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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1903)
0 4 u i! THE BIG STORE DOWN By The Big Sawmill!- ! Reclving New Good Every day in the Week. THE KIUCKLI STORE HA8 A REPUTA- lion of Long Htandlng lor Only tha Bt 1 -GENERAL MERCHADISE- Dart & Muckle, Nt. Hclt'iiH, - Oregon. i t ST. HELENS PHARMACY TV Patronise a 3rtg waut pure, fresh Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Fine Line of Writing Supplied. Plain ud Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc. Direct from Publisher-Regular i qp qft u V V V V V V V V M. C. GRAY THE PEOPLE'S MERCHANT Carries a Large and Well Selected Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Flour and Feed, i ST. HELENS. I TOOTHACHE DROPS. 1 J O.I Clove, Crcienl unci Clilor. ( r:n, cert if I parts on cotton; thi J 2 will .ti.. nity i e,tif ' lm he caused fium exposed nerve, but f 3 the wi) to cure it, U to h.ive lb br.w method. i Dr. KNODER, Dentist, ' Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments by Mail. Room jO sud 61, Washington Bid., kVwthegst eornr Wash, and 41 li St PORTLAND, OREGON. Taka Elevator to Fifth Floor. JAMES SPENCE The Houlton Blacksmith -. ost ro Milburn Wagous, Buckeye Binders, and All Kinds of Farm Implements. Houlton - - Oregon m au Y i s. one immMViiir& r Homo, Storo Th AimnMcb a 1R3 ILLUMiUTOBS Baa. m mom light u 6y. "IT. KM aaeaa thimM i,lJU", S'l'l.-I'inr Vr.Muu otl OlfS lf. l'. N AbaoiuUly ear. rajTV mrt.t. CHIC')0 5UI.MC UOHT CO- store when you and rcliab! Ac 25 cent Noiels Onlj .0 Cents V V V v i 4 OREGON lootu Hlled by IR. KNOPKR'8 h 3'3,S t l a T E ondf Street aunlitfbl and Alnt aa Cheap. V&$lVMfS2&: a Hardware wrttas .a m ihIKmm aaaj cidu.. LAW''. WAt t, ?., 1-Af. , '' lw Cm-.i 'H'-I I, N. v.".' A' I IH4T. K.4n. ; 'r F n A T Sf The Lant.ii araaun betfao. Wadnaadayl Canned food at ratall or wliolialr at M. C. Uray'a. Altuoat anythlni you want In tha gro cery Una caa )m had at M. 0. Oray'a. Kvtnlng aorvlce) will ht hld in Chrlat episcopal church neat Sunday at?:S0. All will be mads welcome. ' .: Work Is progressing on two story building arecled on tha old crvawery sit. by Floyd Pusey ud hi muthor, Mrs. j. 8. Hmcoii. Job printing of all kinds promptly ex ecuted at this office. Haw is the time to get your letter heads, billheads and statement, printed. Taxpayers should take advantage of the rebate of three per rent, which Is allowed under the present law, where taies are paid belore March llith, Judge (4. W. Harries, for several years Justice of the Peace, was in the city on Wednesday, just as happy a ever. Father Time Is treating tha Judge nicely, A. Holmes, of Hcappoose, commenced the erection of a handsome new dwel ling this week. The structure ia to be one and a half stories In height, a ik will have modern conveniences. It Is resorted thst new logging csmp will be Instituted up the Clataka nir, and a road built thereto, In the immediate future. The limber of that section la being cruised, and reports coma to Ibis oOlce that It will compare favorably with the best in the county. The beet physic. ''Once tried and you will alwaya as. Chsmberlain's Stomach ami Liv-r TaMets," say W. A. Girerd, Peas, Vt. Them Tablets are the most prompt, moet pleasant and roost reliable cathartic in usr. For sale by Edwin Koss The big sawmill is Umtalling its new boiler, a new lath machine, and uiakitig other improvements this week. The Loue Htar Lumber Company promise much fur this rotnm unity. The in stalling of the 85-horse-power boiler ahow that the company ha faith in the venture. i J. D. Perry was in the city from Port land yesterday, on a visit to his mother. IJr. Perry has teen with the Portland General Elvctric Co., for several years. He leave today lor Kl Paso, Texas, (.here he will uieke