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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1905)
OREGON MIST "Entered at the Tostoffioe at St. Helens, "OrcRon, as secoiid-Wnss mail matter. Issi'Kn Evkrv ruav Bv li. H. l-I.AGO. F.DmiU NO PROfatliTUR. One copy, one year, iu advance. . . f I 00 Six month 00 r- Legal notice 23 ccnU per line. FRIDAY, December 15, 11)05. COL'STl 0 K f I CI A L 1 A P E 8 . JiETERTUELESS AJil SOTWJTH. . .. jjxAM1XJ. ' ' V.: , . ' Senator Vest, in illustration of the practice of the Ik-publican majority in forcing tlirongh its pattisan measures w ithout giving what the minority con eidercd time for reasonable debate, was fond of tcl.Vpg the fallowing story: It appears that at a vaudeville theater in tit. Louis the program, instead of being printed, was announced from act to act, and the person who acted as crier had just made the announcement that "Misa birdie Smith will now ling '.'Way Down Vpon the Swanee Kiver,' " when a voice in the audience rang out, "Birdie Smith can't sing for sour apples." The crier immediately atepped to the front cf the stage, and with jaw protrudmg.answered, 'Nevertheless, and notwithstanding, Miaa Birdie Smith will ting 'Down on the Swanee River." And sho sang it ' So the Mist's only answer to the Hout ton Register's very weak plea in abate ment oi the" charge wade against the Democratic Board of jgqaalixation in, 'Nevertheless, and notwithstanding the Democratic pledges of reform, and the holier than thou attitude of that party in this county, the Democratic Board of Eonalixation did reduce the railroad. companies' assessment from IISCijO to 12,000 per mile." and m eo doing they placed au additional burden upon all the other Ux Da vers of this county. It is cot a matter that they will forget in a hurry, and when Republicans are again called upon lo'forikife 'their oarty in the 'name of nor.nartisanship a'nS "' jtfenu, they will be apt to look a little uic,re carefully at the brand. The amount pre sented to the railroad companies in one year far exceeds any possible loss by al leged extravagance during any past ad-iniuistrtfti&n. A MATTER OF HEALTH 6WJDER Absolutely Puro HAS MO SUBSTITUTE ' A Cream of Tartar Powdar, froe from alum or phot phatlo acid bovm. bakino pewota co., Ntw voan, Till: FAKJIKKV CASIMWATK. Th Plittrnrm I'poit tilch lr. Wlthy- I'omltv Aspires for aoiniiMiion. 1)R. JAES WITHYl'OXBE, SESATOU CEAKIX, It U probable that befura this paper reaches its readers Hon. John M. warm of Fortlaud, will hato been appointed United States Senator to succeed the late John II. Mitchell. Mr. Uearin is recog nised as a man of great legal ability rfnd a thick and thin Democrat of the variety that votes the ticket without regard to the platform. As he will have but about fourteen mouths to. serve, it is not prob able that his influence, either for good or bad, will amount to mneh at Wash ington. It is rather remarkable, how ever, that Governor Chamberlain should appoint a member of the firm of Dolpli, Mallory, Simon and Gearin, the most able and prominent corporation attor neys in the city cf Portland. It certain ly can not be considered an anti-corporation appointment, and, if we are not mistaken, Mr. Geann is one ol tne attor neys for Binger Hermann. It is said that M;Kinley ami Vuter are missing, and that the United States Sec ret Service is earnestly searching for them. All of which is rot. The United States Secret Service could easily have kept track uj these criinina, and if it docs not know where they are it is be cause it does not want to. Mitchell is dead and Williamson convicted. fossi- blywewill hear hut little more of the Oregon Land frauds. (OrPKvnUn IVe.H ) X farmer and a farmer candidate for Governor of Orcein is what Dr. James Wiiliveoinbe, of I'orvallio, calls himself. And the doctor it proud of the title, for he thinks farming the best occupa tion on earth and among Oregon 'indus tries the' ptost valuable. Yet' lie con- inla that if he were a miner or a iiianu- 'lactnivr