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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1906)
THE OREGON NO. 20. VOL. XXI 1 1. 8T. HIiLEXH, OREGON, Fill DAY, APRIL 27, 1900. r MIST. BAY CITY IS IN RUINS 800N REOCCUPY BUILDINGS. Steel Structures Only Hid the Inner Woodwork Burned Out. Han Francisco, April 23. Today DESTRUCTION GROW8 HOURLY' Firemen Blow Up Buildings Frantic People Flea for Safety. Ban Franciaco, April 19. With each Earthquake Visits San Francisco THOUSAND DEAD Fire Follows Shock and Adds to Panic NO WATER-SUPPLY Mains arc Broken and Fire men Fight Flames With Dynamite-Alt Bus iness Section Is Gone. City Surely Doomed. Oakland. April I9.-AI 11 o'clock tli la warning Han Franciaco la a mas ..i .i... ..i 1 1. ttauiM continue the nf .Wrartlon. obliterating tl i ...... I. .1, nations. There la no water and tle city awina doomed. tt.n.miij. haa (.lied to check the Ore. Oakland ! been placed under martial l.. Tha Han lab hi ferry was tuna l.v it.lne debris. All night the hav na were lighted by the llht The dreailiul eartliiuaka shock came without warning al precisely 6:13 o'ol'i'k this morning, lta motion appar- enlly being Iroiu east to west. Al flrat the upheaval ol the earth was gradual, but In a lew seconds It Increased In In- tenuity. Chimneys began to (all and buildings to cra'k, tottering on their Inundation!, People became panic atrlrken and rushed Into the alreela, moat of tlmin In their night attire. They were met hy showers ol falling hulldinm. brick!, cornices and walla. Many were Imtantly cruihed to death, while olhert ware dieadluily mangled. Those who remained Indoor generally property-owners have had an opporta- NfiW San FfanClSCO SflOn tO RiSe suceedlng hour the devastation and de- nlty to Inipect some of thtlr holding!, . , . itructlon in this stricken and prostrate and in measure to entertain what w" UIU ruin of a city grows and grows. At 6 damage had been done. The new mod- o'clock tonight it seemed as if nothing ern steel buildings were found to be al- could aave the comparatively small moat Intact. In every instance It swm- unUCI MO DrfTllC 1UDIP mnil Lrtirm of the eltv that vet remain! on- ... . iiiumiai.i. n i i.i n ii i - el inal tli earthquake bed not uam- - burned. Th entire busineea and whole- gou vijuiii am mvez umiuvm wmv in OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST of the .... ..nllor.linn. 11)11 momma niaM'of smoke mark the conllnmic of th. destruction amid srene of tmspea .i.u lu.rrnr. The estimated loe In fan Etam-lsco will reach from $150,000,000 in s-joo oou.OiiO In the town. The limit of the Ore al thi hour are vin.iMinili street on the wel, Town seed street un the e-mth an.l Hroadway on the north. Everything between l).aa1 aflraejllll si til I the waterlront la de vastated. Day Dawn Hopeless Han Francisco, April 19-I'av Jawn ..I . nl death and destruction Iiurliif the nlghl the tlamea consumed many ol the city' flnwit trn. inrr and spread in a doxen directions vo u. l.l.n.s. (w.rll.lllS. The Uar dimmed eye of a myriad of rm....tMa atrlrken. hrtl weary, neip Irei people watched the fire stretch it i,.... i..... .l ...I itMtruclion from the in the Minion, which it swept ol standing wood and brick and sir I and iron made a huge, smoldering scrap heap; around the shipping dls ri.-i ,ln... to the bav hore, destroying .l,.rvi and docks; and then In a hitter turn ol the wind, shrivel the Warn. Ilell, leach It dealrucliva oan ..... u. ii,. Kiinilirrn Par I lie station at Third and Townsend, crumpling car and enginea and hug liulldings Into bonfire ash, and completing the fell work of yeaterday south of Market treet; then awing back, on Ihe wing ol a s.llm.le'gelc, to find new fuel amid the stately home of the men who had been aula builder, and railroad magnate on Nob Hill. perlect plumb and a strong a ever. Cornice and fancy trimming fell, but that wa all. Even when the Ore swept through them, only the woodwork was damaged. The Falrmonnl Hotel on Nob Hill will he