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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1905)
Y Ht' LOCAL in iii l1 ' IhM YitoN t I'MroN 8KI.I. Out Mer, Veoii & I'elto" Uv aol'l their lKKi"lf t;,ii ami liyibvr near Rainier U the ISirllt'll'l M'KiV'K v.oiiiiny, wio cousin .rut loii licltuf '-0.HK), Till nmrkl the rrllrei'ietlt (row liur-lnca ill thi comity man who by hi pwit ellort )iu uiiiawl a connliU'rnbto lurtune in stout jkir itlvrly abort Mce ol time, auil wlu WHI (tike wl'H bliii the kxm! wilt ol the utimiutiily lu which lie Itaa livnl ami "worked. Mr. Yeoil b liceii tlio active workliitt lucuilier ul Hie firm, ami tin imivcil himarll to b potwMctt of tbe lac ullir ncccMury to the cumluct ol jrtat liiuliiena aii'l the development ol a iew rounlry. The new owner cuine Into the llon ol a couiplcte iinxtcrn Iokk1"k outfit anil aliottl r,OUU,OW lect ol tlui ln-r. We truit they will rove worthy iiii'i-eMor ol the Yevu-l'cltou Coiuiiany. Mr. 8. II. RirhartU, ol Vcrnonia, wa ,o ic ul the MUt oKice visitor timing the litt week l'aoTKcriMii Horn. Kkhpkk Mr. )aviil MclfctnaM, lipl kerier ol Clata- luinlr, ha cattacil tbe arrant ol George HiKi:i,'c,,"rKcJ with romuiittiiiK a ml itnnraiitir by honnlinii at McUmalil' hnlcl without paying '"r keep. The nit I brought winter a law enai'teil by jlte Ul leiIature lr the perial pro tr lion ol hotel men agalntt dead beat, mill provlile lor a high at $ 100 fine or liiiiri)iimeiit. Htopping at a hotel anil n lilii or neglecting to taty i wailc iiieiumptive evblence ol guilt. The law applfc alao to boarding bouiiet. County Clerk Henderton vUlted Tort land lt Saturday. Hut IIUSIKKIM AT R.ilMII'.a The homier Wap loaded 1SO,IUO lect ol inmlier at the IeeU Hack, Kamier, Tliur iUv, liec. 7. The ahip Alphia loded 4iio.iK) lect at the Raiuirr '.umber piny' ilix'k. anil raised anchor lad I'ri .Uy lor Oakland, Vat. The blp IWiirr ; t-t'tlng tin a cargo ol 8V),1 leet at the R linirt I.wtnwr Company' duck. Three Urge rt-euier are line to take on cargur ul lu'librl. Mr. V. II. I'owtlt vlaited Portland 1'riiUy kit, to atteml a bitmiuct ol tbe Kuyal Arvll Maaon. Ki'ir rta DivoacK Wni. A. Arm trong ha brought mit lor divorce aguiiut hi wile. Auim Armstrong, ami lor the euUo-lyol their child, lie chnrgr In. ) UU;y and name one "Jack" Iavl. llie bad hi n who ha lolcn away hU wile' atleclioii. l.itliitn M. Wing bring milt agaiiitt Iter liuaiMiid, Hcii iiiiin C Wing, charging thai IWn i komewliiit ol a trrrur. that be 'nsggnt'' ber(callcl her a lur. threatened to (hoot tier, choked her. and raiacd blae generally. She .inl to quit him, and upon pnail ol her yllegttiou will prolmbly b glvm (vruii. .jvu tu do Mr. lUrry Wet, ol Scnpc, l'rei dent l llie Stale liry Anooclation, it viutur In the Uiiuutj teat on Friday J.. I. J',nMlil.V IU--M. Cha. II. Stock welt, ol Coon Rapid, Iowa. ha been looking over the local i tuition thit wcrk with (he Intention, ll he Iwlicvr it can I made to mv, ol Parting a nana at lite county eut. Mr. Slovkwell i caihier ol . . .. i III Cin River National Hank ami vice , prrideitt ol Ibe Coin J'.xobaiige Hank ol I'.lklwrt, lown. He i a man ol coiuidcr able me ui and ex(cricnce. The Tronic bird finished taking Her, load ol tie at Mucklc brother whurl on Siturday lat, and i uowou Iter way to Sin I'p'lro. Riiini THK Dkht-Hcv. Kemp, ol (lie M. K. church, lut Monday in St. 1U tin lot the purpouc ol teeing what (muni .. ..