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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1905)
I! L. Why rd wk ont of or County witty we wilt u It or you it I'ortland I'rlctnf CommcrcJal Printing Of every class done at Hi MIST Ol'lMCK, from modern type feces, In urnt anil wurkiaanlika manner. We have recently added ve ml o tlie Intent styles of type to our equipment, and respectfully solicit your patronage, Years of Experience Count in any lmsine, and wt know the want of our custo- g ' mrre, and will guanittte I'rli'ca ami Uuallly to l rllit. THE OREGON HIST PR1NTEKY, 8t, HeleiiH, Ore & W&W&XP I.'-''' vW'tvenm rrrrrr-ww&Mxr:r.rt j9ja Photography for the AMATEUR, Half its Former Cost American Jr. CAMERA With Double Plate lloldar $1.60 Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated catalogue telling all about our 27 styles and sixes. Free. AMERICAN CAMERA MFG. CO. 946 St. Paul St.. Rochester, N. Y. saVai i Itflft fOMTI.AJD. DAILY. "America" u Willamett SfooA Route I-csveM. Helena... :90 AM Arrive at I'ortlaml. 10 SO M Ml.rsv rortluml ..... 1.80 PU Arrive at St. Helena. (MTU Will Carry Nothing kill Patterv jrf. mi r"r iot. 4 J A CM COD, Matter, ft 4 J. MACKENZIE, General Contractor iuiidgk, WILL. AM) I'll.K I'HITIKO A Mrr.Cl.ll.TY ' E8TI MATE8FU R N I SHED T. IIKI.EX8. Ott. ANYBODY 15 r i!ZvV.t3?$ i.usMM.e tiM Mt I..! i it..fNr1 ta ( wlMM'f ' I 'TI. I i.e. 4 rl14 ! . I. trl Dear iMl -j , , f atl.a.. MM,;)!. Vlltu.. 11 . STETEKO RIFLES, HCT0L3 AND GHOTGUrO TtVtNS flKCAKMS lw All . l . . k.tK.M riMlM Ami ci'a.ahtEii n OIAIUK J. STEVENS ARMS A TOOL CO. r. O. Bji 409S Chios ralU, Maaa., U A. NOTIOI T0CREOIT0IS Notice U hereby jrlvtn that tha' ulld 'ned hw been, by the Hon. R. H. Kt n. Ju-Ikb of the County Couat of Vhe l Oregon for the County of Coltim '";i liK)liiteil udminlhtrutor of the cttiite Jolui Ul Morgan, doecuaed. Any and ,--. unviu) ciuiiun uguioai min c lire hrrcby miuited t piaaant fip "'"o to me, verified acvordiuK to luw, at wy olhce in Ht. Helena, Oreuon, within f" Kitli from dntn tliorcof. "M Hefcmlwr 0, 1IM4, " A.iluiiiiUtrAtnr.of the ttutc of Jolui J). '"iflMii, iliveuMsj, 1 j'vVjr'1' l'MU'w,l; AptJilu,y tor Adin. Tho famous Poco. BucK-Eyo and American Cameras. Genuinely good in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. 4x5 POCO mm. -OREGON Shor t Line ad union Pacific J TK.UNS TO TUB KAKT 1MILY ! i' ir,'tir. i I,. 1 Arrives. t llll A'. 11- i'llKlUI' H'Ki Ul. Ir Ih. lM vU lluniiiitiuu, ! lor ra.isru Wa.htn Inn. Walls Wella, .eW-l Icon. I'oeur d Alette 4 IV A. Hi li t!. P. M. IW.ll), i iSOn A. M r.iij. and Ureal Northern, rm'nts. I h: astKT-i s viwsai orrrsi. f I f a? M lot in. mtn in uuut- i-eny Pally. TIIKKK DAILY TRAINS raa a i.i. points east. Lower Columbia River. mir IIvhIi ltve INirllanit dally. cet.t Hiindar. ! a.oon. m. Miiinlar W. lit Artnrla mo lullii,, H.ntrulnit. niH A.urla ai a. m Arpi nun...?. At u. ummiu. Urartal rMrnr,r Aarnl. Komi I. A Mi, Or. mm. . .. n. mm JVKr Writs 'hi i:w hov,i imn macsimi compamt onariac, ataaa. Kan Swf MaohlnM art iiwda t ""faa" M , qua. l. b4l tl.a w llawa It .wir Our fuarant nar rum out -, frk Saw'nf Mrhlit t ault all oonilltlonj . ' a, T'a 'Nr IIto" 'am:Mth : .',rIti.ft-fclll'tmlV'''M'na'hln, ',Wlj ia::iorlaHl i ; f WaeB In Portland t. Tha Emplro Roplaiirimt, 102 Third Btrael, thrao doora South ol llaker Tha trv. Menli fruui 15 rent up. Own dnv an.l nlaht. Oyatara In arty at ye. Win. Ilohlandar, Prop., formerly of Uie Rovnl, l?t and Madiaon TAliKN Atiny ilnri, tlvo uill weat of tiohl, on leceiiibtr jWtli. to head of cnithi