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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
THE OREGON MIST VOL. XXII. HELENS. OIIICOOV. WHIT) A V. TCovvAriiii-Tf it tonr. icn o F - . - - 9 .A.' . -- f A W V- T AS NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed form lor Our Busy Readers. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Return of Lt Important but Nut Lt Inttrattlng Evnt of the Pat Wk. Clot are occurring In Vladivostok. Tli American Mining pungreat la In tension at Kl I'aao, Tea. Wilt ha determined to criiah the rebellion In Poland with lion hel. I'r.Miwntor Honey I arranging for land fro Hit trial at III national capi tal. An American cruiser hat limn amni tn C'ronatadt, Kuaala, to protect Amerl can clttaen. Hull under Ilia F.lkln law hat liven Iwgun against Ilia Pelitt brewery and teveral lallrued. Christian ar Anting from tlia In terior of China ami America bat tent juadruii to Canton. hpraker Cannon den lea that he la a randldet) lor imililiit and predict h-gialatlon on rallrual rati. Th national commit! for tha relief ol Ktimlau sufferer rrt havlnx i" rviviHl $IS.,0S5 raised in the t olled Matt. The Reclamation tetvlce ha ankwl fWrelary Hitchcock to ractmaldcr hi oViaion relative to the Umatilla Irriga tion project. Tainmary will rtiljr on decision of Judge Parker, niaiU several year ago, to prevent a recount In tha New York mayoralty right. An rrtlnUk ha ba fait In Utah (I Idaho. Ituninn Socialist, led by Uurkl, art agitating for a republic. A Traa mob lynched three ncgror ho bait murdered a farmer. Mr fraiiili ara being dlacovered In tha rrccut New York elecltoi., Ilreweta oppoaa problillon In Okla homa, saying beer la not Intoiiratlnit. Yellow fever ha broken out In Culia. Th drat v lei I in at Havana to ilia a a an American, A court martial baa been ordered on Midabipman Meriwether, who killed a companion In a fliiht. Orrat Britain haa perfected the baa la of an agreement with Kuaaia In which Germany la alight). ' A former mlnlatar of Boston haa Iwn Indicted for swindling. Ill operation are a 1. 1 to involve 1,000,U()U. Franca ami Veneauela have reached an agreement. It la aalil that in thlt case. Veneauela wa In the right. l'wpln In all part of tha I'll Hod Slate ara rling futida for tha Jaw of Hn.sia. Portland expect to tend about . 1.UU0. Rd Kmool ha fallen Into diagram In Halt Uka City by dragging tha Ita lia! society Into polith-. Tlila ha twwn the only Utah luatitation on which the Mormon anil liontlle have united. 8-nalor II ii r ton ha been indicted gain. Norway It naming her ministers to foreign countrle. All foreigner ara leaving Odeaaa, fearing the disorder. A alrike may tin up tha Chicago light and water work. The merit system will ba adopted for the American diplomatic terries. Every tenth man among the Croii ttadt mutinoeit I to l executed. An Ohio doctor It. accused of nine murdtira, Incldlng hi whole family. A Sew York grand Jury ha lasuod IK Indictments In connection with the election. Tha French cabinet haa been ahaken by the resignation of tha minister ol war after a atoruiy seen la tha cham ber. A Detroit, Michigan, ttonemaaon ha elected a Mlatiie of aatan and placed it In bla front yard, declaring It repre tenia bit friend. A general movement ha been started In tha United Stales to raine fund for tha relief of Ku.alan Jowl. It It hoped totecura 11,000,000. King Edward of England haa pained hi U4ih birthday. All of Russia' grand duke are now out of controlling olllce. Several American warship hart gone to Han Domingo to tupprea revolt there, Merrick, the defeated candidate for governor of Ohio, taya dander by hi anomlea wat the cmiae. A Chinese mob at Men Chow ha killed five American mlaalonariea. Renator Ciillom ay ha expect con great to ratify the treaty with Hanto Domingo, giving the flnnnce of that country into the control of the UniUid Htuliui, Halbrt and artillerymen at Cron tudt mutinied, buii were aiihduad after (lay of terror. Machine gun were turned on them by loyal troop aud hunderdt thot down. 8ELL ADULTERATED SEED, Agrleullurtl Dtpartmant Blackllitt a Long Lltl of Dealer. WaahliiKton, Nov. 14. While tha air Ii lull of talk about graft, Secretary Wllaon, of the department of Agricul ture, It going ahead quietly puncturing out form of graft that it Impound upon the farmert of tha oountry that oper ated by Hit fraudulent aeed men. Un. dnr a apeclal act of congreaa Mr. Wll aon't department make an (lamina tion aud analyil of teed tent in by farmer who are luaplclou that dealer are tailing them adulterated gooda. At a remit of Investigation recently made, tha Agricultural department ha laaued