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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1905)
LOCAL m . ... i il. lkMU. ol Rainier, wa In I'orlltiml. m)i - " , . M, . ViloU. M M l.unii.. h. ,,ll"i ...1,I ..,, ' . ...... I.. Ui ll.l Umi.. Uor to ... rl MUM I -.1 n, and Mr. wcre "'"" ,jlor' Monday U I'tiiuttK-tb rrrv, 01 n.iHiion, hi ",ltor to irletid t" L ,nl I ... i il. Wellington, ol Clalnkatile, ,rtivWtr to St. Udell on Monday Lett. Mraed. V 8,",,!"' ,r,,m Uy . . r Tideereck. on 8 year-ulil Qmil bull, color hU Mhrad, no I"""1 0,1 1,1 "own" Wi,t tii tartlc who can give .muni..- ;,n about il. l'.Kl) A. IUCKKR, Ooiile, urc. n.- a,U uJ Northop, ol 1'ortlaiid, lt(t ,lmk visitor to St, Helen lal8un i, They rlUcttaiuetl by Attestor w, 'l espretwd thctiltclvc at liav , bi.l the I'''' CaTII')!.!.' KMbVICK THere Will I ,tuo!ic svrvlcetat www et nice t nan, U,hxc, on Runuay, noveiuner urn., () 30 . III. AH lUVltawon is wnwi ,sll n.m Calholle to attend. l-.V,ii; HvK ON RAIJIK Ttiry Hrlriu and Houlton et petty lRU L...I, l ut th Rlntrrloyluivact:liiiinl inlriilioii ol iktnuluK ii Ilve, n4 ; WlMlt tw our lull II they ilou't lo it. V only 4'ic-ntioo M I the ! ol the frill. GOLD MEDAL BUTTER .-, , V,v t, ,y.- ,,; t's-''f't-'f''A t't''t 't'r't'r' , t;.,l,,Pr t''''.'''.''''ti .'SV'SM-'fXt e-'A if -V t i X'rrt',',''iftk tfslt 'y'.'.'.'.'i , ,., r;t"t t'r'''ritJjt', f't.'r'y.'.'M f 'J'i '..'. '' ' C'it y '' 'i i'''''i'r'r', v r..y .-; !,..: ",.' U " ' . f!s's's's''s's', tls's't '!''', d'W't''. ;:; ;ss,i 'tSt'Si't'ffrZi r's'y'f !!. r'S''s'''l!. fi's's''iri ir''r's''J''' Awarded First Prize at Lewis and Clark Exposition now Imve ! ' miiitliitnl,H,viirnlli, uin. iiiiiiii'I, linili", Tin nl ifrmilla l ve ilw Pi", tlnwriun, ll.iy, tSrain, Flir, vtc M. ('. (Jtt.W.Pt. IK-lwii. Tlllt ItHNIiflT lUUr-Tlm Wnefit tall itlvni l.v ilia Hllilw)iii-MiUri ut lliiulton liut SuturiUy iiIrIiI R'cot uccca In every rtlciilr, icially rumiirially. Olio limul 'I mill twelve ticket! were toM, ninny ol the mrclia-.rt not wicnu iK, while olhert were jireient only u jwcliitort. The nnuic by the Rulnler tirrlinlr ol riuht l)tcce will ciccllcilt, lid the aiemliert dcucrve K-'t credit lor their llljenility, no charge wa wiwle ecpt lor ctuw exntee. Among the otvlientra we notlcert wm. wu oi unit boro anil the old pioneer niutlcinn, John lienricl, ol Portland. Credit ihould alto I- alven to the nicuilwrt ol the dillerent eooimitleet lor Ibeir enenjclic and tuc- ecanlul woik, and ticlally to wrt. .na. KiiKtidi. ol Deer Itland, who turned In ! coih at the proceedt ol talet ol IkkcU at that place. The net pmeeedt were $7H.iVK In all retpectt It wl a tuost en joyable afinir. Curl Ciirinumpllon. Mr. It. V. Kvant. ClyarwaUir, Kan., tltrt: "My biitbtild lay nick lor three moiitht. The doctor aal.l that lie liau quick contu nipt ion. We procurrd bottle ol l-llard'e