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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
All Humors An impure matter which the skla, Urer, kidneys and other organs caa tot take care of without help, there U uch au accumulation of tliom. They litter the whole system. Mmple, boils, enema and other wruptlons, lou of appetite, that tired feeling1, bilious turn, fit of indigea don, dull headache and many other trouble are due to them. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Remove all humor, overcome all their effect, strengthen, tone and Invigorate the whole system. "I bad tall rheum on my hands o that I ocid not work. I took Hood'i Sarsaparilla and It drove oat tlx humor. I continued Ka bh till the mum disappeared." Ma. tBa O. Baown, Ramrord Fall, Ma. Hood' Sarsaparilla promises ts urs and hasps the promise. Arsenic and Corpulence. A curious torjr is reported concern tag a barque which arrived recently In port having in her cargo three hundred caak of arsenic. The crew lept very near tb large array of barrels contain log the drug, which gate off constantly an Indescribable odor. They soon all noticed the same thing, snd sereral of the tars became aware tout they were becoming abnormally stout One man gained twenty-live pound. The agsre gate extra weight put on by the en tire crew was little less than four htm dred pounds. This was attributed to vapor generated by the action of the sun on the cask and Inhaled by the sea men while they slept TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tata Luuln Bromo Quintn Tablrta. All dnic ftau refuu4 to money u It ta'la to cur. IL W. tiro! aiaaaiuro la oh hk-o. box. SSo. Natural Koap. It Is said that In a mountain near Elko. Nevada, there is an Inexhaust ible supply of pure soap.. One may enter the mine with a botcher's knife and cut a large a piece as he wants. It Is beautifully mottled, snd on be ing exposed to the air hardens some what. The mountain of cl.iy Is of fine . texture, and It contains, boracic acid, soda, and borate of lime. Its color is given It by the Iron and other miner als, to its natural state it Is rather strong In alkali, and removes ink and ether stains readily. At one time it was used on the Pullman earn, but when Its peculiar origin became gener ally known passengers appropriated it so extensively for souvenirs that the company was forced to bo back to the common soap of commerce. For bronchial trminim trv Tiso's Cur for Consumption. It is a (rood cough SBedicinr. At drusririt, price io tents. Gorgeous Japanese floors In number the diaphatiou robes worn by a Japanese woman of bib rank of the eleventh or twelfth cen tury were seldom less than twenty, while on great occasions even more might be necessary. Thus at a great palace fete It Is said that "some wor as many as twenty-live suits, showing glimpse of purple, of crimson, of grass green, of wild rose yellow and of sa pan-wood brown, their sleeve and skirt decorated with golden designs, while others, by subtle commingling of willow sprsys and cherry blossom and by embroidered patterns picked ent with gems, represented the poem of the jewels and the flower." Mother! will And Mri. winaloWi Boothlng Bjrup ma waft rouivuj louw lor IDSu COiluran during tha toethlng period. A Famous Aqueduct. One of the msst Imposing architec tural relics of western Europe is the aqueduct of NIsmes, In southern Prance. After the laps of sixteen centuries this colossal monument still pans the valley, joining bill to bill in nearly perfect atate. The highest rang of arches carries a small canal Just wide enough for a man to creep through and atiil retaining a thick 'lining of Roman cement The height of the etructure is J88 feet and the length of the highest arcade 872 feet It use was to convey to the City of NIsmes the water of two spring twen ty -At mile distant "Wins Sonpstone I