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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
iv.atWw.JL OREGON SIIST Entered nt the Poatoflico at St. Helens, , Oregon,, as second-class mail matter ' Issued ISvi'.nv ifRlDAV Bv E. It. 1XAG0, EniTOR ANI I'HOPRTOR. Oruf copv, one year, in advance.' ... $1 00 Six tnorithv ....... ... . ....,'.' .'. . v oft Legal notices SVcrnt. per line. FRIDAY, ACCCST 26. SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT ROLE.' OP COLUMBIA .COUNT V,STXTB oip ORROON. FOR THE YEAR 104. KMifBKR fr-.-rrv- KUAU. VK EiHIBiT. Acres 01 tillunlu lands 10,(178. Acres of non-tilTatilo tatid. i...'...J8;!10rj.. Improvemrjitson doeiled pr twtcHteJ latuls Val of all lots..,.. . Improvement on land not deeded ox pat Miles cffailroad bed.". , ,2,. Imprnvernents on town lots Rolling Stock , MildLo?f lnio-itiir raHnvirl . ' lOi I l.opjjini roiling stock . - j Mile ot trlrgrnph and telephone lijies....;."!'-.' MeamBKits, sailboats, atatioiufr? engines ' and manufacturing machinery ... Merchandise and stock i:i trade ' ... Uartnjng implements, wagons, CAAiagesctc ..; Sidney'....'..... ..'..1. .'..;; ;.., Notes mid accounts .., , Household furniture, watches, jewelry, etc Horses and mules , , 178,1... VAU1K I 221, US ..t..l,;,lV..(ervrt .... Pu.O'Jfl ..... kmhs .... S4,3S(i .... srs.two .... 7,a M70 .... 17,JtM .... uhpo .... 1S.410 Cattle.. Sheep. , Swine Gross value of all property. Poiis ............. 075d lHt... '710.. 60S ... WS.9S5 ... 8H.R10 ... Al.tMJ 7W ... l.M.V) .. 2.1,807 V. 31.11ft ... 112,827 a,4t 1,671 RAl.HR or DXnWCTION ' 8-H,tKi 10,77(1 '.' 11, .VW ." V 9tM0 " AM.S'W " 840 " 7,H 1.400 ... " 1,140 " 3:1,230 " 8,0tJ D P0 .'1 1400 ' 4,V 4 11,407 " 10.2S.1 Comity Court for Columbia County meets Wedjiesdj, September ,1,1 iu .i, odd ot le incaH fniportnnt aessions ever held ia the county. Tim , question as to whether there shall I ,an exhibit ol ear reto'irc-g at tjio Lewis A Clark Centennial Exposition will bo discussed, and we sincerely trust it will le decided in the affirmative, for no county in Oregon will be in a lietter .position to profit by.tlie high class of ,r?P.W. thlli brought hero to .attend the greatest historical event ever celebrated on the l'scific Coast. We have unlimited undeveloped resource .of field, forest and mine, tojether with coal, iron, water piwer, transportation .facilities, and everything that makes Ibis a rich field for inatir'.u'Ui.'iiigenttil Japanese would presently nbaudon their n'mon. Tlio following i talea from The real increase is $705,500, and the percentage of increase 41 t). the Jutetd l-hltedStcllr the W"U " THE SIEGE OF TORT ARTHUR. THE CLOSED K18H1X0 SEASON. Throughout the state the sentiment Is An officer of the Russian General Staff General that tlio laws should be yesterday expressed bis opinion that tlte 'jVode o conform to the habits of the O.egrm'an. prises, anil all, that is iieces.-ury is to !e3oru to carry Port Arthur by a series of set these facts forth in an attractive and convincing manner at the forthcoming exposition in order to double the p"pu-J:-.tlon of this county within a very few VC he pnportanity is ours, and it remains to be seenVhethcr we have the business acumen to avail ourselves of it. The offer mate by the commission ia liberal in Uie extreme. Whatever sum the county appropriate for an ex hibit, one-half thereof will be paid by the commission a the pur base price o? the same, and tuch portions , thereof as are sniuble will be placed in the per manent exhibittlto reuiuin as an adver tisement of this county in the future. We need this advertising. We want new people to start industries, build roads, increase our school census, avd jo all ways take part in the bntlding up of oar county, and a few hnndted dol lars should not be permitted "to'stand in C'ie soup factory, one cream ery, or good saw mill will be worth far more to the county than the investment railed. EXPERT ADVICE. The editor cf the Evening