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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1903)
mil I nn OREGON Hi M VOL. XX. YkOVESSIOXAL. 1 ur I'mud. , Cunt nuna,. J. B. GODFREY. Teal Estate and Timber Lands Sol AIIHTItAUTM MADICi IT. IIKI.KSH, OUKHOM jTTonxi:v-jT-Mr. omr, wlilt I. K. Uulrt. ST. HKI.KX, i ! OMKliO!, b.l Mriinal ait.niltiti lo all lrl aitta mimit(mi i roa w in rrtjve in Malt ami I I'll) Bote ( omit, ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, VJ03. louin.i. ii u ..... ;" "' "" " year. I Nmicra .. '" "timi .... ....., B1Ma Jn 'ulle fir "V"."'""'' W. II.. In nu'irciM Tim i. ,..., 1'it. 11 a vuiiij( IV'II W. II. I'OWKLL, JTTOnXEY-JT-LiWA tmri'T Kistaar AiruBxar. r uki KXI. i : OMKHOM, Ir. Kclwlu Hoss, rhysnutn ami Surgeon. HI. UKI.L.VH.UKKUON. Dr. II. It. riiir, riiysieinn and Surgeon. hT. HKI.K.Ml, OHKiiOS. Watts & Price, Flour and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Drj Goods Best Qaali j Shoes Hardware and Notions mtiMn.D JOHN A. HECK UKAI.KK IN Watches, Diamonds. Silverware, ....JEWELRY..., Ki'imirinf; a Specialty. a .!. rruiii dm, fUbiLAKO. fOI PORTLANO DAILY Steamer Iraldi C. I. HfghHrt. Unit-. It A 1 1. HO At) TIME, IXfM H.liil.r rlalll lrlr.1,1 nii.rM... I',- arl.l. at A. M . 4.MftlD l,oio HI llnlrn. all rloa. Keiurbli,.. La... f.,t..,..i .. . mi it ., '., u at ai. Il.i.ui al I 4. Pauestcr. and Fast Mi. muTI.A.ND LANDING. TAYLOK ST A ST0RIA4 COLUMBIA RIVER il RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. aa.BiKma TA 1 !!. OAILV. -I'ajtpooHc, Orrjjou. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG ! fuiltaii-t .., la-,-1,., Th,irtai .! Sal "'"I a , a in .Ml II t.i.-m - . ... ........ . t.iria;i rtt. Kaimn nrf ttlit. Ai,!,li.(at f,.,ii.l Mn4a-, nau laM,U al rfla) alia m. Stezmar NORTHWEST l..rra,,U Mii.lav, Wednradav 'i riMay ii.gltia.ilal Hi .,, ,,, fr ,(,. seme kiiii itn'iidunni alum ami To- ir.i.., i.a.i.tftf ,. Inner Place at 10 . ni, un nit illi. ii. ,lav. Unnriiliij, ,.,, ir i v i .... .i. ai tim.n, and ( a l lim-k al & :i in Hi alloriioiiii, lie.U, TI.iimU n h.I huiuUva, linif IVrllaml rarlv in ilia nmrmi'tf u.11,, ,(WMOB. u iiji.iiaH, A.a". 13 JEG S 17 ' : I u) in t M ' a M . ! td i Sa , 0 i l i t ! lu Ol to in ; lo to a 14 H !.. Ill Ml !.. t W Ml lu iw t iiuai ID .1 71 I 10 at la T 10 1J Hi 1 1 OA 1 II la a I II a. :- m. i 0 l. I'orll.ud Al II 10 ! 10 U W I t 5 I n i ID I ; I U I I IS 1 or ; 7 U . C.hH ,. K.'ul.f .. i ., fiiamut. . !, .. ... 14'iuiry , ' I Ul.aaiila.. SJarahlatiil. Wa.tH,f,, llllun ... . kliai,.a . .. h,iitKiii... Jutin liar... Ar A.lnria .l.v J J I 1 1 All train, mala plino f.itttiarllun. at tinhl. itui Nrlliarlt t'.olrlo Iratu. In an.l fmtn lit. r"a and iv.iinj (mIuib. At I'uilland mill al ran,. Ira.nif l iilan d.l l AMmla llk I n a X i o a iial .ml rail tin ail ateainai I I I'mlar la and Iruia llsaru auit orll M.a n iolula. raaaartffata fnf Aatnrla or a ixilnt. nun flat al lloullott r.aiti mil ii,u l, lal pa. autt .,n ai Muu t,m hro i'L,mliig Iruu Hiiuti w.Mloubla. J. .tin,. (Ira. I'u.. Ad.. A.totla. Ol r rf HTUD. DJlIlt -TIAMtW- aiiarlallr rrla. nalalanily Moamkllraia. Ktai from all Iha noiM -Woll rlllrn, grifinal U-nra-An-awara 10 qurir Vrtii lr on llraltli, Ilia Il'iuic, New lWk, an. I on Work Alwut tlia Farm aiiil (iitilcn. The Weekly Inter Ocean la a iiiniiW ol llio A""" iatril I'rrao, tlia ouljr Woalrrn Ncwa tT rriwhing Ida entire ti le Kraphlv ari:e ol t)iNe Y oik Sun ami irml raliln ul tlit Nw York WoiW-dally r (xii n (ruin over 2,000 i'UI curraHiiKleuli tliiuugliout tit cnuulry. YEAR O N E DOLLAR oeaerlka far Tka OH:U0I WT Iha Weehlr lolar ! aih yarra lar