now fused by the oxy hydrogen flam into clear glass. Thl can be drawn Into very fine fiber. which have all the advantage of the quart fibers nsed for delicate snspen slons, and Is likely to prove otherwise serviceable. Ner!y i2.nori.000 ton of coal per year are now saved, acordlug to the estimate of A. A. Campbell Swtnton. by the use of water power for the pro motion of electricity. Statistics col lected by him show that up to lust Au gust niHmt l.rKO0i horse power for electrical work was being generated from water power, and of thl total nenrly one-third belonged to the I'nited States. In England only 12.000 horse liower I thus developed,' That some of the lower vertebrate possess ii onse unknown to ua has ecn made evident by the prolonged ob serration of M. Werner, a naturalist of Vienna. Not less than 130 Indtvid tiiils. one-third of them at liberty, have been studied, and It has been made cer tain that reptiles and amphibians are so strongly attracted by water that they go straight toward It, even though he so far away that no sense known to man can detect It. The new sense is supitosod to depend upon some kind of chemical attraction, though how It acts and on what part of the body arc mysteries. Student of the science of the weath er are giving greater attention than formerly to the phenomena of III at mosphere high above the earth s sur face. Explorations of the upper air with kites and balloons have bad re sult which have made evident once more the great value of mountain ob servatories. The Weather Bureau I now planning a great center of meteor ological research to be placed on Mount Weather, In the Blue Kidge mountains, six mile from Bltiemont, Va. A new theory of the nature of cyclone and anti-cyclone is expected to result from the Investigations now going on. The increasing demand for platinum. particularly for use In the manufac ture of gas mantles, an led to the In vention of a process of saving the fine powdery grains of this metal found in the gold placer deposits of southern Oregon and elsewhere. The platinum, being in a state of very fine division. tlmot in the form of dust, will not set tle in a placer sluice so long as the water Is briskly stirred. After the metal-bearing water has passed over t riffle table, on which nearly ail the iiold settles. It is drawn more slowly over a coco-mat riffle, on which the plntinuui settles, and is then collected tiy rinsing the coco-mats over tank. Formerly the platinum was all wasted, at first because Its Identity was not recognised, nd afterward because no process was then known for saving It In order to counteract the opinion that the Amazon Valley offers favora ble opportunities for Investment and settlement our consul at Tara, Louis H. Ayme, sends to the Department of Commerce a discouraging picture of the condltiona that new colonists In that part of the world would have to face. The bank of the vast river and it tributaries are flat and awampy, and the tangled forest Invade the edges of the streams. Expanses that look like fertile meadow are composed of green ooze. In which the capybara. or tapir, wade more than knee deep. The extraordinary forest do contain many kind of precious woods, th most valuable In the world, but these trees are scattered and hard to get at. There are almost no markets, and no ways to reach markets. The food sup ply Is neither varied nor abundant. ent for from three mouth to two year to a forced labor Institution. It has been found that certificates of origin and of discharge from work, which tb legitimate work seeker ran posses in Swltxerland, materially help Id the Identification of the professional tramp. By mean of the system oft vwmm Itlentlfloatlon of th. Inter Cantonal j UmkiAr, yrtl .olug , gft , w Vulon. In fourteen out of ;,. j,BkiNe, ,, h, tweuiy-two cantons, valuable assist- Mn.t ,flrord it.cinclnntl Tribune, anoe is rendered the authorities. The . , ...... union Issue a traveler', relief book tompromle: Miranda-No, Fred, with which real workmen can travel ; on armchair; yoo take It, II over the country and be fed and ! 