Telegram juggest dial, all, danger from forest ;Sre maybe obviated in the future by "very simple method of preparing the Slashings in the fa!: and horning them iu the spring. TliTs seems tj be such a. simple and reasonable way of averting the great losses from which the country suffers annually that it is al most incredible that no one has thought of it heretofore. Like .ill great idea it is remarkable for its simplicity "Prepare the slashings in tne fall and barn them in the spring." Tbe uews- paper of tue Cjist, eepeciaily those ! continuous assaults aijd would settle down to the less spectacular efforts of regular siege operations. It may be that this officer based Uis opinion upon the Russian conduct at Tlevna, where a num ber of assaults were unsuccessfully made upon the Turks before the slower meth ods of reducing the beleagured town were adopted. If this be the case, the member of the General Staff overlooks an litjjoi- ..vtu iuc Aussiaii and the Japanese conduct of affairs. As saults upon Plevna were haphazard af fairs. A r,-ave of men broke upon thj crests andj for lack of asupporunjf wave,"JU back from the Turkish positions. The Japanese do not trust much to luck. Even with their belief in the "divine influence" of the Mikado, thev keen their nowrier Am And if Yerestchapn had survived to patut a scene at Fort- Arthur he wouMn't h.w. had to obliterate' piles of empty cham-'! pagne uwun arouna in. Japauese ofli cers"quarters as he did in his paintinij of uie Russians at rievna. If any reliance can be placed upon the reported losses of the Japanese, a halt must soon be called or the fortress he the cost of an army. The latest report irom uao ang says that the attackers lost 7000 men on July 30, and 10,000 on July 30, the total numb, since the beginning of the siege being 28,000. At Plevna 7000 Russians at tacked 10,000 Turks, and were repelled with a loss of 2800. Ten davs later WO Russians Astoria Herald: "For some reason the annual runs of salmon into the mouth of the Columbia river are gradually growing later In tht year unlit it ppear necessurr that the date for the closing of the season should be extended at least two weeks. The habits of the salmon, If they may be called habits, lm,vj unused within the past five years until wbnflia here tofore been known as the "Julv run" rarelv begins until some time during the first half of AcitusU T!'s jm t 1.0 uouus m, iae cbbdu oarejiagattiig sal mon artiticially, which, for uie re uona that seem reasonable and for others that we may not understand, has gradually throjvn the main ar.nual run into a later part of the seSsOu. 1 . , . At any mu the fact confronts the fisherman, and since salmon in nn,t. gated for the sole purpose of can-lung them, the open season should be made to conform to the habits of the Bsh themselves. This couiplaiut has been repeated annually now lor'ti Man 1st I.Miat ami al,..l,l I. I I... some lesislatlve action that will nwi the changed conditions which have ap peared siuce tlie enunieat of the pres ent isw. It is all guess work as to the young salmon, its mode of living, and whether they go io school after reaching taU water when six months old. It is sup- po?eu 1 ne nsnare lour ana six rear old when they return to fresh water, but tuw tbey reach an understanding as to when to Wart together, ia as yet a con ondrom. But it is certain that artificial propa gation ia a great success, and is doing t -1 " BaMng Powder IVf eJkes Cleecn Broed With Royal Baking Powder there is no mixing with the hands, no sweat of tne brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food Full tnstructtous in the RoyaJ Baker and Pastry CookV. book for making all kinds of bread, biacuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address. DOVAi BAKJNQ SOW DCS CO., 10 WILLIAM T., HEW VOW. fH"S?TTJ -fiV ?B' l.'.'