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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1903)
tress m After Eating Nausea between meals, belching, vom iting, flutulenco, fits of nervous head ache, pain in tho stomach, arc all symptoms of dyspepsia, and tho longer it is neglected the harder it is to cure it. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills radically and permanently cure it strengthen and tone the stomach and other digestive organs for the natural performance of their functions. Accept no substitute for Hood's. I "I bad dyspepsia twentr-flve years and took different medicines but got no help ant 11 I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, Bava taken four bottles of this medicine and can now eat almost anything, sleep well, bavc no cramps In my stomach, no burning and no distress.1! Mas. Willi ah O. BiRKRT, 14 Olney St., Providence, K. I. Hood's Saraaparllla promise to curs and keeps the promise. Had Seen Better Days. Kind Lady I suppose you have seen bettei days? Tramp Yes'm. One day last week I got three dinners and 10 beeia. De troit Free Frees. Plso s Cure fs a remedy for roughs, colds and consumption. Try it. I'rice cents, St druggists. An Old Maid's Philosophy. We may be better after suffering, and we may be worse, but our condi tions must depend upon ourtelves, and should never be laid to the nature of our calamities. From ".My Old Maid's Corner," The Century, March, 1903. The only sorrow worth anything in this world is sorrow for others, and sorrow for others means helping others, not hugeing our woes to ourselves. From "Jly Old Maid's Corner," The Century, March, 1903. To me it had seemed that those who occupied centers of affection should be less concerned with what came to them as their due, than with what went out from them as their obligation; that, like the sun itself, they should be cen ters of centrifugal forces, radiating. through the very fullness of their joy, light and gladness in.o other lives. ' iuuj uiu .uaiu a turner, me Century, January, 1903. Not Her Broom's Fault. Mrs. Casey O, but I loeht a foine little chiny vase that Mike brimg me whin he tome home late from the Dim mycratic rally Sathnrday night. T'was jist his own carelessness, too. Mrs. Cassidy Did he drop it an' break it? - Mrs. Casey He carried it home in bis hat. f-hure, he might a' knowed that'd be the furet place I'd toak him. Exchange. Must Forget One. Flannigan Phat's the matter wid Eogan these days? Hooligan He invinted an armor that nothing can pierce, and a shell that will pitrce any 'armor, and he doesn't know which to fergit. New York Times. Preference. "Yon say that young woman compli mented my singing?" he exclaimed, anxiously. "In a way," the yonng woman re plied. "She said she would rather hear you try to sing than try to con verse." Washington Star. Dis SSfUI-LT BACKEIY0UR CUARANTtf ' 'nts 1 TOWER C0.BOiT;i nii jj eh ronie Bating Ulcers, And a source of worry, anxiety and endles9 trouble to those who are afflicted by these new eyeglusses. Whether or with them, particularly so when located npon the lower extremities whore not this be true, It Is certain that the circulation is weak and sluggish. A gangrenous eating ulcer upon the many manufacturers are already coin leg is a frightful sight, and as the poisoa burrows deeper and deeper into the Ing around as close to the shape as tissue beneath and the sore continues to spread, one can almost see the flesh they dare. It must be conceded that mcmug away ana ie we sirengtn going out witu the sickening discharges, Great running sores and deep offensive ulcers often develop from a simple