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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
- - , y 1 i V t v V i ? '! to nnmn DAim READ CAREFULLY, We listed a farm Monday and found buyer Wednesday. Let us help you sell yours. We arc in close touch with? Eastern Immigration and want desirable property to oiler them. A card will fetch an applica tion blank. Youis for business, QUICK & HOLTON, i Agtnt for Columbia CoMfity Abstract and Trast Co., $0"Y. H. We Insure home. against accidental fire. J ST. HELENS, - - OREGON V "V U WV n 'M - - V- I Spcaklng of Printing; Why arnil work mil of your County when we will do It tor you at I'ortluucl Price-? I Commercial Printing I Years of Experience Ol .wry elm done at the MIST Ol'rMCK, Irom modtui type far, in a ml and workmanlike uiannrr. w nave rerently added eewctal l the latest stylet ol type to our equipment, aud respectfully eulicll your palmnaKe. Count in any httalnrat, anil we know the want of our cuto mrra, and will jriiarantr I'rkea ami tjuality to I right. TflK OKE0OX MIST PIUNTKKY, St. IMnm, Ore 5 1 THE BIG STORE DOWN By The Big Sawmill!- I IUxiviujj Xcvy Cootls Kvcry day in (he Week 0J- . . .. S THE MUCKIX STORE HAS A REPUTA- Hun jit I j tn if lor Onlv the Belt III GENERAL MERCHADISl: Dart & M tickle, St. Hilciw, Oregon. n Photography for the AMATEUR at Half its Former Cost A ' American Jr. CAMERA $1.60 With Doubt riatt Holder The famous Poco, BucK'Eye and, American Cameras, Genuinely good in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated catalogue telljng. all, about our 17 style and sizes. Free. 4x5 POCO AMERICAN CAMERA, MFG. CO. THE NEW YORK STORE General Merchandise, Clothing, i)ry Goods, Groceries, Fruits, provisions, Furniture, Stoves, i;tq :Lowcst - Priccs.:- MOKGXJB. Main Street,. St Helen?., Oregon It. Ilnilding, LOOALANO OGNEBAU, The corner ttoneof the new JISO.OOO court house at Astoria wai Uld lait Tuea Jay, with appropriate Maaolo ceremo nies. Neat year, or posaiUy thia tall, the comer atone aliould be lajd lor Columbia County't ncwedilice. The dance t the opera borne In St. !?i1ftta liaat U.. t ' . . vvcninji waa quit i well ttcuded and in every reaped enjoy. , able. There la no money In It tor tht i boye, and they aa jHvlng as orderly, CWUiimc aeriea of entcrtalnmenta. A Set ol Diahet I'rte I am giving away diiliet to my caah cuitomera. You get a coupon with each eaih purchaae of ten eeota and over, a4 you can exchange theae coupona lor all Tarletiea ol the beat clanaol China ware. Coodion eblrftion, at my atore. Great Indocementa that It will pay you well to Inveetlftat. H.MORGVS. St, Helena, Curtoua thlnga happen orer at Castle Rock. Her la the latest, according to the Advocate: "We often hear people aay that ao and ao haa a bee lit hif bon net But a Caatlc Kock woman recently discovered a yellow acket'a neat in the bcapnjol her boy'a paata. Ol cottrae tlie boy waa not watuiiw the paata when the discovery waa made. The panta were lunging on nail in the woodshed." J. Dopont Ik Sons, of the Valley shingle mill, . II deliver shingles to ctutomcn at St. lirlena, Houlton, Columbia City, Warren and neighborhood. Tbey maan facture the very 6nqt grad ol cedar hiulaa aud guarantee their prices to be as low aa shingles ol the same grade can be procured elsewhere. tl The average monthly salary ol school teacben in Cowlitz County far 1904 wa: Male teachers, fHi.40; female teachers, fM.73. There was an increaae in the average uuu-Lr ol montha taught ol 1 1-1 and a grots gain ol 7.87U.7 in cash for the year. The most marked1 gain la in the wagea ol female teachers, there being a gain