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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1905)
OREGON MIST- filtered t the Postoffice t St. Helens, 'Oregon, pcond-;clM mail matter. U ....I.J.. J ! ISSt'KD EVKf-V FUJDAV BV r H. H.'FLAOCi, ' Edito) And Proi hiktob. One copy, one year, jn advance . . . Jl fly tii montba W f7 Le;l notires 25 cents per line. FRIDAY. JANUARY 20. A rLAlN STATEMENT. On Friday. Peecinber 6th. the county court (or Columbia Comity, altrdoe consideration, appointed the' Mist s the Official paper of the county and fixed 'tha compensation to be allowed lor the joplication' ol tlio court prbceedirijra, and the editor of this" paper accented th appointment. Thi was done by the unanimon vote of the court. We filid with the cleric Vtotrr tlaiiing .the largest circulation ot any paper ih 'the Cjanty, and the editor o( the Register 'tiled a letter offering to do the work lor, the nominal aura ol ono dollar but not 'cjainiipj1 any circulation. The editor ol the llWt fcd' hi Hat vtitten out fcy' pot-toflice and aworn to before a notary public, ready to pretei t to the court; but, a no dispute as to circulation was raised, did not present it The law ex pressly state that the paper having the largest circulation within the' county "(bona fide yearly subscribers) shall be declared the official paper, and also that this action shall be taken at the January lertn'o court.' Mr. IiU'hel.l thereattjr appeared before (be court and after find ing some fault with what he termed the irregularity of the proceedings withdrew bis objections, consented to the appoint ment of the Mist as the official paper , and asked to have his letter returned )iiin. The court very coturally thought ibis ended the matter ami' was surprised When Mr. Mitchell again appeared and Henanded that a contest be i made and that each paper be required to luruisb its Hat. Having made this demand and knowing ' that the court ' was eooi to adjourn, he should have' brojgbl hi list with him or bare been prepared to produce it at a very short notice, as ft certaiuly does not takj more than two rtV taco;;y the Hat of ary paper in Columbia County. The court, not wish ing to be accused of any irrg llarity, asked Mr. MictheU to produce his list the neat day and settle the matter; but this he would not do', alleging '.bat he had impartant business interest that would prevent his being iu St. Helena at that time notwithstanding which he wa tcrv. Then he aas informed that one of the' coiumissiopera and the judge would be in town in a "week or so,' and that the matter would then be settled; but even this would not suit the gentle- hv-n. and finally the court fixed the first day of the March term of court as the time for bearing a contest between the Mist ami Register for the position of official paper. Afterward,eacb member 'of the court expressed himself in very plain tern. as to Mr. Mitchell's conduct, pnt nevertheless the gentleman bad his way. 1 The Mist bold that hen the appoint ment vaa inade and the compensation fixed a contract (at least morally) was entered into between the editor of this paper and the county, and it is certain thaf the editor could have been com pelled to comply with bis part of the contract and the court had no right, hnd we even doubt its power, to rescind jt. If Mr. Mitchell disputed the legality of the appointment the law plainly states bis remedy to be an apptrul to the 'circuit court. 