or a meivhnnt lie 'illicit be wii,- iatieei, too, lut as a tiueroi uiu sou aim a grower of livestock he thinks he is in Nature's bet uotcli" Dr. W'ithyeombe was in FytUjpd yes terday 'getting ready the agricultural re niaiks which ho was to make to the Kvoj'iing Star Grange at Mount Tabor lut night. T)ii w the rr' purpose of hi coinliiff from the An'icnllural Collegs at Corvallis, where ho is director ol thi experiment station, but he allowed him self to take a trip through the political highways and bywVys when asked how bo w as running lor Governor. Dr. Withvcombe was first of Republi cans to announce hia candidacy. That was 'wav back last Spring. Since that time C. A. Johns, lawyer of Baker City Yias allied Ms castor into the ring, and T. T. Goer, of Salem, is believed to be about to do the tuie thing.. Between the two is Dr. Withyeombe, whom both factious disown, but who hopes to be the means of uniting them in the election Is Dr. Withvcombe disconcerted by the word that Mr. Geer intends to run for Governor? Is ho alarmed by the candi dacy of Mr, Johns, for whom J. Planting Walnut. "Walnut troes should bo sot whonthey are yeai lings in order that the main lap root may bo removed from the ground, 'which' is an essential point ,1(1 the success ol tie growth ami also th bearlug qual ities of the tree. Naturo provides mis j tree with tap root that It coi'.hl go deep i into the earth, thereby gathering plenty ol moisture.' In aomo Instance trees. that fail to bear bloom prolusely. See ing trees iu full bloom and falling to bear, some ate under tho Impression they were caught by the frost, which wi) find by investigation Is not true except in 'a very Jew eases. Wo have learned that the fault lies ia.the imperfection or rather no pollen.illoii or stliiitiltttu bud or male blossom appears, matured and trapped olf four weeks tic-tore the female blossom or plstilate buds, wlitcii pro duce the fruit, modj) their appearance, hence the tree is not fc-rtilUud aim lull to boar. All of our most prolific bearers are those that tho female and mule blos soms appear about the same time, hence the fertilisation occurs and the trees will !.ir heavv crons of lints. We wish to make ouo more suggestion, that Is, wal nnt trees will do well among other tre.'i where there Is a vacancy. Vegetables, berries and other likocropscan be raised among the trees the lift lew years, thereby giving your trees cultivation aim receiving in return some compensation for your labor. From a commercial standpoint these nut-bearing trees are not only valual.lo tor their fruit, but also for tho'r wool. Everybody is familiar wilh walnut furniture, and cosily at that, mirticulartv what is knowu as trench walnut vetieciui. SOTHKOrlSTKNHON TO APPLY '(Ht l.iqt OK LICENSE. To nil iHWiwsniHH'riwil: You ii'l eni li "I win 'ia. ...i;.- i '" t in m ,l ilnv ill January. IISM. l'l" .' r i niiM ' i.f rliiiiihin rminiv. Mule ol OrB. i, lot IIwiim. lo wll ..inoou. v ho i. mi n.ull I0or., u,l har.1 ;" "; ii.llii."'iil" r,'rililll 1 ! i II oViwh ot.u.l.lo, tiowo .r..oio,M, 'oloi;'' llr...,.,,,. Wltiril III MI,'I,W W". -- It is definitely announced that Hon. T. T. Goer will be a candidate at the primaries for the nomination for Goner jior of the State of Oregon. This wilt jrive the Republicans three candidates to select from. Mr. Geer. Mr. Johns, aid Dt James Witbycon:be. The Mist joe not propose to criticise either of the candidates, but it is of the opinion that Dr. James Withyeombe is the strongest of the three, and for this reason, as well as for the reason that lie is in every way worthy and well qualified, we favor bis nomination. Dr. Withyeombe ha1ii for many years a residentof Oregon, and d urine that time he has won a strong position among the farmers of the State. NaaiUeil'wiU be made upon bis charac ter, ami 1 i ha.s been' so free from the mititrr.I nf factions fh'at his Domination would nniW the party', as l ia feared it could not be united under the leadership of either of the other candidates. He