ol ft. 87 a month over last year. The Royal Chinook salmon la Uu best fish that swims, and Chinook shoes arc I the beat shoes on the market. They are made ol the very beat material and are sure to give satisfaction. Bailey a Brian, Houlton's reliable dealers in general mer ihaudtae, keep them lor tale at from $3.50 toft. It is reported that some parties near Shanghai, about eight miles from K.l ama, deliberately fired tome dry slashing on Monday, after having been espretsry forbidden to do so by the Deputy Fire Warden. It is expected that they will be arretted and prosecuted, aa U sctmi that nothing elswill stop the practice ol burning slashings during the dangerous Kaaoa. Mrs. J. C. Muckle and daughter Agnes returned to l'ortland. by the 1ml da yes terday, after a short visit among friends in St. Helena. Tbey will soon start. East to attend the St. Louis Exposition. Ringling BroOK;' Circu Rate 1.13 from Houlton. Date of sales August 29 and .10. Return limit August 31st. Per Northern Pacific Railway Co. Astoria Regalta Rate f'J.OO from Houl ton. Dates ol sale August 31 and 25. Return limit August 28. N. A. PKRRY, Agent. Do you want to buy a piano? II to, we can show you how to save Fifty Dol lars Cash on auy make ol Piano earned by the Filer Piano House ol BorXUnd. This is a snap. The two-year old child ol Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Larsen, ol Warren, tore its lower eyelid open with a button hook on Wed nesday last. The child waa brought to St. Helens for surgical treatment. : Goods delivered without charge, ' willingly and cheerfully. Order freely J M. C. CRAY St. Helent Or. All the local and war newt in the Mist ' and Oregonian. Only $2 a year. i We fuggest that at the next session ol the Legislature a bill be Introduced pro tecting old men againtt the advance! ol I young girls. Rev. II. Frymire, ol Portland, preach eaat the Wealeyan Chapel, North St. Helena, Wednesday, Sept. 7, at 8 p. m. Waktkd Stave bolts; yellow fir tim ber, 38 inches long. For information write Western Cooperage Co., Houlton, Ore. Mognolia, Canadian Club, OldtGovem tnent Whiskies and Gordon's Dry Gin at the Owl Saloon. Old Crow Whiskey bottled in bond. Alto Old Quaker-made Rye Whiskev. While applet, grapes and other later fruits will not be at large as usual, yet they promise to be beautifully colored and ol extra fine flavor. ! Hop pickers' waget will probably be 1 cent a pound straight Uiis year, as hands are being engaged at that price now. Weinhard's beer on Up at tun Owl saloon Our suiu, from X50 up to 12.60, are better value than you can get in Portland PERRY & GRAHAM. Mr. lamea Dart. Mr. W. B. Dillard Mr. Jock Black and wife, and Rev. Tag- garland family, were Irelda passengers lor Portlund last Monday. Capt. J. N. Mackenzie, the St. Helena rustling contractor; hat been driving nllinff lor Smith & Howard during the past week. He now operates two .drivers one ol which it engaged at Kulania, To do well think and work together. Howf Ask Quick & Holton, Mr. Janice Dart. waa a Seaside visitor last, week, boarding with his luuiily The fruit canning teason it. approach; ing and the price ol sugar is sure to go Prudent housekeeper should order a supply from Bailey & Brinn, Houlton' reliable grocers Mr. Albert Parker, ol. Pittsburg, hnjuiiht his wife to Houlton on Monday ... ti. rmrrwis of sendinaT her to mat, " . . " i i tha hospital in Portland (or treatment lor Bright'i disease ft.. iw. in - o.ii..uj 1 Vf D.,t nf Pnt1tul. a ImtIih in I When comoletad it will add to tneap- WdSt. Helen, o the V Held la' the public tdUol. of that city, U .jd-1 Pc.oUhat ounnay, resulted Ida sweeping victory tng ner vaoation m oi. iiaeu. for the visitors, but out ol contideraUuu for the home team we will not mention the score. The vititora had a good nine and our boys were plainly outclassed. 