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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1903)
ORJ;:0()N; MIST nmered mt the l'(i:lliv at Helen, Oregon, a" secmi.l-elass until matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPFR .pi. .-ILL . X... I J..' L-l HUU.a Isauitii Kvkhv Fhihay iv KSTKU.A li.UillKRT, Kuitok and Paopairrou. Young Plants SCAPPOOSE. Small Pralt are I'refltaMe lantbl (ttaty. In ( SfBSCKtrTION PULE: One copy one yenr, in advance. . . Kix months September 4, 11)03. Arrive! i,hi lttc for Uat wek. Mi t. Juhn JoIiiimiii is quite ill at Iter Everv farmer It now? that T Vf"'- ucry iarmer Knows tnai M.-.. b. w. Ki.her, of irtlnd, and some plants grow better than sin, w. M.Atee. f rcom, am others. Soil may be the same u"ir ,i!,,or Mr wiiiiam Fam-ii. I"lnri m-v pfm thi nma M re. Mary llainco. o( Portland, was ana seea may seem me same ivi,i,inK lrji, h..e this week. : DUt Some plants arc WCaK ailU j . W. or. onor is veiling friend, at ; led attention, but Hie pok.ihilitics are nthrrs strnntT i lansyeue. 0. Tht climate and mil of Columbia county i admirably adapted lo the pro duction ol sitinil frnim, mid it has been abitnna lly demonstrated that straw berries tan be grown here equal, to the Howl rlvrr article. Howe ver, III cul ture of small liuiU ha received but Inn- ai. ..a., ai... ...... .11.001 i-iuu iiuu utc way wiui ,Uvj ,hu wwk w children. I hey are like young 'Hot. -r nlants. S.imo fnrvrl. s.m lmmr ' 0. K. Khode i ' glial. Mr. and Mr.. K. Wiekerahnm spent a, T(, fo,wing tAktu from h tlit va I It u t m visit in mvii itil i m Yl.lllllg fvUlIld now the an the Pacific Noithneat: i 1 . i , iooii, iiMviiiv e-nrei uie mace irviui r. tllliw v.IIV Mil. ttvrilit; fclVMV UIJJ j Holme, This paper is kept on file at the Ore gon Press Association lCooin 9. ton building, I 'on land, Oiegim. 1 1 THE BASEBALL TOURSAMEST. Tli ere should be a reorganization ol the ruleg and methods of holding base ball tournaments in Columbia count.. These annuel tournaments should b controlled by a board composed of residents and cltirens of the various Strength and stroner while others stav i wb cm11 an1 woilr Several of the (rieitdi of Miss Venna Small ana weak. Karrell gave her a urprie partvlatt bCOtt S fc.tllUlS10n Offers an ! W.lnmly evening. easy Way OUt Of the difficulty. ,A lnfe delentlon of rVappooae pH 'it ' i r. J i pie vmitid the rliviii this eek. Child weakness often means 1 w,lwlm Ml Ki om of U o(1, Starvation, not because Of lack , re.ident. ( rapiooe, is critically ill rf f,w? 1m. f V.-nncA tl.n f,,l I at his home here. does not feed. Scott's Emulsion really feeds and cives the child crowinsr towns and localities, so that they could be conducted on business principles. At future tournaments it will likely be found necessary to change the rules so that the contesting teams will be com posed entirely of local players. Thk present method of securing outside ex pert players is not altogether satisfac tory. While teams composed entirely of local players would not give the au ditors expert games, as can be madt possible by the addition of outside ex perts, the work of the tournaments would be much more satisfactory. Under the present order of things, the baseball club that has the longest purse may prove the prize winner. In otrer words, the teams that can afford to secure the greatest number of out- Whatever the cause of weak ness and failure to crow "Th fact that a tln-rry or. haul i a profitable industry ba been