tl.AU. "America" ., Willamett Slough Ronte EVENTS OF THE DAY OATHHRHD FROM ALL PARTS OP THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprchcnalve Review of (ha Import. ant Happening! ol tba Put Week, I'rtacnUd In Comknaed rorm, Moat Likely to Prove Intereallng to Our Many Header. FIRE COST LIVES. I'Dllip KiatllOr In t-Atluilltf ifrKMt Mlnan amoriK hop Kronen. Thirty people ra itiiurml In a train erm near HloomtiiKtcm, 111. t uloiiel C. II. Bmiiti. kn ,wn In l.ia wrmi.Kai"Bill Arp," U ileaJ. II. II. Kohlnaat duniei that tie ia to aoier Hie lablnnt aa Kntmaater fc-encral. An atlempt to tie up Ciilrano reatatw 'anu lailtcl, not over 10 cer cent of me empioym coiiilng out. I.UU Ull lou haa lowexxl the wnrld'a raroni liy trotiliiK a milt in tao niin otea Hat ut KiaJrille, Maax. The Shitnroc k lui berii remeamireil. hut enonrh baliaat hat le-o removed to keep the time al:owar.oe iha uau.e. A dinhaiged cirnit aaiiilnre In Maa aai'huaetta opmied the door 1 1 Die mon. key ragt and llbernted 40 of the ani-mala. Iara Ht. Helena. ... Arrira at I'urllaiul Irara I'ortland Arrive at Hi. Helena 6 SO A M lo yo A M I SO 1' M e .oo v m FAME AO rma. Will ( arrr Koll.nn but I'aiMti- .ra and Kaal Frtigtil, JtVII WOOD, .It a. lar. M Vdki 60 YtANS' xfcmcNCK Thadc Mark DraioNa CoevmauTt Ac. (ai,l rraa. iWaaal aaanf fur aaniniiaaK I'.iania Man ihrvaari Mann lo. I aaariai taatlaa, t oul eharga, la taa I'ian!duiit Fram ia. of the lflOl fair. ia charted aith oeitiat that pationaie 10 gain I'rinotratlc mij,ort in tl.a ire Identlal rat. Secretary Hitch o k haaadJid town- hip 37 north, ranire 26 eaat. to the OUnogan al.hdrawa ia Kaetern Waeh- ngion, where lamia are beini! exam. ined to determine the (let, raiiillty ol putting in a fovernmeiit irrigation i-yi- em. lord Paliabori, ex-premier of Km ami, ia t;ead. Kleht firemen were aerioualy burned l a llittago lire. A clondtnirat at Denver did ronaider hie danaice to property. A pany of 25 Salt lake people uwh iuat a tour of (.'rrgoti. The Macirdouiaa revolution ia marked by more maeaarrea at Monaaiir. The cruiwr Marhlehead and the gun boat Conrord are ani horid in the I'oit- ud haibur. The Canailian gnveroinent will ure l(ful meaauiea In the aopprekion ol poa.ihlng ou the groat lakea. A bill to penaion veterana of the ayoaa Indian war will be introduced at the next aeaeioo of coitgreaa. The entire Humbert family has been found ttullty of swindlli.gaui! enteriid o from one t fle year iuipriaomnent. The Turkish government haa prom ied fulfillment of all ol Kuaaia' de- oand and the rxar'a KiirJun of war rearwli haa beeu ordered home. Over One Hundred People Perlah In the Flame a at Budapcat.- Viemut, Aug. 26. According to a aMii iHl diapateb receive" I here 124 pr. a n ieriahed in the fire at Budapeat. Butlapeet, Aug. 26. Fire atarted thia evening in a four atory building, the two lower atoriet of which were oc cupied by a fancy goode firm, the uppif Hoora ling rnaidential flata. There were 200 wo;k people in the building, nd it la now stated that between 40 and 60 pfftona we e burntd to death. the police announce that by jumping I'oin the windows 13 persona were kl letl and IB injured, nine terioiirily. The damage is estimated at 4,t 00,000 kronen, moatly covered by insarance. The warehouse contained piles of flimsy material and the (James spread with frightful rapidity and soon leaihed the residential floors. Only the wo k people near the doo a below were able to effect their emape. I he residents above, teeing their eecane cut on, clung deape alely to Windows, screaming for help. J lie firemen held out sheets of can vaaa and called to them to lumo. Fifteen persons were saved in thia war. out many ia jumping misted the sheet, uiue being killed ou the spot. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON ANOTHER COMVUT CaLOMT. la a Reao Scientific Jlmcrican. A hautrt-om.lf UHiirtrftitMl votkir, Mllnlliitt air SkflT I ltJIIIl tjirsTMt t?(r Tornii, $.1 ft sIBiSKVESSBW How About Your Title? I 1 8 t RK Vol) HI'RK II U l j, MKCllHI) tbal sovari , , fwiwiliil .hoar r ' lltlaa'. II jull i'iinlaialala I all rlfhtr ItamamNtr lliat It It the varna. It ia aur o.iiia.a w aran . what they roulain in reianun in laua Ha hurlnr laml or Inanliia manay on rral- ..i.iumii,Ii.. taka uu man word, but lnut uixiii knonltif what ll, rmor.1 .h..w. rar.lli.a th till. AO Ab.lrai't l.aiewiilial aa ailWMl. liLlilon hating It. ! nt aa of al-alraol bo.,V u Ihi . IV. Al"ork proallj M"l.l and aatlafaolloa - - ",!r..,l if ...ft h... ..rooafi, to Laura alv. u. a II. We ar. !.i,iila lurlHs beat SreliiatirahieumiMBlaelB lbs world. If vou oropt" for ..I. Hal l with u. and wa will Sud a buyer. E. E. QUICK & CO., ar-.. . . ST. HUMS. 0M00H Greatest Clubbing Combina Cation c) TWO WKKKLY TAPERS FOIl THE OF 0NE-0KEATE8T 11AKCUIN IN OOOD READING. B spedlnl aVrngment we are able to furnish ,T 0ioom and rnl WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL at the following club blng price for both papera! rr Oka Taar laAdvaaca..t. 1 term Mentha , . , The Weslly Journ.C l-"". Or... points moat In.ld. news about ouritaUltoveinnient and the full legislative proceed ngs. J.t whafyou want for th. coming sssslon. Ib. Journal Is . bug. eight pag. p.p.r full of telegraphic n.w. of th.wl.ol. world. Bam pi. oopy furnished fre. upon lutjuir at this office. . .. Canada wants a better trademark law enacted. Aoatria will support Russia in her leuiands on Turkey. Hrnator Quay says he will seek no further political honors. Alwut 7,600 textile workers In Pax ny are on a strike for a shorter work day. The United States and Chinese treaty ommiMioners have resumed work on international treat its. King Peter, of Purvis, haa again threatened to abdicate unless condi tions change at the capital. Bwltxerlaud has objected to Dr. I.anly, her minister at Paris, serving n the Venezuelan ai nitration court. The Trans-Mississippi congrnas in dorsed the Lewie and Clark fair and paaaed a resolution favoring a govern ment Appropriation of (1,000,000. Urd Salisbury's condition is very j srave. A David City, Neb., man haa mar rled his stepmother. The powers are considering steps to end the uprising In .MaotMoula. Fire in the Beaumont, Texas, oil fields destroyed 150,000 worth of prop erty. General .Ichn C. Black, o' Illinois, has been elected commander in chief of the 0. A. R. William P. Sullivan, a Mis.-onri sen tor,. has been found 'guilty of grafting and fined 100. Londoners were much surprised at the showing of Shamrock III. They expected her to have a walkover. President Roosevelt will allow no discrimination in favor of union men by the government, neither will he op pose them in any way. A granite monument marking the site of the birthplace of the lata Presi dent Cherter A. Arthur has been erect ed at Fairfield Vermont. The sultan of Deseen, Philippine Is land. a has apologised for' insulting th, American Hag. , saying bis crasy son was resjioiistble for the outrage. The Trans-NI Issisaippl congress .is in session in. ceaive. r mj - Woods Arrested by Officers Barber Shop. Reno, Kev., Ang 26. J. W. Woods. on. of the escaped convicts fiom Fol som ou July 27, was arreetod this morning by Constable Wilson and Offi- oer Leeper, while being shared In a barber shop. Constable Wit, on was standing on