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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1905)
LOCAL K i, Co w... U rortUnd Monday J, -Mki visit to tha twli and Clark . will I nrvlcea In tli Kplscopnl ASuml" tv-ulna;, !. Mil. at bnlooi Willie rina ana Tar, uiwom "i .. .iu ... I. k. a r u- jt M . Utile, of IVUiia, left yuadiy lat ',r WWtawter, Wl... ,ltft lb will enter iU Vnil lutlluli 1.1 bur yuri counw in oratory and Uf Wm. Knrtb, or Youkon Territory, w tea vMttuK (rlcnd In Columbia lit during in I"" w, ll win hbly remain in Oregon tliU muuii rtni NottU neat Mimiucr. lb sad Mm. Car Wcntliemvirc, ot falUWall. Wnlt. are visiting Mr. ami ,rt,Oo. 11- !,e!imnt, and taking In Ui al Park Mir. Mr, wcaiiiar- agrttad Mr. ttiont art tltttr. grind Mr. LotlU Miller, of Lona tvk. VVhrelrf foonljr, am Tleillni rIa- trtliSl. Helen and Wamrn. They nl! riut thr l.f rl and Clark fair before ttiralni home to 'tastcra OrtKon. Urn. T. A. CUtilnrr. Mra. f, W jk-rlion and (nmlly. Mr. O. Z. Hid tiaddi!n.i,r, Mr. J. Q- nd Hi ud Mrs. I. R. Btf In went to Tort. U-l uo Uir It on Nalumlty to arc McAllcn't batijr show at th) (air. )b, nd Mf. C. W. Carritun and ton, ftlltchu, I'uutilla County, are visitint RlttUnln SI. Iltlcntand Warren. Mr. Jack f)trk and wife returned frtxn IfitUnJ Saturday whera Mr. Black bad krsit the lawpital fur soma time. Mr. its! Mrs. Black wrng acctMUanied bom ttgn. Minnie Iliack, tsUo-a huslMtsd atiillrd In a lKK'nK asxidrnt In July, ,tu Ktlu, Washington. Tu will hare In hurry if yon want any idtkota auttrriilf dstcs. Tbey am tbn ra ud br4-t unvrttir that yon can km of the r.rr-it eijwaltion wbkh will i be a thin of lb fssal. Tbey tuv list cost of arms of Oregon in the ctntrr. nikiftuaaduf grcn and tmnWrof pit. Order (rum K. II. YUfg and yon as fd theui immediately after th H awiuoa. The number It limited. The ftt 3i nat. Mi. Kd IIfW dUd at ber bonta on Itafir Iftlou.l va Tburwlay Ut, aftrr a 4ftil iMinlul illuca. and wa boricd udw iMd Kcilntrt ceuiclrry near War- tt'anl Ciiiuvt frm Attain that Jcdtn If lalrn, cnumittrd to the) anytum from 1ta pUre lor aUnbolinn, It rapidly rt ceitnaK hit mcnU and plytira brallb. !k it ui plumed at an atUn Unt In the liitii tjia and It giving good tatitfae Xi. WllUid Tucker, who baa carried Ilk auU betaken Itoulloa and Vernon la kr alBKt tii baa reaigncil till leave fur Sewprt. wber bit parvnta oM. nrit week. Violiat tad all ttringed inrtrumeaU litplrcd by me. All work gnaranwwd. lUdrrwmeat 5t. Helen. WdrcSO GfSHPCF.LK. Mn. A. II. (Morg wa an Iral.l paaa- ser fur I'urtlaud on WcdarwUy, whrre eeill tjvnd aewral darsvUiUag (rteaida d itteuduig the lair. The huilly nf tr. II. R. did arrived ewe hum Xc4ide Monday nigbt. A trty n( St. Helen cltlwnt. MOoni- IMicI by County Suivryor Walt, bavt Wa buty the patt week turveylng and c"nag ilir right of way for tlx tpur St. Ildrnt to (Milnl on tb North im la-if,c nvu the Cn Hcgrle croaaing. Or. Knoder uiea Dr. Qraan'a naw tarreet math at maklna nrtl- wtl tttih. Plat am man by thin atthoej ta fit aeeurata. 129 Mohawk Wilding, Psrtland. practUtbie rout la ataured with a rtdeoltett than one wr cent. Good . teat met with in aoenring t" Igbt of wy. Uirriuire llcentc hava been ermntcd """K the att week to Kmity K. Moyer f Idanwood of Yankton; klary " Klchard and Oacar Joarpbton ol Hudtoii, and Amanda f'dwtrdt of IIoul- wto K.iwar.1 Ikiyle of Uicltnlk Wali. logion. ft prrlilllliwrv einmlnallnn nf Dan ,OB. chrK(.,J with nttauit with a dan Itrout wcnKn upon I). W. Miller, waa Ijouriicl on Thuraday latt until rWt. " io eiuble the ilvfente to procure wil- nmet. ) C. Colter Wat timiiul ntifi liw Tiitllre Shettcy (l tVernonU. or. A.,l.,r.t. taut clur;ed with tliootino Hock not bit own. The St. Iti-lma .l.n..i ?lili lite following teacher: Jamc ""loon, i-rincipal; K. Amy Roat, Inter Bnxliate; Anna Ketcl, priiunry. The "mill grmle will be Uutilil. l-un,t are ft hud for a lis month term, and It U r""H' that cnouuh will be rnited for "ne inoullM, Mf. Waldo, Rute lecturer lor tlie ' triidicl Huiliioidrv. tolll lrlliurF a lee fr ut the i,a,,( C(rijC Hun, Rttt. ""p; Cctoln-r ), on the mom!, rnligi'iu - "'"Hiuoimi iiinitenceof the KMniJC ."I nt clitstjrt mnctftiit the public !"cNj. .lip wilj expmpljfy tho K-prot ' ah nre tnviterl to rttciii thn lec 1'ire. .... J. Jl. tiodfray Uryid on Wed .iu't1!"" Murnv),!! .il W . ut Tlmiiint. rn..l. tie 1'rotl.icr r. and M, C,M vnlherinor of 'a Walla, w viillag Mn. Wealber pi"t i vi-.lor, M1K tl, i'tl l,,.m,,t 9f thit ) '"''"'id InViiirf in tlir ),:, l.tir ft I'ott -i 1 h tw to limry il y,in W'Uit to l MiwUu, aitjiluy of full blood t?A thowy on the 1'aciflc Mr. Andiew Rntcoand wife nf p.h Vermont, am vltltlng Mr. and Mra, w! wniara ana wr, llolcomh. Tliey will ..m,, vi arniwn, tiiii urrgon'i great en potiuon. Mr. and Mra. J. R. iw.,gi,, ol KitcM. nan, Aiatka, who bavt liean vltltlng rela tive In Bt. Helena during (he pant two ww, nuirneii w I'inllanil Wolnetday to tak final luob at tha Bipoallnm, tttKlally the atork ihow, with the intern on 01 tuning yetlerday (or Aiatka, wtwrt Mr. IleeRle boldt the nuilil.. i roiitcior oi cnttomi at Ketchikan. I now tiava a nice aaaorN mailt of jalnta,olla,varnih, "ln,4 r,'l, bruahna, tii. lln and granite ware, atom t,l( tte. (Jrocerlee Hay, (Jraln, Flour, ic. M.C.OKAV, lit. Ilalent I . ... .. j Columbia county , (,er with the good. Do far r.A.Frakea baa taken three flrtt rcmlunii on hltllolatciiit and number of letaer ontt. The I tonevuian ranch bat taken a number of firtla. and when tlurlr Jerecya are Judged Mr. Harry Wett will add a few to hit tlock of blue rib'iont. Mr. J, 8. Millard, (or uwny year a re- pecttd retident of tlilt evmiiiunitv. waa arretUd yettcrday on a cbarve of Intanity, Mr. MilUrd retittcd cairfure and attempted to prevent tha sheriff from entering hi dwelling tcow. Tlie d.xr it of ghua and Millard ttruck thmugb it at Sheriff White, arvrrrly injuring hit own hand. The ilicrlfl had bit foot in the door and before further damauo could be dona bad captured bit yum. Mi. Mil lard't mind falling for tome time and be bad become dangeroua both to bimtclf and other. Wa. aiticerrlv rrvret hit mlafortiinc and hope that be way toon KaINIKK Mr, and Mr. I'icrcc tpent Saturday In Forttand. Mr. and Mr. D. Scott and ton Ire, took In the fair KatunUy and tiunday. Mr. John and ton Clarence tmt flaturilay and Sunday in I'orlUnd vitit ing friendt and the fair. Mr. and Mr. W. I'. Mclntyrc went to Portland Saturday where tbey attended the funeral of Mr. Mclntyrc' titter, Mr. Kmma llcnrici. Mr. and fr Ho-lge and daugbtcr left ber for fortland Saturday to lake in th lair. Mr. Chut, Hilver, Mr. Rob Yonnt anil Mtat Uooa Silver attended the fair Sat onUy and SuniUy, The barkeatina "Amelia" owned by Captain Hagba, of KanPrancitco it in port, where abe it loading on 4A&0UO feet of lumber purrbated of the Rainier Mill (k Lumber Co. Mr. and Mra. O. Kpelle tot Tuct day In Portland. Mra. A. Ilarrit viailcd In I'ortland Tnetday, Mr. William wat a vUiU.r at lb fair Tucwlay. I Mr. Purer, ol Oanby, tpent Tuewley In Rainier doing tome purchating. Mia Georgia Silvernt Monday and Tueaday In Portland. Jeaan Jama returned from Si. Mar tin Spring feeling very yery gnd. Mia Veata Juhnton went to Portland Tnetday wher bo vlalled the Ktlr. Mr. Archer, of Victolla, B. C, and Mr. I Ivan Silver went to I'ortland, Mon day, for a good limn. Mr. Herman Yoglatang wm a vitltor in Portland, Monday. Mr. and Mr. K. J. Coplin and Mr. and Mr. 0. Coplin left boi lor Port land, MouJay, a bora limy took In U rair. W. U. Ncwtom tjient Sunday in Port land. Mita Vlrgic Pritchard Utancblngacbool at Apiary. Mr. Nuali lloward, MIRhod Zwe!lo mar aud Mia Franci Kvan attended the fair for a few day thi week. Mm. Ira parcher went to Portland on a pleasant trip, Monday. Mia Kdilb Iknier went to Portland Monday where h mad a combiued visit of business and pleasure. Mr. John Morris. ud M' Christine Owillng spent Suuday and Monday In Portland taking in tha lair. Missel l,oilMih'klaand AunluMoeck spent Sunday visiting friuud In Mavger. Jon liournn a tut to Astoria on a vil li, Monday. niU EVENTS AT P0RTU3II PAIR. Final Month Aroanrs Increased Interest-Live Nlork Show la Progress. Tho offlclal ol the Lewi ami Chirk Kmoil.loii hava docldml to hold