warning to farmer agaiiiat buying red clover or alfall teed from a number ol dealer who have been found dlapoalng of adulterated teed. The dealert named on tha Hat are: W. W. Ilawtou & Co., Ilotton; Koaa llro., Worceater, Maaa.) W. II. Hmall A Co., Kvanavllle, Ind.j The W. K. Itarrett Company, 1'rovldvnce, It. I.; Harteldea A Co., Ienver, Colo; Cro man Ilroa., Wochealer, N. Y.; W, Dailwlg, Milwaukee; J. A. Kverett, IndiaiiaiKilla; Jamea tiregory & Hon, Marblehrad, Maaa.i W. Croatman, Pe tersburg, Va.; Hamilton lima,, Cedar Rapid, la.; Huntington A Paige, In dianapolii; Jacob K. Kirchner, Pitt Held, Ma.; McMillan 8h1 Companv, Atlanta, (ia.; II. K. Martin, Halein, III.; I.. I.. May A Hon, Kt. Paul, Minn; National Kreil Company, Ioula villa. Ky.; The Prank 8. Piatt Co., Saw Haven; Kuah Park Kred Com pany, IndeMndenre, la.; Klerkler Heed ('company, New Orleana, and Young A Halalead, Troy, S. Y. The name of theae dealer ar pub licly puld by the department, in reality they are blackliatvd. Thi note I a warning to farmert who are in the market for red clover or alfalfa aeed. ITS WORK A FIASCO. Committee on Public Printing Doat Not Fia Blama for Watt. Washington, Nov. 14. Judging by result o far obtained br the "joint co in in It tee on printing," the public printing graft i not going to be checked by congrrs thi winter, aa President ItoOMvelt bad hoped. After giving hearings to official of the government printing office, officials in charge of enate and house documents and tome of lht men In charge of publication In the variout departments, the committee arrive at the concluaion that there ha been wast. It it not able to aualyte the aaate; it it not able to point out the manner In which tha waata can be checked: it it not thle to fix the re- aponatbility. In abort, the committee ha brought to light nothing new. And now it haa taken an Imlettnlte recess Hill thia class of Investigation it typ ical. It It alwmt aa effective aa the averaue cnmireritonal inquiry. It I parallel to the inquiry held in the laat congress for the purpose of clearing senator and representatlvea of rhaigea made against them In the famous Una tow postal report. NO BILL, SAYb BURTON. Congressional Appropriation Mutt Ba Kept at Lowest Figure. Washington. Xjv. M. The Post tomorrow will say: , No general river and harbor bill will be passed by congreaa at the approach ing tssslon. Thi forecast wa made by Kepresentatlv Burton, of Ohio, chair man of tha river and harbor committee, before ha left Washington for Hot Hpringa, Va., for a ihort vacation. There are two cogent reason for not enacting ancb legislation next winter, according to representative Burton first, because a large bill passed laat session carried appropriation for all project deserving of Immediate atten tion from congress; second, the neces sity of holding down appropriation to the lowset figure to prevent, If possible, another deficit In the treasury. Sal of Lot Postponed. Washington, Nov. 14. The tale of lota In the new townaite of Heyhurn and Kupert, on the rich Minidoka re clamation project in Idaho, haa boon poatponed from November H to 21 to some date oarly in April. This action lias been takeu by the secretary of the Interior upon the recommendation of tha governor of Idaho and prominent (iltlxeni of that tlate. Bad weather It feared and lack of tulUble accommodu Hons for the purchaser!. It la advisa ble to postpone the event until later, when price will be higher. Strikers Call to Arms. 8t. Petersburg, Nov. 14. The ttrlke leaders, after a conference which lasted until 1 o'clock thi morning, drafted an appeal calling on all cititona to arm in defense of thel hornet and famllleJ. The delegates to the union of unions decided to again ttop all traffic be tween Warsaw and 8t. Petersburg, and orders to that effect were issued. All workmen have been commanded to work not more than eight hour a day .twinging thia morning. Buy Mountain of Iron. El Paso, Tex., Nov. 14. News haa come from Mexico ttiat the United Htates Steel company has purchased the famous Solid Iron mountain, the rich est of its kind In the world; at, Dtt-rango. POINTS OF MESSAGE Measures President Will Recom mend to Congress. RATE QUESTION FIRST ON LIST Will B tha Longest and Most Re- markabla of Prttldant Roose velt' t Stats Ptpert. Washington, Nov. 14. The proofs of the rneasage that President Koosevolt will tend to congress on the first Mon day In December are now In bit hands for final revision. It is said by those members of bis cabinet who have heard portions of it read that it will be the longest and most remarkable document that hat been written by President Koosevelt. Among other topics that have been treated in a striking manner are the following: Correction of the rebate evil and the regulation of railroad rates. Telling what has been done toward building the Panama canal and advo cating legislation that will expedite the work. Urging the reorganisation of the dip lomatic and consular service. Advocating moderation in Chinese exclusion laws. Suggesting niethoda for cementing up the cracks in the immigration lawt. Krcommending administrative re forms in governments! departments and the adoption of bualnesa methods in oiieratlng tha government. I'rging tlie ralifl.