Don, swollen gland, bruise or pimple occause wane an sucn sores are not cancerous, a great many are, and this should make you Suspicious of all chronic slow-healinc ulcers and sores, oar- i ticularly if cancer runs in your family. greatest annoyance Because they are so persistent and unsightly and de tract irom one s appearance. Middle aged and old people and those whose blood is contaminated end tainted with the germs and poison of malaria or some previous sickness, or excessive use of mercury, are the chief sufferers from chronic sores and ulcers. While the blood remains in this unhealthy, polluted condition healing is simply impossible and the sore will continue to grow and spread in spite of washes and salves or any superficial or surface treatment, for the sore is but the outward sign of some constitutional disorder, a bad condition of the blood and system, which local remdies cannot cure S. S, S. reaches these old chronic sores very root of the trouble and counteracts impurities and poisons, and gradually Strengthens the slnggish circulation, and blood purifier and tonic combined and a safe and permanent cure for chronio sores and ulcers. If you have a slow-healing sore of any kind, large or small, write us about it, and our physicians will advise you without charge. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free. THE SWIFT SPECIFSO CO.. ATLANTA QAm Thing the Rutme. Well, Undo KnsUf, mhat brought you here? lVm two hi perliceuien by da rail in', ro' hcuah. Yen, but didn't liquor have anythiug to do with it? Yessah. Iey wua bote drunk, yo' honah. Chicago News. Could Afford It. "Hey, there!" yelled the indignant eltuen," dodging 'quickly backward. "You dropped a brick Just now that came within an ace of hitting me on the head!" "Kape it!" shouted the workman on the twelfth floor of the unfinished sky scraper. "We've plinty more v thim up here." Chicago Tribune. - Filial Sympathy. "When I was vonr age," said Mr. tioldbags, Bternlv, "I earned my own living." Ilia son looked uneasy, but was silent, "Well, have you nothing to say for yourself in that connection?" "N untiling, sir, eicept that 1 sympathize with you, and congratulate yon ou the fact that it's all over." Tit-Bits. WHERE CHARITY BEGINS. Wise Bros., the Portland Dentists, Say "Help Thyself." In many ways the dentist is your best frfet.d. He helps yon when your teeth are ,,.) W I..... tmnr f,wh near nut and break down he steps in and braces them up, puts new life into them, and makes them efficient. ,'our success in life, your feelings, whether o contentment or worry, greatly depend upon now your nourishment agrees with you. Is it not a certainty that your food will do you little good if your teeth are unable to perform their rightful workf lo pay nothing of the advantage of having a good looking set of teeth (than ahieh nothing is more effectively attractive) it is more comfortable, and absolutely indispensable to health, happiness and success, to have a set of teeth that are capable of being used. Why dolay a minute? There is no pain connected with having your teeth put in perfect order. There is no pain in getting an entire new set of teeth, which cannot be toid from natllra ones. Wise Brothers, i. ,, irn; Rnil.lim. Portend Ommn. are making scores of people happy ! every day, by sending them away with as good a set of teeth as nature ever put , into a man's or a woman's head. The ! cost of their work is extremely mod erate. There is little excise for anyone, now-a-days, neglecting their teeth. Teeth are extracted absolutely without pain, and the expense of starting a new in life, with a sound set of teeth, is