8H0KT BITS. Of the making qf laws there i no end, but enforcing them is another matter. There appear to be no way to compel olTiiiers to do their duty. " ' ' 'V '.. And now it is ut'd our wiigreujunn, lldn. J. N. Williamson, is to belii'dictl for' conspiracy in 'the land fraud rases, The only representative Oregon has who is not under suspicion of being a criminal is Q. V. t'ulton, of Astoria. It is certainly a liorrible stale of atjairs. . T, . It was Just a bluff-that little Sunday closing piny before election. The count v attorney bill. If it i passed a introduced,' will increase the expena es of thia county by about -tlX). Hon. George Maygcr-ottr Ocorgc-i the chairman 'of tfte oommiltee on flsli enes. He appears to be cutting some ice in Salem political pool, and to be quite close to hiuisolt ill several parti cular.' The Clatskanie Chief cornea valiantly to the defense of Assessor Law against the attacks yf the Houlfon Sio 'cm, Tige ; Sic 'em, Boee. Under the proposed new law, the county attorney for this county would receive an annual salary of 800. The expeW would 'be l-WjO more than at present and the responsibility for the enforcement of the law would be more diroct. The Oregonian appears to be getting ready to (witch again. It charges that the Legislature was' organized by the Portland political machine, "'twas ever thus. ' Either Joe's machine or John's. Just once an ootaiJer alid in and theu they called it an accident. ..; , ... i , . . . . ... A ailoon keeper in Marion county has been lined 300 for selling liquor with out a license and sentenced to six months in jail for sjlliug liquor to a minor. For th latter offense, if kuowiu jly commit ted, he should have had six months twice a year for the next ten years. We are indebted to the State Printer for copies Cf the bills introduced at this session cf the Legislature. Now, if he would send down a conpleof reading clerk to drone theuioverto us, it would seem like old time:, y The election of road supervisors by di rect vote of the people of each district woul relieve the court of a very disagree able task and be much more satisfactory. The abpj ition of the office of too ti ty road master was undoubtedly in answer lo pnblic demand, but whether it was wise remains to be demonstrated. However this is a government by the people, and if they want to abolish an ojfio thcii wishes should be complied with. A. law providing for a whipping post for wifebeaters is among the ptobable enactments of thia session of the Luis- 1. t'ire. The punishment fits the crime. GUARD AGAINST E.TOKTIO.. He Wanto to Know. Warren, Or.. Jan. 10, 1905. Editor Mist: There is considerable commotion in this precinct on account of ! Until quite recently one of the most perplexing questions in connection with the general plan of the Iwis and Clark Expositioq was that of providing visitors with accomodations at reasonable rates ana preventing extortion. This question has teen solved by the organiiation of a Bureau of Accomodation iucorporatedun- er tte general laws of the State of Ore-, gon, a separate corporation in fact from that of the Lewis and Clark Fair, but under the supervision and control of the latter. While this association acts independ ently of the Fair Corporation in the Mil. MAYHER'9 BILL. Te I'revlde far ProsroalU; Attorney la Every t'eanty. Section I. The state of Oregon is hertby divided into prosecuting attorney districts lo consist of each 'county in the state; siid ech counly'shall coniprlso a prosecuting attorney district by itself. Section'2. ' Tiit seVlJon JoOf of the law of Oregon a compiled and anno tated by C. U. Hellinger and W. W. Cotton, be, and the same i hereby a mended to read as follows : S iXM. flint there shall be elected at the general eleutbu luUHVS.and every two years thereafter, a prosecuting at torney in and lor each of sin h districts who shall hold office for the terra of two year and until his successor is elected and qualified. Sections. "That flection ,?SJ7 of the law of Oregon a compiled "and anno tate.! by C. It. Bellinger and W. W. Cotton, be, ane the same i hereby a mended to read a follows: Sec. The prosecuting attoney ol the sev'erar prosecutil'g districts of this state, elected under the 'provisions of Ibis act, shall during their continuance in office receive from the treasurer of their re.peutivecouutivs, payable month ly as are the other saUrive of other county officials, iu full compensation of CENTENNIAL NOTES. Pertia'a exhibit at the Lewi aud.Cliuk Centennial will be' worth ',V0.0OO. Vermont's building at the Centennial will be a reproduction of the old Consti tution House of 1777.'