-alion of the Santo Domingo treaty. Kecommending better tariff relatione with the Philippines and Porto Kico. Kxplaining the government's right to inquire into corporations engaged in interstate commerce. Pointing to the benefits of a greater navy. Preservation of Niagara Falls from the encioschments of emmerce. Statehood for territories. Federal supervision of insurance companies greatly desired. Other topics touched upon are: Treaty of Portsmouth, trade In the Orient, treasury deficiencies, public lands, forest reservations, rights of la bor, Veneiuela and tconomy In govern inent expenditures. AGAINST THfc RAILROADS. Washington Stat Commlstion Up holds All Complaints. P-.H.. Wo.ti Nov. 14. "Found guilty a charged on each count of the indictment." Ihie Is the vera let oi tl, tit .t. tlailrna.l cnrmiiiHttion rendered yesterday evening in the State Railioad commission vs. the O. R. A N. Co., the Great Northern Kailroad company aud the Northern Pacific Kailroad coin- nan v. Khlnmenti from Paget tound for points on the O. It. A N . In Kastern Washington must not 1 routed via I.,.ii.i,,l unlMia reouested bv the ship per. Coal rates from Kolyn to point ., it,, ii It. A V in Kiiatern Washinu- on must tie lowered to that existing before the cancellation Ol me joini ....a .lannarv t. 11)02. and loint rate muat be re-established between all the railroads of Washington. In (act, the .-a..... I. I..vd ,mt vi.rv lviiiit. and the I.IIIV ' ' " J I , commission has arbitrarily announced it intent to fix the rates to lavor rugei sound at the expense 01 roruanu. Ti,.n n A V. Co.. hv its attorney. i.,ai Wila.m. announced lust before adjournment of the commission, after all the testimony uau oeen ikkch, mm it would grant a rate of $2 65 on Ros lyn coal from Wallula to Colfax, mak Inir the total rate on both roads of i j.v thus nlaclmr Roslvn coal on an I Ivaala with Wvolllllltf COkI. Commissioner McMillan asxeu u ine O. R. A N. and Northern Pacific would make the same rate on Roslyn coal to Colfax that the Northern Pacific makes to Oarllold anl Pullman. Mr. Wilson stated he has no authority to make such a rate. Concettlont to Peatantl. Bt P.tnrstilirir. Nov. 14. The gov eminent has decided to make an appeal to the peasants. With the workmen of the cities completely estranged and i ii-rala riifnalnir to aid the authorities. there Is nothing left but to turn to the peasants, and the emperor lias approved ..k.... i,r.rminir them that measures for the amelioration of their condition will receive Immediate consideration. ti, .lUnnninnt nf the neaaants and the danger of the spread of the agrarian nnv.nmnt arm) V coninuuieii w vue government's declaion. Troooi In Finland Mutiny. iiutaiiiulnra. Nov. 14. A revolt broke out jesterday in the garrison of Svea- borg. llumireiia oi me nienanoen mi" l, uv have heen retained with the colors from two to three years beyond the legal period of their service, and also complain ot ineir uouumoua ui m. The mutineers refused to obey orders, .,..n...i ii.q civilians from the pre- clneta of the fortres and in several ol the barracks threw beds, chairs aud kitchen apparatus out of the windows. Ravivlna- a Dead Scheme Mexico City, Nov. 14. The Mexican n..rui,i n-inis a atorv claiming it has i (.....,., i in ilmt. the Bovernments of llliv.1 "" k, ii... ..i li-ituln and Julian have m act lea I ly decided to construct a ship canal of their own across n icai-ngim, h'"1!'""" on the lines of the plan rejected by the American government, Great ljritain i., f,,rniah tha ranita! and Japan the lubor. j. BLOW AT IRRIGATION. Hitchcock Refutes fj Approve Fro jact In the Northwest. Washington, Nov. 13. Following close upon Secretary Taft't refusal to recommend an appropriation for con tinuing the improvement of the mouth of the Columbia river comet Secretary Hitchcock's refusal to approve the Umatilla Irrigation project in Oregon, and the Okanogan and Tietan project, In Washington, all of which have been pronounced feasible by the reclamation engineers, and all of which were re