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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1905)
jr. u THE VOL. XXII. KT. HELENS, OHEfJON, FIUDAY, PEBHUAltV. '. 17, 1903. NX). 10. OREGON MIST. NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed form lor Our Busy Readers. HAPPENINGS Of TWO CONTINENTS a. Resume of tha ! Important but No! Li Intaratling Evtnt o1 the Past VVaek. J,e hit Stopped navigation on the tpwri' oliimbia, Hcveral deaths have len reported In Montana from Uie severe cold weather. A pns lanmlloii I l I leaund gmnL tut! gnat liberty to the !Ium1 work men. Thn president proposes (lie recovery of Ihn ll' ol Paul June, who a burled lit Turin, Turkey i preparing for war by liiir tying gun and l'P ,u disturbed district of Macedonia, l in lutetl mi what In Mleved to I authority ihat KumpetMii I I" Im relieved and General Grlppeiitr given lila plate. Tim Missouri Pacific railroad I hv lag much trouble with mw blocking i UtU. A high M six train have been l"t at a Unit), At tlio time of the North Sea incident ar much nearer limn wa admit ted tu the public ly either of Ihe na tion roncrrnwf. It U aimuonced that a a result ul tilt dituriwni"- at 1aU, lttii, Ml have leti hutted anil that over I'OU p. r..n arc Miill in the hospital. Senator Mitchell declare he wilt not give till ti rut and that he will I able t i.iliiii everything in Conner whh the many tmllrtmiJiiU ill a 4!i!: t"iy manner. Tim Jaiw have raptured a hilt on the Hon liver. The rur y he intend railing ha lioimt congics. J, piertmnt Morgan haa gone lor a frui.e tn European water. Rmnian war vessel liava IwH or den-d to have German port lu Africa, Representative Williamson him l indicted un tlt vharjte "I iutmniiitloti ol jr jury. Si. lVti'nlitirii trikr k.l uulct. t,i,t Irtiillila nilililillr In T'lUlxl and tlir t't Hi..-, i. lri? wlroa In a l try Clili nk- tutil.hiiit raiiM-J a Bro tow l ovrr (.00,lHI0. A. It. Tianimr ha roud-! tlmt h r)initillil iwrlnry In onh-r to aliirld Hvimtor Mltrhnll, I'lrv (ianmitnl Ihn hldturlo Catalno tlnni.r In Nuw York a4 raiiwl .aiiu' anions thv clmm itiiU. The cit.l avo hlih -riMxl the niiiioilaina (nun Ihn Kant hit r'ail'"l arnittt low to at a-kmrn. Tb ti'int'cr. atnrrr raiitfwl Itom J" almvn al IVrl twml to 4i l-t low In Iiluho lnt. All th r. nt im intwr of th lrri itvnl'a ahiiii'l will omnium In illifr l,...iiii(.i.T littnvriit Wviuif, who In lo Ihi aoooiiilnl roimill fi'lirrill at Lnn.h.n. Mr. t'orlrlvmi will trt Inaml iMMtiimnUtr gintrat, Jln will ncit Ul'(!8 Vlailivoatok Workmmi at St. Pulomlmrii have airin k awain ami lni"raixl thrir maiiiU, Many tinrnmil Coal nilniva have Imh-ii hlai klintwl ami the atriko may I r ni'Winl, " DOINQS IN CONGRESS, Tuaiday, Ftbruary 7, Afliir ooiiUliiiotn Nrmiioli of nliiu himra thn aunntn tonlt-ht ihiniuhI tha ut "luii'lioo.l hill. An mm4 thn hill iirovlili-a lor thtt ail in Ink ion of thn iiIihi i ilkhilninm, lo I riiiin.rimMl of Indian TurriWiry ami OklBhoma anil w Mi'uh'o ai'iiirdinu to th nn-mont Uiiinilurlia, with Arimini vllinlnalcil. Tt' hiiiiiw ili.viti'.l thn ciilliii ijuy lo Itilmtfl on thi rallroiul fritliht hill, with thn fxici.lion of tew minium junt ta lon ailloiirniniint, whim a mmiinuii from I he tirraiihnt w u rmul rinoiiuiiiiiiilitiu Itoard of mirvi-y for thn Thilli'iitim ari'hlnihiK"' Wadnatday, Fibruary 8. Allhouiili thu reault of the trralthti tint t-lmtlon wan known early In the Availing of ovi'mlMr 8, Itwna not until mhiy, whim thn hoiiwi iiivi In Joint -lon, tlmt Thootlora lUiom'VpIt and ChHrlra W. r'arihauka wra ollirliilly l. lnrp. to tw lirtet, An Inimanan mlli'iiio uathiTwl u witmwa tho rcre niony. The hollnfl dcvottil (lvn hour todny to didiato on the railroml frpight hill. niiinlH'r of tli( iiii'iiilmm iHik on iKith (idea of till' unit! lull rrjr llttla hiiainfM waa tranaartnl n th hoiiMt tixtay. Kranm, of I'lah, iiiini'd to Iibvii vulnl auHiiint thn Joint atidiiKKl hill, and hl vote la rworilrd for It, DiM'iimion a to whether it hoiihl ) i'IuiuK'-'I " leoiflliy rimidii nl thtt kIiiIi'Ii.mhI hill cluim it ill mM in I lie hoim. Thurtday, February 0. Alter nearly lour ihijn' diwiiMion thn oiiw I'Mhiy, by a vote ol 3L' to 1", Mn me lull providing