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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1906)
AMNOUNCHMKNTS ; ' . ---js(S!aw , ja fr rtherln " .....11. ... ... : J', lviM'i'ic'"yi",H i ii .a til Itar R4-K.l.IU v,- ' t twirl'-.'.V.,.. W0" M ARTi ""' or .Lurcm""""'- lice l iy """ ..1..M llll h" ' " (or nomination vn i t"T .. ' ...Inmry tMtet lor Hep- M"1 .. .1 i ct.lutiira Irtmi C.J- . 111 III ... ... . ir KrrwttW" a rrtiuli- h:r ...n.-... .a.,. I ,,rS' . .... . ..i P" . ...i.l. t to "'" LhiWiw. ' . ,i,.1iir l nimartc. i,.Wjitt V"'lr" .. i.i ilia direct rimry '" ..i --.I .uiwrvl.if. Ml"" ..I aliool llplurt ""'" I . . I... and In ftl-wl''" R. II. 1'I.AGO. B,dl' . .-- y,t t eeatr Clerk- .11 a rtnJl K,.aihlii'n iioiiiiiwt.n l.f f SL ji Clk. .'.! t.Hhe Lfivi r.ary Kit in cuuiny aril II elected la devote my II. 1!. WVRK. ,.r I al Clerfca lu,)n..mnn)i-.UMm.:uu lucre- M( "i UK """" M I .. ii a U I hereby umiiwrn , ..t.,biic lr County t Ink. rl .. ..( the Republican r"""' ' .... ii uuw , a. ii l.r rr:lr. I ! If IrjruWrj-- announce, ....... gepshliran nmh-Ut h" .rmm.lnMJ.rn i Mile l-miUf, - iw Ml,,! Sow wcii I"" -"" n ,,r,4llv.U.l l rr...i.mli.m, J, K. M Ml I "for COUNTY CLEBK, ill. .... , (l.c ,.t'. i.l iiii-r, l' l'r "y l ..ii ll.e.fli.l il lio.iiii.'r UttM L, I..T.-I. lllMIIIC IIII WU i , i.ii l..liic l l"y V in. irri.l ll- liii.iy lrt.l. A. h II liKMKHSS. for KrpU. " . .1! ... ! lining I'lcl in f.-tHKt CC".llii U Jm-l i.inuaijr U , I ItrrtUy n . . .... II. ..H 1.0IICC Hl ai'll tt IM-.U.IHTI - j:, ,,r n. nmi.m tir n-i.r-nl(lvc, t,j r l U.c ill".. l U' vuter ' limuair -iruMt .M" i "'' J, (1. U'ATTrt, ?Utll Jciro5 sttt or iu rnonmr. iitli I 1. 1 ri., (iren.hal ll m-1'I"cI .rr., ..f .. ll.r U.I "HI l-l I1t ' KMklii...i..VrH.. I .t.ll lt tl ..... . ..I NlBla .l liritfill 4tii...-..n met ciHBwl ..m.u. ... .....I iki. a..ih.rliinx . cm tin no lrf.lmi. l liH ' ....II... jii 1.1. ii .ii.. in., iiii. nay . i " .vim ,.n.i.- .ip. i1m Utwlwjl .lfoll., la-lll. nl tii In ' "I" iHtl i .iil. .11. ..!!. l. l.Ull" H.l i..i,.a i. i.i mi - lhr i..uii. hn ,. tiit. .till trr.riirtrf! Ihr nli rm .nit.-i ..I Hi iiu.iti r. ut cr .I m I i.i In ten ii niiii "I ltr I..11MI1 l xllltr Willml niC'lilUM. hUHiliij I '.. I: rft B..WIT ... Id. i.i i.iHi- f . . ill i. ilil lur wh mI l" ii nn.,-nr. mil md bl-l Ihwll " "" h.r.i... mi llil inmiiu, mnt mih H .l..llir lull .!) ii May "-..I I""!"-'' i "HI I. Mil.t ...I i'l hi r me "mit r .ini i.l iiiiiiiiiin rniiiHl l'r-oii. luiH .i Hiii.iHir.iuii Mil tUr i a. hiiikik. V. t.Tiiii.1 ill ih "Ill l.niiriil i.l mi'l . II llalr)r. ,ii lor Ktnubir. LOOM, J MIm Call Iiiiiiiiiin itfllvcrr.1 mi oil Irnl Ici-tur on r.iml millfuKc In a iintll lull iirv-Utiv mul In ne liml Tlitt.xlSr Tli ImiwImII dntu-r KatunUy ni(lit vru Hull, Mr. Jim. Iloluiliiy.i.llircr lUuil.illt..l t'lirlliitid litMt Hnlunlny to try ami oMnin ir lor Hit- .liiiuiriit of i nrl.Mil i,l pl.lMtlM-lt, Mr. IkiuClliinii wmiim 1'urtluinl vinitor UiJ week, Mr. II. J, Ililli.rU vUltnl I'l.itluinl lui Hulunlay, Mint Klmiil llrtkrr vinllrj wltli Iirr folk In tliis i lly on Snii.luy tiu. Mr, C. I.. Clurk, ol (iiililr, wii a vUllur ! Ill roiuily Krat on Turwliiy limt. JinlKC K. S. Ilnllnii Hint ilrpnly link V. A. llrrU Imve Ih-cii miiiitiunicl ltt iiilw jirrmnt Ht ultklicil ol tlulr limllirr. Mr. Ilarrln to lliillulo New York, nml Jm.Ik llattait to Huston, Kniimii. IT. li.lwin Hum Ii ImlliliiiK Iiihiw lur relit on illnntrlli-i.trrct, iirurly iiitf si. i. iinty, new .cHiIcmc. TIif MiimiiiIc Hull U IwiiiK rclntrj mnl lUttirulol ami m new UkIiIhik j tt-ni will Iw .nit In. iimkiitK It o very U-ntitiiul nml ileMiit Mnaoiilc linitir. Act-onllnK I" ll'o itionl. Mr. olm lUiker, ol Vc rnotiin, lu tlie oUlcut re- conlcil iMtent in Oreifon. It In .lnte.1 April V, I Mil, liut a It eule.l by Win. M. Kliilev It l imilwble there U il.-ri. ul error, eilhcr in the tent or in the rrcont. Kt(I in riiiiu- vnrit-ty ami .iiimtity. CunUrn rk-eiK I'lower rei,. W livn iiil iiwuy iortlietu ' " M.C.tiKAY.Sl. Helen,. Buy on Credit 1 this $60 Machine for $25 lllc. .l..ubl Icwl. fell llirM.IIni nl.o.ilci h iii.iiiII bobbin wli.i. nil oihrr Uit ThUli.b'ANll 1 Ht'HT MA. Ill l h Mine ittMblu rawklniynw !. All Hn'huwa." " "".! mirlilna. "t r otilf a ..k anil ta tnimlhlr wiH. inn (,.r frM linwIVM MHltalll l,I",,"L. I'fitii hitiiwhnlil ihmIi III "llMfM'M 'Mll on In, fMiairiL -our na tillll '" Oovurtz rurnUuro Oompmny fli ilt Flra.Ht, POM TI.AMIt. tiH. WANTED A practical salesman for Columbia County to sell Specr's Automatic Gas Ma tliine, gas and electric fixtures and all kinds of heating and 1'filiting appliances, hxper K'iicc unnecessary. Only re sponsible parties need applv. AUTOMATIC GAS LIGHT CO., 441 Wash. St. Portland, Oregon Mr. I.vinan Merrill, ol Wooiltuwii, Una ol.l Ilia Imme at that il'e mnl ia look I11X Ui aiiitalilc lot at Urn In Col.iniliia con III) . Artair Ihiy waa oWrveil liy lite iirim-i- aal ami laiya ol lite lilllc i-1(h. . t li i iitv. liy ilc niliiK up the trhool Kr"lll, ami pUnliiiK two maple tree In the piny Urtnnnl oil each ai.le ol the arhoolhoute. Rev. I'wrea, the new Mrthotliat tttor, hel't lila firt arrvire at the rlitin h in tlii city on Siiioliiy luat. Ilia next op puintiiicnt here will I SumUy, May 13, at 7 ,:IU p. m. Slirrilt While aturteJ on Moinlay to Irlivrr the hatlot lir ami elet tinn p- J plira for (he primary iiuiiiiimtin. election !Iiik lor ll to ihiy. The aupplir i.u-ln.le aettol hljiika (..r kttcuriiiK in voter who have not rrgiatrrcit. The County Clerk hat thtiUauil.U ol ri.piea ol the amen.! iiirntu ami Initiative law lo t voir, I .i.n at the June rtertUm, imt there Bpar tmt Iw no way provnlri) (or j;rttiiin ttir.n into tin li.niilt ol the votrta. Attjoiwr wniit- ItiK ilu-ut will ilu-crliillv l tnpplir.l on llin nt the office , The alirnfl nine lu recrive l, on trial, one ol the lliirniiij-h' alitin ma- rhlnea. II ia certainly a vcrv womlerlnl invention, ami it wuulil accin to lie o very