a ati-er and Iiiiut. plcur H alamt two "U. ml tthlli' color, with end ol rluhl ear t' iicd. Ih-ifi'r la n two-vcnrold iiiuIh.v, UittMIIld (llllk I.IOttl). tlwll. l TU llUVC tliu emu by pi'viKg KKpfiiaM, I"'; '"'"! licbli', On !. D"" BUY THE Atf H-M M ML Mr. I. B. Godfrey waf a Poitlaad vUltor by the Irahla on Monday Uat. Mr. V. Anlikerpf, (Jobl, vUlted the Mlat office, on Monday lu.t. Mr. ' Wnaliiii(ton Muckte ha been appointed cvnaUhle for Unlo; precinct. Chancellor Comutnader Dillard and wife entrtaDed he KnighU of Pythiai, their wlyea and the Kathbone Slatera, at their reaide.K in tlila cit Uat Tueailay evening, The affair waa a complete and very plcaaant aurpriae. Anna Druineiirkl and William Swee ney, of Columbia City, were united In marriage on Tueaday laat by Hon. R. 8. Hattan, at the office of the county clerk in tbla city. Mabel Carrlion and Clan nee r'cuildtr and Henry Vandcrmoat and Cora Wilaon, all of Hcappooae, were united in marriuge on Monday laat by Juatice Watkina. Miaa Myrtle Colvln, daughter of Henry Colvin ol Marahland, who lute been at the Northern Pacific Sanitarium in Portland undergoing an operation for apendicitia, if convaleacent and baa been removed from the boapital to the residence of B. 0. Riigliah. Mra. Fannie Cuaick, daughter of Ira. Thotnae Boyle, ol Marahland, died at Rt. Marya boapiul In Aatnria, on 1'riday morning laat, of conaumption. The fuuerul took place at Vancouver, Wash ington, on Sunday hut. Married At the realdtnce of the jride'a aireut, at llachelor hint, in tbu vounty alia Anna Wkkatrom to air. J W. VanNatU. St. Helena Lodge, No. 117 I. O.0. 1 inatallcd the following ofllcer laat Satui day evening; I. I). McKay, Noble (Iran. W. J. I'ullerton, Vice Grand; Chat lllake aley, Secretary; Max Hcrg, Trra.urcr; 1 B. Wirkrraham, truatce.' A lodge of Kt Ukaha, the auxiliary of the 1. O. O. F. ia fn to lw organUed in fit. Helena. W. I!. Newaome, of Rainier, haa brought auit againtt A. L. Clark of that place to recover money alleged to be due from collection ol water rent, to tUt iiuonut of about , Aiiomey i-owcil viaitel uulncy on Tueaday laat for the purxe of trying the care of buiith v. Syveraon et al. It i ppeara that Smith'a cow attempted to rroa the log ahute of Swcraon and hi partner! and waa killed by a deacendini log. Smith a-ked for $.' damage an: aa awnnlcd V. Hon. T. J. Cleeton. o Portland, appeared for tbc detente Both attorney went home with aevera burketaful of cream in their pocket, an it i aoid the caae will be ajjaled to thr circuit court, which will take conaiderable more cream. A well attennrd meeting waa held at the court botiic laat Mondav evening for the purpow ol drviaing meana to inak effective the levy of too mill made by the county commiaaioner for the purjxwe of ealahlialiing a building fund for the new coiirthotiw. It waa the general opinion that while the comntistioncr bad made the levy, the fuct that it waa made a part of the general fund would compel the treasurer to pay it out on warrant. A committee waa appointed. contting of Meaar Dillard, Powell and Hattan, to draft a bill for presentment to the Igiahiture anthoriting the con uiiaaionera to take action in the matter, ao tltat the legality of their jwucceding ill )e beyond disaite. ('. H. Olacn, rood aucrviaor for Deer lalnnd precinct, viaited St. Helena Wednrwlay, on hi way to Portland on buainr. In-puty Aear TU lienor viaited Clatr kanie on Tucad.iv laat, to attend the funeral of hi grandfather Mr. C. C. !.ce, which occurcd Wednenlay. Mia I.uln Ccorge returned to Mon mouth luat Saturilay aftrr