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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1905)
RHEUMATISM CAN NOT BE RUBBED AWAY men the Jolata are sore and awollen, and the muscle throbbing with the ftaln of Rheumatiem; relief mnst be had at once, and it is natural to rub the Jected parU with liniments, oils, etc. This treatment docs good in a way, br temporarily relieving- the pain and reducing; the inflammation, but has no SeSontldieaseitsdl, because Rheumatism is more than skin deep ; it U in the UoXnd cannot bw tubbed away. Rheumatism is brought on by Indication, weak kidneys, poor bowel action, stomach troubles and a gen !!iV .fhlnditlon it bVwatem. The refuse and waste matters, winch Should becarneaonmrougn vac uu rel avenues of bodily waste, are left to sour and form nric acid and ther irritating poisons which are ab sorbed by tbe Diooa, mating n uu, weak and acrid. Then Instead of nourishing the different nerves, mus cles, Joints and tissues it fills them With poison to produce the aches, Cilas and other disagreeable aymp ng of the disease. Rheumatism b usually worse in Winter for the reason that cold and dampness are exciting causes. The nerves become excited and sting with pain, the mus cle are sore and drawn, the joints swollen and stiff and the sufferer lives in intense agony j and if the disease is not checked it often leaves Its victims helpless cripplea for life. Rheumatism cannot be rubbed away but it can be driven from the blood by S. S. S. Being a perfect blood purifier this great remedy soon pro- b - - MMn1tA "Vi im the sa tire circulation ; the thin, acrid blood is made pure sad rich, and as it goea throueh the body nourishes and aoothes the irritated nerves, eases the throb- ran, ui 11 i u. aiau - - out of the system the irritating particles in the joints which are keeping up the tia and inflammation. 8. S. 8. cures fehenmatiam permanently, aad in addi. tian toaea up the digestion and atimu- lates the dittereat menioera oi ui ooay to their full dutv so there is no cause .v .t,V TV, not waste time trvinr to TOO KBeumausm away, uu wet it out of the blood with S. S. S. so that the cold and dampness of Wintet will not keep you in continual pain and agony. tiam and any meoicai aavice win oe given im, , THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATIAKTA, 4 While at work for the 1. 0. la tne iprH. iff.1?!' t-it2 gheuraatlsm aad was mpUtaly nelp- for about four Mouths aad span! ovor ei 60.00 wit h doetoro. but get won every day, aad aaeily quit thorn and bo ven l.m.i. I took a law aotU.a end waa cared eouad aad wall. My bee" 1 bow aplaaald, aad I wala-a, 175 pauada. Ihoro Is a lady Uvlaa- aoae ma who la aow takta 0. 8. S. for acuta BboumatUat. Yor two atoath oho could aotturaaorooTflaaod. but otaoabolu. alng your saadletae about three wooka I raaldlr. aad ll BOW able to alt ua. 1 e rooommoud a. 8. S, to all oufforla aouuti. Blah, N. O. . 0. LaaaiTSB. t . tul wlta lthaaaaa ttoat. I had tt la amy kaeea, lac and ankloa, and aay aao who has ovor had Khoumatiaat kaawo how oaoruolatlatf tka pala la aud how It latorferar wit ena at work. I waa truly la bad ohaao. bavla booa bothorod with It Jar ton mmi nn a. local ahvatoia. ad vised ao to aao 8. 8. 8. t.dld so. Aft taktaa- two bottlaa I noticed tka aore aaaa aad pain wora aroatly roduood. I aoatlauod tka modiolus aad waa thor- flammatloa sroa. I rooomatoad 8. 8. ts all Khaumatls sYa. 08 B. Orooabriar at. lONlV. Kt. Voruon, O, 03 to. 1 PURELY VEGETABLE. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST Tka Wa-tefal Captala. Oao-Coat Warraat. be was a fair passenger In search ; Ex-Fresldent Graver Cleveland holds t ,r ..a th. rintaln was. i tbs only warrant for ena cent ever naturally, anly too willing ta granry ker. Ha bad explained that tba action at the propeller forced tba ahlp tkrongb tba water aad added, aa a rnrtbor item of Information: Wa made twenty knots aa hour last night, miss." -Did yon reallyr said the sweet girl. "And wbateror did you da with tbem alir Tba captain went red and his eyes dilated. "Throw tbem overboard." ho said. Shortly. "Fancy r she said Tlt-Bita. MEET AT PORTLAND IN JANUARY Development League and Press Asso ciation to Hold Joint Session. The Oregon Development league and the Oregon Press association will hold a joint convention under the auspices ol the Portland Commercial club, Janu rj IS and IS. A rate of one tare tot the round trip will be made from Roe- burg snd all points soutu and irom Pendleton and all points east. ine rate from those points nearer Portland will be a fare and a third lor the round trip. The program of this meeting is now being prepared and gives promise of being the most interesting of Its chaiacter yet held in this state elab orate preparations (or entertainment are also being- made by the Portland Commercial club. In addition to the joint meeting of the two organisations there will be business meetings of each, while sections will discuss a particular industry only. Excursion to California. Under the auspices of the Oregon Development league, and immediateU fnllnvlna the ioint convention of the league and Press association, an Oregon excu-tion will be run to California. While the special train will start from Portland the party will be made up of members from all parti of the state. Each individual ticket, including round trin fare. Pullman berth to L" Angles and three nitals on the diner, will be 63 when two persons occupy one berth, chaw will be S8 earn. ine trip to Los Angeles, Including stops st nr nriDsl Calilornie -pninta, win orcupy a boot six days. At Los Angeles the a ll .li'ahand. returning as they c i.i v " i dv r"J - - .. - . . . - opctuu uuu um choose according to special rauroao ai- lunmuL Secretary Tom Ricbaroeon of the Oregon Development league, will furnish an? information, an t inose ue- siting V 7,0 should send their names to him. CURE OF THE INSANE. DIGGING LONG TUNNEL. Baker City Irrigation Oo. to Conduct Water Through Hill. Baker City The 800-foot tunnel of the Baker City Irrigation coinrany through the hill on which is situated the eity reservoir is nnder way by a gang of 40 men, with all the necessary machinery. Work was commenced at both ends sininltaneously, and unlfss the plans of the engineers go wrong. the two crews will meet in the middle ol the bill. When completed this will be the greatest inigation tunnel in Eastern Oregon. The entire cost of the tunnel win ne about 140,000, while the sytem this company is putting in will coot over 1100,000. The headgate are on row der river, about seven mile sbove Baker City. The dlu h follows the foot hills down to the hig reservoir hill, where a tunnel was found nceSBry, After leaving the tunnel the water will be taken around the east side ol Raker Clt and put on about 6 000 ai res I land adioining the city limits on the northeast. This land will be devoted to frnit raining and small farming K. L. Smith, of Hood River, is at the h-ad of the company building thisdiWh and it is the Aral and only Irrigation project of any magnitude in Kak-i county. drawn by the Secretary of the Treas ury upon the United States Treasurer. It was In payment of the balance of the salary duo tbs Democratic enter tain at the close of his term la 1S87, and its Issuance was made necessary by one of those mistakes that are rare Good Record the Past Tear at tno O'egoo Asylum. Salem An unusually good record in the curing of patients baa sept aown the nntnber of inmates of the state