lorino reguia- tion l freight rae- Th atrnalB devoteil todny'a a-aioii to h agricultural anfropnalloii bill. Tliern wh a reiirKl ol the diariiaalon I thn imlii-v ol dinirihiilitig the appro. iiriat on hill aimmg a nuinlHr ol com mittee. Alter the pawsgw nl the Ireight rule hilt h the butiaa a ilril tllaeimimm a IndulgtHl in over the deadheads arriml by Iranaiairta. A redutiim adoplml approving ol tli carrying f a. ht.dlerhera and meintr of lite familiea of olliiera and men on Iran. iKifta. court ieta ltwin police am In Toland eanae hundread Many alrikera death, (iem rtil 8liwd ha"aniwiTcl hiwac cnavr hv allowing that I"""' munition would not hva held out more than tour iliiyn longer. At new la riming cant ol tho H''kv inoiinlaina. with I ho tempera turn running Irom i below at I'hUago to 20 below ut Duluth. All tialna are laid on ai'i'ouut ol wind and anow. Kleven KiiHlern Oregon projeila I thu reclamation of arid land are now under conHldcriithm t)V thn governmen emtlnwra. Mallieiir nilika Arid, but olwtuehw are atill In the way whit- iiiuy cumin it to be nbitmloncd. Thn president Ihih appolntiil Joacpli H. KiblH'y, ol Arion, to Ito governur ol that U-rrltory. n.ilm N'iebolna la reMrted to hit iri ii hit to Munehtiriu to hldl Kliro pill kill. John Itarrnft. ' mliilater to runnmn mtyii thitt tlinre are but lew caaet of y low fever on the iHthiiiiirt. Thn Ami.rleiin ToblU'i'O Ctimimny him deebireil 1111 itilliiil dividend of 2.Vu 1' cunt, ou Ita coiiiinon atoek for a period not yet at tiled, In New York In a almtlo quarter hi yeiir, with a total population ol 8,838 824. tl.nrn wore 24.0M4 hirlha and 21 058 dentil. 5 natural increario ol 2,06 ' In tho popultlou of the city Albert T. Patrick, who la under ami teuco of death for the'inurder of Wil tin in M. ltlen lii New York, hope cm-iitin hv iimvlnil at A aecolld trial tllltf Alltltll imiiiir ciuiHca caiuiOHtinn tlm l...T. Tim motiecutioii proved tlmt Ulco died by chloroform admlnlH OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST KANSAS UP IN ARMS. MORE ARE INDICTED CHANCE OF RATE LEGISLATION. Elkint Band to the Storm and Naw mndi Suggaatt Simpla Plan. Waahington, Feb. 13. Aa ihowing Friday. February 10. Allcr maintaining i( ni-rd for the rapTtl dip-al ol private penanm liU, Iwiiig patHl tn an Hour ami a nan, h tiottan tixlay conanlenftl l"r a anon time Hie lull provnung a govermnei.t for the Panama canal "iie. An early lloiitnnienl wan taken to cnalile the Itepuhlnana to confer on the alalehood bill. . . Ikfore the routine proceeding ol me naie began, Prenident pro tern Krye nnoiiuee.1 hla aelcetion ol ivraitm to rea.t to the aetiate ahtngtn lure- well addre on February 22. lull ere p.d atitlioriaing the aecretary war lo aell magimne rilli to rule till upon ml f governor ot lite arioti atatea, and permittttig tutia- houia Territ.iry to appropriate money to countrui-t agricultural college build- inga. IN THE LEGISLATURE. J Haleiii, 1'eb. 7. A hoime bill Intro iluced arvcral day ngo, but which baa not been given iiior tlinii pimNing no tice, haa proven Ut be one of the moat iinK,rlitiit of the KtwHioii. It provide that the vurioii large corioriitionii thai have muiiHgi'd in one way or another to keep their properly off the iutHerimcnt roll, nlmll pay nil htu'k tuxe. Miuty of the grHtila go back it lur aa 1 MHO. Tlmt attcli an inotetifiiuent ciui be made and collected Iibh already lieen held by the Oregon nupreimt court. The mili tary wagon road compiinlea hold the mot ol tin chut of grutita. The umciidrd hx m1 option bill pntmcd the Iimiibo today, Knemieii of the bill declare that they have the meaaure hlm ked in the Hcimto The acnH'o todny pimaeil the Itonee bill creuling the Kivhih judicial die trict, comnncd of linker contily. and the Tenth diatrict, comporieI of L'nion and Wallowa coitnlieH. The hill auihori.iiig Portland to Sonne bond to purchase the u-witi and Clark fair ground wa panned by the house. The ne ol tract ton engine lor mo tive power on the public road i to be idiice.1 under the atricl eantntl it Hen- tilor Wiight'a hill intrialuced today I- comt a law. To nrotect llveatra-k from Infectlona dieuii i the iurH(( of a hill Inlro- dtn'ed hv HeitHlor