slight. Chairty begins at home, and all persons having regard for their own welfare should go immediately and con sult such eminent modern dentists as Wise Brothers. The Low Roof. Ascum Hardened case, is he? Ttifnut De woist ever. Did notice how baldheaded he is? yer Ascum Yes. Tufnut Well, dat's from lidin' so much in prison vans; it wore all de hair off the top of his head. Phila delphia Press. Ton Can Get Allen's Foot Ease FREE. Write Allen 8. olmted, IRojr, N". Y., for a free sample of Allen' Foot Kae. It cures chil blain, sweating, damp, Bwollrn, aching feet. It irak-e" new or titrh t shoes eeiy. A certain cure for O-ms and flnnions. All druggists sell it. 20c. lAjn't accept any substitute. Could't Be Otherwise. Miss Slim Who wrote "Man poses?" Mies Antique Probably some perienced young author. New Tribune. Pro- inex York tlTS) Permaninnr Curra So Oti mt nrrroo9EA1 rllfc after iirft taT'aaflc of lr Kllet'i 'irret N'rrrs teeU,rr. Srai! for Kit H K S J.00 trial ttil na tr-ai iee. bE.B.U.KuLLi4.ttiarcbju.FliilMiliia.f Might Regret It, Mistress Poor, darling little Topsyl I'm afraid the will never recover. Do you know, Bridget, I think the kindest thing would be to have her shot and put out of her misery. Bridget 'Deed, ma'am, I wouldn't do that. She might get better, after all, an' then ye'd be sorry ye'd had her killed. Punch. ores- A Constant Drain Upon the System and are a threatening danger always, Face sores are common and cause the twin Bpaolflo Co., Atlanta, Oa, Sear Sirs: somathlns; like a rlalns i came on my instep, vary small at first, not at all painful, bat as It -Srraw larg-ar and bag-all to pain me I ' consulted a dootor, bat la spite of . all he could do the sors sot worse and bog-an to dlscharsre; then other ' sors came until the whole top of : my foot was one larsa mass of sores and I conld not walk. Than my hus band, who had been enred of Sorof- ! nla by the use of 8. 8. ., said h , ballovad it would cure me. I becaa I taking- it and eight bottles oared I me; my foot healed tip nioely. I be- j iivvw a vooia bsts oaen a enppis for life bat for B. 0. B. ME 3. O. H, KINO. through the blood. It goes to tisj and removes from the bleod all the builds tip the entire system and when the blood has been purified ana tne system purged cl all morbid, unhealthy matter the healing process begins, and the eating ulcer or chronic ore is soon entirely gone. S. S. S. contains no mineral or poison ons drugs of any description, but is guar anteed a purely vegetable remedv. a A physician of Colombia has fountt decytlou of coffee husks to be effective in malaria anu oiuer uisi-iteea nm-va vjul nl ne had failed. Every auluinl Is aald to have Its own kind of flea, sometimes several different kinds. Many thousand specimens of these fleas have been gathered In the unique museum of Charles Itotbsehlld, kent by Dr. Jordan at Trlng Turk, the giant of this strange collection being a mole flea a tlfth of an Inch long. Living organisms hare resumed their functions after enduring the cold of liquid air for six months. It Is suggest ed that the remarkable experiment should be continued for years or a gen eratlon, for our theories would tie great' ly modified by an Indefinite retaining of vitality, and probability would he given Lord Kelvin's speculation that life may have reached the earth from space. The first large vapor motor applied to navigation Is to be placed on the tlshlng boat of M. Etulle Altaxln, now being built nt Houlogne. The vessel, i which Is ninety feet long and Is design- ed to carry three hundred tons, will be ' provided w ith a two-huudrcd-horse power motor for operating nets. The ! uiotors will use either gasoline or aleo- UUI, Ul U1VU me imias mil vumuiu eight thousand trillions. W. C. Marshall, of the Sheffield Sclen title School at tale, bus Invented a pressure recorder which, when substi tuted for the ordinary rowlock at the end of the outriggers of a racing shell, measures and registers the pressure exerted at every stroke of the oar. The varying force of tke strokes during a long race can he ascertained, mid It Is Intended to apply the machine In the selection and training of tho university crews. lly the Uubou process, black pigment is made by pumping acetylene Into steel .'jlluders to a pressure of about two at mospheres, and then passing un electric spark through the vessels, the gas be- ,ng thus dissociated into Its em boli and bydrogeu. The hydrogen Is collected for any convenient use; the carbon Is ready for the market. Acetylene black Is free from the oily Impurities of or dluuty lumpbliuk, and the demand Is :ilreudy so great that the lirst factory now running In Switzerland la like ly Jo be followed by others lu other countries. The claim of Mount MeKlnley. the culmlmitliiK peak of the Alaskan rnug, to be regarded no the loftiest point In North America, Is sustained by the re port of an explorlug party, made by one of Its members, A. H. Ilrooks. The ;urty made a Journey of 8(X miles on foul lu Alusku during the season Just passed. D. I Heaburn, the topugraph- r of the expedition, believes thiit the measurements of mountain heights which were made have a probable error not exceeding 1W) feet. According to those measurements. Mount McKln ley's elevation definitely excetda '.'O.miO feet; that of Mount 1'uraker Is 17,0o0 feet. An Italian physicist, Slgnor Snlvlonl, has devised a mlerobalauce of such ex treme delicacy that it clearly demon strates the loss of weight of musk by vohitlllzatton. Thus the Invisible per fume floating off In the air la Indirectly weighed. The essential part of the ap paratus Is a very thin thread of glsss, fixed at one end and extended horizon tally. The microscopic objects to be weighed are placed upon the glass thread near Its free end, and the amount of flexure produced Is observed with a microscope magnifying 100 diameters. A mote weighing one-thousandth of a milligram perceptibly bends the thread. CDD IYE-OLASSES. i lie eyeglusses herewith llliixlruli-d re the Invention of a famous French oculist. Naturally all sorts of things re claimed for them, but those who ought to know declare that they will really correct astigmatism. They say, too, that the reflections of objects In the rear of the wearer, which are so annoying, are entirely dune away with these glasses attract attention to the wearer, ami for that reason alone thpy ahouid be Immensely popular with the Koi:r Hundred, Itoll rtuttvr. The young hrtisckeopcr who told the flshtiiiin that Klio wanted some eels, and when he risked her how nitir-li, re plied, "About two yards and a half," hus a rival In a woman nieutloned in the Chicago News: "1 wish to K;t some butter, please," she said to the dealer. "Itoll butter, ma'am?" he asked, po litely. "No; we wish to eat It on toast. We seldom have rolls." larger Quantities. Miss Gabble And she seeused me of retailing gossip about the neighbor hood. Miss Sharps-The Idea! Miss Gabble-Positively Insulting, Isn't she? Miss Bharpe Yes, for you're really a wholesaler. Philadelphia Press, Convict Competition In Austria. To rid themselves of the competition of the cheap products of prison labor Austrian manufacturers want their government to transport convicts he youd the sea. The dlUlculty a man lluds la getting some one to go his bond, a