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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1903)
3!"'""'"'"'" ' """" """"""" " '"" "' ' '" ' " " WH liiyAW.ii,....iw ? A)() I Tlio Kind You Uava Always Hought, nnd which bu been In ni for ovt 00 yum-a, liun borne th Aliriiatur of y-f - h bern mmlo iiikIit IiU per- ut7ftz2ti ,,,,, ",lM,rv,!l,'n " lt Infancy. rv Allow no ono to lr-vlvci you In thin. All ('oimlcrWtii, Imitation. And Hiilo.flltit urn but Ei-li-rliurnt tbnt trifle with ami nidHngrr the, health of Jnfunts und C'blltlrcu-i:iprluc' Mtruliist Kxperliueot, What fs CASTORIA CMtrU U a aunallliifn fr (nator Oil, I'ltreirorlc, Props stint HooUtlfifr Myruim. HI lliiritili-a nnd I'lraNHiit. It ccmUlnn ncllhor 0ilnm, Morphine nor other Nan-olio ntiliatitiicc. Its k U U gunritiitar-. It destroys Wornis unit nUyu IVvrrlalinras. it cures Dlurrliua mid Wind Colic. It relieve. Teething Troubles, eurcs Constipation nnd Fltttulon.y. It -aalinllittea the Fowl, regulate the NtomiwH nd llowel., glng lirulthy Mid nut oral sleep. TU Chlldreu't lNsum-en-Tho Mother' l'rleud. CCNUINC CASTORIA ALWAYS 1 Bears the Signature of Wrlnliiril salwu. beer on tnp it (lie Owl llupit A Hon., of Valley, have a lot of cedar shingles for aalti nt lloultou. TrM.. notl,,, and knJl o( printing done ai thia oftU-. Koglert'a sludio, next door to Tim Mirrr office la open all tlie week. Ir if. K Cliff will I., .i i.i. ..hi... Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays :nly, lor a lew weeka. lart A Miickle huv received lot of boys' and youths' clothing, ranging in jl'iiro from fto m $7 50, fiaileyft Hi inn'. store in hcndipiitr- H-ra for general merchandise ut lloul i tun, Oregon. 'flila olllce ia secured t', services of hii eeriifiied Job primer, and is pre- i 'icn iu no an worn promptly. J.J. Knglert' studio, iicm door to I "iixt onn, omjii lor worn 'Iny in the week, liirvmrA. & PerfeolsJ Match i-l.ter Gasoline S l UliOUlN A j ff Uii.lHtforMto.tM.t'.Um.V.W. lei- S- S en", Oirgon. Urop In mi'i tin-ill S,s,sssJsfff,.J4j ; work AU, undiavor to aupply tlie Jauic ;!Umh. of Der Mand. wai ! tr''" itb gw"11"" viailor in Hi. ilnleiit Monday. County Clerk H. Henderaon vialled Mayger Hunday. Attorney J, B K. Bourns, of Rainier, a In HI. lloluna WwlneKlny, Dr. J. K. Hull, of Clattkanle, wna in Ht. Ilelnnn Tueadav, Mian Ruby Jackaon, of Rainier, an vlniUir in Ht. Helena Monday. Mr. and Mra. It. Kapuler, of Yank ton, were vinitora in town Friday. Mnrlin A. Wfdriek and eon, of t'itt liurg, were viiUn in Ht. Helena Friday. Mra. V. I). Kelly and dauxlitur, Mlai irt,e, of Clatakanie, have been viniting Mra. A. T. l.awa. W. H. WcKxIwarl and mother, of Yankton, were viaitora in tnwa Hatur-dav. 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Ycaro. THE I STORE DOWN By The Big Sawmill!- 'l 1 Ut'civiiiij Nimv iUyuU Kvory thy i i the Week I The county court la In araion, and III giealer wrt of ita time haa tenii u- ''ii up with ruail inuttera. For a bail taite In the inouih take ( haiiiUoUin'i, Htoinai'li and I.iver Tab let, ror enle by Ht, Helena 1'hanna.ry. The bntrher ahop la having a new coat of int. M. Haxou amf In oilier ate putting on Hie coloring. . CnrrKiinl,'iit ohoulil aend in their matter lo reach the tiiia ollice hy UVd muluy morning at the Uun. Later im i,riaut mutter can he ent remrately. Henry M.,ijjii Iota addrd a full line "( fun, it ii , i- lo nock of genetel mer- jrliiindie i-linirx, U-d'ti-adr, citv, hii,I it j c iiiiilete :ne, Idle ulhfie ndve li-e low pi ice,etc, i N. A. I'eriy, the ,i',iierr ineicliMlH of llonlton, ran'l Im U-l fur g ,.! g'ola at the lweat nncea. N. A. Terry liaa Jiiet ieceiel a Urge I line of the tet ahoea made, at pile, a that will anririae you. Al a large 1 mock of fancy drvae goods at low pricea. The Oriental Hotel haa received a new (rmii of paint, which much itnptou-e iia apearaiice. M. Haann wat the power behind the paint pot and bruah. Kvertr day will m a atierial d at 8! Poriland'e Ig Kali Carnival, September 14 to '.II incliiaive, and it i aefe to aay H.i ii Mia. Martin White and her aiater, Mra. Thomaa Trenurv.' iiru viritinflr "v,'ry ifrieuda in Yamhill countv.. Mra. W. B. Dillard in trliiting her mother, Mra. Frank Holcomb in l'ort land for a few daya. Mr. and Mra. C. Ii ' Johna ami child ren returned Bunday night (loin a 10- d.iy' eojonrn at Heaaide, Mia Mil ml Decker haa acnetited a do anion aa teacher In the nw college at Kngune. Two Crops in One Year. H. If. Clark, manager of the Noon! farm at Warren, waa in Ht. Helena We.)