beoond street this morning when be noticed a nun answering the descrip tion of Woods com. a.oiind tbe corner from Center street and enter the bar ber shop. Wilson started to enter the barber shop, but, rteing a revolver in the man's belt, decided to get help. Tcgether with lept-r, he entered the shop and covered Woods with a revol ver and handcnlfed him. Woods ofered no resistance. Woids was tak en to the jAil and turned over to Sheriff Hates. Woods said he came to Reno from Tiockee on a freight train last night. Ha aaked Deputy Sheriff Maxwell to let convict Muphyi capttn-d I act night, occupy th. rame cell with bin, fur, be said, "you should treat me well as long as I live. I know that hangiug awaits lib, and it cannot possibly do ai y harm to let me see Mu-phy." FILIPINOS WILL PKOFI T. TO iinslke ineiR OWN dryers. Prune Qrowera of Willamette Valley Pre- poss to Organize Company. At a meeting of prune growera held In Balem a few days ago, a movement was atarted for the organization of mutual insurance company, for tbe in biirance of prune dryers. The growers were agreed that the insurance com panies charge too high a rate of pre mium for this class of risks, and that the cost would be greatly reduced by co-operative action. A committee report a plan of organization waa ap pointed, consisting of John Pemberton chairman, Hosedale: W. 8. Wright. Roseburg; Augustus High. Vancouver A. Shlber. Philomath; Mr. Blaachard Salem: H. 8. Oile, 8alem; H. J. Zu ther. Liberty. It Is Intended that the insurance aa- sodatlon ahall accept members throughout Oregon and Washington and transact a general business on on prune dryers and warehouses. Th new organization will have no connec tion with any of the other prunegrow era associations. General Wooda Roturna From Borneo Wltb Many New Ideas. Manila, Aug. 26 General Leonard Wood has returned from a visit to the governor of Borneo, where he has been (or some time observing tbe methods adopted by the British government to pacify and prunute the interests of tbe native and to improve the commercial condition of the country. Geneial Wood reports that the Biitieh govern ment has obtained remarkable results in the uplifting of the natives of Borneo and returns to tbe Phi ippines with msny new ideas which he will, with the cognizance and assistance of Gover nor Taft, put into operation in these islands. General Wood ia preparing to begin a campaign in the Jolo archipelago, in to which territory ha will go accompan ied by a military force of sufficient strength to permit bis entering into the interior, where he expects to obtain good retmlts in bis dealing! with tbe natives by applying some of the idea he haa evolved a. a resnlt of his obser vations in Borneo. Coming Events. Summer association of the North west Indian agencies, Newport, Aug ust 17-27. Baseball tournament. Rainier, Aug ust 27-29. G. A. R. encampment, Westport August 1-September 1. Southern Oregon pioneer reunion Ashland, September 3. State convention of mining men Portland, September 7. Oregon national guard encampment September 3-12; Third Infantry. Gear hart park; First battery. Seaside, Aug ust 20; separate battalion, Roseburg September S-12. Clackamas county teachers' Inst! tute, Oregon City, September 15-17. State fair, Salem, September 14-19 Second southern Oreeon district fair, Eugene, September 29-October Harney county fair, Burns, Septem ber 14-28. Races. Antelope, September 17-19. Stock exhibit and race meet. Port land, September 21-26. Second eastern Oregon district fair The Dalles, September 22-26. Klamath county fair, Klamath Falls October t-9. Crook county Jockey club