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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
I rf 1 : f 5 3 1 Si r u w Soon B8 Gone VnTered at ll.rr'ost.ffice at St. Helens, P. mail matter. 4 MATTER OF HEALTH K;i ri 1-vnnv Friday Pv K It. F1.AO.O, VniniK and Fkopriktor. i.. ,K.iip ... l 00 put- i-ntiv. onr . - notices' 25 cents per line. FRIDAY. Novcmhcr 17, l!kt5. (0 1'STV OKKIC1AI. 1'AVF.U. 1)1 VII.. TO THE 4lhenlnh DUVA Itvawwwv - w HAS KO SUBSTITUTE A vream oi urui tree rrom mum or pnv. phatlo acid BOYA1 BAKINO POWDKI CO., NIW VOW. X,, e-c mric individual by the name ,.i M..,.l.o resides in the beautiful Y,.v ..t M!.:Mnn, ho w"0 U ,-..,trovted a monument to . 'ta.ii- Mnj.-My, the orthodox devil, and . . . i... .. il. monnmeut by P"' titvii 10 uiTiiv. , J;h brickbats cobblestones, or : ...... that couica handy ...fin in defense li m'v and order, without expressing any jonn McAdam -. . i .t,.,.t for Mr. Mason' patron g. Camp. . ... . v-,i.. Vive restrained the disorderly Maygcr Company. 'i.ivii:i-. nJ tno uihiw..-. -- . " 1 n.niderins whether to appeal Oregon Lumber Co. . . . ". .....t fr. Mnaon from I a. D. NO X' .....'!.... 'i.i. ...rmnnieiit in a ph" were George Miller .. .hi- prosed to the public giuc. G. A. Ketty... ' .,i t,i.n. is answering a fool accord- M. Fogel . .. I..1U- noiuetUinu which the a. Plover ... i- ! ...niH.lies us not to do. I o. Anderson i , (,,.. v,. Mason has made the . Eastman .. r-aVr acquaintance ot his ideal the Uy. S. Harding i..... n.l Pir!a. tlie policemeD. and p. h. Carter. . ., ... .;.4r that re- R. D. NO -veii a poruu" u. . .i.. n.oi Ua as a warden be- p. Salmi MHO III U' V'V , , . I . , ....,. the UDPcr anl the lower lakes, j. M. Anderson 11 HciK'.cr.on, postage ckrk'aof Cm J J Hall, clcftiiiHR otllcc windows, etc M. C. Cray, telephone bill Martin While, tov lor hcnn oflice Mildred Grant, work in Clerk's of- 1 " nt ir m v..ut..r arrvstiuir and iruard- ing II Clark - Wash Mucklc, team for Jos Coul ter ..v H M Fowler, arrestiu aud guard ing Ira Colburn John Oillnm, same Geo S Foster, r., same M J Butler, same . .. ... T l'tta rM(Anitton Of COVCm- nient corner... I H Copeland, stationery and traT- eliug expenses Libel, county commissioner. .. II L Colvin, same. . . .. . . i C W MeUiugcr, supervisor r A 11. r. D. no. 6. 10. 1 00 13 70 10 90 47 25 10 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 II. .4 43 00 . 4 50 . 7 10 . 9 00 . 43 40 I 8 25 . 24 75 . 63 00 .. 9 50 ,. 7 50 4 00 .. 25 60 .. 8 75 ..$ 6 00 .. 16 00 p Bergcrson, lames Van, Geo W Welch, B F Vau. W L Brown, t W Nowles. James Kennedy James Kenneiiy John II Cramer W C Cooper 15 10. 11. 13. 7. S. 5. 5. 8. 2. 17 15 43 20 44 00 45 00 20 50 100 50 21 25 15 00 25 00 23 00 60 00 47 W 57 50 10 00 CI.08IS0.01T SALE OF EXl'OSl- TIOX INSTKl'MKXTs MAB KSII AT EI1.KRS. The Aftermath of the - J"UMV Lofcra Takliif AdTttuiiro ei Vreatest Urfl Off" the TUno Trade. FM B daetlous of from 80 to 80 l'er Crnt. Outy a few I'holce One Lelt. Spec ially Easy Terms, NOTICE T0J5KEDH0RS ( aivu n. '" u;' v ; lV..iti..f '..iaiu- CTXire Wtlffil. mom... in... XM itt , ... IMlwl Nuvi'iutwr 8, W. M j ,vw Klj.