viaiting with her parent here for aevcrol week. The Cooperage factory at lloulton ilarted up ou Wednesday morning, after a abort abut down on account of the cold weather freezing the water in the millpnnd. Mix Grace Powell returned on Tuea day lt from a visit to her parent in the Nchalem Valley. Mr. and Mr, j. II. Dobbin and their infant dangbtcr Lola V, of Portland, viaited at the home of Mr. Dobbins' mother, Mr. R, J. Frakca, holiday week, a alao did Mia Lou Frukca. Mia Lou S. 1'rukc i now in Condon, Oregon, viaiting fricud. She state the weather there is down to icro. Mr. H. C. Gray recently returned from Taconm, Waalt., where she went for the purpose of attending the annual meeting of the stockholders of The Pacific Coal and Oil Co, whose mines are located near Wilkinson, Waah. The company is putting aliout one hundred tons of coal upon the market daily. They arc developing a new vein, and have an a greement with the railroad company that whenever they can put one hundred tons a day ou the cars the road will be built to the mines The local Interest In this item is in the fact that Columbia County has coal, Iron and mnrl, and that all of these will be exhibited at Portland next year. A little earnest e!Turt along these lines will result-in the near future in the building of that long hoped for railroad to the Nehalem Valley. A fire In the Scott house, next to the Masonic Hall, revealed a very dangerous state of affairs, and caused considerable surprise that the building hus not long ijrjce beer) destroyed. The fireplace la bond with wood, aa is alao the chimney, and there is a thimble supposed to reach from the boxing to the brick flue, but in fact it did not reach it by about six luetics, and It wa In this apace that the fire oc curred, ljad it happened duriug the night time nothing could have suve.l the properly, AJc-isrs Simmons and Flippen, of Clnts kunie, have purchased from the Shaver Company the property occupied by their Btoif, and will anon begin luiprovcmciiis upon it to better fit it tor their growing business. " i Aa etror in last week's Mist made It appear that it took ten week to load the schooner John Rna at the mills ol tlie Rainier Lumlier Co. Ten day waa meant bnt tlie actual loading time waa eight days. The Ruse haa loaded three consecutive cargoes at the Rainier mills aince Noveraher 7 th., which ia certainly remarkable, if not an unprecedented, record In California shipments for -Ixith mill and vessel. The Rainier Stiah and Door Factory 1 putting In a most complete system of fire protection, comprising about 8,000 feet of pipe, at the end of each eight-foot section of which is a valve that opens when heated and proceeds to deluge the surrounding apace with water. F.very department of the factory is being filled with these appliances, so that ail exten sive conflagration ia practically impos sible. A walk through this great insti tttionand an examination of its prodncts gives one somewhat of a realization of the resources of Columbia county. No where In the world i there as good op portunity for eatablishing manufactures of wood In all forma. - WHAT TO EAT Preferred Hlock (Vim''' l'n lerreil Hlock Touiatoea, ,; .Preferred Kt-a-k I'eae, , ...... Preferred HUH'k He ns, Preferred Slock I'eaclica.'. Preferred Stock Khiiiup, V Preh-rrrd ttiiM-k lb-trr etc. Libby'a Canned Meats, Cream of Wheat, ;' Mlneed Sea Ciumaetc. There, are ahmdutely the best the market afford., and cti you but little more. It dm a not at-em possible that thereconld lie mi uiU. Ii diUVrriir in oiinlity and audi a little difference in Iirlce. 