dvmou- wlio has gone to Whatboiu, itrate.l by C. Muyger at bit farm near Mayger station, i'olnnibiu county. He baa altogether 1,VK) trees. King ami Royal Atitirt, ri year old, which re nin, a net profit of $2.,'i0 per tree, or 360 per acre of (M) treca. The prollt on tli. whole mi nlier yearly Is $yr.A. ' "A 'sm:iir farmer living a few in lira tr..,., i..., I. n.i .7... i. ...I H. ., it. i ,. . , iriniM. blink hi, ni-i . O. Hanson, of La (iraitile. Or., baa i iko ... ..,r i... m .. i . i.i .1 . T,,rv"M",.1,l.ll IU X, IT IIIUHITMT pu.-cha.ed the Adams ranch on Ra-1, .,,, He uianawa hi. pla.-e In a sv." nona creek, and will improve the build- wniullc wiv , milkfl, , ,, ings thereon ami make it hi. perma-Hfn. a profit Instead "f littli or nenthome. nothing. Hon. Aleiai.der U Kotlett. r.. flagey n .loing a business . who farms it a f.w miles brio Salem, ; at his blHckMiutli shup. Mac- Scott's Emulsion seems to find it and set the matter right Send for frr sami- Srott k Bow. clHmia, juo Pr.rl ., New Tork 50c mmX 1.00; all drucaula. Judge t'leUnd.j of the circuit lor Multnomah county, ha. dowu a decision, which is in eHV-ct that the county court has not legal auUiority to settle or compromise delinquent tax claims. j Water cure for Chronic I'uiiatlpatloai ; Take two cup. of hot water half an ; hour belore each meat and just belore 1 I Koing to bed, alo a di ink ul water, hot ! or cold, about two hours alter each meal. ;Take lot. o( untdoorexercite alk,nde, court ! drive. Make a regular habit of tin. and i mad. oim third of an acre of Uiirau ber ries yield hliu 800 urates, which brought him H60. (oiiip farm r cet praetically nothing from the sauie tiad piec. of Sroand. Why the ditl'.ren.-e? One oe. things, t ha other di- not." A Itrauarkabl. Hreoril Crtamlrlain' Cough Kciueily The Northern racide K.iilrtu.d Com pany returned the click of 1UU0 paid br the Elks for the eieorxUm train 1,. Olympia. The comnanv also ia settling I as carrying far the ; mutter into the cour . LI. 1 wi.ii ui viciiin. 01 me acciumi siae expert piayers, stanus tne cnance j practicable, without or becoming the winner. If the personnel of the contesting teims were confined to local players, t!.ere would be more strenuous prac t!re, more teams would enter the eon fst, and the attendance would be much larger. 1 Shorthorns, aU- have There should be a distinct nnde. and there i. certainly abundant otnior- bns a loin.tnl ' "' many cases chronic con.tipation uiay : -aikahle recoid. It lias tven 111 use UWIiUCU , , ;., ..... .. . . ' r i.i.i. a.i 1 .Inrin,. u lili'll tltllM ue cur.-u wiinoui tne ua. 01 auv 111e.ll- 1 ' '.' .- .., - - cine. When a purgalite i. required take i '. unlliou bottle, have twn sold r.oivtliiio mil.! n.i iinl lik i'i ; and used. It hat long been the slan- berlain'a Sumiacb and Liver Tablet.. nJ "in reliance in tb. trratment i tor ule by .-"t. Helen. I'tiaruiacv. ' croup in thousands of hmne, vet dur-1 ! ing all tbi. tim. no cane hai ever been n'portcd to the iiianufactiuers in which it failed to filled a cure. When giyerr' toon as the child become 1 hnaia. or even as ooii as the crimpy cuigh ap eart. it will prevent tb. attack. It is leasant to take, many ctiintren like 11 Tried to Assiissinato Vival (lout KooscvcU. An attempt was made to atauninat 1're.ldeni HoiMieell at tKatcr Hy on the evening of September lt. The woiild-lie Miiwin gave hi. name " Welnbrenn.r, II was imtniilialely selseil by ae.irei-ser.lce men ' li'l in a He .rimsl with a revol ver, of