rnihed to completion; the Clam I Hnreckela building on Market and Only Deficiency In Supplies It Lack of yariety People Are Fed In 8yttematic Manner. Ran Francisco, April 24. The new Ban Franciaco, which willriae from the and articlea thrown to the floor by the on Montgomery and Market atreet has ashes of the old, was in lis first stage hock. It Ii believed that mors or lea only lost the interior woodwork, and a 0f rebuilding today. After five days of confusion and slmoit superhoman eceied with their live, though score Third streets will k occupied within were hit by detached planter, picture w day. Th Union Trut building sale district is now only glowing fur nace, while the giant tongues of flame have reached westward far beyond Van Note avenue and are wiping oat build ings snd seeking more to devour. In every excavation and bole throughout the north beach household- . . l.U - M 1 era are burying nousenoiu . iuw, throwing them into the ditches and MONEY AND FOOD. ! People of Oregon Coming to Front With Help tor Needy. Portland. Provisions in large sup ply are pouring in to the relief funda in a Urge number of Oregon towns. Many cars have been filled with a vari ety of edibles, including prepared food, . .. .. eggs, bacon, rice, loaves oi oreaa vj the thousand, besides flour and pota toes. Cook'ntr utensils, stoves, blankets and clothing have been given and purchased in considerable quantities, and will ar rive in the Bay City as fast as the trains can be moved soutb. Collections ls wa austalned hr nearly every fain- toon a men can put in the lumber It llv In the city. will be ready for occupancy. TheHt. Telegraph and telephone commnni-1 (rands Hotel I in the aame category, ation wa ahut off for a lima. The and the work of renovating the Interior Western Union w put completely out will soon be commenced. An luspec- ol business, and th Postal company Hon of the Call building at Third and wa the ouly one that managed to get a Market atreeU disclosed the fact that wire out of the City. About 10 o'clock several floor were in good condition even the Postal waa forced to impend and could, after alight repair, be used In Han Francisco. Electric power waa M formerly. Attempts are made pf money are still going forward and I 1! J i J I 1 1 V, A f ASS- SI . A - I UIUIC DUI'UI 13 sUIti IUUUSJ W (a vkni'Br r as, fivM ni i. risa nruunrLT srv V llilia UU ' we w a" 1 ar stopHHl and atreet care d.d not run. Hal roads and ferry tmata also ceaaea owrtlons. Toilav eiperlenc ha been a teeii. monial to the modern leel building. A score of thee tructure were lu coarse of erection, and not one ol these eoflered. Th completed modern build ing were also Immune from barm by earthquake. The building that col lad were all flimsy wooden ana oiu fashioned brick structure. The burned district eitend from the water front eouth of Market atreet to Mission itreet and west to Eleventh street. The fir extcmls out lliye ana McAllister ureet nearly to Ullmore. Th new Monadnnck, on Market street next to the Palace Hotel, wa found to b In flratel th woodwork In the tact, aud th owner, Herbert E. Law, announced tonight that within ten day he would be renting ofllces in tin building. Th Monadnock is a large I structure of steel and brick almost com nleted when the fire came. Marble and lumber have been ordered from lyvAnaelea. and a big force of men will rush the building to completion. STEEL MILLS ARE CROWDED. effort on the part of cltitens of Califor nia's metropolis, the great task of shel tering, feeding snd otherwise caring for the bomi'loea thousands, complete order bas been ra-estahliabed and attention turned to the future. Throughout the Rreat business dis trict, where the devastation of the most complete, walla flames was the sis condition, even were being resed, buildings that had Lnough4o escape with wounds i Interior being in- not disintegrated before the Intense Tber. ,g m t ahortage of covering the bol ... I . I, . n.nna.l an I " ,Ml.t thai ll can do recovered