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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1903)
orkoon mist JCntered at Hie P..-toHice HI Ht. m-tt iin, Oregon, as aeemid-eluse mnll matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER isi'u EviiRV Khidav MokMiko Hv KEEI.ER H. UMiBKUr, EfclToB AN'li I'Kol-HtKTOR. Sl'BiCRIPTIoX PKICK: One copy one yi-ar, In advance. . . Bit months J1.00 FEBRUARY 27, ItfOS. This pane'' a'P on n,t Ht f h 0r" ' -.o.oj i-,o.T.lutl.,.. Uiin a llnniil-i ton UullJInir, Portland. Own. - - - The an I in 111 season closes tomorrow mi.ini.i.t. - . . The Delaware aenatorial enigma vet nneolveil. It Vote fo retain the countr aeat at 8t. ; Men. and future generation, will rij ... .. . I froii thrir cradle, and call you bleased. Oregon', reliable publication, the Or eyoi Timberman, Geo, M. Cornwall ed itor, eatiwatet that Oregon cut 1.U0O, 000.000 fe. t of lumber in 1003. Ptranirera.hould. bear in mind that .very thlp that goei to Torlland, from the avath of the Columbia, must necceetrily pat through the St. ISarbor. Helen The Rational Editorial Association j will meet in Omaha, Nebraska, July 8 j it ;-!-.;.- -in in leuowamne iara. urcgon win o rep- Oregon will b rep- reeented by delegates from the Orecon Press Asstciatiou and the Portlaud Press Club. Unfortunately for those who favored the forest fire bill that was before the Oregon legislature there wns no limit stated as to the "mount that should be expended, and Governor Chamber lain was denied the constitutional right t name the members of the commis sion. For these and other reasons the governor gave the bill his veto. The aenate sustained him. Democratic wivee are aaid to hare 'candidate elected; the vote of each fol ooiethiiigtodowithelectingrepublicani1"". then thedate at which the Gover- V. S. Senators in the North-west. The wife of Levi An ken v is a daughter of the late James W. Neemiih, ei-H. S. Sen ator, and Mrs. C. W. Fulton's father was John Hobson, a democratic pioneer ot 1844. It must be very pleasant for Mrs. Ankeny to know that she is the daughter of a senator and a wife of a senator. , ' , ' The absence of the names of JefTrrson, Lewis and Clark from any connties 111 Oregon in explained by noting that Or-, rouJ hecreUry of Stale, Governor Gro-1 said day to elect delegatea and alter egon originally honored these men, but j ver having been elected to the Uuited j nates to attend the State Grange in that the citizens of the northern half of the ttate were to well pleased that they funned a new territory and took In those counties. Had the advocates of the new county ol Stockman chosen ! - 1 one of the three names, It is nore than - ' j likely that they wonld have secured the passage of the measure. It wonld seem that turn papers as the Oregonian, Evening Telegram and Daily Journal would employ reporters, proof readers, etc., w ho are acquainted with the names and initials of state celebri ties. There are too many strangers em ployed on those papers. Thee is abso lutely noexense for stating that C. J. 