- j neaday for the first time in nine inontha. I Mr. Clrk in elowly recovering from the j effects of a broken leg, the accident oc enring aereral months ago. However, he Still uaea crutchea in getting around. He haa demonstrated th it by thorough cultivation two prolltablo eropa tan tie raised on the same piece of ground in one season. Heretofore, Mr. Clark haa raised produced good crops of vetches and oats on the same land. This year ha iii in.ikina a still greater euccX'b of the two crop method- fcirly in May, 95 tone of green vetches waa cut from 1 amis snd put into silos. The ground was immediately plowed op and thor oughly cultivated, when it waa planfd in potatoea snd corn. Both have at tained large growth, and the corn is al most ready for the silo, while the i 'i toes will reach maturity early iu the season. However, thorough cultiya ils,-,a)U-0 Tesm Harness $13 t0 $34- "jtlSiS'K J Saddles ft) to 1 2 1. 60 Onr NBwCataloznBvTnrr tj hruM. aiw u any article run uiv en, or wenr. heart (.r It uxtsy. FaciHe Mail Order Company 2nd and Hulinon His., i'onland, Ore. 1 n THE SIGN fa BEST Fresh flah in season every Friday, and j npecuil rummy uinner ab tue irnenvai Hotel. 3 OVERLAND buaiuess ! lion is a necessary adjunct to the pro- I ........ J. K. Monahan haa given up his place in a hgging camp at Cathlainiit, and will work in a camp on theCoweeman. Wagon, carriage, boat and ho-isej paint, colors in oil, varnishes, oils, lead ew:., at M. 0. dray's, Hi. Helens, Oregon. TRAINS DAILY 3. 3 J.U. Wutts wsa in from rVappowie Friday. He reported business good in the mercantile line. T. R. Maine was in Ht. ' Helena dur ing the week, and tetnoved his house hold goods to Cortland. Miss Delia Harding, a prominent vo-i cilut of MishoiiIr, Mont. Mra. W. F. Slaughter. SALE Of REAL ESTATE. N tJTIC'K ia hereby given, tiiat by vir tue ut an order 01 me the 1 ircuil Uouri or tue HMl wf Ores li. lor rlie Comity of Coliim hi. mivle anJ .uwre,! uu ilje tlh ilMy of Aiiau.t, l'.ict, 111 a ,'HUe ttlieretu Knell r.llu and I. K . Kl I., her hiiabaud, ai.d ay M. Vtanu and W. A. vVaini, tier huauanii. arv plaliiltrT, alei i-ret it. We t. (-omt'ilmm caoed Hen tte.lj, aud Haiti A'ji. Inn ile. ie.lereu-ioni. l Kill uu iiur,iay. Mi nati uy ol iM,,.i,u,N;r. Ii. at 1110 nour ul lu o'clock in fie lureiHiu, lu. Iruut ol Uic court bolide door iu . iisletiM, i:,iiim Ma cuiiul) , Oti'ou, utter ule al ullic auc u,u lo trie hiKUet bidtlr, Hie ioiIowoik oe Mrnlvd rel uttti, situated, in the Couaty of Columbia. ,iHtc ul orou, co-wu: . ! T'. 1 . ' f.i ti panol lite inuolliy lmDcrx.n ana ; At a LUC LlilLK nam VI lUCHl 11 Hhorthorn cattle are iinaluced on the Noon farm, and the cream is now amp- A11 ,., 1 . ... ij , mi Ti im wife t. I.. C. lyiua, ol count) rood run on.... vw- .. tmm M Ueitu, , Korllaud: all 01 the u. It does not cost you any more to travel on uic "North Coast Limitkd" than it does any other train. Try it and your verdict will be an op-to-dale creamery plant on the farm, but at this time it hi found more profitable to ship the sweet cream to j Portland on account of the continuous, urgent demand. The Noon farm con sists of ItSOO acres, and in addition to fs visiting the silo,. hay ami other teed crops, bushels of grain were threshed this Miaa Mar Chalmers retnrned Tneeday 1 year, which will be used lor Iced lor tne from several days vtrit to her parents, cattle and hogs. The Hhorthorn steers near Portland. are all fattened for market, and the Mr. and Mra. N. A. l'errv have re- youirf heilers aie saved for milking pur- turneu irom seasiue, anu -win mate a; ol iJamel we.