.'lf'.'ff XEHALEX F1KES CONTROLLED. Settler Sear tVton Har Been Xs king a Hard Flgkt. il'MMO.IIk were sent a?amst 4.1. ("mo lurns ine garrison nanng been rein- ) wonder in restoring the salmon nmni torce-nd again the attackers fell back, of the Colombia river, which, in the ""h los? ot tt000-.I f week later 50,- j aggregate, hasdnring 30 vcar amounted 000 Russians assailed Plevna, then de- in export valne to a sum not far from fended lbv5,,000 Turks, and were defeat-; 100,000,OU It is one of our greatest ed with the enormous loss of 13,000. It industries and worthy the fosUrjrjrcare will he seen that the auailnnt. ........... "u . . , " v too DUIW RUllilfl ILICS inienor in numoer 10 tne aetenders, who occupied excellent positions. Even then the Russians penetrated to the third and diecovery. No more forest fires no more consequent low of homes and life. And what please as most is that this great idea was evolved by a newspaper man. The particular uionrji in which She carefully prepared aerated slash jngs are to be burned is not mentioned. Sometimes it rains a little during the spring months, and the slashing, un less they had been very carefully pre farerl. might not burn very bri-klr. last spring, for instance, it would have oeen necessary to soak each separate tVrht. with coal ojl before it could be ignited, and constant' attention with a hand bellows would barely have snfficed to keep the flame alive. Bnt these are Elisor diSculties and doubtless the trrafls" Mf'tt4ijUpC,.pch an idea can (resent a solution. "' ' " :pg ab;e to erasp a clmnk of stosohere I, and hurl It through itself, so to speak Radium, with all its wonders, does more important line of defenses, only io not promise more to the world of science L ,?u , a fPcratIn " e than the latest discovery, solid air. At riart of the leaders. An armv of liomiii ... . ... . n ,l!Bh4 in ,U ,i,.7, ' ' .u' m I iUssian. and SuO gun, was then assem- M,e meB,,on 01 '0"d " ;. . . . . . , J u u bled around the town, and Oirnan Pasha, oe' sense of humor. The idea of be- v..wu...Uu w lu.0 importam alter six weeks of total isolation,-made an attempt to cut ms way out. He failed an A S1twnf1anb1 aw.! St. I iVl,! ' vors of his forces. Russian bravery was WW " tbr0UK l'ce-seem to be displayed in the frequent assaults upon ' Ppo'terout. Yet it ia a fact, and a Flevna, but it is a defensive position that fact chsnred with a thousand imporiaa hibition of their dogged courage. The Turks in Plevna held out for ninety four davs, almost the same time that Port Arthur has now been invested, if we reckon the beginning of the siege from the fight at Nanshan Hill. Slav aa. ' The Russians in Sebastopol held out for 327 days, although the town was reduced to a "heap of rubbish and cinders." With such determination was the defense con- eTtaclT successa'd tLt Tnsid-i ontard " " h of a cannon, efed almost a matter of luck, rnomi ; and aideiraya when released. This. Pelisser, of the French army, remaikrqfc, I when in 'coal mining, will accomplish "Me were four all and I turned rho ! .;i...i .t ,. kin?." a term borrow l rnu'" " "ynamite, Daily the Russians lost from 1000 to l.Vnt '. ao1 "l the ""me l,me il trTel wlid possibilities. The discovery was made by Professor A. L. Met, who for tome time ha been experimenting with liquid air in bi labratory in the Tnlane Cniversitr. Louisiana. A a practically useful product Erofcsscr Xeti exDects olid air to find an important place In j the force used bv man. A rvlin,!.,! charged with solid air m ill rend it force R. R. Routledge, of the lVrtUnd Seetl Coinpanv, aud hi brother, George, who left last rritlay evening on their wheels for a few davs' trip to their claim on the upper Nehslem, have just returned, say the Orvgonian. Mr. Uoutlnlge say that while tlie :oret tires are now o .. .. 1.. ' . 1.... 