in- Samowhat Dloroat. "Johnny." aaid the teacher, "pro nounce 'delighted.' " "Yessur," replied Johnny. "De you want It according to Webstar or ao aordlag to KooieTeltr "What do you mean?" "Why, If it Is according to Web rf. la Me-i:hted.' and If It la ac- eerdlag ta Roosevelt it la 'dee-lighted - The Maaa Tbluga, Ulna Passay It seems so funny to me now when I think bow terribly afraid of the dark I was when I was a child. Miss Spelts But you're not sfrald ef It now? Ilisa Pa.isay Of course not! Miss Spelts No. the dark must be aa much more becoming to you than the light now. Philadelphia Ledger. A Tin fas Har. Mr. Stammerton Oh, Viola! er that is, M M Miss Sere, I er lul Inl lul i Miss Sere (coyly-rTos, Mr. Stam m art on. aay it Don't bo afraid. Mr. Stammerton I'm afraid lfs g g going ta t t t take ma so lul long ta say It that you'd bub bet tar remark "This ts so sudden" sow. Philadelphia Press. A fall-grown slepkant can carry three tons on its back. .... . i 1 n. ...tnm and has nrnhablv averted on tbs part or tno expert w.. "7'" . Tt -ZLZ,, ' when eneared In running tbo accounts or congesuuu ..... tbe government Evory quarter the President ef the Hulted Btatea la entitled ta throa checks one for S4.lM.6o aad two for ta iadoT. Tba table of methods of paying government salaries shown that if the 130.000 a year for the Pree- ldent la divided lata twelve equal In stallments, ong for sach month, the amount wlU bo M.IW.W 2-3, but the two-thirds of s cent cannot bo paid at tba and of a month, and so tbo practice Is to send the President check for S4.1M.M one month snd the other two months of the quarter the 1 amount Is $4,166.87. In aoms manner President Cleve land failed to get a check one month for the extra cent that was due him. and when the books were balanced at the close of his term it was detected. With all duo solemnity tbo officers of the treasury drew the famous warrant for one cent, and Mr. Cleveland re ceived It with the same amount of se riousness. Ho has aaver cashed the warrant Aa latrleate Frebleua. Mrs. Kbrown That conductor In sulted mo. Mr. Kbrown How t Mrs. Kbrown Wsntod me to psy fare for Tommy, Mr. Kbrown Well, Tommy Is quite a chunk of a lad. Bo looks- Mrs. Kbrown And you, tooT Do you mean to Insinuate that I look eld onongh to bare a child old enough to have ta pay car fare? Clovelsnd Leader. Aa orchid (the Crispum Roger Ban dtr) has been sold at aa auction In tendon for $4,590. This is bslisved to bo a record price. take a trip abroad far some take their, wives Some men pleasurs and along. A porcupine's bill Is strengthened by ribs is the sams way that tbs iron masts of modern ships are strsogthonsd. hereof- J AYetfetable PreparaliDnfur As similating the Food andBegula bng the Stomachs aislBowels of Promotes DigcalionJCheerfur ness and Rest .Contains neither Ophim.Morplune nor Mineral. Not Karc otic. AULSmuf ' MmM, Um- g mmtmf 1 A perfect Remedy forConstipa non.SourStomach.Diarrhoea WoniisXonvAilsbns.Keverisrr nrss and Loss or Sleep. fac Simile Signature ef NEW YORK. ! DUCT COPY W WMABBOL I eniA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AM at. When the last legislaiure met, tnere was every reason to believe that the con struction of a new wing would be abso lutely aereeeary within tbeensuing two rears. An appropriaimu iur u un- tion of three wards was made, but the apDropriation was included in the om- nibns appropriation Din ana wis neiu no bv the referendum. Construction of new rooms wss therefore made impossible. The nanal rate of Increase In popuia tion at the aey'.um is 60 per year, and at that rate the institution would have heen crowded to the limit before anoth er IptficUture could take action . UI late, however, a large nnmoer 01 pa tients have been discharged. 