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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1906)
OREGON MIST I vernonia items. f.nVmA t MI IVtoflice t St. Hctcns, On-gor). second-class Bwil ninttcr. i i ' ' Issimo Kvkv Fritiuv Br K. H. FI.XOO. One copy, one year, io Jw)CC V ' C: mnntha " LeKiJ uoti:e $5 eontt W liitC Fiuiav: April so, hum. CAMOtoiTC run hcpubucah hqkik tiohas state treasure Vote rly, but not often. g J-J Vht Shalt the harvest be? 5U!-L.!JiLj !J Jk jellr fish makes very lew enemies, po others or others wii) Jo VQU today- JIL ...LA' I Jf vow haven't registered yet, get worn in. a The kruaJ fo it)ie will he some thing fierce. Hurrah for the Repu'ilicau candidate for Ooyeriwr. 'Bah 1 , ... .1 The dairies and orchards are going to you some today. - . t Love yonr enemy tomorrow. Sock it to him today. They Whatever the people prescribe, are ths doctors. l Don't stay away ami do your kicking after Me nominations are luaile When it comes to swelliug the postal receipts, Mr. Jonathan Bourne is there at itb the stamps, The primrry lf M Kat auJ foJ thing for the printer and newspaper man. 4 little (torse medicino might ba good thing for some of the ills the state is heir to. The tinies are to good to expect men o sell their votes tor a drink of whis key or a cheap cigar. ?Vell," said Lincoln when he stubbed his toe.. "I am too big to cry and I feel foo bad too laugh oyer it." Miss Qludys Xiokenmn ape"1 WPC with her mother at the Hinging cuiup. Virgil Powell, of WtKmrj;, rapturett yixiug larTlnrslny last. Mr. Redmond new house on lot 3, block 8, is almut f Jiiiyilptcd, Messrs. lWrtr sti'in and lHsul are doing the worlf . Mis Irene lhitius. ho had licett visiting with her sister Lillie, at Mist, lor a couple of week. rcUimr-d last Thursday. C. A. Mills lost a very valuable co last week. Albert Hakar, who had been ui Port land Jor a month, returned on Friday. Mrs. IXI1 SHU Folter, who had been visiting with the home folk on upper Rock I'm for a week, returned to her home at Vancouver, Wash., lost Friday. Jvl. Srsscnian, who has been working at Rainier for a couple of months, visited with lire home fo'k er Sunday. The Easter services at the church Sun day were very much enjoyed by the luiye audience present, l'astor Coleman went to Anoka Sunday morning, preach iig an Fvasier sermon there. He delivered the Easter sermon to the pecplc litre in the evening. The Maliustcui brothers, O. B., C. A and S. V., each have a new cream separa tor. They have the Sharpless tubular and are well pleased with their purchase. O, R, lias taken the agency for the hharpless and would be pleased to show it to in tending purchasers. H. D. Jersey, who movel to Portland in November, has returned with his fami ly to the Wilkinson ranch, where they will remain for the summer. Mr. De Jersey says it is his plan during the next few years to give his children the benefit of nature study during the summer and contact with people and things as found in the city during the winter months. E, R Throop, who has been in Eastern Oregon, near Princville, the past four weeks, visiting his son Lewis and inci dentally taking a much needed rest, re turned Sunday. He is much pleasle with the country in that part of the state, but there is no danger of his going there to live vet awhile. This week he is at Rainier, with the view of buying another team, since the hauling on the cream route and freight is getting to be too much for one. JONATHAN BOURNE, JR. Over 110 a night is pretty good money for one man and a boat. But they dou't jet that all the time. Two ships loading at St. Helens looks good to os. If we h4 a good mill this would be lively old town. The number of fish caught the first dav of the season is remarkable. They probably wait near the month of the river until the fish warden tells them jhey can come op. The corner stone of the new court house should be laid on the 4th day of July, w ith appropriate masonic ceremo nies. There should be an ox barbecued, and the pilizens of St. Helens should act as hosts for the entire county. Oet busy and lets haye 8 good time, EXERCISE 01' B RIGHT. juoet tnos. r. rtah. of or ego citt