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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1903)
i I k THE IMG STOKE DOWN hi -Bv The Bio Sawmill!- J o 1 Kcci vini; New O'ooih i! THE MUCKLE STORE HA8 A REPUTA linn nf Ijiiiir Klaiullni for Onlv thu Rest hi i -r.FTVFKAT. MrROIAlMSTC Hi Dart & Mf. Helen, - ST. HELENS PH ARMACY A ratronize a drug More when you J want pure, fresh and reliable p Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOORS A Tine Line of Writing Supplies. Main ami Decorated Crepe Taper, Ktc. i Direct from PubIisher--ReiD!ar " -COLLINS AND GRAY-: THE PEOPLE'S MERCHANTS, Carry a Large and Well Selected Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Flour and ST. HELENS. 6 TOOTHACHE DROPS. lid Cloves, Creiaioto and Cblorolortti, eiptrl parts on; this will stoti any ta- ol lis.lhaclio cttused liotn an exe.l nerve, but Hie way to cure it, is to have thu to .th tilled by Hit. K.M'OHKR'S MCW METIIOH. Dr. KNODER, Dentist, 9.TP !?t Orrtt a Hot a. 16 1 Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Infcrmalion and Ainiointmcnts by Mail. Rooms .-,0 and 51, Washing'.on Bid., S iuthea-t corner Wash, and -Itli 8t PORTLAND, OREGON. Take Kluvittiir tu Filth Floor, - EXSZSZm hVJ 4fi: U . tf Uz3 I rfKyj. 'iv' -iu. -Ji Apia jtoh inn ii 1 nveT1 -,.1.- vuur atari's Hr.lW 0r. I . 10 rr yr at.n vmtn CIJANIII 1 IM-.MMI I .. irnvv I CHICMIO SOI AR UOIITr - A Fninicr, IHh Son tiTa townstnnn will be hired by nMrtO berlain'a Cough Remedy ami will re monihlv and expenses, or SO pfr -nt. I uj ti,u mniuy to Hnyoiitft who ia not co Ission to take older for our 1' iil'i.t j ,,. .,Yl).t,irds of the yrniles of finils, so any competition can , weens, rrtilts ami riowers. "' "" ' a.i . -..11 t..., he met. Our stMi-k Is warratneti. mi do not deliver or collect. Can devote, nil are part time. Wo pay you each week. G I cluince tocain money this winter, Write for free tint tit at once. 1'errv Nursery ('oiiiiiaitTr Uocliesler, Kvery day in thoWock 1 Muckle, Oregon. Articles, Ktc. 25 cnt Notels Only 10 Caats at Feed. OREGON 317, I-'ailing 31d'g Portland, Oregon .1. . . (Ollice, lloon i 1 ""n,:h IHcs. F110NT 117 1.) ai.aiirfVit sua Alllli.rt 1 1 tai.r'M.K immvj.b. A iLud-'-x- h.iutj wl lluj BJi! - O rwiCAnn Kvery Hoiilo r Chuttilieflaln'a (louuli Ueiiieily Warranleil Wo guitranteo every bottlu of Cham- ri li OIH il Wis' lu , l,.,at. remedv In conlciils. tho world fur la grl tpe, coughs, eol .a, croup and whooping cough and is pleasant and sale to take. It prevents any tendency of n cold to result in pneu monia. Mai) subscribers received at this ol. lice (or thu Evening Telegram, Oregon's greatest evening jnijier. b"l.l I ,'H M l. .. j J.s. J-.tsa.t..fJ,.i l Vi. ur,-tr T.inl.R I.A""1", lJi.-i ''ltVr HHIl'V Orlrl t'KNT. 11" "1 '". r..u . r. w... ., x . . j. Il'l.t. A T V.Iiilll. KJtal0 to,- V----. ,H,, PERSONAL i J. Ordwrfy, ol Portland, was in town yesterday. E. T. Horn of Nesppoose, mi in 8t. Helens Friday. Mini Maud Pecker ha resumed her Studies lit I'hllolllHlil College. John llowpict, of Valley, wan i.i town Huturdiiy. Kit win Hay Hint Henry Duncan, of Warren, with In town Saturday. Road Supervisor T. K, Grewell, of Warren, win in town Huttirday, Louis Fluhrcr, of Mayger, was pass-tiger In Portland Wednesday night Joint Nelson, ol Warren was a visitor in town .yesterday. , B, tjnlser, of Honllon, win in town, during t ho week, A. E. Kumrsoii.of 1 1 'Mil tn, rtn nidi to Marshland Kuu hty, to resume work in Colvin's lodging