-oicr ud a Hi: ituu all lue O. i.. i;. ol Mmi-uuii Mt-Kay itud Hut-, lylua wi io ureHNU touuiy rwd riluuuia ir-'-a al Ileivu l.j fortuiiu, in ota-tlule b aiel 7 l.i l- li r 1 m : ai.u laiibi ul .ectluus 1 aud 1 iu lu n, r i w. of .lie nlllami'Ue Merioiuu. alo allul lot Mivtloli 7, l a, f I a . ol lur o illainelia mk liuittii; ao-oali at lul A, lj lug kOolu ol lllti l, to .MMtu.ii i-ake in MX o. Hi u. r I a . oi lue v,lto,i.tell Meiluiuu; ali-o lltt; WV4 ol loa ey4 lilHtr.i. ipllt.lf M- ul lite imumvttc HUlrfU. iwriu.uf hoc: 10 ner cent udjo date of ale, aoo iMiaucv uli Luuuiiutiuo wild uvltteiy ul ufeeti. ialed Ibis IWUda) ul AUS.W, 1'JUS. I., i. n, Heferee. short visit lo Newiairt, Mrs. Bailey, of Htevens county, Wash., is visiting her danrhters, Mrs. W. K. Slaughter aud Mrs. II. i.ender-ton. IKIMNI. Kuiployment is given from 18 to 25 hands ou the Noon ranch. that it will lie largely attended from H. II. timber has returned from his thia section. Uniting on the Little While Salmon in ; iL'. t.l ir.. :.l l... t-.IUilevA B.lnn for Vuiagains in I "" . " "J t.ol . I ; w i n THE WIUCKLE 8TORE HA3 A REPU'A- li-,11 ( I. ng Stan ling for Only the I's'l in -(JEXEKAL MEHCHADISE-- -J 1 Dart & Miickle, luticv dreaa giaxls.clo'hiiif, biaita, shoes, 'aii'e eriarUta, etc. t,iaa giaala, a ,ei-i,iltv. I'ticea, quantity and quality ifitiuanleed. l-rt . . 1. M . fi . V. J.Cnrti...f the Aaloria Herald, la; wey y o. ra.un. ,or aw.. i.e. , iloitis a g,al bnsineaa al Seaside with I M. Firth, of Deer Island, was in town 'the Sentinel. He will evidently have a Tnesday. He is rdng to the hop fields airoitg pull politically at th net elrc-j for a lew daya lor a sort of vacation ti ,n. change. I The little daughter of Mr. and Mir. I Mr. mid Mrs. S. ( Henry went to utaliv tell on iiieniuu-; l', .Marion count v, I tie lirst nl the litiw'a ding store ' wwk. wh-re thev will remain duri'ie nd sulTcted a frac- the hop picking aeanon. lure ul on ami. Stie is r,,givsing la voiably luaard recovery. Owes Hie l.lfe o a Neighbor's kind ness. Mr. 1). P. DaiiBherty. well known throiiahout Mercer anil hiiniiier cotiu tie, M . V a., moat likely .mm his lite lo the kimJncu ol a iieivhuor. lie was ai If. O. Oliver and family and Ed Pace' inoel lioiiely altln led withdiarihoea; and faodlr. of Yankton, left litis week ' was altrinleU by two physicians who up the valley to engage in hop picking. ' gave him little, if any, relief, when A. U. CH AHLTON. Aaaiataiii Oeneral l'asaeii(er Agent iloiiikou ot.f CoiLer wf rihird, l'orilaitd, Oregon. CITATION. iu the (bounty Cuuri ui tue oUu uf Oruou iu HttU iOl" lAtlUitaUJ. WliUI). in tli iiitwif fui iit -au o. Jce l. Guild. io i-tuff (iuihi) Ariustrung, Willtaiu K. OuiiU. iutt! luuttw tuuiu,', tuciCAs, iuuliu; tlatlltea, vutttlieu ut SMkla utxt. cu, ma iwiiiei i. ttsttfi, WlUt.W ul I toe sMlti dWfeUMMi. MUti -urn ut.Jaliiniit iuttttvlril lli twin eaUltV. Ut.f- ilA' 'f UK NAMK OK lilt hTA't ifi UK OKK ttoii: ivu . tienrujr tiieu nJ unju .wa iu miHMu.t in me tuu.i ul tlie oiati ol Uittfcuii, lor (lie wi vMiUHtUt, aline i our t itsuiii lUercvi, x ot.iicjtiiw, iu Usv touaiy ui Luii lAUiat, Jstwiioatv, tne m wy til a ma au- UCr, k'JO-U Ut t it ClWlsa, IU UIC talttruuVU In uvighbur leMriung uf liU seriuus cunui lion, uroujfhl .nui a b -ttle of Clmmber I m it.' Colic, L'holfrit uniJ Umrt hut-it KemtHly, whu-li curtU him in leu than tvuiy-Wur liuura. For aale by nt. lltl triiH l hartiMi v. ' ! TI littlr danyhlVr O L' n W-i kt i-riihiila wnik 1 1 ir-int of !r. " MtilitlrtV tlDHIIttlg ill Nt. Hi li'lH, Orrill . st iu- t- ST. HELENS The Hm uUiiiUrlv meliutr of the VVvaleyau ftlt-t nmliat Ciiun-ii. fur the t re ut wnffreiice Vfar. will ! coiiJut I iwi iii the Evangvhial i-hurvh at Houl lou, rn-gMcmber oth ami tfili. Preacliitu; i&siiuniay injhi, ptute aervice at 10 lo'clotk tSuiuiav iiiorntiik', lolluMtni bv , aw i If 1 la .1 ri ! .a ... t ... a I . C Uu ..,.,1.1 . ' outimnii. )saanMwaea i oritaii'i pa- i orimim, nisu jm-nt-miis ouuwn; uiSsv. Mii nroit the fU'HiiK-r iralUa Tue.-Uny : Ail are cunitauy invueii HC1VERS SALS. In the in-uit Court f the Circuit Court o the oilv ui urcKuu, iui .u cuuuty oi Muituw utu. Gardner K. WiMer, PlmntirT, W. I. Krei, len.Um. BY VJUfLK OK X DKciifcK OK THK tbuve entitled Court, mJe aud entereU wu nit iii Uity ul June, iam, urein it wtu de ore-u in at in aerfiuAltar tleanuci prupvny Do id ret anu ueruui, unuitiu b ottt ub ex criiiuu. 