1 been very destructive, and scattered over a larve section of country. The two left, forest Grove F'idav evening and reached Hnxtun about dark and decided it was wise to V over the summit that night, as the lire could more easily be located. The road from iluxton to the foot of the mountain, and irom the top of the mnurtoin ilowrj the other side to the river, had uo less than 2i fallen and burning tree over which they had to climb carrying their w heels. The tire ha not burned much of the greeii timber, but ha destroyed many Homes and cabins. Messrs. McDauiel and J. I. K'iselier lost their houses. barns and hay. Raymond lust hi borne nd everything in it. Mrs, Kaymutid, who was teaching school at Mist, lost all the money that the had earned, ow ing to the fact that it wa iu g.ecubacks, a 3d 141 the exciterueut wr..i TeU In th burning house. A rancher by the name of Schmitlaud, leaving his Iwbv athonie went over to his brother's house to help him fight the fire which was threat ening the houe, aud upon returning found his own home in flames, anil had just enough time to ruili in and get the child, l'etjr .'lsy was also burned out, losing his ti'V'- ehickru and loo's. The Cape Horn roa.l from I! 11 toll to Wruonia is full of faib n trees. Jauirs Turk's plare 011 the river is safe, lie has lost onlv a few rods of feucine. but has been tighing tire day aud r.ynl lor the last three weeks. Mr. ami Mrs. K. C. Routle.lg, who are at present 011 their claim, have saved their cabin, fences, etc., but show tlia effect of lost sleep sud the strenuous life they have been foiccd to live since Irnv iug the city. "Hie rjjyi? ere now being openol up again, and it will probably be in. mys uioru uuiii icauis can tra et them. In t nrciilt t'i'iiri ot th sun vt Orta. tot ' ''ths louiil) nt Cotuiubls. Jobs S(n. l'isliitid, vt. Itnir Kurn. PtltfiliUut, To lUiny Knivun. Dvlcmlanl. IN TIIK NAMkor I UK KI'AfSOr UltlKKVt. I Von sr hrl riniolrod Iu la awl an. swei th enuiilui hlol r"u "' aliufiillill .nil otiivr blor il aih dav aNie lotwr, WM lhi lu,i tin 0r tint In ll urlrr ut Ik I'uiVrt tor roil to iar ! r. anJ man than tiuiti kUt I'Ubllcailua ( Ihla Wllin.i'ill; aul II uil lull 10 tl "r ami an.aer, th pltiulli will aplr Iu t liar 1 ..Oil t tt Hi rrllrldaninixlrvl In lb i.,ui!allil, lowll: Thai llw flaliill; l a.Dud.t I auU itn'ivvd Iu tw ih onnvr In lee linn I u( lb lulluwius tvrllr.t rral iMartr. I" '! 'l hall ul Ih KuiiiltKwt qMarwr al Seriiuii 1 uir-n. ami Ih (ul halt " IbaHouih- eaMiiailar )l hccllun lrulir. la Tvu nUui tour fiatth. Kuns Iviir V e.l tt iha WliL.iu.rf. Marhllau. In Hi CwuttlV lit IViliiinlila. Slala nl iirvfiui suJ llial hu till, iharviu b uinnl. thai ytt l toi..r k.r r. iruia ariiaK anr eUiia, nthi, till ur luirrwi aliairxi la or ta wia tl l"-" !""''. ur any pari uivraw. aiyr lu piaiutirr: intt piainltn fc.r st au,i iiLtmf,ruieui. aiin iw-urrvU. ati.l that h W sin .iivh ihr u. tuither rliel a. lu tin Court iu.) sv Jmi auJ .piltahl. i in. .ututnou. it pm.jiinwi ill - iri ,fr8t Mi.i" ottca Mi'h arfK tor alt w.a. h anir ul iho Mun. K. S. Italian, Jn.ts ul Ih i'.Hinly funrt of lha Slat ol utmuti fur th. Cuuul oil ulunil.M. il,,l.1 A u. i A". A t IWH. ! oi am ,m'hi.".i .m. Au.ui se, iji. at. ul al pulc;'. u, (Muw T. IAII. T- V . . nUVg.U AuC.'SJVlT AUUrtlc h i irialiilltr CITtTIOH. tn llie C.uun Court ol (he f taw ul Oregon, fur 4L'o.Um!U IMIIUIV. In ih matter ot lh K.lal ) of loulte ben, ltec.i. In AnCMila Altfctwn lUa.Tumlrr, Maria Alal u Kurkman, Aitulph Ait'r'n atul all i'lu-r hnlr. .it Ihr al.f. tmukMl IHImi tea. itnLlHivrn aitt n-ui -rvl.;-Ht. IS THK NAilK 'If TlIK el air. nt nil T,i IS Y'.u ai,A aal-h III rif.t a. hrrrtiv e. uuri.ll'l U to l an, appear 11 f Ih. It u K II il- uu, Ji..irr of ihe Louulir i aurt ol Ihevft.aul es.a fur I I'lumbia ro-iuti . lu id. uim im,is ul ih curt lii'Bir In Ih. I'lly ut fl. Itclrh. lau u clurk In lh nrnuuwm uu th For July And August ye will sell all our $20, $30 and $40 UNCLAiril;D SUITS AT HALF PRICE. 