camp. (i, I). Gilson ol Ht. Helena, wan down luM week on business. -West port item in Columbia, River Hun. Miss Trillin M'tckle. ol Portland, who wun visiting relative here, returned home Saturday. Mm. Richardson, of Portland, who was visiting bcr (oil, P. W, Richardson, returned liome yeste rdav. William rint'ti, ol Vwriionla, I now employed at the shingle mill of the Eai Fork Shingle Company at Pittsburg. Senator George W. Mcllride, ol St. Helens, was registered in Portland Tuesday. County C "oil rt 1m in session, anil the road supervisors are presenting their Minimi rt'piirlx. A. A. Smith, null known Milton creek farmer ami logger, wits in town ycsteiday. Hon. George C. Perkins, ol California, ! linn li ii iclioiuinalcd United Stales Senator. (Vmiity Commissioner, II. L. Colvin, ami wife, of Marshlund, were registered jn Portland Tuesday. Mr. an. I Mrs. W II. Potman expect logo to Salem the hist of tliia week to visit relatives. They liny remain ' cnil wei kt. Mi Dninv Watkint wont to it iiiiit-r BoimIhV t rcHiima Iter nchool work. ' Mian I.:ivelle Welkins will not return lo i Portland at present. Wilbur Muckle, who ha been spend- ing the holiday vacation here, ret urned ; to Portland H.uiday lo renutue his studies iu the public schools. Miss Lulu George, who spent the holi dv vacation at her home here, baa re turned lo Monuioutli ' lo resume her studies in the Slate Normal school. M. It. F.miiiona, ol Vernonia, is a-k- iug a lot ol apples for shipment u Port- i lat.d. Mr. Ki ous has a !lu! young uimn... ............ m a Mw Harry K. Meserve, formerly of I'eleua iu this county, ia now a merchant at j liiownsvillu in I.inn county, and has ' i ordered the Mist Si lit lo hmi fur a year. , i P. Lund, ol Warren, was in lown yes- terdaylovWt his son. Otto, who i, ! slowly recovering Irow the effects of the aoipuutliou ol Ins f.)t last week. 1 ! i Miss May Chalmers lias returned Irom her annual vacation with her parents al i Portland, anil his resumed her place ill ! K. P.. 0.uii k' ollice. wrs..iiari..i. .a. ,ni - v 1 ; M.s Nancy C. Hacker, of Keasey, were 1 u..-. 1... k 111 ....1 i.u i,m . ; visitors tu M. Helena uuruig 1110 p.101. 1 i eek. ! , Charles McCauley letumed Inst Fri- i day from a visit lo the l'pwr Nehaieui. ; lie almi vi-tted his brother, I.. 1.. McCauley, lit Mist. C. II. Harris a'id family have moved back from I It u seining grounds lo Ihe I101110 place on riauvieV 1-land. They have sold their Hotilloti property. IScrt Sclnsinover re urned Tuesday Iroitt u visit to the CpjuT Nebalem. Mrs. Schuonover is visiting her parents, Mr. ami Mi. M. A. Wcdii.k, Ht PilU bitrg. Itetl Mills, of Vei nonia, is now iu the employ of the East Fork Shingle Com pany al Pittsburg. Ilia brother, Guy J. Mills has liiken his place as mail carrier between Vernonia. aiM Kistnnd Albion. James Pout spent the holi. lava visit ing his home at Spokane; William Mur ine at F. luiolids, Wash, and Fred IWf. ,oe at North Yukiina. All have re sumed I hi it' old phices in I l.o na k quarry. O.K. Elliott, of Mrttsiilaiulj J. (i. ... ' ., Hi... . I 1 II on. ..v.. ....m. v.... . crrin T.