uwliil inati' lur n in the trim ol county huaineaa. The pdity Jarr it oil trial, without any cot to th e.mntv. renator Jotili SI. titarin aeinl u a iiumlarr of atrkat;r ol Kuvernment Kc1 lor tree Jitrihutiii. AnyUxly who want Ihear M-e.laran have theui rnt rttsKC junl (or the aikinif. ('apt. (HKle. ol the atcamcr Ameriitt ami Keil)lic, liaa oflcrril to.yhi t4 lor the t two yrr in tolninl.iit County. Irnl the rortlaml aiitlioniiva htihl that " It'i'K aa the Uwla liml Irtmi l-ortlanil. the taxe intit I ul in Multnoiimh roiintv. A t.mea on the Uwl are eoiiaitlerahle lower here than in Multnomah, it jwolialil that the change will lie ma.le. CTViM-The rmhinij M-amm openetl Stimlay, the Klh, lit n.H.n. ami the fi.hcrtnen have la-cn having excellent link ilnrinK the week, tiitche riinitiitK a hiKh i liuuilriil pmin.U to the boat. tH couptc thia ia much isrcati-r than th avernjje, anil It 1 lial'le to fa" oil at anv time. The tm.lm-a I rlaky ami artliioua, an.l m one Knolc the liaheriuen their preaeul "nod luck, which wc Iiu will continue until the i'l the ac.txin. HASKito.l.TKAM-Mr. Jink Ulack in r..i.i.i to pr..K-rly equip a lt- lull team to h Coluiaeu im"' inmi llotilton nml St. Helena. It I. hoctl l.v uniting lrcc In the two town w II have a team .nil. enii a.iw. coiiiX le with any In the county lliere will U wrvii ta ut the Coti(re(. tionnl i hiirt h in thi, eity ou Sumlat next. iiKiruliiK ami evealnn. Service in the timrniiiK nit. r Suiiiluy m-hiail. I'.veiiinit M-rvkea at the iiauul Ut.ur. Uev. Nvul Ciiriiiicliiivl, pjutnr, I'.W Sm.k-A farm neur Wurrcn, con laliiiK ul IV lurea, well improve.l; u Inline ilwelllnx, hunt finialieil, nesirly new; Iwrnaauil other mtlmililir.K, etc. I'or terina ami olht-r particular apply to John Ihilitu. YAXKTOX ITKMS. When l.M ..mIIm IIIW1I1 VOtl ilii! uti chccrlnlly, lor Iwaelaill la a wanly l"'"'""1 ,u,uW ,W encourat!cJ. .w i- Zniner.ol l.a Center, Wash., waa one ol the lortumilc winner, ol ...i.-rrclltcertincalc, in the mammoth ....i.ii..iu. won) coutcat, recently c Kiler'. l'lnno Hoiiae. the .pulr .1... I ,...! ileiilem ol l'ortlun.l. He 11I1IIIO f . . .1....III ......n., the niiri-hnc ol one in o i thu reiiowneil I'oater pionoa. V101.KNTI.V lNHANK-Hcrman lilhr- r nr,.rl.laml. wna hrouuht to the county ol In uf violent luaiinity, by Sheriff White. -" atnhtc 1. I.. Camptiell ami r.eorjje mi..."- h.n.1. When he arrive.! Here li ioo men to place him I" one ol tne iron t,..K in the lull, ami the only way Ihcy coul.l mn,mKetoK. tU'enI't ';'' t ataml him on hi. head hi e they mil,le their Kftaway. lie i auiil to have la-eii infatuated will' wy B';llre Krlckaon'. l.-e "'"rt1"'"1' ttd h"VC ,mled about ,W0O I" v.u.i endeavor to aeciirc her affection.. (oimerlv died at hi. home In WaahinRton county on .1... a..,ii nth. Helta, a .on "'y " : . . ... i.i,. roiintv. Ialullil in v"'..."'