llorehoond Syrnpaiid U rured him. That wm tlx ywr lro u; have aUoTt kept bottle i il.. L..HM. Wo can not do without It. I r cotiithe and cold It o einal.M Sr. 60c J fl " Fur mle by A. J. Di uiiinp. VEKNONIA ITEMS. a luHimiir TaANSHi-.K Jacob II. Cook and lHna M.OioV. luive conveyed t Nlvii I". Wheeler and William H. i Wbcrtpr, ol Portvllle. New York, an un divi.le.! hull Interrrtiu S.fOlacrc. ol land ia tu 5 north, ranKe 2 et, Out rountv.etcn-t the winrral rlRhtt therein. ti. ,.i.i,!.-r!ion it ttitcd to I fli :liich I the common way capitalist the actual ' I Ihcir transection. The tr.Kt it valuable ......... i I u!ihi live mile ol the Columbia river. a ni.,iirmi ('alauilijr ll it a diiwiroii calamity whi-n you l,.te your health, b nuo Indiuwtion aim , , i ... .......! i..:,.., uni Inmi :,in!i,i liavo allu i ' . -u i : .. ...... iir lui Ia.1 in Dr. Kins t IV l lie tUtltUtl01l U acCOIUJuj , rioilipi mivi ' . . ,, r.,llh a U . T.ev bnild i.p your d k.m.,, l U te.tlve MRant and euro beadacl ... d I u- ., to Wt-IU. Ucn gwnte l .. folic, con.llpallon thiaran- ktpidrrol Yankton. Man'a 1'iirea.onaMriK-ta Rrp,iri ol M.trict No. 30, Yankton. . Hut Tin. 1 ... ... ii.. lmith eiidinjr Nov. 10th. .. . ., .. . I .1 - i.U.....,i.i;.iii " iI I., 0 .itmun, Nfr. ui lire -" o. Oiiy ws Li avi nwortb, lud., w not unrpaiwiiaUlo ; N(J ,M11 enrolled .. , l. llni diM'tom 10 . .1.., Hltr.ndlklll'e.... inn. m.,., 1. A SMttltT MtTIC I lie I fc.lliijht ) "Tillamook eatrtufe.l all itejfV. t mrdHI" cneete a w .1 Clark I'air." Ny. wrily. Hrother fckcr. Youra i a C"-at aairy foumry. !l ii u not l be vWccbcre. Columbia Camiy l.x.k the Rotd medal on wl hixw. We aim took the Rold mwlnl on luiltvr. In 0k interet ol f juaie nea.iiiK u.'im uukc tle eorwimn m - nva- t,l )nr eeelW-ut jujrr. xti..l rex.rt enrdt- the my iwl wru -1 )'l hmidred. with elivvlopet. Ai'ji't- IsNK-Mi Jane Green- ,,.1, ,,l CUtakaiiie. w adiuded luwue ly JolK llaltail on Tuebiy ll. and i.V, ,!!.. Hie avbnn at r-lnil Wedne 3 . . .., i . j i lrw oil in aim n-i....- , yo. uayt buk-h. ! ,e M'Jttxl to H lb" d'ftor to 1,1 aif.i lur ,.i........t I, " enncluil'u to liinti'iiii, .v w"l try llhctnc Hitter. Wy w Kb w then ... .,. -k ., eould hardly b-avii In r bud, Ka. lime tardy Average daily attendance ii .ii ,.1 honor : IWi mown, 10 2t Until iMrt thaOOUM liar.ny ii' - k ll oi '" , and llvo (5) phy-leian bad lulled to ro- s, u Nl.tUc sn.tcr, Vbib Bonney. Udna .. i. .. i. i...... i.. iiUirrn .". ...!. ii Chetter Pnnn, n her. Aiier inainH .- i iionnrv, mn - .