1 rand?. have other good M. COB AY General Merchant, St . llrtvns, Or. Mr. Joseph Copt-land, of Warren, died in the hospital in Portland on Monday, January tilth, aged 71) years, and was buried in the Scappoosc cemetery on Tuesday, the 17th. his remains being laid beside those of his first wife. Rev. Thorp preaching the funeral service. Mr. Cocland was born in Champaign County, Illinois, July 0th, JH.VJ, and emigrated to Oregon in 1H5M, from whence he moved to Columbia County in 1M4 and located at Warren, where he resided continuously to the time of his death. The eauae of hi death was cancer of the stomach. Mr. R. II. Bailey, of lloulton. started Sunday for the Dalle. Mr. Bailey is a great sufferer from asthma, and finds that he is always benefited byi stay in that higher and dryer altitude. Deer Island district has voted a special tax of ten milla for road purposes, which will raise about f 1,200. and this, with their share of the general levy, will put the roads of that district in good con dition for summer and winter. . A. M. Kdwardt, who came to Deer laland a few years ago, is mentioned a a fac.or in stimulating the people in the interest of the good road movement. BKMOVAL SALE. I am building a concrete store build ing in St. Helena and when it ia com pleted will occupy it aa a general mer chandise store. I dont want to move any more good than nercessary and therefore I will sell all the goods in my pres-nt store at greatly reduced prices. This) is the opimrtunity yon have been looking for. My stock ia Urge Jand you can save unmey by trading with me. II. MORGUS. The" Modern Woodmen of America at Clutskanie have raised about $700 for the purpose of buildiug a hall, and a com mittee has been appointed to select a site. It Is expected that the building when completed, will cost about 3,M)0. The order has a membership in Clatskanie of over one hundred and is in a very pros perous condition. Mr. Cyrus C. Lee died at Clatskanie on Tuesday the 18th, of pneumonia, aged 74 year. Mr. Lee came to Clatskanie in August, 1871, and has resided there con tinuously since that time, with the ex ception of three years in Yanihtll County and a short timein Minnesota. Will Hake Money. A feature of the treasury department in the government building at the Lewis and Clark Exposition will be a mint in full operation where souvenir medals will be turned out every day instead of silver and gold coins. 1 The mint will shn v all the visitors the various steps required in the production of coins, except the assaying and refining, The plant will consist oL.a full set of minting machinery maunfoctured at the Philadelphia mint, and designed ultimate ly for use at the New Denver Mint. The medals turned out will be of an artistic design and the ' visitor may see every step of manufacture from the time the piece of metal is placed in the ma chine until it is thrown out on the table and wrapped in tissue paper for him to carry home as a souvenir. Alongside the mint exhibit will be the display of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which not only prints all the paper currency of the country, but prints its postage and revenue stamps . as well. This, too, will be an active ex bibit, for a printing press wi'.t be contin uously operated, illustrating the method bv which the government haa its finest minting work done at Washington Specimen plutes of a special design be printed in view of the visitors. This bureau will also show specimens of tl.