- ' Km! triK "'' Iniaiiiea. triti to I'itlalinrK rvitur.lay, retiiriiiii Sunday, Hacl Stewart viaited Irienda in Ilout- toll arventl day. lait week. Mr. and Mr.. Kay TarU-tl were rort laml vlaitor Tut-adity. Mr., llopnu and iliihtt-r Koaa, from the I'lat, uttin lvd church here Sunday uioruiiiK. I'crlcy mi I Will Sinter are at home lor a lew dnya, a brink in the machinery at TarUII ami llcnuctt'. mill KlviiiK them a real. Little Gertrude, Jauntier of '.. I). Iloiiney, i. very iikwi.h pneumonia. Dr. Cllll ia in attendnnce. Rev. O. I'. I'rovra, the new M. Ii. nator ou thi. charge, preached at the clum li on Sunday laat. Hi next appoint ment will lie May Dili, at 1 1:30. Mr. I'.. S. I'axon, who ha. been at the tiood Samaritan hoapital for aeveral week, ia .ufficieutlv rccovereil to return liiniid. Arlair I ay wa. obaerved by the Yank ton nchiMil, Appropriate exerciae in the Inmi room and the planting of the Tint tree on the ground, made the day uirmoi able. Mr. C. C. Moyer returned a few day. ,.o from a vitit to frieud and relative. at limit I'aa. Amoii them he found 'iramlpa Kidlcv, formerly of thi. place, ciijuvliiK a hair and happy old age, at the home ol hi. daughter, Mr. II. A. Corlia.. Koawell Staiiwood ia loading car. at lloulton with liinitTr from Staiiwood and ll.dati-in'.mill. All kiuda of lumlicr i. in giKxl demand, and the mill U ruiining full time with a crew of thirty-five men. Mr. Stewart, who had the misfortune to loac hi. building April Mi., lias a new liotiae ucarly ready to occupy. Many nrighliora have hclnd with matcriitl and taW, for which the family widi to cx preaa their gratitude through the column, of thi p.icr. Ilrtlf. I alii ml Torture. Kiiouor! than the terrible rae ol pile, that afllii-ted li e 10 yenr. Then I i dt Ipc.1 lo apply Ilm klt-u'. Arnica Salve, and lea llinii a Im pcriiianeiilly .iirvd me, w rite. I S. Napier, of Unglea, Ky. llcala all wound., burn, and tore, hie magic. 'JSo at IVrry A tiitihaui'.. - A l.ut kjf l-oaliillalrraa. t Mm. Ali-xandtr, of Cary, Me., who har foiiml Dr. King'. New Life Till, to 1 tlie Uel remedy .he ever tried tr keeping the .tomnch, liver and bowel in irf.t t orJer. You'll ngroe with her 1! you try Ibeae pnltiltf. purifier, that infiim. new life. tiuaraiiUed by IVrry A linihaiii. I'liee '.'".. Mate Trrttaiirer. Althoiitfli thero are iix candidates In lhts IW-ld lor .lute treasurer it i now concvdetl that either Ua'.ph lloyt.of roilland. or K. V. Carter, ol Jiukson County, will Imj nouiinatwl- Mr. Carter taya, "If I am elected I u ill tuaido in Salem and give Iho ollicc my iKJra-inftl allenlion." Mr. Hoyt Is ili-iil on thi. point. Mr. Carter mv, "H I am elei te.1 I 111 torn over to the Statu every dollar ol the interval paid on mate fundi." .....nov. from illl.000 to f-tl.OtiO er an mini. b. heretofore bwn relMined by. the. treasurer. Mr. Hoyt i. " on thi. point, wi it i fair lo a.nie that ho intend, to pockel thi inlereiit money l.aa I ..Mi done In tlm pa.t. Vill you vote for a rortlaml man nmi ii.... ,iiiiniiu t hi. arallT . vino ior a. V Carter in a vole to atop nil. gran aii lo reduce