11 we are to cut any figure) at tM vtatsk nie tournament torn hard work must be done at once. Titer is good materia here, but it should be thoroughly drilled. Good individual players amount to noth. Ing unless they art thoroughly disci plined and work together. During the progress of the game Henry McKibbea had one of his finger disjofoted by being struck by the ball while be was hatthtg. St. Helent. GRAY, M. C. Portland in yon coat will thing same the than money lest for clothe y -sell will I Plenty ol underwear, work ing shirts, dress thirta, hats and shoes. M. C. CRAY. St. Helens. Now is the time to paint and I am prepared to save yon money cm the goods M.C.CXA.V. St. Helens. Lewis and Clark Flour is one ol the beat grades on the mar ket, and a very popular brand try it. M. C. CRAY, St Helena. Adjustable screens to fit auy window, 24 inches wide, Ste. M. C. CRAY. St-Helens. Gulden Gate Baking Powder, Spicet and Extracts, are the best. tl. C. CRAY, St. Helens. Mr. Harry West has sold his dairy farm at Scappoose to an Eastern man by the two of Clark, she cnsidejttlson being 12,000. Mr. West's reason for telling is that he requires rest, hit health not being the best. He expects to leave in a short time on a visit to the St. Louis zposition. His fine head or Jersey cow goes with the larm, ana we new comer may congratulate himself upon having secured a bargains Mr. West has given bit time and nest enema io use building up of the Jersey industry, and there is no better stock in Oregon than that which be turns over to hit successor.. A large stock cl mweUvjast. received at the St. Helens Pharmacy. Buy, that home and "do somfthixg." Cheap. At Quick & Holton t. At the Jackson Creek Creamery, Scap- poottv Mr. Calvin Johnson, h manufact uring about five hundred pounds ol but ter per day, and it it aa good an article at can be found in the country. From a very smalt- beginning. C4wa has. perse-. vercd until he has built np an industry that employs considerable labor and uses cream, asjar away as Kelso. Vf has the finest field of corn that we have seen thit year, and we doubt if it can be equalled in Western Oregon. It will all be used In hit Immense silo. We boy our shoes direct, frorfl. the man ufacturer and can save yon tfee. middjR man's profit Mr. and Mrs. Chat. II. John are spending a coupl of weeks at tha beach. Rev. E. O. Smith preaches his farewell senaoai at tbs Yankton church Sunday, at 11a.m. A good attendance is desired. K. A, Irvine sad wife, oi Maine, are visiting with Mr. O. L. Tarbell, of Yank ton, . Tbey art having an extended visit si the Pacific Coast, with tba probability ol locating hese. J There are no shoes made that are better than the Stilton line, carried by Perry & Grsjbsm,. Mr. Hortenat Rice and daughter Frankie are tba guests of her another, Mrs. 8. 8. Way, of Houlton. rf. W. H. Belcher, of Portland, hat keen the guest of Mr. Jos. Day during the past week. MlTEIMOmL. Makikd At the residence of the bride's parents, near Deer Island, Mr. Clarence Core to Misa Teresa Xiadbotn, Justice Watkint, oi St Helena, officiating. The bride wore white gown, with sink ribbons and a wealth of pink rote buds, and looked very beautiful, and the was the recipient oi many useful presents. Immediately after the ceremony dancing began and was continued nneit a lata hour. At midnight bountiful supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Gore's