the cloliigMerole on, elurdy, OotolHT 14. With nearly a month Hill to run, tha Espo'ltlon I now at it height. In terest Im boen Increasing from week to week, and thn Una! rush of attendance ha begun. Mit weok Spokane, wm, si lawdy In evidence, aeverni tnuua and penult) (rom tmt oity bating nrt'sunt to partial pW In me nay astiiigiHi m Spokiil. Tim wot-k the big liorto and oatlle ijjow ha Ijcgiin, tQ rqn until Rcptembor !U. Muny ipculnipii ol line liorsefM' ani) oultlo, ahr-Kp ) lt)g fe bore, and Jivi'stock uion from all qunrler of the country nre In attendance,. The hqw i held In tha neck of the uovernnieni poniniiila, Juit east ol yncle Bam'a big bullJInxi. Spiioluii itock barm weru built lor thi il)0', end fne exniomon tni.ks am aid graiduna are won alapiod to (tl occiiilon. boeiety nm iiinied o.Jn force to eo me lancy hinus. Urt intoreil i tnkon In the prise couipolUlo"' for th yarioui cliiwi of !!ii"iHl; t Mr. Allen 1'ardur, u( Hud,, waa In tue city Tnetday atUndlng to butinet. legal Mr. Joaepbin B. Carlton, who hat wn viniung her unc ea W. it r. ... t. . .unveri ana ixinin.. ... d to ber hoine In Chicago Wednelay J. N. Rice and 0. Z. Itrv.nt M.t , Columbia County exhibit at th. ti. and Clark Kxnoiltlon l. l .i.- "-" Bnett pole of hop ever irrown in r,,im. bin county. W -Jon't know verv mu.1, If another hop yard In the Sbii,fn due either In quantity or ciuallty, hoM tocomrewlth the crop thete gentle men grew thit year In their bop yard. Mr. Olive Jonet of the lower Denver. wat in the city Monday doing tome thoiv plug. Mr. 0, VY. Baruet, havinir told bl. ranch to Mr. John Urutljarvl, I now re tiding at ClaUkanle, living off the ln tereitofbi money and having a good time generally. Mr.CaloParcllutiold bit ranch over on the lower Ueaver, near Ouiucev. tn Jotcph Anct. Mr. Auct hat quit fiihing and will Uy fanning lu the future. The new I'rcibytcrian church in thit place it nearly completed aud will toon be ready for occupancy. We learn that the new countv road over the mountain between ClaUkanie and the Kebalem Valley, it now open for travel. The Nehnlemltc find it con venient to mix the itccp mountain road, and tay that it it t pleasure to come over to ClaUkanie with their produce, over n eight per cent grade. No doubt tbey will rite up in all their might and ibout If uua, for our commiaiioneri. Many pereont, itranger. are in the county lookiug lor hornet, and buying property a here tbey will make their home in the future; where they can raise fruit a large a any that can be ecn t lheepotition. Columbia county cilitent ba re at but begun to realize that if the want new srttleri Uiey must adver tise their product. We learn that the new mineral toap work, at Rainier, bat so many order for their new mineral soap that they ctn't brgin to fill all of thcui. So much for advcrtiiiug. 111 it not been for the forethought of the proprietor! o' that in stitution who dittriliutcd samples of their soap at the Kxpusition, their product no doubt would have been most grown like numerous individuals in the count , Lumber and shingle are being brought over the mountain to this market, in large quantities. One hauler remarked tlie other day that since the new grade was put in over the mountain that ho could haul a larger load to ClaUkanie than he could on a level road, K. S. Bryant wbo waa recently hnrt in a runaway is improving and will toon be able to be out again. We learn that W. K. Tichenor wa seriously hurt white loading sawlogs on a car recently. We did uot learn the par ticular. Would'nt It jar you to see the concern of tome of the politicians about the new primary law. No doubt had the new primary law been enacted year ago, and so toe ol the Ward Heelers would have been out of a Job yean ago. REUBEN Mr. N. A. Perry and daughter, of Iloulton, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. WatU, Sunday. Mr. Anione Wis and daughter Nellie n-turnad home Monday after a week ' : . . . I -: .1 . In P..r lan.l Y1SII U UJC Mil, KMl. MKUW ,H ... Mr. Uiure Wagnerof Delta. Colorado, i visiting her daugbtcr, Mr. F. M. Jor dan. Mr I). I. Urnea went to PorUanil WedneiUy to vitit