wotnun en counters when she wants some one to 'take" her club. OLDEST OF LAW BOOKS. Code of Kim Hammurabi in Mont) Juat Found nt Suaa. "This Inscription Is doubtless ths most Important find that 1ms everbeeu mndo lu Itabylonhin literature." Bitch Is the opinion expressed by rrof, Hugo Wlncklor, of the I'ulvorsl ty of IWrllu. iu his ttiiuslntlou, Just published, of the Laws of llainmuiiibl, takeu from a stele discovered a few months ago by the French expedition that has been for years engaged In archaeological researches In tho ancient capital of Persia, under the di rection of rrof. le Morgan. The In scription was found on a dlorlte block, 2.25 meters lu height, takeu from the old royal castle In Susn. The stole contains, besides a picture Illustrating how King Hammurabi re ceived these laws from the sun god. a complete legal code of UKi separate laws, of which, however, Nos. tld to W have been chiseled out. The gap Is In part remedied by fragments found lu the great library of Assurlmnlpal. There are sixteen columns of Inscrip tion found on the front of tho stone boucath the picture of Hammurabi, aud twenty-eight ou the rear. A special Introduction and conclud ing admotiltlon to future generations to observe faithfully the requirements of this code Indicate that the laws con tained In It were made by Hammurabi. tho contemH)iary of Abraham, the Am- raphal of the Scriptures, aud that tins Is the oldest corpus Juris extant, atito dutlng even the days of Moses by half a thousand years or more, the date of the Hammurabi being about '."iiK H. 0. That a Habylonlati Inscription of this sort should be found tn me l ersinn capital Is readily explained by the fact that It was brought to Sus.i as booty by tho Elamlte kings, and It Is not the only specimen of the klud here found. the transfer being made probably m the seventeenth or sixteenth century. The discovery only contlrms what was Indicated by the Tel ol-Atmirua Amis In Kgvpt dating from the fourteenth cen tury, which are also lu cuneiform writ- i lng. namely, that this was at that early period tho common language of di plomacy and International aud busi ness communication. An analysis of these laws shows that tho coilo was cotifltied to secular mut ters; aud, while lu many Itmtancea It forces upon the reader, luith by Its agreements and Its disagreements, a comparison with the legal system of I'eutateuch. It Is sharply distinguished from this by tho absence of religious or ceremonial commands and prohibi tions. It Is exclusively a civil code. In general It shows Its Semitic origin by recognizing, even to a greater extent thun Is done by the Pentateuch, the lex tallotils of au eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; and many of the merciful characteristics of the Mosaic legislation are conspicuous by their ab sence, nut witiiin tneso limitations u doubtless Is what Wlnckler calls It. one of the most Important original sources In the history of mankind lu general." The original text, together with a French translation, Is published by he Assyrtologlst of the expedition, P. V. Schell, In the fourth Volume of the IMegutloii en Perse," the ottVlnl nar rative of the expedition. There Is a remarkable monotony In the forms of these laws, eaeh beginning with the word "If," and this peculiarity, ns well as Its stringent measures. Is suggestive! of the Dracotilau legislation. New Yurk Sun. JEALOUSY AMONG MINERS. It Has Led In t-'litd Kule In lluildlng Their Homee. In the new mining towns lu the oml fields of viistrrn Illinois stand tunny long rows of little houses, u II lu em-h town exactly alike, the same size, snme color, faring