cently submitted to Mr. Hitchcock for his approval. Lack of funds is given as his reason for taming down all three projects. Mr. Hitchcock finds that be baa al lotted all the money in the reclamation fund and about $.'1,000,000 in excess. He concludes that it it time to check these allotments, and is determined to accumulate a surplus before more work is undertaken. He therefore Intends tj hold back on new pn j ct until July 1, it which time, it is estimated, there will lie a surplus on hand of about $3,- 000,000. Mr. Hitchcock find nothing wrong with the engineering feature of these projit-tt, but he is entering upon a new policy of distributing money out of the reclamation fund, and his reform is put in force just at the time when Oregon and Washington were in line for lecogmtion. Another thing that develops in con nection with the refusal to approve the Umatilla, Okanogan and Tietan projects ia the determination of the secretary to hereafter confine allotments of reclama tion funds to 61 per cent of the amount contributed by the various states and territories. It is unfortunate for Ore gon and Washington that this rule is adopted at thia late day, but, if it be ived up to ttrictly, the secretary should at once expend 12.500,000 in Oregon and more than $1,500,000 in Washington. As a matter of fact, not a dollar of the reclamation fund has been expended on any irrigation work in Washington, and the only benefit Oregon seems likely to receive for some time Is her share of the $1,000,000 which haa been set aside for Klamath. ONLY HERRICK IS BEATEN. Republicans Carry Most of Ohio Elec tion Legislature Doubtful. Columbus, O., Nov. IS. Today's development have cleared up the post election situation in Ohio considerably. Practically complete returns on the en tire state ticke. show that all the Re publican candidates except for governor have been elected by substantial plu ralities. The figures given out by Chairman Dick, of the Republican State committee, show a range from 27,000 plurality on lieutenant governor to 311,000 on state treasurer. Leads llouck. Democratic candidate for lieu tenant governor, before leaving lor bis home at Mount Vernon tonight, ad' mitted his defeat. Chaiiman Uarber, of the Democratic State committee, was expected to giv) out a statement tonight, but did not. Both parties continue to claim a ma' iority in both branches nf the lexis lattire. The majority in either branch will be small, possibly not more than two or three for the party that controls LET ROOT MANAGE BIG CANAL. Plan to Relieve Taft of Panama Mat- ters Again Discussed. Washington, Nov. 13. An echo of the suggestion that the Isthmian canal should be placed under the State de partment has been heard in a rumor ol the possibility that the Insular bureau which grew up under the direction of Secretary Root when he was at the bead of the War department, may be transferred to the State department, The discussion of the matter has not taken any concrete form, but it is one of the suggestions made to relieve the secretary of war of heavy responsible ties which now rest upon him in ad' miniBtering not only the affairs of the army, hut the t'lnlippines, the rauania canal and other island interests. It would take legislation to bring about the change, as the Insular bureau was legislated into the War depart ment when the Philippine government act was passed. Extra Session In Pennsylvania Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 13 Governor renuyacker issued a roclamation today calling an extra session ol the legisla ture for January 18 to consider reform legislation. Bills to enable contiguous cities in the same counties to be united Into one municipality; to reapportion the state into senatorial and represent ative districts; to provide lor the per sonal registration of voters, and for the government of cities first class, and the proper distribution of the power exer cised bv such municipalities are to be considered at the extra session. Wltta Threatens to Retign. Chioairo. Nov. 18.