Laycock. I'otirtwn hill acre introduced in the aenate tmlay and 32 in the Itotian, Thlrtv-thrw hill were paaed by the enate and .'III laittil to innm or were in definitely pout txmed . tix hill panned She hotme, 31 were indefinitely iat. ptmed and five failett to pm. Two httmlrcd and aixty-thrce bill have liwu introduced in the enale and 3t!0 in the hotiHe. Hah'tn, Feb. 8. Alter a debate which occupied the attention of ihn ai.nate all the forenoon. the bill to atxdiah all four atute normal arhiatla and eatatdieh one In their etead hi ilelealed. The hill to aliolieh the Uraitt im-IiooI h li-cn lavorably re iM.rlitl with fK'liie pronpect ol puiving Women and girl may not work more thnn tO hour out ol the 21 in any one day arcording to the bill panned by the limine today. Thi apidte to all nier cant tie and niecbanical eniabliahmeuta. laundries, hotel and rcntiturttiit. The pure Iid bill panneij the liomw aitli junt one dinnetittng vote. The o-call'd railroad commiwion hill wu reurr-led from the limine table ami named by a Vote of 84 to 18 The house panned the lull ameniting the Portland charter that Itrwp- coming more than 115,000 nhall 1 paid hv the ctty al large, lite Mil is to 1 ubmitted to the elector of the it v. The nenale held only a half-day e- n ion, adjourning ai noon mini v.tun.i- row. the hotiHe. Hi 1 In to alKjIiah the normal acbool at Drain were' 'defeated in both tiouaea thi morning. Five minute i the time to which lehute ou hill hu k'en limited in the hou He. -. The hunter' licenae hill, reiiirmg ach hunter to pay an annual gun li enno fee of It, panned tho aetutte tmlay. The bill exempt farmer and their lumiliw hunting on their own land. The governor vetoed the Port of Port land comminnion bill. Twenty hill were panned by the aenate ami 20 by the limine . Saturday. February II. A an outgrowth of the Investigation i. i :.,.. r.,t Sloeiim dinanter, the houne balay paaactf a nuiuiHT u mnn the law relating to steam- uutl InniH-ctton service ami making i ,l,l i.mviainn for the regulation ....; . , - - ..till .....I i r.,1 nl Kt iH ill vennein. A inn wan also pniwiHl aitlhoritng tno con ntntction of a bridge arriw the Pemi t'Oreille and Kmitenai rtvera In Koote- ,,,1 ,tiintv. Iiluho. The entire time ol me scuaie , .. i.i. i, ,. i,,,t nni'iit in executive ' slim, wn given to the Hwnyne imx-iii h- inentlrianl. Four witnenne wete .l,..l. In executive aesaion eight i rl,itruiioii lietween the fniled Hlate and Knropcan govern tneiil were rutllKHl. i tin ircmic n- lth lireat Pritnin, r ranee, roiiugai. .... O....S.. .....t li,tt. Hwilxerlaml, iicrmany, npaiu trla-iluugary. Lawton Ha Been Atkad to Lead tha Fight on Standard Oil. rr. t. lr..t. il Th.... W il nail,, few, ,v, mt , . - 1 I C J lHM. TH.n. 14m IMnnllltn A f .. ...... . r . 1 . 1 . IX . .. . . I Uwon, of "Frenzied Finance" fame, UJdUU JUrJf IUI 113 113 AIIUUUUII IU me ami 01 aennmei anu v.. o. may h ad the movement to drive the r-etoMI fironnn rnmnanV the con.Unt demand from every part of !H.Wd Oil comnanv from K.naar taStem UfegOn LOfflpany. the country for legUlation, Hi. noticed , , . ni.l t. 1.1IJ-. ti. n.l iwlneer.' .wlathm. of Ota- I liiat oenavor ,iKin naa ien cancu uy .. t ..f i.i - i.,i.-n.. ,,! on to deny that be has ever aiu inai the lUton manto intereat blmaelf in PUBLIC LANDS WERE FENCED UP there could be no railroad legUlation the refining of oil in thi itate. 1 .The association adopted the invitation unanimously and insiat that Mr. Law on will tie given the hearty aupport of the people of Kansas. Toe plan of the association i to have Lawson and the Pure Oil company, of Pennsylvania, take up the refining of crude petroleum and the manufacture at thi aefteion of congrese. On the contrary, the senator i very careful to Tnreat of Legitimate Settler From Their Land In the Vicinity. Portland, Feb. 11. Two Indictment Halem, Feb. 13. By en over helm ing vote the house I hi aftrnooii de feated the railroad commission bill by Kmilh, ol Josephine. The house vacd a toll to suspend the Dtate lair this year and use the money on improvement at the ground. The house in committee ol the whole rut down the aimrntiriation lor the variou normal school $18,000. The bill