meet. Prlneville, October 27-29. Lincoln county fair, Toledo, Septem ber 10-12. Beard ef Trade Farmed. The new Industries Inaugurated In Jacksonville and vicinity are showing results which Indicate a revival of the old time prestige and prosperity of the place. The three great lumbering mills directly tributary to it. the pro duct of which all centers here; the larre manufacturing plant, planing mill and box factory In operation In town, the completion of the general gas plant, and many other contemplat ed Improvements have inspired renew ed confidence In the place, and bus! ness men were never doing better or were more hopeful for tbe future than at the present time. As an evidence of the prosperity and confidence of business men In the future of the place, a board of trade has been re cently organized under tbe most fav orable auspices. HELD AS FILIBUSTERERS. Chkagoana Who Sailed to Find Oold In Patagonia on Turk's Island Chicago, Ang. 24. Tbe Tribune to day says : Six men who railed awav from Chi cago a year ago in search of a gold mine n the wilds of Patagonia are now un der arrest at Turks island, in tbe West Indies, suspected of filibustering Their arrest and the detention of their schooner. Mercury, has been lal J before the secretary of slat. Charles Corrigan, a Texas cowboy, came to Chicago last full, waubed lake sailing for a month and tiien tock five mon into his confidence. Corrigan said he had a map showing the lo -ation ef a gold mine rivaling that of King Solo mon. Ilia story was that its discjverer b".l bwn driven ont by natives, and when he died on a ranch be gave the drawings to Corrigan. Th. vessel will lie held until the but-iness of its owners can le investigated. Pulp Mill Closes Down. Because of the extreme low stage of the Willamette river, tbe management of the Willamette Pulp at Paper mills, at Orefon City, has found It necessary to close down station A. which is lo cated on the en st side of the river. It Is In this mill that the pulp Is pre pared by which the paper Is manufac tured In the mills on the west side. The closing down of station A, how over, will not Interfere In any way with the operation of the main mills of the corporation since there Is a sufficient supply of pulp on hand to keep the mills going for several weeks. To Help Cuban ' oan Havana, Aug. 20 Maiio Menocal, a distinguished general a d a promin ent planter, has accepted the appoint ment as one of the enmmis ioners to negotiate the $35,000,000 loan. Peng tor Dols will be offered a commissioner ship and Rlus Rivera 1. mentioned as the third member ot the comn.l-,,ion. Th. revolutionary soldier ravis'onary committee haa been orn4!tu -d. I' is Co potted of one judg of th. tnprem court, Judges o' th. audience courts' or Havana and, Mantanzas and two mili tary officers. '.-.. Sa'cm Mills May Barn OIL The management of the Salem wool en mills have been figuring for some time on the substitution of oil for wood for fuel In the mill. The rapid advance In the nrlce of wood has mde It desirable to find a cheaper fuel. The onlv difficulty encountered was In the expense of retting the oil delivered here, and when the oil company has completed Its arrangements for stor ing oil at Portland It ia thOnght thia difficulty can be met. I 1-1- 'H , f The Hamburg-American itaamalilri company will establish 'a" IfcWfi Pacific wean. fcjj. ..y The kaiser of Germany will VfiV the reiohatag to provide for an increase in the army ol 89,000 men, , t s Mayor Williams," of Porifinil ba asked HeiWbfary Mob fy "to send One or more warvessels to th. Portland harlior during' the carnival in Septem ber. Wind Sweeps