- The St. Petere burg correspondent of the Daily News cables: An influential Russian informs your correspondent that Count Witte insisted yesterday that the ministers ol war and of the navy and the president of the national defense must submit to tha premier like the other cabinet min isters. The cxar refused these de mands, whereupon Count Witte tender ed his resignation, which was not ac cepted. Dunne Will Return to Charge. Chicago, Nov. 13 Mayor Dunne announoed today that he will present another message and ordinance to the city council, in which the purchase of the present street car lines and the ownership by the citv of all the present system of liuet will bu sought. THREATENING JEWS Black Hundred Causes Panic In Russian Cities. MISS STRONG HAND OF TREPOFF Martial Law Thi catena Poland, Whera Condition la Seriout Witte Computet Cabinat. St. Petersburg, Nov. 11. Except in the kingdom of Poland, where the rapidly growing Nationalist movement and the state of tension among the pro letariat will toon bring about the dr. claration of state of war, Russia teems, for the time being, at least, to be generally tranquil. Telegrams from interior points report the restoration of order in nearly all citiea and towns, bbt in many cities, notably St. Peters burg and Moscow, the better classes of the population are greatly disturbed owing to tbe rumors of approaching at tacks by the "Black Hundred," com posed of tbe most ignorant type of tbe populace which, according to these ru mors, are scheduled to take place in St. Petersburg tonight and in Moscow to morrow. The apprehension in St. Petersburg ba become so great that tbe prefect of police, who succeeded General Trepoff in command of tbe city police, hat in' struct d his subordinates to take the fullest measures to crush any disorder in its incipiency, to aa to disabuse tbe minds of the "loyalist" of the idea that the police would remain inactive, In such an emergency the strong band of General Trepoff ia being missed, even by the (actions which most execrated him. Count Witte s new cabinet may now be regarded aa completed. Count Lamsdorff, minister of foreign affairs, and M. Manukhin, minister of justice, will retain their positions, leaving only the poets of ministers of the interior and education to be filled. Dmitri Shipoff, of Moscow, who was president ol the first Zomstvo congress, has den nitely declined to accept any position in tbe cabinet. MASSACRES IN BESSARABIA. Mob Incited to Kill Jews by Lies of Government OfAciala. Odessa, Nqy. 11. Authentic ko counts received here from various points in Bet sarabia show that tbe anti Hebrew outbreaks there followed the same lines as at Ode spa, varying only in the number of victims. At Kishineff the disturbances were preceded by inflammatory speeches by gendarmes and city officials near tbe governor'! bouse, asserting that the Hebrews bad attempted to take the life of tlie local bishop, and intended to loot the treasury. The mob thus in cited started the bloody work. Carry ing icons and portraits of tbe emperor, the mob proceeded to Alexaudrovskai, Pushkanbkaia and Goatinkaia streets, devastating and pillaging unhindered. A mob at Ismail, Bessarabia, burned alive 11 Hebrews who had hidden in a layrick. British Fleet i Preparing. London, Nov. 11. It i stated in official circles here that an agreement has been arrived at among tbe powers concerning the naval demonstration against Turkey. A dispatch to a news agency from Gibraltar says that the At lantic fleet has been ordered to remain there pending further instructions. The vessels, tlie dispatches say, have been expected to take on a full supply of coal, ammnniton and provisions, but that the objective of tbe fleet is unknown. Money Market Almost Bare. New York, Nov. 11. Money on call went to 15 per cent today, tbe highest rate for several years. Last Saturday's bank statement showed the surplus re serve to be almost exhausted, and since then large sums have been sent from New York to the Interior, leaving prac tically nothing to be lent in this mar ket. Secretary of the Treasury Shaw was in New York today, and it was re ported he intended to deposit several million dollars of government funds with the banks to relieve the situation, but this report could not be confirmed. Irish Oppoted to Alliance. New York, Nov. 11. Sentimenta in opposition to efforts to bring about an alliance between the United States and Great Britain were given expression to night at , a meeting in Cooper Union under the auspices of the Irish aseocia tion. Speakeia declared that the ar rival of the British squadron under command of Prince Louis of Battenberg was not for social courtesies, but was planned in the interest of an alliance between the two nations. Middy Dismissed for Marrying. Annapolis, Md., Nov. 11. Rollo Carl vie Palmer, ot Charlotte, Vt., has been dismissed from the Naval Acad' emy for marrying while on leave this summer. He wat 22 years old, and a member of the second claat. EVIDENCE OF FRAUD. New York't Election Will Bo Thor oughly Invtttigatad, New York, Nov. 10. The contest over tb mayoralty election inaugur ated by William Randolph Hearst, the Municipal Ownership candidate, devel oped Interesting and spectacular feat ures today. Charges