-A. Kiclit.nlson of Rainier; Airs, t'. uraiiiitii, hiiu iin. 1. v . oni ney, of Marshland, were regiatcied at Portland hotels Wednesday. John Moigus, a S .ml h IV ml niercliant, and Ad Nacklev, a Kaliiuni merchant, were visiting All. nnd Mrs. Henry Mor gits, during the week. The former is a brother of Mr. Morgns, ami the latter a brother of Mrs. Morgns. Leopold Ihipont, of Valley, fame to St. Helens Tuesday, to meet his mother, Mis. C. IiiKitit, who bad becu visiting for several days" in Portland. She placed her son, Keniiie iu school while there. Kd Joseph, of Rainier, Inn laien circu lating n petition iu the Cpper Nehalem valley for the passing ol an enabling net, giving iieople an opportunity to vote on the relocation of Ihe county seat. The petition received numerous HigiiattiM's, Rev. W. J. niioemer, ol fcehnloni, of the German Evangelical Lutheran church was at Pittsburg Monday night. He was on his return trip from a visit to several of tlio churches ill his district, located principally ia Washington county. He was making the trip on bait. The St. Helens Hotel takes tho leal itiider the nmiugpuieut ol G. A. and A Al. Ih'iji'i, fX T1IK SHIIAIF.K. Where the Old Ursw Yooiiff and the Appiea Hare So Worm. Tlinre in a graveyard In the upper Nuhaliiin vullt-y, but it cm U inn only u tfW grit ivtt. Thre In a pliyniclun of hith altaiu inunta at Vernoiiia, who haa the practice all the way down the rivor to Mint and KiHhhawk, but the country in no remark ably heaUhy, that he hun to follow aide finea to aecure H livulihooil. , There are more old youiijj men in the upper Niilialein, than in any other flec tion of Oregon, taking the population into consideration. There ia Itanlel Ilea, ageiOt); John CampMI, 82; C. L. 1'iirkcr, The oldeat liiliabiUuit, 77; K. w. Keaaey, ,l; Ueorge . rllzgerfll.1, 71 ; John I'mitfe, 70, and there ia other. It ia atated that the country wim without a phynieian for a perhd of 2',' . .1 ...I .1 ., ..(. ! ."' - v.. fern no iituuiivenioiico. The people of the Nelinletti country want a railway aomething that they have been waiting fort hew) many year. Many of the reaiduiits came from the thickly willed portion- of the Kni-t, and located and IiivchUkI in the Ji'ehuleni with the expectalion that a railroad would be built within a year. The con ditiona and outlook were lovorable, but they were doomed to disappointment. However, it ia believed that the hour of their deliverance ia at hand. The tiiii ler and coal resourcea will bring a rail road, which alo will carry the product of the Nclialem eountry to the market of the world. The Ni'hslem ditcounta Hooil Hiver in the quality of ita applea, but ii cota too intleh to get iheni to inurket. The beat butter bringa I5 cent per roll, for it doea not pay to take aiuall qtiantitiea to theoutoide market. Kgg cell from 2.i to 30 cent per doen. Almoat everything that ia needed for home consumption can be produced here, but tht) great deitiraluiii ia a convenience of ncvesD to the markets of the world. The climatic conditions aie every thing Unit can la? dcnired, and there are millions ol dollars worth of timber on the hillsides and in the valleys. I.OMilX . AMI MILLS. While the present Jogging operations on M'ltnii creek are carried on compura- lively on a aiiiull tcale, and under low water conditions, Ihe shipment ol jiolea, aJiingle Imltij -lid logs aggregates to a considerable amount during the year, Substantial dams placed at dilTerent locations along the cnek, eti:ilile logs lo be moved readily when the tloo.l gates are ojaiiicd wide. Last Sunday the Mood gates were turned looe, and thousands ol Croue's logs were set afloat down the st nam. IuKinl's shingle u.ill at Valley h ruti tiinir steadiiv. and alailit 1511.001) flrt g,a,it Urfhingles are Mingly packed ;., .. ,i. .,..,,1, ,i, ..n coudilion next riirmg. I'hev i uu In ut coudltlon next rpruig, exect 10 have2,0,fHH) shingles on hand when ihe wagon roads are ready fortraf- lie next spring. It is a nnxiel shingle mill and has up to-date equipiuents. l'npot.fs conteinplale adding a saiuill to Ihe plant next summer. A party named Garrison has bonded timU-r claims in the vicinity ol . I iu. . .11 '.. 