his future hoot, lie a ill travel fr a machinery Iroute and his territory will include Ariionn, Ti-ass and Mexico. When you feel blue and that every thing gore wrong, take a dose oT Chatn-bt-ilain' Kiomsth and . Liref Tablets. They ail) cleanse and luvigorate your stomach, rvgulateyuur bowels, give you a relish for your loud and make you feel that in this old world ia a good place to live. For ante by Edwin Kosa. At Oregon City last Tuesday tilgh1 Mi-s Mary Conyers gave a succetsful concert hhe was ably assisted by such celebrities as Dom J. Zan, Mrs. A. C. 8held.m7 Portland's charming soprano, Mies Veda Williams and M Marian M,.,n'a aat ve daughter Mra. Robert A. Miller, de- lighted the audience with a reading from Khakespeare. I Orient the most helpful of monthly j magsiiiHn is Conkey'a Home Journal ll'hirsgo) "T7 ? . " leHtiiii s, the Journal for March contains special article, entitled, "A Wedding ilre.klast for Mar.b" and ''Ileautilul Winduw Uurdet..." by Ethe M. Co n. The short .tones are by El., fc Kcx - lt.rd.nH P,-.rl Howard L.mpMI. A Holii'htitil 1-o-aii'ri fur the oiano is bv t Fraucca Kolierteon. Much of the uues of the the North ern Pavilif in securing so large a per- ItenUge of the travel to the Oregon sec- IIOU IS uue IW alio popiliaritT ui Aaaini ant General Paasengt-r Aguitt Charlton and Ins verv ellicient otlice force con sisting of such obliging officials as Col. Geo. T. Willetta, Ed in I.. bUylmrn, F. O'.Neill and othera, Many persons just through (ricinlfhip for these qttloial advise fi ieuds to come via the Northeru Pacific, the Yellon stone Park route. Portland, Oregon, World. , Crooked Creek. Wo are having pleasant weather now adays. The snow is disappearing. W, E. Van has been logging fur the Lane A Lindberg Co. Etml Lindberg ha returned from Waahington, whore ha has been work ing. I. W. fjtne mill will toon be ready or operation. W. E. Van gave t St. Valentine dance to dwdUate his new house. About fifty two guests were present. We will y a few worda of praise to V., for hia. new house is the nicest one In the Valley. Mr. Malimla Lane ia recovering tnaui an attack of tor throat. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burnham re turned to Clalakanie Sunday, after a few' vUit to Hi lalterr slater, Mr. Win. Van. The croak of th frog I welcome, indicate spring. Mr. 0. E. llarvy gave a dance the 21atofFb. All reporta good time. The Mist correspondent think the Fiahhnwk correspondent lays Wblltier and Longfellow in th shade, the present oorrannomlent thinks the Mist writer lav Florence Nightingale in tha shade. Smith Turner, Cecil and Clyd Lane, A. Jones and Ha-ry DippoM. "Mended th dance at Uarvey. laat 8aturdy. Why 1 it, that the Mist correspon dent can't think of anything to call the distant friends, but gypaies and froKsT The Ht. UcIhuh Hotol takes the lead under the ui:iniiKluuiil ol vl. A. und A M. Urluu CEDAR GROVE Too late late for last issue.. Fin weather. The farmer are tiling np their fences, and getting ready to farm. lleliuer Soderstrort I knitting new net and getting ready, lor the flailing season. '"'' - Fred Malcolm ba a new log roller at hi house, but It will be aeveral years before he la old enough' ie accomplish much In that line. Alfred Gsrtsen's nephew, Harold Lund, hss gone to North Yakima, Wash., for an extended visit with bis brother and uncle. ' - ' Frank Kyser and his brother-in-law, Edward Spencer are working in Veon's logging ramp. W. H. King of St. Johns, haa bought the old Nichola place, consideration $1200. ' . s , Cedar Grove Orange, So. 320 held a apecial session last Thursday and initi ated two new members, ' Mr. Editor: You have the thanks of the entire memhecahip of the granges of thiscounty for. kindly offering to publish the grange news. Although grange have been notified