8hould the next legislature make an appropriation for a new wing,; contain- ing three wards, it win De ai leasi iwo rears from the present time before the addition would be reaay lor ocenpaocj There is now room for 68 more patients in the men's department and ten in tne women's department. Unless, there fore, the present low rate of increase continues, the building will be full be fore the capacity can be enlarged In anv event it will be neeeenery 10 ttaneform one of the men's wards into a ward for women, snd probably it will he neresurv to use some o! the men s smoking rooms toi dormitories Hops Dull at Salem. Kalem The boo market is doll in Salem for want of orders for tiopa Prices, when sales are made, are about 10 rents for prime and 11 cents lor very choice. Very little is being nera oi the movement for the organisation ol a hopgrowera' association for the purpose of conducting an iniormauon oureau Und few mowers seem to feel any inter eat In it. A form Ol constituion ana hv-laws was drawn up and the chair man. J. K. Bears, of McCoy, has been requested to sppoint men in each com munity to secure signatures. Linn Farms Msy Yield OH Alhanv Are the foothills of Linn county charged with crude oil that will make the owners ol tne una laiiaiousij rich? This question is sgitsting the minds of s Urge number oi pt-opi since the investigstion of the lsnd hss been taken up by A. A. Horter, Wil liam fl. Harris and W. P. Keady. For I tome time uieae men nave uwu v,-m- pecting in the coal fields sround 1A- cenb, snd now bave arranged to lease several hundred seres in tnsv neignnor- hood foi the avowed purpose of boring for oil. Line to Bun Through Vale. Vale A corps of rsilrosd engineers, who arrived in Vale several weeks sgo, left recently for the Malhenr canjon, about 14 miles west of Vale, in the vl- I cinity of the proposed government irri gation canal, ilere uiey are surveying the land for the road, which it is said will soon be bnilt through Malheur valley, touching at Vale. Several very important meetings of cltisens bsve been held to consider plans for benefit ing the city. Psat Makes Nurseries Move gulem "Hei alias of the prevalent of San J'ee scale in Salem we have Keen compelled to move our nurserie five miles from the city," is the de claration made bv Manager McDonald, of tbe Oregon Nursery company, a' a meeting of the Greater Salem Commer cial club. That frnit a. id ornamental trees in the city sre worse affected with this peat than trees in the country was leo asserted, and Mr. MrDnnaiU little hope of materially changing the condition in the city, though the au tarkies are working hard. New Cut-Off Nearly Oono McMinnville The new St. Joseph Lafayette cut-off, which is nearly com peted, will enable the lamhiil divi sion of the Southern Pacific to have regular trains over the new ried within a short time. The new stretch of track is nearly two and a half miles long. and will do sway with keeping np tin nine miles ol road from hiteeon to Lafayette and the big bridge near the latter place. If the present schedule rema'iia In force, three trains a day will run into Portland at 6 and 8 s. m. snd 3 p. m. Linn County Taxes Fixed Albany At the regulsr December term of tbe county court lor unn county tbe tax levy for Linn ennnly for all purposes aaa fixed. The total levy to be paid by residents oltheroumv who are nut subject to a city tax will be 21 mills. This includes elate. county and the several special taiea divided as follows: State, B 5 mills, school, 6.4 mills; comity, 3 mills; roads and bridges, 4 mill; indigent soldiers. 