- Great tiiitniu will occupy S.fl'JO square feet of exhibit' space' at the ' Lewi aud Clark Centennial.' '' Hungary will have an exhibit at the Ccutcauini worth 10,000. The exhibit will occupy 4,000 quari' feet "of apace. Costa Rica will make a fine display of coffee, hemp, cocoa and other products t tlij V?U:rn World' Fair. Tlf dii play ""is valued at $JO,000. An interesting attraction for women at the Lewis and Clark Kxpoaition vm,!1 lie the display of the latest frocks fronj iy the 'French section of the Manufactures Huildiug. Egypt and Morroco wltl make a com bined African display at the Ceutenniat. The exhibit will cover 2.300 equate feet abd Us value will be fj,00a The hatching of chickens will lie shown to the general public- at the lwis and Clark Exjiosition. All exhibitors of In cubators will be required to make their displays operative, upd at stated hours the,cnwd will be invited to come and see their service, the folio ing annual "sal- i& cLjukeui break' their setls. aries, to wit: The piling and flooring work on the l Trail and Bridge of Nations at the Lewis Benton WW . ... i - ,i..i Clackamas k l"0u m' v,tt1"- -"" ' i Olatsoo . jtw land the Covernmerjt Peninsula can now Columbia tKH)be reached by this route. The bridge Coos rw Crook 700 Curry 400 Douglas 1000 viil'iam f00 Grmit 800 llarnvy H00 Jackson l'-H) Josephine t00 K-iamaih nw 500 500 1500 Lake Lsne Linn Lincoln Malheur. ... Marion Morrow Multnomah I'oik Sherman Tillamook . . Umatilla Union Wallowa . . . Wasco 1100 Washington 1000 Wheeler f.00 Yamhill : 700 Provided, that the prosecuting attorney of the district of Multnomah county shall be allowed three deputies each of whom shall receive and be paid an an nual salary of (1800, to be paid monthly by the said county of Multnomah. And neither of said prosecuting attorneys or their deputies shall be allowed any fur ther sum from any person for their rervices. Section 4, Tha prosecuting attorney of any ciitrict in this state shall be en titled to appoint one or more deputies within his di trict, in writing, fiitd with the clerk of the circuit court for his county, and such deputy or either of them, shall be authorized, during their spans 2,000 feet of water aud is the longest bridge ever erected a arj Expo sition. The art display at the Centennial will be of fabulous value, representing more woiipy than vill bj expended in building the exposition. There will be a few paintings worth at least $100,000 each, and the aggregate value of the display will be miHloi,s of dollars. A KtIeFf lKT V 1EAKS. 1000 1000 10U) 600 800 von 1 Mi. Amos Slavens and wife celebrated 4000 their golden wedding at their residence near Warren Tuesday evening Jan. 10th. Fifty years ago Mr. Amos Slavens was united in marriage to Miss Iiliutbcth 1100 , Mary Rootne in Shelby county, Illinois, u" 1 After remaining there a few years they came across the plains arriving in Colunii bia County in lsoo where they have re sided ever since. . They have had thirteen children, two ui whom are dead. All those living were present except one iton, Amos Slavens, now residing at Dawson. The decorations were most beautiful, consisting of golden tissues, tinsels, fligs and evergreens. The wedding ceremony was perforated bv the Rev Nicholls. of Kalama, and took place under a lbvply wedding bell, immediately after which