'Feinhard", county judge of Cat sop county is in the city, or that B. '"F." Cornelina, ''county judge jut Washing ton county" (?) is at the hotel, or that R. "G." Virtue, of Leland, ha? come to lown, or that J. "M." Williamson has the state from 18o9, when the lirel g'jv retnrned home. Such blunders are of 'ernor wai elected, till the present lime daily opourrence, proving that even the City editors are strangers in the commu nity. One of the papers has a comma crank for a proof reader, and although native son, will permit glaring mis takes to occur ia the names of promi nent Oregonlana. Chat. W. Fulton, of Clataop cotnty, wat elected United States Senator at 12:15 a. m., last Saturday. The final rote taken at 11-55 p. 111. reunited in JJr- Fallon" receiving 35 votes, H. W. rJcott2fl, Wood 17, Oeer6, Hume 1, Her fcian 1. Enough votes changed to Mr. J'ulton to give him 48. the reauired!",ryelluroTer ' ' I . , , . (11, ,, , . i number Select. Uhlle the teen, was ! otao eioiting as when Mr. Mitchell 1 'wat elecfed two years ago, there was st large a crowd present, and standing j room waa at a premium. The new 8en-i tor-elect is a native of Lima, Ohio, xrn August 24th, 1853, and cauie to Oregon in 1875, ' locating at A.toria lii j Kx'Jr ' -t Chamberlain' July of that year! September 6, !878! Congh Remedy Warranted lie married Mies Ada Hobson, of As- We guarantee every bottle of Cham toria. Mr. Fulton bat left for Washing- berlain't Cough Remedy and. will re- on, at the request of Saustarvono. Ti. yitcnell. ' . jr. .ia nmvf nN ioumimt n tliia ,t ... . ... 1 ' r County capital contest. .aawaw 1lnr,r.r,,,w."1': and thst ouly one locality can have the, county capital. Pest elperieuue Ins uuvii thai auch agitation uiak.e vmiuies ul I if long friends, ami vreatct a feeling tnat la luj triuua to an entire county. At tliia time Columbia county it more in ueed of good roads tliau a county seat light. It' each ludivitlual yj , would nut in the eame amount of time 'working lor good roads, that he does I working for or.agniiist a coumy seat lo caiion, the eouuty, the slate, aud the iiidivwiuiii, would iHiar u-itei ff. 11 j u all be reasonable hmuaii bcinga iu ; Una muter, and look to the unbuilding :o( (jujumu,,, (,'uuutv, In the touting I.i.-..; h-.,i-.i I out going to the expvnse of a second bailie. Kvery aoaitenug vote caul will I I double elect iou expenaee. Every . i i 1 11 .1.:- n"u,u "'" - h-- '. uJ ,,U lM,,lu, ,ur t'"' nlu.-v tl.Mt ill mi t tiie oounlv to the "'"f " leaat expenru. OKEUO.N UOVER.VOKS. The PurtUud Telegram publishea a ! Hat of Urrgou'a governors, lerritoiiul .ml atiiiH ttith iiaiiia ot txjnlendlnif ntuiidsli ,,, tllB Vule c,st ,or tlieu, under tiate regime: TKaeiToaUL oortiiNoaa Oregon having beeu organixed iuto a territory of the United dulea the lollow iug Uoveruora erved fur the period, mentioned, by appointment of the United States. I.w...k I .. ...... .i m t . 1 l,w Pi k. I., n . -i r .- 470.K. , served fioiu March 3, 1H49 to June ,R iws,i j KinUing Pritchett (by succession from Tenitorinl Secretary, June 18, 1H50 to August 18, 1850. John P. Gaine, by Presideut Tjylor, August 18, 1850 to May 10 1853 j Joseph Lane, President Pierce, May : 10 1853 to May 19 1853. l.eorge L. Curry, ly succession from , Secretary, M.y 10, 1(UJ lo Uec. 2 1853. John W. Dvis, Presi.ient Pierce IVc. 2 1853 to Aug. I 1854. George L. Curry, PresiJent Tietce, Aug. 1 1854 to March 3 18Tr. STATE OOVKBSOhM. In the following suiuuiaiy the first name in each paragraph is that of the nor'a term began. 1 John Wbiteaker Dem 5134; E. M. Barnani Rep 4J13 ; John Denny lud 142, ! Mar. 3 1850. 2 Addieon Gibba Rep 7029; John F Miller Iera 34o0; Sep. 10 1882. 3 Geo L VVocds Rep 10,310 ; Jaa K Kelley Dem. 10.03U; Sept. 12 1866. 4 Lafayette G rover Dem 11.726: Joel Palmer Rep 11,096, Kept 14 1870. 5 Lafavette Grover leiu 9713; JC 'Tollman Rep 91tU; X F Campbell Ind ! 2 ; T VV Davenport lud I ; Sept 1874. 