is a man of good business ability, clear cut, progressive and eaerand, if e';cfJcd, would give Oregon an administration that his paity would be prond of. He has been for eight years director of the trpriiEent station at tte Agricultural College,' and 'has' teeu the means of bringing to tlse o! the 'State the tnost improved metlioia'cii asricdlttyo. boring these years he lias been in cloee touch w ith the most intelligent farmers of the State, and we believe, without distinction of party, he enjoys their good W ill and esteem. The Republicans have a large majority in the State, and, with a candidate in whose' ability and integ rity th'ey have full confidence, nominated liy the rank and file of the patty, urjer the direct primary system, there will be ho doubt of success. Ring rule and con vention iobtierv by one faction or the GOKll.VMKM. (Commur.ici ted) Every family, every school, ni'ist have government. There is no alternative. But "What kind of government?" is the nuestion. JMd any ono ever see a suc cessful governor, general, major, captain, or parent, or teacher, who governed alone by brute force? Or did any one ever ste such a person comniami re spect? District No. 1 has as fine a school uu spite o: what others may say) uoue CmO, find, with twosplendid young lady teachers, and they are not always wieldinethe rod, either. They win the confidence and respect of their pupils, and have verv little trouble. Of course there are some instances caused by mis' rule by former teachers or, probably, some paient who loves not wisely. But I Ci;n truly sympathize with a parent, for it is that almost divine love a gift from God that sometimes warp our indsrment. But it is not a pure love which only embraces our own ; it snouiu be high as heaven, deep as the ocean, and as broad ni this glorious land of ours. The writer loves every etiiy that U is, our schoo'. and is anr.ions for every one to 'do well; n all our fifteen years resi dence in this district, where such a howl is generally raised about the boys, not one has gone bad, or been hang?d, or been in prison, or likely to 1. ' But here is a little Incident. Three little boys, ranging from eleven to four teen rears of age, were walking peace ably along the railroad track, innocently though imprudently UP9 wdtra, when an object in hnman passed them. We do not know whether he was crazy or drunk, or only a trainpj he was a straiis-er. the boys never having seen other, have been responsible for Repub- .)lm befure, .u any rate, he was cow I .... ...Iltfwllitf IMtlllllHI Vr,.,i.,., in in runny I'onrl of tli li of uivuoii fort'olimiUini'moily. I ''" III IIHMIOIOICIUOII III iv. ," " " " , lo Mil . .lHliioii. mi.ll, or villous ll'iooni ;l lermvutxl oi.lur In niiuulllli-t . Ho'ii olio sl U'Vi Ih honnralils Coimly l ourt ut I'oliuiil'l" urn,,,!? soil i..VMu..;.i:;;i..urii IV, Slum ol uremm. aii'i "' 7 '",,", iH',1 III iiii 1'iviMiiin ""'. ' 1 . Ins n.l.l III tllMK ol thU Iflllloii. ooii ,1 V' ! .fi"; ..h.i. ... ,.,r ll.miiruli l lxly l tli J" iinrv loriti ..I wlil 1' Vi;rl V',!"V'!'".,",,.i;'.. "w. r.lLV,'. Iil II.H.,1 li rliu. I.. .. l. 1,, ..,11 MitiiliiuiiK. vlinm. soil mi l iiiiikh, mi irrinvniru . ; i I,.mi lhaii olio s 1. Hi .'"'" 1'r.i'im- I" Iho :i, ol iloblo. I riiiiul ol I'oluu. Sim ol Oirami, noil Hl II'-"!. In- I..I I.I Miii'lO. K "lliu.lrlof. rl.-lol i....ll.; (mm the t-Nilli (J.lilJuy ol Jmiunry, IKuu. all i, which your ihm iiiori. . ,u v', ,1i""' M ,, J. II. I Uilim?r. 1, ,." ,.u..,.. - j. -1,., iimtu.r. Vh'inr urvr, Iih,. Ki.