Which every chamlier was llllcd. ta The Baseball Tournament. The Umihall tournament at Kaiuier lait week reattltid In a aerirs of tie game, (or the (lire, roiit.oting teama, St. Helen., Clatikanie and Kaiuier. Tlie cup ami champlonablp still renmins with the Clatakanie tram, on account of the tie'iip condition. The contenting teams were all more or les lirltwd out by linHirtl player., a custom that Iim gaina.1 prentige at former tournameiita. Ijint year the V.rnoiila team was the only one that rrprrented home tali lit entirely. This aeaaon Itiiirirr hail Mairinnis, tb. ciai k AIIhuiv pitcher, and the St. Helens team, I'alili, of thvgoii City, Hi. pitcher for Kaiuier at lat jenr'a tour nament. The 8t. Helens team wa aa ii. ted by (i. i:. Jai kenn, Kd Uulhigh, Jiw Briguuia, I'ele r'liimlHiine and Harry MclVrmoit, of th. Catlilamet Sun team. Outside critic, claim that th. Iieat gome oiihe aviir. was plat 1 Saturday uioruing between St. Helena and Ciatt kauie, th. .cote standing n to I. ELY'S CREAM BALM The MOst Satisfactory C: A T A R R H and HAY IK VER Remedy and Cure. It Is for sale by all local Itcgiilar Mine, WV per Untie, Kamilv SUe, II. UU " " Liquid Cream Balm for ti e in alamitert, 75 cents. Will Ih' mailed at lb. abn.e pi ica by ELY BK08., 5rt Warrm8t, New York City. N Y. PUOFKSStaWii luix.vniu ny i. W I'AV ATTOi tlfltra llr.l ,lm,, 1,, I W. a. ni,. . II' HI. IIM.kmvoi u,.V,Tw Vlli;ptat tlre In any ,.,, hut,wrA ml. la rmirn ulh(ll iltneral iirarln Jj... Air.i. .tnuN tirn.k N. ...... a, h, n4 W. C. Finthor, K.UMKK, , , ,.;ij()! ' CiHOKCiK A. II Aifr XT. IIKI.KNH "K(10!(. America's (neatest Weekly I I mm Keal Estate TrauNfers. Frank II Haycox lo Mary K Burt ; ! ol aw 4 ot M!C o, 5, i, Aaruu J auu M.ume t rvcliy to George ; A l.riun ; ea.l 6tt Ice I od let 2-', blink II, 01., rM. Junu King lo Jocob 11 King; nwof re li, 6, 2, 2,tKU. Jowpn t, auu fjiinie 1. Hall to Ciia. l.Oll.L- Irai-U HI J h &:i?lill III the Scappoore neighlwrhood prom-i ui 01 Uiego.i 10 n A Cusick ; se'4 mem oSuiyincn uiaka a spei-ialiy" of f of m 18, 4. 3, 7dU 60. raising thowngTbrrd,attlo, The Hoi- I ,u"e u Mrci U Cusick ; tein, Krietian, Hwrfordefsey. and " 3'. 7f..,...u men v.mutyjioiiB, iracu 10 1 Vtaggulirr U 1 c, I4m. kaid M ki.Kf. et ux, pi It contains tin opium or other harmful I ub.tatice and may be given as coutl-, drntlytna baby aa to an adult. Kor ale by St. Helens l'liirniacv. i Planning about the division of the eate tumtv to demonstrate the iiiri.,,t " rarr: ne--4 ui tei ot m rr. ..(,., T .. , e, T T l J 1 ..I 1 i ' . 1 J I , - 560. , v . i,a. i. ot lum , C,K cmpunwc. fcUandUra.tUTich.ner to ll.rvey sate receipts with other teams, but uienu ; tract in I n agguuvr d I c, stso. Rainier refused to return the compll The annual baseball tournaments are! Jam, tjumu U S S onion; buntn.g mrnt this season. Icoumiendable. inasmuch a. ive right ul way on property mar ubrtautial ai ll.t-.v give encouragement to healthy The policy pursued by the Noithern athletic exercises among the youth iu ru-itic Kailroid Company toaarq the j every section of the county. And it is mj-ired passengers of last Saturday Res.laUeua' rif ( ondvlrare. fie it reeolved, That whereaait has pleased tho uiightv to remove f.nm our midst deemed friend and bro ber, r rnnk (Kiose , lull llT the Ureaved parelils .tlid reli.tiver. He i. further ri'solved. That the resolutions be enteret in the minutes of tl.ia aitihlv. M. J. Knoi ut. Iliaav Visr II. II. Kni p. Committee on rco!uiioi,a. HEALTH ..I.. iMiiw,7,'',,r7i,,,,1F1,,'1 u, - ; ellibiy No. I t lilted Arli.