auer wjo uauio. . p.. . M for gan Fr,Dci,c0 ,nd are appeased. the other stricken California citiea will Chief of Police Dinan said he thought probably exceed the value of f 250,000 250 would full cover the number oi not less vainaoie man me money i m , ... . ... j u i iM . "Pent in the sympathy and love for ha aealU.. x ,Uuu , " m.,iDd that prompt the voluntary cur details. About 60. bodiee nave .. . . Be00rti lrom 8an tbu far been found. Francisco show that ber people have There was much shooting of looters been touched by the prompt steps taken twlav. hut the offenders were fortunate 'or weir oeip uj Salem Housewlvea Bake Bread Bakeriea Give Stocks. Balem Thia city forwarded the fol lowing to aid Han Francisco sufferers: One carload of potatoes, one carload of flour, one carload of bread and other provisions, one car of breadstuffs and two carloads of bread and potatoes. In ddition to this, citisens of Hbaw are making op a carload of provisions, and the citizens of Pratnm a carload of po tatoes. Cash subscriptions have been raised in Balem, amounting to 93500. Practically every housewife in Balem has baked bread, and the bakeries bav delivered over tbeir entire stock. Th prisoners in the penitentiary have sub scribed $75 and proffered a'l their blan kets, and to go witbont brad if neces sary. Balem will continue to send sup plies every day while there is need. cleared even for the Immediate con st ruction of some sort of building in which to resume business at the earli est possible time. In short, confluence naa been restor ed. The assurance of the insurance companies, the measures taken by the the bread Jacksonville Ralsea a Fund. heat were being inspected with a view I . . Thin tkf tjtmw-in . Med ford. At meeting of the citi . a a 1 111 till I V III I.1JSB tllTi . a--- , . to reoccupsncy and grounl waa Deing " ' . . the California-street ns of Jacksonville at the Uly uau bakery, th. police took potion- of Zi . L - ; . nH t win rm nnflriuw I iuuw v. .v.. v. v. - Hit. uisuiim. . .... . - - -. i , , . ..jf i it thia nlace sufferers. The amount has been xn- men battled with women and children creased throngh the effort of the com. in tkeir eforU to each seise lour and umie 10 nuv, au.i win five loaves of bread. The police ased The ball team contribute its savings, it..), rlnha fnr the nnroose of bringing and a benefit same with Ashland is financial institutions, th prompt na ... dirtlbti . . nroeress. All branches of the reassuring word that baa reacnta trie , ... - Masonic orrfer al business men of Ben Francisco from Kutern financial centers all thee loaves. and It hewTter M"""' hr B" M" Iblng. went to cler away any feeling to MoXir-S lh K2 wa- Mad. Abroad. of uncertainty that might have existed . . . " v w ... .i I n. i.ii lwril no n the minu Ol lue iimiu urn cm ler iron mi ..I-. ..ia'..-" Manufartorle. hotel, wholesale bouse and residence. compriing the princl al part ol the bnsines cllon, have Immib deetroywl. Th city hall, a tro lure artln 17.000,000, waa first wreck. ed by Ihe earthquak aud then destroy- BLAZE LIGHTS MIDNIGHT SKY. i . .. ,. . ii.uiuu.R, .... r - , . toPitUburg..1 men th. rebuilding of Ban trancisco may oe greeny was the and business of the Pacific Coast, l nn .,..1,1 nf the Inability of Pitts-1 ti, nannle were fed todsv In a thor- burg steel milts to supply structural onghly businesslike and systematic burning San Francisco does not appear bape for lb new city. The Carnegie manner. From tbe water front, where to have diminished, and is almost, if Conflagration Seen From Qaklano Appears Unchecked. Oakland, Cal., April 19. (Mid night) At thia hour the light from Masonic order and the I. O. O. ., A 0. U. W.. Red Men, Jacksonville Elks and Native Daughters contributed lib erally. Tbeie was no rivalry between the business men, bnt all gave freely and liberally, and msde their contribu tions with as much pleasure as U it baa been for their own people, il H.eel Company and the Jonea Uugh- lhe boats loaded with provisions