that eeveral ballot boxes had been stolen before the returns were re ported and that others were found un sealed were made during the day. The investigation of the election promises to be the most thorough ever made in New York City. tbe police have not reported aay ballot boxes missing since the election, but there have been report that un locked and unsealed ballot boxes have been found in out-of-the-way place. There was one report that ten men on tbe tugboat Robert White bad picked up four ballot boxet floating in tbe North River early yesterday, and Mr. Mayer admitted having tucb Informa tion. Evidence of grot carelessnes in the care of election return developed yes terday when the official envelope con taining tbe official returns and tally sheet for the 73j election district of tbe 35th assembly district waa found in a baby carriage in tbe cellar of a house in Tbe Bronx. How it got there no one in the bouse was able to ex plain. The tally sheet ihowed tbst 2 vote bad been cast for Ivint, 99 for McClellan and 1S9 for Hearst. -Both Mr. Jerome and Attorney Gereral Mayer at once began an investigation Mr. Hearst announced today an ad ditional reward of $10,000 for evidence for the arrest, conviction and imprison ment of the first Tammany district leader to be convicted of frauds against the ballot in Tuesday' election. This it in addition to the other rewards, ag gregating $17,000, for proof of crimes against tbe ballot and registration laws in the election. This makes tbe total of rewards be has offered $27,000. The first information came to Dis trict Attorney Jerome yesterday through a policeman, who walked into hit office with a bonch of ballots, and said that he knew where more of the same kind were to be found, but that be bad not dared to bring in all he had found until be bad been assured of protection. He was sent back with a county detective, whom be escorted to a barber shop, where tbe ballot box was found. FLOATING MINES A MENACE. Pleiades Barely Miatet Destruction in China Sea. Victoria, B. C, Nov. 10. The ateamer Pleiades, which arrived today from Niu Chwang and Tientsin, had a narrow escape from destruction- by a floating mine near Niu Chwang on Oc tober 8. Officers of the Pleiades re port that floating mines are now a great menace in tbe China sea, and several vessels have been lost to date aa a re sult of them. The Hsieho waa sunk a day before the Pleiades passed the mine. This steamer struck ' a mine when off the Shantung coast, near Wei Hai Wey. There were two foreign passengers, and both were among the survivors of 110 persons who were on board. Fifteen were drowned. The steamer Chinbua rescued 69 people Messrs. Mancbao and Muir, engineers, wbo were residents of Shanghai, were among the drowned. Mews waa brought by tbe Pleiades that Admiral Nehogatoff, when inter viewed at Hong Kong, en route to Eu rope, stated he would not go to Russia, but proposed instead to go to r ranee, and subsequently to tbe United States. Wu Ting rang, ex-Chinese minister to ti6 United States, is reported to have lost his hearing permanently as a result of the bomb outrage at Pekin on the occasion of the departure of the Chinese commissioner to foreign countries. Will Not Hurt Policy-Holders. St. Louit, Nov. 10. "The policy holders in Missouri will not be hurt by the action of Insurance Commis sioner Vandiver in suspending tbe li censes of tbe New Yoik Life Insurance company to do business in this state. We will see that their interests are protected to tbe fullest extent. The attorneys will hold a meeting tomor row, but until then we cannot tell what we will do to met the emergency," said W. C. Crow, ex-attorney general, and an attorney for the New York Life In surance company. Witt Winning Friends. St. Petersburg, Nov. t0. Prospects are growing brighter for a working combination between Count Witte and the conservative faction of the Constit utional Democrats and the wing of the Zemstvoists which was left behind in tho rapid development of reform ideas in the congresses. The resignation of General Trepoff and his nomination aa post commandeer of the imperial pal ace is generally reported in the city tonight. Driven Crazy by Defeat. Zanesville, 0. Nov. 10 J. E'. Grot ser, Republican candidate for member of the board of public service, who waa defeated at Tuesday' election, was to day adjudged insane and committed to the Columns state hospital. His men tal condition it 'attributed to worry ovei the election. OHIO IS DEMOCRATIC Working Majority ol Legislature and Governor ot State. HEARST CONTESTS IN NEW TORI Loultvllla Futionitta Will Fight Elec tion of Democratic City