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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
THE OREGON MIST. HT' JnOENH OHEUON, FIUDAY, FEItHTJAKY 10, 190.3. Kn NEWS OF THE WEEK In Condensed Form tor Our Busy Readers. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Rstutne of tha Lis Important but Not Lit lntrtlng Event of lit Put Wsek. rMil to Traiise'au terror continue In Tito strike lm casla. Tlii reign ft Poland, Another Uumdan squadron 1 to aul (r tho Far East lit May. German mine owner have rejected overture from tlm striker. Heavy mini In Hotitlmrn California have nulled nut ruiUay tracks. A ll agreement linn Imh'ii made (r parcel l wiiil quick mail scrvl, ltd Hnuiii mill Franc. All the smitUer liarlmt of tl, ,..w England ruNt are frnteu over and oth rti urn blocked with ice IIhihi, A storm i atmw and alcel rm swept orrr tlm Mouth, stopping mmiuiiiiira ll. in and killliiK rattle, ami fruit. Hnlaalon Kolriinen, procurator general of Finland, lm lm Msliiatc by an uiiknowii itmiiwary i tlm tcrmrials. Another great storm I raging in Nc Y"tk ut mill cold weather in prvdirt. r.1 (,ir the entire section east ol tlm It. - k y mountain. Henry H. Miller, consul general at Niiii l. jut;, China, mil I , promoted In tiini nl the bet (Iricntal unu un aft-mint nl lii khh work during the Jap. ani-u- IttiMiiin war. Iiai broken out In An inaorrociion A'gciiliiiu, Tuft m-nmnmmt a revision ( the Philippine tariff. Tlm wratlmr liaa greatly moderate.! in I l,r middle atat. At lniitif oast jmrta are Idiakol with l.r ami navigation la to.HI. The riewa of tlm liitMiaii IUa k ac IWI am on tlm vergw nf mutiny. It now itfiiii certain tlml riutonl will I In retain liia l in the senate I trn in Birmingham, Alabama, de atroynl prowrty worth iiol ea tliali $.'l)l),IHIQ. Tlm governor ami a miuniiltiw nl Mamat liimotla hil.iiia will viail the Ij i on. I (,'lark lair. Governor Mead, of Waahintgon, liaa l.roki-n ground fur a atata building at tln Inia anil ( lark fair. Many Pole arro fleeing from Russia tutu Germany. Tlii entire working popiilntmn of Poland ia on strike Tlm terrible weather In Mant-lutria ha forced a trine, Aa on a ll mod crnlca tho HiiIiiiih will ln confronted with the alternative of withdrawing in cmli-r to avulil Ih-Iiik lntiTir.ll by a Ji.painH' niliitun or nf uiiii'rtaklii tli'iK'rnl ailvani'n. (mural 4iripptulrrK liaa vn forcwl in rvaigu lua coniniainl In Manrlitiria ami (irniTal Mylofl mil am-civil liim. Onn ilfnlh am! four ram nf Hint' In ohm Cli ion jo family liavn Ikhii carnal by aupixMctl litiiiiiainm in Cuntlml Komla. Ho inui'li inoiH.y from tlm interior lm tx'ii pourliiK Into tlio Nt"r York Ixtrika that tlm clmka latmot fimtit it aa faat a tt arrivoa, ami .aoiim l.anka liavo tn rmit vatilta to atoro It. Tlie Jnpanm am n-HirtwI to liavt" forml a lircai li In tlio Itumlan rpntor. Tim iliiatrli liaa Utm nvflvtsl at Hi. lVl'rlmr ami pnpt-ra Iirvv liet-n rt fil pi ruilaalon to mi'iillim It. Tlm ItitcrHtiilo ('tiiiinii.rctiriitiiiiiiiiNlon flmla tlio Himta To roii.l Kiillty of wil fully violntiim the law hy RrautiiiK tlii (Vilora.lo i'lirl mn iHimpany lowt'r 'fi'lKht rati'a than iilhr mmpanioa pay. J'wrph Uiii lptit, a wralthy Califor tiiiui. who ia aniil to inv Im.l 100,000 on hU pi'inon, wi'nt nut Into the (Hiun- ry mar hault Hto. Mario. Mich., ti'W ihiya atto, mul liaa not retural, ami ia aupMMui to liavo bw'n miir iIitihI. iNiiwa of rlota in ltuaala III running niauuoi ihm in huropatkln'a army. Tlio in'w Kxcolaior Hollor milla at Miiryavilln, Kan., woro iltMtroytnl by rn. I.oa in(),000. Irofraaor II. Coin, of Cliit'OKo, lina uiwovertiil whut ia Ixiliovvtl to lm tlio liirKi-ai Hpot on tlm aim. H covora ontv "iilliof thuHiiii'Maiirfiinii, iHiyx-Hhapt'il, "nl can ho aoim through auioki! kIuhh. OOlNQb IN CONQRE88 Tuaiday, January 31. Tho th,y lontlnmul tho con. ah . ration of tho Joint atuli.h.1 Mil with Nolami aa tho prlnirlpal ap.nki.r ...i..,,-, i ,,, w,.rM pMHe(( m.,. liiK Olio larxfly iiicroaainK tho fin for alia k rmiipaiiloa in tho Dltarict of (V lilliihia. Ill tho lioumi tlm ai-nato ainmiiliimnta lo tho army appropriation bill wi-ro illaaKriH.. to ami th , waa w.t.t to Colilur,.,,,.,,. Willi,,,,,,, (,., iUmj ort.Hl . ,,Ktiy ,,.Ul0 ,,y MiikU lh tr.atm..,t ,y u,.,.lt MiU, ... ...rn i-avia, pr,.al,l,.,,t nf tho Co,,. liMltirary, ,in lm waa pri.oimr at ......... inw. -j lata poatofhVe ap ropriauuii mil waa ,lt,baLd for an nour. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST IN THE LEGISLATURE. Wadnaiday, Fabruary . Clark (Mont,.) IHlliiiulmin ami Ti.ll.if balay rutitlnunl tho iliariiaaiitii ol tlm Joint atatt-hoo,! ,. 'roiur n.irtis tho aiirit ultural appMprintion bill ami KHV not iro that lm Woh aak In havn It ctiuaiiloriHl, IliHa kvw puaatvl Kraut iiill wrtain hiiula to tho Okluhoino A. rii ultiiral el ! ; aim-mlum tlm nm l.wa mt aa to iH'rmit at ttlora on public lamia to make Iranad-ra for tuihlic umt iH-foro oomph tlng titl,.; anii n.liiiK i. UtiiiK laaa mi aa to mpiiro captain, of ,.,.-, ,rmm.,m in aiiinuv iiiiorinai on rrKrliim tho au an J avx of iinml- Kranla. The lawtnlllio Biiiiroiiriatlnu bill i. upltHl tho huiiMi tlm major uirtion of tl'I... . ... , n mi ail uiiitra(aiiililif that tha ilim iiMimi of tho ipii'ation ahoulil l rontlimv tomorrow, tlm I. ill ahl anlilo ami otlmr muttcra taken tin. Tho coiiffrpiiro riMxirt on tlm fort i Ilea- iona bill waa limlmi. Tlw bill car- rii-a ftl,747,Hii:i, Kroator Ankniy will rmtcavor to avi a pmviaioii mmln in tho naval ap ropriati.Hi bill for tlm allowame of a lilti-rt iitial of 4 r t nt to rarillccmat hlpyanla n.lil Ih-1 idu; ,m unviTtllnrllt warahipa omtrarta, Thuraday, February 2. The iMMt.ifhVe appropriation bill waa bo main tunic of iliacoaaion in tlm hotiat. tixlay ami ita cuaiit.ruliin a Iiol rompli'tnl. Ihirlhtf tlm ilav bill ere paM. aa folloaa: Ami-inliiu: tin- law ao aa to rtsliim tho amount ol Until ruinl of anila ai'tiux for tun aiKmi-a on iinp..rii. khU; providing lor tlm ronatrui'lion of irnntnui ami ni'lamatmii worka in rertaiu lukf am rivrra In tln-on ami California; urniit' ing rcrtain Inmla w ithin tho 'lathiail Imliau rrwrvation, Mnntana, to rrrtain t alholio aormtina lor rrligiima pur Tlu m-nato H iit iniirli uf tmlay ilia i-u w. in llio iltatnbulion of onlinary farm ami Kunmn attla by the Aicrit-ul- In rul ili (.arlnirnt. When a,lj..iirmni.ut waa taken rtitiaiili'ratinn ol the bill had not bee u complete.!. A further con fereiiro waa ordered on tho fortilliationa appropriation bill. Friday, February 3, Tho liiiuao today paam. tli piaitoinre appropriation bill, currying H0,,H7,41. the aeuato tixlitv Joi!l Saavne made (or inn I nwKiiiM to the article of liiiH'n. linn lit ai;ninat him. 1 ho nn- aer waa a turinnluWe dociimeiit in .iint of aiae. In every raar the chiiiye waa admitttxl, but explained from ."ulH,t" Haayne'a iint of view, they aerri not of a character to Ittatify pro- cinNlinija fur luiiieat hmeiil. Tl.f acnate iaaml an order rNuiring the hooao to fllo ita reply by next Monday, ami di rected that all pleading nhall Ik in by February 0, that tho trial may procued on Kebiuary 10, The aenato aitling aa a aonrt, then adjoiirnel and rinuimsl Kialative ronaiili'rntion of tho joint atatehiMKl bill. That topic occupied ho real of llio day. Halem, Jan. HI. A bill waa Intro, duced in tlm aenato t.alay to auppreaa HMilaellii,K ami poolroom. Klevcn other new meaHiirca wero liitrtnlucixl. Ninobllla wero iiaaaed. out! of them Rpproprlatinu llft.000 for llah liatehiir it. llna hill luia it, u lioirne, Th aenato bill authorliiiiB tho Iwia ami am lair corporation to foudeinn pmaio propi-rty waa pHaaed by the IIOIIMI. fen new billa wero iitro.lucl in tlm houae, one of them behiK tho auti- clKaretto bill, Identical with that Intro- OiletHl in the aenate. i no iiotian rejin led the aenato con current reaoltitiou for a Joint aaaembly tomorrow to ronaider a conatitutiona'l ,n. in, i.mi. una aiopa any lurtlur p'Mwihllitlm of a conatitiilional coiiven tion. Eloi-tric la-lla at rallrood croaainita la the objwt of a bill introduced in the huiim lh,y. They are to bo of audi- cient weight and aound to Imi heard 100 yarda and aro to lm plueed at every cnwaiim where a public road croaaea a railway track wbero tho view ia ob atru. tiHl either wuy. Tho hoiiac coinmitteo on mining fa vora tho paiwaKO of the bill relieving "iii ll niinliiK cnuianiea of tho annual licenw tax aa bavo an annual output of leaa than ( 1,000. A new bill in tlm houao providea that all ahm.p driven into tho ainto for pan- luriifc'.. Klinll U. taxed 20 cento a head and & cciiMt a head ahull m paid for aoli cuinty tliroiiKh