appropriating :i0 000 for Hie extension ot the portage roan passed the senate Unlay with just one vote to spare. The house voted down nil appropria tion with which to buy the governor a mansion. Both bouses held night sessions to night and the consideration of bill in the house in which they originate!!. Iluring tho lour day remaining each house will devote it exclusive atten tion to bill originating in the other house. It is believed that by holding one or two evening a -snioua, alt the work can be dinicd. There are now ou the house calendar about 110 senate hills and on the senate calendar about li'tO bouse bill. The Juyne local option hill has been read in "tho senate the second time. There i grave doubt a to it pass age. The house indefinitely postponed the hill creating Hot Luke couuty. The house tmlay panned 43 bills. Twenty ..ur bills failed to pass. In the senate 10 bill wero panned and 10 were killed. I .1! V. - 1 .1,1. ... Violnnc. U.nH to Dr iv 1"a.y ;' 7 ..-.- gard, so as to leave it an open question aa to whether he oppose or favor rail road legislation. The general impres sion i that he doe not believe in any thing being done at this session. Probably the most oDtimistic mcmtier of ita by-product in opposition to the were returned by the Federal grand tne senate committee on interstate Standard Oil corporation. The Pure I l,,rv vwiterri.iv afternoon, by one of commerce is New lands, of Kevada. He Oil company is said to be the strongest ... K i, i inaticr.. sees no reason why there should be leg- couiietilor of the SUndard Oil comjiany .tiiiM h Rntte islation, and he also suggests a plan in the united States. ....... - B.. , which might be practicable, and pror- Itintiutches from 'he oil fields tonight Creek Land, Sumner iveswca com- . , .j footed 1n an ordinary say the statement of Manager O Brien, pany were brought to a close, while the I business institution. He suggests that f the Ktaudard Oil company, that ous- jjjed another mark to the list a number of prominent railroad men, name, of Henrv together witn Messrs. uacon ana rergo- I hn Kivm n mrwt urtive in lre- don throughout the oil belt. pieiuram ana nts asnotiaics. . senting the side of the shippers, meet Tltis has intensified the indignation The indictment against tne unite i tDe committee on interstate com- of the people and members of the legis- Cieek ccmany and some of its em- merce and get down to business and ature. and the passage 01 the antl- ... i . ..0,.i. nnnt airree utxin a measure thai will meei .Slanddrd bills by the house Wednes-1 ,, Vj,,,, ,u oa, nrl all complaints He thinks that In lay is assured. Thousands of letters . of certain of the public lands less than a week these men could frame in IV pnniit. Th (loen- a Dill wnicu wouiu ewu ovm ment also alleges that threats ol vio- na wouia oe saimiacior, w ... . lenre and other means of intimidation eats ol me country ana wouiu m uio- ..-..j ... ,fr;a i.a io,itimat I turh business to any great extent. t. .ireu,i. u.ttiMt r,n the! Newlands has another idea which land from the vicinity. As defendants migni oe iaen ww r,om- winhit W Rti- those who are Bgnting an ainus oi leg- lllllivimvu. ...... . 111.!..,, wer, ex-state senator; Hamilton H. islation; wai is main, wouiu mo Hendricks, secreUry of the Butte Creek to pass some interstate commerce legis t j ,,. . r-i.rnw 7.ehrv lation at a special session rather than old, accompanied in sections by snow- Ajoii,,. r. Zachary. Charles A. Wat have it wait until the long session i-f fall, reached here tonight from Colo- M n(1 Ciy(ie g QiaeSi employes of congress, when it might be delayed lor rado. Wyoming and New Mexico. In ,l. ,.mlv.nv. niii.r Hermann. John I many months, lie takes the view that Southern Colorado and Sotbcrn Xew u.n. i-j-.; ..assistant I something is bound o be done within rTK:A.I u,ntB atinrnAp frank lin P. I the next year, and it would be better L.UIMIU L 111 I "I"'. , - I . . , i , , . ri.w v T,n;. .,t F,lar.t n. to have u done ai once, even irutu from over the state have been received by members urging them to pass the state refinery bill. INTENSE COLD IN COLORADO. Below Zero Weather Clear Down to Borders of Mexico. Denver, Feb. 