$ bauds, notes, certificates uud other obli gations Issued by the United States, full sets of postage und revenue stamps, i chiding stumps prepared for the Philip- pjnea, and specimens of n)tes, bonds, cts., showing all the processes from j blank paper to a finished note. CLATSKANIE. Mr. McCloud's new dwelling in the smith p irt of the city is nearly compiled. Mr. McClond and family will occupy it. J. W. Clark made a visit to Portland last week and while there took in the sight. Klmer Wood and brother, Roy, went out in the mountains on a hunting expe dition last week. In some way they became separated, Roy .returning home in the evening, but Klmer (ailed to ma terialize. A lance searchinsr party went out next morning, to look for him. Kl mer soon became conscious of the fact that he was lost, and after wandering around in the snow for about 48 houre, he followed a ridge down and came out away over in the Nclwlem, about three miles above Mi-t, with both feet and one band badly frost bitten. He was brought home by James Hill, of Mist, on Satur day morning. Silvo Graham, E. S. Booth, and Kd. Hughes have graded their lot down to the grade established by the county court on Neludein street, and have let their buildiugs down to the grade. John Cheldelin, of Crooked Creek, waa doing business in ths city the forepart of this week. There is to lie a local parentaand teach ers' meeting Saturday afternoon, tha 28tb inst., to discuss school matters.' Ail are cordially requested to attend. We learn that W. K. Tirhenor a III build two cottager and large barn as toon aa the lumber can be put upon the ground. The beautiful snow that came to us lait week waa struck bv a strong cbi- nook wind and diaappeared about as it came. We also learn that Adam Barr, Jr., has just tlnii-lied his new house outside the city limit and will occupy the same wall hi new wife when they return from their honeymoon trip. W are modi pained to report that the infant daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. J, It. bulI'VHil, ol Hazel tirove, died at tl.eir reaidtnee, and was buried last Sunday. Rev. J. K. Hawkins conducted the funeral exercites. It ia currently reported on the streets by the Ikiys that about four more wed ding will occur in this city in the near future. Tne est Oregou Lumber Co . saw aud planing mill slarud up again last Monday, after having been shut down on account of the cold snap. We learn that the lteuson Logging and Lumbering Co. are purchasing large lot ol railroad ties with to extend their track farther op the Clatskanie Rivir. It is reported In the streets here that a petition is in circulation, atking the Legislature 10 increase the salary ot the a-stsr and school superintendent of Columbia Count v. Messrs. Frieberg and Malcolm's new building is nearly completed. The in side! now being papered and painted. Huckleberry Finn, of Skuuk Cabbage Flats, ia building a small house on the north aide ot the tlver. TAKES UP At my premises on Willamette Slough, about Movemher 15th. one white cow with red neck. about three vetrs old. Owner cau have rauie bv proving property ami paying expenses ol a ep and advertising. MKS. V. FARM KOtt CALE Section 28, town ship tt north, range 3 west. More timber than will psy lo the la: ui, ana alter tne tiuilier i olf it will make a good farm. Lara well and will hear inspection. Some clearing and the making of a good frame house, tour miles to the river, wnere vou can sell your produce at good prices. itaill pay any one wanting a good bur- ,i. ,,.!. ,j .7 ?nl" .w lni, and write to me. 11. IV. UUI'l. Uurries C-rosseng, tanaua mm A0rC rOH FVIUCiTIQH, Department