dock- quite, as brilliant as last night, rinfittotortbr he lin Compnay, the big independent con- .j there was an endless procession of s ' .went their T .i? !1 m .! cern are already so crowded th.l they cmrt, ,nd carrying food to tbe Although tbe flame, have swept their ,nd other member, of t 1. Are. The Palace hotel, vaiueu .i n oiMVooo. also s uurneu. in l.uii(ul Claus Htireckels buliumg Third snd Market streets wss gutted. Th Blalto building and doien of oth . MMilv structure were also destroyed Tha flail of Justice Is threatened, and III undoubted go. The Maminer . n.i i-.ll imilillnas sre gone and lue hml.linff. ai'roas the street from the Palace hotel, Is on Are. The freaks of tt.e earw.qu.s- - - ... comlned UM.I. SunrM aara nil'IS S till i-.ii i i r- ------ - , have practically closed tneir oruer iot 0f sub-sutions estaousnea h,. nl daliverv of building material ihrnnshout the city and parks. At within e eht months' time. I these stations food ana anna, nreau, Never before In the hiilory of struc- pr.p,rea meaU, canned goods, milk tures ha there been such a demand for tnj a limited amount of hot coffee wa material aa this year, and It is leareu ved to all those who applied. that It will be well nigh impossible lor the mills to take According to the on additional wor. local teel men. the KILLED BY GUARDS. ,.ny. v. ide " T .nlo Ureal Britain and Germany lor hurst, and It is ienre.1 i.i.i ...- -- ,. . ... bnav at be an epidemic of dleea... P.ov ..oo. -.-- -""j-.f ta to Re- ... I. llnit vended tiV th glass. it I. iniiHiasihle to live a list of the dead and wounded, or even a list ol the piinclpe I buildings ilestroysd. OUTSIDE SAN FRANCISCO. M.m. Towns Ruined b, Esrthqosks and Hundred of Live Lot. HutiJoe., April li.-One hundre.1 and fllty persons sre rcporte.1 killed in this cltv. Tbe entiie business portion Major H. C. Tilden, of General lief Committee, Shot. Ban Francisco, April 24. Major H. C. Tilden. a member of Governor far- dee's staff, one of the most prominent mniiilwrs of the eenersl relief commit- u-e. waa shot and instantly killed in his automobile about 12 o'clock last sit three milts wesiwsru iroiu ii water front, the entire sky is illumi nated by the glare of the unchecked conflagration. There is no wind and only the faintest suspicion of breeie here tonight, but it is said tnere ia a stiff breese blowing over San Francisco A gigantic column of smoke bangs over the desolated city, the apex forming r.ntaatir shanea thousands of feet in Work Supplied for Refugees. Oregon City Several refugee from San Francisco are here. They were re- Mayor Caufield the citisena re lief committee. Employment waa pro cured for a number of the men at the paper mills, while others were given positions at other labor. Tbe local re lief committee is continuing its work of collecting clothing and supplies lor shipment to California to relieve tbe aufferers. Salmon Better Than Money, Astoria The cash subscriptions made bv the citixens ol Astoria to the San n,. .1, .ml alnwlv driftins away to tbe Francisco relief fund amount at .,t,.i present lime to aooui zbou, the be and ..J .LI- .L. T V. ! . If I ... i . i Hiaesj mi. ll j a uu.or vuiuiuum ....... Although telegraphic .mmnnlcation avedonat m of was estabiisnea tmi u . m, Two carloads ol can hnildins on the Ban Francisco ned salmon have been shipped. An Ferry Those of Hreat Britain, however, win i i.i- . uml many oi ine le aui. H...V..D - - , i nis suwmuiinv uu. - v w - . ... , . .j mA oriler. On scconnt ol tne nign ireigm ni ,lt whil. returniny from Memo ,ije, only a very limited amount oi oiuercar oi Bmiou m .u.PK . ..LM from the east to the racinc coaei n- mcn iUnDoeed to be members m.tter con d be handled, ine teie- me commuvw p"" tbe foreign ateel mills will lie able lo I, tne citilenl' ptfol. graph company would receive but a few et $1000, deliver structural snapes i can r- ilu.0 Alltschul, a coaenman, w no hundred words ot press mser, giving clsco aa cheap and probably cheaper n the automobile, was cut in the .he wires over to pressing commercial ihan the local mills will be able to do. The Pennsylvania and mi.i (iiiinanies snd the Illinois Steel far hv a bullet, snd anotner Dan ni.n-ed the sest snd struck R. Q- Sea man, acting Lieutenant of the Second ol the town boidered by 8t. Jsu'f on M(Jg (um. n thir j,re(M,nt orders ih. north. Market on the west, TM !,,, aecommoilate the more ur Company will be able to handle some ColnpM1. 