1 win mtu Mua uruptffty m public ktuc- iiou at Uitt euun iiuuj uom ul wutaujbi Couu iy, oiHie ul ortrguu, uu me Atu Ud oj oepuitii uer, tu tne Ut,ur ul iu u vm-e ul uiu day, to i ait; fatKUtsufc uiuner, ail 01 tne riant, title aud uiereH wi Mtiu utaiuuu tuj uvetiaant, iu aud w the luliowiug Ueciiiel rupny: lumineiiclUK at a tiiitr-iucu feaiVkUiitxi iruu piiie f)uuke .tuuieu o tue uutn uuua 01 ibe Co iuiiau liter I uc tuvtu ui Xs,iuier, eouuty ai.u tuut atiuieMtiu, in Mutiuu Sv. lb, ip. No, 7. Nunn ui Mtuaeit, weat, ul the A uisti&etui Jte- riatau, auu uu tue went b-juu-iao Uu ui iu Hifjraiiuiuvr aiiw uu. u u.auc giaaauu w i tt "uury uue ui tne uuuatiou laud viaim tU aUli.llliiraUr Ul aeUUValatt jttllil10M atUU j J.J.anii Mi-s Amy Kmlort vinitcU ! rt'IitivtNf at Wuoillfltui. Waali.. over Sun. Mr. ami lira. K, W. laonch. the eing- day. Thry found their eieter. Mm. tti eiHhafpheta. ',t,'(l erviiBi at Hum- (.'liarlt-a t?ilir very ill. (tin Sjlnrilav and Huutiar nttfhte, and fiiii-lit. iiiorninz t- Htlna. At ; thta uie-iutta, tht (iruhihition evainff liU were Knelint with wi imuaef lMuintt the mouth of Ampul County Unti'iiUi. 'tint tu .tu t. icui e.-44ste t-i raid ue ueaeu ut aiui.llt; auulluu, nui ret.i etie tmii ueM.'riti.a ar luiiuwn, to-wu: i.uuiijeiiciiig -t me cw t'uruvr ul jl, i. 4 A., it. i e til i ill- Mer. mi'i ru.iiti uicuce A. tutoe ii tie f fu lUtint; uu a iiue V1"' ilie line ul s.u -SJI-. n kuk j!t;. hue, o; laiiee 'I .a Uii.t, liieu e . iu 4Uw tine ui mi.ii incut t u i.e o. hue ji m m:c. -i tu me MCl Ul iM'K.lltltli, et' U aaCie IU i.U- i jiuula i iwuii , o..Mu4s. .uuaiitriUiii tariu 1 D JMAC 'atioiitx want pure i ilnt'4 st rc when you fn-sh and rt liable 0 i i Direct from Publisher Regular 25 cent Novels Only 10 Cents f - ---.m.m.m. atsv... I l Clerk Hentleievii receivetl -IMU.i)0 as lees and (rum other sources, apportioii id a. Inllovis: heconling lee, US: erurt fees, fl-JoU; ivdeuipliuu ferlill cates, l Am 'V. The social dancs given in the W. 0. V. hall at Hotillou last Saluitlay luglil, nsa siLseM .oc.allT and oiiieiwisu. lot-all.ur as umler the inainigriucul iiiorning. Mra. I. II. Copeiand and children are visiting her pari-nts, Mr.-and Mra. M. If. Wiles, near Albany. Thev will he joined by Mr. Copelaml, the latter pail of thia week. Kev. V. U. KeU'liain, Pastor Burklen's Arnica aalve. Has world-wide fume for marvellous cures. It aui passes any other salve, lo- ii.wt.t nr IihIiii fur f ,llta. I .urns. Mirs Alice Thayer, of Raipier, was al Hums, boils, sores, t'clona, fleers, Tet .! i,.,i,u Hela" '"''"y- the has ter, salt Rheum, Fever tknes, ChapieU JiJ r-.i. .,.,! . i."1'"" ll'ewhool Hunds, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for . " ..TV-tM .!.,! have charge ol the: piles. Cuie iruarauleed. Only -5c at ul I-rs.uti M. vtHireu. .utinctiuu Sit. 7.4. claim o. 42, i rota wnien saiu pt, .uue a eut hruwjuii tfee tweut tuur i:caea ta diame ter, uer; uwrtn Ucreea wet 67 liukx; tniie Ujilu U ueim cm.-i i.ju cutu tu luw water mailkiu seud river, tuetui a, itie Culuiuei river ui Iu wuiei wra m eain tu a uunu u( riMKBUii tfaeuutii uaua ui muu tirer; theinre Mutn Utieieei Hi 1-4 rutis tu a stake; lUeut-v iu a nettteny cuurne tu a siraight hue to tilt lIlLkfMH'tl'Jil Ol Mili htt-ftL ills 1.1 KM 111 (i,i4.M. Bttu-' u"u aHUtl cliui f -t. Harrcu at a puint U 14 iitd t.Uff..uiet'i.Mud, inaecuuiMsaanalilu . .j ... V.U. ... ukS.aUiUK, d..,H. 4 veui me wu., -e.. iu ..miau.,. 1 lucuc,r " Welefn buuada; liu hu.. I'sti i K u.uf j u.Knuetl U)e; fraucu ii. barren UU rocto w ul iaiu Set:, ii. sacu4 lot a inereot. aim an : r". i t ie S. Woi nui,, ii. tiatii u.e oi t..e ! "K'V" puAituuiii i..ereiu, im u ut tue a ui me ; 14 4 U. aMIU M.tlluj at pit mil' MUCtlUIJ til urn tlieretrt tk l ue-et ) tu ,mjr illl UUBiillaAeU. ' ' iMviu-iii,) 'wis, ssu ...o,c..u. ...ou.r.l.l. J M Jul1.-eof,'c":u .' appllaueeol evry kiuu aoa toy cuuuty i uun ,i Hie su.te ol utc-tu, iot tti ol Jack l-aiutwraoii, lieoigs lieaver aud i primary department. j J hn Ijiuila-rson. I ied hv Min Jennie Slav Wood, ! IVer I - Charles Wallia. of Yankton, went over Inn.l, and Kdgai Hiaiuh-y, of Cornelius t0 ,,e Kichartlaon place on the " i erc mairwd at the holue ol the a jgton side "I the nver Monday to uar ' parents last fatutdav. Justice It. P-ivesthav. They teok along a wagon ami latkins ofticiaieu. osij s res ioiiwu Uorscs, St, Helena Pharmacy. gnrsls were pnseut. I lr.C K. Ik-.. .1... ..... HI A,., t, Ii.. liMin fit. t t . 1. 