ol th Interior, Laud Odioe at Oregou I lly. Oregon December lu. ISO I. NOTtCK 18 HEREBY OIVE.N THAT THK lollowing-uamed settler baa filed notice ol hit Intenilou to make Una proof In auppurt ul hit claim, and thai aaid proof will he made be- Oreguu. ou Jsuua.y 23, 190i,vl. ARTHKLLOW XI. RASDOLPn, Ilnmaatead Knlrv Na- 12rv for tha aouthwest quarter ol a.c. 34, township 4 north, range 4 weit. Ha names the following witness to prove hit eontluiiout residence uikid and cultivation ol suld land, vis: U A. McDonald. John Mullen, r.enrge John- aon aud Otto beidleman. all of Auoaa, Oregou. ur.o.n. BlutK. Receiver. Sotlee or Final Proor. Department ot the lulertor. Land Oftlc at Oregon city, Oregon, January 14. 41UV Nolle ta herebr given that th following named settler Ima filed untlre ol hit Intention lo make final proof In tupuort ol his claim, and that aaid proof will b i made belore tho Keslt ter aud Hneelver, at Oregun City, Oregon, ou March s, isw, via: JACOB H. TOMPKINS: Homestead Entry No. 12.6:12 lor the Northwest l.olSeolloa 14, Township 4 North, Kaujo 1 Weal. He names the following witnesses to prove bin continuous resldeuc upon and cullivatlu of aaid Und. via: IjtraT. Klintin. of Portland. Ore: Thomaa K. (Iravrell, ol Warreu, Ore: N . F. Haker, ol War- reu, Orel Jamta r. Darsv. of ronlnnd, Or. ALGERNON S. DKKaHKIt, Register, 8UMM0NS. In the Circuit Court ol th Stato ol Oregon (olnmLlai ounlv. Kinllytl. lonva, plalullfr, ea. E. T. J inct, for dt- lenticnt. To E. T. Jones, the above name,! defendant. IN THE NA.UK OF TtIK at'ATS OF OKKvlON, I You are hereby rouulrcd lo and an awer Ihe "omplulut filed agattul you lu Ihe ataivo entitled o..url and canae, on or before Ihe eleventh oav ol March, HHXx and If you fall aoto apdtror aiavver the pbilntiff will af ply to Ihe court for Ihe relief prityed Itir in the complaint, wnica is tnat tne marrnige now ox iatlug I -el ween you and the plaintiff be Ioreer dUwIved, and kr tueh other relief a t , la, court may teem Just and eullHble. Thfaauut motii ts eerved tiiniti you bv publication by or der of the Hon. T. A. Mi'Hrlde. Ju lee of the above entitled court, dntod Ihe Ifith day ot Jsjiuary, 1W5, and the dale ol the find pitblt eutlun ol tlila aumniuua it ihe 20. h d.ty ul Jau uary, luoi, FRANK BCIlLEtJKh. A'lMrnty for fbinilrT J. w. DAT,. jrtLLARDii DAY, ATTORNEYS W, 1, CII.1.AHD. at iAy: Will practice In any Court, Slut, or FeJeru. Ofnc. next door to Courthouse.' BT. HKLEN., ; : OttEOON. MEN'S FIRST-CLASS m tFofJU 1 VIoyer Clothing Co., THIRD AND OAK. PORTLAND F0RESI" RESERVE SELECTION! Vnlle.1 Platea Land Oflier. Oregon City, Oreeon. Nov. 2t, 1MH. Kntle l herrkr lvm Hut Klard B. Pmn, br W. U M'.na, hl attorney lu faet, mart. v ullntion Fubnmry 23. IWI. to wlret. under the an ot June 4. ll t .. M). the lllwint drciil-d 'rarir ' .nneTed laudi. lost II: East hall ol sorihtvcat qnatier, eaat ball ol oulbW' at mi,i rt. r and 'U 1, 2. 1 and 4, l see H.aiel ihe-uthwenafteruf M.uiheast quar ter i.l ac IS. luwuliii 4 N. ranr a VT, Wiilaol Cltr Meridian. f.lMtton So. Vi'.V. Uliblii thirty aj from datrul fl rat public t!H hereof all nrouxu or gaunt tbe M-lrcttoii on II.. Kiovud ibal the laud dca-cillrf-l. or any portion thereof, ia more Talaablr In- lm mineral tliau lor anrlruitoral purpose will be received and noted I'.r rrpoit to tlie Commissioner ol tbr Ut-uersl l.and OBc. at !Ahiiiioo. D. t . . This noiiee Is xir.o lr the nnrfKwe ol allow ing all pvraont cUlmliitf the selected land uuder ta minim law, ordeklrit In lUn II to be miner aI lu erssraeter. an opu .nuiiitc In fl!e