taae. correHiiullngly. COUNTY COURT. CP. BISHOP CLOTHIER 8; THIRD ST., BCTWIiliN OAK AND .STARK Is a Candidate for Your Patronage dt lirnpicot roll of JfJOl: On Ibb titf1 '0&Ps2fFs'tsW ..... iov aoerui anu UK return on uflimpM-nt loll of 1IKM, .Lowing amount .till dcliminent pixt, ,) a,i,M,Biit' nnrolli rtnble byrrai-oii of l,,, araei-ird lying In WiialiiiigioiiCtiiinty t,'HH..,aid I'rnv. um cm I for order giving biiu fjj ert-tlit for nid niirnlli t-lNble aiinauil ; and ! upon due miii.liliralion it kaoidt red thatHv wtlil aheriir. telurn od IWM delinqiiMit ... w Biri-pim, ami ,i,Bt bu ) gWen eri'dit for the aiuu-int tbowu to U. nn- eollet'tiibfe. In tin) matter of claim, against II general fund allowed: Tlio following claims agninm tint gmrrnl In ml were ww allowed anil the elerk oidcrcil to i- sue warrant on said fond in payment of mime. Ilenrr Krau rnppliu for Hop kins family S 56 J M IHat klord J ol I let s.rhste vs Neimela ;. , ,. 4 ) 3 I. Camplwll cointlableanmr .. 25 'M CbiUkanle Drug Co me.l'ciiie for iiusset 2 GO Dart & Mm kin surulli-a for conntv charge .. . g jo Jame. Ya uatnount ovvrijiabum-tl as supervisor 1 70 J 1) (Mfrt-y repayment of few. 6 J Q lingo work on crusher 10 U II Mitchell Slnlionery g K II Mild, ell el.-, lion notier". . 11 70 Dr. Y W Wwal uudical all II..p- ains fitmlly ... 28 75 II M Fowler care i.l J. dm lb my 4 In the matter ol pyainst the genernl rouil fund ul:..iil: The fol lowing eliiiius againrl I Uu guiii-ral road In ud were now allowed by the court, and the clerk ordered to Issue warrants on said fund in payment thereof. It. D. Xo. 1. U Duncan f 15 SO A II Urst n 5 IC K. D. No. 3. J y Unge $ 2 60 It. I). No. 10. Summit Lumber Co $73 47 Tfchenor Lumber Co 10 bv In the matter of the x tition of W. J. Cloniiiger for a license to sell liquor iu ScupHKse precinct : Licence granted (or six months from April 10th, 130(1. In the matter of coiiaidering bids and awarding contract for the erection of the proposed new courthouse: Ou this day the court opened and considered all 1 he sealed bid. for the erection of a new courthouse heretofore filed aith the clerk and it apK-aiing to tlie clerk that the bid of F. A. Krison, lo-wlt 2tl795, ia the lowest submitted : It is therefore ordered by the court that said bid ol A.Krixon be, and ssm is hereby ac cepted, on condition that said F. A. Krixon enter into a written contract with Columbia County to romdint-t said j roll r 1 home according to. the pinna and I sprciflratloiis of the architects, and fur- nirli a bond in the sum of fO OOO, to lie approved nnd nrwplcd by therourt, and conditioned upon the faithful perform- snce of said contract. And it ia further ordered In this mat ter, that cniistilerntion 01 the Imls lor supplying the jail woik nnd finishing hardware) lie and same I hereby post poned to May 2, 1006. In lli innttT of tlm applicatliui of J. It. (iodfrey and II. It. Nicholas for quit claim deeds to properly to which county hold, sheriff's deeds for taxi's: Ordered that deeds issue as applied for. In the matter of claims against the general fund allowed: The following claims against the general fund were al lowed ami the elerk ordered to issue 0 I) Harrison warrants on said fund Inpayment there of. C 11 UrigB and sons supplies tor Sobeskio 20 63 Portend Journal ad for bids on courthouse filasa A rrndhomo stationery.. Irwin II.m!oii Co same V Bnmgardner amending body of Pirdsnll John F Chi-ldelnt building bridge across Peer Creek ... Klin Ulrich nursing diptherbt patient for county board of health ,M Columbia Register stationery and printing 12 50 Home for the Aged keep of Mrs. Triesler Thoa Bassl supplies for Biimala 7 58 ttii't Hendr:kson care of same. 70 K McYey supplies for McDonald family 4 10 (loo Merrill acting coroner In quest on J A Yarwnotl 6 In Men's, Boys' and Chiidrens' Clothing The popularitj that has greeted the aadidacy of Mr. Bishop in the tfotkittg campaign assures his success. Everyone talking C. P. Bishop fox reliable, up-to-date new Spring 5t3le Clothing. C. P. BISHOP, CLOTHIER Successors to Salem Woolen Mills Store. 3rd Street Q O Portland, Oregon 87 S2 2T 80 34 50 110 THE COLUMBIA COUNTY Abstract and Trust Co. Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Non-Resident Taxes Piii Jleal Estate, Loans, Etc. E. E. QUICK A. M. HOLTON, Proprietor. 5 10 It. 1). No. 2. Cat I'owder Work $ 52 15 Warren Lbr Co , 6 50 Same 82 SO K F Larsen S 40 II T Dennett 7 TUrvwell 10 10 X Freeman A 3 Swift 15 80 Uus Isaacson 8 40 II It Duncan 15 80 It. I). No. 3. KlUaU-th Matcliett tt Jeffrie A McJutyro W hen In Porlliiud Uo t Tl'ii Kmpiro Uostiiuriint, 102 Third ptrwit, um, ,l,i,as n Hontli 'of llalior The-lro- Mimla Irntii 16 rents np. 0n '.V'y Hud niulit. Ov.tnra in illiv stylo. Win. II liml,.,. !.... fi.i'.iii.rlu lit I III1 . ""'i-i ' Kvyiil, hi nd Madlavn' Mr. Ceo. Iluchmeyer, ...... .1 r..ti.obla county ticm. - . M-.,. He ha. a son ciiing- rorecding. and Ilemlsftl Illlla ofthe Kereut Term. I.K-ciiBO grunted John and Ceo. Weist for the term of one year to sell liquor In Hcappooso precinct. 1...1.1I..11 of Win. FUhcr for refund taxes on hmd in Waslilngton County l lowed in the mn of 20.82. Tl.u road fund was apportioned as fol- !..! ., , Vll 1 ... t (WO 68 Il.n wi i 5117 tHI "",'. 761 tH) " IUMI tK) 7 32U 00 , . f.11 00 :i6i 00 710 00 ' 313 (HI " 237 00 470 IK) ''. 613 00 ' ' 4118 00 I 50 00 12 12 10 05 12 9 50 140 80 1 4 8 . 11.. 10.. H . 12 . 13.. 14.. 16 . .. . I...I.. I.a ln In the mutter 01 exim miu ... 1.. comity cllk,, meo' or"0,'e', " ,ollow"! a-i... court, acting upon the advice ... .i.n .titrlet attorney, are unable to 1 .1. -....1. avi.n I...I11 an the The .team schooner J , , 1 7.vri thinks iiocpfl.nry, and ills hereby neur Deer . ti..u trr lvillL' three masted aciaer - - " 1 Muckle llro.' wharf, ' " C ,11 fnr,..a. ThcNmiteCUyta.. ,. Vhat..f-e town thi. would be with a good l)iil) rimiii")!- ..