14. Reports of intense Giants Work All Season. Grants Pass Manager Al Cousin, of the tiulice Consolidated Mini's com iianv. of Portland, haa returned from hi visit Fast, in the interest of hi company, and has resumed personal iiianagemet of the company a big hy draulic placer proiiertie on Galice creek. This mine is one of the few in Southern Oregon that has Uen supplied with amide water for a lull nailery ot giants all season, by reason of the light nin.fall. Three ami lour, niniiiiom uve lieen kept continually at work, and will 1k operated night and day for several months yet. Monday, February 13. The senate heard 10 witnesses in the Xwayno Impeachment tril today ami devoted the remainder oi un wn.e the consideration ' " agricuiui.u. appropriation l-ill. ' The leader oi inn uoune "s-- netlvo work lo gel Hie stiiteuooo ..... into conlcrettce. A paper is iwhiB.i- tilntcd to get enough signniu e ... bring the mutter up. Alter '" " .in' remilro-a vote tlmt the bill be taken from the committee .lireet to conference. and sent Palem, Feb. . The ways and means committee bus practically made up the appropriation bills, which, with the standing appropriation and special acts, will bring the expense of the state for the ensuing two yr-at up to 2,ir0,000. All the normal school have lieen granteil what they ask for maintenance, but none will lie given anything fur new buildings. The tint salary bill passed the senate niil, nnlv lour dissenting vote. The t,ill an missed will go Into effect in Juu nary, loT, at Hie expiration of the terms ol the present tiirumhents. The bill making gutiibling a felony was favorably reinirld to the house to- 1 1 tl V The senate bill creating ."Juvenile ,...i.rt anil iihsmhI bv the bonne. The senate bill raining the salary of tl. second warden of the penitentiary Irom I'JOO to $1,200 a year was passed hv the bonne. " Fifteen bills were passed by the sen- ntwt eleven were killiHl. The house panned eight bills and indefinitely post poned 14. Palem, Feb. 10. An extremely warm fight Is on in the senate over itie pro- posed counties ot l ani'tiiie ami "oi Uke. or Clark, in Kastern Oregon. Charges of broken faith and Ik.1.1 lying were freely made in the citpitol today. Men shook fist m one another a nrces and called each other worse man nam ami two comluita were narrowly averted. Th bouse Passed the Hill cresting a atntn mining bureau and providing a commissioner and two deputies. The anti-piguretle bill was pusneii uj Mexico, the worst storm since 1888 is niging. In New Mexico the storm reached the proportions of a blixxard Stratford and great damage to sioca is reporwa. Tl gecond Indictment is against fn the southern part of New Mexico, ifenrv Meldrmn. ex-survevor general; where cold weather is rare, the zero E .Waggoner, Meldrum' clerk; mark was reached at certain ioints. David W. Kinniard. Benjamin F. Min nie cold snap wuicn nas prevauea ou to j Guetave Klaetsch. deputy sur the eastern sloe of the mountains in George Borenson. Livy Btipp ColoraJlo lor several days Decame in- Bn,i Frank H. Duncan, notaries public railroad point of t iew. TRYING TO CROWD THE SENATE House Aim to Reduce Unlimited De bate to an Absurdity. n-..i.:nntM, PuK 19 Tho TTnitAd tense last night, the thermometer drop- it ls brought under the same section of state senate seems to have embarked ping to 27 below xero in Denver at 9 the revised statutes of the United SUte npon a well nigh impossible feat, that o'clock this morning. The cold also ,he foreeoing and alleges that the , ' , jii i h hrodness neces- iwnetraUil the western slope tonight, defendant conspired to defraud the I.' t , eln of the session, and and Tellnride report 20 below xero. government of the United States by I ' trvins an impeachment case where At Fort Collins, in the northern sec tion of Colorado, 22 degress below was registerd todav. and at Monmouth, on the divide south of Colorado Springs, ifwas 20 below. At Twin Lakse, near Lcadville. 