0 the Signal Corps, in tbe of the work. It is oeueveu m " i,.,.,;, cal mills will, it possible, attempt to T .l0otin occurred at Twenty-sec- nnd and tiuer reio streets. Three men business. It is believed mat oy vo- mnrrow morning additional facilities will be bad. V The telesrauh companies are com- nlntalv awamoed bv the enormous vol ume of message reaching here, as well as the crush of business filed for the Funston's Resume of Dlssster. Weshlngton, April 19.-The War de partment today received the following tnlesiraiii lrom tieneral Funston: "Your lour dispatches received. Have already filed aeveral for you. It 1 Impossible now to Inform you a to the full extent ol the disaster. City practically destroyed. Troops hsve Its.! ttl.Kncr rut lira tmtrollng and main taining order. Martial law has not been declared. Working In conjunction with the civil authorities. Have not Interfered with the (ending of any dl- Hatches. Yon cannot aen I loo many U.nts or rations. About 200,000 peopl homeless. Food very scarce. Previa Ion houses all destroyed. All the gov eminent buildings In the city gone. I . ..,. Hun Fernando on tne . on iim "" , , . ...... i. I. a poiiiii ete massoi nuns. i. i. ..-Up martial law. the streets are being patrolled by troop. All i. ... .-maMml with dead and dying. The electric plant is bsdly de .....liasloMl Bllll lllfl CUT - H. Francisco. April 19.-Report! from the Interior are mux ''" u...ia H.iaa. one of tha most ..l.L. In the state. In tbe prosperous of Boiioma. Is a toUl wrecx There are 10,000 homeless men. women ....i ..i.n.i..n 1,11,1,1 d together. lhe anu vii"".'--". t t, , . ... 1 I.. I. nnf Til IMI PBllllinwM. - loss oi - --, .,..,... in i. .i.i. ine inwuw..- The main str.wt is pueu with the (alien numiing". . ., . 1.1....W. I. Intuct liusineea ...... - - . ,. gent work lor Ban Francisco. TAKING CARE OF HEALTH. suspected ol having done the shooting outaid. world. It is unlikely there will are under arrest at the police station at Twenty-second and Mission streets FREE PLANS FROM BOSTON. be any further news matter Francisco btfore morning. from San Rosebura Raises $1,600. Roseburg Roeeburg responds ncbly to tbe call for help by tbe sufferers at San Francisco by contributing 11500 for relief. A carload of provisions bread, clothing, beading and tents bare been forwarded. Drain puts in tne hands of tbe relief committee a good collection. A large number of Rose burg citixens are in San Francisco, but all are reported saved. FOUR CARS SENT. and Corvallis Loads a Car. Corvallis Corvallis citixens hastily assembled at tbe Courthouse upon in formation that au organixed effort in this state waa being made for tbe relief of San Frmcisco. At this meeting ar rangements were completed for loading a car with provisions and starting it to its destination. Tbe initial contribu tion from Corvallis include ten tons of flour, 400 bushels of potatoes, SI case of eggs, S00 pounds of bacon, 1000 loaves of bread. Other supplies will follow. Refugees Arriving at Eugene. Eugene Belief work to aid the suf ferers at Ban Francisco continues her and several cars of supplies have al ready gone. Contribution! now amount to about $3,000, and the fund is still growing. Several parties have received word from relative! in the city. All are reported safe. Many lrom here are in tbe city, ueiugee are arriving in the Valley, a man and wife from San Jose, who lost tbeir property, bas obtained work here. Chemawa Students Give Bread. Cbemawa The Indian pupils of th training school here sent 830 loaves of