the snme direction. Why all the houses lu encli town are as much alike as peas, the outsider Is always puzzled to know. He makes ninny guesses It he Is a curious person, but he never guesses correctly, mid utiles ; some mine owner Is tnlkntlve enough to tell of former experiences In building I miners' bonus the outsider will remain -Ignorant on the subject. I Although to outsiders there appears ! lie no reason, sinless It he that of. heapness, for having all the dwelling xiictly alike, there Is a reason, ntid n i good one, too. The envy existing; mong miners living in the poorer ! ines for the larger and better built ottiiges lorced the mine owners lo ilopt the "every house alike" plan. If a mine owner now wants to build llfiy houses he has plans made for one, ami very building Is built upon those plans. If one hnB a collar beneath It, all must have cellars. If one has a glass front door, all must have glass front doors. And after the houses are built mid occupied no miner Is permitted to add a porch or s wulk, or to pnlnt his house a different color from that of all the low cottnges In the long rows. Until the founding of the newer towns the builders puld little hoed to the kind of houses they erected for the miners. Mont of the habitations were mere huts of two or three rooms. The houses were set on the hills around the mining shafts, or ranged In rows near a creek, or n spring, where there wus plenty of water. Home of tho houses were a little better than others. There came about feuds between the families of miners living In four-room houses and those who had to live lu a two-room hut. The situation at last grew so serious that the mine own ers were forced to build all the houses around the new mines after one pat tern. It solved the problem, and put an end to the iinrrcls between the fam ilies of the miners. Formerly the bet ter houses were often burned, but since the adoption of the new plan there Ijuh been peace. The Verdict. "What was the coroner's verdict?" asked the stranger of the man who wns returning from a lynching party. "Hulelde." "Kuldde?" "Yes. He deliberately courted de struction. He lot himself get etittght chcatln' In a poker game."--Washington Htar. ThlH has been the kind of a duy when wei wished wc were n bird, und could lly through the ulr with a straw iu our ben,:. ff !iiimiiHM"' n Mm Tumtiin nnirnlfient lady of Richmond, Va., a great nuffcrcr with woman's troubles. tells how slic was cured. " For some years I suffered lUs backache, Keren' Nn.rl tig-down pains, Uuivrrluva, and falling of the womb. 1 t,-,.d miinv rvmwIUn, but nothing gave any positive relief. "I commenced taking I.ytllll I'.. Plnkliuiu'H Wif'trtblnt'iiitiixnma lu Jane, 1VUI.' When I had Uken lh tint half buttle, I felt a viut Improve ment, aud huvo now taken tell botllea with tho renult that I foci like a new wotnnu. When 1 commenced tnklns? tho Vegetable Umi'x'liud 1 felt all woru out and won fiut approaching complete uervous edlapn 1 weighed only W pounds. Now I weigh louH rtiuds and run Improving every day. gladly ti-Nlifv to the bourflta m crni" l KS.k f, Tt'fMAK, Went Soth St., Klehmoud, Yu joot ruf't Y al,if sows II f IW) fmmmmi Be riWc4 When a incillcl i' li" !" (H'smful In inoro tlmn i million mat'-, I It JuHi' lo yourwlf to shv. without tryliin; It, - I do not iH'lls'VO H would lu'ljl UK''." Surely you cannot wish to ro luuln wt'uk mill sick. Mrs. riiikltMiii. mIiona mblrcss Is I. vim. Mii.. 111 answer i lieer fuUy and ltlnnt i-oaf sail letter adilrt'sacil lo Iiit hy alck women. r-rhips alio tiita Juat tho knowN tgt tluit will li'l your cn try ber to-Uty It costs uothlog. BAD BREATH i hs