vie jiions los'jch -lectl.,n.!tu !hrlaloincisb ol the I tilled litat.f Ijind fld-i al ir,Jity. Oreuon, the teiel di.triel In Hhif-lt Ihe land se leeted ia siiusfd. and to mabluh tl.eir lotereai Ibi-rcln or Ihe iniupra! r-hurueter there ! aU.KU.SOX t. 1KE.SSER. teeister. LsBd Office at Orrvnn llr . oreeoa. ,.eill Si IWI. Kn lie of the above apolieailou will be pub li.hed tu the ures-ot, M:t. piillls.1 al M. Helens ureRon. whluti 1 hereby ilealKtute as the Lesrt peoer tiiilll.e.l i.eareatibe land deecilbea li ssta sppiicstiwn. ALUtKSOS S, PREISER, Kexluer. SUMMONS In tb. Circuit Court of ihe Male ol Oregon to the County ol Columbia. Ella i. H klei, idaiuiifr. ts. James 8. Pictla delcnilanl. To ) .aiaa S. firklca, tk aUT. named drlend 1 N Til X M E OF TH H ST A TE or OREGON X Yoo are hereby required lo apoar and al awerthe eouii-lslnt lu th above-entitled aui oti or before toeSUtdsy ot December, IBM. an il you tail to appear and anaa-er aaid complain on or before tbe date mentioned, th plaintil will apalT lo tbe eoart lor tbe rellel prayed lo in her complaint bereinitowit! For a decree forever dissolving the bonds f matrimony nuw exi..tin between you and tb plalutlo. and lor such other aud further rell, aa to tbe court may seem eqailableand Just This auutmonais nuolished by onierollh Uon. T A. alelirtde. IuOrc ol the above-eulltle court, duly made aud entered on tbe 17th day o November. 19X.1U and bv which order It it tn scribed that this aummons shall he oublUbe- ouce a week for six successive weeks in the Ot i enn XI 1st, a newspaper published at St. llelem i Columbia Comity. Oregon. iuinoia cotttity, t-iregoa. rhe date ol the first publication of tbla snn mo ns la, ISO. D. . VAOl'E, Attorney lor Plalutlf NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Couuty Court ol Columbia County, Stat, of Oregon. In Ihe matter ol tbe Estate of Oiia dieting ton, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Jndaon Weed. Ibi executor of the estate ol Ozias Cherlngtun. oe ceased, has tirsMented for pettleinetit aud hie i' thia court final laceouutof bla.imiul.iratioi of said estate, and that iaturUar. liecaraber SI 1!M fc tne Utmsa , st He, ena, Oregou. baa been duly appointed by tht '.Judge ot said court aa ibe time and place o! hearing objectinus lo said account, aua tne set llement thereof. 8i. Helens, or., sot. 22, 1301. JUDSON WEED. Executor of said estate. SUMMER SCHEDULE. SHAVER T8AMSP0UTW CO. 8TEAMER SARAH DIXON Will leave PORTLAND, loot ol Washington street, suudaya al s p. m., for Oak 1'uint, Kufaula. and wav nointa. Tuetdaje and Thundaye at ( p. ra., lor Clara- aaulo and way puluta, Kauviea Islaad St. Helena. Columbia City. llofl:ii!i't. Kalama. NeerCltv. Ralular, Xlayger, Stella. Ksllroai Camp, Oak Point. Wallace l.laud, Palma, Xlaulauillo. aadciattkanie. Nehalem Valley Points via Clatakanle. Mitt. l'itiabnrg, ernoula, Ftthhawk, Yoperand Hopkins. The company reserves th right to ohnfc-o Its tlm without notice. ITS A CLEAR CASE OX MONEY IN YOUR POCKET - IK YOU COME THIS MONTH TO OUR Annual Clearance Sale Anything you want In Men's and Boys' Wea At a saving of Fifteen to Fifty Per Cent. Elegant $12.50 Soils or Overcoats $8.00 500 Boys' Suits 3.95 j 25c Boys.' Hose 17 l-2q When in 'city make this Reliable Store Your Headquarters. . WELCH SUITS $10.00 The Best ou tiave ever seeo, FABRICS in Worsteds, Cheviots and Cassi meres, Hand-Worked Button Holes, Hand -Padded Collars, sewn with silk Others saj $15 for Equal jjoalitj. Gome Early and Get the Pict WHEN YOU SEE It IN OUR AO IT'S SO. AtratobitraUr's 5oUee ef