bread, being their first consignment for tbe benefit of the California sufferers. This consignment was sent by Wells- Fsrgo, and will be followed by otners from day to day aa faataa the flour pur chased can be baked into bread in tba school oven by tbe Indian bakers. Cooking Utensils from Union. Union A special meeting of tba City Council adopted sympathetic reso lutions with the Han Francisco sunerersj and a committee of 50 was appointed to secure contributions lor the relief of tbe victims. Tbe committee loaded one car of provisions, stoves, cooking utensils, blankets and clothing and an other carload of floor. Supplies Ready f Cottage Grove. Cottage Grove. The committee ap pointed to solicit funds for San Fian cieco relief at tbe mass meeting bas s cured (550. A carload oi supplies waa purchased, consisting mostly nf floor, potatoes and bacon, and went by the first train. x Arlingtod Raises $600. Arlington. At a mass meeting $600 in cash was subscribed for San Francis co. Mr. Smith and 8 my the 4 Son, sheepmen, each gave $100. Many Oakland. Cal.. April 18.-Erth enaLa . .l ft. tiwla. V ll AVfl caused th am. iiiw - - ...i...i -.I. ...It r.illornla has ever known. In Han Francisco alone It U u.n..i...i iii.t i nno neraons hsve per Ished, while as many more are suffering from Injuries. . Th entire buslnes portion of tli rllv it In rtit lift, and the flame whlcb, nwlnn in the lack of water, cannot checked, except by blowing up dynamite building In their patb llll ..ul. IHrnlluh tha cltV. impossible at present to estimate the .......iu i.... r.,p the extent ol the ooti- lUgration cannot be told until the fir tins burned Itself out, be with are It ia Money Pour In, The following list shows how tbe cit ies ot the United States are responding to Ran Francisco's uwnt need o help T.ns Anireles. 1200.000: Bait Lake, Clothing in the Carload. Oregon City The citixen's commit tee has forwarded another carload ot potatoes, flour, blankets and clothing. The women ol the city have organised and collected a great quantity of cloth ing. One of the largest local contribu wiic. Workara to Improve Sanitation. Leading Architecta Coming to Offer ... r. i-v, Anrll 2S.-The board Servicea Gratis. r, , ,..,, .-, Tl l i. .i.. ...n.i. a very encouraging Koatnn. mass, mini m-o v. m nr.. v.. .... - - .... . .. Li...... -ill ..! ..rr ' ' ' aaa. i. i..i.i. tinn. considering me m- iioaton s leaoiuii arcuim-v. i tiiiii oiiu: ctacramenio. ew.ui, cumstances. Sickness is constantly on immediately to San Francisco, tsking 1nd. iioo.OOO; Indianapolis, J10.000; to j. tne Oregon City Manufacturing the decrease. There are very iew u- wltll ,nero piaus, ln..i.i. . 8pottMl ao.uuu; diiuu, Company, which, in cash and blankets, i . , ... k,n. . l . 1. . mn.l Iflmnt . .... ..AnAn. Hiii.I,mm tRfinnn-l r - 1 . . ... tagious diseases, anu mow a.D s coinricn ' " Maine, nu,. ' "" . ."I. has contributed about i,uuo. .tiumlml at Deer LOttge in women schoolliouses ior iu v. ... omaha, Iiu ,uuuj uoioneiu, i'o.. .-1WH.I-" j . . v. i I.. . 1 1 . : ... .f .i.;Mtt. I M ...nA. 17 -- o nnn nark. Sanitary conditions in hib i.- tranctsco. winer numvi .... iicoms, nu,uu, t.ini""i itence districts sre being improved. and draughtsmen A laige corps of volunteers siarw-u ten togeiner are to be sent as got- work yesterday removing all cans of i... in tiia i-urns. nation. -.. !., sarvlce today and the gar- traction include 1,10 was no bags removel to tbe burned districts, w .,n,i,., is lolt. hat was not ' " ... , ,,,..i. CestDools I HUH. ... i. .. aw.nt wnere n win i-o - . destroyed by m earniq...-- ,re being dug The Ronton Typographical union I... v.Xml tlO.OOO to lend San Francis- .mnlnvins nrinters to re establish their plants, in addition to reuei voieu for union members. puoiun ...... - - . , , . ,1 II I - Ulll.k Tha nf HlllsborO u..w. mn nnn .'n.l the Andrew dispatched a 60-ton car laden with po il k.'nn!i .9, nno. Thert I tatoes. fl iur. evaporated cream, bacon, if ,u..nA. ' .l..rams noniino beans, blankets aud clothing, and rep- nWW.