0.1 milla; special road, 2 mills; total, 21 mills. araaaaa Lair siaa. n.a lailsat man In Kansss was sit ting under a tree puffing bis corncob. "Wbjr don t you start cuuma um your cornr' Interrogated the strsuger en the slate-colored mule. "Too much trouble, para, arawiou the Issy msn. "I'm waiting w storm to come snd blew tt down," "YVelL why don't yon cnop up eeaua woodT "Whafa ths nsel Get a Boraesnoe stuck In the woodpile as the lightning will etrlke It snd niske sinaung wow eut ef It sll In a secoud." 'Than way don't joa aropare uin- eerr T rlred. Wait till a cyriono comes slong and blows sll the feathers off the chickens, so I won't have to bother picking tbem." Mis ttroat Brsah. "That haas voice is s powerful ess, fem't ur "Tea; I aetlrs It has s groat deal er aearae pow.r," Ualtlmare AsMricie, v.. Caa Oat Alloa's foot-Base FBB w.ii. nun a nimaied. la Hot, N. Y., rer a Hangar la Hale Die. Knott Totts You sneaa te aay taat tbs use of hair dye Is daniorouaT Boa Tbayor I do. l.el r something. A dear friend ef wins, a kaapy barhtlor, found hie hair waa turn lag gray st 30. Wall, ha kaj It dytd s d..t black. Four waoks la tar ks was married. Taloa gowara ef mataeaia ror vaorra Coatsla Mercary seaisreary will soieir eeawov iao auoo uoall BJ10 OWOStw,air uaei -1 - torn wuaa ouUfint ' leruuga IM aniouua HuoaartKloaa attUaavar ba uiad ForCoughs and Colds There Is remedy over sixty years old-Ayer's Cherry Pectorsl. Of course you bsve heard of It.probsbly have used It. Once lo the family, It stays the one household remedy for cougha and hard colds on the chest. Askyourdoctoraooutii. r tnlMtw'-aV -. niwaa.P. . an tt ! ratal, Wl. A aaitaMa'aa af J ttMAPASIUA. C 1 3tiiiisi.rrS T I laii Mii Ail It ii 1 nasi Cuaak lyraa, Vauaa Umt Uas W 1 r 1 la lima. S,ila h itriiyiuia lad Ayar'a e'MIe Inoraaaa the Kver, and thua th activity ol Id recovery One Dollar for a Postal Card This eompsny will five one dollar tor Ibe Prst rename iiirormauoa ei aa opportunity to ssll a stssm engine er boiler ot our standard types within our rsne ef sites. This does not Include vorticsi. rraonon or gas ee slnss. II you know of anybody In tending to buy sn engine er boiler tell us. A. Postal will do. ATLAS ENGINES AND BOILERS ktvo far rears kwa Ik iima.rd tar all man alaaia, SMI el ei.i.rl.l arkaiaaatlo. I lar kit oaisoi aaakiH la Mil aa twill ara lit. Ao AH.a. iha a.. i la laa eorld, omio aa Mara ikaa IM eika klaa. STclla loator for ear tttr ATLAS ENGINH M'ORKS maaei inuiAHAroLU Kela la Soallaad. Atthoug k soli ssouud la "colrh walore ssd sre eaufht In groat o.ientltlse, taoy are sot eoaai.nre.l ai rooa - elaatlful aad kow vary aud large Iher h ,'s say dlatrlel a a... I--. I a,, nsttlva. will ! OB. T ! sbjenloa to the ool la aald te be bsaod i os Its sorpontllkt spaoaranre ssd IM (ael that It la out ovartaslldlsas SS te ' wkat ll fala au, l m axiM nke u.tT.t.arfte, j ,n ,V I , taMUI !" htaWtalM luaMlaemWalaaaa a Saa. Stwt ta ea kjOavaa a a Si A New Organ $46 Take Water From Vinam River La Grantle Articles of incorpnra tion have been Bled for the Oranil Ronde Irrigation company, with s cap ital stork of $100,000. The incorpoia tors are Walter M. Pierre, C. H. Crsw- ford snd T B. Berry. The ohiei t is to secure 10 000 Inches of aater for ir rigating in Grand Ronle. The water is to be secured from Minam river by means of carals, conduits snd pipe lines. It will be tbe most extensive irrigation project in this section. . w . a. aud ta taita Intorso ljr.aeilng ulraeilt um ifco blood aua mucua.uiia-aa In buvlna nall'ai aiarrh I ura boturo jeu ! Iboi'-auina llUia.aolniarnallr.aadmaio lu T ledo. Ohio, by 1. 1. 