1 In It id i.l J Till ,l.u ti ' ' . " , ' ins pai the bond to expire March 1st. On some ol Ihe lands a former bond was taken. 1 10 being the amount paid down. Ex- tension of lime was secured, und a 50 frf,.im, wa, ,,t ,,. ,K.trick & K wy f tho Pittsbu'i sawtiiillaie ruiitiing their mil', steadily, and turning out a good quality of pro. duct. The mill tin, been running for a 1 on pie of 111 ititha. The East Fork Shingle A Manufactur ing Company, of Pittsburg, is running on full time, and turned out aUiutIS,000 tine cedar shingles Monday. Kuilditn.iii Brothers, of Mist, are run ning their saw and shingle mill 011 full lime. An inteie-ting feature is a sus pension walk across the Jelialeni river, bstween the house and the mill. John W. Lane's mill 011 1). op creek, is doing a good business. There is now a gixid market (or cedar, which is hauled to Clulakaiiie, and shipped from thai ceived the npnoinl cnt just Iwfore th'i place. j pawr went ti prers. John Foster's cork mill on I'oep creek The waters in Lewis river was boom is doing n good business. He makes the ing lat Satnnlav. and the enrnent wii corks or Ihaita for list) nets out of cedar, s strong that it rreated a sort of edd- and they are shipped princip tl y to As j between the WashinctJn shore and loria. J Warrior ticlit bou-e on Sauvies' '1 j Ihtvid lane has a cork mill in the "' Several tow boa's tried osssborj toanof Misl. aud shins his product .! tb-ongh te eeetbitur waters with raf' Artoiia and Portland. M. S. Dippold ami sons are operating -!., ,,8,0 ...m Mbove Mist on toe . p,,,,,, Tlll.y ru , uig on lull time. i P. W. Freeman, who is located on ihe NehiiTeui river ut the mouth of Deep creek has a sawmill plum r Hud chop mill. Ho n. nkes lo order all kinds of dressed lumber mouldings, etc. II. F. Van lias removed his saw mid shingle mill to the Wallace, about two miles from Mist. Ca-per Libel's mill, situu'.ed about haU wav between Mist auu Fishluiwk i doing a good business. - i in Natchez, Miss. lho will be sccoin- A. Kuss, ol Port In lid, who : l''el on bcr return by hercrnnddaugh divoreo front h r iuiebi.nd in i(,r '," '"' ('nlierlair. It is said M rs. R. sect i red a litis county. on ihe 8ih tbtv of October, and was married to Fud Wilson ill Ktihiuiii, W neii., ott OctoU'r Hiih wasi aecidentally shot at the family home in j , . i . t . .. i e...l l l.... XT-., in Ihe night and; her son-iti-luw, Cba". Wilson thought a burglar was in the bouse. Slie received rt serious wound, but was is still alive ut latest accounts. At the Pecember adjourned te n, of circuit court, Attrt-ney Gcorgo A. Hall had the marriage nf Fred Wilson and wile, set aside, on thu ground that they were not legally married. Tho WiUons lire twin blethers)- one married ll.e daughter und Iho other the mother. IiOHAIi ' ' fcV .v. A mm wiia horn to Mr, ami Mm. Oliver, ut Yankton, a f;w tiny ao. I'll re I'uckwheat flour aid geiiiiine ii, i, I. ,. i r',.lli,. M, ,'. maple ayrup at LoMint A f.roy a. It ia now believed llmf Hie 1, J..lnr.. The Foieot Urove Tuned mailed a Very ; nn iiil rtny iiii in iiii,.mp il nwnrii mhic iiii now in iicvtn inai ine ligixlalure , .... ... . ! nn-ni