Horn iii Rhode Island W years ago Judire Rvan came to Oregon in his lilst vear and entered into the employ of the RrownsviMu Waoleu Mills Co. t its fai tory at Brownsville. The following year he went to Oregon City where he ha since resided, lie has been elected a Mayor, City Recorder, and akhool Pi- rector and Clerk Of Oregon Cit anu ioi the last seven year County Judge Clackamas County, in whiuh position he ho. hpnni! Iiin, to b an exception " " " " " . aWo business man, paying ofl an indebt-1 eUoesa ot over IM.UOO, and at the same time each year constructing many miles of good, Improved, modern roads, and decreasing the tux levy each year. In an interview Judge Ryan savs: "Being neither president, cashier, or stockholder in any lank or agent or em ployee oi any money loaning institution I pledge myself to use and guard the funds of the state in, a strict conform ity to the laws of the state and for the iUerestotallthepeop'ennd not discri minate in favor of any institution or person. As a man of the people, inde pendent of anv clique, faction or torpo- ration I request the support of all Re publicans in securing this nomination, and if elected I promise to perform every duty required of the State Treasurer in on efficient and economical manner." , i.. ii t-1 I": - 1 V sure to vote today and be carefui how you vote. Cpon your action may depeqd the success or failute of the Re publican party, This is a Republican pounty by a large majority, provided the nominations suit the great nias of the Republican voters. You all have an op portunity this year to say for whom you Wish to vote. If improper elements are at work to secure any nomination, it is your duty to lie present at the polls to work against and offset them. If you consider that certain men better repre sent the peopl? than others who are men tioned, it is your duty to use your influ ence for such men and against their op ponents. This is the purpose of the di yect primary law, and whether it proves a success qr a failure depends entirely upon whether the voters exercise their iii;Lts under it. It's up to you, individ' pally and collectively. FOB SECRETARY 01 STATE. KIST- Mrs. J. A. Foster began ths Kist school Monday with fifteen pupils enrolled. Tom Anderson has traded for some Jersey heifers and added to hisdairy herd. The new schoolhouse at this place is a credit to the community. New patent adjustable seats have been put in, the building bos been painted inside and will be painted outside next week. Supervisor Bergerson gnes down the' river this week to begin his spring cam paign of roadwork. Spring sowing is mostly over. There will be more grain raised in the Nehalem Valley this year than ever before. This is a glorious time of the year. It is an inspiration to see the crops grow. Mrs. J. R. Dallas won a 5 credit cer tificate in the recent Eillers piano contest. Tom Turk made a trip to Forest Grove last week and brought in the teacher. John Dallas went to Banks after a load of powder and a plow for the road. The ne- railroad is graded to Banks. The grade stakes are set almost as far as Buxton, and the road is located two and one half miles this side of Buxton- One set of surveyors is camped five miles above Kist and is running a line down the river. The Republican pated Hon. party having uomi for the im portant office of Secretary of State it gives us the greatest pleasure io recomraenu him to the people of Columbia County II, .1 rt - " fX , Mji-. WILMS S. DCXIWAY. SUMMONS In Ihe Cirviiit Court ( the Stute ot Oregon, f.r the County ui Columbia. Arthur King, plaintiff, vs. Frances M King, defendant. To Frances M. King, the above named defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required and notified to appear on or before June 1st, I'.CJG, and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause. If you fail to appear and answer within that time the plaintiff will apply to the court lor a decree dissolving the marriage now existing between you and the plaintiff, and for such other relief as may tie equitable. This summons is published by order of Honorable R. S. Hattan, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon fcr Culnmpia County, made at chambers on the auth day of April, W0, requiring this summons to be published for six consec utive weeks, beginning on tne JiJlu oay of April, l'.KMi. The first publication will t;e made on tne zin aay oi Apni, nwo, ' the last publication on the first day of 1 I 1f,Ut nt-A .l,u '. U-V,l, '. jot their favorable consideration. That am Quired to appear is the last day of .Mr. . will be elected by an enor-1 tjie sjx wecks fixed by the court as the pious niajor;ty flire scorns to be no shacl-; time of the publication oi mi summons. Csndidate for State Printer At Republican Primary I hereby pledge the people of Oregon a great reduction of the enormous ex Dense of the ofllce, if elected, and I de clare upon my honor that I shall seek neither to perm-tunle old abuses of the office nor engage in new schemes to loot the treasury.' Willi S. Duniway. "Willis S. Duniway is a man of sterl ing integrity and thorough knowledge of the printing business." Portland Labor Press. - We will sell you a draft on London, Glasgow, Belfast, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Genoa, Amsterdam, or any place Europe and our charges are small, uuibia County Bank. Republican Candidate for II. S. Senator CHAMPION OF STATEMENT ONE. Joiatlian Bourne, Jr., candidate bofore tho Republican primaries for the nom ination of CniteJ Senator in Conrex.-, for lh long term commencing Match 4 P.I07, was born in Sew Bedford, Mass., February St, ISM ; was a meiuU-r of the class' of 1877 at Harvard University ; came to Portland May 111, is;s; wan a Republican member of the Oreifim LegM.ituro in the sksmoii of KVi and the ex tra session of lSS(ij was one of Oregon's delegates to the Republican National Convention of 18S and Oregon's member of tho Republican National Committee from lSSrt to 12, and a delegate to the Republican National Convention of IS'.i;'; and was elected as a Mitchell Republican to the Oregon Iglslatme in IH'.H. Mr. Bourne has been more pDiniiienlly idiMililiiMl with the development ot the mineral resources of Oregon than any other man in the State, having expended in the hist 20 years over $1,000,000 of bis own mo iey in the arqiiiition and de velopment of Oregon mine. While Mr. Bjiirne has ha.l his resilience and main office nt Portland since 1178 . .1 (II ... ... V... f aa at,, I l. l-a.rUt .1,1 llm l, ui ua lie nas nan anoiner omcr ni . ...,.... of his father's estate since 18), which makes him familiar with nmuy of the hr'e interests and leading men of the East. Tliese qualifications, in conjunction with his energy, originality, executive ability and experience in bminess and . political alT.iirs, pre-cminentlyqualify him for making an able and iritluciitin Senator for the State ot Oreg n. Mr. Bourne has always favored extending the direct purer of the people over their (jovernment a" far as possible. He was one of the k-Hiling pirit in the Initia tive and Referendum movement from 18tW until it was approved by Urn voter at the Juno election in llrj. In BXH he was a uieinln-r of the executive coiuiiiil tee of the Direct Primary Non.i nations I.e.igue, an 1 hol-t' the ame pwiliun vtitti the People's Power league at this tim-f. In nil lbee inoveuienis I,.. Iiris I- one of the few to guarantee the necesary expense of preparing mi.l pniKini their measures to the iwoplo. He says that the choice of United States S 'iialor nh mi l lie by di.eel vote of the people, and the legislature sh nild be coiii)N'lleil to elect Hie man the people select. To accomplish lliis result be is championing Sl.iteiueut No. ,,i the piimary electious law as the only nietliul by whirh public opinion may U crvstalliseU and made UfVtive uimi the I'gtlatui. JOB PRIWTIWG IS OUR BUSINESS Wl. Imvo tin' Ih14 iiimI iwt fully Triut in'' UlUco in rlitii.ii rnmly Jml tir nrc l'i J n it (o do all k 'unlsuf h-intni SIKH i II I'll' ' "'". " iriisimtihh' tnrrs on in us TRIAL WILL CONVINCE OREGON VI I ST STATE BANK OF RAINIER CAPITAL $25,000 Miami CinpJ'Hl: OHtCOK TftUST t0 Utmt CO. hi i: tut i Kvr i.Nrit.Kr imiukn 1 1 m k kkmim MtvtM rnt'!T v.u :xi ihmlh ivi t IIWMM. IIOI II' M III ( I- V H kll KH VV" A. TO f. M. Ollic-rs