that they should elect delegates to tbt couuty convention which meet neit month for the purpose of electing dele gates to the slate grange, yet I take this means of asking each grange in the couuty, to not forget to elect not only three delegates, but three alternates, aa the worthy Stale Master Informs ass that no proxy i allowed. Elect each alternate to represent a certain delegate, thsn if the delegate cannot attend it is his duty to notify bia alternate of t he fact so he can have full representation. The. time and place of holding this convention are not fully decided but will be next week. However, it will be at the same time and place at which the farmers meeting is held, (about the middle of March) due notice of which will be given threugh the county papers. Asron Jonee, of SoiithbendMnd., master of the National Orange, will be present at said meeting, and deliver the principal speech. It is to be liuped that every farmer and laborer in the coonty, together with their wives and families will attend this meeting, as the privilege of hearing a speaker with a national reputation dnea not come to us every- year.'-' A load of the young people of Cedar Orove attended, the banket aocial and dance at Ihe Wavera Valley grange hall, laat (palurJur (fight. ,. Teafleaey ef tke Tiase. The tendency of , medi'-al ia toward preventive meaaurea. Thf .beat thought ol the w .rid is being giyenio the ,sub ject. It is eaaier to prgveut. tn to cure. It haa been fully demonstrated that pneumonia, cne of the moat dangerous disease that' tnedical men have to contend with, can be prat-cuted bv the use of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. Pneumonia always rrsulls 1 from a cold or an attack of influenza been observed that (grip), ami it nas remedy counteracts any, r (lUKlenry ot these diseasea tnward . pneumonia Thia haa been fully, proven in many thousands of cases in which this remedy hss been used during the great preva- Wnrtaj nf mLta and an iu In-recent vears. and can be relied upon with iinplll confidence. Pneumonia -often res n lis J ( alight cold when no danger is ,.., ,,, .1-1.-1. Hi. j B( 1 e- ,n brMlM ,K, in in tbe chM, ' ,,e u ,, ,Bnounofd lh.t tlie ,-.t;enl chest int has pneumonia. Re on the safe side and lake Cbaruherlaiu'e Cough Remedy aa soon as the cold i contracted. It alway cure. For sale by Edwin Ross. A LINE FROM NEWPORT. . . New Port, Ore. Editor Mist : I wish a small space in your paper for a few remarks about this part of tli world. It can't be beat for health ami climate; New Port enjoy the reputation of being the finest sum mer tasoi ton tbe racific coast, thous ands of people visit this resort every summer, and tbe winter is mild and easy. I .and is sold at reasonable price.. Tne people are socialtl and-friendly, fruit of almost any kind can be raised her. Lincoln county offers good in ducement it homeseekers. W waal business men, working men, farmer and capitalists; it take all kind of people to make the comity. If you are an old man come and view sun set, down by the. ea; il you are a moneyed man, coma and inerea yonr capital; if a single man, com and see our girls. Lincoln county i the poor man's home and a rich man' Paradise. Toledo, the county aeat of Lincoln county, Is located on the YaqTt ina Bay. It i. a thriving town, and carries on trade withall part. of the county. There is plenty of government land vol open lor htfmeeteade, qnlte-'clore U town, also on Milt Creek, ' four or live wiles from town,' there are some. Ane places for homestead. J. Or Plank, formerly It ! of St. Helena, haa a homestead her. At the mouth of Little Mill creek, live our iollv Bachelor Hotel keeper-; While 1 building Mr. Plank houae, we boafdud there, and finer felmw. than the land lord is hard, to flnd.