32 below was reported In Wyoming the cold has not abated, and much loss to livestock, it is feared, will result. Hail road traffic in all dt reel ions is seriously impeded, and tele graph and telephone wires are being snapped by the cold. false and fraudulent surveys. MAY BE WORSE THAN EVER. mnv witnesses will have to be sum moned and a great deal of testimony submitted, to tbe followed by the argu ment of the attorneys for Judge Swayne and the managers of the house who are conducting the impeachment. There is a suspicion that the bouse of represenatatiyes put the impeach ment case into the senate at this es sion for the purpose of taxing the rules Merchants Organize. i.-.w-ene Eugene business men de termined that no enterprise which bun no aim other thnn to make money off the citiiens and then seek other Ileitis shall be allowed to operate stores or stands, wiles the methods employed are legitimate. The merchant met in the citv hall and perfected organization of the Merchants' Protective associa tion by electing olheers unit passing a set of by-laws. After the constitution was passed upon, 14 firms signed up ami then proceeded to discuss plans of operatiou. ' Logging Road Along Coast. Astoria The assertion is made that Ihe Seaside Spruce Lumber company will soon begin work on the cons! ruc tion of a logging railroad south from Seaside. Hails for one antl one-quarter miles of road nre said to have been pur chased'. The proposed road is to run oh th Survey already made adjacent to the Xecanictltu river antl can tie uuiir. ...I fr the extension of the Astoria A Columbia River railroad to .ehalciii n desired. Russian Official Says Seed of Revo lution is In the Army London, Feb. 11. There is danger of the Russian strike breakuig out afresh and in a worse form than the present trouble, according to the Co- Qf that body to the utmost, and to show pehnagen correspondent of the Morning I that its unlimited debate is impractica- Leader. ble in a legislative oooy. cu wuai- The propaganda being carried on by ever may have been the purpose, it is tha Russian Progressive nartv. the cor- evident that the house has unloaded Poor of I respondent asserts, has been most sue- np0n the senate a job which make it cessful. The police adtnu mat, mere almost impossiDte h conciuuo jiuu.. are no -'irns of an abatement of the hnsiness and adiourn at the time con- Kansas i ny, reu. it. ine coiuesi .;t-tin. while a btgh oihcial in me i orees expires. weather in years prevails in this sec- R11HSiftn capital fears the trouble will Senators say there is no question tion tonight. At Kansas City it was yet assume the proportions of a general about this, and that they will be able 18 degree below xero; at Concordia, Uprjging, much bigger than the last. I to get through with the impeachment, COLDEST IN YEARS. Great Suffering Among the Oklahoma a Result. at Concordia. .... . . i l a an.. .2 oeiow; ai l-awion, umi., o below,- and at Tulsa, I. T., 40 below. "j,a been sown among the soldiers In Oklahoma and Indian Territory the I wjtb apparent success." Thi last eather is the coldest since 1890, and Utatement is most sinister. Had even here is much suffering among the 4 portion of the troops joined the strik- iHKir, who were caugni unprepared. . when the trouble hrst started, kus- attle also are suffering. s vrould undoubtedly now be in tbe Great anxiety is felt for the Indian throes of a revolution eaualing, if not trilies, who are in no condition to surpassing, the French revolution. Even withstand the storm, antl experts say yeti Bhould the disaffection obtain deep that -'oxens of them will die as a result rt in the army, the outcome would be of the blizzard. appalling. lull I roan iramc is lmiietieo in ivannas ., , , . !.. l i t :t.l Ik.. ,y me uigu wiuu, wiucu ua. ". .or OJf Eaclricit, Tuisville. Feb. 11. While eondi Must End War. i.'i,-in The 8t. rcters J... I. .I.M., v... .... - . 1., I...... ii. Imil Ol , llie oroiiiv". semi an Interview with a Bosnian who is in the confidence of M. w me, m "M- course of which the Kushihii as.- that M. Witte rm-ntly nld mai peace i ti, Fr Vast must ha oblailietl at .,.., u.i This Russian say Russia is ...tiling to evacuate Manchuria and al low China to grant Japan a Otl-year lease of Manchuria and the I.lnotnng peninsula. Kuida. woiiltl retain mi lialien, Vludivontok and the Ururl dia triet. 