1'heaer a to, 1U Btunlala Irao. . .... ld of I'mai'", pure r- av.wft. HaU araakl run are iao saw. A Judicial Verdict, Judge You sre sccuaed ef bavlag beaten this person cruelly. Tbe Accused Well. I bad to beat him to make him do bis work. Ue Is sa Idiot Judge (aevereivl Too should re member that ao Idiot Is a maa like you or me Translated rer laiea iroui , Lee Anaalea Foe forte vear'a riae a Core lor Uow snsnptlon hatcurod oouf baaodouida. At druggists. Price Uconia. Feaad at Laat. Trotter (wbe has been ebroad) Ulaa Ciuaherly lined te be looking for ker Ideal Did abe ever Snd hlrnr Ulaa Uomsr Yes; but sbe lost hta gain. Trotter Indeed! How did that hap pen? Mlsa Homer She was married te him. PITa rarsaaaatlr Caraa. Ha tuar aar-ewaeaa 115 eftr0nlaar'eaoflf llaautaa Kre Kaatarftr. Hn4 fuf rraaaa trial eoMla ana Iraattaa. Pt. a. u. ansa, ua .au ana ai. rauaoaiaaia, re. Woaaaa'a War. ! Uenpeck 1 tell you. my Henrietta always means what sbe says. i Jenkins Uee wbis! I wlsb my wife did. Henpeik Why, that's strange. Doein't sbe always? Jenkins Not at all. Whenever ahs ssys sbe wants "s utile money - s is means "much money." rhUadelpbta Ledger. lfoteeriwlll Sn4 Mre. Wlnalow't Sootklng Syrup tbo boat ramodr lonaoler laolrakUilcaa during Uto ta-lklhf period. Loaaoa la airaaelear. Sbe I wouldn't be surprised If the servsnt girl were listening at tbe ksy-hale. He Nor I. That's s woman's trick, bs Ob. Indeed? He Of courae. That's why It's called Eve's dropping. Philadelphia Frees. A Great Monarch. Wealthier than any brother sover aign; master ot legions, which number over a million i lord ot more than one .litbot the surface ot the globe, wllh iiibjet'te ol many colore sad races, amounting lo over one hundred and twenty million o ils. the reef ol sll tbe Kueeiee will not be Invincible until be adopts Plllslmry's Vttoe ss bis tegular breakfast diet. A bleeaaraaed "Be yoa are Ike etleael for the paaitioe as ekaulaurt' saked Ike gosy Uamae. look lag as troaa kia desk. -Tea. air." Mailed Us Bias wke kai Just entered tka rooat. "Are yoa s uaioa mat?" Yea. sir." "Wall, after yoe kavs worked as a auehlae for algbt knurs asd Iks Ulag wao't go. what do you do?" "Ok. wall. sir. If you've got sas ef thai kind of marhinoe. 1 dee I waat Ue Job!" Toakora Rtataaaiaa. DaRtered Is mm Ran- i aaa Metlaa aa Saal laaalMo M Urasaa -ooi-i-ea:- rack and Waahiagtoa, PortlaBd, Orrgoa Tba School of Quality" A. P. Armstrong LL. U., Principal Thtidi of graduates la poettiona; kundrtit placed each year; mitt U, (at help than wa can meet it ayf to at tend oar school; largtat, aioal modern, beat equipped, Shorthand, Type llugliiU. Ope tenwoik free. Hare la a elriaro ol ee of Ike raoal aarfeadf Sai.iied onena a a.aeolaaior4 II IJ leO I aciao (aao. r, eapeniel'. t Sllsia riaea lieu i kiea l lanef aalawt as a-aa Hue. va.f laraa aa.alei plan au ei. pa,ialr SaUkad, an oioaawai la sag e'uiea'oa. saw an4 valoaMo ImpreeawoaW aio aail-Mlad la ml) ! eaklit II oaas ana o ik M.l aa l ra.i .ioa.a aian aaa- alaelnrad l 11.0 I 1'4 au a i sill alia a,elal i.fafd la rISa CeaaS ika rea-ul.r read lea. lr k.. el pia lo b ivitad la s rtk aka SpatUI tnwedyctery altar. latra. (lat I'ffjrtmtmu. nuaincaa, . , ,!,,, m f .tut aad writing, roniaamhip, ifd alildoi.vat aiiaasiii.f sa , . i 1 -, ,1 in .ui rallt.aJata- a sll lbs year. Catalogue, i.bJi. t in i '''" J r.ll iftl.t.hona ar writa !.! ol ! d"a ad a "". tall, telepnone er wrue. ,.B, ,,.. , M , , ' SUCKER LIKE'S rxy year aoo and tvftcr rwy year vsr aiava OSTk la- aa. -t awn rfkUL I HTtTl a WblCTproof Oiled Owls were Mrodjced m the Writ and were called by the Proneera ond cowboy. Tht fophic norvt Ku ctM Into such oearral ux tNbt m I t A . . . . . tV A ft. ftkftv la ai ll M uyaaja wroneiuiiy opywu a aum HavTlTirl TOU saVll. UW UVIEBK ooK Tor Utt Jiyi oi uw pt lunt lower en tn suttpni, a u.uakaaa a-e) ..a trai Aeit aaa I nc VJm.U V wa: as. ai A J Town co. soiioa. HAH U t A Town (.slum co i Totowto caw I H a. tmtar. aa Ikll otol la llatlWd Uta lul ISu laa luiaanU roariANO, oaff.oM tareu. ladle oed Meal S..a-H4a WeaV ar Peeler. Waakloftoa aireal, Oroava. otaer talk, roitlaa. Sptu ar and te i , Spokaaa, Waaa. I4 Markal Iroat, Saa fiaaol. 