-I ' ' tend t'tieir cond.'leine and avmp; Al- our II. As ex- to ilnliaiplaiit ,l.u, a.tu . n 1 , VVIUIUUII (VUUIT IU 4lliiri ......... . n .. . .1 s . II 11 11. 1 - ' U , 1 1 111. II . Ouiuu s lanoiug, 14O0. K 1 and orace u Tici.enor to Fred ilMicoiui; Lkck , .Noun Chitekame, and Cbas ,..m,m. ...iit.ii-... i i, aa a conciliatory spirit, and will co 1 should be placed on a basis that will !,. H I. 'ill Kl H.I.,,, ft. i 'give the amature bull player an iuceu- ! btale of Oregon lo l jaune; sw'i' ive to take part in the games. ; of wrc 10, 4, 3, lu. ' Warreu Meruit ; w ol uw'4 ol .ec ., 4, ; tM.niiiplton Coughs and Co'd-. W. If Although much is beimr Mi,l in th. 4. aatJU. llrown, of Ue-v.lle, Ind., endured It is natural, however, for; Muer about the closim, dwn'of the! U.o Blaucl.ard to Eluo.a 8 Plu. : "',?.f I"!'." ., "m i lu' 1 Il nnhli. IA ,k. it,. I.l .. . : . ...... . 'U.U, ...... Ill -.1 ""I"""" niniiim. n .n.mi.l leiie. - v iv iiAnr nv i- m n v I R. 11 im hi. mvr .. fur toward beading otf expensive litiga ti.'tl. o railroad company wants acci dents to occur on it. lines, as sui-h are veiy expensive even though no damuge Mia follow A Ho' Wild Itlile tor'e. With feii.ily around "Xpcctii.K him lo die, and a sou riding for life, 18 mile-, to get Ir. Kin.'l .Neir li-nv-rv for "I dent think n enM Ire koaM wllkiml Tknlforw's HUf k t)nuhl. k. m4 II la Ik two jrawn oil tit. fc--l of nenlta. I k aH k4 ttoefctr I. ih- Imh for thtl tB(ih ftuu. It ta . doctor la llft-lf im4 lt nmjy Is t . prnom -ll mm um A it US UAIX, Jmtk- S.TIII, .11, ftaaute this great mclicina relieves slomarh pains, frws the conatipalrd liowela and invigor ate, the torpid liver and weak wed kidneys Ho Doctor li nec.ary in th hom. where Tnedfurd t Hlaek firaught it families living in the country, m.les frma any pbysi nan. hav. been mc in health for years with tint medirm. a. their only d,rt,. TbHfr,U Illack-Itraught Hires biliouv lie.., dt.p,, ci.i,. cn, ,Mj fever, bad blood. h,Ul,r., diarrlir. con,tipiion. c,0 and alutiMt every nllirr ailment be, aue the .tuma, h, Um ela liter and ki.lneji IIeary Irol tlie bt-mlU. c . m, any, although it should really fall on some subordinate, who through caie Wi.esa or ignorance was the cause of the catastrophe. There are some rail fi ad men w ho think Saturday's accident ua-due to a broken axle beneath the li inlcr of the Lcomoiive which blew up, jui.1 that this caused the explosion. A lu might therefore have existed in the sxie without the knowledge of the company or the employes, and the ....... , 1 1 . . umn.e eiioi.iu oniy rest upon tlie me chanic w ho constructed the axle. The affair is a deplorable one, both for the jjatatngera killed and injured and for lhe company; and the public will I gld tu se that all parties to tlie affair juiv coining together in proper spirit. Kv ning Telegram. I.ririmr raiilM .lnn (lis l',,l.i,..l,; riv, : 3 . ' . ''Kaimet, a.tXl. tne many camps iiMiiis county ait rnu- j Walter and Anna Mirie Moody to mug on full time.' Even Uie small log-: A I 1 nice; lot 1, bluta 26, Kaiuir; gers, who haul their ontput-Jo thei'-'- bank, of the creek with a te.m-of': Uuinn to Frank I'.tton ; bum- , , ... . lug leaae auii tight i way, 4UU. ho. ee. are not idle. Posts, pol. P'!''K j Ueau Uianchard to Mary JS. M.eerin ; and cordwood are fctill iu demand lor Iota 3 and 4, b ock 15, Kaiuier, tin). ami soon cureo: linn. He writes: ". now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cure, of Consiiinption, I'neu monia, Rron.hitis. Coughs, Colds and (trip prove its imitchless for all Throat and I.ung Irouliles. litiaranteed liollle. M- and Trial butlca li.