-.i..r,..l 1 bat the clerk bo allowed thoser vices of 0110 peraoit C!ttlrt M ih"ln Iheperhslof reglstnilluii of voters. In the umllvr of the sheriirs return 011 J A Andreas juror same . . 1 K White same . I K R Dialge snme I J A Holadny same. 1 U McConachy same 1 Kosa. Rnyart same 1 It R Cliff attend on diptheria patients 200 I. U Stuart supplies, for connty chanre MM A J IHiiiIiib supplies for comity charirea etc S4 80 MO lirav supplies tor court house and tail 40 SI Norma lloesch work In clerks office registering voters 3 50 Mildred Clrantsiime 28 I M Harris same 10 60 W A Harris help In sheriff's office 30 M Freshsuprd4 75 J W Nowels same S 27 60 Casper Libel fittings for rock crusher 0 - Hendi Iks and Toby, architects, on account, court hoiiiuj fund 800 In the mittter ol claims against the general road fund allowed : On this day the following claims against the general road fund were now examined and al lowed by the court and the clerk or dered to draw wen-ant In payment thereof. 11. 1. No. 4. Wallace A Corcoran $ 24 40 C H Kiislish 6 46 C LI in' W Novel ......... ... James 11 ice J A WUinlroiu IlL'clier J. me Adam Joe Dupout.,., V Mclntyre Ii. 1). No. 10. UD lOlley:... W Tim t'rual . - Scott Hall... l CulberlaoM 1 R. P. Na 13. CieoFlsUw 12 50 The folloviug cUiui. egaiosi lb pe- cial road tax fund 0 R. l. 4 aea now allowed aud tbe clerk orJcrrJ to draw warraiUa 0U Mid fouJ 1st payaieBt thereof. Oil Knglisb. CUndbom . N Andrea.. . Leoaanl Ward. .46036 ... 63 . . . 11 25 ... 1167 OldOleeu 82 U Seidol M Fresh A Adauis A Molt AJjotirned without day. 6 07 68 25 30 FKIVCLAMATION Whereas, the Secretary of State of the State of Oregon baa notified e in writing that, pursuant to the provisions ol an artenwue.1 "An act making encct ivvioo imitative tvuu rtuen-nuuui pruvi sions of section 1 o( Article IV of the Constitution of the State of Orcron and reeuletincelaclions thereunder, aad providing enaltie (or violatisns of pro visions of this act." approved February 24th, T.I03, a committee of citixens of Clackamas Connty, Oregon, C. W. Kerns being the chairman titereof, duly tiled in h's office, on January 22d, hJt, an initiative petition containing 7701 signatures, proptrly attached to a copy of said measure, certified in accordance with law, demanding' ttiat proposeu law, the title, tenor, and effect of which ia hereinafter particularly set forth, shall be submitted to the legal voters of the State of Oregon for their approval or rejectim at the general election Utle lieltl in said Mule on tne 4tji uny 01 June, being the first Monday in June, Now. therefore. I. CEO. E. CHAM HER LAIN. Governor of the Stale of Oregon, in-obedience to the provisions of enid act hereinbefore first mentioned, do hereby make and issue tins proclama tion to the people of the Mate of Oregon, announcing that the said committee of litirt-in ot Clackamas County, Oregon. V. iv. iverns oeing tne chairman 01 saiu eouiuiittee, has filed said initiative peti tion, with the requisite numoer ot sig natures thereto attached, demanding that there