1. ...... I or inn (wbi iv - fciroui o a", f - .. , , ti.., it,, mi, to sitia 1 1 ,iint rr .....r.1,.1,1., iwiniirs from Knsli Mettuai lallon returned Tuesday where he grail iinieu iiu Drugs and Patent Medicines rerfuiiu-ry, Toilet Articles, i -.. ,i... ,.itr.i..,- ..... ... it. i. li..,i u reutlv hao re- IVteils lia.JrT-tt ,uii,.,j i lonege. i-i. . - . . , 1 The chan, tMk place lud.lenly, and ,iVe.l a diploma from the niednal oe I ii haa Ueu l OleoT Mrrgreai iuieicsl ly nartineiit uf th University of Orvgon. lh. old setllety1iu4ir.-s the opiu-. Kiee a (Jrand Arniv veteran, of I ion thantie plunouieiioii w.cauii hy ', .::,':' John Sax- j.iHtctiinl neat. DR. FENISER'-S KIDNEY and Backache CURE ciudiin titat eertuu water nai neieubefore acquired b Juoepu nuiub iruiw a. 1. oubbtiu,' t ailii AH nUlt.AiiJj. UbairVsAn. aUl. builk hoUa-Sa s cimiiut i Bawium uuiAaii.g auu luaefeiuerjr tbereia Luullt) ul i. uittuiUi. Mitli tlm M-ai ul auit Cuuft ilUJkCl, till -,li UHt JUlv, A. if-, t-U-a. AkitM. ii. tMk..ue.Lji, Clerli. Erv.l uf iheCuunty Cuur. ! vuiuiuuia School Notes. SUH SOUS. lu the Circuit Court ol the Stale of Ores" a l.i ih. t oittiiy ui t ulunibia. b. i. Kalria, 1'Uiutifl. vs. LctAla I' Kaiuria. PDdanL Tu UMlia B. Kaliuta, Uiieo,lant: IS Tilt SAJtK OF 'int sfAlr. ( oar. sou: You re twreUy resuiroi to apta-ar a,,., auoicr tb touipiaiut liw u,..rf you iu thtt stotu .mine, --.-u iuit at-es III. 0a' l me Him 1'Ufl ealxU ol tli.Uu.- u OUk: frV)C ll Mtlti SU.UtUUMS UMMUtf bMTil i.nlru.l . r i utuuatluu l J.o. 1-wli. vouul.v Ji,,,K ol Coluiutiis t otiut) ,i 111. l)-u Oat u. votutl. iMui, and jou sr. hereby uotn,.o tlut li,.ul,ill .o afinar au.i aur u me sata comptuliti ou or uv.ere the ia,i u.v oi isto ber, l.M. th. iiUmiln will -iny loinelo " w I . rel.ei lliwiem t-uiuauueu. ,o-wll: it at l.' uulttls ol liiatriuiouy .X'.llllf bslaieu .UIIlllfl auu ti.l.u,. slit D u.:oitwt, auu wi Mica fur ther orJ.r aud utt-re. u. lo 111. tourl iua &c.ta I r ir. U.t. uf nrst pnbltcaiion. Aurihi 21. 1903, I'.ieot wvlid publicanon. t't I. "J. ltWS. A. i. AM.voN, Aiiutuey tor uimif!. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS All dlaeaass of Kldn.ya, ladder. Urinary Orcaaa. 1 ton, al anSton. r. ui . achs.H.artDlseass.Oravsl. liianiedbv Allwri Saaiop, oi rypop.y, remaas irouoiea. nn i-onntv. Mr. tree linn not mt-t ui I con-ins, the Sixmu uros., i"i i i timi u..,.,. County Siirinieudcut Copeland has aU yeara. : Vaa'a'Sat a ISTme'eurlng belli VeiV htisv lor Hie l two weeks i , , r Cl0.lf-ev returned canes as yours. All consultations schools ill ihe various m-iiuiu. .,.,,. from ,wo week's visit ..Iv"" i i'Ukkeas. on .hk jttm DAV or JCLV. I ... i,V.1.i.i.e,i. ami report an einoa- ; ., Imu, of kltln.v disease for years , , v i o .---- . . . . , , - ... ....4 ,u ..i.t.. ... 190 iMiunds. I BOW ASSESSOR'S KOTtCE OF MEETING CF BOARD VF EQVAUZAIIOH. t)lies. A Im,ip of Writinil S Plain and Uecoratctl Crepe Paper, l'tc. ut the couuly. He hsa oeen in me i-ow- iVaiiriaeu. Snd report sn enjoya iu .elilt ii. coiiiiu; nils ea. i hie trip Mr. and Mrs. liodirey had a i Miss Knhv Jackson, o( Kaiiiier, ule-noniit visit with his older Uiother, Veil e.etlio' principal ol the lioultou 1 jg ,m,rin the coast from Georgia. I school, ami Mias.ltaigarel llreilhaupt, ol j T)f . ,ll the gnmd enenmpment ; loiilmitl. tniciier ol tne iiim..iy Uejmrt-, ( . lirand Arniv oi the Rt-imblic. llieiil. tlay I mm mm au V ur i M. C. GRAY Dealer in CRNERAL MERCHANDISE 11(1011. XUTIoN l.ltiH K III KS IKK I desire to say that I would like to do business with every person in Columbia County. My policy is to handle honest good, at honest prices, and it affords me much pleasure when I fed that my pa trons are get.' their money's worth. Missi l.neie K. Peterson will close a tviiu 1 1 rcliool "I lwr Isiautl toiluy, aiul win pronaliiv accept all oiler to tieg u a Uirio ol s, hoot al t olumtna I ii) oue wvtk litnii neat Alomiay .Vuoil one auiiouL u-tti'licia lor tue, i"'l ol "" onl-v otaire lo moiilii teiius, ..avin had ihe l'helit of ilmu uioiitii. lernia in Ihe spiiug. ,s. K. Faxuu ia leaching; lh IVris M IIIHil. term i .. v , itiiiit. : ... ii,. IkikiiiImIi "'"a'wii t lH,l were paiiicipuo.. ' "V. i Kr sain bv i.i i...l tu t ha v -itora. Ihe vis- ror sate oy : r. ivn irea car and host rides also B:iil y ...ti nnima of iiiterest and every at- cli.utls at iloulton. i..n ... showered noon them. Mr. and Mrs. Uodirey aUo made a short trip ,.. V. eio. la I . a-r. vnatnry ...fYUHUt .M.ti ,f Luinav rtlseaH. and reduced In walaut to 190 pounds. welali 1W n-iunds. rt W.ll. McUCGIN. Olive Furnace. 