-e at St. Helens I'harmacr. exjort. Columbia cuuutr. Of siienlt. Stewart; lot 4, hi 1 ; lot 8, bl 7, i to v.rnoiila, (5 15. John Ko, ad I t seems that the big moneyed inter ims advertising here. He says that con tinuous advertising Is what pay,,. Again It has been demonstrated to the same extent locally. An organ was advertised for sale In The Mist. It : was several weeks before any replies ' came In to the advertisement, but on j the very day t'aat the Instrument was , f!U not scared over the ,...wl ..h f "'" w " ,n lne in ane,, . r .-.. . , . . t.vks in Wall street, fearinir it ..l,l 4"ur "lu" imr. ua.ers appear- i ' I on a feyer of speculation and take i -e surplus canb that is needed for .. li.g the crops. But Hie pricei of stocks ' -' will continue to advance, any way. if! Weyerhauser, the head of the syndi lit ii.y.ptuieQt demand cuut)imes from 'cat that is getting the control of lhe great gripjr 0f eat ing bank depoei-1 much of the timber Interests of the Jwr 0 are drawing out their money Northwest, saya that It ia 20 years too .'Hit .lulling it into stocks, with the soon to construct new mllla- ihof thin It has been prac tically demonstrated that continuous advertising pays. A Hl. Life ved by Chamberlat..'. long-time Poitlan I advertiser In the i Colic, Cholera aud It.arrb.Ma Mist says that he gets results from ' .5. 1.. Itvcr, tlua toMii, smvs li. belle. t-s Chamber- Iteuivdy , a well known cooper of laiu a t.o.ic, I hotel a aud I'larrhoea Kcmed.t caved his lite last He liad been sick lor a month with what the doctor, call bilious dysentery, and could gel nothing to do uliu any nooij until he tried ibis remedy. It gave mm ui.meuutt retiet," tayt ti. 1. Little, merchant, Hancock. Md. or rale by St. Helen, l'hariuacy. Columbia Restaurant T.VYUlIt I'.CII.DIM;, ST. HELENS, ORECON MISS L. J. CHUC'M.', fnp.ldw. Best Mea I a and Prompt Service ITHEDFORD'5 mm FmIu'i if it i - ,i,L ,m, itfil'SaJ TUB Toledo Blade Toledo. Ohio. New and Ir;cr HttiKlin, New Presses, New Sterc type Plant, New and MiKlerti Appliances in every depart ment. Tk. Tw4. ttla. im.w lu. i !:.! m n n, kMililing. lih m u plam h1 .,iil,,,rit, II I lelllll. M lal l ai.t,ilH lla,ii, Now mk si.,1 ki, . , i i. iiir iibij .:. ieMt,.r eillifsl tter,- l,rvf.t .ir Irrrllxrt the . ,.f il. WurUI u r,a.,.. ltt kil.y i r,il i sm ir,,r ellf ...Hili.ekeM.I. than to retotiiii rMn,brr.i, en!nm f ibt Ullir. 'l rmr.,,1 ..1. nt, slin lu rmrk l.itie Pi ,n-lal ellfr.llal ...!'. wrtlle.IMm llire.ll,.B I il-l, I Ik p.,- p.ll.ll.l.l -.etll) ..r r-.... n h .1., ..r u,a ih .ul If !'(,, i itiii't Pit iln l.i. Ttial Iku knit! nf i., (.,.( t. pul-iiUi l. .'it l.Bl.j lhe fx I Hal it W.rkl. k'a.le !. .ui et.l IM..UU )rarl, .iilariu. ., an. a, . liruUia-l lu aM art.,. ih. l a n aiaill... la) lha aaaa, Ih. ia.ia l-,.lnba.hort a.t4 aaiial tittiea (nil n,i) triiiii,aiiia , I fciiiir autia.t t,i ruambai ut lhe Until). ti:j ,t.a d.iliai yi raar. Wrte ft (tra ai, rt. M.tfaa THE BLADE, Toledo. Ohio. The Mist ami Blade, $1.25. I uia in I ml 10 M ail. A gro von. ul iiliim-a 1, no,.. n n ie-iil .. it., la .r line ,,u,i mm. u ilo.u.ia. Iian,ra.. C ,,'k .cl. , l.i.ei -o.iphiil,t a., r.oilinl'Oi l'..ll Ihinika 10 I'r. Kn.g'a ,ew l.if.. Tut. Kiev ,ul ax no to 11 . Tory are iniila I. nt il.f.igh, Ttr them. tut ;'. . .liarai.lnt' I.) H.rSl, I Una I'l.aimaiv, Classified Adverllstmcnk I WAM;H-Sr:Vr:Ul. ol l halnclef ami g.aal each slat. (uii. 111 ihi, . til Call lll.i-i I 4, I, Vt bead I'lllet a. ip iai. an, I I'KKHtn, "piiialloni 1. IOIIIIIV tM,.... tu fi prraei.t ami .du . l.,, J Jf liahcd wealthy l.i.ii,.a t,..,iw tip an. lal Hw lid lu, , si,i.) .'l.tkjWb Willi,.,ai, . ' '""-lat'l. I ulila 1. nialml Willi niiraaait. Uu. r In lta. a.