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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1905)
THE MIST. OREGON VOL. XXII. NO. 40. BT. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1905. NEWS OF THE WEEK BABY CROP DECLINING, In Cusy Readers. Rapid Dcr In Birthrate of Or (on and Washington, IV..I.1.. U....I n . r-ww i-m A... I. r.iT, I. mo I ml Mil S lOuOUiisuu ruriu iur uur through t.ntiy puhiiiii ! ai.llll Ul 1110 IBCl lllBI the birth late li declining In Oregon faster llun In any other state In tlm inion, and Oregon, which only 45 year ami held tlm record l.irili 1.1.. .( HAPPENING OF TWO CONTINENTS fc ZX!&tK In Oregon was nearly double that In th entire United Htae; fly year ago. a n.iumi of h Important but according to tlm U.i census, Oregon ' . , . . had lei n below the j awwwe-. i i i in engg ' OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST Nut Laat Intoi-oatlng Events of ht Paal W.ek. Itimalan oil ma liava Baked govern men! ail U nwuin bualnam. general averaue. ami well I hi In w almoat every other ata a in Ilia Weal, California excepted wregou, a vinmi itooaevell state on polillral Imiimi, teem to disagree with Mr, Kuueevelt on Hie rare suicide qui lion, for Oregon 1 tumbling from it liillv nralitlttn In tha fiw.t .f tlm li.t at . Ita n liaa r lv"l uieurmiiii in many r.i if ti ., i... . . a t...ll. tl..-f.MI I., dtnili 1 . ... . . 1 . . . . avium ' "' " I canea, iu place Oregon liehlnd every n Kmniira la ll..ul III ami 'her part ul the country In iui . . . l I. . . . . i ... I . . T . ... n mm 1 IMirtanl rmllMW't ...... .ml I BIIIK III 111 . I ........ .... ..1. 1,111.1 I ' meamnglon: The record p.N.11 mm . ... ..ill ' in (tin is Ri't'iguuci A iaii.lo tiecurreu ai a cam .now ftlmiH(li ,,t ,)lllUli M hm 0r, at riina..a, t t - -- i ,,. iiui m ,en there wa anna wri lh)uru. a child for every woman between the Ti. ir.n tiiveriunent liaa tint alagea ullA ami 4U (wlilih la not aaying t ,i Ui all lurma of gaml.llng, Inclmllng that every woman Itetaeen thoee agi lutleiliHi, in ' wpnoiic. i " -ii ..- ... . ... . , I iiigion w mini on me net oi emui The .-.tton rr.i of Mm oo M blrl, U,M r,ke(, on!y ,,y I. wtluiaUM aii,w i u ,,,,, tuli hi nee then there ,gli..t 7S.(MHI bale laat year. haa len a grmlnal Uirllne, until, ac Ti,. rail for the Auterlan Mining eoritlng U the cenaua of IUU0, the late i 1 &. 1 l-i II, Te.aa, Nuvmelr 1, lie been laaueJ. foul otnilala li have IneperleJ the rt.t ettlee o'mm neomatte tuliea (..r I'orllaml. Heallle ana Jtmui; tmt ii.. fvl will m litatalM la Han t in VYaehiugton I only eve Mow the geneial aveiage fur the United Hlatee. Then there la IJaho, which It neither ... a recora ttreeker nor a aiourn. in IN70, the time of ita fir. I cenmia, the rale aa 715. It haa fallen hut 6 r cent, lor the lant cenau ihowed it to he u'llh.m Kellv. the olileel eonvlct In 644 away aUive the general average Hlng Hlng I'rleon, liaa jnav ceieorei in l1, a rale tnai I eaceeueu uniy iu hi. hMh birllular by givlnl rereitlon I sorth llakola, Oklahoma and Indian He w aenleoceu I Territoty. in the other convict. f..r life 4 yeera ago lor murder K.iieiiment Ibe uae of fuel oil on Itrittah baltlrahlfe have len o aat i.i.i i.iiv that the aovernment baa or .I-I-.I the eiertion of an oil atoiage de. S..t at Plymouth, and will " ,.ther hine port. Norway and Bweden are again on the verge of war Tm I'liir-mi women In bloomer will our the world. Tlm ll.i.iiliUi.n nartv relebrated It 6mli birthday Keptemlier . COLOR LINE DRAWN. NO LONG CONTRACT. Governor Think Convict Labor Will Improve In Value. Huh m The Airtight Htovu company, ol Portland, ha given up it right to a contract for the leaning of convict IhIkii at the atate penitentiary, and (iovernor (.'liainherlalii haa declareil Ita certified check for r,oo forfeited to the atate. The company failed to aatiafy the gov ernor to iu ability to fulllll the con tract for which it wan the aucceealul bidder, the reaaon given being that the liw of the company' plant In Portland il materially reduced