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS n.,..h, i. her my" L'.'l! Harass. I mu.i, " " ; " : v. .,,,1 it i-r ":. .'r r MH." . K, K, W. U. !. Atlunwy l..t in E IN JUIl HOTICE TO CREDITORS. ...,., i. h.-t.l.v kTvTiv .11 etll,.r. ' ; II R CUB, investigation a coroner (2 cases H B Esson, deputy assessor T A Cloningcr, board of prisoners R Campbel!, work on cxiiuu i T ft C Fair.... Nora Couyers, attending booth at LAC Fair Mrs. W T Watts, expressage on avtiihit at sainc ;....... .fore District Attorney at October term of Circuit Court : l..-eii mo fi . . .... -. , i. ibev are today, boildmg f...-ln the devil. Satan is the ... . :.r wl. The Prince of Dark ,., as pictureJ by the re hgion.sU. . u. t.,r, in one hie ehip- LiKtre i,,v. v o .... WUd apon the sanCs of v.ce than in .,t t,t etone or brass. Tue ,,HtIu hoodlums of Petroit were giving U ... ...ore pleasure when they stoned h.s ,.t ...nterfeit tUn did the expenditure of . .. ruction. Mon- ,, Ni: inii.ii""'":v . . .l.-vil are beinz erected J -,.o every city throughout the .too-rbv foPle " "'e walks oI Ute " ... . AM his nionumente, : 'All W ' ' Vu.mI h takes a keen delight whenever ,W go.Kl in mankind is rendered subject iiaiii.tuu ,1 , t!.e evil. He is having a carnival u. j. . Tt; tndav.wrhere masaa- a. wooa re and tillage are being enacted in the . . i r,.i.i, nJ catriotism, '. .... i.-. rontemulating with consider- -. ukasure tfie corruption of American -municipalities, the reign of graft, and ,t,e almost hopeless struggle of a great 4i. nnr.rM!vfi nower oi satar. has plenty of monuments and t!,c foul iu Detroit U egeged in an en tirely enperfluous tat R. D. NO. 13. I. H.Wilson... L. Peterson F. Malmbcrg. F. Malmberg .. E. Blackburn. P. T. Wallis R. P. NO. 14. T. M. Tucker. W. D. Case . . A. Emmons.... F. Tracey . E. Webster. S. Malmsten . O. Lindstrom. G. Mills.. G. Parker. 13 60 45 00 39 00 10 00 70 00 2 60 ti T?;i.r Ueview states that Bev. Taajtart, of tbe CoogregaUonal Church, as nnaniinously elected to the pastor age" lor the ensuing year. We hope it Vill prove good. Mr Parrv, of the Manufacturers Asso ciation, takes note of the fact that trades 'unionism shows considerable hie m dif ferent parte of the country. A "no seat, no fare" ordinance is be r.. .v. citv conncil. ilow would it da to make it a Stat law for all common carriers? COUSTY COURT. Proceedings of the September Term, iau.i iKPT. 1. 1905 FIRST JUDICIAL DAV The following chums against the gen- .i i a nllnwed and the clerk crai rwu uwu " - ordered to issue warrants pn said hind in 'payment: ' ' r. D. NO. 1. T H Tliinrsm I 39 20 M.Duncan 8 C. C. Keasey J. Reed T. Pettijohn A. Kearns Wm. Piacke D. W. Keasey W. C Eichmam L. L. Detrick C. C. Keasey C. V. Mellinger D. S. Mellinger J. G. Pringle r. o. NO. lo. John Beilstein : .. R. M. Ward A. Emmons T. Throop r. Bergerson Gus Ilult E. G. Shannahan F. Tracy C. Armstrong A. Johnson J. p. Sheelcy John Smith Carl fiastrom