18.00 Unclttinicd Siuts $ 8.50 ao.oo Unclaimed Suits 10.00 25.00 Unclaimed Suits......... n.50 30.00 Unclaimed Suits 15.00 5.00 Unclaimed Trousers x.45 8,00 Unclaimed. Trousers a.95 10.00 Unclavued Trousers 3.95 Odd Vests in all styles aud colors 95 DURING THE SUMHER MONTHS ONLY. FARtfSWORTIUIERALD TAILORING CO, 218 Vashl11giG4 ytret,. New Falling Bulltliiiff, LVv -VAvl I Th, n.w. WIit Wot Saje Toqr Ibmij h ATsI a sir 1 1 y n y at "? t i x Jb - WELCH 8TIUING H S At Ij U the beat V la lb Market THC Mt"ICAN CLOTHKR And Har Kroin "& In I in the litti hhape at, t ami $'4 M 1 ., CHEER CP, Cheer up. Von are livicg & Colum bia County where crop are never a total failure and where any man who is willing to work, and diversifies as he should, can always forge ahead. Yon have timber at hand, lum'ier is cheap, iesir to market, the best climate in the world, near Uie mighty Columbia river that will transport your surplus pro ducts to markets, and contains fikh enough to feed a nation, w e eny Cheer up. , Tho wcr'.d Is ttking your photograph. Vk pkwsant. Of course rou Lava ; your troubles, trouble you cannot tell the policeman. A whole lot of things bother yoa, of course. Busi nes worrie or domestic sorrows, it may be, or what not. You find life a ragged xos4.wuoetdnea hart your feet. eer theles cheer up. It may be your real disease is selfish ness ingrown selfishness. Your life ia too self centered. You imagine your tt&ulatiotw are. worse than other bear. Yon feel sorry for yourself the meanest ort of pity. It is a pathetic illusion. Bid yourself of that and cheer np. jAybat right have yoa to carry a; picture of yout woebegone face and funeral way about among your fellows, who have rrouoie ot tneir own? If you roust hine.or aal; or cqwl take a car or !joat and go somewhere. ' t ( Cheer up. Yonr ills are largely imag inary. If you were really on the brink ot bankruptcy, or if there were no thoroughfare through your aorrows, you would clear jonr brows, set your teeth and make the best of it, ; Cheer up. You are borrowing troubli and paying a high rate of interest. Cheer np. Why, man alive, in a ten mlnules walk you may ee'a score of people worse off than you. And here you are digging your own grave and plejtimj. tajtUUearj-r : into the bargain. Man alive, you must do your own work. Sinile, cveu though It be through tear, '.yhlch speeOily dry. And cheer up. The Death 1'cnalf x. A little tliinif sometime result in death. Tim a mere scratch, intiifnin- raiit cuubr puliy. Irtils have paid the 4i.Mth rw.n .1 1 u It , ... U n.....' . 1 . . . ... wire u fc- Irn'S Arnica Salve ever handy. Its the best salve on earth and will prevent fatality, when burns, sores, liter r and piles threaten. Only 23c, at St. Helen Pharmacy. cry, RED APPLKS. There Will be Pleaty ef Tkeai la Ore. gon Tht Year. men, yet they did not falter, even on the ast day of the fighting, when they suf fered a loss of 12,913 men. The defense C. . T 1 . . . . v ocuuwpoi noes uu angnr an easy I . vieldini? of Pnrt Arthur u ,. fi;i t WOrkt is completely invested. Sevastopol's com munication with the interior, it must be temembered, was open. From the determination oi the assail ants and the courage of the defenders, it is not unlikely that the siege of Per Ar thur will take its place among- the trreat. est of the world. The importance of the air gives off almost pure oxygen. Thu the atmosphere ia at once cleared of all noxious gasses, and allow of the men tog at The professor nromi- to produce an explosive In compart on to which dynamite will be a a Chi nese firecracker. End of BI Iter Fight, "Two physicians had a long and stub born fight with an abcesa on mv riifhf uiuic.u i huc in its aeiense ana the ; ""iicaj. r. nugne,, oi uuiiorrt, sentiment attached to its possession bv I la- ad gave me up. Everybody both sides attract all eyes to Port Arthur, thought my time had come. As a last It has now held out for nearly ninety resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery days, but the frequent captures of im-. iot consumption. The benefit I received portant positions by the Japanese appears : was striking and I was on my feet in a t'j foreshadow its early fall, if the attack- j ,ew da'- Now I've entirely regained ing side considers