6 Stephen F Chad wick by succession Slatea senate Feb 1, 1877. j 7 W W Thayer Dem : Beekuiau Rep 16,132; 17.SU1; C C VV likiua lud 2431 ; Sepi 11, 1878 a 7.1,.. k- P.r, 91JS1 J R K, ... .,.,. w ., ... smith Dem 20,029: Sept 13 1862. . . ,, ,. , .., 9 Sylvester Pennoyer Dem. 27,901 : Thos. R. Cornelius Rep 24,190; lluaton Pro 2727; Jan 12 1887. 10 Sylvester Pennoyer Dem 38,920; David P Thompson Rep 33,755 Jan 13 1891. 11 Wm. P Lord Rep 40,758; Nathan Pierce Pop 15,570; Win Galloway Deiu 17,079, Jan 14 1895. Tina vote is approximately correct though it waa not officially canvassed by the Legislature, 12 Theodore T Geer Rep450V3; Will R King Fus 34542; J C Luse Pop 2878; Clinton Prohib 361V; Jan 11 1899. 13 Geo. E. Chamberlain Dem 41857; Wm. J. Furnish Rep 41,611 ; A. J. Hun saker pro 3483; R R Ryau Soc3711; Jaa 14 1903. It is interesting to note the growth of In 1850 the total vole wat 9492; last June 1902, it was 9U662. Nearly ten-fold increase in the intervening forty years. 0REU05 SENATORIAL TERMS. Delazon Smith Joseph Lane Edward D. Baker Benjaman Stark Benjaiuan F.Harding . James W. Nesmith George 11. Williams. . . Henry W. Corbett James K.Kelly John II. Mitchell .... John H. Mitchell John II. Mitchell 1859 18591861 1861 1861-1862 1862 1865 186M867 18f5-1871 1837-1873 1871-1877 1873-1897 .....1885 1891 1891-1897 1898-1883 1898-1885 1883-1889 .. ..1889 1895 1896 1901 1898-1903 1901-1907 J903-1909 ' wr . 1 1 . . James H. Slater Joeeph N r . h Joeeph N. Dolph.... George W. Mc.Bride Joeeph Simon John H.Mitchell... ICbailes W. Fulton . ,UDO ln money to anyone who It not ; . Z . . " 1 contents. inis ia me nest remedy lnl.i. . ,A . l.-lf ...... -1.1 ' I .k. ( I ! 1. , I hib IUI IH Kll IUC, COUEIIS. COl ... 1 .... mil n anel &h.unnn I. . r ..W.,K plpaaop apd aif 't foVo. U and It : i UUIISUIIIUtlUII Sulr nnrlr 5 a fammis cAA . , , ..mA, fashioned remedy for con- SUmptlCn. "tat plenty Of, 06rk " was the advice to the -.,- 1 , consumptive 50 and 100 years ago. - Cdlt nnrtr 5e mrw. if a man Wwe Js- va aw. jj wa mm was -- Can StOmaCn K. I lie Klca behind it is that fat is the l - . ml i . f00J tJiC consumptive needs mQsj ' Scott s Emulsion is the mod- . 1 I " f 1 . . CTtl metnoa Ol ieeaitlg I4t tO me COUSUmpilVC. rOTK IS lOO rough for Sensitive Stomachs. . . .. vCOtt S tmUlSlOn IS tHC mOSt refined of fatS, especially . - . j . prcparcu ior ca Feeding him fat in this wav, which is often the only ' I ir .1 i . way, is halt the battle, but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. There is somer thine about the combination - , .. , ot cod liver oil and hypophos- phites in Scott's Emulsion that puts new life into the , , , . , weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lunf?s. A sample will be sent free upon request. B Mr llut th plcturt la th lorm ol a bbel u on tha vripMr ol tvtry bollia ol kmwioa you bay. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, 400 Pearl St., N. Y. joc. and f l all dniggists. FARMERS' CONVENTION. The Miar is In receipt of the following invitation : You are cordially invited to attend a a farmers' congress at Rainier, Oregon, March 91, 1903. Aaron R. Jone-, National Master of the Patrous of tlu bandry, will be the principal orator of the day. Grand Master, B. G., will be present, and also other distin- guiehej members of of the order are ex- peoted to participate in the exercises A banqret will be served at 12 o'clock noon, and at 6 p. ni., to which the representative delegatea and visiting farmers and their wives are especially invited. The town of Rainier will keep open house on that day. Come and hear the greatest exponent of Granger doctrines and seethe livest town in Columbia county. District or