R. Rogers J. A. McDonald J. Hess Q. Hess T. Anderson I. Spencer T. B. Den slow C. V. Mellinger M. Turner. $ 18 00 " 6 75 9 00 14 83 17 50 13 50 22 75 12 23 14 00 14 00 32 80 11 75 10 50 8 00 3 00 19 75 12 20 n so 15 00 10 80 4 00 2 00 1 00 5 60 6 11 27 50 A. Sefiert Mollie Rice May Se0ert DanO'Leary CS Dodge D W Miller J E Dohcrty C ASilva C C Wilson. . C V Palmer rjM Beeghley R Scsseman John Edholm D W Keasey E WSheeley Claude ThouMS ... GarScld Smith O Lindstrom J VanBlaricom Alviu Earner Mabel Nelson R II Mitchell E Sesscman Wm Lindsey Ray Mills 3 00 . 8 00 . 3 60 . 2 00 2 60 60 30 00 7 20 7 20 4 00 7 20 7 20 i 20 5 60 7 20 7 20 50 50 2 20 9 9 9 ThUsaleof Exposition and usetl pianff. Pianola pianos, Orchcstretlos. r mm. aud organ has uroKcn mi r1" " " sel uiK rvcor.,, . T . - - H haseuauieiiscoresoi uuu. - the Northwest to secure a umch wi.ntKl Piano or organ. Vet there arc hundred V( hmilieSthorvallynd a Pwno. and who have felt heretofore that their me. h not permit the po.vcss.on of a rea i rochI one. A cheap or .r v "' ' strumem. sue.. V' C.K 'bargain'- prices, my - to own. U is to these "-" sire to direct our remarks jut at this . mi . 1(1 lWiSHU'II l.n ' cure a really line piano or !' ! lowest CBMi price i,u.u......-.v - crade and quality of pianos orliiian y. and besides we make arrangements tor votlto pa" for an instrument at this rc- V . ' ' ..II.. .mil Coll- ducctt price ai vimim; .t : veuience. Come in and ascertain how really easily you can own one, and. inci dentally. look at me K.vj. - - .. . ....! ....., ,.wr shown. lar in ni.nd that a (ew dollars down and. little effort each month now slc music prcbleiu once aud for all. --m i.-i vn.i wlivt a Piano now and store it free of charge for delivery a a ... v.m tmme the hour t,UnSlIIl - . and the day and we w tll guarantee. I U rr- in iielavs iy m;i .. the Christmas delivery ot your instru . . I u,l,..n..rr v.m desire. nielli sntiinr. -....--- . Inquiries bv mail tully and promptly an swered. Out of town order tilled Willi utmost care and accuracy, lviiers 1 lano House, 3M Wellington, corner 1 a.k. I. i.i ir.M'ii. .I..1V .H,ll.l.-.t.M ? .. MI.I,U SI. Ilcl.u., , ' ,, Y ; Adm..ttrtur ..I thMlt UlUc U. lv.k.-r itoer.i.l. SUMMONS H X H H H H H H H H H H H H H H ... .... .-.--..ii iiin ot tin. HKient Orcton, t.l ii.n'..i.ii unviiiuit'i'i. John, i.LU.U.1. v.. I Krt... do ft-minm. . , i .... TUi. o.r:'r.r,r .... ..r w...r ! ?i 'Vrr. .Vm;;-., im l.lll..t.irfi.l.llt-ll""- AU..I.H) lr I'Uii.ufT $9.75 The best you ever saw for the rriec. Other stores J (tsk $15.00 for ltoWter. NEW PATTERNS -fia' NEW FABRICS 5endforone. IF. IT DONT h i). RAQfJ YOU. return it. t 1 tat k-rM THE AMERICAN M BL P S3 221-223 Monison St. - - roHlaml, Ore. fr Welch, 5 i J JOB PR8WT.WC J j QUrt BUSIfiESS j I 1 Dr. KnoHer use Dr. Green s new and correct method of making arti ficial te?th. Plates ar mw, or method to fit accurate. 322 Mch.wk building, Portland. 20 20 Witnesses iu Circuit Court at October, 1905, term NO ICE OF FIHAL SEITIEMINT 111 (he l-omilf I''""" Vu" V". l'ri'"" tlx t'oiiaiy ut l oluiul'l... Iniho ui::iT"! ihu e.uts . t K. S. Oooclj. 