riitimn AasttM Bt t ;J ftii't rTi-l fttlff the, r mu f w b ttsirful Uf lUusjhlar and I u.tlistrsxi till i.' ifi b attJj our lfit i fi Ullntf ( 4- of l'sirrsts) mm !. Istprv wuJffuilr 1'tof hi lu ttXJ f MiMf W tl Hit MIMA t HJI HtUvubtitiM l.,ltulutMU.CW 1,anl falatabt. toftl- Tal clone, rm tiuuu, hafer Sku. Waaaan wr Um-a Ski t a ... CURI CONSTIPATION. ... S. , , H i f S.4, Mm Bmiri. wl, lit I U-OAIs ,it u l l sis immu iiaaia l anguage Ilclklcnl. ('holly Sofihrsne Ya-ss, I rawn liuike meself utnlehstsxl lu French, dotiteherkn w. !r)l llliiestiH-klioltne Ileallyl The Knitlish l.iiijjiik-o is awfully dethient, 1 n't it? Mothers will T,n( Mrs. JVlriilow's Booth. ItiK Hymn Ur ti,-ii remedy to use lor tlieu ahtlurtm during tiie u-ottiius: ienod. I'elt lnurtd. Two rojI imlnred little Irish txiy once occupied the same Ul. In the morning one of them said to the oilier; "Iennis, did you hear it thunder last night?" ".No," said Iannis. "Did It really thunder?" "Vis, it Ununified as it hi von and airth werii coniin' tigBlhr," "Well, phoy In the worruld didn't ye alike mo? Yn know I can't slspe whin it thunders!" snld Dennis. btt Ohio, ciTt or toi.nw, i I.Cf AS I 'OCWTT. Fuss i. i in-m make oath that he la the seniur .arif r uf the firm of r J rsrssr 4 ( o , 0iiii btiiinr.. in ii, a i itir of To'cio, fnantr ami rllale atop-said, and diet M Arm will rat llu-lum OI I INK Hl'MIHKK ImiI.I.aHH fur h em! eerf re ol ('sierra ll,at r, ,,,,( u, cur.d tjr Ibo use uf IULL s Cars an Ci l. PKANK J CIIKSKy Sworn to hfrn me en-t e'iirrlla iu m pna-nre, this tilt ilaj of Lieo-mUr, A. P. lssri. J" A. W. ( AMOS, ' . A'obirK publte. Hall's catarrh Cure Is tasen liitrtiell and acts olrectly on ttie t,f,fI ami miirnus snrlacae g the system, sn-l fnr trximoitieia, fr. . J ' 'Ksiiy i.o., ioido,0. Bold tif 'triiKKlm. Hall's family i'llis aia the but. Adapted to f lats. "I see that you have taken up the vertical system of iHiiunaiiship. Why did you do that?" "Oh, haven't you heard? Why, we are living in a Hut now." llm KIikI Y on lluvn Alwnvs tun. , r V'f- h i I. i. ff JJ CATHARTIC licultli of CaUdrcu-i:ifri:is:o nsulnut i:orliii. nU 1 A f I JL s Cnstorhi Is u linrnilcsH a corlr.. Ilrnr,:, sm X tonu.,., opium "Kl7,;.VA7o .. ,r ' , HI .,15 miliHtuiion. u twa in Us iriiarnntoe. 1 1 1 " I ry sj U ir ii! e! nnil uHhvh I cvoi-ImIiiicm., h rures Ili,rrl ,..., V . '? Colic. I i relieve 'J ccthlntr Tr ohIsIoh. m- i . I 'i.. V''1 I'lntiiUiu-v. It hilcs ( m i rVi h i V'' fstoiiincli ilowcls, (rivl,, l.oultl.v a LM, ",w 'lUo Clilldrcu's, fmrncotv-Tiro MirtlW V' The Kind You Have Always 'Bought ll.n.. at,- Cl x V v uwa mu In Use For Over 30 Years. . " """ "''!'"' " Milk Cows. When you milk a cow and fatten her for ths block at th same time, you will succeed In making lha onglt beef. We do not know why this Is , but It's a fact, Just ths sams, says ths Hiot Isli American, Oroterles. Monop ils Oanne.1 Fruits and Vegets hies aredlstlngulshed from other brands hy a lautllul blue lalwl emlH tl In letters of gold. From an esthetic view point the Monopol laM Is a work of art, lielng pronouutwl by Ihuso wno have seen it s ths finest lall ever mail (or canned fruits aud vegetables. Hut thmpiallty of Monopola rrulls is fully lu keeping: ! ' lisuV the lalal-ars lu (set ths l.l that tnonev can buy. . thsm from your grunt. Ws.lhsms A Ken llros., I ort laud, Ore. Hew Me Won Mr. HlisHoois arsons claim Ihst Ihry cannot look from a height without wishing to cast themselves down. Md vou ever have that feeling, Mr. Yearn o? He Once. "Indeed? Where were youT" "I was in su elevated car, and I saw yon In the street m I I ' I I Fj tltfat I'uush Sjrras. Ta1 for wi-b-iivj ya : mi7Tjrn '1 ,003,000 Customers f'Q a, bt July tt, ' Wtv ! I f 1 nolO.OOfor 10c. LMnpfl I wi sr'wal Uf'", - ' A,j la- ' 2 :jc.'T f i V .t. tr...r .t.