-.....-, T- ..," .U nulla. l Infill IK. into B.n Francisco from all pane i-i ine resen.inii a vu"jr v. T , w c... t.iiino nf inmla helns re lei Ol tue can rnociNii miuiti. Is SI T-...t Menaces the Cattlemen Helena, Mont., April 23,-The North M..i.n. R.Iiindiin Associaiioui i i In Northern Mon- ?a. ;""",.. 110.000.000 in una. luu ,-,...'i.v...-..n ' - . Irreparable Loss to Masons. Ban FranciBco, April 24. The Ms- sons of California have suffered an Ir reparable loss by Are. The Masonic Temple on Post street was destroyed. and with it went more than 160 pot .1.. ...bleat tidings l..saslaamMrB II r I IIU " ' ."" Ueyservillo, Clover- , ii ..i...i Uklab. In very case'the lose ol Hie and property shocking aa here. i .ii.. ft.kt.nd. April lB.-Kepor.s '," '""."." , YZ ' ...u..n in which V" . . 'T u.. rm. h. .,t..,l ol Han Francisco Indite ou louay --;.-- . dred rn.uit7,. ....... -- . u. no th. trusts, catiiaius ui ......".--rf - - i inniriiiir io innmot-ra ui .- . . I...I...I 11 . . .. i a 11 .. ...I ... Mffhffll, Ontl.lDCU, I .1..... Wn l WAllI UD 111 1,110 IIKUIVD . UI1..1.. h rattle I . ...,.' .1.. n.nlia-nati. let relet ring vo in. ukv . in addition io mm mn H. an.l renrdi of 2U JHasonic oouies man used the temple as a meeting place ..ra destroyed, as well as tbe records CnKed wised. Wrsck of Asylum. Oakland. April 19. Dr. Clark, su perintendent ol the San Francisco conn- ty hospital, teiepuonea mo aosociaw individual holdings, at its annual ses- tr,t) n, pMt griHlll Fiy hun widespread damsg.. ...j Kv.ll .0 are severely criticised miles soutb. I't 1,ull,1r . . i th. hlliht on the fires broke out. . .,, :... ,,'.,..,, not better ...K'llS many Und owneu w.U bav. logo into o.nk building, were d-moH.hri an- two IUptcy people were killed. "' " , p,.n t0 Bebuild .re lying ' . '..'? If. r.'' e, . Francisco. April 23.-M.ny of with bruises, cms """"-" " ' r, ol the grand lodge. Free Rides on Street Cars. Ran Francisco. April 24. The Unit ..t Kallrnads has tendered the use oi th 'ul"B"', c";,' n" " k" wood City the most substantial business men and , tem to M or 8ehnlit, ,or The courtloise at J lJ'MBmYnMSmmlnlM h8 D9oi.le during the -'dUr.,e' roWkS.S with, the, architects " cri.ig. Free transportation , ' i li . ., ffored Banta Rosa, to Wbile tb work of clearing .w., ... ,u be Inrni.iied tne , ,le sub tirbj i inHewd i vv n of ,l'en , ,;,av were damaged. draughVsmen will be busily occupied , the,r preparing plans lor the new bnlldlnR. .tlimUnR ln the . Thieves Shot Dead on Sight. Han Francisco, April lu.-The city Is under martial law, and precautious have been taken to prevent disorder and looting. Four thieves were shot by soldiers this afternoon lor looting. The soldiers have orders to shoot with out wsrnlng any persons acting ln a suspicious manner. At Eighteenth and Valencia there Is a crevice In the street six leet wide and entire sidewalks are torn up. The street csr tracks are twisted and tralllo is at a standstill. 1 oinor consuiia."". - - .. th. p. v.... - . Banta Rosa, to While the work ol clearing away the I m be Inrlli.iied the people over tbe ior .neoineivB" The company's preparing plana lor tne new uu.u....a-. CRr8 B,..miinR n the Btreirts anu an oi . ,....a .. the Streets. It Is understood imu .en- it, carbarns not aeBirojea are a so !... Anrll 19. At Han crane."-. r."; . .... i. w.1. m..i.. atmes. Houthern Paolllo hospital walB. - . m. ... - D,m. .. : ti,. nnlldliur from outside T. I : ". of the Patients sources ... , ii-ia are Many people sunoring nu... ...j --- many i i ....klnir their way to the first to rebuild on . Ills plans are not com- for the use of the people for the pur pose of shelter and lodging Revenue Office Opens Washington, April 24. Telegrams Dowle Cheated Him nn T Qi.rrnr.1r Many peopie - Chicago, Al irii . ewpliinfc from revenue offices in Ban Francisco MlhS S e Episcopal of jfi state all records, papers u. Zirch on Eleventh street, Is badly to rrr b John Alexander their office are in good coiid.i.on, anu miGml .t tl-o lk-i Mtaa-K -um close to $,'0,000, J rlage works, on 7" h.ui, ,nd that the i UBU th. ton story caved in, badly ami " wrecking the entire building mrrow. A temporary iniernai revo- nue office will bs opened in Oakland The committee named by Mayor Corne lius raised the necessary amount in a few hours. Canvassing at Newberg Newberir At a meeting of the citi' "":.