-... ( Umi tliu church building and lot in thi j n, .i.l.l If iloue toward raiting the ilebt city. The ilelil amount lo ft.uai, oi which Hie i:U liion Society, which hold the mortgage, oiler lo remit fKK), Of the Uilance we uudcrtand that ha lafcn pledged, and with ernet work the l.ilan.'e .liould In rained ill a abort time. We ccrUiinly can not afford to have the church lorn down or removed from St. Helen. Mr. I). It, I'rrrmiH, fif Upponae, wa n viilor to the Mint ollice on S-ttupIuy Inst. iNCBKAKlt oi' TuANSi'itKH A an indi cation that there I nomethiiig doing in (.'nlumhiil County it may las ttulcd that during the Jt eleven mouth there ha hern nil lucrca over the corrmpomling jicriod lor lat ycitf tj( alsmt liltccn kx cent in the iiuniU-r ol thiusler ol real estate recorded, and the busbies it rapid. y increasing. River m?n report (hi to ho the Vior-it .-aim in their e)erienco (,ir bfivy log. A iiiiiiiIht ol vessel, have been tied up at lic niotiUt ol thu nver, waiting clearer wentlier. SiK-l At, There wjll lie a liasket social and entertainment given on Intti iiry llh for the iH'uelit of the M. H. Clutrch of thi city, l'urthcr annotuup mt nttwlll tie nmd hitcr. t,u will get yonj n,.,ucy' worth and help n good tJlllHP, Mr, M. C. Gray returned on Tuesday last from a visit to Clarke County, Wash. ;nni(8!us' Mkktinis Ackt,t l(aw Visited rortlalid IHtewlay lor the purwse .I Htteu.liug the annual meeting of the iisneMr i( the different cotintic. These meeting resemble tcuchera' Institute, In tlml they are for tbe purpose of mu tual Instruction in regard to the best method of ustcsslng ptxrty lu nuU-r nil thiill bear theic )at ahnre ol tlm burden, Atteudaiti' Wloii Ucni hun)d be compulsory on the part ol nil wnutiss ors, Mr. Alfred Harrlmm moved ImntB to llichelnr Vint last Monday front How ard' mill at Rainier. The mill ha been (.'.tit down for a short time in order to y(itVfj o n UCW l'jcaHon. lK oH'icm were elivu.l by Avit TctitDle $ j Kulliboiie Kiiten, Ihi:. 7: Mr. Anna M i ... . i Kichaniann, M. K. f.j Mr. Cbira A C'llll, H. J. ; Mr. I.ncy Uny, M. ol T. ; Mr. 8. M. Quick, M. ol K. and C: Mr Lena It, nemliig, M. ol l'.j Mr, l'.llui Mwltwr, I'. oIT.i Mr. I'loreuee (Jbdlrey, 0. ol O. T. Mr. Ida M. Ilurrl. P. C.; Mr. I'loreuee Cioillrcy, trimti'e. I now bavn n niue airl innnt ol jiainl, oil,, ttuin. enamel, tinmlim, id'. Tin and grwiite waru, atovo iilpo tile. linM'tirlf, liny, liiain, Klour, etc. M. V. (JUAY, Hi. Helen, Mr. J. R, Cronk, ol Amity, a former retidcut ol thi county, wa in Ht. Helen on Monday lat. Mr. Cronk it engaged In the harneu buainem at Amity, and re port that he i doiug well there, but be lie there 1 moie money In circulation along the river Iront tluu in the valley countie. Sheriff White and Mr. Kendall Itlake- Icy took a trip to Portland on the learn er Joncph Kellogg but Monday, Mr. W. 1). Cane, ol I'itUburg, pawed through St. Helen Thursday on hi way to 1'ortland lo atlrnd to onie