0." Drurajsta. 5V. t. Ak fwcoolltrts. ST.VITUS'DA rt, Helens Pharmacy, & ltrinn, gencritl mei- SUtili ' ." . " , . i . ... ,h,.t half doaei. school, are still : th.t the rust la.l leiin. it was witu cure enougii to cv an.. .ula I. Lewis haa hi gun a ' ol rchiHil ul .Neei Cn.v. ! The CiHlsi school bignu last ! JJouday with J. il. Collins us principal, laud Airs, uerirmie Collins, Alias Ala ry I Ticnenor ana Alise Ovuiioiucr as graue ; teui liois. ST. HELENS, OREGON Fearrul Odds Agalnal Hun. Bediidden, alone and deal'uute. Such, in In icf was the condition of an old sol dier bv nam of J. J. Hsveus. er- ;il... fk hnr rears no was uouiocu I with Kidney disease ad jieijlier doctors ' nor UHtllcnies Hve nun -i. leiKth he tried Electriit Hitters. It put hint on hi feet in Blun t order and now , ho testitiea. Ttu n the road to coin nlete reioverv." Beaton ear, h for Lit- ! e .... i . ..i.i... ...,l .11 f.,riii. of e. ainl MUliey iroitoic - ... Stomach and Howel Cuip amts. Only Tad Sollce-ror Sl 5(V c.uaranteed by St. Helens Phar- l hereby inter or sule my north half luacv. ol the Itlll acres iu section iM, township I A n, r 2 west, eoiisii.tmg of HO acres. Tli ,0 j0j Be. d This as HO Ad, iin.ia r and land goes logother lor MJU. I , .,...:,.... vouraelf bv eeeiliil the 1 would caution the purchaser ,l14 ,, vra., Itui'i' Huits worth oW , tareutl that he pays the right person, for , . M (.(t ,,.;, U( Mo . rtso a lull 1 have not authorised anyone lo take J itov.,' Mines at 1.5J and 2.0tl, : any money, All money will have to be ( 8lN, Ul01.e Plewlira. W Kva o i paid ml" the Camwlia" U"s ' :"" ,eVerv purchaser oi n pair of elioes one' o.erce. IVrtiHtitl, and there yon will get j i.t wrud e,,f lloTS' Ho- Iree ol ! Face Was Always Very Pale and Thin. Nervous Prostration Faint Spells. Dr. Miles' Nervine Saved My Life. There is treat aater in a run down con- I 'f lutin. .ii ortlt r Hae dulv luaue aut etiteseo bv ihs? Cuuinj Cuun enteiKiinK't' umeior the reiurn nt the a-t -... ui mil lor the e-tr il .it i f the nri Mtmtiav hi iieitiber, iri3: Nut thrreiure Smier U bvrebj Kiveii. tliel ; iiian the tir-l jUun lav id Orc.iuer to-wit; tXl - . ber .V h. liivi. ih. hoitnl ii Kin-liraiinu will ul-, lei.d at i he ..flit ui tue Coumr t'lerk ol Coluiu i bia itMimy, OrvKoo. ami itibik-l e.uiiiine lha HeM(meiil rullf. ana runtt i all errui iu uiiou, tleMrrlptiuiit, ur tiUHlliie uf Und or ' M her irviih. Iiuied at iu o;ftc, tliU d.d d iy of Sepieiul.-i , A. T. I.Att'8. County Assesir. j tu ;v i n;. lKtnrtiuent of tl:e Inler'or, t l.llttl Elates land t-lTW. iik-.u Cn.v, tJrvaLit Je lsw VM'KKIUKXT ruNTEriT AKKU'A VT bin nit ifttu iile-1 In Hi if utlirt- by Aunt M. MhrH), tfi.nivAid. MMiii'-f HbiiiemertileiHO N. 11.4.7. ma e Narcb i'iih, lSlr fur ihi tie'n I v. 4. au.i lou I ami 'J. e tioii :tl, ir i u, r;f o .tfwl,bv Hete r Keeu. uunu.nro. in ii i I ailt'tietl thaiCuntfHiant i- well cqiiHintl with irtu't s-i l.'iiu iimi "knows (He ieeut euu t uitiun .f 1 tie wmr; nlwt ihm Mtid refer hi-vb i ha v holl v Mtihiitiwue i wild hotm-MfHtt lur tie (, and inuif Imm ai. That he uever n.ade i ) ltupm enu-n.-- i ur natl anyune d ( ntin alto m i ven;y ueiie ur !"'- tuaractei bttutti;, lu amid mill and luacbtBerv uxvd iu er uuut tu -mu, ua exeeutiUK therj iioiu a ceriaiu tiact ol iiaDd tiicrviotore and u ihe th-Uay ultcWbtr, cuiiveyed by Jv Mfph uiitU uui fiiarat a. cuiiih, hut wile, K. B. uiith and Kuaeua ouiitu. uu wile, anu K. T. itiuiili uiiu ia auitu, hi Mill, grantort uuto W . fc NctviuL-, auu lurber KJseeptiDn a eer uiu riirbt tt ttay and atrip ui land cunvaied oa lliti istu dnjr ui reuiury, iivti, bv Joaepii aaiia end Daiaa t. suitui, bia wue, aud K. t. bmittt aud Ko&euadiiuih, hii. wiie. and b. T. atith auu idu tuiit-ii, Lii wue, unto the Aetoria A Cu liimbia Kitur ICminuau CumpKuy, aud iurther e-e.iug aud t.