- Ou the Reach, gt New Port gold mining i carried on in different plkcB.' -'- 'i .. .'.( W.iP. fociaUU Tho. Williams, of Ranir, waived -saiinstfon and Wa bound over to the May tetm of court before Jtwice Synion Monday In th sum of t500 bail in de limit of which he is a guest at the hotti de Hattan in this rity. Deputy Diitrlci ' Atlorncr Powell investigated the cage, j hiuI is ci-riain tlnvl the cnnpl.iint of sa- i iliKllon will bv upheld hy I lie cgui'ti. '. I CLATSKANIE . J. II. Kramer' boy, about 14 year of age, w over from Qniniy Friday, with a dislocated elbow, caused by a fall while feeding atock at the barn. Mr. C. II. Wheeler and children are pending a few day in town with her liter Mr. Fraiei McDjnsJd, during the absence of her husband, on a visit east. ' ' L. B. Reader, Grand Hachem of the Order of Red Men, made CUtakanie an official visit recently. He was apeaker of th House of Representatives, in 1901, and la a Pendulum attorney. We have new property holders in town now. The balance of the Wbitten lot have been sold, three of them to I. R. Hulliyan, and four to W, F. Myers. What single men want with town lots can only be told later. We notice Knighton at work in hia new shop. Now we will have a chance to choose between "shaven" and have satiafaciory work done la either shop. There wl,l probably be a good business for both this summer. W. 8. Miller and wife, onr veteran suburban residents, have leased their farm to George Miller, and will take up their residence in tosn, expecting to occupy their building on the corner of Second and Walnut street, toon a tone alterations can be made. A building is going up ou the Pophem corner to accommodate W. T. Simmons and family, for it I a ''family" now ince the arrival a fair daya ago, of a boy, to make thing Interesting. Markwell and McKay expect to have the building flniahed in a flew day. Cwnyer hall was lit up at quite a late hour Saturday night, ami on inquiry a to th. eaoee, secured tbe information that the sC. O. T. M. and L. O. T. M. were having a joint meeting with instal lation of officers, and a spread. Poeeibly this information was not intended for the public. 8. Lindgren is finishing up a house on nam airnrv, uui ui me iu icriai iiuuj building that used to (tand below Bureau' mill. A teuant ban already been secured as soon a the house is finished. In fact there are many more applicanta for houses than can be accom modated by the present supply. Andrew Eagle has abandoned the anvil and hammer in town for the pres ent and taken himself to Deep River to work for Ik-ncon in a similar line of work. tametliing seem to have dropped out of lUe town when Andrew ia gone and we are pleased to know that Ida absence is only temporary. George Millet has sold his house and lot on Nehalem Ave. to Mr. and Mr. W B. Miller. The bouse haa been vacated already by Miller's family, and tneir residence transferred to the farm outside the city. The family of 8. Carver now occupies the house, leaving their former home vacant for repair and alterations. Silvo Graham came up by train from Marshland Thursday evening, and being iu a hurry to get home, stepped off near the end of the draw bridge instead of riding to the station. There happens to be quite a trestle at the eud of the bridge and Silvo was unfortunate enough to reach the ground through the trestle without sufficient preparation or care as to w here be would step. One broken arm and some bruites, remain to remind him of his experience, but he takes it all good uaturedly, and ia thaiikiul that it was his arm hist ad of his neck that wa broken. Hon. Hex Caples wa a caller yester day. R. II. Mitchell, of Rniner, was in St. Helen Wednesday. County Judge J. B, Poan was in thi city yesterday, going to Portland on the afternoon boat. 8. B. Rose, for fifteen rears a resident of Vernonia