-Iit. Jr., Hi,ltl l.linvii"i. ' A I niiulilM,, llfiiry tt oiler. Hvil . i.llkvr. it ill .' ij...i u,. AM,, Ijiib. Jar. I lir IU,,.,.. ....... ..... . . . N, Injvr, Atv ll JliuiMim. r.m -,"; Keiunilv, lluali M. I mish ll. .... ,.. ti 11. . U m. I MCII-MIT. u n r, .... n.'rv luuk... lUnrv tt'-ir. Juku uviiurr. j,.,,u uwrvmf. o i ""."'r' ,', ;'',;"' Kriik bi.iio, 1. n "" " ' .7 ,r "il . .'I.....,,., k k'iu.H. i,isinf ll..IUy. H r. ' . j'.i.i. a.... si..u. Kmil ll'ilm, , I li K Null. J f I'orll Nil iHimiirr, iiirxv mm, II A II"..;. "I J' pnoii, r. rv.. v , . . , : .... ,, If ....I Jl lliti.KMI-. J 11 11. iii-min. U . WH.I KollU. II M Iwli'l. M t-laj NOTICE TO CREDITORS liean dctfeat in the past and a square (leal will bring success in the future'. T"he death of Senator Mitchell ends a political career nnparalelled in the his tory of 'Cyrcgon, and will 1 regarded by many as ti best possible ending of a life whose prolongation could have brought no good results. Of the value his work for Oregon Uiere will be no ardly enough to pick a row with one of them, and a sickly c' ild at that, and cuffed and kicked, the little fellow, when everybody knows it V(as 4 child wb.o U never impudent, but 's'tau-it to nsver pick a c;uarel, but stand "his ground, which the little fellow did, and guve the ruffian as good as tie sent. ' Wo should ail infl leiice our children to res nee t sue, but sliouiu we snow rui Question', and. np to tLe time of his in-j flans to i-jock our tender and precious flictmerit lie was undoubtsdly the most offspri ngs a round, when we do not do it popular inan iu Oregon. 'Tcb bis friends orjrselvel?, A thousand times And imnnyof them at least) 'deseneil him, H honor to the liftie boy wbd'is brave and his latter days were lull 01 uom;eiIOugU to 1j pcaceaoio to ins scjjtooi inenlii and bodily torture. Let us re- inemlier the good he has done, and let his ultimate fiiilure serve as a warning in those who hereafter aspire to public cliftinctioii that private and oflicial recti tude are valuable aitt,s eveii for the most brilliant leaders. Teace and harmony in the hepublicnn part? can best be subserved bv masterly fnaclivitV on ll'ie part"'of the Portland bnrwea. Tnfco'o rest." Go ti.hing. ' Lie down. Get out of sight; and let the jieople, at the iiirect 'primnrv election, select their own leaders. mates, but who resents r,n iiisc,lt yorr, a WIMj n.i vms- Scrilier, of I-a Grande, has been working in Portland several days past? He says nay to both questions. And as Dr. Withvcombe was the nrsl Republican to btcoine a candidate, so he is now the first to make known the issues on which he will make his cam- As ttated by him iu an inter view with The Oregonian yesterday, thev v ill be in part as follows: Taxation ut fianchises and other ln tangible properties that now escape the assessor. Uniform assessment and taxation of railroads in the various counties. A state board of control tor state insti tntiuns. A law to regulate state banks. One board for management ol normal schools. A gross-earnings tax on telegraph, tel ephone and express corp irstions. improvement of tbo (TummQia Kiver and coast seaports tf Oregon. Pnrchase ot the locks at Oregon City bv the National Government. Liberal snpport by the. State of agri cultural fairs and farmers' institutes. Amendment to the constitution so that the Governor and the people may volo items in appropriation bills. A square deal for every person. A greater and a nnitetl Oregon. "Tlk politics?" he responded, aiter making known his platform,, for he was asked to tell wliBt he tV,c-M?ht ol matters and thing as tfcey affected himself and bis rivals. "Now. see here," he went on, apologetically, "if you were to auk me about a bull, or a cow, or a sheep, or a hog, or vetches, I might be able lo give j some information, but when it conies to politics, I don't know much. "I am not a candidate of any clique or faction, and if there are any biases I ex pect them to work against me. I am a candidate, not before I he bosses, but be fore the people, anJ U I can't be nomi nated by lie people, I don't want to lie nominate,! at all. I don't consider my self a politician at all, for I am ignorant ci p4itical manipulations, never having done work in that line, and never having been a candidate for political ofHau Ve il ire. "It itivea ine pride to say that I am a farmer candidate, lor mticu',ture has ben my life work. "But look here," he interjerted as he saw his remarks going down on puw r, "am I not ming a lot of I's? They'ie all right on potatoes, but too many in politics are a bother. 