8ha would pay no liidomnity. May Accept the Goldsborough, Washington, Feb. 10. The senate today passed a bill iiitmorisuig mo n- retnrv of the navy to accept me ior e.. boat OnldHbormigh, const fueled by om A Zwickor iron work, of Portland, which has repeatedly failed 10 suiuo the government test. The bill author izes the seurelury of the finvy in Ins discretion to waive the S0-knot require ment and to accept the uoidsnoroiigu nv , !.... ... l. .,t,.'nl.liul liV ft reduced price, m - -v SI0.000 Raised in One Hour. Tillamook One hour after n sub scription hud been started to raise the $35,000 subsidy required by Promoter Simmons for an elcetric railway along a free right of way from Forest Grove t Tillamook. $10,000 had been ruined, Mayor George Colin heading the li.-t uit'h il.000. The Forest-Grove board ,,( trade has sent word that it will see to the furnishing of a free right of way from Unit point to the Tillamook county border through iishington county. 1 snow in the railroad cnta. Most pas senger trains are using double headers, nd freight trains are- carrying only non-perishable freight. The west bound Santa te through passenger tram So, V today collided with a freigth train which was stuck n a snow drift near Newton, Kan. One engineer was hurl and oom engines were sniaehcd, hut no passenger were hurt. Tiflis Laborer Return to Work Titlia, Feb. 14. The workmen here are generally returning to work, and he authorities are taking measures to rotect those who are resuming their Good C ean-up at New Opp Mill. Ginnta Puss A remarkable record lin been made by the Opp mine, of the Jacksonville district, which has iiist made a cleanup at the end of the llist ISilnvs' run of the new 10-stamp mtU. The plate yielded $1,500 In free metal ami Hi vnnners gave up the siime amount In concentrate for this time, which is equivalent to $'-'o0 a dav for ten stumps. The management is highly elated with the returns and the general outlook of the mine, and arrangement nre already under way for the enlargement of tho 'plant. Marine EnRlne for Harvesting. remlleton Walter MeCormiek, who, with hi brother, farms 2,100 acres of hind north of this eily, has gone to California, where ho will purchase a combined harvester, lie will also pur chase a marine engine, which will propel the separator part of the com bine, and which will do nwny with at lenst 10 horses. If tho plan to bo utll i...,i i,., Mi. Mef'ormack give good re- ...ita munii farmers will adopt the scheme and economise on horses. Rebuild Burned Mill. Independence The saw mill belong ing to the Coast Range Lumber com .m.iv at Fulls Citv, which was burned ilv. will be rebuilt at once. It is ii.nn.fht the mill will be in running order in six weeks. The pay roll ol il. la mill ninountcd to several thousand dollars per month. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla. 85ff8lV; blue- stem. ttlKtflUe: valley, 8"e per bushel Oats So. 1 white, $ I. Hot 1.40 grnv. $1 40' 1.45 per cental. llav Tiniothv. $14t!?10 per ton clover, $11 12; grain, ll12j cheat $l2tl,'l. F'.ggs Oregon ranch, 20(a.,iC per doxon,. Butter Fancy creamery, STlo'MO. Potntoes Oregon fancy, "580e common, U0"0o. Apples 4-tier Baldwins, $1 ,. Humbert's.' l.75'2. Hops Choice, 25 1,27c per pound Wool valley, iw tie sue per poumi Eastern Oregon, 12 "01c; inohiiir, 2 2t per pound for choice. V. '4 v "The eed of revolution," he adds, I and also to pass the necessary legisla tion, which must be concluded by noon on March 4. TO SETTLE OLD CLAIMS. Fulton Secures Amendment to Indian Appropriation Bill. Washington. Feb. i3. Senator Ful ton ha succeeded in having several oi his amendments attached to the Indian appropriation bill by the senate com- ... 