- Seth Hrinii, OrviUe r.nnu. ii e-.. jvl Welier. Alliert l ason, lunioc mw.., !etic Moreficld. Lottie Itobtiuc. iH.rt.uti y emeu cuu in- i.ikm nil her houwhuid dutie.. iniiiiaiitwd by I'orryA tiraham, urutf giiln. I'rH'd Wi', Mil.lTV WilMT Mr and Mr. W. Il Dillnrd entertained a mimlcr uf tbvlr Irieiid at military whlt lat I-riduyeven-i!i(!. Thoac preunt were Dr. and Mr. II. K. l li, Mr. and Mm. J. W. Dy. Mr. ....I !i. nttiff. Mr. and Mr, l'i. W , A. Young, Teacher, CiiitMilnatlon. lKmlth U abm.liitcly Imponhlblo il con Uii,.atiu bo M-nywrloiwcnwi rti iivit nii'i ii i.i.,,..' Mr o, I u. Arthur Corni', '.,, iroll1 muli'iU'd constipation. Mr. and Mr. W. A, llarti. Mr. and Mr. ' H(u.,, M. C. Cntv. Mr. mid Mr. C. H Jotin, Mr. and Mr. Ii. K. Quick. Mr. and Mr. W. II. Hovrcll, Ir, and Mr. lidwiu Ko, Nr. ami Mr. Martin White, Mitt Willie v...i i.Ia mnditlnn U onnwe . ,. . f... Ii llurb.lie will apt-cHllly rmioilf .ttor. L.A liiulaav P. M., Bronton, Ha., write, m ' r . i 1 1 ... h Coplea, Mitt Mildred Cratit, Mitt Anna j , fi,(1 t , Onamcutcuiv ior wh Krul.MIta Mamie Maclny. Mi I.ela , bottK Hold by A. J. 1'ouniiK Mm, tiiu A.nic Sow. McAtr i'led Cople, lluyh liaavn, George l'lapg, 1'ieJ Clitl, Chat. Mucklc, Whin!lou ilmkle. To Dr. ltd win Ro and Mr, ('. II. John mid Mr. Wahlui;ton iuueme TI,-Con.pnton a. ClirlatmaaGin .. 1.1..1, ,l n Ltilt more certain to v an you . " . , ,. ,, . . . .i.... vrar'i ul)crl ition ii iitiiti niiti .it. ituiiiiuti'-'M ii kriii nine liimi - i .f ir k ir,.eiai it. it intriiitti tilt 1 .. ... -Ltrtif 'ii d. (e. ol the American llag at 'lc Lny one, young or old, who, bavliiK ouce liiimlKr one. They were entirely tuc tiasIhI and secured thirty-one flag at ln..hlet ol American victorlct, and they vi rc awarded the prize ol the evening. At the elote ol the contest refreshment were rvd. ..... ..i um,ii rliin ami Tar. the old n luilde coukIi remedy. I'or le by A.J. I'l'ining, ilriiy,nit. J SHAHciiiNa von Kvhi! IH'puty Orn- ie, ol Kluriff Word' force. w In St. lb leu latt Tiieilay looking lor a boa' tlnil ilikiiiiiienred Imiii I'ortmnil oil me r-rz;: ........ hi very ownf It l a ' . " . ... ..i. . rhrhtma receilc Z? Z aro re de.ihtul, more ,iece.nry to one', tnjoynient wee. "r wcc,l n..l. in Hi ,Kc. every boyUh tiwt. '" I' im. fi her like it. boyish anpirauoii. - - 2otl1yU.ncUonbnt,r Inloriiiaiion oi , i . . ....... i. .., H,.- .tore, anecdote ,. ..H-nppcnreii mm. . . . K,r, nm . nri..ted in Mine lilBlil lliiu u. n. ivyiH-r, " - nketcne - .. lalinan,M hut Ken there. It I be- cncll mimUer eccially or her. I laved tb.,l the rty or ,H,rtie. who .!!. lolier like. It lor lit .lorle. ol mttt'c ,i.. , ...... .i ii,. v '..ILiiniKMir-!.,, i n.,,ilviirtectton,lor iUchiUIrcti HUT IK'tll II lit I H 1IUI1U II J i unit j . The lid i on. Hurrv Wiluin and wife vtiiited I. P. Kpcncer and wife Saturday and Sunday. Mr, Rota Kcatcy and ton Hurry vi ilcd relative ill 1'ore.t Grove la.t week. Riley Tbomoi, ol Kint, ha been haul ing lumber through here the pait week, to lie uted lu bumung uoute on uie oiu Dallaa lanu, where be will niake hit fu ture bouie. f) liuilafann and II. Detenev were out (or load but week, the former to Porett Grove and the latter to Hilltboro. Hurley Stowell oi Buxton