Islands. , . Kingston. Jamaica. Aug fO"." A schooner which" irTrTived here this ftioxn- He-firig fcefforfs Jb,t 'the Cay men i-tjands were devaatHtadfby a hurries' e on the -venlng of A'lijjHft 11. Many hnuVs at Georgetown," a village near the''. west end of Grand Cayman-island, wera de' tnollshed. . The veels. j p. the harbor were driven out 'to'aW, twd'subeeqtient ly returned but th. others bay. not been head of mp '.ib August 15.' All tie trees and crops were destroyed. t'ntnn Creamery Prosperous. The Union creamery has at last be come flrmlv established, and is doing a large business In manufacturing but ter and fine cream for supplying the towns of this part of the state. A skimming station la In operation at Cove, and the company is now pre paring to establish another station at Medical Springs, 20 miles east of Union. ' WATERING OF KLATUTH. Only a Very Small Portion of That Oreal County Cultivable. Prof. F. L, Kent of the Oregon Agri cultural college, has Just returned to Corvallis from a visit of a month's duration to the Irrigated regions of Klamath county, where he gave spec ial attention to the methods of apply ing water, the kind of crops grown and the extent of the Irrigable area of that section of the state. ir i . , ina-uiaiu county baa an area of hbout 6300 square miles, nearlv .. great as the state of M.iuhnuii. n .hi. .... " r " :uuipeieni engineers es timate that not more than 160 square miles, or about Dei fl'Tlt Al tht. wuuie, can oe Droueht under ii-.!.. tlon systems, and produce cultivated crops. Perhaps 1 per cent mnr. i. umiauie ror irrigation, but for various """ niy adapted to to tbe grow nw tt ,t-A . . : ... unn.R eraases. whtr-h bm ubco uiainiy ror nay. Articles ol Incorporation Filed. Articles of incorporation were filed In the office of of the secretary of state. last week as follows: New Virtue cornm-ation n-.t... ri, $4,000,000. " "J company. Fall Citv MerrnH! Falla City, $5000. Mission Minim? $24,00. " " American Investment Portland, $5000. Oregon Lumber. Land and Mlnin. company. Baker City, $250,000. Medford Business Colleee Medford, $309. Dixie Mlninc coninanr Rv ri,. $500,000. ' Listerlne Manufacturt Salem, $10,000. Foley. Imhaus Grande, $5000. t Company, La Humbolt Sash and IWi. iw,n,n.n. Portland, $50,000. Oreeon t Eureka R I Iron, l rrinrt n r r Portland, $125,000. Preparing to Rebuild. The Oregon City manufacturing ompany has asked for bids for the onstruction of buildinea at Ita i.. nill plant In that city to replace the jne that was burned last month. The ost will approximate $30,000. Most of the buildings will be of wood and corrugated iron and the nrlnnln.i itructures will be three atori kia-h tnd will be directly connected tn th. main building. The manamnnr nf ine mine expects to resume operations m mis city uctooer 15. An automatic levice at a cost of $10,000 will be mo. tureu iu pour water on incipient fire. ELKS IN TRAINWRBCK. On Equal Footing. The atate board of education has re cently made a ruling which will ore vent the graduates of normal schools omer states from securtne state papera in this state, unless thev have passed state examinations the same as are now required of graduates of Ore gon normal schools. The reason for mis is mat tbe board will not give to certincatea and diplomas of other tates a higher credit than Is riven io similar papers in this state. Frank Curtis Becomes Warden. Superintendent James, of the Ore gon penitentiery. has aurjointprl Frank Curtis to succeed E. A. McPher- son, who resigned the position of warden. Curtis is a democrat and waa candidate for the legislature from Multnomah county In 1902. He has