will euove to Qcincy this week and go into the hotel business. Miss Maud Mavens of Warren, Ore., came down to Kalama last Saturday to visit relatives and friend. Kalama Bulletin. W. W. Allen, of Vernonia, was a caller yesterday. He brought a stiip Bient of eggs for the Portland mar ket, realising iO cent a doxen ou the same. DEATH O- MR3. HE2 CATLES. Mr. Minerva Caple. wife of Hex Ca ples, died at Caple. Wa-h., Feb. 21th. 1903, aged 49 years and 3 days. The remain were bronght to thi city! yes terday, and foflowed to the Inst re-ting olace by loving f iei.ila sol rel atives. Deceased was native of this country, and her school days were pns ed her. She was married to Mr. Cnples August 12, l&9. She leaves a husband, four sons, two brothers and three sinters, j werc present at the fnnernl exi-ept one brolhe. . Her youngest son is 19 year" of age. Decutisetl wr immersed into the Chtietiau church by Dr. MclMde, 33 years ago, nud hiul renmined a consist ent member ever since. CI... 1....1 at. .a. f.,v alumt tmtr v,.a-a - " ' " Wltll urigms uiscase, ana unit grxmu gradually worse until three week ago when she took to her U-d. For six day .he remained unconscious, when death called her. The end wa peaceful, and j . i u w i j r t..i a devoted husband and four loving sons iaf th wife and mother breathe her . . - - Mr. Caple. wUhes IO return thank, to the citiienu'of St. Helen for furor shown himself and family on this occa sion. L. M- tker, of KiiMie tsk- Vurc Houlton, will , H. tiao a I PERSONAL I; CITATfO!. Ill the Cotiir Court f lb State of Orsswa for I oihiiiM Count?. In the iiur f tuseatateef Jsrsmiah Osl vtu, rieceie4. TeMlehsel Oslrln, of Cut Tiilltf. IretaiM; Mrt. Msrj Klor.l.n, of Kail Ur.wn Ireland; J.m. o.lvln, ul, rslali Mrs. Kale Elc,r.lii,o( K . rl drawn, Ireland; ami fal rlik IJalflu, i,l Omaha, .Sabruka; helra at-law l Jf rmilah (ialirln, deceaiKd; and to all oltaer balra anil d'Tlpiee, unaiiowp, II any .urn thare lie. an.l to all other oarauni llitereateil In tlis nale.iale iMlohKlni lu trie eatai of (aid de eeaae.1; Oascrijio: IN the name of the State of Oregon: Vou and earn of Too are hereby mm maoried to be and aiM-ar before the Honorable COUII'V Court Ol the rftata of Orvwnn lnan.l for ! (he Count) of Columbia, .n the court r.m of mmni nnjri. at . Ilfiena, III aal'l t;iunijr and Htate. on Monday, Ilia into da; of March, 1WM, at the hour of 1 o'clock Id Hie alleraoun of aalii day, It lln(t the retcNUr March terra of aald Court; to .how cauae, If any atl.t, wh all order of ale of all the real oroperty Ulouilnpf to the eilale of aald dwnrfjiri all Couuty of Colum bia, male of Orrg u, nhould not I made aa prayed for In Hie ,tliion of John Dolan, ad nlnlatrator of aald aaia's. on file In aald Coon, The real eta;e dearribad In aald petition la as follow., t-wi ; The .e'of aai llon 7. In two. I north, rmuift 2 wrat ol the Willamette meridian, lu iIumbia County, stale of Oregon. WiTsaaa, Uie lloo. J. H. Diwn. Ju'ie ef the Coauty :oart of the elate ol Oregon for the Connty of Culuaibia, with the leal of aald Court a(tiji, d, IbU tth dr of febraarr, A. !.. IMS. Attest: If. UENDtaao!, Clerk. By, W. A. HABRI. Deputy. POW ILL, Attorney far Batata. Timber Land, act Jane J, 187. NOTICC FOB PUBLICATION. Jolted Hutee Lead (Mice. Or.(on Clly, Ureg ou, January 22, 1M. NOTICE I H BBgBY UIVBH THAT IN compliance with the proTlalo.a f tbe mrt .f Coiigrea of June S, tars, entitled -'Aa act for the aale of timber landa In the Ht.tea of Callfnr nla, Orean, Nevada, and Waahinirtoii Terri tory," aa eilended to all the rubllc Land State by aet of Ausuat 4, law, William fr. er. of rrt laod. Con ity of Multnomah, mats of Uregcn, haa thla day filed In thl. office hia aworu alale meol. No. SOis. for the purr haae of the ae of section No. ). in towu'hip No. 4, n. range No. 2. w, and will otter proaf to ahow that th 'an.l aouffht la more valuable tor It timber or atone than for asracullural pnrooae., and to eetabliib hia. )aim to Mid land before the Retfiater and Receiver of thla office at Orexon t'tty. Oregon, ou Friday, the ICKn day of April. 