the fair, Mffc T Wllu rit Alter Circle, porti-a, Thuratlay evening. & T. Alcaander and family, Mrs. Jane Zeuor, and West Mcl'arland, who went to Alberta last spring, returned last Fri day, and all ay that tbey have enough of Alberta. Jocab Zwingll and family, who have been living aeven mile west of thi place, hat sold hi place and bought 100 acre j0i Undnear St. Paul, MarUu county, Oregon, left here for bis new home last Monday. AII8CK8H AIK'KSSKS. with a few exception are indicative-of cmii itlon or debility. W il Harrison, Cleveland, Mibi. write, Aug 15 112: "I want to eav a word of praise for Imllard' Snow Llnl uient. I stepped on a nail which caincd the cord of mv l'g to contract and an abacs to rise in my knee, and the doc tor told mo that 1 would have a stilt leg eoonedayl went to J. F. Iord' drug loro who 1 now in Denver, Colo be reccoinctled a bottlo of Suoir LI nnitneut. I got a BOu lite and to ourvd my leg, It I the boat in the world Bold by A, J. Iteming. l( is put only necessary torvfmlii from kicking a mm) who is down, but you should not kick a man who ia np, . - r- NpgliH'tei) Cold Every part of the muconi membrane, the no, throiit, ears, bead and lungs eto are aubjoct to dlsenio nnd blight from neglected cohta. Ballard's Horo hound Syrup li a plonmint and effectivo rentedy. W. lkendrkk, Vailpy Mills, Texas, write: I have lined llalhird's Hore honnd Syrup for cough and throat troubles j it is ft pleai-aut and most effect ive remedy. Sold by A. J. Iteming. The A. A C. R. R. will sell season ex cursion tickets from Houlton to all Clat sop Beach points and return, continuing until September 18th. at f I for the round trip, flood to rcjuri October 15j is aeaoBiAM, Wkwtea. onr esteemed frler.,1 mnA wlgkljor. A. H. Powell ha been called to seat: Therefore be it Raaulved. Tliat we, the member of waial Orange No. 802 extend our heart felt ympatbv to Sitter Martha 1. P II In tlie to of her hniband.aud to Brother ura A. Powell In tlie Iom of hi father. Be It further Resolved, That thi resolution bespread upon the minutes, a conv 1 sent io th. orrowing titter and brotlier, and that a wpy ue tnui 10 tacn ol the couuty paper or publication. FAN K J. PXTKIIIION, 9 OI.IVKB nUBKIS, NKTTIIt B. PKTKnMN, Committee. Natal, Okkcon, Sept. 16, im. Ueautirul Woman Plump cheeks, flushed with the eoft gloW of health and a pure complexion, make all women benntlful. Taka a null dace ol Ilerbine after each meal : it will prevent constipation and helo digest what yon have eaten. Mrs. Wm, M. Stroud, Midlothian, Texas, writes, May 31 ltl: 'We have used Herblne In our family for eight year, and found it the best medicine we ever used for constipation, bullous fever and malaria. Sold by A. Dcinlng. Lot of natiral born fools blame love and whiskey for their supposed down fall. Attacked lly a Mob. and beaten in a labor riot, until covered with sore, a Chicago stroot car conduc tor applied Bucklina Arnica Salve and wm soon sound and well. "I use it in oi y family, write U. 3. Welch of Tekon sb, Mich, and Ond it perfect." Only 75c at Perry A Graham'. It Is said that by a thorough coorse of physical culture one can overcome any thing except a love affair. 8111 A I NH P. A. Reed, Cisco, Texas, write Mar. II, lttUI : My wrist was sprained so bad ly by a fall that it waa nsele; and after using several remedies that failed to give releif, used Ballard's Snow I.iji- uivnt, and was cored. I earnestly recommend It to any one suffering from sprains. Uot OrT Cboap lie may well think be baa got off cheap, who, after having contracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore hi health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant, and certa n cure for headache, constipation etc. at Perry A Graham's store, guaranteed. Telling them tbey get about what tbey deeerve make some people angrj. Auction Sale ! Saturday Sept. 33 Good goods at your own price. House hold goods, furniture, fruit jars, fire ex tinguisher and fruit pre, bedding, bu reau, book and brushes, carpet, crock ery, clothing and curtain, mirrors, tools, trunks, tinware, telephone and toilet ar ticle, atoves, spices, stationery and sec retary, piano, pipe, pitchfork, paint and pulley, encyclopedia, engraving and embroidery, lamp, lanterns, lock and linen, odd and end. Have moved. Must sell. Dooreopen at 7 JO a. m. Auc tion begin t 0:45. Terms $10 or lese, cash. Sums to exceed 11), note, approv ed security, 8 per cent interest. 