been serving lor some time as a guard at the prison. Big Carnival at Portland. ortland's big fall carnival, Septem ber 14 to 26 inclusive, is given this vear under the auspice, of th. Mult nomah Athletic Club. PORTLAND MARKETS. Forty Cents for Picking Hops A number of prominent hopgrowers held' an Informal meeting at Salem lest week and and discussed the price to be paid for hopplcklng. It was the consensus of opinion that 40 cents, box should be the ruling price. A number of growers are advertising for pickers, and a few of th. larger yards have their list nearly complete. Will Handle More Thia Year. The Willamette valley prune assoc iation held Its annual stockholder' Meeting last Saturday. '' The secre tary's report showed ' among other Ihlnrs. that the association handled 3.7BO00O pounds of prunes last season. In all probability the quantity control led by the association will' be larger this year than last. Wheat Walla Walla, 7779c; blue- stem, 80982c: valley, 80c. Flour-Valley, $3 60(3.85 ner bar rel; bard wheat straights, $3.60(34.00; hard wheat, patents, $.I0(i4 60 graham, $3 3 (S3. 75; whole wheat, $3 5H&4.00: rye wheat, $1.00. Barley Feed, $1!). .019. 60 per ton: brewing, $21; rolled, $21(921.60. Oats No. 1 white, $1.07H: gray. $1.00(31.06 per cental. MillstnfTs Bran, $23 per ton; min ings, 27; shorts, 23 chop. SIS: nseed dairy food, $19, Hay Timothy, old, $20 per ton: new, $14(315; clover, nominal; grain, $12; cheat, nominal. I Butter Fancy creamery, 80J22c per pound; dairy, nominal; store, 16 17o. Cheese Full . cream, twins, 14c; Young , America, 16c; factor; . prices, lU4Clesa. .i .. Poultry Chickens, mixed. 11(3 II Sc .per pound; spring, 14(3 5c; hens, ll(112c; broilers. $2.00 per doaen; turkeys, lire, 10(3 12c per pound dressed, 14 (3 15c duck., $44.6P per dozen ; geese, $5(36.50. r Eggs Oregon ranch. 19c, ;.- . Potatoes Oregon, 75fi80n per sack; sweet potatoes, t q per pound. 11' 1 r. U ..1. f . tl .v. raw chm:bo ju 1UUI ui luv, OiC Excursion on Way to Oiympla DttokaMl Wltb Fatal Results. Cbehalis, Wash., Aug. 23. The special train carrying tbe Portland Elk to Olympia was ditched two mile west of this place at 11 o'clock yesterday morning, while running at a high rate of speed. Two men, Charles Farle man, a cigar dealer of Portland, and Frank Galea, a tiamp, who wa riding on tbe tender, were instantly killed. Between 80 and 40 other, were in. jnied, ot whom two aod possibly three are so serioasly hurt that recovery la doubtful. Tbe special of seven cars, palled by eng'ne 847, left Portland at 7:36 A. 11. According to the testimony of Lb paa. sengers, which i corroborated in measure by the statement of the eogi. neer, tbe engine wa not working very tisfactorily, and when Castle Bock waa reached tbe fire were drawn and an effort made to repair it so that It would steam better. It climbed tbe hill beyond Castle Rock without difficulty, and nicked an some of tbe time that wa lost before Napavine wa reached. From that point It rolled down the grade at pretty good gait, and wa going at about a 40-mile clip along tbe bank ef toe ftewaoknm river, about 1 niles west ot iiiebalia, wben aoddenly a oarp explosion waa beard and an ta unt later tbe big locomotive shot ever the embankment, toppled to the left and buried its left cylinder and driv ers in the soft earth. Simultaneooalv with tbe explosion, the tender parted from the euigne, jumped from it track and landed at tbe foot of tbe embank ment. Tbe first car, a light combina tion passenger and baggase car, broke looe from the tender, Damped for an instant on the tie, and then, with ter rific force, plunged down tbe embank