19U3. He name aa wiltiearfe: Robert oabori,, Robert Louden and feUlward Burke, of Portland, Oregi-U and J. 8. burke, of Molalla. Oregon Any and all peraon claiming adveraely the ab' re-1eeribed land, are regne.ted to file their elalm. in thla office on or before aald 10th day of April, 1M3. CUAKLKIB. MOORED Beglater. SUMM0$. In the Clrvt'-ilt Co-m of tbe Stf.e of Oreaa fir Columbia Crttwity J, c. Kg$li.tou. ruintiff. va. "" E""" D Defeuliut i tli aVve-aiacl Ja fendatit IS TH Z NAME OI TUB STtTK OF ORE eou; Yoj are hereby reriirelto and an-wer the CanpUint tiled aratutt yon In the above entitle 1 Court and Cau-e on or bef ire the '2rh day of Ma ch. 1. wnirh will be alter the expiration of ix week from the date of the flrt publication of tbli amnnMn; and if you fill io o appear and eiawer aa or beforeaal i 24tti day o- March. IM. the plain tid wtll apply to tbe Court tor the reliei therein pracel, to-wit: a decree of divorce from the bond, of matrlm uy nvw exiatiug between you and the plaintiff. Thia an to mine 1. fMibllihed for six eonaeca tlve week by order of the H'in. J. H- Ihmn. County Judge of aafd County an t Htate, m1e and entered m thia cauae on th 9th day of Feb ruary. lilW. Thedavof in flrat publication of thia urn f'eJruaiy 1.1 1901. and me laat M irch 27, ISOl. Mr.U'H a riTZHCUH. Atlornaya tor flaiuUT. Sealed PrvaaMgJa. Sealed proposals for the construct! on and furnishing of material for an addi tion to the Bachelor Flit school house, according to plans and specifications to be seen at tbe dent's office ; also a pm posal for painting old and new build ing, the district furnishing paint. Bids will be received op to It o'ekx-k,; Feb ruary 28th, 1903. The Board of Direc tors reserves tbe right to reject any or all bida. '. GCS HEGELE. Clerk, Warren, Or, H. T. BENNETT. Chairman. Wanetd a tkcstwobthy gkntlem n or lady in each cou ty io manage bust ness for an old established hou.e on solid financial standing. A straight, bona tide weekly salary ol 18.00 pnid bv check every Vt edneeday with all ex peiifK-gdirecl 'roni headqna.ters. Hone advanced for expenses. Manager, &40 Canton lildg., Chicago. EI-P-AN S Tabules Doctor find A good prescription For mankind The cant packet I. enough tor nstial oecaalnna The family bottle (u eeuta) contains year'a auppiy. Alt aruggiM aau ineui. GEORGE A. HALL ATTORXE Y- AT- Li W 6T. HELENS OREGON. St. Helens Hotel Under the Management of Q, A, AND A. M. BRINN. tbe LeaJlne House.- Ileaaajnarlers for Mlllnteia, l ag. gera. tgiamrr) men ssa Caul, uaerci.l Traveler.. Board and Lodging, $30 per mouth. Transient, $1 per day. Barn and Feed for Horses. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache ' All dUsaasaj of Kldnsy, 1-VW T FX sT. niaaaer. urinary organs, h?il?.hf& rpy. FenuUs Trouble. xans. III. A lao KhsnnuiUsia. Back I II l-af i VUlVLf bMom, dtlooan(i. ntn , for yoa. Jf nceary write Dr. Kennee. Me baa speut a life time curing Juat uca cajwaaayoura. AUcouaultatluna tVwa. -Your Kidney end Backache Cur. a. 1 eured two very bad case, among our ctwto- I saers th. pass year whom the ckicton had giv.nup. J. U STILb A CO.. Woodland. Ia." Druggists. Mc.. M- Aak tor Cook Book-FT M. ST.VITUS'DANCE Bur. Cure. Circular. P Fenner, Fredonla-N-f I.. ! i or pale ly M. C. iry, S Helens; A Brian, givers! c;er- iM p : lev t cIihm;s ioc I LL I I-',-l'lliJ LJJi TMI KltTCLVf BATES. Tlif paper aaj tW Weekly Oregtv Bian 1 per annua). Thl paper and lb Tonng People' Weekly, 1 per anoum. Thi paper and the Weekly Capital Journal, of