1 .1 : V. -l.i. .a 1,1 miuee, ana n in. j sue, claims will be settled next summer. Tbe principal amendment propose to pay the Klamath Indians oa ,uu for 621,824 acres of their reservation, which they relinquished to the govern ment. Amendments paying the Clat- tione resulting from the long continued rain and sleet storm show a slight im provement in the Southwest today, there is no betterment of the situation from the Mississippi to the Atlantic coast. Thete eohone and telegrapnic .no Indian 110,500. tne iower ui- comoanies in this vast area have been nookg $20,000, the Klamath Chinooks practically out ol business since lasi $7,000, and the xiiiamooK io,uuu Saturday night. Atlanta nas oeeu ,n settlement oi claims aaung oat. shut off twice since Sunday and noth- more than 60 years, were also adopted ing has been heard from there by wire by the committee. Another amendment for 14 hours. quieting titles to lanes purcnaseu irom Umatilla Indiana is attached. He Names Three Scapegoats. St. Petersburg. Feb. 11. M. Souvo- More Factorie are Idle. labors. Trifling disorders are reported rin, editor of the Novoe remya, in a hi. rewrsourg.r eo. .. at other Places in the Caucasus. The pessimistic view of the first year ol tne exienueo toony , vil governor ties ordered a meeting ol the municipal council to discuss means for the settlement of the labor troubles, but the councilors, finding that the onler stipulated that the discussion be held in secret, declined to acquiesce on the ground that it would be impossible to arrive at a settlement. . , , , . . . n . I .....I a nnmhar r.ff ntlinr vnrks. Ihe ... .. v 1 n .LI.V'I IHH1IR f.I M IN HU XT. I, I 1 .UU u llu... u n. tributes the responsibility lor the Rus- men remain quiet and determined and .u .n.oatur. firatlv to Fnreiirn Minis- declare they will not yield until they the fight for an eight-bour day irr xuicu"ii iv7i i y .''j i - - w - , ml Rami. Rosen. M. Souvorin di-clare A large number of troops are posted .i, ihn f,.ll nf Port Arthur about the V loorg ana neweur quo. veto before the complete exhaustion of its In consequence of the threatening atti- n,..n. nf resisttunco was the death ot tuae oi me sirisein m mo . Hailed as a Reform Measure. St. Petersburg, Feb. 14, The news that Emperor .Nicholas has indorsed the scheme for the revival ot the Zemsky Zabor, or ancient land jiarlmment, has spread through the city and created satisfaction among the liberal classes. The newspapers this morning were flll- d with articles descriptive of this an cient Russian institution, Indicating that word had gone forth that the gov ernment had decided to listen to the voice of representatives of the people. Hard After the Ladrones. Manila, Feb. 14. The band of La drones which attacked the town of San Francisco de Malabon, in the province of Cavito, January 24, and captured the wife and two children of ex-Gover nor Trias, are being hard pressed by a troop of cavalry under Major t. V. Sibley. They have released Mrs. Trias and her two children, whom they wore holding for ransom. Major General Kondratenko, who was the real hero of the defense of the fort- High Water Threaten Town. Yuma, Feb. 11. The Colorado river has risen '3 S feet in 24 hours, At midnight last night it registered 29 feet, which is the highest water since the 1891 Hood, when it was 33 feet and the town was wiped out. Citizens with shovels and scraper teams have labored all day strengthening the weak points. The government levee on the Gila is generally considered to lie safe, but the embankments on the Colorado river are causing grave apprehension. Arizona Glad She Is Left Out. rhoenix, Aril., Feb. 11 Both house of the legislature passed a con current resolution thanking the United States senate for eliminating Arizona from the statehood bill and askng the ter of thi city the authorities today brought in from Peterhof additional eavalry, which were posted about the Viborg district. Nobody Will Be Punished. Peoria, 111., Feb. 13. Judge Greene today sustained the motion to qnash the indictments against Thomas J. Noonan, manager and treasurer of the Iroquois theater, in Chicago, and Cum niings, the stage carpenter, which grew out of the theater fire catastrophe. An attorney representing the state attor ney's office of Cook county attempted to draw a parallel between the Slocura steamboat disaster nd the Iroqui case, but the court refused to allow It. Japanese Buy Dakota Oat. Minneapslis, Feb. 13. According to Minneapolis elevator men who operate throughout the Dakota, over 2,000,00 bushels ot oat have just been bought hmiM nf renroseniainves 10 mtivui i thn amendment affecting thi territory, ernment. concur In j up by the agent of the Japane gov- tho speed.' : U-red by Patrick.