that the gain, balances mv health." It conquers all coughs, enormous losses in men. The gallant ; co'ds, and throat and lnng troubles, defense has already graven the name on i Guaranteed by the St. Helens Pharmacy. me uiuicj ui Russian priae, ana tut"wwnwi. j nai Domes uee. anxiety for the safety springs from the same source as that of Great Britain for the relief of Mafeking, unimportant muLKa ii was irom u mini itary viewpoint The best man for our town islie wbo praises it and talks about it without grossly exaggerating it resource or hi own importance. He trade, at borne and encouragea everyiod else to do the' same thing. He will always have his eye open and endeavor to steer Indus trial enterprise into hi town, but will never try to fill the town with people before there are mean for a livelihood for them. A dull town is the home of idle people. This man will be conrteoc and will not have a hard-luck story on '.he end of his tongue, nor will he tell them that the town 1 going to the eter nal "bowwow.". Ila ;will never put himself ahead of hi town when the pub lic welfare i concerned. He will cn oporaga the public, oOy-ers; be, will never lose hi vote; will keep himself well In formed on all question wherein the public is concerned, and will always be up with the tun i. , Lincoln was a lung-sighted man. He WHAT AS OREO GIRL DID. ft takes the Crein irlrl to make her way, and no difficulty i too great for her to overcome. Iu fact, what man ha done or can't do, it take the Ore gon girl to accomplish. An example of her energy ia displayed in the rase of a j 1411 es ' gfrl who a year ago went out Into the wild of Crook county and look np a timber claim. Without kith or kin or, imagine it. even a "chinernhA " he superintended the erection of a little cabin, fully two mile and a half from a neighbor, ana there.' whore the coy otes' yells are nightly heard and Whure'l wnu oeael are laid to wander, took np her abode alono. Nor did she utn iri.Mi aiftlsuniie 16 grub out her land : but by taking her time accomplished the difficult task herself, soon owing the seed, and while she waited for the harvest, putting iu a garden. The near est town is Hiiterk, eight miles distant, and to obtain aupplie this brave git! walk thither twice a week, thinking no more of the journey than would some of her helpless sisters of going to market tiro LJocfci away. Oregon' apple crop will be excellent tin year, according to the statement of (Jeorge H. LamlMrson, secretary of tue"rKt'e lizard, cf( Horticulture, who learns through the'variouc fruit com missioner what the condition ar in all part of the state. "There will bo a full crop of apple this year," said Mr. Lamberaon, ''and the quality will be of the finest that ha ever beed in this slate, at a general rule. One reason for this is that there lias been no fungus this year. Diaease in fruit is largely due to dampness in the air that gives life to tl.o little organism that cause it. The long dry season that we have been having this year has done good in that regard, for it 1 owing to it that there have been no pests In the apple, and theiefore an excellent crop. "It ia indeed very fortunate that Ore gon should have a good crop at this time, for frait of that,Mnd will, be in good de mand this Reason, owing to the. -lack of II in ll.a U1..I..1...1 V.TI . .77 TV V. .......... . ....... ,b,ict, wnere me crop has been largely a failure. That section l uie great apple uroduc no Ore, rd .lay of (x-icber, A. I. ta. ami .hoar rauaa. If anv !