It pniierty holding. The company had been awarded len-year contract at u. 8 cent per hour, but fulled to make good. It i now doubtful whether the gov ernor will let any contract toon for the leaaiim of convict labor for a term of yean, and It I certain that when contract I made It will not be for more than Ave year. The Lowcnherg-Going company, the preaent leaaee, nave made an oner ol 4 5 cent an hour on a Ave. vear contract, but (iovernor Cham berlain i In hope of being able to leaae the prieorinr lo farmer at more lavor able term. At any rale, he will wait a while liefore making a contract, lie ha received letter from a number ol valley farmer Indicating a willingnea to hire convict to ir.mli land, and thi plan of giving work Ui the prisoner will lie Investigated before a new stove- foundry contract I executed. ENROLLMENT WILL BE HEAVY, Klamath Basin Would Trade with Me tropolis If Given Inducement. Klamath Falla It is now very evl- lent that unless Portland wake up to the advantage to be bad in keeping in were seriously Injured, scores of people touch with Bouthern Oregon, and bid- , to i perchance, within ball i.g for ita trade, Han J-ranclsco ia go- i( of nder mill, were more ins to rean the uolden birvent which ill toon lie ready for some live cuy to luck from Klamath basin. The people here are Inclined to the belief that Portland has not done ber hare toward an effort to get the busi ness from this country, but they all oncede this a a tributary point to Portland rather than Ban Francisco. Han Krancieco haa done more for thi port of Bouthern Oregon than Portland. Only recently Ban Francisco business men eulmcribed a large portion oi iur inn.omi bonua aeked by the vveea Cuba wants the with the United Htel eilen.UI. A Me lean mining man bai Thuma W. Uwsoo for mining worth f:i,000,0o0. lioveinof Folk, f Missouri, irlrd for the Portladn lair ami launihl bl presidential boom. Tlm Onrnian ovvrittuent ba erlii on the cholera dura i not spreading to new Irl U. Iiiimiaba r of dally occurrence. lieneral Wood says that Necroea May Carry Letters, But Are Undetirable a Clerk. We-hlngton, Hepl. 12 The Civil Bervlre commlatlon ha been engaged In the investigation of charges of di- crimlnallon against negro in the mat ter of (lamination for oilier In the Bouthern state. Two of the ceae con cerning which Inquiry baa lieen made are thuee of William C. Car.ter and Martin J. Hornby, both of whom allege thev resigned under prewmre from Ibe reciprocity ueaiy u,ieiitir at i, . sueil I stork ba will Arm n the case of Hornby the chariie wa made that be bad len maltrelel at YawKi. and there seem U lie a general leeling that the people of that auction hail demand! that, while negroe might act a carrier for the poelolfie .I that lilac, they would not be per- n. ill-.) lit nil the mace oi ciera- m ,.ill. Tlm nenal irat on noweu mai itoatlon and the U,e ei.min.llon. were conducted fair- di. My, hut owing ,OT,"'a . i iatanm . I WU (ilintesuNi ui. im ni i.reler to act Mcarrire this lHidte the fait that peace treaty , brought about without any di- Imiii luiinl. both armiee in Mn-I.,,,...., i. ii,B civil Bervice com- . I.,,.;, rail for a big battle, and .ti ..i,,.. .n eligible liecaune of bl color. the Morn have been l!l0ej W mn an tenl that Americana are aal U travel ... . i . i ..vmv .im i.ri hi ii. taiajiu iiii" guard. It ba devBloiH.l that the Japaneee, . I.... Dm amva uo their demand for in lemuity, aecured the right to nn in ii.rril.nlal waters, the i of CANAL HOTEL CONTRACT. Market Give Oul Term of Hi Deal With Government. Omaha, Bept. 12. J- Markel, to whom baa In-en let tha conlrini iur leedlng the laborer on the Panama . . . i. aim i..ll,..iiiu stale- canal, tooay iii" Bright Protpect for Coming Year a Agricultural College Corvallia Kverbyody aUiut the Ore- iron Agricultural college ia busy tn pre in ration for the owning of the new school year. The regintraiion promise" Ui lie the largest in the hiatory of the institution, home estimate place the enrollment forthecoming year at about ma. with the idea that the school will rmiater l.Ouu atudents ihe following vrar. It ia already known that the patron am. from Katern Oregon will exceed that of the pant year, and that many mnr. families from that locality wi ..,. Imrn (or n-hool nuriioKe than i.