County Grange for Colnm- bia will convene at 10 a. m. of Oreuon City, May 26, 19t. All ac credited delegates and others, intend ine to nlteudiiiff to attend this meetinz and desirous of entertainment will please notifv the chairman of committee on invitation so we shall know w hat j provision to make. Round trip tickets can be procured at ! the stations named, at the prices quoted. All members of the Grange ihould The wear their reKular Grange badge colors of the town will be provided all visitors. By order of Invitation Committee. R. 11. Mitchell, Chairman. BOCKO TRIP. Coat of round trip ticket to Rainier: Scuppooee, 24 miles $1.60; Warren, 19' 11.30; lloulton, 18 .1. 15; Ieer Island 12),; miles, $.75 Goble 6X miles, t.W; M.yger, 10 mile. $.,6; Qu.ncey, I4!4 I miles 90;Clatskanie, Ifif,, miles $1.50; Marshland, 21. miles, $130. A (HON JONKS. jsroq Jine( M.ister ol the National Orange, Patrons ef Husbandry, wfll ar rive in Portland, March 9th, to attend the conirress of grangers to be held in that city, probably in the A. O. U. W. temple on Second atreot, on March Id and 11. After which, Mr. Jones will visit the following places 1 Oregon City, Thursday, March 12 Macleay Friday, March 13 Saiem , Friday, March 13 Monmouth .Saturday, March 14 Albany Monday! Marrjfv'ltt Cor va! lis Monday, March '18 McMinnville Tuesday, March 17 Forest Grove Wednesday, March 18 Rainier Thursday, March 19 On March 20, Mr. Jonea will leave for the State of Washington, where he wili ap-nil a week. On his return he will visit Eugene, March 30, and then pro ceed to California. The scratch of a pin may cause the loss of a limb or even death when blood poisoning results from the injury. All danger of this can be avoided, however, by promptly applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It is an antiseptic and quick heading liniment for cuts, bruiaei and burns. For sale by Edwin Rust. t'rar Tskea Up. Notice it hereby given, that on tht 15th day of January 1903, I took an red heifer, at my nlace.slx miles west of ,Co0Bty of Colnmbia, fitatt of Oregon ; described a follows: Red, - .'"" "O ol mark or brand The owner of the de- scribed animal mimal ran obtain po.session of! ,bv f.r,:,; ,V; Ju.rJ r ror , it, tto! ttUU Transfers. C. Hiighot to Emma Vivian, lot 1, blk SO) lot 10, 1.1 k SI and lot W blk 2U, Columbia City MO I John V. Jonea and !( to Joeeph II. Aldridg,aTa iie tec IK6 HO FMukll D. Kpkey and wif. .o hJ H. Irvine,-n of iid X, Of nw! l , Carles S, Pulliain and wife to Loult . Wuhw. M7, uluekK. iint $1 JmM " wy aud wit. W Josepii . Long, nw4 of ne.14 of ae lKVIf 40 crea , ,. 1-00 Wui. E. Walla and wila to Hlid U. Clark, S of arc 81 tM . . . . I&0 J. C. and IWaaia Miller In the Benton logging and lumber Co, ae arc aeaeultiOS WWO Mll MataJuaal lal ''mpI Kt'kMlllkwriV .atn.t ....... ' 7W ' - , FISHHAWK. i syt '"a P'o hi. uvu. M(. mf M Mil,r took , trlp , C alakanie, last week. ! Uu ..' Ciai.kanie butcher, wai rualling up tattle arouud here la.t W(trki ' We havt'nt heard, whether the lot nJ 'ud..iuuranduui book i. iweu i''"'In"u ur . ,i, With t pmug coming on, perhaps some nt.Wa win come witu it. , I. . to b npi anyway. ' w"me,,i fn" the library at Washington U. C. to hold the tweet ,d timiiiitg poet.y oi the ightii.gaie at mi.i. - A very pleasant social parry waa given at Mit. Loughry'a new house last Fri day uight. Everybody reiwrted a good ' time. j Eli Foster an I Alec McDonald, took a t hi of oats from tlanzur llroa., dawn to ' their home at Jewell. Well, well, well; to the correspondent j at Mist wauU to quit, that is he waata me to quit. I wonder why. la it be cause he Hilda il impossible to practice bathe preaches, to speak the truth and nothing but the truth T Aa he can't tell the truth and the people won't be leive his lies, it it J fxxi idea to quit. It is a queer thing that when vol g.