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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
"No Appetite Means loss of vitality, visor or tone, and is often a pre cursor of prostrating sick ness. This is why it is serious. The best thins you can do is to take the great alterative and tonk Hood'sSarsapariUa Which has cured thousands. It Wa a Record Breaker, Three fellow traveler, In Uit nbok tnf room o( fast train wer discuss ing th speed of trains. - "I was In a train one," said th first man. "that beat everything I ver rode In for speed. Why, It went to fast that th, telegraph poles at tii e tide of the track looked like an Immense fine toothed comb." , "That's nothing said tbe tecond traTeler; "I remember riding In an ex- press on the and that went at such a gait that the telegraph pole looked like a solid board fence. The third man mad an exclamation f impatience, having onder l -00 income per year wt(ixfd Wer, dr.T. -Ah. yon fellow don't know whatad Increased during this period 15.51 brougDtm. to th wia. high speed on a railroad Is. Why. I,per cent In order to ascertain tht j facf NMfor. nlon,.nt WM traveled west from Chicago Ust month average Increase the labor bureau ihvlUatn Uatti ,t t .trangeiy in a train that went at such a pace that j cured the income and J fn0agb, hundreds of Uk rhino, when w. passed som. alternate Held, detail of 15,7 families i "j risitor. hav beco. regular cuh of corn and bean they looked like uc- States, retail price being taken. Th mr4- aotash" Harpers Weekly. . Shouting Their Praises. rriarpotnt, Miss., ang. .i iifni.ij -CnrdcfBl.ddernd Kidney Trou- k t . - a A A r C bl after 2d years cf raffering. Rev. H. H. Hatch, of this place, is telling tb pooli t good wws and shouting th ltem of xpendlture were: lood.4i54 dtf , , n,, , t.r.u..... n...i b -jj.r prais. of that cored Mm patent of the total expenditure; rent. P UdJ f, Jr' " " i Vrla.-.i. whole vu t:n. u . u.iv, ' own expense) to friend in town or Leia. kiK.M. TVwtd't ITtHiwT Pills. Re. Mr. Hatch ayw: t rf'"-'' : "I have been tnCrnng from E!ider ue. rellglan, charity, books and new nd Kidney Trouble for 36 years an 1 1 pgpj amusements, sickness and bare trid everything that people said j 4eAlh, and Intoxicating liquors, 11.51 would ao me gooa. iai noiamg uiu ro any good except ixw .taney j ... , . . j WL-a, P41" "nC I oeaiui ana leei use m new u.u iv- . w T:11. Ka gevDer. . xwaa . o,ey rUm , AH Crinary and Bladder re caused by diseased kidneys, The S cat oral way to car them . m rare i th kidnev. Dodd's Kidney Pill seret fail to eure diseased kidney In any Wage or place. They alway cure cure lUckacheand they .re the !y s.medy that .vet enred Bright Titer, ar. few paupers In Jspsa. ,Ev - erybody work. 'and it Is a disgrace to be tupporteu ny your ti. whil yon hav. th. abuit, to r j ymr .n living. - . Tor eaafia an colds tner It no bettat assdmsn. than Fiso's Car for Consamp- Fnce 3S cents. t Where Women Are Ruled. "Are ther. elabs for women in this tewsT asked th. suffragist froa th East. Certainly not," replied th gallant Westerner. "We ran handle women without club." Chicago Post. IVV? Havre SOVANENTLY CUBC TtuvT'am.