3 per cent off for cash. MRS. O. Z. HOLTON. St. Helens, Ore. NOTICE OF LAM) SURVEY. Offloe ol County Surveyor ot Columbia County, W. Heleno, ore.. spi. 21, Ifu. To ft. snd Kilrk Krlesson, Msrxsrat Ihiulap. Ailmlnltiralrix ot Ihe Eusie ot Mathew Iniiilap, cterrsanl; Margaret Duke Dunlap, Thoinita l)nnU. Jamva a Dunlan. Karuuel f. Iinulap, !-oi liunltp ami W ill lam Dunlap. heiiK ol taiil Mathew Dnnlap, ili-muvd; Krnwl K. Hut bom. Nils A. Calm berx awl Juhn S hetvln, aixl any oilier pr kmu wliniri thli nollex may eoncerrt: Vou are hereby nollHwt that John Maynard, nwurr ol Ilia Kt l Ihe Ki ami Iota 1. s, 7. . W and II and N M u( 8W and 8KX ot KK nl Hro 17, T S N It &., kaa ordrl nit as County Kurevorol Columbia County, Uretron, to sur vey snd iabllh tha lines aud corners o( Ihe aloroaald traelol laO'l: and, In compliance. Willi kaldonlar, 1 will be upon aaldpreiulaca oil Ihe Slh dar ulOrUitwr, lw4. lo heulu raid aiirrey: aud will turn proceed lo snrvay and mark out aald corners aud boundaiv lines alureaatd: and you. iwrilua to be aflwtcd by the aald aurvey, re hereby uotlHeil tn bo prwwnl at aald time aud plac U) proteat any Imerc.t vonhave therein. T waits. County Surveyor of Columbia County. X0TICK FOR rCHUl'ATIOX. (Yimlier Und. Art June , ") t'liliwl State band Office, Portland, limn, Sept 11, IWkV Kotli-s la hereby liven that in eompllaiuie Willi the provlaioua ol the act ol emigre ot Julia a, f7. entitled "An ac-l (or tho tale oi lluibir laul In the Htatesal Caltlornla, Oreiiwn, Nevada and Wrwliinittun Territory," extend cl lo nil Ihe rubric IJind Stales by aut ot AUttllt i. Willis II. Mors, ol Niilem, coun ty oi Marl.ui. male oi Orefron, hu thla dv tiled in ltiiH nltice hla aworn atatemeul No. (WB, for Ihe pimhaae oi Ihe U aw'i and 1U S and 4 nl deellon No. IS lu towhfp No. 4 u. Kaiigo No. w, and will offer prool to ho thiu tho laud aouslit l more valuable (or Ha timber or tons ilinn tor asrleuHural purpoaes, and lo otbll-li hla claim to said laud before tho Keif ler and Koealvor ol this olBee at rortland, ori'iiou, on Monday, the Kill day ol Noveoiber, lWHe names witnesses: Kdmotid C, flHJr, of IHMlaiHl.OwauHi.JanuM Mmklji. of rort land, Oregon: Allan Rohlnso). ol HI. II o ens, Oreson: WlUtara H. 1'owell, ol Bl. Helens. Any and til persona claimlli(t sdvoroiy th above deacrltied binds are requeued to Hie their clatma In llila otlica on or before said 3.1b. day "'UVTMm" PRK83KB. Iteslator Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG toavss rortlsnd rtn Taasday, Thursday n oak unlay at I a, n. lor if. Htlin. faana. Crso Pmt, Rainiu end Kelso. A-rl-liieat rortland Monday, n4 uaaday ud Friday ai t f. m. Steamer NORTHWEST Leave Portland Monday, Wednesday and Friday night at at 10 p. n-, for th a mo point mentioned above aud To ledo, reselling the latter place at 10 a. ni. on the following dar. Returning, ths boat leave Toledo at noon, and Caatle Rock at 5:30 in the afternoon, TueidaJvi, Thursday and Sunday, leaving Vortland early in the morning. Wharf foot ol Salmoa 8k . 0Oi,MAN. Artat. Fall and "i90S Styles Now Out For Newest in aUILe Dry Goods, Shoes, Etc., ft RWf IPTTabottt it BUBXOXM. In the Circuit Court irl the Ut o( Oregon lor I'oltimbla Cinniv. Thomas K. Hushea, plaintiff, rs, Kate M. Hufboa, defendant. To KaU M. Hughe, defendant above named: In the name ni me nut 01 oresn, rom are hereby rcinired 10 appvar and auawer the cim blalnl flled atmliiKl roa In tbo almve entitled -ei,M on nr bvlore the 20 day of Ormtier A. I). IsOj, and If ymi fall In au auawer, forwent there uf. the plalnlifT will apply to Ihe Conn I'T the flirt nemanneo in aain rnmpiaini, in-wu: For a decree ol aald ('4nrt dlaai,vns the bond of matrimony nuw eaislina betwren yimneli and ptaintiff. This anmmona Is pnbliabed by order of Thoa. A. McUridr. Judireol the above entitled Cart, made on the llth day ol Deptemtjer, A. D. 1!SV, trt and b whlrh itrtfer it iaadludeed and or dered that thia Munmnna be pnMthrd, one a weK, loraix e ufcaei'inne wevaa, in inv iregon Mll, a newspaper vnbllnan mtne city 01 tit. Helens. Ci.luiubia Comity. Male of Orefron. Tlie date of drat rHiblk-ailim belnr the IMh day oi (September A. 0. WU'. and it is of thai dale, KKW AKIl T. TAI.I.AKT. Aliorney for I'lainillT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L'niiedSUtes LandOffice, Portland, Oregon, July llth. 1W6. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT V in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1K78. en titled "An Act for the (ale of timberlands in the States of California. Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory." as ex tended to all the Public Land States by act ol August 4. 112, Kdward H. Flor cbutz, of Portland, County of Multnomah State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his (worn statement No. 6011, for the purchase of the southeast quarter of Section No. Eleven (11) in township No. Four 44) North Range No. four (4) West. W. M.and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish hi claim to said land before Register and Receiver at at I'ortland, Oregon on Thursday, the 6th day of October, l'JOS. lie names a witnesses: Samuel r. Owen, of Portland, Oregon; John S. Ready, ol Portland. Oregon: George F. Smith, ol Kalama, Wash.; Wright D. Hurt, ot Vernon ia, uregon. Any and all persons claiming ad Tersely the above described land are requested to file their claim in thia office on or be fore said 5th day ot October, lWVi. ALGERNON S. Kegiwer. noticb ro nrsucATtoir. (Tlrabar Land Act. Jon a, 1ST.) United States I -and Office, Portland, Oregon. July llth, 1S0I. Wotlea la hereby xlven that In eompll- eaoa lih tha provlelone ot the act or Coa graaa or Jun s. Ills, enuiiea mn tar the aal or timber lande In tha BUteo ( California, Oretoa, Nevada, and Waah- Inslon Temtory," as exieoaea to an me Publlo Land Btates by act of Aaaoat 4. llti, Oeoreo W. Parker, of VeraOBia. coun ty of Columbia. Rute of Orecoa. haa this day tiled In thla offline hla awora state meat No. Hit, (or th purchase of Lot 4. of Section No. I. la Township No. 4 N ftanae No. 4 Weat. and will orrer proof to show that the laad eousht ta mora valaa bla for 11a timber or atone than for atrt- cullural purpoava, and to eetabllah his alalm to earn lana Deroro tn Kegwor arm na celrer at Portland, Orocon. oa Wsdaeaday, the 4th day of October. IMS. He names as wltneeeea: J. C. Killer, of Chehalta. Waah.: John W. Parker, of Tank ton. Or-aon: Hlsrl A. Wllklnaua, ot Houl ton. Oreaon; a. p. Baiiaro. or ruimri. Orecoa. Any end all Dernone ciaimiae aaveraeir the abova-deeorlbed laada are requested to Ale their elalma In thla oflli-e oa or before aald 4th day of October, isas. AUUEHNON 8. UKKS8ES. Kociater. SUMMONS In tho Circnlt Court nf the Stale ot Orev-a tor tho t'imuly nf t'olumWa. William Werner, plaiutln, rs, Helena Werner, ih-fendrnt. To llnlcna Werner, defendant: In Ihe Name ol the State ot Orvirnn yon are hereby notllied that the plaintiff Herein haa Med l Riiniidoint airainst vou 111 the abone elitltlt-d ooiirt aud eauw, and ynu are hereby reoiiirvd lo s;jMar ami anxwer 1110 aaii coinpimiu. or llle aollio HIerHlU'U llien-io, on or ovior-j ior lust dsv of the terra nreserlbed by the order nf piiblleiitlmi hereof, lo-wll: or before Son L.inUir 1. lnVi: and that If VOU full so lo answer and tvpenr. or Hie some appearance herein, the r alntnrwlll cause ynnr default to been, tereiland nottd ami will apply tn the oourl fur the relief proved for tn tlie romplntitt, lo-wil. a loreverdlwolvlna Ihe houda of matri mony now exlatlin between yon aud the plalu tltr, snd for auch other relief at the court deems proper and euult'ble. Tho date of the ffn.t publication nf thla auniiuoiikla Friday. Ihe ilt .lav of Jiilv. IWi, end the laxt publieatloh Ihereol la Friday, tho llrt day r Veptotnber, IUUV sad this auininons Is to be pnldlahcd on eai'h Krldsy of rseh sud every week for a pe rl otl 01 six suceoMive weKiis oeiwwn nam uaioa. Thla anmmona la