-1 1 a.,i, ..,,, ; .,,,,,. , Plait . 1,, X.i, IkiiiUoiu S... I liiiaao, j WAMH s.i:uAI, I.MU'kTt lu. peiaAJi.a 1 1. 1 . I. au.e lo Irani w l.oua alt,italii l h ni tiaat a4 , . laige lapli.i, lu tan i,,'.,,, i,,.,, j and lai lila li.r aiKiiaaiui i,, (,i(tl, lil.r, I'eruiaiirnl ei,,in;t-n e.i(, ym, taali aaiaty if H ki t, ail tiaieliM . H-I,.aa Ik 1. 1 I, i.l. adtiiuvil n,j Week, Kk neli.-e Pol r viiiiul. , lioli and tiu-biar el rililt et..el...e. I 1 1 K NAtlu.NAL, & Ih ail o.u St., I htvngo, W"AM:k-Ul'.Mi MK.s W ,,., for l.o.eriilneiil I'ualliima. l-'iu out Inga In all Iirpailniriii.. r.taiuluaiM "li. I m.iuUi. rrtr. Inh t Slal. Cm. I ., Cedar ' WAMU-rr: K.U, I , of 1 haiai I. r ami g.aal iat num.,, lar, .tale tone lu iloa tt.u.iiy Mutm li n ' lepirwnt and ail.ei, nl. ..laliuh. ; alilit I unmia l i l.t. 1 1 . lul t lauding. S.l.ty f'.'l tu .rrklt .iikit j Tiiai . .ihlliional, all patalle , n, r tllrti t every t ..1111 t.ia t In m I.imI In.. Il'tia and rsinaje hottl i w I rn l.r. l , Hi leu 1,1 ra, ka arlf aihlllaaa-d tl.ll I . 1 un', E, , IvaiU.ri. Si., t bung.., ;ill. K -.o I III St tkl !l I M i lll tt -Nan. - t taa.i.rrr a, i.M ut a. ii,,i. t . . a,. i. a) in . Iff a C'.tmixiM.m., ra J 0r.t ) a I . a. ik ri Jtw I, h l.aa. k. n a Mali.!. 1 b.,v . I .wa M ai.M 1,11 l, 4 ll.rta, t i. a. . iaiaiia. II I II an.. at,wi II tlra-'t.K-a S.i,. H i ...i.i,. a...,,.., w t i .a- ralat ! II I. I 19, M JI.1E IMl STHHL UlSPUl ed. It pays the advertiser to keep his ' name continuously before the public. COUNTY COURT. I Adjourned July Term Au j gust 15th. ' (Continued from last week.) j t'nion Precinct. C N Cable 13 00 Andrew Kinit I. jt. ol securing larger returns. Cuioii Pileiric stock, for iustauce, at present rjcj-, will pay about 5 per cent inter rl, besides the pronpeclB of prolit from (he advances in price. Aud this is only a rumple of other dividend paying stocks. It is much more attractive than i... - ii . ., . i ....- Fi.iB.i interest anowea ou savings j , l'..nk deposits bv the aatern hmika I ftalem Sutesiuan. j u,nclen' timber in Columbia county I to yet supply the lumber demand for 40 continuous years, despite the fact that timber along the Columbia river is disappearing at a rapid rate. is at present sufficient milling capacity to handle all the lumber that can be marketed. The Weyerhauser syndicate has some holdings in Columbia county acquired by Blodgett. Therefore, Mr. Weyerhauser has a correct Idea of the great lumber possibilities of this sec- There is no question but there la 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 At Forilanw' t all aralaal by Mer chant, and Maaalartarrra. Industrial Street St Portland', big Pall Carnival ,pieuilM-r 14 to l inclu eive, will be a levelalion. It has been many yea is iu;e the merchants and manufacturers of Portland have had au opportunity of making an rxtithitol their product, and warea, Considerable ri-' valry u being entered mio slid much; money spent lo make the exhibit, a. ! unique and aa attractive aa posaible. ! Many magnificent booths are being erec j tl