- potl n P.O. r W hy U ThU Thos? W se. tt. plsyer on the plot'esteh very whizzing ball; high ball, low bail, grounder hot, h. eatcbe ee and alt Bat it 1 strange, we do declare, this sii-sm catciuut star, will chas. him-j gam i for the army of employe In S.U for half a snaara, yet fail to eatchj washiDjton atone, and does not In- his oar. jclnd the thousands of other' who : Far Vmt PwfKt cawitart. tare on datv and on the pay rolls in At the St Umi. tiiiiioo. k v-rrrrtrm I apoo Lh r, UK-Hi tir u t.i-.aat . iji ar :- efAUn' roc km. iwww a w tint, art- ; in,rei.a,.TOiiiwfe. s . aa Krattata. , Be. Uo.-iAa-.pi. a subat tifte' Weary Koaod. Mo tier Ton don't look very happy. Married Daughter Love ia a cotuje, : with ith bread and cheese and kisso, isn't : what it's cracked op to be. "Jott as I toid yoo. Ton ar tired of ' bred nd ebees. already?" "N-o, not tired of th bread and chtes tired ot th. aiste. Mrs. HaskeH, Worthy Vice- Templar, Independent Order; Good Templars, of Sflvcr Lake, j West Virginia and Proctor of Ver- MUa?a T, l m War. Mr. Elkin. and Mr. Pro. tor VSe0lLyfaC.FlOkhanSeZSweT PresMmt Harrison's cabinet, iaht Cnmnmind i r. Alger served und. r Preident l-0ie VOmpOUDO. McKlnley. The Jtecretarie ef . War uDaaMkPrsB-:. Four yearn ago I was nearly dead with inflamma tion and ulceration. I endured daily mntold agony, and life was a burden to me. I had used medicines and washes Internally and externally until I made np my mind that there wan no relief for me. Calling at the home of a friend, I noticed a bottle of Iydi J I'inkliam'a Vegetable Com pound. My friend endorsed it highly, and I decided to give it a trial to sec if it would help m. , It took pntieaea and perseverence for I was in bad con dition, and I used Lvdia E. 1'inkc hsm'i Vegetable Compound for nearly fit. month before I waa cured, bat what a change, from despair to happineM, from misery to tb. delight fal exhilarating feeling health alway brings. I would not change Lack for a tho tt id dollars, and yoar Vegetable Compound ia a grand medicine. " I wlah every sick woman would try It and b convinced." Mno. Ida HaaiEtx, Silver Lake, Mas. Worthy Vice Templar. Independent Order ot Good Templar. $6000 twftlt If .ifjaSaaa Jattar tm ta saamaaaaaa aaaaat s. s . fC a Maw M IMS. I TtrastM wrtttnc nrUaan plMU.1 I If aaaotlaa itat. papar. I Carroll D. Wright, Coui-lssloner ol th Labor Bureau, In the eighteenth annual report of the bureau, gives tut results of a eotn prebensiva Inquiry Into the cost of living s'.noe l&sj and into the aver age wage rate dur ing those period. The showing, so far s concern wages, covered an investigation ofi 519 occupations, i representing 67 in- i C o. waioar. dugtrtes In eparat establishments. It showed' n average Increase in wage during j this period ox 16.0 per cent. The In- qulry Into the cost of llvlug shows, that Uvlng for working men- familk ronnni kwwi um iw consisted of an average of 5.31 per sons, and that the average income for lit. v - ar-17 .v areJiTl uw year iw - " ' " i annual expendltur for U purpo., ' JTCS, and the average expenditure fori food S326 per family. The principal Th nrinciuil io m rUthinr 14 (VI ner cent! and taxea, lnurance, organlxattonj" n, .Hunsnuq per cent. Caen family consuinea v of fresa t jaring the year of a cost of $oa The lowest average Price of food from 1S00 to 10 was in The highest price was in 19i.l when It was 110.9 per cent ot the aver-l fof rlod. The average Ttonble!" T.L'X .T. "Tin. particularly nit pebble on the . s 11- . ti .1 "j ia - . i tf.1. r- The Interstate Commerce Com mis- s. .v.