01 eMtUL '" Ha. se -IrM yyaiajt wr'UMa4 aarUaara paper. aaaO Bright Outlook for Show Albany December 19 to 23 are the dates set for the annual exhibition of I blooded fowls nnder the anpicee nf the Linn County Ponllry asanciation. This baxasr promises to be one of the best vet held, and many prixea will be offer ed for the best exhibits, for many of which there is material in Linn county. In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTOUIA VMS eaawaoa aoaeaav. aaw vaaa arrv. Snow Falls Esrly. Burns Tbe fl 'st snow storm of the year baa viaited this county, snd snow is now 1Z Indies aeep in me vaney aim three feet on the mountains. This is more snow than fell all last winter, and old settlers lay it is more thsn hss fall en this time of year since the bard winter of 1887-88, when 75 per cent of tbe stock perished. The esrly snow indicates a long, cold winter, bnt tbe stockmen have plenty of fodder for five months' feeding. Complaints on Illegal Hahirg. Tillamook Deputy Fish Warden H. A. Webster baa filed two complaints in Juxtice Haliei lack's court on account of the alleged violation of the Ashing law in Tillamook bay. One is agalsnt ne Elmore Packing company, and the oth er against W. W. Bidehalgh, manager PORTLAND MARKtrS. Wheat Club, 71c per hnahel; blue- stem. 73c; valley, 73c: red. 67c. Oats No. 1 white feed, 126.50; I gray, $26 60 per ton. Barley Feed, I21.o022 per ton; brewing, I2222.50; rolled, 23 23.60. Rye $1.50 per cental. Hay Kastern Oregon timothy, $14 60(315 60 per ton; valley timothy, $11(312; clover, $89; cheat, $8 60 9.50: grain hay, $89. Fruit Apples. $10160 per.boi; pears, $I.261 60 pur boi. Vegetables Beans, wax, 12c per pound; cabbage, 1(81 He per pound; cauliflower. $125 per crate; celery, 45 g 76c per dosen; cucumbers, 60B0e per dozen; pumpkins, Klc per nonnd: tomatoes. $131.25 per crate; sprouts, 7c per pound; squash, 481c per pound; tnrnips, 90c3$l per sack; carrots, B5(g70c per aaca; peeia, ooctg $1 per esck. Onions Oregon yellow Danvers, IIO 1.25 per sack. PoUtoes Funcy graded Bnrbanks, 6576o per sack; ordinary, 6680c; Merced tweets, sacks, $1.90; crates, 12.15. Butter Fsncy creamery, 2527Ic oer pound. Eirirs Oregon rsnch, 35e per dosen. Poultry Average old bens.llXc per lb: voung roosters, lOfflllcj springs, 11812c; dressed chickens,12(il2),ej turkeys, live, 17c; turseys, oresseo, choice, 18(821c; geese, live, 910cj docks. 14 (Sine. Hops Oregon, imm, cnoice, iu9 lie per pound: olds, 6(37o. Wool Eastern Oregon sversge best, ie821o per pound; valley, 24 02io; mohair, choice, 80c. Beef Dreesed bulls, lQZo per pound; cows, 8 4; country steers, 4(8 Veal Dressed. 87te per pound. Mntton Dressei: 'ancy, 787o per nonnd: ordinary, 4Q5i); lambs, 71 (7Ue. ! To Every Home as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when In health and how conducive to health the games in which they Indulge, tlie outdoor life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use. Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle In its action. We inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained, by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act nior.t benefici ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem edy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate sclf-medication. Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package and that it Is for sale in bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial iur me parents ana me cnnaren, wnenever a laxative remedy is required. I I of the cannery at uartbaidi. Pork Dressed, 67e per pound. aaa