-i lei arguing a question ynu can't k.-ep to the question , and not get off the track. Ol course in your case there is tonic excuse, as you had a very hard row to hoe, in trying to run down the supervisor of district 13. You know as well aa every body else, that UUver Wilton ia the beat supervisor that district 13 has ever had, and there It no use to deny it If yon are going to do any more writing against him, please stale your grievances and let us tee whafan Idiot you are. Well, good bye. "'' t A etkr't EeceaiBiratloa;. I have' used Chamlierlains Cough Remedy for a number of years and have no hesiteney in saying that it Is the Wat remedy for coughs, ' cnlds and" cronpl have ever used In my family. I have not words to express my ronfidenre in this remedy. Mrr J A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For sale by Kdwiu Rosa. ' Mr'- Susy Gregg bad the extreme p'eatnre of meeting her many friends, on th" 22l,d Feb- ,h hom ' her daughter, Mrs. Edwin Merrill, on oU" u Portland, Ur., it being her U fit. 77th. birthday. The guests were enter tained by music and recitaliona, from Bertha Merrill and Asa Grifftta. At the proper hour luncheon waa served, and a pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Those present were, Mrs. Susy Gragg, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. E. Merrill and dangliKrs, Husy and lona, Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Powers and daughter Maargie, Mra. B. L. Grifftt ami eon Asa, Mrs. Jennie Gragg and daughter Effie, Mr. Alonio Merrill and daughters, Lanra, uuv-1 --.1 n ah. - u:.. a-..- fi u Malcolm end daughter Bessie. Mr. T. I). Sullivan, Mr. A. A. Keeny. Mrs. C. Dcmoreat, Mr. and Mra. F. Jen sen and son, Loyd. A Farmer, II w Son or a townsman Will be hired by at A0 monthly and exiiensevor 30 per cent, commission to take oidert for mir Farm tteeda, Fruita and Flowers. We sell four gravies of any competition can be met. OUr stock Is warranted.' Yov do not deliver or collect. Can devote all are part time. We pay vou each week. Good chance to earn inonev thit wittter. ' Wrlte for free outfit at once. Ferry 'ersery' Cempeay, Rochester, 'Ilw1f''' .Fresh 8sh in season every Friday,' and special Punday dinner at tht St. Helens Hotel. 50TICE, The County Court wonld most re spectfully invite all of the road super visors throughout the county, to meet with the court at its next regular meet ing, commencing on the first Wednesday in March, for the purpose of discussing the matter ol road work, in their respec tive districtt. J. II. POAM, County judge. Eetray Take l. Notice (a hereby riven that an f ha na nd dayof Deeembertl0t .there atraved my place abmit (7o railes West ol Go a, County olf'dlumWa.-Ststecsl Ore- to m we, bounty gon, a black. imw with Jiht streaaalong bank, has crumpled horns, and is about three year old 'f1s ihiall calf. I me- owner of f Haw ' nlv ' - il,ed animal ran .obtain possessioii 'T', '"' .t ! I Can't Afford A Tailor-Made suinr. i - l v...i caltv, lor we hav. hundr-d, of iinclalii. half thelr original prhti. Theaa art hall their original price, uguo!"M,t,",uh1,:'hc north weal and 1 00 Snlta and Oxerroatt made hr $ now ..M) IRfiO 8uit ami Oveniiata made lor fib, now $IK WJ 700 Suite and Overcome made lor $. and now l.Ko We alto have a Hue of trouri