wa among our tanner latt week trying to buy tome theep, but did not get any, although ol- fcring o a head. The tmtato cron i wovinir, good and toute ol our farmer have put away M many a ZOO butticl. ll. u. vaniuan- com ho about tlx hundred bushel oi root, mottly luaugelt. D. W. Keaty hat commenceit a 10S addition to hi houae, the potlolfice. which wheu completed will be uted lor family purpose. Mia. Maruaret Spencer went with Rev. J. O. Coleman to Mlt Saturday and on I Sunday helped dedicate the new organ at the school there. Our city council, after sleeping lor a year, bat come to life and will hold meeting next Saturday night at Zillgitt'a lull. At that time they will pronauiy nu the yacanoiet existing ol a councilman, a uiarttu! and a city treasurer, and tucn will be ready to transact the business ol the city. We learn Iron! the IIilKooro paper that the Lytle-Merter company, ol the P. N. & T. railroad, Have comracieu 10 get the first five mile ol the track laid by January 1. J. C. Coulter went out to Houlton iuoii day alter a load ol merchandise lor our merchant, 11. G. Downing Quite a number olonr people have been goiiiK to PitUbnrg lor lunilier and there would lie more improvement! il the ma terial could be had. The second quarterly meeting ol the Itvaitgclical church will beheld next Sat- i.... s.m.Uv. The busincs meet ing occur Saturday at 2 p. m., preacbiug at 7 50, and Sunday morning ami cw..- ing by Rev. T. C. Mcckle ot lue mission nry board ol the Hvangelical Assoclatiou. Mr. Mecklc i aminisierpi goou u....7 and eveo'boily should hear him. The lid, we trust, will be screwed down to tight by our city council that it will .. n(f in ilm future a in the Pst- It lm the people licbind it, both in the ....I il.f enuntrv around. W. II. Levi, truveliiiR agent lor the it t..ul r.itiirmiiv. bos been in the Ne- halcut the lst two week inspecting old roiitct and looking up new one. ui . his tri wat up Rock creex, wucre ue tccuied five or six new patrout, amoug them lwing C. C. Keaty, Cha. Ilergcrsou, 1). Magill. ltd Velitlcr, Wilburu Hall ... i vir ('mint, all ol whom expect to eet separators at once and the roule will i ! in oncrntioa within a uioutlt, Mr. . r, .l.i.l- rt.r nnd lev.a Wat ulso np i ..- thinks a route will be ttarted Irom that neighborhood next tpring. At the call ol the president o! the city council, R.Setsetnaii. thccitiientol Vcr uoniii met at Zillgltft hall Monday night tii miration of continuing our lO L.Jiia.i.v. - .... ilnniir nelitioning the islature to have 11 auiiuueti. iv- I ihnt the mcctiuK bad been llt'UV DimvM called at the suggestion ol rrosecuting Attorney Allen, who ran up kh .. ...... i.. i-nu-a nt tlie recent silling CUnriii ill i,,.. . ( ti, circuit court, and recommended that our council get together, nu vc... .... -,i ti.i.a h tire un red to do ome eirn, , thing when necessary, or nave ue .... ....H...1 .ml tret it out oi the way oi " ? . . ...... i, the Jurisdiction ol tne circun .1....1.1..1 i,.. . loHvthird vote not to W.lliu .v - - - petition ior annnlimcui aim L in i ...n. h a lire one and the city a live city, able to do business on It own account. Tup Tki.w.ram'8 Contrst Mis Daisy Watkiu. of St. Helen, appear to be very far ahead oi any ol ber competi tors In the I'veninif Teleirram' contest ior a trip to Southern California, but tbi may be no real test ol the (landing ol we candidate, a it i probable that a large number ol vote will be neia oacx umu n, i.i nmiirnt. There should M no cessation oi effort ii we expect to succeed Rainier ho done noblv. and we hope the people here and there will never quit until the latt moment. oic win oe ix clmd at the Telesrram office until 9 nvt-k fisturduv uiifht. Be sure that every vote it counted. For LESS Money w tor iab ssiue rncc This Week's Store News: I CI.:., tir.:. f. - C,..Un Am n in en Tf.arh iuuics Pinil vv lll, ij wjiito, wji. w fg" - Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, fit guaranteed, $7. 50 up Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Jackets, Capes, Furs, Etc. Tr ! II r T-.i2-.--i, TTlAfttitii:1ina jviniouus. wrappers, irviuvuaisy uuuimui-. biggest oeieciiou xvver snown, LATEST CREATIONS InMIIXINEUYwAIKIKC HATS, CAPS Men and Boys' Suits and Trowsers, Overcoats and Rain Coais IS Men's Suits Only $12.15. All Wool Trowsers from $2.50 to $8.56 Bargains. $12.50 and $ Uvercoats. $10.65 takes 'em. SHOES, HATS, CAPS We have closed a contract with the larfest factory in the country and will fell . r . eli-n r dinne fnr f en' f 1 CO Shoes for jp.uu oiiuta iui j-i t j- i.qo; Men's $4.00 shoes tor 3.05; loggers' jo.ou &uoc ui .c,o: lvoep-ers s-5j snoes iur ys.w, ij r.05; Misses' $2.00 snoes 1.75; unnurcu a 91- w"13 tttct rtrx-o tjttm P" WOOL SWEATERS. Ask tne Harrier HI -A He will (Tell yon Tbat tbe THEFAYORITEf I ' Oinf llif UBIIIU"IIamand Bacon 1m VUUlU I I 12 1-2c. per Lb Peacok Flour $4.75 Barrel NORTH COAST LIMITED Electric Lighted, is the Crack Train of Them All for Comfort and Ele gance. The Ticket Office at Portland it at 255 Morrison, Cor. 3d, Portland A. D. CHARLTON Assistant Central Passsngtr Agtnt PORTLAND. OREGON TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Be t Liniment on Karth. Hnnrv D. Baldwin. Sut.t. City Water Work, Shulltburg. Wit., writes: "I l,.v triiwl manv kind of liniments, but I l.avH never received much benefit until i ..o.wi itniinr.l'a Know Liniuieut for rheumatinn aud piin. I think it the best liniment on earth." 