'W ..'as.'.t. . .. ... ,..., .. I. h. ithy f!vn i,j iui '"; mill J 8 20 Quinn P. Schmitke Ed. Leonard If. VanCleave W. Killer I.. Brown George Grant 0. J-ange R. D, NO. 2. J. M. Cooper .' JK. O. Uaien 11. D. KO. 3. V. Nowels M. ITsher P. Usher 200 V. Vincent 9 00 Sam Vincent 4 00 Boyd..... ou" P. Mclntyre 4 00 A. Mclntyre 6 00 J J 13 00 7 00 13 60 9 20 16 60 43 20 41 00 . 30 00 . 20 00 . 5 25 . 4 50 .$130 00 $ 19 44 . 4 80 . 7 20 . 7 00 . 15 00 .. 10 40 .. 6 40 .. 4 80 .. 4 R0 25 00 . KO. 4. II. W. Cade JI. N. Cade . . . D. C. E. Olson " ... M. Fresh r. n. no. 5. C. R. Melville.' .Warren Pk'g. Co John Robertson Prank Bishop Henry Morrel George Morrel James G. Kennedy . : James G. Kennedy lenry Morrel ; - George Morrel George Fowler JI, Blake.....; A.Necr Iiuis Bradley Chas. Makinster .... James McGregor .... f'red tAcgacher ; ... H. M. rc.wicr. 1 r. n. no. 7. The following claims against the sev eral special road tax funds were aiiowea and the clerk ordered to issue warrants on said funds in payment thereof : r. D. NO. 13. C. Eastman I 6 00 R. V. NO. 14. C. C. Keasey R. D. no, 15. M. Turner J. H. Turk Sam Tnrk E. Dean P. Bergerson R.Thomas Tom Turk II. Christeusen John Smith T 1- A .lama The following claims against tne coun ty were allowed and the clerk ordered to issue warrants upon the general fund in M,,mpnl thereof: i.j - W. M. Perry, labor on Nice Creek bridge 00 II. O. Howard, lumber for same. . iVi ou Geo.W. Grant, viewing P. J. Smith road V. E. Steven, same Perry t'sher, chain man same W. A. Mclntyre, same T. W. Knowles. same. H. O. t'sher, same ? 00 rr T wi. aurvevinir same. etc. ZO do Columbia' Digger Co., labor Mist and Clatskanie road" F. Malmljere, same L. Peterson, same G. Jlowatson, same E. Wallis, same. B. F. Van, same A. R. Eastman, same ficorcre Howatson, same Dart & Muckle, supplies forcoun- tv charire St. Mary's Hospital, care of Bot- son Fred Trow, supplies for Jordan. . R II. Mitchell, publishing tinan cial statement frwin-Hodson & Co., .books and blanks for registering titles 189 75 ... . r. rui . .... llr.M'fm Dlist. Kiaiiuuci y. v E II Thornton CSDoilge H P Walkius Maud tjodard ... DW Miller Frank Root R E Sewell D.m O'Uearey R Sestetnan j John Edholm D W Keasey Jos VanElaricotn . . . E WSheeley 10 50 John Dibbiic W S Hutchinson. . John M Stchman Mrs. Sadie Landis. J E Newton Mollie Rice Adele Rice 20 ' II M Fowler Geo Foster Ro'iert Livingston O J link . ...... M Link J P Archibald G C Fowler R C Carson George Archibald. C H English J A Holiday II R Cliff Garfield Smith. ... John Bushman 7 00 7 20 4 20 4 90 4 90 4 10 5 80; 11 50 IS 20 1 70 9 60 10 00 6 40 6 40 10 40 1 20 1 30 1 40 1 65 4 00 3 20 1 20 19 44 8 00 2 60 00 Us.!. Hull ha li ' 'n,:i.""" ' , I cur. hi. rml rv...i..l " .!" . ,i., ..!. ' ; I ' - " .1 t. a. I ls- liixr 7 ' ; . ... 1 . ...( aiui ihf .rt( Uniftil "I mI'1 a...,a.i.i.i-U". .t .:..- ' ';f ".,".". Ill .rlll l ' 'ft a.v.,..r.l. U H t I.I Kr . A'tininnlrutut ..r ll oUte U'K.'t. ilrcc..''