butinca bclore the Vnitcd State Und Office. Dr. I'.. C. Pulton, ol Salem, I vUiting with Ir. II. R, Cliff, ol thi city. Mr. Joocph IHipont, Sr., ol Valley, wa a vi.ltur to the county teat on Monday lait. Mr. R. II. Robcmon returned Tuet- day from a vinit to the ttictrooIl. Mr. Cha. t'onle, ol IJeer Island, wa a vtnitor to St. Helen on Tlmnday. Mr. Corde wiu cecling bunch ol grape cutting from I'orrnl Grove, and eiecti to l imit alxmt two hundred vine thi year, believing that they will do well in favored portion of thi county. Mr. and Mr. W. II. I'owrll were Tort- land viaitor Wednevlav anil Thuraday. Mr. II. Morgu returned Moinlny from week' visit at Kalama. Sc hool report card the very lcl form f I per hundred, with envelope. I'or Sai.k 1'ure bred iltack Minorca cockerel. Northrop utrain, from pric- winning bird. I'or particulnr call on or aldrve J. A. Wlkttroiti, Yankton, Or. Syrup ol White I'ine and the oM reliable cough remedy. I'or fcilc by A.J. Deming. drnggit. CixiK Stovr voh SAtlt ClII'AP A giHjil itcrond hnnd cook tovc and Iwo joint ol pipe lor .e vrry cheap. A tir K tin (or anyone wanting a itovc. Call at thi officii lur Information. Violin and all Mringed iiulruinutiti rcpairod by me. All work guaranteed. Addre meat St. Helen. 20 dee "0 Gl'S HHGKI.K. VERNOnIaTiI'MS. Fred North, ol Kit, who I attending the I'nivrnnty ol Chicago, tuking a jiec. iul courw in hiktorv, write Hint he i it ttin ir atom? milcudidtv aud now like " " nlc wini city by the lake. John Helbiticn and wife are now dmni- ci,., u their own houw, junt opiMtc the itonloflke, which wa vacated lust week by B. l;. Tracy and wile. The "umbrella man" via in our midt l.nt week necking odd join from our cili- en. He luid bualncaa In the city wa very dull ince tbe cliwc ol the fuir, and hc hud to get out among the countiy a.'oplc to get any work nt a'l. (.. GuntafiMn and wile are the proud KHctors o' a brand new ten pound boy. They have a unarlct nowtwo boy and rjgi Kobcrl'Sl)). S)cncer bin lx-cn iiutc ick the part week, but at this writing i slowly improving. He ha not been well wince September. The Grange In pn iwring to give a big old fashioned country Christina dinner on Chrinlma day, and will have n en tertainment in the evening. The church will have no Christum exercise thhti year, Alliert Raker 1 in (ur the winter. He will top with hi brother John und will insist in the running ol the new mill. Al,ex Sword i doing a lot ol blasting these dny, He i endeavoring to get the ttumi out ul hi way to that he can raise big cropi. It cost a little to do thi kind of work, but it pay richly in I lu- creased products, n well as in satisfaction ill the cultivation. K. I'. CmK.oI rwthmd. "d Mr.StV". representing the firm ol Kmery, Co and Stokes, of Michigan, were here Mommy to clone up deal with Guy Mill for hi miarter cectioit on upT Rwk Creek. North and llakcr have their new mill to lur completed that they liegun sawing Ittmber last Fri.lny. l ur Hw pa-sent they wll aw only ccdnr, tinco tiny lack a little in power. The mill doe excellent work. Mr. North brought to the city Saturday lnt tmall load ol hmihvr a wml.,c ,i (( Me, H, 0. Howuing w be the ngent hero iu town Samuel Turk, of