and Una feature of tlie carnival alone will be worth double what it will coat to sc. everything. . W p Haiieht.rU 00 C 11 Johns ; i B (iodfrey SOU K II (iabbert J 11 Collins 3 Ou L Meeker , If W Clark 3 00 II K Cliff C W Garrison 3 00 Prank Ceorge I W. bvmons, canyasninir votes of I Jul. rlth and Aug. 3rd elections $13 20 be a public sale at niv 1 11 P Watkins, ditlu IJ 00 j Pen. echoolhouae, on the PittHburg ro id j The following road bills were allowed ! fl 1 'l'1'M''l, Ke'"i'ber i, IUti3, atwhich ; and ordered paid : " '" 0 tons ol bay in amall lote.all I-erry l afier r d o. 3 18 00 1 Elmer Jolly r d .No. ft a 60 J V Wi;on r d .So. 10 . . 66 00 Pabllc Hale. Notice is hereby given that there will place, ntr tl Oalril; 25 head of eattlv. fcfVfarkll .ill cows, I g.aj.1 hor.e and a nouihi-rol ani- ujeiitiunmg. -lUuv, M It is connuendatory to know that the Very best talent was secured for the re cept ta-ajbers institute, not only in tbe matter of instructors, but lecturers . ll. Strenuous efforts were wade to Mime other talent, but it was not ob rMi'fble on ibis particular occasion. Tbi' lecture of ttr. Wise was a rare liter- pr. ticai, and tbe lecturesjby the in- 't i. present i disgrace to St. mail facilities Helen. between -the the ties not worth months. C. L, AYRKW, I Yvu VTaat Tt Make Meaeyl And believe that you have enough busiurs abilitv to successfully renreaeiit a reliable firm in yonrtown and vicinity ; ii bo aenu lull name anu aildre.i, wuli ten cent, to cover coat of mailing, etc., i . TiTTTfl nim n for full particular, to Wurra't tjAvikoall1' ) I S K 1 1 R If a -wa.Vrf Peris, Oregon, a-EaLERVTHINa AtNthe AN Palace Hotel and Restaurant t Rainier. Oregon Heat Meals ai all llunr ilar-'l "St l.e flat, ami Hie eaie.l If ii in m. M H a. K a V V K K a 1 1 s . rrp ,,lr Owl Saloon llai.iM PiKonuaa, PH0PHIETURS -o.iljr ih. be l j Lmnars and Cizars Kept ia Stock CYRUS NOBLE Ami olhtr li'i.lar l.rauili ol ahl-kira ala) l BliH-k. O C It ti .11 II l fa II , K. M K K t n A S tl T II K K AT . II K KNIGHT SHOE CO. PORTLAND. ORE. amalf ri.klai faanir IIMhaaS aa- kn.r mrr WJitelorosisaDiBnilt wells Th lioet Hho..n ou Ijiu'th fut tho Mmioy 0RSSIS SHOES No4faVig tiaiafk). awri tto lrv-- of ka WEINHARO'S on dralit. I- BEER Tom Benton" Cigars. 9 All tb. Iatel nawapaitarainil oihar i.u A nlar periMlirala, limmwnrnfnrnfnfWTOmmmnfmninfmttfnttfftfig FTUC Ml VA - r-M y rTnnr 4 'nt INQYV YUi1l aiUnt Haa ju.t received a large invoice ol Summer Goods, Shoes, , . ... I iVT IUII UHriHTUI. county seat aud the railraad station at ; Heatlle. Wa.b. lioulton, Not only are the people of St. J Tbe paper puts you In touch with man Helens inconvenienced but a large num- ufaclurers wbo want agent, aud dealer, V"a AAA J TiTTTO AAAA A A A A A i iA A W AAA VISIBLE TYPEWRITER 7 ly rl(ls, Groceries, Hoots, Shoes, Ktc. II. MOKGUH, fc ('mmt I.uiltling, Mailt Street, St. HpI.-hm, Oregon. , tlilflce, Hoi.n 414 PMonta jHef .ohT ,47 a,,or, reached. .,igh.t.dardoffcx-;of th. resident, of the county n: jvll.n. e. c. a tetter ai riving troui the lower ; 10riy, either working pari or all the .enaiem, or any point down tbe river ;ttuc. i hend ten cents today, B TI cie will be creditable exhibits of THE O.N'LY PEKFK(T WKITINO MACJIIXK MADE reache. lioulton at 11 a. in., not get to ht. Helens until but do. I about 6 j ,.c stuck from Columbia county breed-1 o'clock in tbe evening. It is nearly 10 i . " l Ureat Tanet. pra til the state fair notably from the ! o'clock in the forenoon before