-r i..(,.re. liounes are in great dc m... .t. hut all will be accommodated.' Th. eolleirn is lieing renovated The administration build i,. wn overhauled and repaired on the inside. The department of nharniecy will have a mucli-nee-led a .lii i.,n to ihe main building. The o mining building ha been set apart for il.. ilmiartnieiil of ecology, and the de partment of metallurgy he been moved ... Agricultural hall. Both of the boarding ball are now undergoing thorough renovation; and everything will lie in order by September 15, when theciaminations tor entrance win gin at the college. Can Whittle Gold. Grants Pan Itenjamin Biitty i.i. ii.vrar.old son are panning grinding out, by hand mortar, from $1 Ui J10 a day from the rich ore of a strike made by the father recently near f.mi lbree ml e irom vimino ... .i ' i i.i.l l'ra! Japan, these, of Okhotsk am 1 luring me., ; "Tr" , . rival o-I'rtSUnUaVtor. who made bbls were di-ap- .jirw h.iii.i.ii t , ... n. ... - -- nily asked. Bweillsb Norwegian relatione again warlike. in. - ... . . .i.. -..i llm lull. pointetl in noi .. a i That LOOKS TO PORTLAND. EXPL08ION AT POWDER MILL j Nineteen Men Killed and Entire Plant a Total Wrack. Coimelsville. Pa., Bept. 11. The Rand powder mill, at Faircbance, ail mile south of Unlontown, were entire ly wiped out by an eiploeion today. Of the 32 men who went to work in the mills, 19 are known to be dead. Of these 13 have been identified. Beside nine of the factory force who TWELVE ARE DEAD New York Elevated Car Falls to Street Below. or lesa nainfuilv iniured. The ihock of the explosion waa dis tinctly ielt in Connelsville, 20 mile away, building being rocked to their foundation. At untontown nunoeru of oanea of elaee were broken. In the town of Faircbance there I acarcely house that did not suffer damage. Hay larks were toDDled over In the field, and livestock were atunned. The rail of the B. A 0. and the West Penniyl vania Traction company were thrown from the roadbed and traffic delayed 1 hour. Train No. 52. on the O. Railway comnanv for the building of L, lmA from annihl- the road from the Bouthern Pacific line . 7. . h . u)t pMge(j tbe Rand mills when the explosion occurred. Tbe window in tbe coacbee were shattered and paasenger thrown in a panic. A street car on tbe Weat Penn sylvania railway had also paused a lew second before tbe explosion, and waa far enough away to escape damage, though it wa derailed. in Siskiyou county, Califorina, to mis itv. At the same time, rorlianu re fused to lend any financial aid to this project, just a he ba done in me I'aet. . .. This being tbe case, Klamath Jails business men are now and will continue in (avnr Ban Francisco as a wholesale center in preference to Portland, unless the Portland wholesaler snow a wining hand in developing meana of trans portation into thi country. . Bu'ld Logging Road. Dallas It ia now well understood in MORE THAN FORTY ARE INJURED TERROR RULES. Train Leave Track On eurva ana One Car Land on Pavement With Trucka on Top. Russian Oil Industry la Dettroyed and Thousand Killed. Baku, Bept. 8. The situation ber tonight ihow no sign of amelioration. It hardly could be worse. Tbe terror stricken Inhabitant are fleeing from tbe city, knowing that tbe garrison '. utterly inadequate to protect them and, although the worst scene of fire and mas-acres nave not yet occurred in ISakn itself, none dare think 'bow far the excesses may proceed. The principal fighting is not in Bakn itself, but at Balakhan, where hun dred have been shot by the infantry and artillery and where 1,000 were killed or wounded during a desperate attack on the military camp and pro vision depots. The troop sustained few casualties. A large number of workmen barricaded themselves in the Balakhan hospital. The