.. 00 i .a ,00 NOTICE rolt I tUl ll lTION. (T!mlr tJinJ A... J""' ' Vnttta ul t int .. l'oHUml. Orison, nn-'.-i '.tt. I'. Noilr. is h.-rl.r ' .' nc l.ti mo proiirioiu ' '" . ... 1 tnlllW "An for Ih. tat of im.Wr Una in ! fi ot Clirrni. lrgi.B. N.t. 4 A.Ti- lntoa Trriior." ,i'M -i mblio t-414 ! r ' ' Au-A,i !.l;, MT rior.h'.t. ..I l-.Tllsn-l r r .- t( M.lluutl. .. -t .'Pl. h.iih.,-l- -' in thUorn.r h'T .'" !.'Hl ' " ' 1. ,. M.I...H No. 10 i.oihl. S. " 1 U N K.nio No. t..r ( l'i Ml" I will . ' I"1 "! rn I'" la4 ..uiriit l. li"r tl..aW lor ii. Iiui r or .. li4i l-r r..'..;i.iral ..;,t-.. acl u. h.r. lai." . l"'"' "' '' ' !l,r H-rl l I'.'l'UwI. lr.v.. on e.inUr. the MU '15 ot ii..'o.u r. Iai.. ho l.smr. a. il,r-H: l iirl. , o.r. ?. i.l lioiUn l. ur.U"ii J n 1 ' '" I j 1.11.I, vrtff J !" i. H'ly ol f..flUi, I. r- ctfnii; r..ii..i .1. ni....'-i ........ An, an-1 all !-' ' '! ll-oltt Uvraalr tha al.ov. rlb"l lan-1. ara t.).jr.t.a to ft., thtlr cljli-i in !.'. o'" ' l,ora s j. t'i;.:. ..!:ti. i;i.;.r i t t t t rK have tln In-st uml imit W ,iillvtsjuliiH'il.loll,riut ju" Ollice in Cohn.ti:i Ctmiuy , v i7 ru Hrjmrctl to do all kinds of' JU 'tnltii'i on short noli re tntd at viost rcas'inatdr, prices A TRIM Will C0NVlt.CE J OREGON S1ISY SHERIFF'S SALE. of Ore-; ,n, ! 2 60 7 20 4 00 j 7 20 7 20 i 5 60 5 00 5 60 8 00 8 00 ; 4 40 4 40 j 4 40 4 40 , 4 40 Til" e fill tr. lV.f01! Cn.ti ut Ui .. .n.i W ..r.(l v. iiu!IX n. John rii" ' ...... .:i t'n.t j...ii,im"s. .o'T.r.' r ' 1,., ... K I lHiil,.,'. ..ff' larv '.,1 tc t.i Mr-. HUIr I t. . ,r..-. ; j ll .nl.l ol ..mi-u-.-oti.-r. lor ir-. .h- l -(,. .i ami;l I n '. '' 1 ' ,tl- ,,.-i.i l 11.1 (on I.,ni.'w ;i-.J 'the Uiol B.r.!. U-lvii.uiiU. Si.ti.-c ! h r.-ly i!'.- .-n r ! M rif- .n nu t or.l.-.-1. 1 .. I.V-.-I i.ui tl.e tr. ill. tVuM .( I',.; M-.ii- ot '" hi. I l.-r llii- -ul.t)- ol i ot. 'i '.,VT. l'. . Hll-.- r h'Ol "I t- .rn -.. i.i't.'.ii,"..t. or-t.-r an-1 -to... iii.i- ".' - "(5 40 ii.H.l....iirl.,litU t.t.MH !..! L' I. i ' a ,-llt or a.-tioul...r.'.nllie -H'-vu iininr.l .l-ln 20 40 tiff r.-crir. J.i.lKti.i IK -Mltit ie alff 1 liai:it"l .i,.le'i'l'll.l. Jolill ia:'?r. i-r .... " . 1 HTJil. Willi ini.-r.-ft llo r. -o n. ... . ,...,.i,t iK.r ai.ionn (Mill ll.e i'l -11 "lay ol : ilrt..W. IV.-I. f I"1 :t'"--. ''' "- tnnl'r .urn ... r-t -j :.. i ' " ,r. ,t a'l-l lto t..'K-l oil 111.: ..... ..a . J i U-r. 1-J..1. A.l n " ii.rth.-f or.t.-i. 4 ai-.-l.l - r. t . ... ..... ,...... I ..! uHut .tin., nr.1 l-illt. 1 ' It'll! tll l-l'llllllll 'll'l-.l l-l. - J i i.lailllirl llaa n lir.t l.l. "t'-n llm lo.lon-i.s -ic-' .... ........... ... .... .... ..H. ii..-... .. t...' i inV.'t.-H 'll.e a.i ll wwt -lllat lul of WU-M TIM 111-H I VM (T, JINK 1. lS;-.NO tim; oi- ri in li trtov. t"..!'..! Mat- I n-t '".ft.. i t. N.i l.i- v. h. it.v with in nr...'.. f J o-" . I Ih. ! if tlm-r raiir. rni., ..,-r"i ii. i.-r;.i-M. - he I.anil Hi&. fit- Y ..t. . f.-i.t Or.. .111-. ., ,., it It.' :.. .1.1M..1 , , -m,ll I uf .... -1 ..