(, whr an or Ir-r oi al !iul.t u.u he mail l,jr tal.t Court aulh.irtiti-. nMerllir atut llm-llng rmiit Al.i.lai, as Aitmlnialratur l the .aui .iaie. (c ..II at hut.Uo aneitnrt or prv tale wile, :n Uie manner prmt.lcl lT law, the fallowing rcwcrlhoil rttul li.jvit- hrluuslu lu tal.t ealale. In all L..U U..1.1 I l.i-eell.m -u. aa.l lol I In feeilnli thlrtyiiie, (11) til tn Tunft.hlii l)'..rlli of K.ilnre l.iur l) u'eat uf Ihe Wltlanieita Mer lUlan, cu Uluhig VX an I VI.IU) neie. ul Lut. ai-eurillns lu in t IUI...I Stall?. turej, all In U'luml.;. tl"...: ii t y lr.e in. !anl Jr.l .lauf 'Vf.,1 r, A II lol helm Ihe Srl rlaf ul the i .!., ir Term of wlfl rouil. an. I ijiiK c.i im mauKU (luinajrt .'M the er- IUI .4 ltlf" cf'rtU'UI, " M'lfStai nit aunt allillNaaaai lA mm! Court aflltoil lliuji da;..! Aueu. t, A f 1'All. . . II. IIKMiKKMlS. l.ati..f rierS uf ih I .mm) Court. i Tt ri.aata. lJruir. CIIA.4. J. Si I IN .IU El, Att. lot Admlnlatnlor noTujt-or ihimtioh to Amr ran UQV0 lICtHSi. . Ill the fount' Tonrt n Ih stale at Ort-emi for Colnmhia luunlr In lh mailer of ihe apptlrallna of Unit rtub rer lor a llrente to .ell .,lrliii.Ku. .Innu. nd natl lluuura, a:J harilehtef. M 4uan Ifitet'leMilian uu aallnn, lu Oak fotnl I'reelnet. Tn the Hun. f'onnty rouri nl the Slats nl Oreon, lor lu l ouuiy uf ( .Jumiua- We. ihe un ierlf neil, iei tntenaml ul Oak 1'mnl I'reciuci. tnlumhla Countr. rit.c ol Ore New and Handsome Styles At $!).7B, 912.50, $1B, $18, $20, and $22.50- NEW SPRING SUIRTS$1 5 . BOYS' SHOES rrsrn l ia t.aoV BrtkeaM.. N, S la I .9e, We.V NECKWEAR, -m? t'A mi nt ti riiit i 222-3 MorrisoB St., Cor. First POffTLANDt OREGON --. .. Kelt's IMerrar; trnrm 1.40s V If T.A Mist and Oregonian $21 fan, and who hat aetually rel'le-l In aalit pra. ciuet mirtr oart nriur in ilia alenliie ami an of Ihla pellthia, wonM nxperlfulTir pellll' ronr honurahle body al ihe r.:ular leri ol the eeiu uruuir n, ji, eomBwnem ae uu amj ot aepMWlieir. I9UI. la be held me comii' n. In rallied out. and mell lluuura, end bard einer. In uu.. Ultra leea than una eallun. In flak i'.,u,t Vim clnet, Culumhu comity. Dre,n, sud lhal eneh nee ue lie lautu to eald lmle riuhrer I. MiMdof u.el.e month., Ir.roi ihe 7ih day of u. m.7 ut repuwcei, iwi, IO b B.m H unlT rniirt bouae, la tbe it jr nl SI. Ilel i aald rouulir ami tuie, thai lirefie he "1 lo lotila luhrer. to aell ..llilou..ln r ..r. H. K. Barnea, A. R. I'arn. fl. W. tlarnet Rarnea, I.. J.r, K. Ilerinn. A. II. Mm barnea. t f eaiana. W. F. hclinelder. John If nrrolt. Chaa. Ilerinn, Urne-t brjilil, )m nrif 11 , iieuuorMin, r. Hies, w. w, tert. i. Maliaalroin, K, bailey, w. K. Jooe.. I . ParldMin, i. c. r.Bii.ieran, J. 1 HruiRer. J ft. Vlnlii. II, Kin. A. Ntuebeubers, d Me- oaron, oi moii Kalr v: laaianey. I J. Iiavl. Moui., A r. Ui:i)raw. Jhn ikrvsnl. It mciraw, r-ltuer rieiua, o. I. Atalnena, A. Me Oraw, i. c. Alehltun. . O. Marter. J. A Kemp, flarb IcKilej. f.tum fliihrer, f.Ma on, ). riillll),., v, S. Fliihr.r, W. a. ritriar. I. R. tllllert. I". f. lilnniuill.t. Chat. Tern. hail Herl Kdmunds, Henry ifultapnle, John ( araon, ... ,,, n . ... Metirew, V. lf. .wuei. ii. eir.,ntw, r in. riunrer. fur all id whlfyonr eiut. ofiunlry of the United slates, and fail To luA" Hi defendant la lb above en nr. !. mn.n. ll... . .1 . ill. VI ..Vl .'"'V- Bnloide Prevented . The startiinif announcement that a preventive of suicide had been discovered li,.l ,.i.o in r .1 . mwrrcai iuny. a run cijwu system, had never been to the Pacific Ccaet, but dtspondency, invariably precede sui! when in 1604 Schuyler Colfua a tailed to 1 cide, and something has been found tliat .ai.a ....... . I .1.: : r i t ' u.i 1 1 . .rn..... , , 1, . .1 .1. ..U . I. . 'Th Ktrt and Oregoniiin 2 per year. ; The Misr is the oldest an Ibcut paper pub- j lively few men arc now but dimly per make a tour of this region, Lincoln laid : ''P,eineuiber me f.o .the. people of the Pacific Coast; tell them' that they hove the treasure house o! tho world." What be av forty years ngo only a couipara ;.rel ia the county. l4i?UbU iti will prevent that condition which makes suicide likely. At the- first thought of ;u u -irui;tMi, iaxe iviectnc uitters. It bfcing A great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system. It's also a great stomach, liver and kidney regulator. Only 60 cents. Satisfaction guaranteed by the St. Helens Phaiu'acy ure there mean that a shortage will be realised a a result. Thus