niibllshcil by order of Hon. Thomaa A. MeBrUle, IuiIkc of aald court, made Inehamiiera in sain cause on tne isiuuayui July, A. 1., WOi. LKAn, . PA'll. . or.,,, Attorney for l'luintlfr, MOTICB FOK rVBUCATIOX. Department of the Interior, Land Office at rortiaiHiuregou, Bepwiuoer x. isuo. Katloa Is hereby ilven that tha followtna aamad settler haa filed notice of his In tention to make final proof in support or hla claim, and that aald proof will be made before the Resistor and Kecetesr at Port land, Ores-oil, an (H-loler fj. IW1A: via., Iaraci I). Sin 1 1 li , homeMcad entry No. I'iltVf, for lue ne or aeo I 4 11. r 3 w. He names the followlna wltneases to prove hla continuous realuence upon ana culti vation of said land, via: Judith K. Bfhlich.llinrvo Kellr. Jacob Rnfertv. Samuel Rufeitv, nil nl .viouiitiilii Dule, lireiiou. AU1BIINO.N B. UHHKII, MCCIaler. KOTIt'K K0K I'l'llLICATION. Land OMU'O st 1'nrttand, Orevnii, tk pieuibcr i m Notice in hcrohy liven llmt tho following named settlor haa tiled notlco of his intention 10 maiio final oroof lu aumvnrt of hla claim, and Hint -iitd pniuf will be made brio re K,'Kiior nnd Kcoi'lvtr at fortlnml, Orcnoii, on October Jl, tdo. via., John K. Hallev, anardlau nf i'urry r. nancy, iinwnu; 11 r- i.'--ji, tor ine e r cc m, l 4 11, r 4 . HeiiKines the fnllnwlna witiicsaes to prove his cuuiltmniia leblilciico uimii sud cultivation ald)aml: via,: V, A. l'otemon, Itiuton, Or.: Arthur B:icon, Haeoiia, Or.; K J. t;rubl, BuMou, Or.: Kobert r. Simpson, Hnxton, or. AJKR.NOfi s. PHEssrh, Kcgistcy. Winter - 'o6 j WUaLSr, J MEN S FIRST Moyer Clothing Co., THIRD AND OAK. PORTLAND THE COLUMBIA COUNTY Abstract and Trust Co. Titles Examined, Abstracts Made, Non-Resident Taxes Paid. Real Estate, Loans, Etc. E. E. QUICK A. M. HOLTON, ' mmmm Proprietor COUNTY SURVEYOR'- NOTICE Office of Count; Purvoror of Columbia Co , SI. Helena, Or , Jury . llsio To W. B. Wrlsat, John Morhtnan. Jr., O. F. Noatles, J. F. fetcrsua, John K. Jseobeon: Yon are hereby notlAed that John Baehuian, Jr., the owner of the north half of the south east quarter ami a tract In the euuthweel quar ter ol Ihe anniheaat Quarter of section U. town ahlp north, ranges sreat.V,'. M.. has ordered me, as countv surveyor of Columbia Coumj, Oregon, tn aurvey suit eetabllah the lines and corner, of the aforesaid tract of laud: and, lu compliance with said order, 1 will be upon said premlxeenn the Sith day of Aui;tbt, l'JUi, to be gin said survey, and Kill then proceed to sur vey sud mark out said corners and boundary llueaaforeaald: and you, aa on. of the narties tu be affected by the sail stirvev, are hereby notllied to be present at aald time and place lo prulecl any interest you have therein. VV. T. WATTS. Connty Surveyor of Columbia County MTABMSHID 171 JOHN A. BECK CXALZB m Vatcbes, Diamonds, Silienare, ...JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. Morrttaa at. Bat. treat rtrst, FOKTLAND. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Timber I-and. Act June i. W7S) United Mates Ijiii'I OlHoe, Poriland. Or., July 10. M-v Notice Is hereby given that lu oouipllauee with the provisions ol the act of CniisTeea of Juu. &, 1N, enliilct "An Aot or the sale of timber lands in tlie Hrstea of California, Nel vaila, Oregon, and Waahiuittoii Territory," s extended tosll the Public Land tatcs by act of Augiiet 4, IW, Ramucl Fwler tiweu, ot I'ort land, Connty of Multnomah, State of Oration, haa thla dav did In thia ottlce his sworn state ment Mo. aW, fur tho purchase of Ihe a w of avctlou No, H, In townslilp No, 4 u. ran ire No, 1 w, snd will offer prool to show that tha laud soiiKht Is more voluaple for ita timber or alone than lor agricultural pnrpoaca, sud to entabllah hsaclnlM tu aald laud, before KcHMcr and Ke cctver, at Portland, Orcifou, on Monday, the :!f.lh liny of September, wo lie nnniea as wltiuawea: John S. Heady, ol Portland, llwmi; Jumcs Miilcr, of Poriloiul, Oregon; Charles Oaboru, oi l'ortlsud, Oregon: Y f, Hii't, ni Veruonls. tlctiKoii. Any aud all neiwnia claiming sdveracly tho alaivs doacribetl lamia are reiueicd to fflc their claims In thla ottlce ou or beloresaid