which the ahee are driven. The Caacado county bill will appear in the aenato tomorrow or Thurxday. tho aonato cnmiuittce on way and meana, and Chairman Vawtcr, of the rorriwH)iiillnK houao committee, aay they will endeavor to bold them down iM'low $2,000,000. Hi I la urn about all introducod, and noxt Tueaday ia the laat day allowed for nreaciilution of now ineaaurra, if the lt-gialaturo ia to adjourn February 17, Senator MilleKa bill to aladiah all normal achooln but one and leave the aclM'tion of tlii one to tho atato board of education, waa today reiortt!d ad vcraely by tho aenato commit toe on wnya and meana, thouKi there waa a minority report rocoriimendiiiK that the lull lie cotiaulcrud on ita JURY DRAWS NET. Two Indictment Said To Be In Order for J. N. Wllllamion. Portland, Feb. 7. The laat week of the preaont Federal, grand Jury ia at hand. The long Doric of investiga tion which have been taking the time of the Jury for the punt two month i drawing to a clime and will end on Sat urday, if the plan of the government attorney carry. Tho present week will lie a bnay one, for it will bring to light aoine of the entanglement ol thoae high in the confidence of tho tate and the nation and will ahow atill further the extent and scope of the land fraud which have been carried on in many case to completion and in other practically to READY FOR PEACE Grand Dukes Admit Inability to Ccp3 with Japan. KLAMATH BILL IS PASSED. merita hv flii. aenato. Tho bill waa made a aix-cial w,at ''"If8 during the past few year order for Wedm-aday next at 10 a. in. A bill to amend the initiative and referendum law, introduced by Honator Howe at tlio rcipicat of w, 8. L Ken, waa totlay killed in the acnate by in. definite pixOpnucmcnt. The bill con. taiued aomo leattire recommended by recretary ot mate Dunbar, for the pur- ioao of aimplifying the procedure, bu' untamed other feature not aatiafac. tory to tho Judiciary committee. llio bill to amend the local option law wu rcimrted in the Iiouhj todaV and will rome up for paaaaue next week. During the week it wa rumored that Keprcacntatirve J. X. Williamson will come under the notice of the Federal grand Jury, not once, but twice. It i aaid that the next few day will ee the junior representative of the state in dicted for hi alleged connection with variou land deal in the vicinity of hia homo at I'rincville and also for fraudulent transaction in the Blue Mountain reserve. jusi wuai me complaint are is a mystery which the government officials alone would be able, at this time, to tell President's Approval Alone Needed to Execution of Irrigation Project. Washington, Feb. 8. The Klamath irrigation bill now lack only the sig nature of the president to make it a law. The senate ha accepted tho house amendments, which are entirely satisfactory to the TfH ' 1 fl m a r ! n hpv!oa TOO MUCH TROUBLE AT HOME As &,uly en8Cted the bi nadMi That the secretary of the Interior I hereby authorized, in carrying oot any irrigation project that may be under taken by him under the term and con ditions of the national reclamation act and which may involve the changing of the level of Lower or Little Klamath lake, Tole or Rhet lake and Goose lake, or any river or other body of water connected therewith, in Oreiron and California, to raise or lower the level of said lakes, as may be necessary, and to dispose of any lands which may come into the possession of the United fttnlAa a. .U 1. . I i 1 term and condition of the national With Nation in Rebellion Reserve Cannot Be Sent to Cop with Those Sent by Japan. London, Feb. 7. The hiifhest au thority is claimed by the 8t. Petersburg correspondent of the Lot. don Daily Chronicle for the statement that the grand ducal party ha suddenly decided mai uussia must sue for peace. J he correspondent states that the . Other important bills ye. to lie con- .T" ... u.,l,.r...l TI.m.. . ... .)... I I ! . 1 "a"'- mi ..'nri. ... ...n.r, felony and to punish Saturday, February 4. Iing occupied moat of the time given v tho aenato today to tho statehood nil with a speech in support ot the bill aa It stiimlM. 