fur tlii punhn- of ih n'4 of n'4 nf ec- will nm Ihe Lewia A Clark Kxponilion bill with very little oppoaithin. A big New Yeardanee wai given at Melloinild'H, near Anoki poatoffice, in the Nehuleni valley. Meara. (;nmrbell A I'riiiglc, of Ver nonia, have mailt) falea ol timber trai ta to Michigan purtiea recently. a very pienfam uaneuig party wau ; given at the home of John Fouler on I peep creek, Ut fiatiirday. A pleitciuit social party waa given at the lifiiriw i.l f r ut f rm ii T T l u- " ""J ,., Iit, ..1lr . Saturday night. The next issue of this paper will con tain some observations in the Nehitletn country. The information came to late for this issue. UK. Htuart, thu Vernonia druggist, is opening out his stock of drugs in a pew location, further op the street. He catries a complete stock. A coal expert has been investigating the deposits on Rock creek, altove Kea sey. He gave out some highly favorable reports. Collins A dray are the local repre sentatives of the Singer Sewing Machine Co. if you want a good machine, call on them. George, the l!-year old son of P. Imignont, of Scappoose, was bronght to town vesterday for treatment, and is now at the Oriental hotel. He has an attack of malarial fever. Mi's Nellie Vandolah. and Charles W. Thompson, engineer on the steamer lAinerira, who were married on N'ew Year day, have taken rooms in town and will reside here. HoulUin Grange, wi'l hold an open meeting on Thursday evening, January 20th. An interesting program will be prepared, and ttie pliblic is invited lo attend. F. A. Zillgitt. a proniinnt Vernonia merchant, lias liecn very ill with the la ripre fir some weks past, and R. Sess- eman is iookiiiz aner ine nnsiness 01 the smre ouriiig nia inn imposition. Rev. A. Weinert. formerly of Houlton, is now locatec at Vernonia, as pitor of the Evangelical church. H also holds services at PittMbnrg and Kist. W. P. Downing, the new Vernonia rnerciiBiu. i-iiornga goon onsiness, anil parries a complete stock. Hisrn-tomcn" come in for many miles around. Mr. .Joseph Copeland, of Warren, suite red a fracture of the right wrist, occasioned bv a fall Ibis wek. Th fracture was reduced by Dr. Cliff. Wednesday. Jji't Monday n'ght wa Ihe date for Ihe revninr tnonthlv meeting of Ihe city council. There was not a quorum pres ent, snd Ihe regular session will lie held jnexl Monday night. j For , hll,HBt1 ; M mo-,th take a . few nf nia,)Hlrl!,in., nmwh UvTflWpt. wa-rBn(.cl to enrc, ' j Price 25 cents. For sale bv Dr. Edwin Ro9. Frank Looti-v, of Mist, doipjf eon- i "'dorable riniinsr for propertive titn- j tier tin-eha1". The worwls nf f ne lower Nehalem vallee. i full of tipilr cruiser InrtniT the entirn rear. Mr. T.nnkev, abo is lorntins a few poople on timber I and hometead claims. The str"et Hctwoe,, If. J. Wntprg' rei denif and W. It. Ilillard's boni nrovt- ertvis almost inioa-sable. ar.. e.ane neoplo coining to town are o.lia-,l to leave Ilieir trani s' I'onlton. There is a sjned i''ewa!k itt this ntrt of town, but the street is a disrrmw Ihe city. Coroner C. E. Pa'ton, who ia attend- tnir -iiedical school .in Portland, has i handed in his reignstion as prnntr eivroner lo the conn r rnio-l, t ;R p. I IMced that l. II. R Cliff will be ap! nointed lo till the vaeanev. Vr. Cliff re- I of !ri, I'll bad lo giee it up ntid ht'd ! over at St. Helen until the vnte"-j wafrrn wis ! The force of the snlicieiit lo tear the strongest rafts in; nitvtea, G'-rerror ChandHMlnin, sv nil ex- ' I'li'ifffii, will