-i iun un.u tiourge W. uiitb. Aiuanua I. MutMi, ami orah A cmith, a paixai o. laud d.ri xU a tolluwn: Cou)ii;eut ins at a uui.t ou the aforesaid right ofw.joi ttie AiorU A Columbia Kiv.r KauruMU uui(ati? watch aid poiat ol befia mug i .iuu teet iruiu ;Ue ,tet I mo ui aid lrau ci. M M trren UuuaUfn taud emiui in toiuu. . bi,t cuuiiit, .d oregnii; runniug theava Miutbweieri tant a, ju,,e ataltai wltu tbe aaiu ct ii tic m uie wud Warrvu uoohuub taad rkuiw tu the tract oi laitu nnd bereiuuoiorw de eMrribeti; tbeucw ueieriy aiung the fcouthfly , hut ui the tian t ut laud heneiu urt usjtcnbMl le i the wtt liu ui tbo duuatiuu laud ciaitn of ! Francis t. Warrtu, thui-e Uxutavriy alone the i tat line ol :aia duuaiiun laua tdami ut Mid 1-rauei M. Wariatt tu a puiiu where aid wa.1 lri iu Mtid uuuauuii taud wiaim luiervaete Mid ' south hue of tue riKhi m way ot tne Astoria 4k Culumoia Kittr Raiuoad i'uuiiiuiiy ; theuce tol j low ins easterly along ibe soath line ol said tiKht ui wa ut muu AsUna 4i (.ulumbia Kiar tiailt'sati tumuauiy tu die pUt uf be((inntua Tiiyvther wiib ail Ibe buildings, macbinery nd ienouat progeny ui evay kind and d- tiHluu brrtuiore belnrrgtug atrd i-oinftrttfihg a part uf uie miil nUnt 01 the tiainir Mill dt Ljiuuvr t. uuiiDtuy, at naiuier, celuinbi ctuuii) , Uivun. VAt'tftiiiK aiuue tue luutuer iu iu me mill yaruoisaid plant, l-atcu at t urtia.Ht, wre&un, Ai.K'ist 25th, Jftt. b. 0. cKiLKu, Kecditer lur Kaiuter Mill A Lumber t u. hQmS FOR PUBLICATION. lep !rtiiivut of th. Interior, Land Ulhce at ureii t ity, Oregon. Aueut i, &Q3 0T1CE IS HKRKBY GIVEN THAT 1H Mb'Witta-iiHUitru awltlei iiaa nlvd uuiii-e ol hi inttjiiliuii tu iuaij nutl prouf iu supaott of hut vlatin. aud tuai said filial j.rcl will bw 1 uiad bture KKturaud ket-eiver at Oiegua t iu.Uieguii, ou .Kepttubi lain. Utti, via; KHAN K. O. OAKKIiSON. : H. K. No. us', lur tiie t ractiuuai awof see- ! turn it, tf ii. t liw unities (lie following wttnesnos to prora i hia cuiiuiiuniu-rvsideiico upon and enllivafiuu oi said laud viz. c i. Ayrea. John Ulmen. ; Ki.kiU n, ore;iu; Leopolu Dupont, Valley, Or ' eguit; iUi t.. tjdrrisuii, Purtiaud, , " a-U AUiaKixN , ivKiur NOllCK Tt CKKDITOKI. NOTICB e hereby fiven that tli nn i.e iuei haa bVcu, bv the Hull, I, B., JtiM9 of the Count j V unri oi the Mate of o it-sou for the t onutv uf t olainbia, appaiutad tj.vti mux ui hue eaiHte ot JCve neoar.ca1, sr., tttt:ueni aiMiu 'Hiti luud. and ihttt suid aiWged ( u.ctati. Any and all pTMin.' batisg claiiue nbetHe inun ttiv ati.i uuu was no nur " auHiui taia ,a.e UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A rAMIUV LIAV The Bast in Current Lituraturs U COMflfTt Novel Yt MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPtnS ON TIMKtY TOPICS $2.00 run : 28 ot. co NO CONTINUKO STORHS (venv NUMwcn eotw"tTi iw itstti . ma. rri tr T1 1 A. . .1. - Ihe Ktflil Vim (iaiAlwrS 8(WCM BignsUm ef deed for the timber and laud, aim no other place. .No limber is to be tutor taken off the place until the money has been paid Into the bunk lor me. Tuts is a snap lor some parson . i.i-m Von win ant, re -intw tiro nu i when you see them. John- Oellar, cor nci Flint nl Vanillin, Portland. ditiin. Overwork, mental stiain, the caret and worries of business and the home, all have a deleterious effect upon the nerves, which in their devitalized condition readily fall prey to the attacks of disease. Aside from the danger there is no condition at tended by so many dit;reeable symptoms; sack at loss of appetite, indigestion or nerv ous dyspepsia, headache, tired leenng anu .m,ili.,.t in the Armv. Nsv, or Marti,. C ,i of II, e l idlwl siute. ,. a prlvats .ldler, ! oi er suiininnor intritte. dnriua ih. war ami spii.ii. to iUiiiib ant ither r in allien in. j lniltl fttiteMitav he etiguae'l " Ki-I I partiosaie lierel.y loitiHi-ii to a -pen r, re sl'on i an-, utter e idvtu e iMtieliiua wtio .olei-'a- ' lion at loo 'I- ok a. in , ou a t.ibct iil.i, -. o ln.r i nil Kfcelte, 1.1 ui. Mi.t... I iintl i, a,,-, iu tueu, n I hr. Ihett it. l I ho sitld cetiie..,, nl lo.t mil. lo proper aHi- i dstll. tiled AiiKit-t lull. Via. wt loillt lucoj a hlt li slmw Ihsl sfler one oilin.i" "erwiitiil I serv ee ,.f 'ills notice cauii,,i !. nne:e. Il i io" ' I iv on civil and eiiiecied Ho,t seeh in lice Le at due suil urt-r puliliCHl ou. , ; .vl.i.i-.liNii.N o- II, KeirMer. ate li.ieiiv req,ored to pre sent in. sauie, tei'iiied mccuo'Iiik to law. at -be ontce vi h.. e. u,urt m m. tieiena. iirxuu, ariilnii sin inouili,, irtiai lit. d.t. hr.ot B. t. Ilk.MlHU'KH, AiliiilniNtrHtrix of tlis hlais .1 Jims itsud rlc... .sr., ilt''v-l. 1 u .Ion. Dre.tiu. Jlllv ;Jlll. !'.!. NOTICE FOA PUBLIC IT IQH. DAVID W. COPP. !vnU4 Kyi. ! 