soldier began tbe attack with rifle fire and then stormed the hospital and completed their work with tbe bayonet. The entire oil and commercial quar ters of Balakhan, Sabunto and Roman! have been wiped out by fire and the in habitants remaining behind were ma- Kew York, Sept. 12. Through aome- body' blunder, a Junth avenue elevat ed train went through an open switch at Fifty-third street about 7 o'clock this morning. One car crowaea wun ripple fell to the street, and lz per sona were killed and more than 40 in iured, 14 of them seriously. The cause ol toe accioeui sou wiv immediate responsibility remain to be I .Qd thrown int0 the flame seen, lne moiorman o mi w Bibiebat continue to burn and ia train I a fugetive, while ewitcnman, threlltenei witn the nmt uteaa Balak conductor and lour guaras are uau . arreet. The .witchman is cnargea wun .. wngniate. x. and building manslaughter and the trainmen are fa Bftkn n .jed bj ttooj. All ol held a witnesses. . th English resident and almost all Whatever may have caused the mis- . inhabitant of tbe better cl hap, tbe accident, tue worn in me ms- . veboMded mhipt and gone to sea to tory of the overhead railroad in lrom danger. All available RIOTS ABOUT OVER. Baku Situation Show Marked Chang for the Better. St. PeteribnrE. Bept. 11. lb n- Ynrk. came when a south bound train on the Ninth avenoe line waa switched off to the Sixth avenue line at tbe for ty-third atreet junction. The motor man. expecting a Clear wacx, on vu u --t line of the Ninth avenue, without , , . 1UUIIWIM V MVMCW ..V -w regarding tbe warning ignal that the jb, ,0 tbotg fired lrom xbm -. i .,.1.1 V. a. train i1r.n a 1 .... Dallas that the Johnson Lumbering I .. a, -,-terday showed a slight company will commence immediately but pe-cgptible change for the better. the surveys lor a logging raiiroau u(m pj.rtche received here indicated that U Creole creek. The initial point of . tialen had made no headway in the road will ue at tne upper u tbeir attempt at incendianam in me tbe company, and will be pushed 'wU.hiack town" quarter, where compara- into the splendid timber not tributary . , restored and only occa- to U Creole creek. Thia road V'M.innal ehot were being fired. Several bring to market log of a very superior . k iU today. grade. Up to the present tne rjesi oil meDi egcorted by troop, were timlier of the county ua no. oeeu . . , ,. fi , ,imt to Tlelt tne 0,i switch waa open, rushed hi train along .t a hlirh rate of speed. The fimt car awnnir around the right angle curve, ... .a e .. a. I holding to Ibe rails Decause oi ioe weieht of the train behind. Then tbe strain became too great. The coupling touched. fields, which for four day baa oeen nractciallv in the band of tbe Tamra Thev reoort scene of indescribable de struction. About three quarter of the nroDertv there, they say, waa buinea to r a - - - Hop Picker Scarce. Aurora Hop picking baacommenced In moat vards. but as vet there has ... . . . , ., i F'"!"; . - J - ' . . . been a scarcity ot ptcxer ana me wor . . j plundering and in- has been retarded. It i yet too early nj.j.n, continued. Hundreda of to make a correct estimate a to the Unki were destroyed, the pumping ma yield, but enough ba been picked to : ls nBeless, and the houses of show that it will be very uneven. ... rkme destroyed. M. Bracket ha finished picking, ana , . jln.K)Mii,le to fix accurately the to the numler ot boxes, nis i ...in1. hut rebnildin onera- cro is almost double as compareu wno .. ;,, uke bM a year if tbe worn .. .. . . I I I " - . a last vear. On the oilier nana, mm; m. ,, immediately. One oi tne Mueaeig, who just finiahed, report I., men jj, tbe number of dead that his crop will be less than 50 per , oye. I 000 balf of whom were killed cent of laat year' yield. and and First Bale Slid. Eugene The first sale of 1005 hops in I-ane county wa made laat week when Stephen Smeed old 34 bale of early Fuggle to CUybor A Co., at H cent. As picking progresses, it is ii,. i llm vield ia larirer tban ex- neeted. and the grower