Sale, la Ih.eooDty Coort ol the cute ol Oregon or Maltnumsb County. Is Ihe matter ol tbe fcslale ot Kanbea ceaseu. TOTlCK IS HEREBY G1VEB THAT IN PCR- auauM ol and br virtue ol an order ol Ih County Court of the sua ol Oregon, for Mlt aomab County, made ou tieeenibar IS, 1004. In tbe matter of tb Kstai ol Reuben X. Joy. de- ceaaed, authorising ia iaa administrator thereof to sell all the real property ol aaid eate at private aale.tbe undersigned, theedmfnlefiata ol said estate, will aell at private sale, to tbe oiaoesi viuuvr, i"t mu in v. ... subject to eonnrmat'on by aaid eotmty eonrt, irom and altar Patunlay.Ui 21st day of Janu ary. IStio, aud eoeiiauiug aaid nle antll all of said real property or so much thereof aa la nec essary lo pay all etaima, coats, and xpeuee ol wimintstraiion oi aaiu esssus oas ueen s,mj, an th right, title. Interest and estate ol the raid Kroben Z. Joy. deceased, at the tlm olbia an tne ngnt, utie bbo interest mat tbe aaid estate baa slue acquired by opesatlou f law or otherwise, in and w lb. I ion ihowinKde- .-ritMsi eeal orooertr. to wit : pi Una 4 and Sol section at, and the southeast (inner of the southeast quarter of aaid section 14, all in township S north, range 2 west of Wil lamette Meridian, in Colombia Couuty, Oregoi, . Also an lrrejtular tract described as beginning ia the center of the cresk, at the southwest cor ner ol section IS, lu tovrbsblp S north, range 1 jest of WtllameUe Meridian, and theuee run ning down the center ol aaid eieek, with Ita me nderinea. toa polul where the aame Interacts the W illamett Hloagh; soulbweai rly dlrvctiou, with the meamiertnga of sal, iloagh, to the section line between sections If ind ui. in towunhlp 1 north, range I west el AillamtU meridian; thence west to tbe pise. l uegtuniug, ueiuf la Columbia Couuty, Or leraia and eondlttona of sale- Cash lo I', f . rold coin, 10 per cent to be paid on acceptance .f the bid and balauee on confirmation ol rvl ,y said Conaty Conn. 8ald 10 per eeat to be re urned II sale notion a rased. Deed at expense I purchaser. Ri-ls lo be delivered to tbe nil ersixned, admlnlstrawr, at W Helena, treaa, JAMES DART, tlministraloro! the Est!, of keuaen i Jay. deceased. Dated lecemBeZI. lllOt. - J STOMA & COLOMBIA J.IYER O. RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. OAity, 23 r. a. 7:00 a a as 44 I 50 fas as 19 f S7 10 00 10 OS 10 20 10 U a. a. I us II. ia. at. A. 45 a z sua 7 4 IM T sa T 2H 7 17 701 5 CI a sa 6 10 .8 Lv Portland A r-U 10 05-JS 4 la 4i S .... (ioble 10 M ... Rainier ... ... Pyramid... ...Xlayger.... ... Quiacy .... .. Cllkeule.. . . Marshland.. .. Weatport.... .... Clifion.... ....Knappa.. ... Svenson.... &2 SO S 27 17 as I 02 &s w S IS a 07 7 54 7 4S S 29 S3.S t 40 46.9 S 90 50 I 10 00 C2.3 10 10 66. 1 : 10 21 T1.2. lu aa ?i i ft) 57 ., 11 OS 90.S! 11 IS .4l .Jobu Day.. i W 8, ;Ar. Attotia .l.v All trains make close connections at bobs lib Northern Paeido trains to and Irom tb East and sound points. At Portland wish all trsina leaving Union depot, at Astoria with I. R. N. Co.'t boat and rail Una and steamer T. J. Potter to and from JJwaoo and tionb Heach poinia. 1'aaaengera for Astoria or way points mutt Bag ajna at nouiton. - trains win stop 1 stop to let par engert off at UouJtnn when coming west 4 tiobl. J. V. Mavyav. i potuj Oen. Pas. Agu. Astoria. Or ESTABt.TSnHD IS72 tm. JQHN A. BECK DEALER iif Watches, Diamonds, Silrerw are, ...JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. iiu.-ria kt Bat. Front A First. POttTLANtJ. THE AMERICAN CLOTjEff Corner First and Morrison, Portland