- '7?. dlf. , of (VM ' ton on coal from the McAlester di, f. lniiia Territorv. to Denlson. ii -uareAsonabie." and should not exceed! Jecided that ! , 90 cent per 100 pounds was the Just, mt. for shipping horse, from. Bayocj Sara. L to St. Loals, ilo. Instead o! and Mississippi Valley aad Illlnolf I'-S8 RnbblshSoId. Central Railway companies, and com CoBlJ s -, Ptnd ,he PUc.. j p'.ained of by C. M. Barrow. The rat . Barringtoa. a methodical North complained of Is on less than car load' uhia hoosekeeDer whoe rou -, lots and upon an estimated weight o! 2.000 pounds for each animal, "n; commission retouin.euu. u.. weight of the first animil be estimated at 4.000 pounds and each adLuoaai lmai 2,XX) poutds. : ' " to iu hired help and goes down in its wallet to the extent of WuO,WO to,',., &t wetk ln xnaArj give mem a summer ouuug ai seasnoro ana ia uiv bwuuuiiui, a .. ...... rIat thronihout this broad do-' otcr placet uroagaoui wis oroaa ; mala, liberal lawmakers dec;dV-d i ,-h. in . rr i,r- I tiat ten months In a year was envnsn for employe oi tne eovern-1 ment to work, and that thirty day nouta oe given tor ..csness ana tnir-i tj day additional for aannal leave I to rest op from the laborious duties. . . , Ater a legal battle of several year,; Admiral Dewey and his men who fought th Utt: of ManU are to re ceiTe their priie money for the ftp-j tare ot the Lon Juan d Austria and other Spanish property. In the Sa-J preme Court of the Distrii-t of Colunt- J bia Justice Gould tinned an ord-r con- firming the report of the anditor in tie esse, overruling all exceptions fid y t eltber side to the report. Tbe ainotint gave up his post of bodyguard to Joba tof the property cnptnrd finally was D. Rockefeller, heard, during his n:oe- fixed at $l,xiTw, a sum coa:derab'y j teen jenr of service, many in' j In excess of what the government j leg thing. ; claimed to be due. Half of the amount I "Ve," he said, the day. "! will be paid to the captors, while the v remainder, as provided by law, will be placed to the credit of the navy pen sion fund. When Mr. Knox takes bis teat ss Senator Ixom reDnyivaaia he will! find tour former cabinet officers In the Senate before blm. Senator Teller of Colorado was Secertary of tbe In terior under President Arthur, and . Atoer nf n.-lili."in Fllln. r.t een to come of good, vigorous stpck. for aeven of them, without counting Secretary Taft are ttill alive. Too Hard on tbe Nerves. "t!d your farmr Te. sold It last week, snd retired forever from the business of farm ing." "Found farming too dull, did you?" "No. I found It too exciting. I don't mind taking a chance on the horses once ln a while, but the thing of running a business where you have to bet on the weather all the tini la toj hard on tbe nerve." Asked and Answered. 'SJ,H queried tbe beardless youth, "doe woman alway mean what she says?" -Well." replied the man with th absent hair, "if sbe's married she al ways does." Perfectly Suti.fUd. Brown So Smith' mother-in-law I dead? Did she leave Smith any thing? Jones No; but Smith say he feel she ha done everything Iu her power to make blm happy a It 1. Comfort SOME ADVERTISING "CATCHES." j London Kporloms Sand Private a for Custom!