In the newett aud brlgMeet wllarna from l! "send (or aamplca, prlcea and Inetrurthme lor aelf meainreini-iil. Mail ordrra receive prompt attention. ... , .. , The iimnagViueiu line juit lint allerl flue line of (Wntt' rurnlahlngt at rilteinrly low prlcne, Farnsworth-Herald TAILORING COMPANY 248 WASHINGTON Street 'd. FOFRrPJ-iAlSrD, ORB. m. Kt Ml UUMtl eoitioi of WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONmLI DinONARY gnaie la Vaa imafui InaiaaaiMt . wj which It the iml llnl& ll l ludl. UMil)r aatort.! to exelu corrulMMw ... s.mmi t uullilvUlalMe Iwhnl uaa. ana lo air ealilM. Eiealt la Amar airliiT wobU thlr I.IMW.. rjh-n wow im. I it ru!U)r caubt j ainaa iiaxaaravu . t K .V. Eiaalt la lw walatlaa. Thwix sr romr-lele nml a. ienllnc, an.l . inl1) llio lawl irmilui t.r inrv ate noi penraw. at cmw.lod lnlv olH .iro )laixi. Eistla la Praaaaclinaa wnien n iiMiieaira hv rMiivlliMir wiiu lli.liatrltl-allr niarhe.1 lellara une.lln the a. ttninrta at wbl artu-rM In Iho a. nHla. Ciaala la Daflalilaaa. Tliry a.o char. ml t M.U111W.1. miuI arn alwtl In Ih. onlor (0 whl.-h tlw wonl kua a.-nilrJ na cv mean 1 11 a. Many 01 um ml Uin. am lllua.raml Eiaala la In A a wad I hkh la a packed aturalioUMOt Itwrrtil i.iiwHls. Eiaala aa a Wartla. Dlcilaaary. No olhor boukarabalMMimut-h iwful itinri.uiiin. m au valuahia ae.l .onveitianl fr .M..aut at low, or to IttolttitfaiMUIv In the huine, tiaay, school, or ollk-a. The International has 2J04 quarto pages with 5000 illus trations, 25.000 new words and phrases have recently been added under the super vision of W. T. Harris. 1'h.D.. LL.D.. U. S. Commissioner of Education. lit us aiNO you mil "ATast la rrwaaatatIM ' which aSurrta a phraaaat and inatrut-tiva avauinaii aoier laiaiueut. Illustrated pnihiat alao tra. 0. C htlKHIAM CX tprtng BeM. Maaa. Classified Advertisements STRAYED FROM TIIE FARM OF C I.. Avrrs, near Yankton, a dark red, year line bull, inaiked. branded and dehorned Ilranded on the left liiu' I. A" marked t with crop and split in the h-lt car and, hole in the right. Any information w ill . oe f sdly re.cive.1 by C. L. Ayres at' Yankton, ho will pay reward. j Foe Salk The cordwond Umber on Ha ai re, of land. Call on or siblreat G. W. PF.KRY, lloulton. trr. FOR H.VLK ORTRADE-Twotisb ae one .1-faUi(Mn 10-inch iiirah ; one 75- inn 10-inch ineali ; one 75 - h nieah. Ruth nets in good Will trade (or work or sell fathnm 7-ini- condition for cash at a bargain. Apply lo N. J. DcroHT, Vallev, Ore. ENTERTAINMENT. The Greenlraf Literary Society, ol the St. Helen Public School, has engaged the Peak Siatert and the Ruggle'e family to give an entertainment at the St. Helen Opera House, Saturday eve ning, klarcli 7th. The program is at followa: Instrumental Solo . . Jennie Qllson Rugglea Family Duett.. Grace and Bertha Dart. Dialogue Three little lads from school. Inttrusoental Solo Inatramental Solo ..Bessie Hattan Miss IMJreff Peak Sisters Admission; Adults, 26 rents. Chll- drea 10 csats. The proceeds of this tnltrtalntneat, together with the genernui subscrip tions ol the eitixens of St. Helen, will lie nam! lor the purpose of purc'iueiag a piano (or the school. 