-! f 111 At. Of I vl.. ftU-t tVj.lllll . i,. i. a:i ii. til.. f u....i i, 1 1 ,:, t( I'rmc'.lol St. Helena, t'ouiity ul C. luiiiina. Ht,-.'a "f i In il, i .!!-. t..r -r ih pir. h. W of H..II.-0 s i: . ..i ;.- ii & ,-., I'a.tro 1 U.i 1 to. t.i , . t:i I Pi, 1 liir 8 11 ; of n.. lit T-.,.l..t. a.-i.t ill .--P. r p.' f t. l-l- f.-r it. tii,,i-r or .. .. .uii.itttl fi-.i;. .. ..Ri' run., .' l 1 liff f 1 f. It...lvr al -.,rlln.l. -r, th" llltl rial of t.-mb. hk. ........ a, ..iin.i.'.. Piit.ii. I'or 'i, . ... " t.r.n.,.. r. r. .jii. T.. Maitol Wl.ltr. ti, f rlolrrlha- a.t,.rar'v .1, ar. fr,u. .'...I ... 4 40 ' 4 40 3 00 3 00 2 00 9 00 2 20 lurors at October term Circuit Court: .l.rio1 Il.iirnur t 4 00 Alfred Harrison J W Nowles L Detrick U W Kale John P Nelson Tom Devine John A Barr. Gust Lange ; H Wasstr j Geo Archibald.... H Morrel James Kennedy.. . Peter Lund Jos II Aldrige.... EH Cline L I4 Decker Alex Sword I R Dallas Frank Gliuieckie in n.'ii.wn.lilul. i...rl:. .l rnif :i . "I tli'i .1 VI... Ii... In f'.-i ili.lou Co'inti . t.i.; 4 40i,oii. That .l.:(i-T.,lant N..rniin Merrill liaa j .rwitn lien iiih. .a... i i.,...-- .i.e. .. .......... ,.,.-r...o M tr.'h ilitt. 40 1 vm. tX trroni in-r, a.i.l lor ii.uat- lorney .. ....i- ..-. -. Norman 51-rriu nave aioi ie..-'-. ....... . ... . ... . .... ....w... 1, ... fiiiih.-r iron, "leifuo.. j-hi.i ....... -- aol'l t.y tl.p .lirhfo! aal.l coiiiiljr hi on ter exe cution, ana ute pro.....-,., 01 .... ,i -n.. ....v. ttllf ll.e e.,.1.. ,ll.lilirri..rm. oi.ih.iij a o'-.'. an, I .xil- t.efeln it.l, ahall lai a.Uist 11w.11 lii" j'i''iii..iit. an-1 "o aurj.l.ia r'-maimiot to ...ll Into Iho t'rmtt for the tjotmllt ol atil.l .k.'. n.laiil Nr., 1. .nn M. iri.l al.'l llni oilier oe teioli.iit. .Holer .lli. etlon o( the i:.oirt. Therefor.-, on the .' .tn-tay of Novem her, IU!'.. at tt, h mir of II o r!... k In the l..r 1..,., . r .nl.l ..a-- 1 will, lit the t.ourtSotoc .1 "r I ,.. u t. ....... 1 f ,,ii(,t'. t IT. j-tn. ..-It at ii 20 I imhiie 11 itii-.'n. to the lo.;l.el 'hW.ier. lor en;!. 0,1 I" linn.l, hmlni moo. y 111 1.11 ' W ,i,, ,,,. iii cr. -t o( the ... t Inul (J (a I John lMrlier, In ktl tol.e r.r.. !. l-erly ul-oe I (H-Miri rx-.t, 01 ....... y . " . toy 1 hi r willll fll eer-iinii ...... CharltTol Col. Itr.hla . 0. lilt. Un-tfill. Flr.t pnhlicalion Oel. , IVWi laat ul!i Uun 0 40 2 50 v I. I'- K i.f .,. I' I 1 . .r.iKi.o. i Any afiil a',1 l--r. " Hi. al-. e 1 t.l.l 'an f,! II, .'r , lau... Ii 10- .'el.-.- .... or o.l'i .... .1... ,1... ..r I .".o.h-r. ii.: AI.'iKI'-N1 'N X .tll-',iiin, 11.,-1', m .r.i 1. ! -. - a. r a.rl U.'t a",-! j 1,', I 5 ''. ..f! loaa, oft , ,0. II'- J fe lt, I... a, ..- :3 1 t is New Walk-Over St vies for Hen S3.50 AND $4.00 KNIGHTS Otmosite Perkins Uv. POUTI-AND 3 I 3 o 00 . 13 DO .$ 22 50 . 13 50 . 200 .. 4 00 ,. C 00 .. 8 00 .. 25 00 .. 25 00 .. 48 00 .. 42 001 .. 5 00 .. 4 00 .. 20 60 .. 10 00 1 .. 7 00 .. 5 00 .. 22 00 . 10 00 . . 0 00 .. 16 15 10 20 0 30 3 00 8 00 3 00 11 00 0 W 4 40 6 00 4 40 5 00 2 CO l'J 20 24 60 28 40 2 00 27 20 28 80 DOWiT UT THE UIU tAWIWia.l. TT .......,l.l..,.i, ... i .1 1... mi I..