-, Advertiser are developing a gencr ' ous spirit to such an extent that wide awake person will presently find U possible to live in luxury on nxt tu nothing a year, tayt the London Mall. For example, there appeared au ad-1 Tertlsement of furnishing company 5 which contained th following induce : moot: "Private brougham teat upca : reviuwt to convey Intending purcba- era from any part of London and bock, j No charge. Luncheon provided." j At half dozen large "emporiums" in the Wert End ' aivy respectably dressed caller may partake of lunch J ot tea free of cost At one large shop an excellent orchestra accompanies th lunch, and this added attraction ap I peaia greatly to lovers of music aud i of gratuitous repasts. Crowd besieg ' th place, while ordinary restaurant in the neighborhood, whose proprietor are so old-fashioned as to expect pay-' ment, remain almost deserted. I . I m - mIIL.,,. In T,. i , i leuuaul vvun rati, n in au w.wv custooiera in London, opened a free with , .n,t t- ; v.. n.m. ricture post card of well known thoroughfares sre now obtainable (re cf cose But to the forefront of the nhotoeranh. dwarflne all other build- .. " tJ'.-f. . ,h. MM wi.h . ' . r . ; trade announcement: to do so would One advertiser has distributed witlt Utartling freedom Intvk. nUir ! season tickets. At least that ia whit th, look like nntU thev ar ooenoi i . , .. ippears the words: "This admits orar- er to any music ball in London." On .v. -. aw. ' , i . .w. ... . t WileHow t-ruvokiufl I wsnttd to Z ,Z '- .... Bra.9lA.V Hiu.n.uvr - m i beach should pick It up. It m.y con-1 tain a 5 note. The idea is thai or a; well-known advertiser. But perhaps the smartest feat it advertlsine yet performed was that f restaurant keeper In North Und , . n-xt op la that of . station j named Hunger. Oan.ignwrrei.ponl oat brtng tie naii-e uo" res-utumai irvri u i word "Don't" painted. ?o -ner by read the Injunction "Poa't llcnger- liJ announcement of a weii-known fruiter- "Heal Seville Orange. No For tin was the tax year In and yeji i developed a coah one fail, and' i wt ent to Arizona for the winter, bat j , Jl d:J ot ,Mrj ner hoaiebo:d care an-ju!liod tN. Froaj tie tl) timt j wrote to rartons memhers of her faat ! teliinz tbeai what to do on certain! i wine: "Bemember. Mary, to clean the r, not forget. Charles, to Pront the i potatoes In th cellar the second week : )!n February." j j The winter broniht with it an nn , precede n ted amount of snow, bat In' I . .an.!' I a . fr. , " ' . . . . . . toQ i Arizoc was unable to reaiixes h ..... . th. Mt.w ,i bom. t. i th weatner si era. i i w4rf the end of Febroary tle con.-iea bousokeeper rot to her jrarden ...ft.,,,. h!m to b sure to man. ee pMl i!oa8 tht bl,.k fpflce oa wn4, iile fi first day of April. John, the gardener, bought the sweet peas, bat was nnahle to carry oot tbe of Mnl TrlDemi-t m.tructlon. , w!lU.b ne tIpilai la the (o.Il)ir!!1( Wxttr t0 a,, miitrMM; ..Rted Madam: I have boi!-rh 1 the peas, but I cannot plant them. Thtn u M m0h raon y,,, j Mnno, fio(j e feace." . Considerate of Her Pastor, Captain George ArcLer, who rscetitlr tad some strange experience wtlle I was working for Mr, Hock'felier. I halted a good many queer pe p!e at Mr. Rookefe:b?rs outer d or. I remember a Bapti-t rn'nl'ter I held up there Ust jesr. He balled from a little town ln Vermont and he talked like a brother to m. He told me all about a mlntert life in the country. It bm't an easy life. You'd Le aur prised to bear bow tome country peo pie treat their mlniaters. Why. this man said that one rold winter micht he was hu.tlwl out of t ed by woman he didn't know and ordered to cornel right sway to ber bou.