'tHEDFOfloy buck-Draught - FOR w t If fll - Constipation Is nothing more than a cfoosinir id 1K awd nothing less than vital stair. aatioa ot daaLb if nut relieved. " .T".. eonttipated sufferer eoi1d realise that he is allowinw nrlBUWUXttti iS ilia m., f A tV f yaa-MTwsi aaamsH aj aywuguq U nil trttMB, be would toon gri teliel. CmMirjetionlnvUe ai kind ot eentagioa. Umiachm tUioue neaa, oolda tad toaav other ail ments disappear "when eonstl P1? i -eli?ed. TUed lord t Black -Draught thoroughly cleans oat the bowels in an easy and nararal manner without tht Purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. Be sure that vou out th ni nal Tnedford's fllack-lreni,f.t, made by The Chattanooga Medi cmeCo. WdbyalldniggUtaln ascent and 11.00 packagoa. Ilarm, Srk., a., M. I Maaot nnmmnti TaaaVart't Husk. "vaasM ilaa Slalr. I Step It la mr a.M til tea Max sat hits sal It for fh. last raVH. 1 Msror arrnea .1.11,1.-. Mf Mil fur Hit.. I ihlnV I .it1 I "VVaaTatif ' MmThSi'i la C"- flSH ft .). r.m huW t'j' ubvlillt tl dlltW - d taifor-made tullt an iull made at our Iff-r. t tloi.t Inr varlone reaaoni nae uo PITTSBURG 1 r.; - UTQTRTP U IVIUUU 4 THE ONLY rEHFKCr WKITINC MACIIIXK M AIK i The Pittsburg Writiog Machine Company m WimmI Strwt. jr'VWWVWVVVWWVi 3E;tJB3 TTT Uniffnt The Walkovkr 'ple rrrklna llalrt Has added a .sHtial, dt'patttnctit the only one tju.tnty an-to make tne right Irom t Itr start. tJtir chiklrcn's .'.lines ' li. IT3 m WWmWWWWmW11'!tfmtiimTti!ttnfmOTrttftt'tS THE NEW YORK STORE I lit j"st rere'! a l.tre ;rv..ire 1 I fWinter Goods. Shoes, I Dry Konds, C.roccrics, ruuts. .Shoes, Etc. ' fc EC. iMORU8, g Cooper Uuililin. Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon. I j OOWN-COUMTT PEOKE 8H0ULD -UO TO Till Clatskanic Drug Store roai Tuna Drugs and Medicines Clioiit Toilet Articles and Perfiimerj Or. J. e. HALL. fnpr,tHr Cl..THKN, OBK.IOII. VwTrwwTnrwwwwwyuuuui u-.f , , AminlaAM I UWlDttlUOU Baian HaoTitaaa, PROmiiTOHS -Only ths beat ol Lipors and Cuarx Kept fn Stoc 1 CYRUS NOBLE Anrt othsr p...u!r 'l.i,,rt, f .hun.. ais)l In sleek. WEINHARD'S BEER "t,- n a , , , BefltOH CirS. on lira TO TYPEWRITER 11. e astling it III pin 1 that of the opcialor all the lints k simplest ind ttrongrat 1-011 9 stmetloii, rapid artlolt, taaj I Mich- adapted lo tit i.l, ' ink Utl 'lor lahe.'ating and fnvnlew work nniietsal key- fe s board removable type anion I - instsmly rlesnr.l. P Treble the lire p any oilier p . machine (ur g'd eUaa woik.P - . . P rifiNbnnr. r t & Z 1 3 III Shoe Co. m aiul KrRtj;is Ftt re I'avll. Mat. Off scni,i;:tc, zil f!i 1 r tl.ildrrnV in the citv. Trices id M new icr-at'.t a Macess will l!n- little WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. "BAILEY QATZERT." ball) Itoiin 1 rlia straM Suinlar. TIMC CARD. l aara Pnrtlan.1.. 1 A w. Al"ria . - y. I'lirmiab l',,rll..,. rOrfi lla-Minta tar It h latnautaiff "sti I'url alirotia I h-lirotu ttotu II Wttrii ami l.ftnv Htai-li While r.jUf 1.1,1, Tifk,i,,ieieh.iiaM. hk . . A N.Cu, and V. T.C'a. The Dales-PortiSi Sti. '"Talioma" V-Met-iiko' I'ally Trlpa Ksrrt fttinday. trsaess 'Tao." I.eas fMilaail Tuss., Thara . Sal ...... 1 . , ls ll.s lialkaa lun.. Wl.,yrl I A. M. arsaaaa "Mamtsn." 1 1' ''""''Tiir.itsa-, rtinra.lsr,Hsl....t A. M. Lv. 1'all.a. Munilsr,, frl.. 1 A. M, LANPINU AND oil U K: fwit of A).l.r Hin-et. ..... Main Ml. . rvaiLtaii, Vaaiina. ' W-JaicHToa Tt.s Dolls., tir, '.. vsa. Whll..lm.,,..h1 JiHIK T, Tut II. StcvsiiaiiH, w.n w.& A.inria. nr. n T A T T . A, 1 TaTlaiS K. W. Cau iitoh, Portland, Or. Kstray Taken I u. Nolhe I. t, given that on Iht loth, .In y ( (iiM cniber, HH)2, took up a red neer. at my plnce near Golile, t.iinnty of, Male of Oregon, dc-i'ilurd at follows: Red, with while spot iu flank ! Hi k itiArka. . ttfuMil lit almiit two years old ; Jersey color about ' II. U ........ 'PI - . . .1- . , , uie owner ni in 11 ahove oe sci-il-.( nnlnnit ran oblulu ioasssion of 1 ! ' .. ,. I , 1, . ,.rf !uf .ir...f P P: :i'l'.u i.! ,-wnrt.