the X'ptiet Nvtmlcm, was down Monday of this week ,nd Ismght the thrce-ycnr-old U l(ril. f Dr. Hiitficld. KHt lHiai". W iMg only 50 for the colt, and ha not only a fine saddle horse, but a horse Unit will make u most excellent roiidstc,r. FREE 'VUl ppw Kvc jwy with one year's tuliacrip Uwi, paid lu advanct'i lStU'.H - E1QHT PHPT0 ORAPHIC VIEWS Hxll) inches) Of the iwiHclpnl buildings at the Lewis iiml Clark Centennial. Old subscribers mav neciirc these handsome Souvenirs by paying nil arrearages and ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE HEAL ESTATK."" John Ailam to Win. Adam, wet ii, lot (I, 7, e (jr Hw qr sw or seorf), 0, 5 500 O. W. Allen to II. West, lot 0, o, i, oik z, ,-M'apXMie 400 u A! Anoerson to IlniMCliriaten vii, 2 hf and 87 acre in nw (jraec Zl, 4, 6 300 reier Amli rson to Marie Amler- on, tw qr e qr sec I, 4, 2. . 1 M H Andcrsou et al to II I, Cox et alt, tart of tw qr of nw qr cc ii, 4, 1) 1 II Andernou et nl lo II O How- arl, ieqrof eqr cc UH, 7, !i 400 A Anderson to I'.riek OUtrom, H O'i acre ec 24. 4. 2 03i.fl (. A lluriie to R V Cox. west 4-5 lit qr nc qr tec 7 aud nw qr e qr tec 4, B, 6 040 K llelford et al to Joseph and Catherine Uupoiit, 10 acre Hrole die 760 A It lleltlc et al lo the Atoria Alwlract, Title and Trust Co, w hf e ur cc 'M. 0. 4 K T lierry to 7. A Ware, w hf w or tec an. fl. 4 Anna ami Jolui llicn to Columbia Timber Co, tw ur ne ur ac W, (I. 2 720 Dean lilancluird to Daniel Mc- Kinucn, timber ou right of way Dean Itlanchard to A V Tierce, trai t in Kainier 7.l Dean Itlanchard to Geo P Moeck lot in Moeck't add to Rai nier I Kd Hlnrk to Frederick Anlikcr, 100 acre In tec 20.0,2.... 1400 Same to tame, timber. , 1 Dean lllanchard to J A Doan, lot 0, Dl k u. lllanclunra ail.t . 100 Dean lllnncliard tolieo Y Moeck tide laud in Rainier 1 I. J Hocck to Frederick I'altinat. 2 ill nw qr ret 32 ana a qr tw or arc 211, 6, 5 550 O J and M J Bryant to Trustee rrcoyterin murcuol uatt kauie, lot 1 and 2. blk 3, llryant't add 800 Same to the Ilcnson Logging Co, n hi ne qr sec l.r, 7, 4, etc. . 1375 J M and W H Knell to lienton lagging lo, Itto transient each . , 1 J C and M burke to Illodgett Co, lu ne qr ana w ill se qr tec a. 7, ft K'O C D and I. T Dniinher to Colum bia Timlier Co, St) qr tec 2.', 0, 2 (timlier on) 6,000 C D and 1, T Danaher to Colum bia Timlier Co, 1 IijU acre tu U.2 4S.000 lillcn and Jamci Dart to Jaiue and Lha. Muckle. lot 4. blk 111, St. Helen 6) A L ami W I DeiU to I. I- Clark, tract in town of Rainier . . . 300 John Dibhleeto J I' IJuford, leaae John Dibblee to Geo P Moeck, lot 0. blk 44, Moeck' add . . 1 J and 11 II Hudson to the Itenaou I. fc I. Co, KIU.IM) acre. 5, 4 I 1' and W A Dounhoe to Heiinoii I. : LCo, UU.lUacret in 5,4, and 4. 4 1 C J Dupont to prank Convene, e hi ne or cc 2ft, 6, 3 . . . 1 S V. r isk to ban Rice, te qr cc 27, 7. 