believe thia vmr'a cron will be heavier in the city during the early rioting, but be admitted that tbe estimate waa ouiy a guess. POOR FOOD AI CANAL. that tban intuit. . ... - - - , i. th only explanation I can gWe or their making charge of unfair dealing. .i.iia I o( the enure iran-m""" i...; Pass. The rich find is in tne ury log gings district, and lie just above the placer digging of the liolden Drift ocmpany. Rich tringers are uncover e, from which the pure gold can lie whittled with a pocketknife. The father and son lemove a quauu.y u. ami saca anu oi " w here it is the where . i I . ....i .i.v. hoard, and all China haa placed a big flour order in waa oi - - V. k w tbe Unlied Buiee. VrlZ '" , ...mi.l bv the public at . i -i. ii.. iM... In "7 ' Municipal ownersiup """-" anv time. llm N.a. Vnrk ramiialtfii. MTi.. .i.iniiHint that the contrail More .ri... ... Bhoiita ba let contracU for bousing ' . veir(li whk-li is the mil ItWMtlnir rt nal IllliloVe. I,,.. ....... wiiit rit . We will have - ---"a l ll lo oi .... i -,..,, ... i .1 II... I. .it 1 . . ..I m-l.O.h Will II1TO li.'". Diaorder at Ilakil are uuioi. noieia, n . . . o)o, a.v yv... ,ou w v - - - - t.,.i. imro fowl nd Clean ami i will lie An earinnuaae in duw- ,, i aim ' i - . . graft Iim been d.r ered ... the ,ppl, dep.rtment. , . Tfu 1. 000.000 to 1.500.- are not vet stunned. Trool ing into the dlturlied dltrlcU. killed more than 400 persons troyed many towna and vlltga . v.. .1.11. The president baa remoywi i um uil.nn Is To lnvllgta uv.i.lnBtnn. Bent. 12.-luring nis Printer J'almer and apl.iteil J. Mtll(lwJ trip through the Km kelt to fill tbe olbce temporary. Ury 0, Agricuiu. .. .-.--- Oram! Army ba. elected Jame. gate the P (iroM Im-gu- Tann-u-, ol New York, t" " '7" M to exist In the Black chief. He waa penaion com....- . ... mBnv Wct- .rrlaon. '"" " '. " ' I ,.(! have ..... rnreervc. o cnargr. u. . -- - - i i...i.......i.,.i i..i..niiniie nun . i.. ... iim imreau ue, w VUZZ Nw York to Portland. " he been circulated Japane rioter, at .Tokm have torn agj NorthweVt. W.ta. - ... .. i i....Ai,... iiiiruiu wilt look Into ineae u.k" " bis tour of inspection. under Harrison. ..I li.. rm nntlV erec ...iwh m iwww ... -.., - , The illaorders. however, are growing lees, and quiet I expected soon railroads have carried from east oi The 7(l,04 various passenger the California la In tha Lead. ti...i.i....t.,n. Bent. 12. Director of Jbickle. to th. Pacific coast thia Mini Roberta woay " i------ inner nu eniuiw. . i - . 1 . ii - h llm l I11U.U cii.1. ".u "V .. "; ,; These figuicsshow A rotten building In New York fell. c'7, "d production over tbeele..; Lim.... . ...i .mi iniuiuiK : . ,.o i 7 i.'ii.nuu koiu auiiiiK mu .i.. - iiar yer ii- OLimra. a jun nun line oihh: mer. Of thi nu direct to Portland. of llver. The . ...i ?',n"' k. California, which The.ultanof Morocco g... ,rgei g-- "'nmi ooO more than ncr"''" ..' . ia ver. and lH-r in lu - -r,ilu,ethe'tlO. amount man ... i France' demand. In the past year 0,158 member of tlioU. A. H. have aieu. The NorwegUn-Swedlhli conference I In danger of a disagreement The New York hop crop will not be over 00 or 70 per cent ot iai Toxas, m.i. ot.,. nam Washed Out aotia wawreu.. - . r.i 1 and near Phoenix " ii. Halt river. ore each morning, down lo the farm bouse, ground out In the afternoon. Rnmhin Aialntt Fake Scheme, Albany Starting from the Albany tlusinee. Men' league, reeenlty organ-I.-.I In ibtacitv. a ireneral orgamxation of the busbies men of the Willamette valley i now under way. For years I,av realired the necessity of closer union for mutual protection against graft, dea.lbeats and others of .!.:. ill, Thi nw leairue will keep nieniber. ill along the line informed o Ihe character of the various alleged i.k. ..-heme that are continually pre senting themselves for BUpport in val ley town. Win Scholarship. .... i:. r Kuirone MIks Clara iiarui.ig, o. ..... city, who has ueeu biwhuh , T K ... i t.... ( m r fnrm ui 1 1 it nor wit - near Oervais. ba secure.! a tKliolarebip n the Conservatory oi i .. " ... t i ....I i... I..