11 v uu; Cur.W Croaainir, Chii., Ang. 20. 190! Iledp'sA linlloaiiy, O.cgont'ity, wi'l f, i lue piiuts of niiy t-wusI'M' thia disifici. ' has Dart A Miickle have received a com i.tet., line o mens' clothing, langmit ! nu n T.f0 ' t"' ; l eoi. Call and inspect and Olson's Shingle Mill Burned at Kaimer. Obon A N irdbj'a big shingle null to gether with their to the gioiit.d Sl'El'IAI. 50TICE. The ateiimer, 1-ainli IMXiin, ...... r...ves ft,r (lak Point I tie sti-iiii",, '. . w, changt'J to the suininer schedule. Nil liianaiu i . , y H1. H o'cha-k. ....i..., iiinirs al ngs .... no. .n. - , I.rHVfri rorintii'i I'm '-- - !'tin iiiHTu..s.lay and Thursday ven ing. at rt o'cl.H k.;. Imvm I t'latHksnie on Wednesday ami r Hduy CASTORIA For Infanti and Children. Tht Khtd Yon Havi Always Bought Beau the 8natsirs of sawmill was burned . Weduesday night. Ilie I lire started in tlm dry house about 10 ( 'p. in., but la'fore the Hames eotild la due t firo broke out in the mill; aud ' sverything W.8 buniul to the ground, ; locu ting 1 ..(XI ,000 shingles. The loss j heiivy, a d ou'y pint of it was covei r I by insurance. The mills are stiid j ,o nave had a payroll pf from X'A to i $100 per tlay. It is probable that they I will lie rtbuill. J lost of ambition together with the agony of sleepiest night tpent in lojntj resuessiy alaiut, only to rite exhaustetl in the morning Dr. Milet' Nervine it a true nerve tome ... : l. Km .1 .....k.n..n , V. . n.n... r.,nTM( t.ith'.mt.nniti-sncf brills tweet sleep. ' .iturdajs, Urrlnuiug Jul. lllk. "For tixyeart I suffered almost constantly i)r)ljnjg p,t dav Jnlv If ih. the v from a complication of troublet which culmi- . , , A -& VK K i,,,,,. psOTW !"' " " from indigestion and nervousness. As it so Jeve'v t-aturd.y for the summer s.a.oii, often the case in nervous prostration 1 Ire- soil those desiring I" remain in lori- 3uently had weak, fainlini spells. D tors HII, after the moriiino nH: tins llep:tit- id not help me. They said my bliaxl was Hi,m,,( P.,VM p,,riiai,i on the port- very poor, and I know my face wai aiavs ,H111,.i.-ill M,vr depa-'img f.. ... i: n VJFJSSS. ji"" lT.-rve,,;N..,t,..,l,.v a, M p. I felt stron er than 1 had in years. My j in outer Pi teach home on Ka.ur.lay. neighbors in Puyallup, Wash., where 1 then lived will testnv to im. i aiw uscu s".n: oi Pr. Miles' Restorative Tonic and Ant. Pain P,U. 1 hilieve the Dr. Miles Remedies saved my life." Mrs. J C. Dkneuict, Tuck er, Utah. All riiiTirisr. Ki.l1 and guarantee first bot tle Ur. Miles' Remedies. Send lor free book on NVrvnut and lleirt I i -eases. Addrsst Ur. Miles MeJical Co. cokua.t, Intl. iliop.riiii.nt et tli. lat.rinr. lsuo Ollic. si tirtgou l ny, HrejoD. Juiy It. laoj. NOTIl'K IS IIKKi.HY I.IVl.N lllal TUB followiug nam.,1 sstiler has Sl.d uoilce o( ul in.entuti, P malt, finl primf tn support of his claim, and that aitl prttot will lie matte b. lore lite Heisler sa,l Krceiter al Oregon t'lty, ore,u, on pie..,or ith, ltja, viz: tt.M.t.l a. Btiitta. ' II. R. Nn. I .',3 , lur ll, .., of seeiion 17, t I Sa Krsnine Train Frim I'ortlitud on " riaest. v r.rrning i ram t. ., ,,,,. inn,,.,... .o,,., io ,.ni.. lits t'liitiiitiuiii reslo sue. iiiia antl tnilttvatioa ,,f nam ta,io. vix; tv.ti.Vio.Kl., fc.. A. Moalioa. ,. .i, MfUoiialo, of Anoalts, tir.fna. and "iau d ' s ittlt. oi l oitisiid. iireioti.. AL'.Hi.soN .-. DKRsaKK, Kef-siSr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. K'I'I A''S Tal u es Dtiflnrs rind A imhsI prei-criplion For mankind ih. ft r. nt put ket Is .nnnsb for usl rcraslnns .he lamliy I t, n I. (PO eviits) f ntau a Jsai's Mil ph. All drug. oit sell ihrui, i of th Interior, Laud Ollire si ortfuii i:lly,Orenn. ' Julv is. !'.;, NOTICE It! HKKEBY tilVKN HAT 1MB lullotvllia-ltailled t-elller has tileil antic. I o. his intention to utake tiusi priuif ut tapport of his Ola, ul, ami lllal said pro-,1 a'i'l be mads , la-fore ihe neiter a,ui Hec,-lvsr si Orsgou city llr.Rou, ou .pllllllr A )l'0J. m: i V 1 I.I.I AM ... I. WOODS, 11. F. No. l.MSJ, for ihe nut ol seetina S4, tp 4 l n . r 4 went : I He names the following wituesMs lo prir. . liist'ouuiiuous rnileiiee aK-n aial ciiltitatiea ' ttisnld land, lit: H. b, l-nlrlt, fc'l A. Moulum, A, .ti. lionalii. ol AiumSM,Oreaou, snS Iraua Sutilh, ol I'.ir.isnd. t.reaon. i AUit-aAow a. ostbetEk, Htgisttr,