1 Kr-uppos w both tk Un clothed until work I found for them; ,1 L,f'' but the Inveterate beggnr and tbe "Young Ir. Swift calls every day on 'work-any" are turned over to the ait-1 'he little widow." "IHr me! Is she thorltiee for puulshmeht. Swltierlaud j a III a nil that?" "No. but h I Is a country of small Jurisdiction. The a pretty all that." Kx. system described may not b prao Foodie My dear girl. I have a llttl tlcabl In thl expansive country, and . more eno than you give m credit for. ! resort must be bad to other methods. Mr. Foodie -I am clad of that for The Tennaylvanla tatute for the sup- your sake! Illustrated Hits. ! pression or the proressloual tramp will be found effective wherever It I eu-' ergetieally applied. j ANOTHER NEW CULT. "Pe only thing dst some people gits out of education," said I'ncle Kben, "Is de ability to talk so' people can't un derstand 'em." Waahlngtnn 8tr. Illuki Sklnnetn tell me he I going Chivaso Ulrl Founds Relilon Which ( Into Catchem law otflce a partner. " Jink iioesn t h mean as an accom- Another religion cult which It pile! Clnmul Commercial-Tribune. foundress call Scientific Chrlstisnity she ia .m, r.rtm. . . t.r. .it.. has been born la Chicago and alre.dy Uv.r.s H,N ,, new according to tbc,briuloh of ry 0l( art. . Kr(irtiiis young woman who , , skln r rot-ess -Detroit Free Press, ha evolved It It I . . rlaima l.fl. adher-1 K Newrlche. are get ents. The .voting i rU,l,,"r'? "j"" ! woman Is Mabel j '"" ', ,M",1k f ' ,ho"" ""T"' A.Jackman. It Is I f ,,""m,ful hon.e.-N.w not ntsj to ten what S c 1 e n 1 1 flc Christianity I. It U.VHtX A. JACKItAM eem to be a mix ture of Christian Science and the Salvation Army, Why. when the account was opened you told me you were well off. Lamb ley So I was, but I didn't know It. Town Topics. She Ild you erer take your automo- with a few frills of Jobu Alexander; hue apart to see how It worked? He Howie thrown lu. The home of thehv". not exactly. I have taken It new cult Is a former Methodist church, j apart to see how It didn't work. Yon which was gutted hy fire some tlmejer Statesman. ago and which came Into the posses-1 Mayme What a gossip Mr, dadby siou of the uew society recently. This j Is! Edith Yes. Indeed. 1 never tell church Miss Jackman calls I'aradlse, her anything without finding out that while she assumes the title of the ' she hn already told It herself. 'h II Shepherdess of Paradise. Connected j adelphla Bulletin, with the church I a small printing j Mr. Jones My daughter Is onlv IS. office where Miss Jackman Issues a j you hH(1 bp,,,., . , ibe u j,,, weekly publication devoted to her pe-xh Lover Well. 1 v waited two culiar religlou views. It costs a new l jfurt, for her to get older, but b dill member 2 to Join the new church. stay it IS. Judge. while monthly due of 2 are supposed I , .... , , , . . .. . 11 I After the Wake: Mr. Cassdy to be paid afterwards. -t.... .. . . . , ... ; to ok I... o i . .. Twns very natural he ooked. Mr. I.Ike the Christian Scientist the;,s. ,.' . , . , . . . ,,, , ... . . . itasey Aye: shure he I.M.ked fur all member, of he new cult cla m the j the wurM , power of healing the sick and a.Hicte.1. ! (,ea.t. IMuMrtU Bits. Miss Jackman intends creating a new! city to be known as Paradise, In which ! . "'"-" foa'rt got place In that there will be no saloons, no gambling. bnkt"K ""'' I nppoh It wa. he- no vie. nnelo-arafor.. .ml n., , stifle, "'mow votl Knew tne presmenit nar- : ue dUiD t know m?. Hcitou Trau Ayers Doctors first prescribed Aycr's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years igo. They use It today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon It for colds, coughs, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you how It heals InHamcd lungs. t hart a atf U.t emiih far threa vaara. Sil I ti tail ATKfal'lwrx l-aftural "' lun al tvoo oaalKlauo tuy aubdniroi WVls. fsaat. llvn, Oothrl Caslra. ta. for "i ttiii'le.ia Old Coughs laawnt Irf)okJw Thr would b leu lockjaw," ld a physician, recently, "If PopU would tak Just a llttl simple precaution. Th mok from a wooln cloth I fatal to th tstamis microbe. Thl bacillus I picked up wllh such dirt a get Into th wound from a rusty nail, or whtrr 1 Inflict It. r from othr cauie. nd I on of the lst to kill. Tak a woolen chhii 'and set fir to It. Hold the wottmi ovr th mok for 20 minute snd In 'nllt case out of ten tln inlcrobi which cause all Ih trouul Will u dd."Nw York Sum rlow'aTtmt ..... n tiioiilni.t Itellara ItawaM lot any wauft aistth thai caiiltut b BMied bj Uaiut autthO..... ,.0ir T,,,,,,,,,,;, Wa. th tiniitnmi""i, e. . . Ch."a lor Iha la.1 1.1 ta. Slid lllaT.hliil II who know not wt It I. iA ."T know lt,.t what It I. t ...i'.VI'.'K MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PUIirot trtllllWMIN MACHINImVci,"-4 rH si M-lsi. lr. LAND SCRIP FOR SAU i In ana M'laiitliv lu laimi,,,, I daart t nt tln.i.r land .ui,.,HT,;, ' 1 I , iiuproraiuviil l.o i Imw," ? I I rWW. rmnl.nZ I allow II V, J. I haiiar lot ma iai w jraia. ..... ....... ttlai(l h.H"tl'la In all biuiu.a usinao IluiK aii'l niiam isUt aula tmatij wut sut vie to inair nrin. , tf holanala lrlal. Tula.!", O. hn A Mtsvis, aulaaala l'tu(- On Ayer'a Pill at bodtlma Insure a natural action not morning. i( l their nrin at sr a mi tt. Vt .LIIINII, IXN Hall s i irrh('iira la laiaa liilnll, s.l Inadltarlly Uin ih W" '' Bixeatw ,.a ..I th aiaiam. I't' . If Ih.11.. ld li sit iruann. laaunwiilali . Hall Katullji fllla ra lUa bsal. Anawxrril. Intllfiisnt .Mnerlcaii - by I li, sir, that lu Itusala there l antll prejiidiie aslual tin Hebrews? Cultivated ltuln" H-caitas Ilia lli brews are ii'ili-t. Iiu'lfenaive people, lm attend alrlclly to their own sffslra, ! and do eict'llfttl work for fair . Just si the Chine do lit la la country. An Incident or History. Julia Ward How had Just written "Th llattls Hymn of ihn ltepuhllc." and wa reading It to i:llaleth Cady Stanton. "Well, I.Uslis" she asked when sh had finished, "what do you think or It?" "tireat:" wa th reply, "Bui you are boosting man galn lu doftatice of; tans mw r w " our glorlou prInrlpU-a. Ml dowu now j and writ another to he raded The i Battle Her of tb Mepuhllc' " New York Telegram. I A tlllAHAVri t 0 Cl'KI! I OK l'll.l!S II. !'.. Ill.tli.s w C,..UU.IlMf filaa YnnritiunKt w.U lOin4 io If rA jo.iMHl I'laata tar tile. This ia a reuiaikalilr utli-r Hip John A. palt-r iStrtl Co., Iji I rom, W is,, innkes. Hr movement she ssvs. will sw,-eo I I""" ue'aus the world clear of sin ami dlatreaa Between Zion on one side and rara-j 1 dlse entering unou Its great career on Aunt Hannah Have you told any the other the people of Chicago should j 0119 of y"r engagement to Mr. Sweet be happy. Utica Globe. er' Kdlth No; I haven't told a soul except Bessie Miller, who thought he A GIRL S NATURE. was going to ask her Boston Trau , script. fhaae of Character.' i Johnny Geehaw-Pw, what's th law or gravitation? Farmer Geehaw I dun no. I hain't got time to keen Snlrer N-eda liate a trtiutntinn sa tli corbel, ti-t, olimi-int tli rmtli produce. Tltcv will aeinl you tlieir hii piitnt and sen! tutitlof, ti'ip-ther Willi rnotiith seed lo jtriw 1. ftal linr, ,.:d Ciibliagea, 2, til rii'h, )Hh')' i'urntp. !.() hlaiuiiuiK. nuitv (Vlrry, I '""I rich, butterv l.eltu-e, l.t1 apUnilul lnii'ii, l.ntl rnt, luH'iiti Until. h-a, I.t) glorou-lt- brdliiini Kl writ Tina itrrat nlTcr 14 tnad. in ordi-r lo in duce vou to try tlirir warrititttd atirda -for wlirn you once plant tlinti you will grow no other, and t.t. ro ni T Ko msti:h, proviihntt you will return tlna notice, and if Volt will end llirilt '.'Ik' 111 pfx.t,;r. thrv will add to th above a Ih'k parkago of the rnr!u-t Sweet ( '"rn on e.trtli fler' Kuurth of July fully lu days ejilirr Cury, 1'ecp o' 1))-, ttc, etc. 1'. t . 