the loved couple led the way to the dining'room wbsre a most elegant and bountiful dinner awaited ons an 1 all. After dinner and in the early part of the evening, everyone was startle! at the sound of music just ouUidc the door, which proved to be a lovely serenade by the Warrun fiand. Mr. and Mr, Slavens any promptly invited them in anil after a PAYMENTS' lODERAT!. Oneofthe Best Features of tbeEilers Wayof ' . Selling. . The term "moderate payments" la apt to lw construed as Ik-Iii only an Induce ment to MHipli a ho have not sufficient ready cash lo mnko full piiyiueut for their piano. Hut it Is, in fact, a practical vslem of buying resorted to hi-people if ample mean who tin J Umoredesirable to pay on Instalments than to tako that much money out of lltuir business. Payment on good pianos mo i mitll a not lobe missed out of Hie monthly income, so that no outt ,ieil be without a pinno in which re can take a pride and Lleasurel " ' ' Writo us for descriutiim and (nil par ticulars concerning tho beautidil piano we sell lor flHS. Thlisoiiof Hie methods on which the gi-eat popularity- ad tromendous patronage of the Kilor Piano House la based. Store 351 Wnbington St., cor INirk. The home of Welier, flickering, Kim tll, llaaelton, lister, trow u, W(idlorf aud many other pianos of highest grade. Absolute Fact. Yon can save from 2.30 t fH n a man's suit or overcoat by gettng it from John Dvllar. You con save from 50 cents tofi..V)oa a loys suit or oven-out hy getting it from John Dellar. Yoti can save from 50 cents to $1 ou a pairof shoe ' for ladies, men, misses or boys by Retting them ftum Jubji Pf liar, corner I'yst and Yamhill. We arc away from the 'lwr rent district; that's why we can undersell others k' . 1 .!.! ... .J Walkover J .Shoes Can't Be Beat Wc have more Styles, Slices and Widths than other agencies in 1 Ci oiion all nut together. 3 - r M ,r . I KNIGHT SHOE CO., i Cor. Fifth and Washington Sts, Portland 1 OPPOSITE PERKINS HOTEL fwaiumiuwiuiiiiHOiiaiUmiiiiaiaaiaiiUaimiu -4 Mist and Oregonian $2.00 'raavrr TrfN he annolntmeLt'cf W. C. T . raH t Beneral management ol lU business, it is supervisor at the last term of the county j nevertheless, nnder the fvms of conrt, despite the will and wishes of the coulra 10 ma" reasonai toeoole. and the ouestion that evervhodv terms with a11 'S'lrs who may beco: is asking everybody else is, Why did j P3'""1 f ' . Burcau and bv very p j uicdu, wiuiiu iu power 10 protect meir interest during their sojourn it) Portland, the county commissioners appcJnt him and as nobody here seems to be able to give a satisfactory answer I will under take to put the question to you, Mr. Editor, as you may have a better oppor tunity to find ont than most of lis, and if onr two commissioners 'would kindly design to,' sing us some plausible excuse Yor the appointment I am satisfied that the citizens of Warren would consider it a very interesting duet, as nobody here fetris to I14OW anybody tse who wanted Mr. Cooper for road supervisor, and if the County Commissioners know anyone else who doe I hope they won't keep it a secret Toi. ' fersoifaUy f-'ltate too tail Guilty against far. Cooper, and I would like to we him do well, as I would like to see all my neighbors; but it is cheifly On account of my resentment to the action of the commissioners that 1 am writing Ihis. I voted for each of them, bnt I be leive they are doing more to disrupt the Republican party in this county than any two men that have ever held office here. 1 I am sincerely yours' for the pure trnth and honest government, ' - - ' " ' ' ' " 'jcupsnciLAx. Not being a mind-reader, the editor of this paper is unable to give the informa tion tafn4 t ' j. ft,,-- ... - . ,3 kjujc very ' , lood reaFon known . ih. rr. i.'