'Onnf tLe worst torus ot social In-. justice," he resumed, getting bnck to his discourse, "is that w hich comes from uneven burdens ol taxation. Under the present system, farms and livestock and homes of the many poor in cities and towns are taxed higher than their right fat share. "To sJUjY&te this, franchies ought to lie taxed, railroads ought to be uniformly assessed, and the gross earnings ot tele graph aod telephone and express coin ponies should bo taxed. To be sure, the assessor of Multnomah has assessed fran chises in Portland, but his authority un der the law is uncertain, and the Slate should b'ave i,no'tt,or law. "The time 'li is come when out fctnte Institutions shonld be managed by a, board of control. This would secure economy of aVvi"'",tral'on ftn(l "rP,fe c'" fy'w.y service. '.'And the time has also come when Tortures or a Preacher Tim slorv of the torture ol Rev. O. D- MiKire, pHftor "I the Ihiptist church ot lliirneravi . .. will interest you. IIm mtva: "I suffered aaonies. because ot a persistent rough, resulting from the grip. I had to sleep sitting up In bed. I tried niniiv reiiieoies wuiiom renei.nn- til I took Dr. King's New Discovery (or Consumption. Coughs sivl tolils. which wiuii-Mlv in red niv oud) ami saved me (mm consumption." A craua euro lor linpsM-d condition ot throat and Pings AtlVrrvA Graham's, lloultun. Price 50caudl, guaranteed. Trial bottle (ree. v..,in i. i,.,r,rv IVtl 111. I lllll lllllllT.lirlllMl h.-ii i.!,uiti'.t n.iiiliii.miir ol tho -ml :.l I U Mifl.r.l .1,-.. I. I'V i:iO II'MI It. H, lliilinli. Ju.lirf Uu I'oiilili t nun .11 Ci.IiimiI.I, 1 ,-,1 Oir.iill. Aliymi'l U l'l!,ll h. u, rinn, iii.i Miit !! i heir r ...,i.u., ,.. lonM-ui tin, mine Iu in,,. M-nnvl .'....i... . i nlMV Hi "M. Hi lriK. " (., w it lit u il iiutiiln Ifom Itor Uprvi'l lU.l .NoiviuU'r i. ISO.,. K K tl li K . W. Il.l'i"l. lr lr A'l il.lrulur. S VW W V W IKAAAAAA MEN'S 3 M w SUITS j $9.75 The bent you ever saw fur the price. nsk 13.00 for no better, Other stoics 4 M H r NKW PATTERNS NEW FABRICS as a-4 W & t TV F E U ZcnA for one. Ih n .uuini N M pi PAfin YOU. return it. S3 9i 221-223 Morrhm St. - l'onini, fire, b M.wWW VWWW VVVV " , I 1 The open soasou fur candidates is near at hand. SUMMOftS. In tbe Circuit r.uirtiil Iht mM! nl Oresoii, lor lht. .Mlill ill V..UI 11. l.l Cniiinil Wr(ilis',. 1-lilnllrT, r. W. li. Wc.l plml, ileien Um. Tn W ti vt dtiti.l, dclrmUiit (11 lh ! entlilt-,1 tlt: In the rinmcol the ol Orcu ! w herein re,ulreil .lot eiuum.iHVI l .tr mikI nioer Hip niniiliiil IUI Ml- o,i iu Hi. aUivv (Ulttlol .nil IJ) Iho V of Jiml.r). ll. ii"l .wit I. rumrai-iiml bv ,)lnllfl a;iiii u fur all .b,lt ,lli-rrc anl lor Ihi ti-kutiitloli ol lli. ttoirrl.i;. r.,iit.-rt lt.iu et-l iu l.t-mrm nl .liiiinl. iol II "u (ml t.p iniHfr br iIhi .nul Itini'. winl Unrrw..! llir i,iliitilT a ill U )u4uciil M.Hiit yon l-r 11 l.nulu.e .Inure 1,11.1 tlie iti.liiil"li l thr nutrrmw uow clUtms hlM )ou n-l mM ..lMttitiir. 1 tin unim'ii. is wnn rublimllmi In SiiriinfP in rttl onier tn.'ip i,y iiinii,,.i,ir kllrt-li". JU'lw ,l lliM lr-iiil Court ,f ih. hui. of (Jritin t"r ill. i'ouiiit ol Cuitiiobi. ilici Pciiib,-r 11. I'Jli.,: mi,1 urlr prutblv. that llir Ar.l utii'lli'ulliiii ut ihi. .nitiiiiioi" .hull t nlHilr 1,11 Inr IV li ilav ol Drrerniwr. ' thai II"' i.iiblic.11,111 be mule on trie .ih ol Jmuury. Iju6. M-KM.'KK PAVI AtUirnpv. (r I'lahillrr. ! SUMMONS In ih Circuit Ct'Wrt itMho Hisintl Oajun, lor me 1 uuiiiy hi t t'linnow, John Stri. lOmuuir. A. Vtv, Itn.luul. tn ihf nanir ot Hie Wttw. vf Orrnti ft'i htaitll nlrti BKtnl vmi tn h Imvi rnliElc ..ill .... s.P lu ids) Ifiltl tl,V f iHr.