1. i The British Museum rotitalus over two aiillion volimu-s if printe. hooka and manuscripts, whii li ar swrrd upou f..rty uiiies of alielvii. If ro waul kiatlia iasM mttiroa lua awMf latstr yaur yuu taii as (Uaot aurtlilB ti tutaa lua 'ftV ',tt Mm 'Zm r, I FERRYvS SEEDS -tua atanilanl afl.t , aan taal. Iti la,a iiiiiuta) Iha la,aal au4 aMrva, nifa All 4i .i Qtk.u. iiu, I a m-m t ,MuM. A o. M,n, aoe.V I OStHOtT, MISH, 110,000 Plmfi for I Gel V M ' arnlsnt f hmj t lHtM W I taw?A.k1M'' " ' MhM I m .je- " l" im. v m I i "M "" 1 I I rtwii .t. .1 t.f rrit4 4d. 1 I I K nU M.tW h.i m n I ifc f ltiWiii. tuatif m I PaS tC '" . I i r Much of a girl's nature Is betrayed by tbe little act of brushing a speck off a man's coat. If she picks off the thread or imaginary bit of Hut very carefully between the thumb and fore finger It Is an Indisputable sign that up with all the fool siatonts the durn leglslatur' passes.---I.oitlt-lll Courier- Journal. it igfi way ma n How much money TRAMPS IN SWITZERLAND. Vagrant Who Wont Work Arc 8at to Prison. Newport News, Va., July i, 1903. tt summer while recovering from ill ness of fever, I had a severe attack of Inflammatory Rheumatism in the knees, from which I waa unable to leave my room for several months. I waa treated by two doctors and alsa trior) diffi.rr.nt kind of linament and medicines which seemed to relieve me from pain for awhile, but at the same time I was not amy nearer getting well. One day while acauuig a paper 1 saw an advertisement 01 o. b. a. tor Kheumatum. I decided to give it a trial, which I did at once After I had taken three bottles I felt a great aeai Deuer, ana I sun continued to take it regularly until I was entirely cured. I now feel better than and I cheerfully recommend 8. S. S. to muj uuc auuertag irom Kheumatism. 13 jd st cha. b. CuDKRsweva. Kheumatism is caused by uric acid or Am Ot. aAt.l : r . 1 . . . "-" ih in me mood, which when deposited in the muscle and joints, produce the iharp, cuttine pin nd th stiffness nd soreness pe culiar to this disease. S. S. S. goes di rectly into the circulation, all irrita ting ubstance are neutralized and filtered out of the system, the blood is made pure ar.d the general health is pmlt up under the purifying and tonic euectsot the vege table remedy. Write for our spe cial book on Rheu matism which is aentfree. Ourphy iciamwill advise without charge all who will write ua about their case. Tb Swift Soociflo Company, Atlanta, Ga. 7m 1 mmat Ait uvi tn e la tlnj. riold bv rtrtio-irivt. -Igi?MirXTSsTrT7T f 14 CiiDil Mum 1,1 Tbe leading citizens of one of the townships In a county adjoining Phil adelphia, which suffers from the In vasion of city vagabond and other ho boes, hare organized for the purpose of executing the anti-tramp law, ay tbe Philadelphia Ledger. The example la praiseworthy. If the society Is ac tive in its field, tbe nuisance will soon be abated. In trampdom bad new travel wlftly. The place that are to be shunned are soon known to the fra ternity of work-shirker. The mere existence of tbe anti-tramp association will probably check the trnmp Invasion to some extent, but arrest and Imprl- onment the vigorous, persistent en forcement of the law are necessary for tbe removal of the evil and often terror of the countryside. No law 1 elf-execntlve. Tramp prevail in coun try township because the statute. pro viding for their suppression is allowed to slumber. Constable are few and far between. There Is no State con stabulary to patrol the highways. Cit izens must, therefore, become detect ive and make arrest, a they are em powered to do under tbe law In this