annlfo-rrianra will realire better returns this year than for many season.' ' ' ' " " "There will alro be a fairly good crop of peache this year, especially in (south ern Oregon. In the latter place there will be a good crop of peaches, and I am told, that on the Columbia and Hnake river the peaches will also be good. Of Course, the WiTlaniette Valley I not a peach producing district, and doe not figure in that class of product. "But with prune the case Is different. There will owy be about one-fifth the amount produced this year that wa realized last season. There were jJO.UQO 000 pound of dried prime (hippett trot Oregon last year, while it seems that this year the amonnt will only be about 6,0t)0,000pr 6.000.000 pounds shipped out. "The best locality for prune this year i in th hill of Polk County. There the crop will be fairly stood. In Booth em Oregon the French prune are doing rofc9veJI and will yield about 7C per cent of last year' crop. Uiit tiwe Uuilau prune will not amount to much any where, making only between 16 and 20 per cent of last year' crop. " "failure in the prune crop I due to raid in the blossoming' 'eaon.:'The blossoms were knocked riff the tree be fore thev became set. lint thnuuh ih. crnn will be small, the a!r.n nl lha , will be good and the quality excellent.".. Pnisan KikI toll All, A grievous wail oftimcs comes as a result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dizziness, backache, liver com plaint and constipation. Hut thanks to Dr. Klne's New Life Pills thev nut an end to it all. They are gentle but thor ough. Try them. Only Hoc. Guuran OuyJ by the St. Helens Pharmacy' hvmmomh. ea UisCtrruitr.OHrt nt but J Orainn lot iheCiHiniyolLVIiiiiiMa. n.i "V""- I'utiotiB, vs. John it. squire, IS TlfliVAMg'or TIUT.VIi( OF OKKriOV. luu are lierelit reutilrmt tu ai.iM,.. .nit ... werio inn cnniiilalnt tiled asalnal yoa lu the lioi, n nay ol ortubsr. Held lull li enmmeneed by tilalnlff egsiaet r , ."-iiwiiiuiiun oi inenmrriaeeeouiractes lu helwetn you and Iho plalnliB herein, and If you full letunrr heiaoan now and ihe said lime, fur went thereof, the tilaltitln will tabs ludsmenl atln.t ,oti .,r diaauiiiitnn of lbs marrlacoamlraei now xletlnir bctnuia you Tnlt luminous la mads aud aerved pnbll eatloa In purtuauce to ma orrl'ir mad? try (he Honor. , la U. I. iraltarr, mihty JmiKe for l.oliiiiii.l. :onnty, rilele ot On on, dated the intb day nf Ausuit, 1904: talil or.ler pruvldet " puoiieaiiuii ui inia turnmnna tliall he inaile on tbe Mb dey nt Aueuat. mil. and u i the 301 h day of rarMenv W. M. llAVliS, Atturney for I'lnlnllff. Ih. I... h,.i.n.-.,.... .. .f 1 .. ..V " 1 i ?Z 1'uuuo.iuru uu .ne win ni war, iwi. A ny Pi nent M, Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG- Uyt Portland on Taetdsy, Thurtday tad Sat- urdeyl7e. m. for ' It Htltnt. Ktlama, Carrtlf feint. Hainit, , . , eirf "s. Steamer NORTHWEST VS7f Port,ln'l Monday 'Wednesday nd, fftJdaahjhti atat 10 p. mfor the .am. point, mentioned .tow '.S3 it ledo, reaching the latter place at 10 f iVi 'fVM Toldo ""n, and CMtleKock at 6:80 In the afUirnoon Tuesdajv... Tlwr.d.y ap.d rfumUy,' Wbatl foot of kalmoa Bt. to. HOLMAK, AieSk' KIX UilCSH COWS PftinDrfdcZl offer for sale, nt a bargain, six fresh cow, one or all of them. Thin Is a v v.uriu Hiy kj gel gfMl cows at a alJJ-t '4 ST, HELENS I Patrouize a drug store when vou want pure. freh aud rrliabk Drugs and Patent Medicines Pcrmmcry, Toilet Articles, Etc.. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. I'lain and Decorated Crepe l'opcr, lite. Direr! PnhlKW...Rfidnhr . ...... ...maaeiiuuvi aIVqUIUI AV VvMI llUIWd vUIJ IWWbUtO KNIGHT SHOE CO. Fifth-Wash. Sts., Portlands Opposite tho Perkins Hotel. CUT THIS OUT And Have Your Tppfll Clouuiirl li'iin., -..l.l li'.'lt:. ,eu Til. teed. "0llt ,lllm.iie4'ing. jj0 Tain. ' AnWo)'0namn-; DR. KNODER'S OFFICE. very reasonable price. JfS. HA YBUR nr. u i .. t. uou:t,,orep YBU.lMohawk Building, Third and Jlorrison Sts., Fortlaud, Or V,