-mlecf H.vt'xuri fir .oti in ntr ml uvi, ul iiHr.' Uisn i t'rk fr-.iu Ih lirl imMivulittii ut Una .umnii't.". attl'l tl Ui U M HfM-Nr J.tsl nitawvr. thf jsUtutUf fM " '"T' r th rwlU'f tlrmtnlil III l(r Ciint'l'1"!. ! Alt Ihjlihi Uinlilt 1 .M'"il lMllrfrrl to W in-' uwnrr In tYe tmilr ( the (nllin ilswrtlM rl pfrt), t tt Th tiurter ul M-tum tvtt. v hm tiahiii l , raitsTO ltv wt"l iw ttiv A tllamdiv MrlIin, ti ulrl In thi? Count t Col'imtn. mU- ttrv fn. I lis. l hi ildt iiit-rrM t 'I'l'1; " uii bv l- rrv vt Iirfv4 I'"'" 4-ritttir cUtm, rtRb', 1 1 1 or lipr'i rtnU'rr lit or t rrtl trf r av rtrt lhrtK svltrrM- ii tilrtlltUft ht v'',iltr' trcmrt nl lt- tMir-rmriitu hrvm (i.t tirr'.! , M tht ho I ifltvti tii l ni hvf uJ ttiriticr ffln( tu the Court nM M-tii Jut mill iiu!t.(lj. TM iiiiiiii"t' ! I'libti'lirl In fhoirr ii Mill" C'l'i Ilt ! 'irtt'tsl '. Ivrit- ol (fit- tl' l. i1mii,' W " Hp, JuVp of the fitillrUC4it I'dU l N-ifmIr J. r'irt i-n'.l'rallim X' rmtf ,1, I0ts. Ut uu llt nliuD lH V'iU ts, I'JUh W II IMttM.I. AUortit f l. r riutnlirf i 11 .'.'if t.,.l'il.n .'J.ank oUr-i-ilil , ,,u n mmr u, w 7 :r7- ,i the people tre,Ure on deponit in prl- nnK ma wy, .or - vaU I auks .bopl bo 8?fegtitrded by ng, l.M tb wron wouM W , Utiot MW finance by a avened in a d.flerent mwer There I mUie The pii0Ae o( Orou .ri tQ , tutn8 Jf Jon(;y throng chnarenahou J coteierH banking tpinx impii'lent. I notice Uie majority ( V' ' tv " tjeUve us well according to ae and . " ,. r oliUjr In the Circuit Court ol tUtKUUt )X iWtfou fur the Count) ol CulmuM.. In the mutter of the vtule u( J4pli Copvluuil, To W. If. CntH'Un.1, 1. II. roiseUinl. Molly fxxWvt, Ihiru t uriiU'H, Jfi-h 1, t . Imi. I nnl Uftijutitlu It- Cttfltitnl. rliU'lrffi u Mll le--tiiri an t nil Hr,u unknown, iuti: retted In iiiiJ etnU'. tsfrvtlnK lit the luiiie ol tne rfi t ot (rt-L"ii ron urn I each ol you rc hTehy cttMui rvnufrvd f np' iftr fn the Coutitv Court mi thvute 'f Orft, for the County o( Coltnntuu, nl the fowl r)tn thiTfrl, ml hi.' lleU'ii", in ihe i mtiiiv ol Cohim ht. on Huiuriliiy. the .'Hh dny ot I'finlr. l'Ot, ut mie o'rhM k In the Hlts-ru nui ol that , th:u Mut thi-re to how en mm-, If any iht-rtt why au onkr ihouhl it'rt Ij m e xrantltu to the uilntllitKtiAirU ft waifl I'sliH Kritttn:i um1 (lirerilnK lirr to ctl ttit real 4-tuitv ol mi-1 d efrJfcil, nl irivni nl?; nttl real RtHl tw-itis lo (ntf'l In Colwiihln County, oitt(ou. nti'l w iiUtl mt liillow. to nit: W-:nuU.4 at il.e . W. corner ( it uwi UimI nVHfit to Klnnjr )sl liter, by til r:ordJ in hook X ut hzo oUt, rfCorit4of ! U lor Coiiintlii Ctnuty, Orfiroti, t hence runnliiK mtrtherly. (olhiwiuv tltc ewit ni liueof Isttul of J. M. drcell, m rcforlrl In tH"k 1 at ;c 141, wnfl of flwli lr il otttiy, to the north Hue of the mtt l H C Achillea I 1 1, thum;e li 6i Ufurcvs h.aioinc th north Ihtfl ftstnl il 1 c M the hui'I flef'lHl to JfMH'l'h I- ami lienUmlti K. Colanl. hv tlt-i'il rtftjr1inl In UMtk X at N4t:e W. feiwnU ol deU ol oaht county; lhii;c .H. mhnrm W following Mt't eru lluttol laii'l of ittti'l Jtwfj'li L. r al ItuiiUniln K. Coirt-luntl. tth S. K. Curnvr of niil Klinur Mllli-r luixt; thi'tif'B etf rly, ft lowing ttit? northern line of ll Klmr Mil'er ImihI to p t til lN!)(iiiiiliu. fotiuinliiK Uucrcs mute or Imt, ttt ration 17 iiihI U t'.wnalm, i S., It. 1 W. of the VVilUntvUe Mrhlian: all that nortloll of the "I. C. Afhlllr 1 I C that I boitiKle I on the mt by the N. V. Hv. rlKht of H.iV.kji the itoulli by the 1. . O. K. cemetery, " Ne fcn-t hv iL.; nintjr ron l l o-l-Iiik from rtV. Il;letin to roriUn-1, 'irint, tn) on tht! north by litii'l iluct'l f Ih-nJ.nniii li. mxl JiHieph L. ;npel.an1, by rttfw! r'ortll tu honk X at pitvd "f 'h'U't riTir'ta ot t oluntbiit County, Ontiiou, conlulnliuf tfiree cn more or tf. in Mfftiori 17. townahij. I N , K. 1 V. of the VS tllKMifitf Merldiuu: aUuCMl "CM more rr lew. of the 8 C. Achilla TlPllii-ih' VA'.Y(nUly i X., H. I W. of the Willnmettc Merl'ltnu. lt;(rilifl mm be gluniii'i at a jHiKt on the mmili Hue ol nuht rt, C A' hllU'i l 1 which iHt tM'iir tooth til degree Knt, i'-i ifuhitlim from theH. W corner of miIU i I c: tin me north 1 (liKrut'H iT3 inlmiU, cnt 'H ifcr r-hHliot t'i a fiot wt on tlie mmiUi lliiiof thu J. H. MIL''J, tpuj'.o Uml; thence aouih hH tv Kfet i ioI:uT-9 wuv.1 I the N. K. corner of the ' J'lbti Moavfr tract, & U flttMl by ili'u l tit him f tluto 4X'hor 11, J'jOI. rfimrdeit in bonk 3 of ,df.'li, reunrd-f of Columbbi County, onon; thfii'e wiilhtjrly alotiK the rant bniiulury ut nnvl lieuv'T tract, to tli'i H. K fnrm-r thereof, on IbV Vulh';rly tluu of nulil A' liHlfK I u ttml th:nu.