4 200 S I-: Pisk to llcrumn I. & I. Co, n 1(1 acre lot H, sec M, 7, 4 . . . S Ii Pik lo Hensou L A L Co, ne ur ol w qr and lot 2, tec 10, i, 4; i;iH acre 1375 R W Po'cr lo Columbia Timlier Co, e qr nc qr fee 14. (12... P. A and A G Pn lo brnson I. A L Co, hi ne qr ec 25, 5.4 I I P and W J l'ulk-rtun to Ilcnson I. & L Co. w hi sw qr nw qr w qr sec 24, and te qr ol ne qr tec 2J, 5, 4 1 I. ami a ocriiiigcr to Loiuiuuia Timlier vo, u w qr sec 31, i,2 . Y and H M (ilinieske to Kenton 1. & I. Co, w hi te qr tec 21 and w hi ne qr cc IH, 5, 3 . p. I, and Geo A Goerigct al lo W I' Maclav, land in tec 32 and :tl, 5. I KW0 J II and Viola Grlffit to I O Hum phrey, ne qr nw qr tec 2, 4, 2, and other land 1 J p. and 1. P. Guild to P. S Me- Null. 11 acre in nw qr nee 5, 4 07 M W HncUolt to M TO'Counell. liw qr nw qr ace 10 and twqr tw qr tec 3, 7, 3 II J llnvlik to Donald Smith, 1 acre tec 13, , 2 11 P Heber lo the Hensou L & I. Co, nw qr ace 28, 5, 3 UKH) C, R and II S Henderson to Oscar .losvphniu, hi sw qr sec 10, 8,3 : 150 G n Hill to Prank T berry, neqr sw qr tec 3(1, (1, 4 I A I. and W O Jeff (o Title Guar antee and Trust Co, two in strument (I R and M A Kelly to Prana Kelley, lot 3 ami 11, blk 3, Georgetown 50 R II and S K King to Charles Marger. 21 "o acres sec 20, 8, 3 208 A and C Larson to Otif Nieuida, tract in 4.7,4; Zi acre 3;' j aud Louise A Lumnnto Marie and Peter Anderson, w qr te qrncc 1, 4. 2 650 C I' und llridget Maginiii to Jno J Rupp, w hi i nt in lots 1, 2, and w hi nw qr sec 21. 5,5. . 200 F A Manning to llenson 1. A L Co, t hi nc qr sec 25, 5, 4 . 1 A L Miilllngly to Benson L & L Co, n hi lie qr sec 25, 6, 4, u hi nw qr tec 30, ft, 3 Kuftit McGreed to A C MeF-ach. cm, e hi nw qr ec IH, 5. 2. . Q A and Rose Merrill to Itrncc unit llvssie r.nvan, lots lu, II, 12, blk 5 leer Island. . . . Jo M Miller to I. Gerlinger, w qr sec 81,(1. 2 P, J and S L Mill to W It Dill ard, e hf of y v,r iud w hi te qr sec 2d, 4, 4 J C and M J Monroe to J G and P. 1 Conklin, 2 1-2 acres Hastings die Geo Morel to Columbia Timlcr Co, nw or ne qr sec 30, 0, 2 50 1 500 1 7'J0 1000 2600 $000 S S Bltinsoll to niurie it uriuuey ne qr sec 20. (t, 3 J and S Mclstola to Abrnm Wirk knln and wife sc qr nw qr iw qr ol qr Reqrswqrscc 11, 7, 4 . J and S Mcisbdu to Oscar Lanlai nci mid wife, s hf se or nw qr se qv, lying of Heaver creek, sec 11. 7, i.. . . , C J Muckle to II Miuwi, llMW.' C, Jit and fcvii MwVe to City id St Hvle.iV. 40 ft off n side lot 4 and 10 blk 10 St Hel en Rasmus NlMl to Christian aud Marion N Jensen nc qr of so qr sec 2, 4, 2 IliindOlil Nicvuela. to Herman l.uukkniifn, tract in section 4, 7, 4 ; 22 acre C F and L B Chirk to Curl O An derson, lot 2, blk 8, ClntaUa nie quitclaim Columbia Timber Co to George Morel. hf hi se ur sec 11, it 700 Commercial and Savings Hank to i Kllia Jennings, se qr tie qr ! sec 23.7, 6 250 Kdua M und J II Cook to Rebecca I Cook et als, w 3-7 ol 38:16 acre to 5, 2 . . v . . . . . .. 1 ilM l.ll.l JllllMlKtll , 4'UIHI W l Wheeler, w hi ol .'I, tnKi acre, 5,2 C 8 and R I' Cox to Hugh L Cox neqrol neqr tec 7 and nw qr ol e qr tec ft, 4, 5 T A and 0 W Cusbiug to Colum bia Timber Co, sw qr sec 32, (1 U. . , , , , , , , . i C I) Dannher to Columbia Thai bcr Co, riglit ol way i MARRIKD. MORRLSON-VAHIDKRSAL At the re idence of the bride' parenU, Mr. and Mr. K. II. Plagg, ol St. Helens, on Sunday, Dec. 10, 1005, at 12 in., Mlsa P.lla Maude Morrison to Mr. Win. Van derail, Rev. Kemp officiating. j KAINIEU tVyvVVVVVVHrl The Congregational Aid Society had an Apron