C.nlitxii l.i-ttis, rn-.ic!rul, "liu liiliMrr, We Auii t, t'rtlucr I rv.hlrnl C. 8. Vast ilirii'lur-i: C.irlrlon Lewis, John !i!,l.lrr. Kan tlB. hinl, V. t'm( r Mono. l'.m. V. Krrd. STATE BANK OF RAINIER RAINIER. OREGON Walkover and Sorosis Storo KNIGHT'S Pormerly fifth and Washington in Col- SUMMORS ROBERT G. MOKROW, Attorney for Plaintiff. HOTieS TO CREDITORS, pw of a dyubt. His democratic opponent Stands no more show against him than does a carrier pigeon in winging its flight through the torrid atmosphere of he old version. Between the two the difference (3 so immense tli:t it recalls IfamJet's famous comparison, (Hyperion tpasatyi.' Mr- , hc Republican nominee, js filled v uature and a primary course in the .a publje school, fpr the high position to which he will recieve an almost linaniioous call. As an infant his chief delight was in studying abstruse mathe matical problems and pouriuK ovvr ques ios pf political ecoiiuiuv, wlij'o bis op pOtJeilt was dandling a rattle or smearing lis unintelligent face with Everton taffy. Mv fr Upw cjtizens, there can be absolute ly no doubt of thf results, and it wquld j ivruheron stallion Porte Tru.le and All persons haviiiK claims against ths estate of J, l. Birdsall, ueceased, are , hereby notified to file the same, with the : proper vouchers attached, with the ad- ministrator. at St. Helens, within six 1ml h 1 months from the date hereof. 1-iaiea avtii .inn., i:xi. K. K. QUICK, AdniinistratOf. Porte Trude and Lubens Pearl in Hie Circuit Omrt of the Stute of Ore. on h.r the l.'omitv ftf i.'nliiiulita. I. C. Kelley, plaiatinV vs. Ch. Kelley, defcml ant. Tn t'Unn. Kelkv, Mft-ll'tfint shove nsniwt. f S THK NAMK OK TIIK HTATK OK OIIK'iOS, 1 yon are lierehy reunlred to appear anil an. iwer the comjilttlnl tile'l asatiin ymi In the awve fiilltlcf ult by the iilli dnv oi Mny. i'JJt, the time prencrlhMl In the oMe- for puhli atliii ui this "iiniiiioii". a mailt In court bv the )tm. T. A. Meliriile, JuilKe ot iml.l tiiurt, and If you fail n to upiwar and aimwer Raid (-mnplnint and umtnons, for want llierjof plaiiilill will apply to wild court for the relief demanded la her complaint. The relief demaiwled i for a decro and ordsr of ihe nlive entitled court u ditol- the marrtaire contract now exltinir neiwecn mm plHlntilt'and defendant tiereini for a further de cree changing pUiiitlr imrne from Kelley to 1. C.; and for am-h other lelief a. inuy lie met wieh e-iuity and lintlce. Thl innmon Ii niih!ihed by order of H-n. T. A. Mcltride, Judge ul the absne anlitlc-'l CiUrt. J. A. M-KOW IlHIIHiK, Attorney f'ir l'luinliff. First pitbtleatlon Apr. I'l, LhmI ;,uliliL-utioii May V. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nolle In hereby irlven that the nndenilirned liuve Iwen duly apHilnied by the County Court of Columbia. County, Oregon, a cw utora of the eti,tolf Martin Both, deteaiMKJ. and Inive duly iiuallfled an aneli eiei:uuir. All pcrauna havluj! i-laliin ai(ainl wiid eatate are hereby ..,iau,i to i.rew.iit ihe KMinp . uronerli rerltled. "oiheiindenilaiiadexertitors, at the office of ttnrrlwni A lieu, Attorney alCiw, Vv HuIIiIIiik. Axtoria, Oregon, wlililnalx moiitha from the dale of the Ural piinneaiioti oi una wniee. Jiated at Ht. Helena. On-soll. Alirll 1.1, IWKi. JI I.1A BOTH. Keculrlx, FltKUKKIcK ThOW, (J. B. JOHNSON, Kxwillors. save tb lipie upd money of the dear peo ple if ifp'tfld of Iiclding this altogether Useless tlc-tjoH, tlje present Secretary of )W ws onletvd to cst the Ui'lot for fit. - --fbe Repgbljca:) uonj' m - l Wifir foR aij-A ,3i Mitpbstl P,")' thrw iuclr tire, j,d a f 10 set of rlouMtf ijaraess fpr gale for )i)0. Jinyv the (ierinan eosuh Juljen I'earl will tnnke the season of lWKi as follows: Mondays at Yauklou, Tuw-ilaya nt Hoslton, WediteKdaya and TbarKdays nt Bon Moors, on Nautles lalaail, rrtdarsat SrannoAse. Kntardays and ftamlays at Warren. Mares ftotn a distance will lie paured for f-' per month. WEST & LYNCH, rOVNERS' S.appc-'ift -" - tDHIHISTRATORS SALE. Notice l hort-br given that by virtue of an or der of the County Court of the Wlate of Oregon for the Cotinly oi Columbia, made and entered ou the 2iih dv of Mun ii, I'M,. In