case. Neighborhood organization, in tended to bring a large body of citi zen together to give vitality to the anti-tramp law a rural law and or der society to make good the defi ciency and inefficiency of the ordinary meager police establishment Is about all that can be done to cope with the trouble In an effective way In the present state of local government In small communities. The treatment of the professional tramp Is a matter of world-wide con cern, t'arhaps Switzerland has mude a nearer approach to a satisfactory so lution of the problem than any other country. From a report made by H. rreston T nomas, an Inspector of the English local government board, on the methods of df-nllng with vagrancy In Switzerland, It appears that a plan has been devised for distinguishing tbe honest searcher for work and the pro- resaionai tramp, which has done much for tbe elimination of the beggar from that country, If an able-bodied man Is without mean and Is genuinely In search of work, and his "paper" are In order, be 1s supplied by the police. or tbe International Cantonal Union, with rood and lodging, and will, if possible, have work given him. If he cannot obtain any, be Is passed on to the next town, to a relief station, to hi own district, or to tbe frontier; If It i decided that he is "work-sby," In tbe expressive Swiss vernacular, be is she is a woman of a very practical and inftv 0,? Heldtip I couldu't executive character. j guess. Highwayman You can't guess On the other hand. If a girl should I"' "n30"111? Heldtip No. Highway brush the coat Isuel of her fiance verr man Then glv It up Cleveland softly and tenderly with the second ! 1ll,ln Deal,,r' and third finger of her hand In her en- Neighbors I heard your dog howling deavor to remove an lurlalble speck It last night. If be bowls three nights Is a sure sign that she is more aentl- ln succession It's a sure sign of death mental than practical. The man who Nextdoor Indeed! And who do you marries her will live In a continual at- i '"Ink will die? Neighbors The dog. mosphere of romance and bad house- Chicago News. keeping. Reedy Stranger-Excuse tne, sir. but There Is still another type of girl can you change a dollar for me? Hu who will brush the speck off a nitin's ! manltarlau Why, yes. Seedy Stranger Thank. And now will kindly tell me where 1 can get the dollar? Cleve land I'laln Dealer. "That Mrs. Snaggs Is too much of a aristycrat fur me to mingle wld. "How's that?" "She was knocked down by a push cart snd she had It put into de paper dat she was hit hy sn a titer coat with a broad sweep of the hand in which all tbe fingers and thumb play a part. She Is In all probability an athletic glri who excels at tennis, golf and the links and who will prove a high spirited, strong minded woman after marriage. - Then, again, the girl who put a flower in a man's coat with her hand j mobile." Detroit Free I'ress. neia jauntily upturned from the wrist and the flower held in the tips of her fingers Is sure to be something of a coquette, while tbe maid who give you only the tips of her fingers when she greets you in the drawing room or public street Is probably an ambitious girl. Chicago Journal. Red and Green Snow. At variou time It I recorded that there has been "blood on the face of tbe moon." Some old chronicles tell of showers of blood, which, however, are not well authenticated. The "bloody snow," on tbe other band, Is an actual thing. Snow Is sometimes found in polar and Alpine regions, where It lies nnmelted from year to year, and the annual fall Is small, colored red by the presence of Inniim erable small red plant. In Its native state the plant consists of brilliant red globules on a gelatinous mass. Ited snow was observed by the ancients, a passage ln Aristotle referring to It; but It attracted little or no attention until 17W. when Saussure observed It in the