-e, two mile off, ' because ber son was sick. 'But I don't know yoo,' the min ister grumbled. 'Are yon a member of my cburrh? Am I your pastor?" " 'No, said the woman. 'I'm a utem of Mr. McWtde's church. Mr. 51c Wade Is my pastor. I don't care about calling him in, though. My son' case is contagion.' " Gerinaa loot .aB-rturera. Th Association of German Tool Manufacturer has urged th government to prevent the further In roads of American manufacturers upon their special branch.. It 1 claimed that In the first quarter ot the year the Import of too! had more than doubled, having Increased from 243 tons to 524 tons, and that In the rec oud quarter the Increase threatened to become even largtr. Special empha sis U laid on the fact that the United State government levies a tax of 45 per cent on German machines, against tbe German tariff of S per cent, and they insist that German machine are In no wise Inferior to th American, and that there I no need whatever for th Introduction of American ina chine and tool Into Germany. ers Thy is it that Ayer't Hir Vigor docs so many remark able thines? Because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair, puts new life into it. The hair Hair Vigor cannot keep from growing. And gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes back to gray hair. Wlw. I rl I i - Btr "r mr knit . tet .ii ,tr. rich .. an Ihwll I iwiW wi.a - MM. tltll BvLDrriMTIKX. IlKHlM A si st s vn. f ft avsa m, for .?:'' Gray Hair Another Crank. "Whit did that new arrival wantT akft the llwurdiag Antrel. "He asked me it 1 knew where be eeulti cvt hold ot tonr old hslo,' aid 8t. Pr(rr. "He sajrs he srsnts to try t baild aa aotOBiubil." rhUtdtlphia TreM. How's This t W. 8r Cs HucJrl Dolls? R.ward fat 3i om ot Ciunh iau nuavi b eurad b; ii.u i ttutk ni. r. J. HEkY A CO. Free., Toledo, 0. W, Ut ota.ricKl, kapwn t. J. prf.cUT hcMivrm.: ta .11 bouMN trmnMO. ttvnt uil fiiitacuu;y tovutj ul mj q& I'rurf !it. Tolwlo, 0. ! CUM. Tclr?. O, ; lr. ujvn t U .i .nt uuvui .ur- tlVrSS: ttsaT" i 1UU smUf rtiu ait um own. i . ... . j Wife John, did jmi mid that lettsr . I r joa this su.iro:n J I H Tl'vi n.! if 1 JiJ- ' " riTpt. Huil.aJ ( t!) letter Well. U iutiU t,!? h T it YV U Kr ril, u t T.ltl tii tUt ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mult Bear Signature of Sm Fsr.tisdl. Wnpr TT aaa a em May take qq swgsa LArvl tr.oroa Dinmtit. irrnJE IVER puis. re i iiuousiess. FOI T0IP1B UVfJ. rOI COIJTIFATIOI. FOI IAU9W SUI. ret mco-r-uiei . . aa-aarai It c aawr T- CURE SICK HEADACHE. POSITIONS GUARANTEED. V lorttii laed wlU Buk U aaro4 any tailurtoa.iarj -I. Cauou4 it Wrt today. Beutel Golleg Tammmm, Was. Columbia C.Uegist, Prepsra tory, Commercial and University" tir,d oVrii:ng ichix1 iot j oun g men snd boy lux 2 Cshtrvrf Ftrk Sutit. FtrtUad, Art lie ; l.i Cat.;-f -a PVUfiS TMT TALK. rv. aai.anirea ..n :.r i wvigrni I ron pi i tnek, pe' t f.:Tan;iei U t.t ah in huu-'t m'A f td1) sy'.v-' me l i capacity ona l.rrel f-r mlnut. i. KnttKr I leal&ar ami ra-'ira. M'Tlnr. Sot a.nd pec.lng j at wh,.a". t.rlAei. Wrt'a u. tor your iranti ln ib. matnln" IH- lirnation j.lann , iwcta. ly. ttiar Mathkary C... Ian. OriM. WANTED 200 