host of friends wish, theia a happy and pros perous futntss WATKINS-PELKEY. Maksikd At the residence of the groom' parents, io St Ifelcns, on Satnrdsv. Aueutt Hklva 7 a. as,. jr Rev. TskkcH. Mr. Fred H. Wstkins to Miss Alice M. Pclkey. Mr. Watkins was bora and raised in this community and his bride has resided here long enough to win the &oougb respect and friendship of all who have the pleasure of her acquaintance. The Mm wishes iUy.ottQ; friends a happy wedded life. WASSER-JONES. MaSA! KD.In. St. Helens, on Wednes day, August 17. by Judge R. 8. Itattan. Mr. Henry Waster to MiW Saxah JoiU CHIPMAN-BARNETT. Mabkwd On Wednesday, August 17, at the residence of the groom's parents, in MullMxnab County.. Mr. C.. E. Chinman to Miss Dora Barnett, Rev. J no C. Hester officiating. BitSEBALL TOVBSIXS&X traveling public. The Messrs. X. C. and Chas. Hall visi ted Portland the first oi the ttek. ALXpS? C0SVKRTS9 LA FOL. UTTJS. I am not a palling reformer," said Governor La Foletts. of Wlaeoaain, 'bt friend of mina named Tamer Dearly snsds on al ma opea." turner ami I wars irarajmg ninan. Wa came to a certain hotel, and there, to my amawmeat, the man legistared : "H. V. Pbtholognyrrb." "What it the matter with yoaT" I Mehviosed, 'Why do yon adopt that remarkable aliae. nave yon coin runted some crime?" "No, indeed," said Turner. Then whv don't yog recitter your own name?" said I. "Tbat'a my own ntm," be answered. "Phtholognyrbh" Turner." That's y name." f,Well"ltaiil.uI can't sea how yon mtke''TMTCr"outot"Fhtbolorayrba." What Is your object, anyway, in aaisg eoch peculiar ipeinngT" "Oh." said ae. "when I used to re later plain "Turner" I attracted no at teatlon. Sow, though, my name excites a reatdealof wondering comment- reo- Dlettndrit iiieyaaaonaaaMoarwnai my nationality can be. Even now, ye will notice, there la a little crowd around bussing over tha register. Thtbotogn virh" ia rood Enrlish SDellinr for "Tor- ner," too. In the "phtb" there the 'aoond of "t " as In "phthisi.' Ii the 'olo" there la tha aoond ol "or" as in "colonel." Tbe"gn"ia "n,"ain"gnat." Final I v. in tha "vrrh' there it the sound ol Mar' as In 'myrrh." There yon have It, PUholognyrrn inrner. DlssolatloH af Psjrtaertkia. Notice is herebv fiven that the Dart- acrahip berttofore existing between Kob- erson & Lop, in, the butcher bustuess has been dissolved. All claims against the firm will be paid by me, and all due the firm are payable to me. K. IS. KOBKX9DH. SC Helens. Or., Aug. 19, 1001. Ta be Bald at lUUkanle geetessber td, 44, and 4th. The County Baseball Tournament wilt be held at Clatskanie, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, September 2d, Id, and 4th, and promises to draw a large crowd to the enterpriting city in the-north end Of i the county. Following is the schedule: Sept. 2d, a. m. Rainier vs. St Hel ens; p. m. St. Helens vs. Clatskanie. Sept 3d, a. m. St. Helena vs. Rainier! n. m. Rainier vs. Clatskanie. Sent 4th. a. m. Clatskanie vs. at Helens; p. m. Rainier vs. Clatskaaiie. On Monday there wUl be horse racing all day. BIRTHS. Boas To the wife of Squire Early, ofi YtftWou, on Friday, August 19, a ton. Bosk To the wife ol W. P. Macleay, of Columbia City, a girl. BoiucThnraday, August 25, to the wife of H. Lake, of Houlton, a daughtqr, PERRY & GRAHAM. Mr. W. H. Dolman returned to St. Helens last Tuesday from. Bunker Hill springs, where Mr. and Mrs. Dolman, Hon. Geo. W. McBride and wife andj Mrs. Caples are encamped. In order to reach St. Helent he was compelled to take the Casrico rad, going about six miles further than by tha regular Bunker Hill road, in order to avoid