.:k ' ! Von Grounds. It has been the experience of other cities where great expositions have been that visitors have been held np by un scrupulous and grasping landlords in spite of all that has been done to pre vent it: The primiry purpose of this buteau will be to offer rooms In, th,e, bet ter class oi private homes convenient to car-lines, but it is in the field to provide any and all kinds of respectable 'accomo dations, so that no person need visit Portland's great fair and complain, of any dereliction cf duty on the past of the ci iiiCut lit 'the' matter of accomodations in keeping with their need. The Bureau will make reservations oi whatever accomodations maybe desired ;t anytime before or after the fair opens. A technical description of rooms offered or reserved will be given with price. Tosc couUmplatiCg a rip to the -western fair will do weli to make their reser vations as far ahead as possible, even into the fall of this year. The Bureau will tuaintain' a central' office with Trancb, offices distributed throughout the city in the most convenient and acceptable local ities. 'Among these bunches will be one at the Union Depot and one' at the" Ex- This oriranization. continuance in office, to attend to duty required of any prosecuting attor-' few choice selections they tun were treated ney or district attorney by the laws of the state. Huch appointments may be revoked at plea-are, and such deputy district attorney, except as to Multno mah county, shall receive no coinpensa rion from the statu or count v. Section 5. No prosecatinj attorney or his deputy shall be a' lowed to appear n any divorce case or for any party ex- eept the enmity or ftatf In any suit rr proceeding wherein auy state or county is interested, iu any of the court of this state. Section 6. Such prosecuting attorney shall perform all the duties required of district attorneys in this state and such further duties as may be required of them by the law. of this state. And all UtTrTTliSSrf. laws of this state relntimr ta tha nrroa .... ... ..... ... , . I nothing is more in uemaml than a 01 uinci attorneys, noi nereov repeaieu f medicine which meets modern reouire o a splendid repast Many beautiful presents were received during the evening. The following is the list of those present. Mr. and Mrs. S-'ott and son, Clyde Mc Nulty, Mrs. John Cloningerand daughter, Daniel Slavens,' wife and two children, Win. Slavens and wjfe.. Marion Slavens and two sons. Misses Mas and Maude Slavens, Mrs. Osgood and two sons, M r. John Slaven., Mrs. Kllen Parker, Mrs. E. K. Huntington, R,ev. Nicholls, Mr. and Mrs 1'ranlc Hoyt, Mr. Ceo. Ramsay, wife and daughter, and Mrs. Kluabtth Terry. Afrer a most enojovable evening the departing guests felt that Mr. and Mrs. Slavens were most delightful entertainers. shall remain in force and apply to all 1 ments for a blood arid system cleanser, prosecuting attorney elected Under this act. Section 7. That all acts and purl of acta in conflict h.rjwilh, be. and the same are hereby repealed. A Urim Tragedy Is daily enacted in thousands of homes, ! a (team claims, in each one. another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Coughs or Col. Is are properly treated the trBiredy is averted, r. G. Hum ley, of Oaknlmidon, Ind writes: "My wife hud the Consumption, and Hire ) docf irs gave her np. Finally he took Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Coids, which enred her, and., today she is well and hi rung." It kills the genua of all dis eases. One done relieves. Guaranteed at 50c and SI by A. J. Deming, druggist. Trial bottle free. sucli as Dr. King's .New UJe Pills. 'Jhey nre jut what you need to cure stonmi-h and liver troubles. Try them. At Dein big's drug store, guarauU-ed. Spring Wagon to Trade for Cattle. I have a fine double spring wagon in first-class condition, suitable for farm work, which I will trade for !ecf cattle. 