ln'Ht and mmt fully oquipH Job .Tint-injjOniain(kluinWiUunDtjr Jnd tre ore prepared to da all kinds of Printing on short notice and at most reasonable prices A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE OREGON MIST H. H, HIGLEY, AND CO, CAN SELL YOU ANY KIND OF Real Estate or Business Chance YOU WANT. TELL YOUR TROUBLES TO THEM. 227 WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND, OR The editor of the Review is, to put it inildly, mistaken in stating that this utper is attacking the good name of the rity of Bainier. Cut in it riot beginning to dawn upon you that your city wou'd be better!!" if tlnj law was enforced and n number of its worser element iuvited Jo 1 ungrHte? Are yon Iiolith enough j defend I lie attack ujion Mr. Fihe , or to atill insirt that it whs not the re mit of a uonvpirucy? Bead the report of the (rand jury and Ki t right. HIE OLD RELIABLE mm Gov, Chamberlain claims in his ''-yerti-einents to be the "idol f the com mon people." Wateh the common people MiuuU their idol uud rouia back to the ;tyiie fuilli. ; Human Blood Haiki. A tide of horror m bild by marko of luipis't) .ilO"i in the homo of J. W. Wil- Jkims,. a well known merchant of liac, 'Mv,i writet: "Twenty years ego I ijia'd severe lieinorrhngtv of the lunj;s and ' -was near death whin 1 bt jiiiu taking Dr' New Difoovery. It completely jilted ine and 1 have rc'iuained well ever iinee." It cures Ileimirrhagps, Chronic ('onifhr. Settled Colda and Bronrhiiip, Iml it the only known. cure for Weak unit. rry inHle guaranteed by iL-'i 5,wJ (kain .McauJjUU BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE The greatest of modern-time helps to perfect cooking Used In the best fam ilies the world over asm sums reoeu m Fnblie School Exerebtes. The closing exercises of the St. Helens public school were held at the Congrega tional church last Wednesday evening, in the presence of an audience that packed the building to the door. The rendition of the programme reflected great credit upon all who took part, and especially upon the teachers who have given so much study and work to its preparation : pbocbammb: 1 . Prayer by Rev. Kemp. 2. Instrumental Music by Miss Bessie Hattan. 3. Address of Welcome by Ernest Johns. 4. Solo by Warren Quick. 5. Dialogue by Cecil Ross, Rugenia Detnine. Ruth Decker and fustin'Wil- kins. 0. Recitation by Leona Pinckney. 7. Recitation by Kenneth Cliff. 8. Son? bv Edna Harris. Leona Wilkins. Sadie Ellis, Bessie Hattan Nellie Laws, and Miss Ketel. 9. Recitation by Leoua Wilkins. 10. Recitation by Charlie I,aws. 11. Soni; in Susie Ketel. Ieasie Cade. and Hilda Cliff. 12. Recitation by Searle Hattan. 13. Oration bv Edna Harris. 14. Duet by Grace and Bertha Dart. 15. Class prophecy by Loyd Hattan. 16. Tableau by six girls. . 17. Address by the principal . 18. Presentation of diplomas bv Martin White. . Hereby Pledge I Myself to I Work for the : Best Interests of Columbia County and the State of Ore gon, Irrespec tive of Party. VOTE FOR W.J.FULLERTOH Independent Candi date for REPRESENTATIVE A Native Son of Columbia County. THE MIST AND THE WEEKLY OREGONIAN &2 A VFAR fir yvvvyvwvvvvy STATE BANK OF RAINIER CAPITAL $25,000 HrtfrKi Ctr u,t. mieOH WT StflKSM C8. rota i Kit csvr isTKKifr rain on vt HKttiTi D uvixm Accocm Kv-Tt KN KXt.'lia5u kawl'IB XW1MI H m IU A To r X. MTt'BtATi I A. M, TO I lf. Officrn: Carlcton Lewis, r,reldrnti vJm IibW. Vict l'il!ia; 0. 8. Vb Auker, Caihicr. Dimtors: Carlrion Iwis, John Dibblre, Ikraa Illaocbaril, W. Cooler Morris, IWni W. Reed. STATE BANK OF RAINIER RAINIER, OREGON "WALK - OVER" OXFORDS Black Patent Leather Black Con Metal Tan Russia Calf $400 $3-5 $350 TT"lTTwTlTnLn,C! Walkover and J2l1J JLUTJO. i O SoroBis Store FORMERLY FIFTH AND WASHINGTON WASHINGTON AND THIRD ST. "All around the Nurthwett corner." PORTLAND ft ft ft ft ORE LV n 1 M "VST" WV A mv - ma. ! Capital Htoe a, 110,000. r.llr I'al4. TrantacU raotl Unking luslti four per cant inlrrtnt l(l on time oVioalt KXflianitB sohl on all mint huiccminty amlxlioul warrants Imnglit g 1 OFFICKRH W. 1'. Ktr, I'rMiilMnt W. I). I'tfB, Vlre I'maiilvDl J 1', lit rar, Cashier DinKCTOUS h. H. RraAiN IKAX Itl.AXCtlABO W. ll. I'll a W. P. Klt J. 1. 1U-roan I'ortlaa rrn.paaJf.ts-Mf re haats Katloaal Daik. BANK OF RAINIER, iwiffwitrmmiiriifflfmitrimff flTmnfnfwmiifmmwm I THE BIG STOREi DOWN BY THE PIC SAWMILL J Receiving New Goods Every Day j In the Week. ' 1 '"' 1 - nuns iiuiiiji i.niu .gi ... 1... 5 Haa IltpuUtioi, of m fi,.mling ot 0nly U Baat In 3 General Merciiandisel Dart & Muckle. t Ir.i 0,-J1CH!8 - - - Orcsou.: -UiUiUiiliiiiUiUlUiUiUiUlUlii iUiUiUiUiaiiUiiiiiUUi T1 1 lift I IfArrAt H.V.i lHome inA.T n . ana tllc Mfttopolitan and Rur Home, an Aicult..Bl Ouo year foy $1.00,