25c, 60c and fl. Sold by A. J. Iteming. Mr. Ida SIcNutt, ol Portland, visited Mr. W. A. Harri ol thi place on Satur day and Sunday latt. "I Tliank Ibe Liord!" cried Hannah Plant, ol Little kocb, Ark., "lor the relie! I (fol Irom Bucklen e Arnica Salve. It cured my learlul run ning snrpfl. which nothiuir else would hoal, and IVom which 1 had Buffered lor 5 yeart." It i marvelous healer lor cut", bum and wounils. uuarameen at l'erry A Ciiaiiam't drnu etore; 23o. A SNAP im arret oflnnd near Helena, in the (erti'a Beaver valley Ior $1000 ! Ol the 100 acre, 6 ie cleared aud there is a fine orchard oi apple, pear, cherry aud prune trcet. There it a good aix room Lute on the place and a well oi tine fw..lrv. For anvone that want to buy in tin county this it ..... .....:..l..lmpa itinilim At till a snap, tor i . -i office. PAISTISO. Tapeiing and Freacpinc. KsllniatM given irce. Inquire a- . Uiay for farther Prtic.n.irRTgojl tl. Helena. We've Found it at Last & fci BARGAINS Si 21 "LGENERAL MERCHANDISE Furniture, Bedding, Hardware, Tinware, Granite. -. T i J TM.VAM ware, stoneware, irunics, oioves auu ivaugta Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing Staple and Fancy Groceries ....... Flour, Feed, Grain, and Hay SST for $3.50 to $5.00 Weu A Dressy Shoe for a Reasonable. Price Comfort, Elegance and Economy Combined. We have never had a complaint against the Chinook Shoe. AinfTED'O OnAU The llason, at popular prices. Strong and LllUUMu OnUlJ" Durable. Every pair fully guaranteed BAILEY & BRIM Houlton, Ore. Tobacco Smoking 2 2-oz Pk'gs Gold Shore 15 2 24-oz Pedro - - 15 2 3-0Z pkgs Union Leader 15 3 ii-z ptgs Peerless - 25 6 1 J-oz Dixie Queen - 25 6 i-oz pkgs Bull Durham 25 1 16-oz can Dixie Queen - 40 Chewing 1 lb Star - - - 45 1 lb Spearhead - - - 45 1 lb Climax - - - 45 1 lb Horseshoe - - - 45 These prices strictly spot . , . . . l lit. casn, SUDjeci IO cnangc wim out notice. Violins and all stringed rrm ml DV Hie. nil rnaircil oy me. au wi ,(ltlreM meat St. Helen. a) dec 20 instrument guaranteed. GUS HEGELE. t Imve money to loau on approved real estate tecurity. St Helens. Oregon. J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION pppartment of the Interior, U4 omee l'or.l.nd. Or.;.. . J 1, MJ. ' .- p4. S! sAtST1 &SS? un KKRivcr hi rtirvitBiiu. wiv"i - - 7. l'JOi. vl: lsnwl ! Smith, b. , No. ia6, ior I, XW ii " w " ,nf. "?,x: ri.:.r..u,i;;;iine.. to rv hi. oontlnuous residence HV0" ""V".'. JSC.,o p .- , --. " ,77 X STORIA & 1 fl RAILROAD COMPANY. Uimlsle. Ort-eon: Ceortie Oregou; ssuiuci eny. oi K.llr.ol Momilaln- : Jb Kalertv. oi Monntanwlnle ttibDonN in. 7.00 ts t 3D i I M t M ON t It t 7 10 00 10 06 10 20 10 30 PAltY. iJil I.'""" 3 bTATIOM daily. t , C 1 ...l-Trsmllt... M 7 m ma ! t 1 t t5 M.o! t 0 M Ml 10 00 7 I ia in M.4 10 171.11 10 M .7 7 in &7 ht.t U ot 0.S 11 IS l 11 90 W risi.ksuls. Mnr.blaud. Weil pott... ..Clifton... ,.Knspi... . evetiKou... I,.k. IU ,Ar. Aiiorls -Lt n t n I 17 t(M 01 u I It t 07 1 u T ts T M la 17 7 03 43 81 10 k. ..... .f tn. si IIOMS H.isu bouii polow. At Portlsud lUi U trt..,.nliUnl,n depot At Ajerta .wllht ?" J. Poiiii ' to sad trom Ilwsoo ad Koria Ilrseh v-olult. Iawtr r Aon. er -.7 --"."