a letter to j T. C. Watt., tha Ken-' ien of p, A: Krakes ond M, Collins. any of these point leave, ht. Helens. bei) meivliant, bat added a big .lock of MPiim mere alto will lie other exhi-"then it lays at lioulton until tbe mxt shoe, manufactured bv G. I.. Hihha liereioiore i-oiumoia county Has ' morning belore it starts on to Its deeti- of Portland. Mr. ilibbard is the Ust bits. i sai led off ilk share of the prizes, and flie coining season will no doubt not be I'll Prrjtion to tbe rule. Nothing las ever equalled it cm eyer surpass it S Dr. King' r.97 Discovory .warMrria OLD. "! 4 H. All tt A Perfect For All Throat and Cure t Lung Troubles. Vtr-. b.cklfrtfaHa. Trial tottlM Irmm. ri.f .',;. t mi,! '.'i.tlii. i-ia le nation, ilail from tbe upper -Nehalein , known manufacturer of boon ami time, leave, ht. Helens after the regular mail '" Oregon, and hi. good, are known to tie oi uie oeai quality. Mr, vtatt. Has great variety of thee goods shoes for atomsii, iniiureo,, uoys, loggers i.ll.! 1 Ur one teal. I from lioulton ha. .larttd on it. way. ; " " . t-" - w- women, children, inra wuiiij oi uu account ou vne ge- arm ev.ryiKKiy. ii you want a pair ographv of thecouutry? Other rectious , e "i ue 10 order Dy tins rlrin, vonr l..v. fra-a. .Uiiva.rv .n.t nieasore will he t.k.u. There are ' . ; J i as well as ihoei. lence, but our mail sef yjee H gradually I getting worse. j What 1. I.ife? T It,, .n.N.i. ..I., k Hie lKitoii ucgroea have come lo the ; but we Ho know that it is under strict I .Olll'lllailtll tliut Uiv.ko. T U'.ul. I,,.,..., lutV idll.. lliM Ium- ....... .11..!., I .. i . ,, ., ,,,., ...... .... r,wu 111,1111;,!. pegra educiilor and ulii-! lm,a results. Irregular living means F lanthro,,., . i. controlling al.t.m govlm-, JaPfiW! tjirm joc, ano itir riaiering a ailia. A uuuiher ol .. eats a,'o one Ha-ciedilt-d wilh c.ililrolliiij: (i,e vine in Portland, but it ia did m i, i now , The linn-con. e when amiie of the other n'rafe-; atu. d .. -lice oi.t of the pie. ble. Dr. King's New I -de Pills quickly re-'ijii-i" una, ii a geniie, jet tnor o"i;b. l inly 25 - ot t. Helena Pharnniev, M m, - --iW-aw at - mmttt rrrr nuVkl . Jf m a.r mf- .r-r, B The writing is in plain view' of th. operabrr all the time J simpleat and ttrongeat con-r truction, rapid action, raa.a ouch adapted to all kinds oli work bet for tahuiatiug aml invoice work univei anl key-B Uiard reuiovsbie typt aclioi instantly cleunul Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments by Mail 61, Wa.hli.gtuw nid Houtbea.l eorn.r Wasb.and 4th , PORTLAND, OREGON. Take Mutator In Fifth H.a.r. The Mist and The Orcgonian, $2 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Oregon Treble the life of any oiheiS machine for g M clean worU I'.-i't.h Tree wiiiLc.- at ilo Um! .a. loon, Minn IJros., .roniieloia. diiect 4 '2l'ti W'linil Sfl'imt (.0111 knnaaa Citv. Mo. " The Pittsburg Writing Machine Company i nilsl.lilj;, p;, rr . ... i raining HclnK, teachers course, arianintd eriMeiall f. " I for all br,.;i,, '. " r"v.'"? !:.,',.,,"l:t,"-, ,,,r Kr.ii: .i ,.- a.h,Jl V. V "15"1.'" M''l",tl -lialrict l a hool. I he .I.mi.hihI for Br,h...... ..1 .."ply TLt4'",ul,,'r" "r "upp y. lhe traininir den,.,., a liiiie irrinlM,. which cnumatu of in ait its hrmic.liet, tin: uiliou Hh.V.i .... I'rawin. Z Z;.' Z ' .Normal i. I. . "" ne U.I. I ,....LUu. Wav In Ml.... ,., - -. -" a. , .., i-eriiiicate. ra term I. UKSNI.KH, Pieaidenl. '" ' ' V. p.i-TI I If, Na, ,,.,ry: C3 pi IT ililP vvvyvwvv