continue to rs'ilo in Port- i land dnrintr b' t' rin ef nflien, lie will spend the imt half of the wf.'k in piletn land the remainder in Po-llan'', lookin? j after bis law-tiraetice. lie I ni ent-mre.l i niinrtei'S in Salem at the frttortmi nl,l Pat-I ; ,rt Mvn ,mrth rt,e Sf,e Imnse. ! Goveinof Cbaniberlain's wA mother.; who has been vwitlnsr him for six nionths.wi'l witness the, inauguration nnd 1'ieti retnin next month tohcrbonie tnai me governors iniuignrai messtige will be one d the sdingest nud niot in- eresting docnnients of tho kind ever delivered in the State house. "Tho nicest and plenantest medicine j pation is Chaiuboi Iain's Stomach ' Liver Tablets," says Molard F. Ciaii;, ol Middlegrove, N. Y. "They work like a ' charm and do not gripe or have an tin-! pleasant ellc,;t. - For sale by E lwiti : Koss. Freshflsh in season evcrv Friday, and special Sunday dinner at Iho St. Helens . Hotel. , , , r , i l,:. few oliotoe't'iinhs of Colnmttia county farm houses are wanted at this oiiicc iur Ibc uiidvwDU'.' k'diijoju, Tim Uiiliiier t)ramn(if Cnmrinnv ttrlil fii prearnt "A Fiahfrman't Link" at Cath v lumrt Hnlnnlnv. The nl.'iv wui ret'entlv I .t U i I ii r:l . v r I , r.l ... ri.iillu tfii'pti t n t-tfH liruliM! n Ruiiiii'r. The New Ye-.r Annual of the Oregon ! ian in a vahiahln yenr lKok, and con tains a world ol information about Ore !,, gon. UI';'JIIMUIC .Tl'Vt.ini .lew cm kii,i shows up that enterprising town and sin rounding country in an attractive way. A paty baa been investigating the coal resources in the Xcbalein valley. It will onlv require the advent of a rail road to make ilieir development certain. One of tlio prettiest country church 4 edilices in Oregon, is t..e new liabtist church at Yankton. It ia intended to have the interior lini-licd and ready for occupancy eaily in the sjiring. Messrs. Tarbull, Urown and others are to be com plimented on the new structure. KEASEY Perry Herolieiy, who has been at work near Oak Point, ppent the holidays ul home, returning via Clatskanie Monday, . ...... B ...I ..1.1 , merry at the 011 Uock creek, home of Win l7erebery( Games and refreshments occupied tht: till .evel e after ihe passing of Hie Old Y'ear, Win. l'uagin and family, consisting , ol w ife, brother-in-law and six ciiildret., Iiave for tome time past occupied lhej house 01 K. Webster. Mr. iJugiii has j a ranch farther on up Rock creek, where i be expects to move iu the near future. J The occupants of llomewood ranch, i received a very pleasant cull from ir. I tiabbert, eilitjr of the Mist. Me pro-! claims tullicieut mud Ijetween I'lllaljuig and Keasey. to. make travelling very soft, but not extremely eusy. Those that have La-en looking this way and (earing Hie game warden, or ficti couitiitsaioiier wight scent tiieir tracts, , , ,. .1 ..,.-, nteU have no Uutr ol the new comer, aa he wihe8the public intoriuetl Ihruuii liujcoiuuiot ii;e MiftT. tbut he no luiijfcr ituida tlut uliiix. PITTSBURG Mr. Kysoii, of Kycou postoltice, lias t., t'riMo.iM in tioM 'iriiittv tiie Ueeinisitlnglrieuaa tu tins mi limy itie past week. Mrs. T. B. Denslow, of Vernonia, ia COi.,kiijg for the Kast Folk thinide & Mtg. Cotupauy. John Kay took an anexpected cold walerbath, wiiile atteinpting lo cross i ,i, ri... , i.. fr.,ii -.,.. .in uther dav i ., .. , ,, , .. ,, , The shingle null is running lull blast, , all uil...celra oualitv of shingles. Waters, tho tire ineoiance agent lor the McMiuville Co., isiu the vattey re newing expired