1 111s is a good opportunity lor anyone wno wan 15 a wagon, It. H. ROHKRSON, St. Helens, Orego we Weive a maioritv t)etitinn iy 01 me Kpt.on Ac- receive the respectful ccideraioa 'of T"' ' the appointing power'. ' ''' ' ' Portrand s, most pronunet men-men of 1 1 high standing in the community who are The Gem Slates Rural tells how Mat equally interested with the fair manage McPall fights jack rabbits.' He has an. mnX ad'coinmcrcial interests "of the city orchard farm alt Shoshone, Idaho, but Bot only 'n according fair treatment to suffered to much damage from the depre- il Jf1"11 bu extendinj? a cordial wel datton of Jack fabbjts that he determined conie aud making them fee that fyfi to fight them in a wholesale way. tie. ' ,and', bospiulity is vorth a trip across tyread two loads if cicenlfalfa hay in his t!le continent to enjoy. ' felds, sprinkled it frora time to time with ' 1 ortland s street car lines are u fjoo.d in equipment ana service as any in the, United SUtes todiy atxl very numerous,' tttA the, Bureau controls rooms (l,at car; fe? reached for a five cent fare from the. Kehuot lieport. Following is the report of Dist. No. 2, St, Helens, for the month ending Jan. IX vm. farm Male. About o0 acres. AH cleared. 30 acres Ullder cultivation.! I-Argf Hew house and barn. Ncarschfibl, churches, stores, and postufhoe. - Abundance of iruit, berriti, etc. Price low, with literal terms. . . . ,. ;';: ,;' c. w. adamh, ' ' J Warren, Ore. No. days taught , No. oi days attendance....,,....,,. No. days absence.. ... 19 ..,1015 142 Porcelain. Porcelain as a material for filling teeth is constantly growing and taking the place of gold in the front teeth. One would hardly notice a porcelain filling No toes S , I 'ri " W,e' in thimt ,ihtlr a strong solution of styt-hnine. Within a short time Uiett wtie lO.CKJO dead jack rabbits lying around. Of course doj aicstic animals were shut out of the eii loaure in which the poison was placed. AgrirultunUist, Average daily attendance 54 Average No. enrolled ,.... 65 Percent of attendance 110 Rcux' W Honqb, " C bammar GKADKS-Afice &uick, Nellie Laws, Bessie Hattan, Edward Laws, William Watters, I.loyd Hattan, Anna Quick rnd Hehry Watters. ' ' Primary UKPARTME.vr-Virgil Hattan, Harvey Wilkins, Harry Thorpe, Fred Mcrgus, . Frank Thorp, Charley Laws, Ruth Decker, ' Hamor McKie, Goldie HatUn, Ercel Dodson, Roy Laws, Mat thew McKieandusie Ketel. " ; " ' Hpolled Her Beaaty. Harriett Howard', of 20; W. 34th fit., New York, nt one time had her beauty spoiled with skin troubles. Klin w riM.- "I had Salt Rheum or Kczoma for years, but nothing would cure it until 1 used llucklen's Arniiia K.tlve." A quick and sure healer for 'cuts, burns and iores. 26c at Deming' drug store.. ' Dr. KNODER, dcntiU. :m Mohawk Bldg., 3rd & Morisson. If game is to lie preserved for the ben efit of wealthy fportsinen, then these sportsmen should be called upon to pay the expenses of enforcing the laws. Nlckenlnr Hhlrerlng Pits Of Airae and Malaria ran he cured with Electric Hitters. This is a pore, tonic medicine; of especial benefit in malatlo, for it exerts a true enrative influence on the disease, driving it en, tirely out of the system. It is mucfo to b preferred to Quinine, as it has nonn of this -dnwa Imd after-WtVrln. U. H, Mnndiiy, of IleurleltH, Texas, writes; ''My brother wns vrv low with mnlurln) levi'rand jaundice till be took Klertrii: lmrrr, V lltCU FHVe.l III" lll, iMJMlll- TAKKN VP At my place ou Miltot, Creek, one veurlinij lv mare colt, with white hi 'id l.Hit and white star on fore head. Owner can have same by proving property and paying cxrnses. 