MEN. W.7M U2' per day. Board UM pv wtk. ' I'-ksi ti.'M pr rtay. Ksten nn Irrtraiion cosatrnrtton. n.nt euiployuiaDt lor (ckm! mtn sod leama. Deschutes Irrigation and Power Company BEND, ORKW.H BUY FROM YOUR DCALCR M Baal syrup, i i UikmI. Uaa rt SITING lift AND WONT. tlsr I an amusing Uttlt deception that yoo may plf ulB unsuspecting friends. rrUr tt would b wor correct to ay that they play n on thBlT which It all th 'funnier. Tou tell them wnai to 'and it 1 not your fault that tb7 don t ! know how to do It. Glv your tlctlut Hp f t0 wrlt' 'tnf paper and th tub of sort, btack j lead pncU, Dot Try sharp. Ask tbm i to hut hi r ud ' ,,Pr 00 hi forehead. Uoldlug It ther with tli ! thumb and foreflnger of his left hand. I on pressed to ach tempi, whll th paltn of th hand cover hi eye Th i next thing b ha W do I to writ bit nam on th paper with th pencil held In hi right hand. Writing Is not easy under such conditions, so no ou ' will expect th !gtiatur to b very pretty or very legible, but everybody. Including th writer, will be surprised Alt AMI'SLNO CXrrBJt.NCK. to Bud It written backward that I. If tb victim has succeeded In writing anything than cau I made out at all. Nln persons out of teu begin to writ st the left eyebrow nd writ toward th right eyebrow. Hut till Is not really writing from left to write, r I writing should be done, but from right to left because when th paper la taken from th forehead and lu on th tab! tt I turned od for end. I toes th wrller wake th mistake be cause h say to htmseir. "Let me tee. now, I must begin at tbe left." and therefore begins at the left eye? t'rub sbly not. for If be to to think h 1 spt to writ correctly. Tb Irl.k I most likely to succeed when tb writ ing i ttmpted Impulsively, wltr- -t thinking. So you should not say any thing about writing, or even show Ih pencil, until the paper 1 held on tb forehead and the eye closed. Then slip th pencil Into th person's hknd and tell blm to write. Tbe mistake Is Just on of those queer things In hu man natur that nobody has yet ca ptained. Tb precis directions about holding th paper and th leCt hand tnl.lead the writer aud wak blm more likely to err, but their tnaln object Is to guard tb eye against a piMe Jab with th pencil, and for similar rea sons a short blunt pencil should b used. Feople's Home Journal. A PROPMCY ItllfttUO. j "When fallur overwhelms you. be llet that all will com right and work i for a futur sucveso." That Is tb moral to b drawn from a story toid ;!n I Nouvell. Itevue by Mon. I'Ull jtpp Bunsu-Vsrilla. Ort mltilater from ! Panama to the Untied States, j In b says, everything wst sp ! ptrently going well at Panama. After j th great spollstlon, or ln spits of It, i th engineer hsd done great work, j ilui-h of tb exi-atstlon bad been ao 'compllshed, but muib more remained I to b don. The machine were on th ! ground, th workmen were there; It 1 remained only for an honest admlula ; traUon. making u of tbea. mate i rials, to finish th work. Kuoii-b work hsd been sccomplisbed to make a ris ible bast for negotiating a loan. Then panic sC.xed the French people, snd th enterprise went to pieces. Twa year later, thoroughly dlacour- gtd, tb engineer wa In w York City, wher tt consulted John Iligs low, formerly United States minister I to Prsnce. What aball I do " he asked. "Writ a book." replied Mr. Blgelow. "But who will read U?" asked th discouraged Frenchman. "Do not worry about that." ssld Mr. Blgelow. "Ik not write It for today. Writ It for ten yesrs from to day." Monsieur Bunsu-Vstill went' to work, and prepared a concise and hon est statement of exactly what bad been done and what reinalued to do, Itb hi estimate of time sml ex . pens required. ile published It In March. 