- nnlihL'iuterly to ton xiiot of bcKiuniuK, Vtin.H the llouorbi- K. H, Mrittrtii, Jnilite of (ho ,'otinty Ourlof ti e Ktj,h, of Ort-Koti, lur th CfHiuty of Coliiinblrt, with ihb nat of uM Court jttlix;., thin nth y rf Sov!tnlKr. A, l. I'ju-V A Ileal: II. II KNOKlt-i'lS. clerk. Hv V. A, IIAHHH, ln-piity Clerk. ffcal of tho Ooiihl) Curt of CAumbla C',)inty. OeCon.i ' mjtick ron rtui.M atom. (Timber Ln.l Act, June IH ) C attar HtatftS LiuU Oit-c. Forllautl, r'o. Ui U-U-f Mb. Vj&. Notice l hurly Kivftt vh Ca vjb.WA anc wlih ttic proiioti ol the ar rf m frM of June S, 1P7I. antlttixt "An act fur the aale of ttmbr landa In the atatae ot CalJf'trnia. urncm, Mva!e. n4 With kuctnn Trtltory." a citcnrJrd all tha PuhNst WJ Htata tr et of Aufuat 4. Ktt, JMarv U"ri hut, nl I'urtlard, ounty of MuliuomMh. ate ol Or ttoii, hvm U-i tat ff.esl In thU ofTiif hrr unofn aiJiiffi'irui N.i r.. PRINTING 3 IS OUR BU3IWES: f K lin v tin h'Nt ntnl umt W fully ciitiiM'tl. tub h int ing OIiUt in (Vihiinliiii County Jml ire are nrxtrrtt to (In nil hinds of J'riutint! on short native tint! at most reason a hie prices A TRUl Will CONVINCE OREGON W3IST 5 m sB i a V he purrhaae o! the e'f ! fw mt-i n ',tii ttv '4 Of MM tllU JfltU ItrtttlAhlp ,MIIHf (II Kn So. fn-'r ) ot tiir WUUmrtle Me- rvtUtt. afl will oftvr irinl t- hw that the UmmI atmorht It mrv taliis.if for It tituWr or Mifiii- Ihjn fur (.r.e'iUiirnl mrpnM. au-1 to? taMlh hrrclrtiin hiiul land b"tfr the Uivl lirr Itfi'eter t 1'oiiUrut. orrin. on ftclucuat , the ;jth h) of crituun-r, ! hht tiiiiu'i wltii'-iw Cnarls-i Dninutir, 4f t'orttatol. Ort'it'iir Ji lo c, llurkr.. t1 lotl ttxi'i, (iMrm, John Kt'l t I illl'l, Of- C4u., Kii-l II. I- lor- 'hum, ) rwilnml, tit mu AUvX rw1 a11 P'rinii claiming a-lvraly-tha aya (inrri'l l;inl aia ru'" I' Ala their clalina in tiu rm c on or ofur ftahl JOth day ( Iwciu-' er. l'k, ALOKHNO H UKKHMKK. Itogtitcr. T1HIII1C I.AM ACT, JI NK X MVl NO TICK OF rt lll.ICATlON. t 'nlts-il atatrs iJiml rifftn pf.rtlanil. Orttfi, '. lvi& NtlLs hfl'iritir Ktvr l'tsj iff C'r'nitil A'ttfl allh lh Oi ovtat'HK of Ct at ot (i,h- Kra nf Jun" 4, li,. rttlr '.n a't for tha nlc f llnitNrr IhiiiIi In thi- Kiat- f ('atlfnrnla, urKn, Nevada, ami Wavhin. ton trrrit'try," an rxctit'Ufl lo alt I'm I'm' lie Land Htatra by ai t of A usual 4, tj?, V.f fie Y. I'oweltol St. llfltii. County f Co luttibli, Mtat f TtCtn. hae thtsj day HI-! in thla o(Hf hrr awnrn rt"rtvnt Nt. ; fur tho liir'rhat nf Ci "a Vt '4 i-t O'n S j W 'i f Ht(l'.M il and the H K nf the N K V nf Hnetlnn .No '1, In Toanahlp No I 5 N, CatlKrr 1 Wr . and will oft'-f pm! IkiW l tint thn land notiKlit I ftur vattiu hla for tirnhr-r or nti'io than fir aart Ifiiltut pil ptTtti?, and in fniniiit)h hrr rtaim tn bhi-1 mud t)f,j It. Ktt r and ftii'pv-r nt I'urttntol, rt'4-KK 'l.ti.We1. I m Min (iitjr in i-i:-(nn-r, i (. I'litaburif, Ortrcnn , U in H Ifnima, of i fe1. rros, (irt-tfon; Murtln Whit", of Kt. Ikly'fc: Orciron. , I Any and aM P'-rn tn rliilmln I'lvr ly fll ttiair l-tu.a in thl fflf on or hafor Maid llth duy nf ir.r(i.rr. Itnr, Al.witN')N K, lUtKHHKH, It g.altir, iA'r.i ortUPpeovAU 3 New Walk-Over St vies for Hen $3.50 AND KNIGHTS 0jM,site Perkins Hotel. P0I.TI.AN1) uiiiiiUiaiuiaainiiiiuuiujuiutUiaaiiUiUiUiUiiiiii-iirv We are vlenscd to nolo that the lloul tnn Itngister lias'Ut last 'liecaina co iiicihI llmt Hie court house should be" iuilt nt ohrefinil at fit. Helensi' The In nlher'aonls, shi-Uil be complied, iiih, iMith'in li-fter mid ill spirit. f-ii'tryljoT refuses 'to a'lTopt the Isle at l'iii"S iut 'i tho Aincricnn tio'iieehohl. lleiiiff'iiVl" Cuba will have to provide ?,'r iirr'ry'Q nrphnns. IOI !. 