policies. Road Supervise 1 WiUonof Jiehalein precim t, .was seen iu iliese parls Monday. Selviol reopened Monday, after a vaca tion ol two weeks. The tiitiiidiret pieces between Pitts btiig and Clatskanie, have been cord uroyed, and the cream wagon ia ugaiii running between these places. Comiiitssiouer. Case, went to .St. Hel ens Tuesday, to be present at the regular term of court. Officers for Natal Grange for the en suing year were installed Saturday. The regular meeting days was cbangtd Irom the first to the third Saturday, of each motitb- The grange will nieeltwieea month, during the remainder of the winter, the lust lurday being devoted lo literary work. GEORGE A. HALL i , J'TOIuYJl 1 '- AT- L, 1 ST. HELENS OREGON. z.-.-..rT..:-."i.:l: tis weeks from the date of tho lirat . iw -a T T 4- 1 :lm0''l':l,'o" 'bis suiiiiuoiis; and if en. ileleiis jlotel,r'"faiv,'ai,i,,'-,''j Bu!,wero"r : before said l,tli day of Juntiary, l0v!, . 1 the plaintiff will apply to ill Court tor Under the Management of G. A. AND A. M. BRINN. Is tiiG Leading: Housb.- HraOqaarn ra for ."Iltlmni, I oj -rera. Quarrymen ami fuin, u.-rciai Travelers. Hoard and I.ixlgiim, $-0 per mouth, I ransient, $1 per day. Barn and Feed for, Horses. DS. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache Alt dtflAsssa of Kldnevs. CURE; oiaaatr. urinary ureans. A I,... Dh.nmll.m teas. HsartDlseaso. 6ra vet. Uropsy, Fsiu&la Xroublus. Don't become discouraged. Tbere la a cure tor you. if neeeMary write Ir. tenner. Ilo has spent a life time curing Jnt sucfc eauvsaayuurs. All cotuiittatious Jrres. "For years T bad bacltacho. severe pnlns across kidneys and scalding urine. 1 could not iretoutof bed without help. Tho use ol lr Kejjner's Kldiiuv and Hackacho Cure to Rtorsd me. O., Knoltsvtlle. Ptt." l)nmWs.50.-..ll. A-kforCook Hook-Frss. .or s'ttiB by Collins A tirav, St, Helens A Biun gl,lierill ml,r. chants at Houlton. ; j-qu SALE ORTKAPE-Two tish uets ; !., .;nn-ftnoiu 10 inch meal.: ..on 75- i ..,,," - :,.!, n,HUi, n,.,,,, ,. ; .. ! condition. Will trade for-wink or Sell ! t - o. ... .. i i.. ... x- i lor etian ni. it on-u.iin. .ii'iii, i i. it j , Pt-'rosr, v alley, Ojv. . I lmhr Un.l, Act Jnna I, !?. nonce ron mtumion. . , o . . n - Ifrrtfuo I iir, lire'in, lpt:.'lnlr J9, llfcAf. NOTII.K fa HKKKIlVolVK.1 THAT IS CtT vllni)r with IIm nrtivlniun nf Ihi ai-f o( Oiiiu-ri-w of June 3, rm n lt'l ''an art for i (tie ilv if iltnin-r litmla iii the ill'0 nf tdlilur. . f.iik IF. H-.'a.l.. an.l l...l.lim(i.l. Tm. ; inrjr," eMi'mlni ii all ihe puilia Uml aiie i lv net of Allffiul t lt Marti) A, Hngtll. ol k'avjr.i ouniyi.f v)iiiiiti, Mrt ( onon, tl'n s; ne'4 of twl4 of NriiMii 1, in tuwimlitfi 4, ii. rnnite No. ii vtir. nti'l wilt ofrcr wrrwif to iihtiw tltiit tlic IhihI Koinrlit Im niofH vitlimliW for Its Um hiTGr nforip ihim for flfrjciiloiril finrpiiMii. snil Cie-mliM-ri hi claim lominl IninJ lielors the Rei( lier slid Iteceivrr of thin oiti'1') ft t orrKiin ttfy, tircitoti, on Krldnv, iho II h of Mnrcf', V.U. Hhfl mtmes a u lnitii-eM: K. K. Throoa, It. I.. lieilmoiKt. Aliquot li'ipptst slid W. jl, llucklir, all of Knu-py. Ori'Kiill. Any aarl all pt-roliM ctMtlliinK; si vem.y the aliove-iieM-rtheii liuiils r r'-quc-li'it m nic Uitir rlnlmii in tills oi!n'.,Mnoriefo-"ttt)ih liny of Murrh, isos. j'Jinl.l (.11 am. H MoiiIik.j, Il-xlmer. Timber ljn.1, Act June , 1S;S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'siTKD Stitm Orrtcr, OroKont ity. Ori jfin, Pwcaiher 3l, ItsW. N'OTH:KIS