-.I. frill 1 .i;o I'liltTl A Nli : !..". if SHERIFF'S SALE. r.-n V Armstrong 28 60 Geo W Miller 31 40 6 0Q 35 20 35 50 10 00 15 55 26 00 15 00 15 00 12 00 20 25 8 85 42 70 10 00 10 50 AKiutr ... Frank Burn hum .. , Emery Mill. J D Baker CA Malmsten ... Aug Mathaeus.,.. John J Banzer.... John W Foster. .. , In the Ctte.ilt four! of the Htatn of OrcK'.ii for the Comity of Cottlmhla. M. ('. 'irns-, tiliiiiilllT, v,. Allan A ami A.lllla UohSl.Mii, lil wife, ileleti'lutU". Notlee l herehy Ktven tliat ninl.-r iin.1 hy vlr tne of an exeeution ati'l or.l,-r of .ale .mii.-i1 out of the irlrenll irouit ol (he Ht-.te of iireiion lo and for tl.e tronnty of Co'.umhia. on the llth 'ley i.l (.oit.or 1'j.l. m.ih-r .not In of a 2oa" lmltrmei.t nli.l tie. r.m ma.le an-1 enli-re.l It. ...t.i W 1 ...I, ..... .r t.i.o.l ... I'..', hi . ,;, wnerein m. ... .....y, inan..,.., i. j -. .n - ment utt'itriH Allan A. R..lifii,.ii i.n-1 A-llthi Hol.lnton . hi" wife, for the .im ol l l. with Ii. lir.jal thereon nt the rate of elirht per rent nor ..... . I..... ......,. tU XllllA 1,1.11. ,.ll,.. Ml., 111... a ll ll. I HI li '.HI n !n "... .--I "... . ... 1 mini oi uiiorney n ii-ioi, it..., me ...r . . ... liter o. ,' a. v- ii 31 40 tl, col itiaiii tlil writ. ri fiilrlni( me lo make nn on I ale ol the lollowiiiK lei-rlhel real .ro,erly , lo 00 " aatl.fy the alve atnooi.t, towlt; 'flu, aontli 33 20 ha" of the Botulinum quarter of ei th.n t.v.-niy. , I three. Mini the north hull of the north west .inar- 34 40 1 ter ol iwiimi Iwenlv-al. In towinhlt. or (u. north, ramie five wl of the Wlllatiniitn Merhl- oO OO ... ...,,iMi,ti. hin.ilri'.l ami alxli- aert-a V. fin .limited In the County ot Columbia, M Mi l;. IAI, for the Kat . la iiiiiurt.Ko.n. e !'iK AN K K i. V K H. for Ka.i.rn W.i.i.Iiik t-.n, Walla Walla. taton. l.',i.oir fl'A l. itv .ii.'l tireal Norlt.ern pOllltX, ATI.ASTj'7 kXi'-kKi-H for ll.e Kaal VI, lllll.t- ll.loll. Iimiy Pally AtrlVea," ! i, Vt I'. SI HO. A M. ! m 1 ' I I,l i Receiving New Goods Every Day; a, I'. I'. "M, 7 K'a. M ! T ., a., . - I llallr. i looly. III 1 If. V t'fk. 111 IIIM t.iJiiiii) ill i iinifiniiii! nimr ill 35 00 j ,Tn eeU nrMiiK lh;rolrmn Ut h fti-iillt 'l irt lo l)flrljl oi win? aiio me t'Jm niiu Jii:iriJiHirini Tniin Boxler Gm Iindwrg W , nl mUl 'it, moihI V Ui imymctitof n.ttoriicy'11 T I 1' 35 20 " a - I V Frank Ghmeckie J A Beefjle A Andernon John McKie V M liiorp U W Clark R Cox i uv The followiiiK c'aim against tue coun ty were' disallowed: A R Eastman, claim for timber destroyed by location of Mist nntl Clatskanie road. t 50 00 Dr. it. A. Start, services rendered F.1 Yarnell 00 00 Adjourned without day. TIIHKK DAILY Tit A INS iri.jt am, points ka:-t. Iovkr Com;mi:ia River. Ht. ainer ItaMnl', lunvex rortli.n1 flally, rxeet r,. lav, in a,w n, in. ni.iiii.iay l'l;.,l p. in for A.lor.a an.) way h.n.ltiiK Hetilttilnif li-ave, Aat'irla at 7,11 a. in. .Iftlly, except Hi,,!.,. a. L. CRAlu, t;'iit-i ul FnM'iiM I Ati-ht. roiII.AMJ Ore. .NO TICK I'Olt PI lll.l('ATI0.. " (' In (he Wwk. AM Juno Jl, W1H ) MiHlua (tnt.,. Purtlnnd. ori'Knii, H'4. II. w,',. " Nollrn U lii'ny kIvimi tliHt lit (:oii1.!i,iiici- lin.VinitlllH tf UK! Hf'l Ol l OI fl'rlH uf ni i ( i'i ' .ui net jp: Ilniin Hei.Hlntion of Long htaiuliug for Only Ui Henl : 1 General Merchandise! 