Alps and concluded that It was due to the pollen of a plant. It was also noticed by the Arcllc expedition under Captain Boss on Baffin's Bay shore on a range of cliffs, the red color penetrating to the depth of J2 feet. Less frequent Is a green growth of snow. Sham and Kcalltlea. The good man quietly discharge his duly and shun osteututlon; the vnln man considers every deed lost that la not publicly displayed. The one Is In tent upon realities, the other upon semblance; the one aim to be good, the other to appear so. Robert Hall. Mlspluond Ili-Tollon. He (bitterly) If I were rich you'd marry me readily enough! She) Don't, Gusale, don't! Much devotion break my heart! He What do you mean? She Often have you praised my beau ty, but never before my common sense! It Is every man' opinion thnt his wife put too much stress on the doc tor' kindness, considering that It cost $2 per. The dumb waiter can't repeat what the (peaking tube say. Tommy Sinoklo' cigarettes Is dead sure to hurt yer. Jimmy (J'on! Whirr did yer git dat notion? "From pop." "Aw! he wuz Jlst strtngln' yer." "No, b wasn't strlngln' me; he wuz strap, pin' me. Dat's bow I know it hurls." Catholic Standard and Times. "How do you account for the fact," asked the doctor, "a shown by actual Investigation, that thirty-two out of ev ery hundred criminal In the country ar left-handed?" "That' easily ac counted for," said the professor; "the other sixty-eight ire right bunded." London Tit-Bits. "Say," aald th girl' dear little brother, "are you a baseball player?" "No," replied young Mr. Mlowton. "what made you nsk that?" "Oh, nothing, only when ma wa asklu' sis, tbe other day, whether you was ever goto' to come to bat, she snld It looked to her as though you was playln' for your release." Ex. Mr. Tittle Wasn't It disgraceful the way these women talked during th play lust night) Mrs. Tattle Well, I should say so. Surah Smooklns was trying to tell ma the fuss ln the Brlndles family, and those two women made such a clatter I couldn't hear more than half she said. Boston Tran script "You are an hour late this morning, Bam." "Yes, sah, I know II, sab." "Well, what excuse have you?" "I was kicked by a mule on my way here, sab." "Thut ought not to have de tained you an hour, Snm." "Well, you see, boss, It wouldn't have If ho'd only nave kicked me In dls direction, but he kicked me de other way!" Yonkur Statesman. Being bitrn gu-:it i iime., i.,, iMtttram i with it that s man will l xn-ut at (lu fiiii'h. )ii.iu.i.ia iiinqpu j.MAjja jo smut ni Molbtrlr Ailvlt. "Johnny," ld the Cleveland moth er, "I want you lo gull ualng u. h lan guage that.' "Why, mother." replied Johnny. "Sliskrupeir said is hat I Jusl Mid." "i'heu you must quit m'laiiiig with hint." rejoined the cautious worn in. "He's uul fit companion tor you" Vou Can Ott Allan's I oo.l I Kl Ii. Writ Allan nlmitad, la K,.t N. Y , hr ! Ira aaiiipl el Allan a r..i law. H eutra ; aweallui. hut twMllan. a. Ulna taet 11 ma 1 saw or lulil (" as. A ttalB rota lot j eorna Inarowlni nlla ami Imnlona Atlilrti- l.l. Hlllt. . liun'l Srratil ! Ulwlltula. j One Man' Theory. ! Mrs. N kid --You talk about tha ) ' of single I!sih1iim. but. nrvordmg to atattatii's, unite barhalurs commit aim-ids than married uien. Mr. Olilliaeh V. that true. 1 .Mrs. Nawkld Oh. jrou a, loot le. do ami? Thru, I suppoM ton I'nu alplnlll wlr it la So? Mr. Oldliach Certsinlr. Thar ara ilrlien lu dmperatlott b uthsr paopls'a lis hies. ' FITC rf,,,an,'1r ''4. tin nt.rt, tiTHinM rlld an, flrHt.u'.iM..rt, knur ai,,-.o , tl..f-, M-tt.l pSil.thUi,aHi,,p.,iM, lf n. II kllna, U4..SU Aon St., rkUaaVIHiia. I'a. Hating antig t miutem Into a phono graph, s Sclilrawlg .hut or bita lift tu atrtictliin In hia will that th tiin.ic ahali ha reproduced at hia funeral. Im. , wf -4ta-4i4.aMttaiS MM i. I-I-, t-MlM, P Imm a l-Mt ii a. Iwat si.i.i a-unt 1 w--, ... .a x.Mli. MIS, .,. 