1 Hero waa an extemleti lebnto mi a provision in tho nuricul- ural appropriation bill relating to for .at reservations. Tho houao today 'passed the diplo matic and cimaulnr appropriation bill, rrving42, 107,017, which ia an in cream) nl !.n,ii;i over tlio concurrent pprnpriiititin. A ot minor .ills were diajxiaeil of by iiminiinoHS consent. I'' I re In tho Cramp shipbuilding phmt "I Cluster, Pa., destroyed valuable iliieprinta, models and charts, inclml- "K plans of tlm Imttleahlpa Idaho and Mississippi, and tho cruiser Tennessee, hut work on these ships is not much delayed. Tim New York chamber of commerce has Baked tho legishituro to spend 1100,0110 on the Lewis and Clark fair. The bursting of a largo watortatik on thti naif of tho Donvnr dry gixals store, largo department store, caused diini KU to stock vslimnted at over $50,000. A tinmher of senators aro opposing tho Malheur irrigation bill. Tho Japanese liavo captured nttother vohhoIIi omul for YMidiy.ostok with con traband of war. Monday, February S. F'ollow iiig weeks of hearings and con ideraton by the coinmitteo on inter atitto and foreiun commerce, the house tmlay began debating tho prooscd leg islation looking to tlio regulation of freight rates. Jieimte on the joint statehood bill closed In the acnate today, Many Killed at Riga. Hi. Petersburg , Feb. .1. The latest reports received by Consul General Watts, from the American consuls in ItusHia, ludicnto a ' cessation ol tho trouble In most of tlio industrial cen ters. Tho consul at Kigit reports that the rioting at that place was precipitat ed bv students and rowdies, who 11 ml in the police. Tho Hilice and troops returned tho flro, and 1)3 poisons were killed and 1A0 wounded. At Koval the soldiers wero obliged to defend a factory on Saturday against a mob. Threo striker wero killed. Sold Mining Stock on Route. Washington, F'tih. 8. Postmaster General Wynne today removed three letter rarrior In tho Toledo, U., pol- olllco, ordered a fourth man to show catiMO why ho should not bo removed, and suspended 30 other carriers, all of the Toledo olllco. for 30 days on the charge of selling mining stock and of collecting tho assessments thereon. It is chiUired that tho men sold this min- lug stock whilo on duty as carriers, as we.1,1 as whou off duty. Pitiem. reo, i . iwelve bills were pa m l by the senate today and 15 by the house. F'ive new bills were intro- lui-cd ill the senate and Seven in the house. Two bills wero killed in the senate tialay: For a constitutional cor7ciilinn and to permit corHirotions to act aa ai minis! rutora. The house this afternoon voted dow the bill for the apMiintment of a board of internal commerce riiinnii.i.,ncrs and appropriating $:'5,0l)0 for the opening ol the Willamette river from Portland to Fmki'Iic. A bill of Representative Hteiner' Axing the terms ol circuit court la-gin nuifg on tho second Monday in Ma and the third Monday in Octota-r. punned the house this morning. To iKTiuit district attorneys and their deputies to bid in for counties hinds sold for delimpient taxes, a bil of ltepresentativc West's paiMcd the honw today. Coder the present luw the muni v judge is required to do that function, but sometimes is not prseent A bill to euiMiwer Juries to fix pun ishment in criminal tnuls was indetl uitelv iHistpnncd bv the house this morning. The bill came from Hniiith of Josephine. Halein, Feb. 2. The senate today painil the houao bill appropriating $1,000 fur the w idows of the prison gourds who were killed bv Trncv and Merrill at the time of the outbreak three years ago. The senate bill appropriating lift, 000 for maintaining the portage railway was pusncd by the house. The bill to exempt front annual cor pomtion tax minlnfg companies whose annual output is less than $1,000 was also passed by the bouse. The senate cnmmittccs on counties has pructicallv decided to reiwrt favor ably on the house bill for the creation of Cascade county and tho probabilities are that the hill will pass tho senate Abolition of tho Drain normal schtsd will be recommended tomorrow by the house committee. F'roni tlvo to 20 years' imprisonment in the peiiitetnlary is the punishment allowed under tho senate bill to prevent train holdups passed by tho house. Tho house sanctioned two appropria tions ol $1,500 each for district fairs in Kastern Oregon. The senato amended tho flat salary bill today by striking out the items for justices of tho supreme court and the provision that tho law shall not go into effect as to the