Huthduy ot September, l!. AUUEKMOS 9, URESSEK, Register, ln.H. n. cliff, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ST, 1IELESS, He will Tell jon That the Ask the Traiclcr NORTH COAST LUTED Electric Lighted, is the Crack Train of Them All for Comfort and Ele gance. The Ticket Office at Portland is at 2235 Morrison, Cor. 3d, Portland A. D. CHARLTON Attitiant Cunral Pa$ngf Agtnt PORTLAND. OREGON S TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY - CLASS SUITS $10.00 The Bast you have ever seen. FABRICS in Worsteds, Csviots and Cuslnurej. Hand-Worked Button Holes, Hand - Padded Collars, 5ew.i with siuc Otliers saj $15 for Eqnal Qnalltji Come Earlj and Get the Pick. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AO IT'S SO. SUMMONS- In Ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fur Columbia County. Efflc Duncan, uaiutitr, vs. ueorge C. Iruncaa. defendant. In the name of the Ptnie of Oreaon von are hereby required lo appear and anawer th. com plaint Hied aKRlnet yoa In the above entitled eourt and cause on or before bis () weeks train the date cf tha llrst publication of this sum mon., which la Hint published on the ith dar of August. 1M: and the day on which you are. required In appear snd anawer is Ihe eth day ol October. 1M6, which is ihe dav prescribed: in the order for the publication of this liiuinoua. And If yon fallie to appear and anawer on or before the said th day of October, for want thereof the plaintiff will ajp!y to the ennrt tor the relief demanded ia sail complaint, to wit. fur a decree dissolving the bond, of matrimony now exiatlinr between plalniilf aud defendant, snd fur such other relief as to Ik eonrt run. seem just aud equitable. Thla summons is publlahre by onerof th Hun. ft. s. Usttao, Judge ol tho t oun'y ourt ol the State ot Oregon iur the County ol Colum bia, made and entered on the 2d day ol ueiiv kefj"us' , Johnson, Atty lor puiutitr. First publication Aug. 2jl, luuu. nnw nniilli-atioii pet. Kih, latti SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Cuunty of Columbia. Wm. MacPonald. plaiutiil, v. Auna MavDuu- ald, defendant. To Anua MacOouald, defendant above named; In the name ol the Stale of Oregon yeu are hereby required to api-eur mid auwer the com plaint Hied agaiuid .m in the above entitled utt ou or bcfoiv ibe lai-t day prescribed In the order of publication of the aiiiiimoiia, to wit, Mondar, the -id day of (H-iolwr. 1'JOi; and if yon fall to appear and aiuuer, for waut thereof the plalntill will api ly to the i-onrt for the re lief prayed f-ir in Ilia coiitplaiut: to wit. for decree dissolving the bond ol matrimony and marriage contract existing between you uud tne plaintiff. Tbia summon la publintu-d In the Oieiron Ml.-l bv order of linn, U. S. liatlan, JuilKeol the County Court of Columbia County, which order was made and cnteicl on tlie 17th day of Au gust, Isuj, and the date of the lirM publfrailoa thereof being Ihe Ixtli day of August, l'JU aud the last Sept. -Mi b, l'.Ji. C. II. PKltlOTT, Attorney for the plitintlrr SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State nf Oregon fear the County o cluiul,ia K. P. Finch Wight, pbiiiitfl, vs. W. M , WlKht, defeinlaill. To W. AI. Wight, defendant stmve uanicd: J it tlio nuuic of tlie Mute of Oi-g,.u yon are hcrepy require,! lo apiaaraud anawer the ruin, phiint tiled agiiln-t ymi in the above entitled suit on or below the last day prwrlbwl lu the order ot piilillcotioti of the aunimotlK, to nil, Miuidnr. the J.l d.iv ol Oendwr, itsH: and II you fail hotu atvor and itiiawi-r. for want thereof the utHltitt It will aiiply lo the court for ihe re lief p.-pyed for In l,ir eoinpluhit, to u lt, ior a deai-ev dlaaolviiue Ul. b.,iitj,of nuitrtmoiiy an-t marrlnire contract taletii g Uetwevu vou aud III" Tl'la immoi Is puMisl cd In the Oregon Mlrt by order of ll-ui, v.. s llaitaii- Judge of tin Coimry 'onrt of i olnnihia t:oinit, which order was luiiiU and entered ou the 17ihdayof Ai-gu-a, 'M iii'l ihHtliira t-tiHu tlrat pu'dte-itloa Iheic.if lelni ibe lil, dni of August, IKv-l, snv m,.s,tSelWuf..l..l.i, if, PIOC.OIT, Atlurncj- fur the ilainUat