(t tor that place The c-hclarship is one highly priied by contestenU. and carries wi in u a ...... of 300 a year. Miss iiaro.... ed from the Eugene High school with the class of 105. She was also a atu dent of tbe University ol Oregon hchool ol Music. Opp Mine Owned by Eastern Men. Jacksonville - Detail of the recent sale of the Opp mine, loeatea one uii.e west of Jacksonville, are "ri . .... ih. price paid i in . of 1150.000. and markB a sale of the entire interests of the property owned by Opp and Perry. The presl .1....1 .n.1 other officer of the old com pany have resigned, anu w.o ...aug ment of the mine passe entirely under the control of tbe new owner, whose name are tor tne preseuv Picker Protest. Dallas Hop picking haa commenced i..r. An attempt 1 iwing oick by the pounu. A mob near Fort Worth, Toxai, w. . blg rlse in tbe -trea-n irned a negro at the stake.. Ha bad J"1'?" heavy. burned Condition at Panama Wa Caused by Abnormal Rate, New York. Sept. 11. It wa learned today that a condition of practical atar- steamer have been employed for thi purpose. Martial law baa been procuumea in the city. Nobody i allowed on tbe street after 8 o'clock at night, and in habitants of booee are held atrictiy re- Artillery waa employed against one house from which shots were fired. There is a general panic in the ci'y. A whole army of hungry workmen driven in from tbe burned suburbs baa flocked into the city. . There ia the broke, tbe second car waa whirled about , t d8rtitntion, and' measure for almost end for end, and, to the horror of those who looked on from below, niti-hed into the street. Those passenger who bad not jump ad from the platform and window be- tha nlnmre came were tnrown mio a mass at the forward end of the car. Aa the injured men and women were atmuiFlinir to free themeelve the heavy oa ... ... . .u.i . front truck ot tbe tnira car ieu imu in their midst, as the car iteell tumped nartlT off the elevated atructure and ... aradcred airainst a building at tbe southeast corner of Ninth avenue Forty-third street. transporting the workmen from tne city are imperatively necessary. RIOTS IN JAPAN. EFFORT TO INTIMIDATE, Witness So Tetifie in Land rraua Cases Before Hunt. Pnrtland. Sent. 12. Have the de fendant in the Williamaon-Geener Rimra case tried to Intimidate the wit nesses for the government? According tn the testimony of Campbell A Martial Law Proclaimed at Result of Dissatisfaction with Peace. Tokio, Sept. 8. Martial law ba been declared throughout Japan and the full power of the army i being used to uphold the Mutaubito dynasty unj and put-down rioting, which threaten 10 involve uu enure uanuu. Rioting waa resumed throughout the country Thursday night and moba swarmed through the street of thia and other citiee, burning and destroy ing - bomee, churches, and achoola of native Christiana. It i reported, although not con firmed, that the few mission chorchea and school that escaped the vengeance of the moba Wednesday night are now a . .1 pnn. aesxroyea. roe temper oi toe moo i nuuwu uj last year s, it being preuieieu oeioie vat;on which baa several times recem-iy picking commenced that the yieiu in threatened Panama canal laborer wa Lane county wouiu ian snorv iw. one 0i the grouno wnicu ouku - by 500 bale. dore P. Shonta, chairman ol tbe rana- ' i .. . . . ii,. r I ma Canal commission, w - Delegate to Prion Congress. e. Markel bid for supplying food to c-i n.r,mr Phamtierlain ha Uovernment employe at Panama, cane- appointed tbe following delegate to the ing two unsuccessful WMer t protest 1 ' .... t.:u vmAxim I . D..:i4anr PiWkflVA it. l,hiAI lDftTin v ..ho r'rionn rnnirrRHH. uii;u wivlD i to a injiuni D 7 . i,.La. I (DO ISC vUalw llcn mtv uuw uiviv District Attorney neney, ana uua.. nolicemen In the by the cross examination ol Mr. ul,' ud mor, ,re being taken lUBue. " ., . , .i.u.. .i i.: mere nouny. tijjm w.w muh.w. i, . . , 1 . . I,' ; n,..u1 .. trial the spirit ol sensaUonalwm wa . . ofl . wneui ; ' the first time in the course of tbe third here hourly. Mr. Rev. . l vi. in t-incoin, ieu., wtvu.. - . T.... iiatidi. Rev. K. P. Murphy, A. Levisque, Mr. Keiue . irmu- bull, Mr. W. A. Meai. C. W. Jamee, W. T. Oanlner, It. tt. nawicy, twinev. Dr. T. L. Eliot, Kev. x.. v . St. Pierre, Ben Selling, J. & Hunt. PORTLAND MARKfcTS. bushel ; Wheat Club, 68$69c per blueatem. 