secretary of state and state treasurer until June 1, 1U07. It is probable the bill will pass. bills Salem, Feb. nineteen bills were introduced in the house today and four in the senate. Appropriations asked of the Oregon legislature at this session aggregate $2,340,000, but Chairman F'arrar, of gambling by municipal authorities; to lax gross larniiigs of telephone, tele graph and express companies; to con solulate normal schools; to create the oflite of state examiner; to create a state Isiard of control, and to establish a mining bureau. lloth house today adjourned until Monday. KBIII,,, ,11, bnAwn flrvi.n .... .. . . . . I . licensing of j ,, .:n . ... ... .in w-ts more iiersons implicateil in the land frauds than have aa yet hinted at or thought of. in auiiition to the name Williamson of Mr are mentioned those of various of the former sjiecial. agents of the government, and several of the ex- special agents who have been sent to this territory to look into the alleged irregularities ol the land department. IJeyond a rumor that several of tlm hale m, Feb. 0. Two bill passed special stents are under the eve of the over the governor's veto in the senate grand jury, nothing definite can be today were made a sjiecial order in the learned. However, it can be stated house for tomorrow. One of the bills with a reasonable degree of certainty was that appropriating $5,000 for a that former employes of the Interior de plant at the state university for teslinir partment in Oregon will be brouht to timlier and stone; the other was the book for irregular work done by them hill authorizing tiie Lewis and Clark during their terms of ollice. It ia luir corporation to condemn lands for further safe to predict that Saturday will see the adjournment of tho jury v.. i . : i i , m . . . .10 .ii if.-i.ii.Mi nuie win inn ai mis , uniu me -iiarcu lerm can llio men session, link an act will be paared grant- once more to the task of orobins into ing to me l nuiHi Mans me power to me irreirularities of the land transac. condciiin any water right that may lie Hon of Oregon necessary in the prosecution of its re clamation work And an annronriution of $5,0110 to $10,000 a year will be Inade IMPROVE VANCOUVER BARRACKS (or hydrogniphie survey work. That the legislature .will adjourn Large Allotment from Army Post Fund reoruary it wniiont uay was indicated Likely To Be Secured. tonight at a conference of tho leaders ol I .. . both house. ..... ...K., . cu. .. i. ,B army ap- miiriauon oni, recently passed by con, County fruit inspectors are provided for in a bill passed by the house late this afternoon. On petition of 25 fruit growers the county court shall appoint sui n an inspector. The house passed a bill providing that a tax amounting to 10 cents for each child of school age in counties having less than 100,000 inhabitants shall lie levied (or the benefit of school libraries. The bouse passed the bill appropriat ing fiiOO lor Jackson and Josephine counties for district fairs, $1,800 is ap ropriiited for other Southern Oregon o. mit lea and a new appropriation of $ti00 is made for the fair in Lake and KliiiUHth counties. The bill providing for one board of regents Instead of (our for state normal schools was passed bv'the house. It is thought the modified Jayne bill r the amendment of the local option ill will pHss the house tomorrow or lie next day bv a narrow majority. 1-oes ot t ascauo county have so marshaled themselves that the bill to ut Wasco ct.unty tip now seems doomed to failure fn-the senate. Nineteen bills wero passed by the muse tmlay and (our by the senato. Fleven new bills were introduced in the senate and two in the house. Ten bills were today filed by the governor with the secretary of atato. gress, carries a large appropriation for me improvement of army posts. This money is distributed by the secretary of war, he approving allotment which are made up by the quartermaster gen eral. Senator Ankeny and Represents . live j.inea nuve arranged to call upon the secretary of war and ask for a lib eral slice of that lump sum for making mucn-needcu improvements at Vancou ver barracks Reports which have been submitted bv the oflicer at Vancouver show the urg ent necessity for many new buildings to replace the antiquated and dilapi dated structure now standing. 