ment. An immense cedar stump waa atand- ing near the font of the embankment. and as the car flew part it, the entire leit side of tbe coach was torn ont. and tbe unfortunate passenger bruited, eat and maimed by flying wreckage or glats, iron and wool, bran he of tree, slapping them in tbe face. Tbe ne mentam of tbe first car wa so treat that it continued on past the big stamp turned farther over, and finally came to a stop with tbe entire left aid and most of tbe seats swept clean, th roof caved in and tbe floor buliina an. Tbe second car followed it and brought up a'ongside of tbe stnmp The lead ers checked tbe momentum of tbe third car, fourth and fifth ear, which left ' the embankment : and tarned ly over, but escaped tbe terrible punish ment inflicted on the first ear. The sixth from tbe engine lett tbe rail bat remained on tbe ties, tbe occupants es caping with little more than a bad scare. The seventh and last ear waa tbe only one which remained on the rails. WON BY RBLIANCB. 5 ham rock III Badly Beaten In Fa-sf of International Race. Near York, Aug. 23. In a splendid 12 to 15-knot breeze, over a windward and leeward course of 30-milea, tbe gallant sloop Reliance yesterday beat Shamrock III in commanding style, by exactly nine minutes actual time, or seven minute and three seconds, after deducting the one minute and 67 sec onds, which the defender concedes to Sir Thomas Lipton'a third challenger on account of Reliance' larger exiling pian aa a present measured. , It wa a royal water fight for tbe ancient trepby, which carries with it the yachting supremacy ol tbe world. and by a strange coincidence the first victory in tbe cup series of 1903 oe- currej on the 62d anniversary of tbe day on which the old schooner Ameri ca captured it in ber famous race around the Isle of Wight. The Reli ance beat the British boat three min utes 21 seconds in tbe thresh to wind ward, and five minute 36 second in the run down the wind. Situation ia Critical. Sofia, Bnlagria, Aug. 26. The tec. era) outlook in Macedonia show no signs ot improvement, and tbe devlcp. menta in the next few day are awaited here with the gravest anxiety. The outbreak at Adrianople ia growing and disturbances are also prevalent: along tbe coart and in the vi. inity of tbe Be garian frontier. A di -patch from Dub nitia asserts that a division of the Rou manian army, with a brigade of cavalry from Bucharest, has oeeq ..ordered to march toward the Bu garian - frontier, ostensibly for maneuvers. Rob Streetcar Men. Los Angeles, Cal., Ang. 25. Two masked and heavily "armed highway men held np and robbed tbe conductor and motorman of a traction company's car at the end of the Weat Adam street line, a abort time before midnight, to night. From Conductor Holton tney took $14 in .moneys and a watch and Iron. Motorman Salisbury they aacored about a dollar In change and watch. The highwaymen made their escape In the darkness. . " ltu.1 nmu at.... SO. tKJ or. I dressed, 6i7 Wc per pound. 'J Washington WW Be IMwl&aaAt Veal 8c per pound. 1 Washington,. Aug. 29? Under i tbe Mutton Grose. $3; dressed, 5X3 national military law of last congress. 6c; lambs, gross. $3.50; dressed, 7c. the secretary of war ba fdirectel that Hogs-Gross, $505.76; aWad, Washington atate be swimbarned lnlfoll 7c- ' tor amount expended In purchasing 30 nope io cn-p. per poano. , ' caliber magazine rifles (or ita national Tallow Prime, per ponn.1, 4(3 5e; No. Z and grease, 2)' (93c. Wool Valley, 17(18c; Eastern Oregon, 12(115c; mohair, 3537Kc guard prior to the passage of the krt. The law contemplate that the eera nrent shall furnish equipment to all atate.