72c; valley, 71c. Oats No. 1 white leeu, io& eer John F. Btevena ha been aending daily appeal to the canal commiaaion- ers' heaqduarter to ena uib imu it aid today bv authority that tha lahorer who are doing the hard work have been for some time in a half starved condition, due to the fact that the demand for food haa raised the price of all commodities to abnormal AimrM in Panama. Tbe dollar-a-day men, with egg at 10 cent each and liad meat from 20 to 40 cent a pound. ' have gone for two and three day at a . .... . i . i ... a n.; .nv iiv.1 xrm ma. kui I .r 1 . . . u: ih. ran. in the Barley reeo, ao per vu., irau utnn -- . . . 1 I mi I l. ......1 .NinnH 121: rol ed, '-'2j-'a. swamps, iubj uav Rye l.o0 per ceniai. i tne quaneia o. m. u.i.v.. PB B Hay Eastern Oregon, timothy, 14 fod, and daily cable to Washington ,aiR r ton: valley timothy, 1112; for food supplies have been the result. clover, S9; Ki bv 8lS9- U this emergency one of the reasons Fruits Apples, ucsi.ij rr lor accepving iu. peache. 5000c iwr crate! plume, 50 1 earned, was the fact that he has an aTSc: cantaloupe. 75c$l; water- organied force ready to put into Pan- melons, ?4lo per pound; crabappies, at once, 1 per box; grapes, oucigai.oo, pc.., $1(41.25. , Vegetables Ueans, l4c per pound; calibaire. Italic; cauliflower, 75!tOc iierdoxen; celery, 7585c; corn, 8 9c; cucumbers, 1015oj pumpkins, 14! e per pound; tomatoes, 20 35o per crate; squash, 5c per pound; turnips, l.251.40 per sack; carrots, $1.251.50; beets, bi(ji.o. OnionB Oregon, uuctsi per av., lniroauceu jraiir.uaj '""'"'"b. -- f.:an,i. Duncan told of hi visit to Kepreeenu- . tr:iii.m.n in hia room at ti I a . c . . - , , ..nTCDa n , , ol it Ininarial hotel, and Stated tbat '.ne V1B- DUUU9 TW I tna ww . . it had been prompted by the advice and request of Attorney Barnee, oi rrino- phiUdelphia Ut Kurgea or oe.uuu ville, who baa ngure naa i autu... Name Illegally I here. shadow during tne mree rria.a. v-"-k- ph.iv:. g.. ft. The aesesor bell A. Duncan waa called ut m dijtrict , th. .!L r.Y;" ""Tonnd city, whoee duty it i. to place in voting HBonirumj. tut, the names of all aualifled elector. him still on tne Biano. Lmitl their revision of the lists to- Th wtiness cave much the same tea- -r- . , timony aa at tbe first and the sect that more than 50,000 fraudulent f , - ,. - . u. names naa oeeii pwcvu uu m u.. more lenient ru o. . up , month(, th, Vlcemw were put in evidence at .the first and I . 0er emD,0V nnder the direc tion of Mayor Weaver and tbe wity an important part i i .inn ni mayor yieayer mu portence and one tnai wu. Pr"-F-l"-r n.rtv. hav. been making canvas of an important part n , tne J ; fa iot th. pnrpow) of p,rgiDg the the case, was made by the witness, who ,., The nolice made told of having had a ""T" reporU alleging that more than 60,000 Marion R. Bigg in which Biggs b a ted P" WBrTonha li,u in violation of that while no written contract couia pe aj-eesors set between Geener and tne appn .ni. rni timher lanu. vei an uuuer- .i.n.lino i-onld he reached DV wnicn the claimant could know tbat they would be able to sell their claims to vne rm nt Williamson & Oesner at a stated figure, as soon aa title had been gained from the government Aaruinaldo Still a Repel. Manila. Sent. 11. Captain W. P. Baker, medical officer of the constab ulary, serving in the province of Ca pita while testifying in a libel uit aginst the Renaciemento, a native newspaper, declared that Aguinaldo waa in leasue with the native outlaw He said that evidence to thi effect was nht.inail from captured chiefs. "The Globe, 75o. people understand," he added, "that Potatoes Oregon, extra fancy, 05(8 Aguinaldo i