-t o. Z''V',,vi ma W1J sssii2t nSkfc jyl tust. H ! s.iV 4 jLXiil',K l"sw m sss S i ' yJr t&iii-X 1 lV (Ml or YVatsr say the Kind V f Vj tpth. iclCIervbus fit 6osfs ' .JrJH "f,f.V., SRQMDSnTZEH 10 CENTS. CffifSAlL HEMCHES. Sg-n .His" swe-fTgl eSljHpaaMlfealBftBBWsIP11 McCAULl-Y & BUR BANK, (Jcncral Machinist! Wine, Mill anil Marine work tienrrel rn alra l'rlntln VlarhliMry rel(eJ ai.t rebutil I'Komit AniiMtioN to ot r-oi.iuwN (min us. I'oole Bldg., l oot of Morrison St. I'OIMI.AM). OMCOON w fl PRUSSIAN LICE KILLER kihT run 1 1. A M a lean Itmif - lit l.,w i.. i" " Y... : stnii;iii, huh inirno tii h jrmi. l "'"""Kim . . i .... n.-...w s.a,vrillll'll CASTOR I A - ... " w. " " "r. J ' '" ,rr- oignaiuro ol """" "'Wtoeaeir,. Coldt " I had t lerrlhls cold and couW hardly brssths, I then trltd Avet'i Cherry I'sutorsl. snd II svt mt in! iueai(S relief.'' W. C. tsyion, Sldsll, JU, How will your cough be tonight? worse, proV ably. I or It's first a cold, then a cough, then bron chitis or pneumonia, md at last consumption, Cougha always tend downward. Stop thlt downward tendency by taking Aycr'a Cherry Pec toral. Tina sisssi ttf,, M),.'tl. SU irattv IVMisail rtf St. If says lata s than 4w a ! mi. If ha laii, flMI I. tata II. ihaa - I laka It lla Sam J C At i-o uVall. B OKKiXiH. rtJHTUsi; St. Helen's School (or Girls, Thlrtf third ar. t"etnii(llu butMina, Mmlacn a,uiinaul. Aradaailc a4 wtwai ).'"r euuna. Sietal mitiasi j, mu.le and art, lllutlrai4 vatatuf qa, (l4rlmetila aw i. mis niHANott Tt nnirrrs, s, DELICIOUS UNO TEMPTING A. n,,(kl Queen Itre Cough Dross Ar Hie-le f iiMianiat tf si, I Hienlkul ia av -traalil aM sf ImU,. a a rmMj ,. cttigl. au4 eu, tt( a a. kas-r l elt lr.i(a,iis ta r.n'ctl,,i,, I a. t ac l,i axall m tv vilttt t' .tlawyi I'sulfk Coast lltatult Co. lwita4. e, JSleuraloric headaches j . '- RQUJCKLY CURED BY s LICE on Poultry. V''!"!S- kill the Ike. Ne.rrrmls. hoU lif Sealers. oc and f i.oe pe caa t-M0 OUT ALL THS t,IC HO MITIS. Aitri m.i., ,.i , ,.Mh,M. a,.. , I,,,-i,T , JTf,-i i ie srur aw l.lllll,.,r..,,l, h,,tiNe -! rlranol ai. ,,. (,. ,.- enlli.ll r ItauilKIM H.I.... .!., lh.. .,,,, k.., ,i,tMU'..ll .. w , V8T TM tmimo roa lici ok hocs, . Jtll at.inne ..T i,f.i a,. -,.ii.-,,uii:7K,uTB A.lhl MS ae, ami is .,r,h a tlmwa IU r.wl. to., 0ni.,,u. i.r. ,,., uses Ageai- John ihh)u iwrtlano, org. I oot ol Morrison Street. Can aire na u,e Immi tiralii In IWWit nil fniriiie, H initlnllts, f'uiii anil oeee lal Maci.iriFre. tisnlnil M w blues s aiaxilallv. s. us lel,re liujflns. tt I WT TO BUT FOR CM I Chicken, Duck and (ices.-h iith ' era. Address o. o. SMITtr. 1' tOth mndOarlm Mtm.. Portland, Or is. ' I'M i l'rAt "t'M DR. C. GEE WO wovur.Rrt'i. iioMi: IRKATMliNT This "'""'"""Jiili .i.H ii.r " ,,., b. au he "u1 fh.,,,,1. .Ill.oill I'S" lyl iVS',; . ii,,,.. f:ktxi .'"."""'''Vii. In i;b. ,iw . Ilt lo inrJUal sl; in inisii.iiiMii) . HiMiush ihe 'I"'"1' J)., a nun ll llMMl irs rriMuirs III. mni. ) llun ill ovi-r a Jlttrlll n'll-"',r,, -n-MluIll ll. . In H.Seinlit ilisreeea. llif a tit- mi iiu.iiO. lu raierrh, asiliine. ih lliri.ui, rliriiii.eliaii,, u.r vi,nni,. """",,. In i t, klilnere, air. i i, liiinilrnle """""l lals. I I, mo. nmilriais. I all ami ere n': I eilm is mil uf ihe eliy wme Inr '"" ,V, nri'uiara. Hamt 4eiila In eieniue. coa""" I A 'I ION r IILK. AlllHl-n THE 0. SEE WO CII1HESE MEDICINE CO. IJJl, Third SI.. rHwIlanil, Ores" r, it. v. Ma. t-ISO'. ( UT"" fell 3 rltlna leBllvrtlsvSsl, IltUKN writ It uiantlua iuis eper.