4ii" knowk'dji! s we oliier ones uti wav to iiinke criminals is to mate cow' a'rds of cluldren by coding them anmiid. Tliere are times when force' ia necessary jii the government of chitJVun, but force s lion lii, on I v be ailministered by tlie bail J that loves them. 1 ' Vours for government, ' ' A Loviaor'CiiiLUMKM. Fmlou iulilln 'Krir seven vears." writPSOeo. W.IIoff- nmn. of Harrier. Wash., I had bitter Imttle wilh chronic Ptomnch and rjver troubW: but at last I won, nm cured mv ilisehrH. by the use of Kleclric UitterS. I'liribt-Hila'trnutY rjcoinrrienil them to all, unit don't the futurn to lie without them in Ibe honne. They are certainly a wonderful' medicine, to have cured such a bad esse as mine." Hold; iinntititua tn ,1,1 lll0 Sntllft for VOI1. If you can't sny anything good about ))V i,(,rrv 4 (i,ahain, Houlton, at fXk! a a iluin don't try. J bottle. Try then, today. The Oregonii n cliims to lie the lead tnir Christian 1 ftrte'r of the Pucific Coast. t,lie circulation ajjent makes the claim. J por tuiiity of leading hia army in person,' Thero are Indications that Czar Nich olas will soon have the long coveted op MOfltJE OF FINAL 8EtEMENf tor In tl8 Cuuii'.v floiirl l the Knitp nl Ort-it ;' me ..ouiiiy 01 vwuiuiini. ' In tlie msllorof the ratnic ( Knincl. M.nni l.'tiri.ilii J, Uncrtu, ilHx'uaeil N'ltli'it 1. hereby tlvii lij I lie iinil(!r.liieil. Mllltlllll.lfliuiir ,11 1111! .iuiu 1.1 rraiti I. r-. ,,1111 Clirl.lliic i. Ijot'rhf. ilifi-eM",:'!. Unit Im ha. ft 13,1 in thr nliovi, eiiiltk''! court hi. rlintl rn'miiil of li'4.u4jiiliilK(ri.tloii itt until i'.iili,iiiii1 hut V1'' lllitk K H. Iliiliau, Jmlite ol nnlil court, lm A(r .K)luirl 'Friilny. li:ie mlrf-r -j,l. nt onp o'vliMik j,, in , as I !-', "'l Hie conrllnm lit HI, II, il uu u Hi'- plHCu of ItimiliiK .al'l ai'Coutit aii'l the .cUli.Miicnt ol Hitl'l nilnifitUiralloii; at w-lili:i. tlmu aii'l I'htce any MjrM,n luU'ri-.lfil iioiy a rrar mul Ills oMvcllou In wrllliiK to anlil i ir.iini. " II H l.i.l rr. ' f.'ilihlulilrntor of lli estate n( l'nua:l. K. unl ObVuilii. J. lioerlK.'lnicaasil, ITTW TIT Or RTinWRl DOWV BY THE BIC SAWMILL 2J 3 - - - I . SSSJ.. - ! Receiving New Goods Every Day! p In M Week. 3 AND OREGON SnairLiN Union Pacific NOTICE TO CREDIT 0B8 Notice I. hereliy Riven that Hie iiiiilcr.ljrneil haa hetfii .iirtilntil lulnillll.lralrl K of Oil' e.atfl of Alvall II. rosrilll. dweawil, ly the Hun, H. H. Ilniiini, JinlKP ol ih,' I'oiiiiij' I'onn o( rdiim 14. Comity, stale ut Onikoii. Anyarnl all r .1,11. ImvIiik claim. HKiilnl Hal.l ctiiui are linre ly rfQiiireillo prcaciit ihe wune to m. varlllvil aworillUK Inlaw, at my n-nlilciK'ti ut rilLliiirx. Oregon, or at the law office ol W. M. I'owell, at Hi, iiv'imi., urcKotii wltnlu six niuullis from the iluM hereof. , lM lialed November 3, 1535, I M. J. I'OW El, L. iM' iS liK"OT. , ' I.i-iiv (IIIK AliU-VUKI I.A.Mr J,U A. M HrK' IAI.'tur Ihu l.if., HhIIv vlrt lltillllKUoo. .1 M'0,.ANK fi'i. V K it. i V. I'. M. , M lor Khii,ih Waniilnir i! Iinlly. I fiinlf ton, Wall,. Walln, U'W , ! (.ion, I'rM'iir 'I'Alciie i.n,l Ureal NorVi''h ioi)H 1 i1 I A'lf.'A.NTfi: "KXI'ttKHH: n.l,. I. , , , M iwiiii! r.ii,i via jiiiiii-: fciiiuy, iihIm'. ArrlKjM. J H I'. l : lillt'UI. TIIHKt; V-VI'-V TUAI,N X( VrMNTi taAijf. Qm CoUMW.A RlVKf. Htesmer llaiili lenvo. I'orllaiil flnllv, esceij hiiii'lay, at S.UI ii. mi fuiiiiilny u m i,. m lor A.lurla wav IhihIIiik. KctilrnliiK IraVK. A.l'itlu nl 7:1.1 n. in. ,lllv cteci'l Hunlay. A, Lf CRAIQ, ticncial ruucutjir Agcut, I'oin La.n V Org. tas a Itepiltiitioai o( Unig KlafdJiiu tor (W'jr thw IbwA lo uuuvtui 1UU1 VllUUUlMV I Dart & M tickle. hit. IIel(!IW, - - Oiton. I'Ok ltiUTf.ANA JAILY 5t earner IRALDA C. I HOOQHKIRK, Mush;, Leaves Rubiler daily, except Siuidiiy, for Portland, ut Ha. in., departing from' St. Helens at 8 o'clock. Ketiiriiinu leaves I'ortluiid ut 2:;!ll p. m., iirrivinu nt St. Helens at 4:15. - H' Nur.isr 1'1'111,1,'j. c,,ivyasii'' ATTORN rvY-AT-LAWv lli.iil Kktiitvaml Tlmlier LsmiUsuM s"'1 .tract, iiiailn, ' ' ' hi;. iiki,kh, : i 9iiifios. attoun.1';y-a'm.av '