1 CHAS. WAI.I.IS. TAKEN I'P At my place, six miles west of Gob'.e, 011 Monday. Januury 2, ItiOo, oiie slj;cr. two years old, rod with some u lute, and a square corner taken out of left cur, uitdcrmath. Owner can have the same by proving property uml paying all txjieiiscs, including cost of adycitisiMi. WA LTi: K LKNC. ACII l-R, Oobtr, Oregon. SOTH E Ql" .HAI.K. In the Cotmlr c.niri af ttie Male nl Ur.-,. IVituinbia f'.mitlv. lnlhf nmllrr ol II. hUlr ol W litis A. Hallo), ,l.-iv'l. N'nllce I. In ri'li s(. en rtist ririiait n, nil p ivr ImiihI t,m ft )ir t'i'itil . '.,nrl f lliv Mmii t, Ort-,m f.r r,,lumSis r.niltly. iufl.1. .111 II,. comtwr 17. IISII. at l. i !.-' n. Urwtf,tf. in lliv msllrr il I lip i:,lsla ill MIIHr A, llni; 1 iSr cwi.e.l. Ilir silniialiilr-liir of mii.I rvlcili wilt .,(; si piilillc IUmi. tu tl.- lilihrml b,l'lir. .ittijwt lo ci:Sriiiali, 11 I v ,l -oU'l. sll I Its riiil. Illli- U'I Inri-ti'.l ui u illiv lullrt i ih. liHii if hi. ilrntlt.mi.l nil lUo lUht. Illlntn1 liilrMt thai the cdif hs-. nii.-rio(i.iit of lw or itiii rwl-f. nriiiirt-.l iu,., im nujtth. I .lUiwluif r4l 1 r-irnrtr. ttiuut In I'oluiiiVla I'Miiuiy. (it iji.n; Iiis;l: An iin llvliti.! nne third lnirrv.t I'l the mirlh hlt nf ih, J,., villi an. I cr,tiie .-Hiniii,.,m HI. (' In 1. f mr 14) 11, nth ( It inn- tl) .il 11, Wtha'utUv Meri-lis.i, c-iut.uuiiitf D-r.i ol Ian, I, An iinillvlilcj nn thirl lulcml In lot IJ. 14.. to. Si. llvlvua. (muni,. An tinilli 1'le.l nni- t'ilr.1 in(r.t (11 a one elxlah lmiTi iDtiie.tiuih Knlll iIon'SMiiliifT ('. f fun 111 111? limn II I. (', Tn. Inur I ,) North ( Hinitv unr l) tv. "I Ihe W lllsmnle Mrrlilinti. rouMitiiiiv nUiul one tiuititreil ami alst) (oj; aerr. uf lntt.1. ! An utiitit iilcl nc thirl liiterrsi In lilmns ('") reiiii sMtn-ii llm. In Township lour (l) North il Knit, nrti-(i) ViVil ol lli VilUmvi-r MrrliJIan, eontuluiiijf l.irij lour (II) ai re, nl lamt. An nmllrlilisl lnir.i lmhaft hH f ih iirirttiwi-.! ijimrtrr 11' tli .mttifn.i i,isit.rit Wtloti .urn (7) TowiKlilp l nir (4) North n Kmiil lour (I) WV.1.,1 ih,, U llilnin, lit Urilil Uii. roiitalRInx n-ut twi-tilj ( J.i; rr ol l... 'ihetalil uili, nil! tskr tilnrn 1,11 Tii.,li,t- ito. lailnyof Jrtinmry, Vai. nt t)tiitii iiVIik-1 a t.. I llif Irnol .i.mj- i, Ihtt court hiHi,r , , IV liimhlrt I'o'i.ilv. at Hi. llWt-ii., Uevptu. ami I h.r liic i.iuu ol ,,vii, ihe (' rli.rji-.. esiietl.i'l ol S'l:iil:,i,lrnlliiti Mini i-lnlui, lh citalt, Thr term of ftiil. rr cs.ll, law fill minify nl Ihe l llllirl oiii. fo.irlli of t' r iiirt-riaM, tirlcu nt lliii of nI ami the rernsin UK lbrte fo-irth. on fsinttrnistlon of mi., hi.i. wl 1 b (i-li-il fur fnoh i,-uu- tract. a. r isMiiii. AiimuilotrM r Ask tho Traveller And he will Tell You Tf IK- NORTHERN PACIFIC Kerlli C01&I Limited, Is (lit Cracl Train cf Them Ail. THREE l rausc :;jtK"iit:il 'IVaiji't Dily Ilctwrru PORTLAND AND Till? F.AKp (iaardtan'i Hale In Ihe Connlr rmrt of Multnomah County Mt.te ol Drnsnii. In ihe niKiwr of Hit, KMuts of Uiitmlis wlmf. rlnt;liouMri, a minor. By lrtue of a l(i-ii. rluly (rantrrl hy ihe sl ove ii.nii-1 coiirl on the 7lh il ol ll.:i.nilr iWH, whereby Msrirarct Korm.!, Uif suanll.n of ItlC lKimOII Still tmtallt Ol l.lllliatll. hh.rnr.,.. lioiiM'ti, a minor, wa. auihnrltl m Uiwid.! ' " -uivui vnr Ft-m profHiriy nervliutnur mfnttotitl. Now. ihorofore. hy virtue of al,l llcnnMi, atitl In riimiillaur-a ihrmwlth, I will, on Sunml., . Hie th day of January, IU) at Hi hour of clevfin thirty (II mi) o Wh a m , at II, n front ilnnrol thei-tinly emirl lnoi-f. Iiillmilir of Hi. 1i-liMi.. Oooiity of t?r,i,in,s, Mtain of Drt), aon. Ml at ptlhllc aurllon, olil t to mimlrioa. tlon. to Ilia lilvlmt l,,l,lrr for t'nllrrl Mii, Send Six (:cnts in Stamps for Wonderland. lOOi Write J ewis tlx Comfort. Vour L'i'ietiih in the and Clark Fair Next Nmilu-i'ii racillc N'OHTIl (ruck 'liiiin of thf WVst for Icinuu'c hasr to Come to Year, and rome COAST M.WKI, ami the via. Tor mp foUJer