shall be submitted to the legal electors ot the State of Oregon, for their approval or rejection, at the regu lar election to be held on the 4th day ot June, 1000, said day being the first Mon day in said month, a bill to prooe dv initiative petition a bill entitled "A bill to nronose Dv initiative pennon a law tor the abolishment of tolls ou th Mount Hood and ltarlow road, and pro viding for the purchase of the same by the Slate ot Oregon," the tenor slid effect of which in brief is to direct the Secretary ot Stale to purchase thfl Mount Hood and Barlow Road from tht l'ucilic Abstract, Guaranty and Trust Company, tlie owner thereof, for a sum not ex ceeding 124.0000.00, and to deliver to said companv, pelore the nrstuayol Septem ber. 1900, or us soon as suid lull may ly AT. FISCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. U.UNIER OREGOK JR.U. U. CUFF. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ST. HELENS, : : OREGOX. JR. EDWISROS8. f PHYSICIAN & SURGFON ST. HELKSS. : : ORECC EDISON! German Coach Stallion Owned by the OatAatrie German Coach Horse Company, will make the season ot 1900, commencing April 10, as follows: Tuesdays at Deer Island Wednesdays 'at Houlton Thursdays and Fridays At Scappoose .Saturdays at Holbrook, J. T. GRAHAM, Jliwager Ia I he Moon Inhabited? Science has proven that the moon has tin atmosphere, which makes life In some form possible on that satellite ; but not for human being, w ho have a hard enough lime on this earth of ours; especially those who don't know that Electric Bitters enre headache, billious ness, maluriu, chills and fever, Juundiwe, dyspepsia, dizxiness, torpid liver, kid ney complaints, general debility ud fe male weaknesses. Unequalled aa a 11... 9 nciieral tonio nnd appetizer, lor weak ' ... ...1 ....!..llu l..r ll.n nwa.l II J V And less 10 45 peiwn " -a -- R. P. No. 1. I inthiee sound sleop. Fully guaranteed K H nusliiBso. ..' II OO'erryaDdQiulmin, IVice only 60?. become a law, a warrant upon tlie Kinte Treasury, payable out ot any moneys in the geueral fund ol the htate of Oregon not otherwise appropriated, in tuvoc of said corporation, for the sum ot $24,- .tint OO iinAti plit' In Ilia auirt Km.I-O- taiy ol State ol a ueeu couveying to me State of Oregon said road. togetiuM- with all right, franchise, and privileges ot every Etna and ctiaiacter pectainini thereto, and aa soon as the title to snii road is conveyed to the fiute all tolls of ev irv kind and churucter are to lie abol ished and said road free to the use of the public. Done at the capital at Salem this liftu day of February, A. P. 1IHKI. fSigued UfcO. E. CHAMBERLAIN, Governor tty me itovcrnor; Signed I (Se.Ul F. I.DUNBAR. Sccretarv of State, H. flORQUS 6T. MEJ-EN5 Carries Complete Uoe at Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods . Tu fact, everything usually kept ia a ire class General Merchandise Store, aty prices will be found as. reasonable aa any store in Columbia County. Vonr trad, solicited.