Sate last Friday and Saturday. On Saturday evening they had an enter- laiuuient and an oyrtcr (upper. Tlie ladle were very successful in their work. There i a great deal ol lumber on the market now, but ! delayed ihtDuieut on account ol the shortage of cars. Kruett John, of St. Helen, visited hi aunt, Mr. W. J. Muckle, tost week. Mis Laura I'rotxit and Ijrothrr Prank were guest of MUt Callie PtsuMVy. Mr. Fred Halbnrt went to Portland last Wednesday on a short visit. Mr. Mile Shecrin wa a Portland vis itor last Saturday. Mike P.lli has put in a new furniture store. A SNAP 100 acre of land near Delena, In the lrtile IWaver valley for !000! Of the 100 acre, G arc cleared and there la fine orchard ol apple, pear, cherry and prone tree. There is a good aix room house on the place and a well of line aster Hint never goes dry. For anrone that want to buy in thi county tlii is a snap. For pnrtictulara inquire at thit o:hVe. Japan' ship of ttate J beginning to carry a lull thare ol ballad iu the shape ol a national debt. In Mad Chase Million rush in mad chase alter health, from one extreme of fadditm to another, when if they would only eat good food and keep their bowel regular with Dr. King' New Lite 1'ilU, their trouble would all pass away. Prompt relief and quick euro for liver and Htoin ach trouble, 25c al Perry & UrahamV, lloulton. The irle of 1'inea ineurrecto have made to hub atir that they hardly fur nish material enough for a comia opera. A Fearful Fate It i a fearful fate to have to endure the terrible torture ol piles. "lean truth fully aay," write Henry Colton. ot Ma tonville. la., "that lor Mind, Illeeding, Itching and Protruding Pile, Uucklen' Arnica Salve ia the let cure made." Al io beat for cut, burn and injuries. 25c at l'erry & Graham', lloulton. The business man who doe not adver tise mi sees a good investment. PAINTING, Papering and Frescoing. Kslimates given free. Inquire M. C, Gray for further partietular. A. B. CULUERTSO.S St. Helens. I have money to loan on approved real estate security. W. H. I'OWKLL. St. Helens, Oregon. Stolen, from my ranch tour miles west ol Scappoose, Ore., the night of Nov. 14. one sorrel mare, about six years old, white spot in forehead, roach mane, white spot on right aide of neck, saddle marks, branded T-K on left shoulder, weight alxmt 900 pound, f 15.00 reward for the return ol her to N. C. Hanson, Scappoose, Oregon. I.ost. Strayed, or Stolen, from my place on upper Tide creek, one 3-year-old Durham bull, color red and white, white forehead, no brand on it. Reward wilt be paid to parties who can give informa tion about it. Prko A. Backer, ! Goble, Ore. When preachers cull each other liars the laity are liable to agree with them. When In Portland (Jo to The Kmnlre HoBtaurant. 