-i. .h. .n...tin .t th A .news ward, president of the Board ol Trade, oauce.u.uB ... ---"-1,. . ....i t. nl , i.. m m... N.n jaw. ur. i ir. waa uwmw w o v..w "v. j .h. 1 1 .nln. .ml nfficers potatoes to the San Francis-o sufferers. ol th. ln.Utat.on, Including Dr.. Kelly Liberal subscriptions were tken at the ..j r killed and 20 In urea meeiiiiK suu . - Among the patient, were 65 killed ana ea vo ius.e iu.iu.. u,.o. injured. All tne uuuoini were ian enmnletnl demolished. Dr. Ui.rk 1 . .... 1 ' 1 !. went to Agnews in an auiomouue, ta ing four anrees with him Wat Department is Prompt. Wash! iffton. April 19. Prompt ac t on I aa been taken bv ine war ae n.rtment in extending to the earth quake .sufferers of Ban Francirco all especially needed available resources 10 relieve wans aim to nrovlde shelter. Two hundred thou sand rations have been directed to be sent from Vancouver barrack, to San Francisco, and a large number ol tents lrom Vancouver and other military posts. The supplies will be forwarded with all the expedition possible. Medford Shipped by First Train. Medford On hearing of San Fran cisco's need, Medford dispatched one car of supplies to 8an Francisco by tbe first reliel train. As soon as poesioie thereafter a mass meeting was held and arrangements made to send other cars as fast as it could be learned what waa Purse from Bohemian Miners. Cottage Grove The miners ol Bohe mian raised $100 and sent it down to succor the Ban Francisco needy. This contribution came without solicitation. The sawmills np Row River have also contributed a carload of lumber. r ...... ., Mint la Safa. L..- a-.ii in Th. TTnHrl Glendale Adds a Carload ot.Vr r.Xn Kr.nCI,o escaped . Glendale-The citixens ol this city ...i H.m.. from tha esrthouake responded to the call lor aid by ship nf nins a carolad of provisions gold, sliver and bullion, amounting to the supply trains passing Ior San Fran- bout $39,000,000, 1. aaie. I cisco. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 70c: blueatem, 709 71c; rtd, 68c; valley, 68 69c. Oats No. 1 white feed, $27.50; gray, 27 per ton. Barley Feed, $23.50024 per ton; brewing, $2424.60; rolled, $24.60(9 25.50. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, cho'ce, $15(816 per ton: valley tim othy, $12; clover, $7.608; cheat, $697; grain bay, 78; .nana, iz. Fruits Apples, $22.75 per bo; strawberries, $2.50 per crate. Vegetable. Asparagus, b per pound; cabbage, 2X2e per pound; cauliflower, $2.25 per crate; celery, 75 (8 90c per doxen; bead lettuce, 25c per doxen; onions, 10(o)15c per doxen; radishes, 20 25c per dosen; rhubarb, 34c per pound; spinach, 90 per box; parsley, 25c; turnips, $10 1.25 per sack; carrots, 65 (9 75c per sack; beets, 85cl per esck Onions No. 1, $11.15 per sack; No. 2, nominal. Potatoes F.incy graded burbanks, 65075a per hundred: ordinary, 609 60c; new California, 5c per peund. Butter Fancy creamery, 17K20o per pound. Egs Oregon ranch, 16X17c per doxen. Poultry Average old hens, 149150 per pound; mixed chickens, 13x014c; broilers, 22X30cj young roosters, 12i 13c; old roosters. llllHc; dressed chickens, 15015c; turkeys, live, 17018c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 21022c; geese, live, 8010c; geese, dressed, 10011c; ducks, 17018c. Hops Oregon, 1905, 8010c; olds, SK07c. Wool Eastern Oregon average beat, 15020c; valley, 24026c pel pcund; mohair, choice, 28030c Veal Dressed, 3070 per pound. Beef Dressed bulls, So pir pound; cows, 4H05XC; country (teen, 506c. Mutton Dressed, fancy, 9910e per pound; ordinary, 607c; lambs, with pelt on, lO01Oc. Pork Dressed, 608)e per pound.