fallen tree ad possible danger from fires. He reports that very little damage haa been done to the green timber, the fire con fining itself mainly to the fallen trees and dead standing timber; but the-daa- ger is by no means over. DxNtMpmt TYMtwarrita Foa Sale Nearly new and in every respect as good as new. Can be purchased forr JTft; In quire afcthe Miar-office, St. Helens, or of Lew Da vies. Warren, Ore, Mr. David Long, an old ptoqeer ol Columbia County, who makes his home at the Taylor place, on Sanvies Island, was a visitor to St Helena on Sunday last, not having- been here before for twenty-eight rears. Mr. Long claims to have cut the first lumber used in the building of a house in St Helens, his mill being located on Scappooae Creek. Largest stock to select from st Perry & Graham's. h ue,w ,000 Ieet ai,Y capacity It to be erected-at once to take the place ol the mill of A. H. Tarbell, that was recently burned down. The new mill will be operated by the War ren Lumber Company, and the incorpora tors are A. H. Tarbell, O. L. Tarbell and H. T. Bennett. A part ol the machinery Ip the old,, plant will be used.. Bailey & Brinn' store it headquarter lor general merchandise, Houlton, Ore gon. Good goods a specialty.. Quality, quantity and price guaranteed. TheStrpger brought quite a number of excursionists to St. Helena last Sun day, Including the Sellwood base ball team and their liiends. Miss Daisy Chatiners, of Portland, is the guest of her sister. Mis. "Way Chalmers. Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Powe.wrct visit ing friend in Lentz, a suburb of Port land, on Sunday last. The Porcelain Bath uIJeultQn, are all ready for customers, ii you want a re freshing bath or a firatchus shave or hair WAIREI George Young has. received and hat now at Bacon a atore samples oi njaji, boxes. There are several styles, varying in nice from fl.SO to S3.50. Rural de livery will go into effect September 1st. A. H. Tarbell will ahoxtly build a : saw mill to take the place oi the one burned, locating it a abort distance up stream, where logs will be more available. laa. Beeele. who haa been quite sick for the past two weeks, is much better and able to oe up arc arqamu gun. An addition is being made to Mr. Ba con's store on the south side, to give added accommodations to the postotfice when, the tree rural delivery is .estab lished. "" Lars Ellison came outi from Portland and Saturday went out to. hi ranch ncanj Bunker Hill to look alter campers, ana possibly prevent spreading ure,.. Matt B. GreweU and Flora McFarland were married at Portland the 18th inst After their return home quite a number of the vounc people Rave them, a. wej oome in the war of a charivari. A va riety of musical instruments were used, all the wav from cow bells to tin pons. After the demonstration of welcome had somewhat subsided, Mr. and Mat. GflH well invited the serenade! into the house, where they were generously treated to refreshments, etc. Halvor Olson traded tome land near Mt Tabor with lohn Miller for his place. here, and has moved with his family to the Miller place. - Marearet Isbester. of Gearhart, has been visiting friends in this vicinity du-ring.the.t5rt.fe.wda)-. ClATSKAWE CORRESPCWDttfOfc We learn that many of our citixent at tended the Regatta at Astoria thit week. Mr. A. A. Cleveland, of Astoria, iting friends and having a good time generally, ift, and aboji this part of the county. ' ' " v The hase ball nine and their friends in and about the citv have smiles all over their faces this week. It is saia. tnai yie. B. POWELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Dtrerr israierTToKrv. ST. HKLKNtf. I -t ORKOOU. panel ia fosvomcs stoex. Karasv Pesua yrr c. FlaCMKaV ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. tAMIIKB, t 1 J ORIGOjr. jytlDWISROes, HYSICIAN & SURGEON IT. HELMS, 1 I 0KflQ!t. .r. . cun. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON T. RKLCKB, I OUtOOW. w. BAT. a. MUAab. ATTORNEYS AT - LAW- Win startles la aav Court. State or Federal. OtVe oext Oaot to Courteous. ST. HKLCM8. .; i ,PR?QQ5. DR. D. B. STUART. Omee la the Dslu Block, . aUIXUS. I OEEOOIT. fx aara n teed SaUsikctsty, And the prii-e yon poy is but one-half ot actual value; tor instance: Men' $16 and f 20 suit, for $7.60 and $10; boy' Manila for $1.05. Ijulies' sod men's S3 and 4 ahoea lor tiMj anu n. xmys- A ' AA I I 1 . J .1 OK Men's $1 sbirU lor 50c. Men's $3.80 pant for $1.75. Men's $3 hatt for $1.60. A fall tine of trunk I and valises, blank et tnd comforter at cut price. Foat tively firat las irerehandite. John Dol lar corner rirst ano lanmw. SUMMER SCHEDULE. 8TEAMER SARAH DIXON arm aro PORTLAND, root ol washinzToa street, guuasra ui p. aa., mr uu Xulaula. am wa; poiaia. Tutctars and Thuraaays at i a., for liate- xanM and way poifiia. "t"1 Hlen. Columbia CUT. HoSnao'a, kalama. tiesr Ciy..iijilr, VaTrer. aulK tumraad Camp. Oak. Point. Wallace Island. Falaa, Manual Uo. aad Clalstanle. Kebatem Valler Points via CtaUkaol. Mitt, ntisbara, Varooaia, rtabhawk. Vesper and tiopklaa. Tha Company raaerres the rlxat to ehn-ge tb urn iiao Bouoo. ASTORIA HO LUHBIAR1YER II RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. r. . 7 SO W IV M IK IM IS It tt7 M W lft OS lets lata UTtSM A.. s e .-! It '.t tt OJi S 'K.f ft M M.l M so avi i to . M Tl 714 10 It 7S ?t 10 m a. 11 M M It 1SS6.4, ll to sstl! Lvrau-a4Ar!u W Uobla Kaluior... ... Pyramid... yiw ... Quia ejt .. ..viataaanio.. ..Ilarahlaiut.. .. Waatport.. ....Cltftoa.... ....Xnapps.. ... Sraaioa-.. ..-loan Dot... OAM.Y. IMt t aj at J7 ir at at M B t 1$ tei 1 at 4 S St s to T tt 7 M T t 17 7 at ct at M 10 Rota xt mauc, Coavaraacia. J B. SOD-KEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. lual Estata and Tuaba Laadt aotd tad A- straeuaads. ST. BELEK8, : OKEOOH. g H. uRUBEK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. WUl lln bw ponn-al attmUps U all tesal UMinsunwaiw 1 j- - - tbo Mau and I'nilod Stataa Unuu. OOea WUHK.E. Quick. T. HELEN'S. ; : OREOOK. THE RED BEAR Houltwi Gregoa. Weinhard's Beer kept on tap. The Best Pool Table h Columbia County; Owl Saloon Bbhw Bbothb-s, PSOPSISIO , 4 Oalxt-soaatat- $ Lipn ant Qini Iejt it Stee. : And other popalar hnw4a W WCIKHARO'S BEER ea draecht. TonL Btuiton" Ciars AU tat attest aaespapta snd eUwspos- riONEEB EMPLOYMENT CO., -16. Morrison 6tt Bortland, OrairpB, ia ana oi the best known and moat reliable Com panic on the Coast, furnishes all kind Help on shortest notice Free to Em ka ia TmOu Ca t Tha Empire Kottanreat, 19 TWr 8treet. three doors Sonth ol Baker The tre. Meala frora IS cents np. Open, day and night. Oyster in any style. Win. Bohlander, Prop., formerly ol tija Royal, in and Madison All train aaks alas eeaaaetloa. u Ooela rua HorUiora raeino vatna io ami iroa last tad sou a polnU. At ForUaod w.U l al. traloa kaviae Vataa eopox. At Aatorla wltk L R. H. C.'a boat aa4 rait 11 M sad K(-M T. J. Potior io ana froa Iltrae a4 Kartk Be-t-,p-tnta. Psassaaon lor Astoria wav polata aast aa traina at Boulloa. Tralaa will stop ts lot ao aofars oft" at Uoaltoa vhta oomlnf troa pottila arotooiaaia. imvr rnu RAT.K 5 vounc milch cows, 3 with call and two nearly treshj. none more vnan tour jei vh , auod Durham boll, S years old ; one