18UZ Ten years later, In June, 1902, tb United State Senate voted In favor of completing the I.tbmlan cacti, and the prediction of Mr. KIk low wa fulfilled. Tbe book of th French engineer, sane, practical, hon est, hsd been one of tbe greatest Influ ence In turning American sentiment from Nicaragua to Panama, and bring ing success at last to tbe great ditch. Aa I'ntilalorii: l-andinark. When Justin II. Smith visited tlm ' towns along the Kennebec Itlver In : endeavoring to trace exactly Arnold s j march from Cambridge to Uuel...-, he , Inquired everywhere for tradition, and .especially for relics. Iu bU book he give ibis Incident as a remit of nn I (urn Inquiry: Near the point where the army lift tb Kennebec are four or Uv acres of cleared ground and two small farm house. Mr. Smith Inquired of the ven erable proprietor of one of llieie place If there were tiy evidence In tlit vicinity of Arnold's march thioiigb the country. "Oh, ye," replied Ih old mnn, "there used to be big rwk In my mowing Held, with 'It. I). A.' on It; but tbe old thing wis ln the way, and 1 blasted It out." "What did those letters mean, Tl, D. A.r " naked Mr. Smith. "Why, lienul Dli-k Arnold, of course." Having passed through the Fourth without getting kilted, a mother tuny be pretty well aaatired thai ber sons will live until Christmas, If they keep away from the river. Hlght or wrong, a Isuh gnes 'round when an old mnld announces (bat sut Intend to get married. AN INVISIBLE TO. HEALTH- MtrU U 'owr poison, but the most atobborn and deeply rooted when It take, possession of thn ay, tern W'a brentho into Um lun tli polluted, Brm. tainted nir: U. littlo microbri then enter Into tlm ay. Uin. nd feeding upon tho rod corpuscle of tl.o blood, goon reduce tbi. vital, life-sustninlng fluid to nuch a weak, watery itnto that tho pntiont become lUtle, pnlnndnmic, nnuinen- ; . tally and tysknlly do. Abe. TtrZ;T::n3i,,?ilk P!rt!uh K or KS SSWf WinWtt'B.3 gin With l'l't t'tf r t .uVMNMl wlU at Url., .Hbirtn2 chilly sentation. followed bow muab oo4 ., I n.vj! i... .11,1 lliirstt but nw" wr ". s "i hi thai ik. by lever mm linrsi, u w,uluw.rUIWlJlr4. nLlmii rradtil)y U part of the I ... wr .rio. .VV rvstem nre BlTectcds tho !l'?:.J-"!l! liver becomes torpid, nnd dark or yellow spiotene ppear upon tho tkin; tho ttomnch wll to properly tliifost the food, tnd there are frequent bendnches, diamines, bad tle in the mouth constipation nnd a general worn-out, tired feci linn that only a iu(Trer from Malitiw can describe. Other nnd mor tln(erou symptom are npt to follow whore thi disease I neglected, uch nervous pro, trntion, palpitation, sleeplessness, enlarged liver, wenk kidneys, boil and riiing nnd dungerous-looklng sore and abscesses. Malaria it all the more daugerou because of iu in.iJiout and atoalthy nature. It la an invisible atmospheric poison, and the germ and microbe that are lodged in the blood are propagating and increasing in number all tl while, cloggina the circulation and