01 course ttiey ask for more money than can bo had, something over $1,000,000 m all. Nevertheless, an attempt will lie made to get a liberal portion of this fund. ine largest item recommended is $250,000 for erecting a new building for headquarter offices, a building of oncK, wun stone trimmings, large enough to accomodate all the oflicecrs assigned to headquarters, together with me clerical lorce of the wist. It is also asked that four additional double in hint ry barracks be erected at a cost of $230,000, and in additionl quarters for 59 officers as follows: Ono commanding otiieers resilience, six field officers quarters, nine captains' double quarters and nine lieutenants' double quarters, w cost in all about 1500.000. In ad creamery mr tuKmm. anion f iu.uuu is asketl for a new main lCugene K. C. Kldridge, owner of sewer, $8,000 for cement sidewalks. he well known hldridge creameries at -,ooo for extending the electric light- uiiepetiiience, iMVion ami jeiierson, ing system, i.i.uuu lor water mains. us lieen in F.ugene the last few days, $45,000 for grading and filling, $15,000 omplet ing arrangements for establish- mr improving the parade grounds and ng a big creamery hero. lie has signed i 0,000 for two new artillery stable lease for a iHirtion of a two-storv lieiu frequent conferences of late at which they discussed the Far Fastern war and came to the conclusion that me country cauiu not sttord to con tinue the war under the present condi tions. The immediate cause for this CALIFORNIA WILL HELP. reclamation act. Had it not been for Senator Fulton' insistence, Chairman Mondell. of tha house irrigation committee, would not nn la .... .... i . , ..t.i . : . . i ehm, r.l ...In,! ,h .1 " vojecnon lO ID IS r" , r"' " 'T bin and it would not have passed. men who have right along rtood in the way of peace is said to have been the recent disaster to the Russian arm on the Hun river. Coupled with the new of this defeat lias come to the grand dukes tha reali zation that they cannot compete with Japan a ability to throw army after army into Manchuria view of the internal situation, which may render further mobilization of reservist troops almost impossible The correspondent states that, ac coruingiy, tne Kussian embassy at Paris ha been asked to gain the good will ol Oreat Britain with a view to mitigating the terms likely to impose. Bill Affecting Klamath Irrigation Dis trict I a Law. Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 6. Two en' especially in ate bill became law today upon being signed by the governor. One waa the Coggin bill, permitting the lowering of the water level of certain lake in the northern part of the state in furtherance" of irrigation and reclamation work of tlm nvlamftlinn uivIm a! IK- rn!i-.t , . , I " - J v. ...I. j 1. which Japan is I states. A aimilar bill ha recently been enacted by the Oregon legislature, and important legislation by congress bearing on the work in question ha been passed by both house and ia Portland Wreck Causes One Death ready for the president' signature. and Thirty-one Injuries. L "der the authorization now given Portland, Feb. 7. - One man was -y lDe V" IorD a T .u.re80il. TV1 killed and 31 persona injured, some of ,' " " DDaf"'100 l.n" M.uou.uw them fatally, bv the wrecking nl . P l oy me leaerai govern. .. -. . ... " I mpnt nn iwlumottAn STREET CAR OVERTURNS, of the Portland Consolidated immBY , . v- I .omntinv 1 1, M,. t 11.. 1 , . I I the corner of East Twenty-eighth and East Glisiin streets, at 7:20 o'clock yes terday morning. jhe accident 00 curred on a sharp curve at the base of a steep incline. The car' momentum was so great that it was unable to make the turn and was overturned. There were 00 passengers on the car at the time of the accident, the majority be ing business men and employes on their way to work in the heart of the city it is a question whether the motor man lost control of the car or whether ne did not use he usual precautions Report of Minister Barren Say Pro- until it tt-.a tnn lata Pica Kl.uil.