the director ot the outlaw 27K30c per 75o per Back Butter fancy creamery, per pound. Ron Oregon ranch, 2425c Poultry Average old hens, 11 (8 12c; mixed chickens, 10XUc; old- roort er. 83c; young rooster, lOGSllc; dressed chicken, 12013c; tn". live, 2021c; geese, live, 83"c; ducks, 13(814o. Hops 1005, choice, 15c; prime, 14o, 1904 choice, lotsiic per h""u"- Wool Eastern Oregon averag 192lc; lower grade aown 10 made to The pickers are generally making a vigorous proiea . f. . ......iui. n many ol the yards are strained, and a rupture i thought to be possible tbat may extenu 10 an the yards of the county. o.mnaian. and supposedly peaceful na. tives are aiding the movement nnder the same understanding." Lav All Blame on Newspaper, Reattle. Wash.. Sept. 11. Local Japanese believe that the present riot are stirrea up oy tu n.p.piii -i.tin to the government. It is believed here mat me japaiie r"' mant. which is to convene in Novem ber-will explain the meaning of the treaty and the people will be sat Isfled. It Is announced that, when the l-r:r: . vaii. 25027c: ny ,e" jbp"u I'z coming w "" n"i - - tation in government circle oi ecui. monair, wn,., v r. r- , imiemntty. Dressed puhb, ivsv i"1' I - ., pound; cows, 334c; country steer, 4 Dethi Hwr 4 V. n . Rerlin. Sent. 11. An official bulle- ln-ZM ii Per tin this' afternoon announce, that 19 ,d nTd new case, of cholera and .even death, pound; ordinary, (Soo mm , moalteiA durinl. th. 24 hour end ing at noon. 7c Pork Dressed, 67c per pound. yesterday and today to revise the list. Tbe number oi name stricxen on 07 the assessor will not be known for sev eral day. The secretary of the City party tonight estimated tnai at least 48,000 name had been dropped. Russia Putting Treaty Into Effect. uMin i. rsi-ln. Bt. Petersburg. Bept. . ine new . ti . 10 Tim or ine aiimixiK 01 1,11 wuw .1 . .. . 1 Af llm nxtrtla ara I suited immediately in an unwonted TJKwT". V.l that outbnrat of activ. work at the Foreign . i .u. ...1: in,. .ht ! office. Each ministerial department TJLZZ. he au hori iei 7 of ihe will be .applied with an official copy to J m . . w h vellow fever is not declin ing a ateadily as it wa a couple of week ago. ine aeam raie wuuuu to be exceedingly low, because the fever is now only occasionally touna among the Italians, but more new case are reported daily than the Marine hos pital authorities expeciea wouiu u im ported at mis nme. Uniform for Foret Service. Washinaton. Sent. 12. In the neat d.tnra forest ranirer and all field em ploye of the Forest service win ne un iformed. Their suits, patterned after army uniforms, will be of drab green tint, the equipment to fuither consist nf a arav flannel shirt, gray felt bat, black riding boot and double breasted to match the suit. Button Ka.rimr an embossed flr tree ana tne word "Forest Service" will be used on the uniforms. of Indicate Crlsi In Negotiation. Christianna. Sept. 12. The tone ih. Norweoian newspaper ih.i tha commissioner of Norway and c.i.n nuranlins the dissolution of tbe union, have reported an empasee the end that every provision 01 tne treaty shall be understood thoroughly by each minister, particularly on it bearing on the change provided for by the treaty, which must be carried out by the different minister ana aepan menta. The carrying out of the pro vision will be proceeded with at once. Franca Ready to Act. Pari, Sept. 8. The government (till await word from Fe regarding tbe ultan'a anwer to the second ulti matum to Morocco, the time limit ol which expired yeateiday. The Arm intention of the ministers is to enforce red res without reference to outsied In fluence. Unofficial intimation have been received that Germany doe no gympathUe with a French military demonstration against Morocco, though she would not interfere Interned Cruir Prepare To Go. Vallejo, Cal., Sept. 8. Tbe Bturaian cruiser Lena will leave here Saturday for San Francisco to be docked, painted and acraped. She will then return for three day to th navy yard to taka on her gun. con loused hi crime.