Bist- ctass all-porpoae liorae Price reaaona? Die. C'aan or negoiiaoie note. MRS. H. GLEAoUIt, Liear isianu. M. C. Biav. Ota. Pas. As-. Astoria, Oe KSTABLISBBB UTS. XQHK ABECK SEALER EW Waters, DiamoD.s.Siltsnarc, .... JEWELRY.. . Repairing a Specialty. ItorrlMlK, ttsk Prsat ft. EtoW POftZLAa. Kv Aid anlendidlv last Sundav over at Rainier. They asserted their rights and Tia Uuutlueton, OREGON Union Pacific TRAINS TO THE EAST EUMiTt TtHouxb Pullmau standard and toortst aleep- inc can dally to Onant. cnicaeo, Knoaane; tourIM aleepine ear dally to Kansas City: through r-Hllmss tourist sleepUiEariporaon ally conductad) weekly to Chlcaco. BecUuius cbair oar, seas Irea, to tht East sally. FARM FOR SALE Twenty-one acres good toil; new house and bami toobe orchard; located adjoining the townstlfc af the. county seat; on railroad; ready- market at high prices tor everyuung ui can be raised. Apply to MOJoS BrotbcrtK St. Helens, Oregon. HOP PICKERS WANTEI-Goo naatan, food camping froonds, tb hiehsat pri-tt pajd for pieking, good Sons. Team will mt vo at th near- ear tailroad atation. .Yob can make. good, wages and nave a pwasant, uoauu- fhl outins. Address, W. E. JOHNSON, Verpe-r, Or. nirov VATtM FOR 8ALE 370 acta hwMed on WiHamette Sloogh ; commodationa for 75 to 100 head cattle ; daily boaU Inquire on place, MRS. t. SKUKM1.. care steamer auucii., d.. Helens,,Oregon. i-b-ti- C1HCA.GO-POKTANW srtCIAl. tor in -ai would not let the Rainier crowd ateal their honors. When an honest umpire lor Eaataia wsMhosen the CUUkanie boys did,tWu. Son " up in good ihape. We note that Umptats Tribe No. Jit, I. O. R. M.. -o Gcblc. have their bills out for sn entertainment Bad daMVe. oqj oeptemocr ol. u any uuc nun w uotc a good time it they will attend thia en-trt-iumcnt, they will have it. Umptats Tribe is a jolly lot ol good lupus aad know how to euter-un their visitors. We are sure that every one attending will be royally treotfd, and it they don't have a good time it will be their own fault. The work ot. evading tlie county road droitAiiSr-V'KK, waanio Leares ri5 A. M Daily. In ftr-rt of the residence of I. N. Rice. cut patronize the Houlton barber shop. near the city, is progressing. Mr. Geo. Satltutctioa guaranteed Grant, ol Scappoose., has the coatract. alls. Le laion. Coour d Aleue and Qrtat KtWlhoru nolllla. aI.astIc EXl'RBis1 lor tba -an via iiuni-i Wil ... Arrlvoa. S 2S P. i.15 P. tl. Vail; t.Cfi A. u. Daily. naiiy, Uaily. M. Ml i. l Dally. THREE DAILY TRAILS roil all points east. Lower, Columbia River. auamarHaaaalttaavtt Portland dully, sseept Suudar. at ;00 p. ra. Hatuntay :a) p. as. f.,r Aitoria, aad wav lanttinat Beturulii ltavos Astoria at T OO a. dallr. t-cept Sunday. A I. ORAIQ. tiead Oppertanity. Two-j-earold Durham, bciler for talc. Will be fresh this month. Gentle. Inquire ol F. M. THORP, St. Helens. Atseater't Netiee T Mretluf af ?rt: f EqaallsatUa. - VrOTKl'lB HBBEBY WVKS TflAtPrXl. k tha last atoadar la Autuat, to-wit; Au-- gust-Mh.MOI. tba Board of Equall-stloa will suead at the ofllce of the County Clerk ol Cnlanbit County, Orefoa. and publicly V aala the am : roHa, aad eorrect all errors lu ralaationa, description, or aa-tir ol bad, lota or other properly. Dated a ay o-tc lb la tin day oi aobuu, J.fc A. T. LAWS.. Ant. 5-tfc County . FOI POITUMD DAIIT fli. T..-1J- DliJitOltir ll'dlU- to I. Httglikirt, Jfarftr. RAJLROAD TIME. Uavtt Ralnlor dallr (exeopt Sandar) for Port, land, at t A. M-. eopariiB ma . am " oaloek. Raturami. at. Hi loans rortlaud at J P. 1a.1A.JA taenr.-a! Paaaciier Agart. rol .Or. UarrlTlaf at Pas sewer, ui Fast Fntiatt rORTLAMD LANDING, TAYLOSi.S.