gradually wrecking tlia health. What I needed in Malarial troubles Is carry off the poisonous secretion and taalth-destroying matter that have been polluting the blood and clogging tbe circulation. S. 8. S. Con tain no strong mineral, but is strictly a vegetable remedy, a blood purifier without an equal, and the greatest of all tonka. If you hart any symptom of Malaria, write us, and medical advlca will be fur Dished ithout cost. TN SWIFT SPCCIHO CO. ATLANTA, OA, What nil. Kkt e.irf. dr." sh. ssid. with a bluth, "do J"U knnw that Mr. ttitupMia wkvd mr niaht to Iw his wlf.r' "Well, I like til. liut'iidenrA Tks Mrs of prupiMing lu sa enfatvd young la Jy 1 What did yon say to aint" "i tIJ him that I was very sorry In deed, but he was loo !(." Tidba. FITS, r.nan.n4ir tws. wtt. a.) tjan ant (M.wTlf ailMr'.(traMwv Smm MrM Art f r V 1,11 to ttM lf..nwi bK.U. Hum, U4 an u. nllMf.ut, Avoided Ih.nutjerl. Uml.-IiiJ M.-Ki.k lae niuoh to say oa th autjp't of rsilruad wunopuiy an. joa t. inert r Minks Welt, no. Yon Ju.t stir I rail!, s earttaan dr up with S bus fur hlia. Tli railroad rriht on It fur s hunilM.1 n.ila. h . . . ,, ttj.,f . lb. e.ri man's rtntji. fur bsuhcg it klwka was Bity coma. Isnnart I. th night of tl: niiiid, but s 011.1 wtthuut mouu or star. Cua furtus. Caiit'l ir,ltioed er t.Oia),000 rorth ot l'i Iruu la.l j.r. "iTT.y.'iid mvimi CiSTORJA' I ANt'tfelaUJcPrepnrationforAs ; simil.ilii'.i attfoixlandUcfiu-i- bngiticbk)sWiuilVtvvvbar nU.4.'VililHH!lM rromoh?s DicslitinCrrr-rfur-' rtpss ami Ri-st Contains nditrr i Oj)iuitt.Morpluiie nor lOT HAItCOTIC. Apcrficl Remedy rorCnasllpA Hon , Sour Sloowh. Diarrlm. nnd Loss or Sleek for Simile Si'liruilurt of 2ZZ7 NEW YOHK. 1 i EXACT COPY V WRAMCJ. i Amm - . I f r'i I ?MIWb I fr.r i. I SjWaw .. RUSSELL HIGH GRADE MACHINERY ENGINES BOILERS SAW MILLS The A. H. Averill DID'NT HURT A BIT" IS WHAT TI1I-Y SAY am. ilay If rmi lU.lra. .i!,'.m.")".";"10,7,'w," "' MA l tiallUh.t In l'unl.1,,1 17 y,tr nVw,'.s;,.rijw,,, u ,w - "lu "nlnrt till t Sundsri (rou t la If I ;YA Wit H. A. Wlo him. WISL: BROS., Dentists ENEMY A, . AtTatri i i a blood purifier and tonic. 8, 8. S. purifiea the germ-infcctcd blood, tone tin the stom ach, improve the appetite and invigorate the entire system. It stimulate the torpid, sluggult organ of tho body, enabling thent tii uruterlv nerform their fuiu-tl.m. WlmtlMg lit' p. RiorkhoIiUr Von sr. th. relfr tf .iluir-l la wtod up th affairs f tt Ituattail Company, I belltnt U)-Vm, sir, "Wbsl sr tli proapertal" "Well, thing kiuktd vary shxHny f4 uhlto, but tbty sr brtflittaliig now." "Ah 1 sm ! to hetr tkst" : : " Biaka ynnrtvlt tsay. Ttise It tittle dutt we that w ran realist enuh out ef it to pay Uiy salary." .11114 Mr. Winalwa'i (nthia Sr'sptna iw.1 i.jh. ihatcaktbln duiitt. ItM U.101B irtt. . .j ! Tb. t hleTa Mlal.k. tils' Injun (a.luilritnljt Mt Ilk pie- lur". t'ollrg. Man (proudlyH-l thithl o Kl.ill.l. In I nj an Heap prtttf aqua. I ; t'ullet. Man (wrtilitviUjrk Ym oil heathen! that' ( of m whan 1 lcl.avd to lb. fiwiball team. Th Mcht msnhood rtl.l, in iltp a'tioo, nut la war lotailv-U. W, ll.avhar. OASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signaturo In Use For Over Thirty Years tw aaav.ya aawaaaw asw tea. s THRESHERS STACKERS Write for Catalogue and Prices Machinery Co., tluln i.t. the . t y- yfinAVaaCain ft lfifl M"',IIWI"1' i. r. w