- fw-n I - -- . - i, n v a iiuiu the scene of the accident the car was running at a speed greatly in excess of of the Klamath California and Southern Oregon, and that 200.000 acres rn California and 100,000 in Ore gon will be placed under irrigation. The other bill signed by the govern or is the bill appropriating $70,000 for a California exhibit at the Lewi and Clark exposition. The last legis lature appropriated $25,000. so that $95,000 is now made available for tha exhibit. FINISH CANAL IN TEN YEARS grest it Good. Washington, Feb. 6. In connection he rate specified in the city ordinances w'tft tbe ,ack of po&lic information a governing street car traffic. One pas- '? ,ne "i811" 01 tne work of canal dig senger, who stood on the front platform on the isthmus of Panama, and a of the car beside the motorman, de- t0 ,he exact am"ont of work executed clares that no effort was made to gov- 30 'r by the Americans since they took ern the speed of the car until it wan UP the task, tbe American minister to almost rounding the curve. Th street Pl?l,rn boa, after consultation with car company av the brake had been Chief Engineer Wallace and close set as shown by the fact that the wheels P5"0111 inspection of the route of the nek building to bo erected at once by L. I humhers, bunker and hardware merchant. The new building will be rixS0 loet in dimensions, and will bo located on illametto street between ixth and Seventh. The creamery will occupy the lower floor. Laboratory Apparatus Arrive. Willamette I'liiviMnlty, Salem The science department of the university bits received a large shipment of new apparatus and material for use in the hemical and physical laboratories, among which is a smaii quuniity ni radium, the newly discovered element. and ulso a wireless telegraph outfit, an X-ray machine, a w ireless telephone outfit and a new stereopticon for use in illustrating class lectures.' Thero are also many less Important instruments, which bring tho college laboratories thorough!! up to ditto. Show 'Grand Ronda Product. La Granfle -Tho exhibit hall which was erected by tho La Grande commer cial club and citizens ol the Grand Untitle is completed, and on February W it. will be opened to tho public. This building cost nearly $1,000, and will contain exhibits of all fruits, grains ami grasses grown in the Grand Rondo. A cash premium of $100 will be award ed by M. L. Cansey for the boat main tained fruits and vegetables for a cer tiiill period. lone to Have Water Work. lone The lone city council hn signed a contract with Charles M. Robinson, of Portland, for the construc tion of a complete water works system! The price for tho work is $1,737, and extra work will run the cost to $10,000. The contract price includes ample pow. er to pump the water for the city, and also for an electric light plant to be put 111 by tho citv the coming summer. Work on the city reservoir will be be gun next week. PORTLAND MARKETS. Foreign Mine-s Shut Out. Tokio, Feb. 7. After the most heat ed debute which has yet taken phico in the Japanese house of representMives tbe amendments to the mining law pro. bibiting foreigners to work Japanese mines was passed during Monday ses sion. 1 he bill was fought bitterly by the foreign residents having mining in terests in Japan, and the government has been severely censured for advocat ing a measure which must needs antaa onize certain influential interests whoso good will, it is believed by many, to be important ami necessary at this time. Japanese Colony In Texas. Sua aAntonio, Texas, Fob. 7. In an interview today B. F. Yoakum gave out tho following details concerning the re cent visit to Texas of a number of com missioners from tho Japanese govern ment: "As a result of this visit a great Japanese colony will be planted in Southwestern Texas for the growing and manufacture of Bilk. A were worn smooth by sliding. READY TO FIGHT. proposed canal, submitted to the atata department a report upon this subject. The communication is practically a brief summary of the vast amount of ,1 ..... i 1 , n i ... : .... .1 . . . . . ... uii.L. r d ....u -,n: , d.i,ii. 1.0-0 auu lac-la mat will Warlike Talk of High British Offic,al LVf,n.uaIIv i,, , ,K1 , Cause Kaiser to Anger. commission, showing the actnal con- Berlin, Feb. 7. At the foreign office struction on the canal accomplished it was said this afternoon that Ger- since July 1 last, when Mr. Wallace many would ask England for an ex- took charge of the engineering depart- planation ot the provocative anti-Ger- ment. The most important statement man sjieech