." IX:,roffaVuouWnwhe..mlaf Iroa. polna leave St. Helen . . . . :80 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M Uave Portland ...... J-SOPM Arrive at St. Helen. 6:00 P M Will Carry Kothhic hut Pasnn- reiijht. S3 roB varvAJtv. aii.t. tj J1 a; t -rrsAMsn- "America" Willamett Slouli Route A (trtsJid Fast Bel IISM GOOD, natter, MENS FIRST-CLASS SUITS $10.00 I SECOND HAND I DONKEY ENGINES I FOR SALE Suitable for Log ging and Hoisting Engines pane and or u ' -' sll,,.Crip-Intl.- 1 the "Minnte- Nminiliiln I'nlna. Ill I.,,,,l,,i,r,, ntlil Ft Mi.. vU.:,l to the r...,. tr,,li.. ..flnc0 ( .N.r.dnr lor VrH'Wffiid i,l li,.H,ir,l's Know l.ln nuuit. it I"1 .! and cold. 1'nU lllutrnt.t I.I.I...H, il....i.-rv..M.ndl..iniiiid l' " . minwiiciit ol the new volume ior 1....1 i..... .i... i.i.l IIh ii-illliiK nnl" 1 "!; T .... .i u. th miuililo cople ot ,1.,.,M l,M, ,,,,,, HIM , ! 1,U1I Will 1"- DV..- , I I i,. nviii v nail of ' ''. w nil, rcua Ircr. !;' i;:i; ;v..i x wmv companion, ;.-iii m. 5,., MUeamUI-OU. i il PrtUeley Street, lloalott, mm bv A. . I'l-iiili., I dm. Lost Mut her. ,.-... .ii,m ran. In our Iiiinily, nnd O.nn.Bl.ltllo-t.nyu.other.'rito H. Ueid, ot liarmoiij, m. -past five year, however, on the .lightest dan ol a Cough or i;oiu, i Dr. King' Nf Wtcovery for Conuuip Hon, whkdi hn raved n.e from toriout limit troiilile." Hi" m"'er u'" a Kd lot tor Mr. Held, but ho learned that lung trouhle mutt not he neglected, anil how to cure It. Quickott relief and euro lor eonsb. a cold.. 51 0 00; Ruariinteed nt Perry A Graham ,lrn atoio. Trial bottle Ireo. wiimi 111 l'orllaiid (io to i. i!,inrnnt. 12 Third ",0 . ' , ' llker The Slice!, im o . - - - - Si X;! resist wm. iiiiiiiiiui"'. . Royal, 1st and Madison. jJOBeMpUo snd PrlcippMt 7r r-J.1 tona 4 M.ltiMk. in tha best rats, woiuol. wuues., o , mUKle-Ioading entlon W "" -5--j flre of the most Imnrov. ust-cl yon have saved the cost ol a Zlaz&i k' JOmtUis Catalon-anl onr Experience Book that tolls what M-WliwaTodoiug lb? world ovor-Frea, ior lie pottage. y IT A Z? f J20 JlClttlfl J ri , Hf.W HAVKIM, mw. The Best you have seen. ever FABRICS in Worsteds, Cheviots and Cassimeres. Hand-Worked Button Holes, Hand - Padded Collars, sewn with silk Others say $15 for Equal Qnality. Come Early and Get the Pick. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO. Moyer Clothing Co., THIRD AND OAK. PORTLAND THE COLUMBIA COUNTY Abstract and Trust Co. Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Non-kesident Taxes Paid. Real Estate, Loans, Etc. E. E. QUICK A. M. IIOLTON, Proprietor VSTATIl.ISniD uoo. JOHN A. BECK DEAUtBIS Watcces, Diamonds, 8ili enrare, - ...JEWELRY.... Eppairiug a Specialty. liorrlsoa . Bst. Froal . P0BIL4SD. J-jR.U.R. CLIFF, x : - PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ST. HELES8, i : OftEOOK. jyt. KmviNttosw. PHYSICIAN & SURGFlf 6T. HELENS,