the mailer of th j.ttj of W. If. PaI.meh. daeeaftOU. the nil dculgned. the administrator ""Id eitale, will on or alter the With day of April. l'AW, at the Mtoreof the under a"t-d. at vernouia. Oregon ell l private "ale, tut at leant otic third fah. and the reniulnder on cretlt for not more than two ycaia fteeured by mortgagenu aald pretniaea with inlert-Kt at per ctnt per minimi, me ' lowing deM'rtU'4 rent protiertY lelougliig to the estate of raid ilitiiared, Itiiated In the County of Colunibin Mate of Oregon, to wlt:- Ifcwliinilig iwenly Klaet "d the northent eorni-r of Hie quarter of aeilioii eight. In towimhip 'ourlli iiiinli, rnnge four tteat of the tt illaiuelle mendlaiii thence went lv rod. tlienie aoulh eighty ro ; thenee eaid rixty rod", Ihenee north eighty rodii Io Ihe plaoe of begll.llll.K,.oulalnilig lYwllSlSa. VI', f. Powell. Atlornev for AdinlntntrHlnr. Oi'C I have mohoy to loan on approved teal estate securit y. ' w. u. vo'.VKi.r,, .. I re-UTS, Or'-0!5. In his petition for nomination lie says: "If I am nominated and elected, I will during my term of office; Favor: Republican Politics. Amending United States Constitution for People's Election of United States Senators, Publicity Political Campaign Expenses. National Control of Corporations in Interstate Com merce. Rigid Exclusion of Asiatic Coolie Labor; Good Wages Make Good Citizens. Legal Limitation Labor Hours for Safety on Rail roads. Parcels Post, Including Rural Delivery. Pure Food Laws. Liberal appropriations for Panama Canal, Coast Defenses, River and Harbor Improvements, In cluding Columbia and Willamette Rivers, Coos, Yaquina and Other Oregon Harbors, Celilo Canal, Government Canal at Oregon City. Fair Share Irrigation Fund for Oregon. Loyal support of Successful Candidates. Rigid Enforcement Statement One. Roosevelt for Second Elective Term, I desire that the following statement be printed after my name on the nominating ballot: I WILL SUPPORT PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S DETERMINATION THAT TITSTTPK TIT? nnwif Airlt - - J i'wii i, MEN, HAVE MOVED And a.r no Milol at J67 ITJ . - 113 THIHD I a r. .11 n I Hie N'.irttMrtt I oriin V I ,'lill?.l:l nt I Tit.r I TnVrTffWP'Q Walkover and SaJLXil Jiijrli , JL kjp Sorosis Storo Pormerly I :if t Ii and Washington .' f fit r f ' V'.; I'l A Ml Ar I 1 IMirTi V ( Upltlll Stm k, 10,000 f nllr I'aU. Tran'arta a irencisl baiikitiK lnjnini n t imr i r i t IiiIit.kI pniil on lime itrpoeila Kirlimiire mild on nil aiinia Slnte, ronniv ami arliivd warrants lainght KH('i:itS MUKCToKK Vf, V. Kl.l, I'M-aidelll W. i. I'l I it, Vue I're.lili-iit h. H.giaviN J I'. I!' olili, Citahier am III, taClUKU W. i. I'tl W.I'. Kl.v J. 1', itlSUNlt I'orllitiiil I urrripiiiiili-iiU- Jim linnla Nalluaal Bank. BANK OF RAINIER. Rainier, Oregon 9 I Ask the Traveler NORTH COAST LIMITED He will Tell yon That the Electric Lighted, is the Crack Train of Them All for Comfort and Ele gance. Tlie Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison, Cor. 3d, Portland A. D. CHARLTON Aa$i$tant Otntral Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON 3 TP-A IN 9 TO TffK I'A'T Dilf.Y Oregon ShoitIine and union Pacific I THE BIG STORE I g D0WV QY THE BIG SAWMILL ' 3 T-V a . . 3 ; Receiving New Goods Every Day; In Ihe Week. I.i-nvaa u. i.'i zf. ii I'lilly. ii v. jiii. ArrlfM. ':, : m. Hally . A," M I "iily, uxiti!f7Kwr. i'liniio- I'Ditruxiii ni-r.i iai, lor tlic Kal via iiniiiiiiitrin, HI-OKAXK F"l7v K It. 'or Kaalarn ViiIiIiik ton, Walla Walln. Uw lalon, Owlir il'Ali'lmll nun ureal Kortliern jioinia. ii.Tii: kxi'iikhm; mm V. i , k u frWn,""1 Vl" """'ll '"m- """' Lowkr Columbia River. Htcainar l(aalo leaven l'orllnii1 rtail,.. , Hilililar, nt M.tM n. m. HaliiMiv M:li i, , lor A.lorln n. i.l win- iMiiilintla Hi-tiiniliur l.;itv Ait.inu in 7:00 a, ,tv M ,";. ""to- A, L. CRAIO, ' '(Wii) VmUff A:nl f'OHTI.A.VpOa. 3 3 llnsti Ili'iiiitiitiiin nf Umn KlHiiillnii for Only ttm ltust In IGeneral Merchandise Dart & Muckle. St. Helens, The Oregon. 3 iiiiiiiuiujaiiiiiiiuiiuuiurl ()rCfrOtl Mi'nf rm.1 d,,. Hf... .1t.. ,1 Vnmi tt . , """ "- JtllU.yliillllll UHU l""i Home, an Agricultural paper, one year for f j,oa