made at East Leigh, Feb- in the report is this: ruary 2, by Arthur H. Lee, civil lord of "If the next ix months show a pro file admiralty, in which he said that gress corresponding to that of the laat Britain would smash an unnamed en- six months, it is tbe conviction of tha emy in the North sea before that enemy best engineers in Panama that a sea- nati time to realize that war had been level canal can be constructed in ten declared. The foreign office said: year and be ready for large vessels by "We hope that nothing will result January 1, 1915." from Lee' gpeecb . We prefer to be- The report says there is no ground lieve he spoke more as a naval expert tor the current reports that little has than as a statesman or cabinet officer, been accomplished in advancing the let it is impossible not to put a polit ical construction upon his utterances We shall, of course, take up the mat ter." construction of tbe canal during the last 1 six monins. Wheat Walla Walla, 80c; blno steni. Ule: vallev. 87c Per bushel. Outs Xo. 1 white, $1. 35 1.40: gray, splendid tract of land has been becured, $t .40(: 1.45 percental. 'J "Pon each five acres of this will Hay Timothy, $14(810 per ton; M5 settled a Japanese family." clover, $11I2; cheat, $12(Io Potatoes Oregon fancy, 7585c; Reervit Are In Arrest, common, 00 1 0c. London, Feb. 7. The London Daily APPic -uer miunvins, ft .so ; 1 vuromcie prints a dispatch from its St MpitKtmbergs, fi.TOQt'J. Eggs Oregon ranch, 2829 Butter 2530c Will Fight Near Sandepas. St. Petersburg, Feb 7. Military operations in Manchuria continue at a standstill. Xo importance is attached by tbe war office to the Japanese move- alu' that the sanitation of Panama Canal Zona la Healthy. Washington, Feb. 6. Secretary Taft today received a report from Governor Davis, of the Panama canal zone, stat ing ttiat reports of health conditions on the isthmus are "cruelly exaggerated is ments on the Russian center and left, progressing as efficiently as that of any which are regarded as merely demon- city in the United States." He says si rations. ueneral tieisman, a war critic, expresses the opinion that the Russians are not likely to surrender tho positions captured northeast of Sande pas, and that a aerie of encounters there will probably continue until the weather is favorable for a general ad vance. Rivers and Harbors Next Week. Washington, Fob. 7. Although the river and harbor bill was reported to the house today, it will probably not bo considered before next week. The naval appropriation bill is ahead of it and will be called up Thursday, when the railroad bill is disposed of. The naval bill will remain under considera tion three or four days, shoving the river and harbor bfll over until next Tuesday or Wednesday. Probably it will be passed about Feb. 15. Russia Wants Mors Money. London, Feb. 7 It is stated in well informed financial circles in London that negotiations have been completed tor Hunting that the total number of yellow fever cases originating in the tone since tha Americans assumed control is 32. Tha report says there is no plague, no ty phoid fever and very little dysen tery. Cannot Depend on Troops. Berlin, Feb. 6. German military ex pert familiar with the inner conilion of the Russian army declare that tha autocracy cannot depend on tbe loyalty of any of the troop outside of the few regiments serving as bodyguards to tha czar and the grand dukes. Military men here, in the light of history and tradition, therefore, regard the recent mutiny of soldiers and marines at Se vastopol as the most dangerous event of all the recent turmoil in Russia. Kuropatkin Tenders Resignation. St. Peterbsurg, Feb. 6. General Kuropatkin has tendered to the czar his resignation of the command of tha forces in the Far East. ' General Grip- Hops Choice, 2728c per pound. penberg has been removed from tha a new Kussian loan of I command nf tha Second Manhhiirian Petersburg correspondent stating that ( $200,000,000 in Paris. The loan will ! army at hia own request, Laving da 6,000 reservists at Petorhof have mu- bear interest at the rate of 6 oer cent ' clarnl that ha hul hnn dinhnnnryt h tiniedandaro under arrest in their ( per annum. The date of the issue ha , Kuropatkin' oder to retreat at tha barrack. I not yet been fixed. battle of the Hun river.