Salem, II 130 per annum) fix months, 76 cent. This paper and th Portland Weekly Journal, (democratic), 11 60 per an t.u-n. Thl paper and th N. Y. Thrice-a Week World per year l 80; ix months, 90 cent. The Chicago Weekly Intr Oceau and thi paper one year for $1 60, This paper and the Evening Tele gram three month for 1 26. Thi paper and Con key' Magaxin one year for $1 26. All club subscriptions are invariably in advance. SUMMONS. In the Court, of th luu. of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, William Brobat, 1 PUlBUfT, va. 1 Mary E. Brobat, ) Delendant. To Marr K. Brohal. the abovanaml rfav fendant; I N THg NAME Of TBE bTATE OF O It EGO!: 1. Yow are hereby reonlred to appear on or belore Uie 10th day of April Una, that being tne taat aay preacrioed id tne oraer oi pubiio tlon of thla aommoos, and If yon fail to ao aptar and snavier aald eomplaiea ttaepl.lDliff win apply w uie court mr in riii tuerem nrave.1. u, wit; A dlvt.rce from th. mania-. extaiiug between you sud plaintiff. Thla lannou t pnbjlahed for six emueca tlve week, bv order of ilonorable Thoniaa A. Mcliride, judye of aald circuit eoim. rnwleon the 2ih day of Fcbrtian. l'J03. ihe tlrat publi- caUou being on the 27th da) of February, Itoa. 0. B. HARRINGTON, Attorney for plaintiff. Timber Land, Aet Joue a, 187. , HOTICe FOR PUBUCiTIOH. ' CSITXD gTXTSS L.SD OTTIct, Oregon City. Oregon, December 31,1903, N'OTII'K IMHERKBY GIVEN TAAT I.N COM pliance with the provlaiona a th Act of Coiigre-a of Jun :i, 174, entitled "An act for th. aaie ol limber lunda lu the Slalee of California Orgin, Nevada and Washington Territory," a extended lo all the Public LanaV Ptatea by act ol AiigUKt 4. lrj. Nancy I'. Hacker, of KeaM-y. County of Co: imbla, Hfat of Orevon, haa ihia day file. I in thia office her .worn atat. ment No. wxxl, for the ptircbaae of the aw of na1 and lot 4 of section Jio. &, la tewimhip No. 4 n, range No. h, wet. and will offer priK.f to ahow that lha land aoaght la more valueot? lor ila tlmU'r or atone than lor a.rt- cultural pnru.e, aii.1 toeatabii.h ber claim to aaia ihiio iwiore me negi.ivr anu nwciver oi thi otticet Oregon city, Oregon, on Saturday, thelltntiay oi aarcn, iwt. ene names aa witiieMica', h. R. Throop, lKnla Ma- (ill and H 1. Redmond, of Keaaaey, Oregoi , and Charles M'-Cauley, ef (!. HeleM. Oregon. Auv and alf- irMioa claiiniiia adversely lb. above deMrrilwrtf law'. are rvoieled to file their claima in Ihii. oflireouor belore aald Ulh day ol March. im jStnU CHAKLK;B MJORK.". Re1lr limber Land, Art June . Ifl H0TICC F0H MBCf$TI0H. Chitxo 8TiTa Laud OrnVa. Orecon Cttv, Oregon, Ileeeffier 2. 1902. NOTICE 18 HKBEBY UIVEN THsVT IN COsf pliance with the provlaion ofvfa ' of Conrreea of Jane 1, 14:8. entitled "Aji act for tbe aale ot timber landa in the eMate of Vniifor nia. Oregon. Nevada, and WajhingfonTerri tory," aa extended to .11 the Public Land Biue bv act of August 4. liWi Martha A. Martll o Kea--e I'ountv of Columbia, State ol OreitrQ, haath adavrlled in thlaorrc her aworu aiw mrnt No aoDI. for tha Dureha-a of the n'o( n of sections; ne1 of neU ofaactton 7. lu low.-' hip 4. n. range No. 6 weal, and will offer proof to ahow that the land eouglit la move valiiaote for it. tlmtieror atone than for arneu Inral DUr pose., and toeatabllah her claim toaaiaV laud be--tore the Beglater and Receiver of thla orhc at Oregon city. Orexon. on Satnnl.v, tbe 14th day of MarcKlMB. She name, aa witneaear B. at. Tnrp. it. L. Redmond. Auguat Schuielet and W. U. Haider, all of Keaney. Oregon. Any and all persona claiming - jd veraely tbe sbove-deacribeH lantts sr. requeated to file their claim In this orhc on or before aldl4tbdv of March, 1IW0. JVsalS CHA4 B M06KE8, Begiater. HOT ICC Or riMAL SETTLEKEHT NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVF.S' THAT