102 Third Street, three doors South of Baker The Ire. Meals Iron 15 cents up. Open dnv and night. Oysters in any style. Win. llohlander, Prop., lornierly ol Ilia Royal, 1st and Madison, The best present you can make the editor is to pay your subscription. Old papers, for sate, chap, at this office. KRANH l'LAGG, Agent Kvening TvleHmin- Taken l'j. fV...... in;, niv tltwM.t MftV Idt. one 2-year-old ajxscklcil bull. Will owner please prove property, pay damages, aim remove Irom my premises. Scappoose, Ore. ll JIBHIi - Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery Fur ft)! VULIIl n unu . . a. a A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Mon back If It fail. Trial Bottl fr. Just as Gaol For Less Money TJiis Week's Store News z Ladies' Shirt Waists, 67 Styles, 65c to $9.50 Kach Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, fit guaranteed, $7. 50 up Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Jackets, Capes, Furs, Etc Kimonas Wrappers, Petticoat, UaiderniuKlins. Biggest Selection Ever shown. . LATEST CREATIONS IhMILLINERYwAIKINC HATS, CAPS Men and Bojs' Suits and Trowsers, Overcoats and Rain Coais $15 Men's Suits Only $11.15. All Wool Trowsers from $3.50 to $8.56 Bargains. $12.50 and $i4.So Overcoats. $10.65 "takes 'em. SHOES, HATS CAPS We have closed a contract with the larfest factory in tbe country rad will fell $3.00 shoes for 2.75; $2575 shoes for 2.50; $2.50 shoes For 1.90; Men's $4.00 shoes for 3.65; Loggers' $6.00 shoes for 5.50; Loggers' $5.50 shoes for $5.00; Boys' $2.25 shoes for 1.85; Misses' $2.00 shoes 1.75; Children's $1.50 shoes 1.25. JUST FOR FUN 0 12 THIS WEEKGfO FANCY CUUJRS THEFA0RITEiIpSl:l?ropilHl$18.00 Peacok Floor $4.75 Barrel I O V tmm VUU lEr I B We've Found it .GENERAL MERCHANDISE Furniture, Bedding, Hardware, Tinware, Granite ware, Stoneware, Trunks, Stoves and Ranges Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing Staple and Fancy Groceries Flour, Feed, Grain, and Hay Shoes for Men $3.50 to A Dressy Shoe for a Reasonable Price Comfort, Elegance and Economy combined. We have never had a complaint A LOGGER'S SHOE- BAILEY & BRINN NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice It hewbv tiven thl the uiuierriimci! AdminlKlniuir nl the Eataienf Junib Alulr, dereiuvd, ha Ulwt In the County Conn lur col. uinlil Cuuiily.atale ot Oregon, hln Dual c rountu urh administrator ot Mid mime, ami that Friday, ihe S6ih day ol January. ltMi. l the ..,... i 11 ..Vl.w.b a 111.. has lMrn flxeo or said ourt Ihe time for hearing obleetlou to Mid Administrator of the Etaleo( Jai-ob Alexan der, dlW.Sl,l. 0AJtTK1IBm . VKAK, Attortieya lor Adniluialnilor. SUMMONS lu theClrrnll Court ol the state nl Oregx-n lor the County ot Columbia. V. A. Simmu, laUitlff, vs. Paiiy Simon, de feuiuin'. To Daisy riiaions, dvtcnduut lo the above ci: titled ult: In the name ol the State ot Oregon vou ore heicbv reqnlml and coinnandeil to aM-ear and aimuer the roniplatiit tlleil aralnid vou In llie above entitled anil between now and Ihe Otli dayol January, I'JOS. , Said unit Ik eomnieneed by pi aintifr against you lor absolute divorce, aud ft you fall to au swer between now and said time, lor waul Ihereol.lhe nlaintin" will taki- jiidnmeni against vou lor an absolute dlvorvc and Ihe dlssolatioa ill the marriage now existing between you aud Mid iilaiullir. . . til Thw snnunon Is nerved by publication In iiurauaure lo an order mwle by the llouorable T. A. MoBride, Judge ol the Circuit Court ol the Plato ol Oregon lor the county nt Colmnbia. dated November 18, l!J.k Said order provides thai the first publication of this attaint on should he made on the v it li day ot Novemlr, ! and that Ihe last puhlicutiou be made ou the Sin dayol January... -res,;ltB A pAV. Attorney lor I'lalntilT. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The nndorslcneit, Frank Tayhe. was by an or der ol Iho Countv Court ol Columbia County, Oreimn, duly made and entered on the 21st day 01 oveniner, iww. 'mi .h."1" tor of the estate of Ellen T. I'ayne, deceased. All fiennna having claims airaiust said estate are lereby noiltli'd lo present same to me. duly ver ified, at mv residence at Seapiaawe, inColnnibi foun tv. OreKOU. KUAN K l'A S t., Administrator ol the estate ol tlleu T. Payne. deeeastHl. Hated November 21, IMi. X STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER ii RAILROAD COMPANY. !ao er KTATIOItl DAILY. Tip DAILY. BIADDOWa 24 TTsi 1:1X1 a os Jo a iw I 41 I Ml SK IK t'J a" 10 00 10 OS 111 to 11) 34 00 I .0 OA 39.4 O 4 S I.t roriVa4Ar 11 l .. I iol.l o e a s A JO ( 00 7 48 1 M 7 7 is 7 17 1 02 ft 20 10 ... Rlit ... Ivramld... .... Mayirar.... Qiiiucy .... . . Clatskanie.. . . Marshland.. . . Westnost.... ....CUfto-... . , , .Knappa... . . .. Svetfou.... . ..John Duv. .. 3A M J to 5- 9 M : 1 VV J.t 10 )0 M.I1 10 21 71.1 10 SO 7 7 10 XJ Wi t) 11 o-v !..h: n i vt t HO Oil g b 27 17 0 02 a ; S 15 07 7 t 1 ti Ar. Astoria .I.v All tralni make close connection al tioUe with Northern rauitlo trains to untl Irom the East and Souna poluts. At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot At Astoria with I. K. tit N. Co. 'a boat and rail live and titrumei T. J. Potter to aud trout llwaco and North UOlK'h K)lllt. I'asacniters for Astoria or way points must flag trains at lloulton. Trams will stop to let vaa eugeis oil at lloulton when eomln from poiu.'l we.loldvVlr- J. :. Itlar. U. l'V- At.. AsioruV Of Q QlflfBTTT A Little Bsticc WOOL SWEATERS, (1 f IffHPHam and Bacon I2I-2cper Lb. 2 2 2 3 6 6 $5.00 Look Well Wear Well against the Chinook Shoes. 1 m BARGAINS 1 The Mason, at popular prices. Strong and " Durable. Every pair fully guaranteed - - Honlton, Ore. MENS FJRST Moyer Clothing Co., THIRD AND OAK. PORTLAND SECONDHAND DONKEY ENGINES FOR. SALE Far Description and Price applr ' I. Kiicttncr, Aatarla, KSTARU3HEB 1MX " JOHN A. BECK PKALIR !f Watcbes, Diamonds, Slhenare, ....JEWELRY...-. Repairing a Specialty. horrlwa at. Bat, Vrout fUU. VdlllLANtt. r SEE THE I mm GRAND PRIZE OFFER ON PAGE 1 at Last Tobacco Smoking 2-oz Pk'gs Gold Shore 15 25 2!4-oz Pedro ' 3-oz pkgs Union Leader 3 - Oi pkgs Peerless 1 f 3-oz Dixie Queen i-oz pkgs Bull Durham 25 1 16-oz can Dixie Queen - 40 Chewing 1 lb Star - - - 45 1 lb Spearhead - - 45 1 lb Climax - - - 45 1 lb Horseshoe - - - 45 These prices strictly spot cash, subject to change with-, out notice. - CLASS SUITS $10.00 The Best you have ever seen. FABRICS in Worsted Cheviots and Cassimeres. Hand-Worked Button Holes, Hand -Padded Collars, sewm with silk . Others say $i5 for Equal Qnalitj. Gome Earl; and Get tbe Pic. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO. Suitable (or Log ging and Hoisting Engines j-jr.h. k. curr. ( PHYSICIAN & SURGEON . ST. HEI.ENH, : i ORKCOK. ! i:din rossi. riIYsSICIAN& SURGF )N 8T. UKLESS. : : OREVK