Officer and Member of Legislature. Washington, Nov. 9. Tbe election of John M. Pattison, Democrat, aa gov ernor of Ohio by approximately 40,000 plurality over Myron T. Herrick, the present Republican governor; a Demo cratic working majority in both bouee of the Ohio legislature; an immediate appeal oi William R. Heant, the Mu nicipal Ownership candidate for the New York mayoralty, to the Supreme court to contest McClellan's election in tbat city on the basis of alleged evi dence of wboleeale illegal acta at tha polls; a plurality of 8,485 vote for McClellan, and immediate contest by tbe fuBionista in Louisville in the courts against tbe election of Demo-, cratic municipal officer and member of tbe legislature were tbe develop. ment in today election aftermath. McClellan' plurality is the mil 1- mum on record for a successful mayor alty candidate in New York. Mr. Hearst a manager claim evidence ot illegal act against 1,000 inspector of election and that 30,000 of bis adher ents were .turned back from tbe poll because tbeir name already bad beta voted. District Attorney Jerome taa announced tbat he will make a search ing inveetigation of tbe alleged whole sale frauds and haa ordered the return! from the Eighteenth and Sixteenth assembly districta to be carefully guarded. These are the borne diviaioni of tbe Tammany leader, Murphy, and Timothy Sullivan. In Louisville, the Fueion party man agers claim a non-election in 14 pre cinct because of disappearance of elec tion paraphernalia; tbat Democratic worsen confiscated tbe ballot boxes in 14 otber precinct and allowed falsifi cation of returns and allege activity oi "thugs" and repeaters. All through Ohio tbe belated return showed Republican losses and tbe Re publicans concede tbat Psttison' plu rality reaches 25.000. The Democrats claim that Pattison' 1 1 anility approx imatea 65,000. which would elect the entire Democratic ticket. Republican concede tbe Democrats between two and five majority in tbe senate and fr. m 10 to 15 in the bouse, while tbe D m crats claim five in the (enate and 27 in the bouse. Tbe City party (reform) plurality in Philadelphia is 43.333 for sheriff, and tbe Fusionist candidate for state treas urer ( Berry) carried tbe city by over 36,0)0 plurali'y. Tbe upheaval waa the greatest in Pennsylvania for many year. In Rhode Island the Republican gubernatorial candidate baa a plurality, estimated at 5.000, and Providence elects a Republican mayor for the first time in many years. In Massachusetts Democratic threats are made of a recount of the vote for lieutenant governor. The Republican in Massachusetts have 23,116 plurality for Guild for governor, though Draper, or lieutenant governor, got lee than 2,000 plurality. The Democrats gained three senators and' one representative in the legislature. Every candidate of the Union Labor partv in San Francisco waa elected by a substantial majority. In Salt Lake the anti-Mormon victory is made complete by tbe election of the entire American party city ticket. The Kentucky legislature, which will elect a successor to Senator Blackburn, apparently will include 81 Democrats, five Republicans and two, doubtful in the senate, and 79 Democrats, 14 Re publicans and seven doubtful in the house. Tbe Democrats elected mayor in Louisville by about 2 500. Nebraska was carried by the Repub licans. Returns from other state and cities show notable changes. Ex-Senator a Fugitive. Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 9. Ex-Sen ator Elihu Wright ia a fugitive from justice. Mr. Wright, whose home ia in San Jose, became involved in the brib ery scandal at the last session of tbe legislature, which thus far has resulted in sending ex-Senators Bunkers and E. J. Emmons to the penitentiary for ac cepting money to shield building and loan associations from threatened inves tigation into their affiairs. Wright' case was called in Superior Judge E C. Hart's department of tbe Superior court this morning. Hjndredt Are Under Arrest. Philadelphia, Nov. 9. Never in the history of Philadelphia election have so many arrests been made a in tbe contest TuesJay which resulted in the defeat of the Republican organisa tion by the Reform City party. Score of prisoners were arraigned yesterday before a magistrate, and nearly 500 who were arrested are under bail await ing hearings today. The majority are acused of voting and attempting to vote illegally. Copyright Treaty With Japan. Tokio, Nov. 9 It la announced that a copyright convention between Japan and the United State ha been aati (actorlly concluded, and ia on the eve of being signed. The matter haa been a itanding question line 1901.