THE undersigned aa adinlniatrator of the eatate of Michael J Canty. deceased, liaa filed hi. final account ol hia adnuistralion of the said eat!., in the ottlceof the County Clerk of Columbia County. In the tilate of Oreguu, and the County Courl of aald County baa lUed the Ml day of March. A. D.. la. at the hour ol one o cluck in the afternoon ot that day. at tha County Ceurt Houae in .aid County, as the liuie and place Mr the hearing of objection to auch final account, and tbe etilen.eul thereof. D. J. 8WITZER. Adutlntstralor of tbe estate of Mienael J. canty, deceased. 8. H. GR1BEK, 123 fx Attomeyfor the Administrator. Timber Uad. Act June S, 1ST. HOTICE rOH PUIUCtTIQH, 1'itxd STaTaa Lia Orrtra, Oreiron City, Oiegon, Janaary U, 1M. NOTICE i HKBEBY 4tES TT IN) joeplisnce with tbe provlaion of la. sef of Congreaaef June, W78. entitled "Aa act for the aale of tl ruber landa In the Bialea ot Cali fornia. Oregon, Nevada and Waahington Terrf. lory, ' aa extended to all ihe Public Land Hum bv act of Augual 4. ta2. Armin Buelikoftr, ol Portland, couuty of Multnomah, stele ol Ore gon, haa thla dav filed In Ihia office hia awora element. No. rr7. for th purchaa ol th. of nw1.. w of aw1-. aee. 1, ueV acV. of aee. 2 la Tuwn.lilp No. 4 u. Range No. w, -nil Will oBbr proof to -how that Out land wagBt ft trior val uable for lta timber or atom than lor agriiul lural paniOMes, and to ealabliall hi Claim to aald land before Ihe Register and Receiver of thia office at Oregon City, Oregon on Thursday, the 2oth day of alMrvh, lsai3. He name, sa wit neaaea: A. N. Early. . I) Hart, David Karlt, ol Vernonia. Oregon, and C. lauervlu of Html tou. Oregon. Any and .11 person clalinlng adversely the shove iiecriiied lauda are requeaie.1 lo HI their claima in thia ottlce on or beiore ld 2Sth day of March, lU. jleniW CHAU. B. MOORK!. Regialer. Piollcc For PublliaHloea. Peptrtment of the lulerior. lAud tnlWe at Oiegon Cltv, Oregon. January Ja. tvul. N OTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler ha tlleo nolio. of hit Intention ty ajak linal pnnjf lu nipport of hia cluJin, aad thai Kid pner nil! he tnatte be fore tiie Beirlaii and st OreyojCilj, Oregon, on'ii wo.1, via: 111 A LENUACHBR, II E. No. 1X!TJ, for the si.'i .1 ae. U, twp. i ft, r4w. He nam the followiug to nrovf nla avamtlnuoa rfldni-e upon sud oultlvatb.a j olaatd laud, via: l klliji lilahn, P. Balhird, ) John s. Roberta and ItvWry Uierto, ajl ol Ver nonia. uregon. cttAS. mi atiytt.e. R-UI13 negii gidar. NOTICE TO CKUDirOKl. in httehfr ttiVPti thut tt lift i tiernlttueU tin IsWu, by tb Hob. !. S Doan. Judgf of the County t'tttirt of th Mts u Oren tot the I'ointv tf fnlniutiU. rtppoiiitii etetuitrix of Ihr fta-inu o( Krnk .U. Toinp.lH,, dH'(viSfil. Any su aj! priMiu buvlnfj UiJin ifHtnt Hid (. ire ht'rrtiy reu'red lu i.r tei.l thi: wiasf tit tn. writieti ci,oryinn to ltw, t my rcst'ieuce it HoflpiMiet?, Orrtfnii, or to my attorney, W. U. Huvgt-ii, nt fi , ttWetm Ortgo , wtibiu six mrmtb" 'mm the tlniSj bre)f, MARY JANE TOMPKINS, .la-titrlx of ihe e-ut of Kmuk il. 1 bump kius, 'lbcMiTj. W, H Powell, Attunmy tur Kxvcutrlz, DatM, Februnr ft, 1903. 1SOTICK OP FINAL BKTTliKMfc;NT rOTICE ia hereby given that the nn i dsralgned a. a1wliila(rator ot I he eatate of Elvira Ann Bear, deiieaaed, haa llle.1 hia Unit acoount uf hia admlnlatruilon ot the aai.l eaiat, In ih office of th Couuty Clerk of Columbia County, in the atatc of Oregon, end tiie County Court of alo t'outilv ba. fixed th. 7!h day nf March, 1IX)'. at lha hi,rof ten ocUfk ., m.- nl aavl day, al ihe tltiufity Court- Houae lu aai-i County,' aa tb. M)me and plat, for th hi-aring of ohlectiona to auch inal account and the ae.. t:R....t u. rwf J K. 11 ill, A'lmHpiiMriii'r of thecKiaiauf Kittra inii Hea;5a. dc'-i-:', !, t i' .vf ,4 f T KTOJI. I -1