1 ... B'a ia t.1.11. fi. -i.WNI fcnafcrla fcrtlllaat a.a,ra.i i 1 "I i" -i "(-a i,.li..., l..ifc. ns . llMa l! al-oit V. ..s g. .... .....1 I i. . all 1,4 1 !,( mmm ihia f I-. JONI A. lAtlt 1MB k Grows. Wist. It Uialtrrt llU!i w h!tir A iniO L niSlh.n.alo.ll. ... . 1. ll I.1..11. eultlvsted Goetha. ilKllUJi) U J.'JIH3.J iAiIUIU, aijj, ?M I t H- i i -r ! ! 1 f t t-t 1 l-H I f The Great Nonesuch Remedy ST. JACOBS OIL Th old monk cur, stror.f. n fht. sur, has lor Ur rl of century bsltlod nh and conquered Aches and Pains lh worfljj ovr. ar.d 50;. Prk 2Sc. WiiY GET SOAKED , ' WMtN ta 'IW""IJ 9 . 7) CUOTMINO- i WUKIC'TOVBST . . . V I w. IH4 14AM K ktsfit niAPf MaMf & WTATMO CtUMWt 1 TCW(HCO,tOTt)1 M.,VI1. Wtlt 10ll 4 . 1 VO . t (Ml' TO, CAMAOA XMM Vi Utl 'atTVv- mm sV-1 t H 1r M- i 1 i i i - t I i 1 l4rtt iitw A Candid t It I Id. A Contrary Opinion. Iil Visitor Your lllllo alrl seems "Then in r..i m muib U"a w"h Mr- ,nld th m"' w,w uk" -'"' hoi) Mrs. Seawall-Yea: and ah. doW "'' ofteu tik to stranrs. You think Mr. 1 un contrary, answeretl Mr Olrpur Is real nice, don't rou Ai-nea? rltorniliigton llarnes, with a touch ti Agnes You ssld ah wa est. 111am- pertty, "great actor are. lo mv nor ms; but sh doaau't look t bit ilk on. inal knowledga, gi-ttlng left vcn Bo.toq Tr.nscrlpt. .-son." Washington Star. ALWAYS CALL FOR A CIGAR HY ITS NAME "CBEClfl" MEANS MORE TI IA.M ANY OTHER NAME mown BASot 0000 roi ruiT Um Smt la Mm warM." ft GASTORIA Tlie Annual Vacation. Th annual vacation I one of the mot efficient weapon against break down for those who live In the Intense modern life. A well-known New York physician used to say that he could do a year's work in eleven months, hut not In twelve. Work and IMajr. Whlzzer Every man ought to di vide bl time between work nud play. Joshem Ye. Your friend Toucher over there certainly dot thnt. liii. n be Isn't plnyiiig tha rnces he I work lug hi friend;--Chicago New. AYcCdaUle Preparation fur As siiniiatinf llic Food and HcCiila luig the Stuinaclis aid Dowels of Promotes DiSealioivChmrur- nessanti Hest.coiilalni nclihrr Ojntiin.Moj pliine nor Miiivral. OTlMAltCOTC. Wyw affju DrSAMUH rtTOWl Alx-S'mHM Anue .bed lit ftittorutjf.Qj0 Aperfecl ndmedv rnrrnnellnA. .irrluicji Worins ,(;onviilsi(ins levensh iirss (uul Loss or Sutui'. Facsimile Signnlure of NEW Yon Ft. Tor Infanta and Children. I The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A A Air Or. C. Cee Wo Wdlirful Hon Trea'.mnt Th' roiUrfiil I ntt ti'-ti'tr U (rt twt n.iat U rune le-l'i Witlil'tlt 4rV tl'sls IttMt mtm ittrtt Hl I' It t 1 ur will) thr- tt- s Ulftit 1 in tiow bstrtMt rwi, bMl aim. Vrgn k'ti tltl ari vhinrty uti known to ii. . U d rMttil' Itirimtli ihm Ua f IHMt rH.K.ii tti! Taitioii i.-vwf kit! -it ttsvt yt 4 tlr,,n rrmwitt Wltfti lutty iitr m tt rfwrittif d is lit m tirr 1 st'tti'ti. Mlhrna, )un. ihftMl. tutu,, .in, r-r tot, (,., it. b, luf, kM J,r"' htus'tmu f u in a .lj. httrr, llft.Uialf 4 ll itH hint, Will nf tl'.p i-iy st1a r,f l.i.k, ml ,1(, Ui wr.-l !. Hi.S M Aii,, A I'I'tt Tbi C. Esi W) Cslntsi MrrJfsln Co. JM", 2',1 AI.DI.R ST.. KWTUTO, OMCOIt sT Mi)tW-ti jutwr hriftlr)i It tiHvn In Use For Over Thirty Years mwmmsm a n n tyrt n n L mm I UHIA 'w.- 7- 1" 1 iimii, TMsnTun aowaanr. aaw oss oit. . " " " mm, sis, irl-isilii-trri-ffi, J'.',' li-r-f. Iil'i iii- ' 'V : " mmm'2E3t&iiL3Zi W'"'" "' to.dmtla.r,,.l.ii.l , I V nimill.iu this linpar, I . 1 I To Convince You THE CHATHAM Is Ihn lll'.KT INCCHATOIt n tlie limrki-l, I will send you mil-, (iuIk'U iri Milil, ami wait lor my pay unlit Octolier 1, imifi. it Hits given tint liit;ici-t award at the (ircgiui bliiln I'sir, held at Knlem hut fill. Wrllo (, r our ii'scrlitlve Catiilr.g !.i l nrb.. tors and lliiioilfrs and our tiinu pi Dpi sit o I. ceo, w. roon. Dept. 12 Portland, Oregon PUTNAM FADELESS r V f? s. .m m . - ralnrm milk, monl mnrl ti,Hnm