8 -' ' ii.uidi. : Dart & Muckle. with tl... . .1 0 00 7 00 30 80 li (HI 0 00 2 00 2 00 ilnl'iillir, note iin.l niortif,i(fe, ,rl..eltiul and In ternal lu', ano tne overi.i.i,. it ai.y there he, nfter Iha piiyinent ot the miYia eforei.t.1, he paid Intothla eourt for lho.e en lltle.l thereto. Then I-, re, on Ratlir lay. Hie llltl rlavof So veifllwr, l'ji'i. I will, nt the hour of 11 '. :!,: In Hie lorenooil Ol l'i oay. a i Knu riiii...... r In Ml. Helena, In aul.l tronnty ami Hinie, aell nl pnhllc atietlou, lor t't.iu-.t't r:.ln , i-nl, In lii.u.l, all the rtKl.t, lltl anil luter.-H of xal.l Allan A. Kohitiaon ami A'lilla Koi.ln.oti, til, wife, the Hforetiiihl .leteinlantH, anil each of them, of, In an. I to tl.e real prop-rty nlaive ue aerllM..!, to Htitl.fv the xiilil c-xeeiilloii Dated al Ht. Helena, Ore,. Oi l, 111, 1'ji". MA It'll. S W II I'll!, HtieritT of the County of Coluinhla, Mhiia of oreifoit. Fli.t pitlilh-nllon Oi toh. r J). l'.nr, ami laat piihll'-iition l.'m emhct I", I9r". tv. ii. rowKi.i., Attoiuey for I'laliitlf)', the fiiiretiiiM o. rein on r.o. ... i , .oM.r-. .... ,,. . ,,ir uie aaio or tlllila r lainlk It. the M...t.-aof Ciillt..inlii, Oreuon. Neva, la'l .i-hlot'tun f.-rrllorv," aa exleiol e.l Ul all ll.e I'.ll.lle t,i.n.) htaiea l,y aj( i,f Auici.t I, IHrt, Willi. I: Mi, i.ii, ,, ,.;,.,,,, ty of Marl. .n, of Oicifon, I,,,-, 1 1,1. iv in,.,l In thl. olhi e hi, .woili Mi.tetne' t No, irtri7. for online., in. ill.o ia . 'i atoll I. la ll. 'ifllVH.I.f.. A .. o...... :. ,'iw, uiol will oll.-r l.r nl I,, ili.e, thai tin'l Hoiluht l, i.toru v.fiil.!., for lia it... I... ... alone .hull lor aurteull.i.ul i.iiri.,.,ea, .u,.! to e,..hl.. til, chili. i lit r.ihl liin.l hefora the Itetf Uler ami Iti-n-li.-r of tl.lo ..llli-ii at h,nlhii,, Orenoii, on .Mom hi -, the 'Jfth ilay ol Nnvenilair. 1"'... - - --fie miine.N-i ivll.u .n-ar K'...oii'l (.'. Olltner, ol 'rortliMut, iir.-iron; Janie,. Miu kI... t.f i'rt lenil. lireK .n: Allan Itohin o.. of Kt. Ifeleiu, Dreyoni Wlllhnn II. I'nwell, nf nt. Helena flri'.i,.... . . . , Aljy tin, I all peramiK el..l.fl!l.ff tl'lverely the lih.-vi- ill-.rrtheil h.nrli. are reil. le.l to (11,. tlt.-tr . ".....i. i.i ..nn ,,'iiru i.t, r i.iiore aani zlli (lay oi Irt. Al.i.tll.Sw.s, H. I.ltl.H.EK, l,iSl,.(ir, tit. HelciiH, FOR 1'OKTI.ANA "llAILY Steamer IRALDA C. I U00CIIK1RK, MasUr. I.eavra U linli-r d.iily, xcei.t Sunday, for l'rirtlaii.l, nt II ii, in., rlc-xtrtiriK 'rmn St. Helena nt H o'flock. Kiliiriiinn lcavm I'ortlund nt 2r;i0 p, ui., nrrivinti nt nt. Helens at irlo. Notakv ruiiLia. j n. tioi.fnicv, ' ATTORNKY-AT-I-AVV. Ileal K. tnleaii.l 'llmlr l.anox ..M J ' V atraela inmtii. I;T. lllil.r'.NH, OBK.Hl'- (J. I (rtfJIII'.Ri ATTORNinAT4'AJ;,,, t. Brown . . IB W --o