aud rates Kiut wiitc or cnli oh A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Gen. Passenger Agt, 255 Morrison, Cor. 3d, Portland lolil coin cah In hand, all ilm rirhl. I Ilk ami j L hilrrrat lili-h Ih aiwi a namnl IJuih-Iio Khar '1 rlnirluHiMiii hu In anrl tn ilm ,,Uowlu. Uea-1 2 i rih'.l nral vrntM-rtr; Uiwlt: j i iin-ni'i'OK si a imlnl In Ihe pi vlillnir. the nonli ballot Ilia J. Hi(i!itilnK at a imlnl In the risrtlil m line rt. illnK the north haitof Hi. J.. unM Hun lamt clnhn liou ihs soiiin hall or said r,.liu. Bhi're il.a mumy rorul thanauir. aain ,ini inm itiirly (.11) frrlwr.l ol a ihi markl t:. H.;ihnp.t on nartltlon llnv iu..- .Milv four (71) ami Ihlrty liiiiinrnllhs (M liai) ; " m, .,o ci,.,nrii airirmiif oi u,e aitii-: ibtMii-e soiiih elavon (II) iloitrc' lorty five f4o) tnhiitii'. enalono ami una iiumlmlih. (1-ll.iirhiln.; ihrnc)oulh lorly avr(4.',vli.irp).a thirty Vm inlniiliia i-o.t nlfth l.H'ii ami thirty wvvn htiiitlrcliha (is 37- Mi) eh .In.; thi-iM-a north a'sliiy llve-m-drn wvaii-7-tnln-uta wast fVhlv luuvna il uhiu ai.. ilwlih. " iialn. thiic norlh .ruin ami lllty una hilnilrailtliii 7 :,l nl.ulo. i .1,. ni. ol U-Kiiinhitr. r onialnln xltrhiyan l II vn hi:i rln-illhi -hn.M-arii. III Colu:l,l,la Utat'tof Oreifou. " MAROARKT KOKHKHT, Uuiirillan of Ilm pcrton ami iniata ol hiimcllc nnurni.giiouiii'ii, a minor. FOREST RESERVE SELECTION unitfii HtiftM it firm., rlrtron t;liv. (tri'von N,.v trim Nnllre 1. hrrohy nivrn that kilwnnl II Ivrrtn by W. II. Mono;, h! alt'.rnay In lant, limit,, an. pllrailon rtrhrnary M. Iittil, In m.n t, tiiii.r Hid an ol Julia 4. lw, (;ajBtt. ,. ihe followlim ilrncrlhr'l tructn til iry... tl Intnl. . (owll: Norm hall ol 'Ulheaaiiuarirr and lite aiitith. ea.t o'lniUr ol aoul til-ant oinirti.r of .i. IH town. .hip 1 north, ranK 8 n-wt, Wlllnnivlto Altirlil lau. Hi'liK llon No. vm, 1 Within tin; lien thirty tlnj-n from Hale of Br.l ptihllimlnti hr.-of all prou-.i. or tiniiiitnt. iiKi!n-t the i.,rllon on th irrouml Hint ihu m.... . Fioro.ur an; iitmon llii.rpnl, In nion; BtliHlih lor Its liiltmral lluiulor aKrliMillurnl lairpnmta will Iw rat'clveil anil iioltLllor ri tiurl tolliBCoiiiinliiiiloiierof the Ui-neral Laud ohlue at W.iililnct.,11. I), ;. I hit noih In xl vn for tho (uirfmsn of allow lint all pr riiou. claniihia!l'l J,. tr'ln uu tier le inuiliiK lvm, or iltuwlu, to kIioiv II k, 7i ii V u I ,' oi'l'tiriiitiiiy to filti llotl ,l mil'h Ml'lfl'lioil t:ill ll... i,.;...i. .... nlnh ol the United Nraiin l.niiu filt,,,. at tirmnri in,' driitorc; jirinerK)-; nX , . i tl.t Ihfc7lll Of tllM IlllTU'rit'. l...r,.l.. ,1... . ' Do yoii want free- (junleii sccdn? K so, ! " AhdEKNOM . liltii.-iii'.it,' iti-t;i.l,.j. Exposition grounds or irom i ftVftlarid. ' ' ' ' any part ot send in your application arid we will send you a free p:icknje by mail. They aie c ,t -i.:. a'. j ., . . Iiirnisneri Dv tlic ijinmrtiiient nf A-j-rirnl. y'l'".! "...cuiiiiE ami iar, lueoiu , ... ' ., ' . " , ii. lirntoii, whhh I . ii,.i.t i. jt n . '. . Itureoltne United States and (hp Mit I iiewvti.tu.r ,,oi,iui.,i , ' ISr. y fr nber to dl.tribafi. -Mr in i.i I Oflitis nt Oteirmi t'(ty. Oregon, w ,, , . iinor in, liij-i, Not wot the ritiOTf. iit.,ll,, win ,k llrhwl In Hid tlniiou Mint, tirliil,..! ,im li.. Ori-Koii, Whh h L linmliy tlf.lirniiie n, , iit-artiKt the hunt dccrllici THE BIG STORE DOWN -By The Big Sawmill!- I Kecivin New Cooda Kvory cl.y in tho Woe,k 1 II.. .UU iStroi . U I CU l.anjl. -S mtmm THE MUCKLE STORE HAS A REPUTA tlon ol Img Htnnilinn (or Only tint Dust In 5 3 Ml GENERAL MERCHADISE- Dart & Mttclcle, Ht. Helena - - - Orpm, THE NEW YORK STORE Oeufral Mere-hand we, Qiothing, pry QpwU, Groceries, Fruits. Provisions, Furniture, f .toves, Etc r.Lowest - Prices.:- iKItNON S. UKKHHKK. Buildinqr, Main Strwr, Kf, Hoi (MIS,