HKBkBVtUVK.N TAAT IN COM ptinnce with the provi-loti of ths Act o( tomjre of Juim a, 1H7 mitkii 'Aliwt for iho Hle of 4imt,er lmnln In the -lute of t.'iiHfomiii, Oregon, Nviiiin mi,) WituhliiKinn Territory," 'e.xlmle, lo all lh fuhllu l.mi'l ststes bf act of AilKimt 4, Niincy A. Hacker, of Keaey. I.'omny of t'oitimbia, htitle of Oreirnil, Iiiia this itiiv flip. I In thi ollice her nworn -tale-niiii No. ciko, for the onn;hiie of Ihs "W'i f i wi - Sll'l lot i of Kectioti No. 7, iu lowtiahin o. 4 a. mnifp No. o, ve-t. SIM will orTer nro-.f to -how tint ihe Isnil sonufct I nmrs t.iuniHri'irit, 1111104T or alone viihii mr "Kn enlturitl p trji .ay, nii.t to e-liihll.ih hi claim tn aui'l liili'i iH'forp Ihe Hester anil Keeetverof i " """ eaumny ine 11m c.ay or llHrt'h, Itll. i-hn iiamfn the lol l iwinjr witiieH: K. K Throon. I'ouulas Ma- sill ami H. I, Ke'lmoail. of kraney, Orcaon, ai"l ITittrle Md'anley, of l. Ifek-nn. Oreiron. Any -ad nil iierMtna cl-imiiia mlrer-ely His ali.o ilp-iTiia''l laiela Hr- rinu.tcl ro Hielheir aiiriM in ihi. oiiit-c on bc-iore -ftltl titti dujr S .i:-,-i,. ;:i.,i jvn.i.i 1 tl A l;r.K-i B. MOOHES, Reerister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. D-ca'tmpm uf the Interior 1j!k1 OiHcaaUi t-re.n t'tiy, Orignn. .IfitiliarV 3. VMA. X' cmt K LS ff EftKHY GIVKK THAT IHf. fi-iioii(k-hHtei tMitier huM ftl" ootfra of bin intention to iiiiikt- riul proof In tuptrt of his claim, nnd thntaiil pm-.f will Iw matle b fur the KfrKtMcr aihI Itf.'ctver at OreKon Ciiy. fitifon, ou Febrttitrv It , l!,0. viz; NANCV 11 a kkk, H. K. No. nm for the X of . nv4 of ami n!, of ftu l( wfii,lU 3j. tp5 i,r ) w. i-t. irrme" the ictilnwing ilLCsMat to prne wumiu'Mii tiiinr ilium una euiiivatfoti : ti miA tud. tU: Ktunitu Mrtuill. Hrlev L. i4fjii,ona ari'i is.! r. TnrfHrp, ol heawy. ore- 1 rut mtil t rift r ton t.( ,1 ,.,- ..I wi 1 1 . I u . lira. ' tn. CH a RLKs it. MiM)RKj4, Ktriter. NOTICE FOR FVBLICA T10N. Ileprtn:et of the Interior, Umc Office at Oregon t.'iry. ttn-ffon. . vnni l! w herkby c.ivex ihat thk foliuB iniT-rarued p:t!er has rllid no4ice of , hjj ln,,.n,iol) , m,lkeli,Mi I)r(J1(I iu ,ppnlt t( his claiin. ami time taiil timil proof will Ihi iiintle liiore ihe KVtfl-ir and Keceoer at Ore- gon City, U f.), on Keurnary z. 19:, vu: IIKRMAN J, HOKNI NO, H. E. So. 1.117:1. lor tec s1 nf ae'i of aeetloB M, and e', of of nv1 ol MH-tiou 2t. tp n, r . w. lie uanie-tl folh.winK. wium-sea to pron hi coutinuoiu re-i.leuce uoou and eultivalfou of said land, via: 1'hoinas Ptftllinha. of Vernn uia. Oreeou: ii. It. ."tin. W. L. Eirhmtn mil !T. tl. hiclimiic, , of KeH..y, Oretf . CHAni.KJ B. MOORE3. Register. SUMMONS. 1 lu'ihe Circuit Court of the Stale of dragon (war onimcca t onnty. Florence Leila Ar'ieenl, linliitifl. s, Kdward H. Ar-ent, Defondant. To K lward fl. Arscnt. the abort-named dc fetidaat: IN THE VAMP. Of TIIK STATE OF ORK aon; You are hereby required to aipear and Bimner the t .an'pininr tiletl agatu.a vim iu the abo e cat tiled suit m or before the filth flay of Jainury, that h 'in ' the !.t day pren'ribc l ia the order of publication of maiaon. and if yoa fail so tit aptiear and alawer ard Couipiniat. Ihe litaia. tin will npoly to the t olirl for the reliei therela THed, to-uit: a decree of divorce from thai butidkol matrimouy uuw exi-tiuie betweeu yoa and ilie tUaiutiff. This biimmons I- publUherl for six consent. tie wetkn l,y order of Hun. Thouius A. Mi Bride, Ju.lge of the Circuit l oart of the s-tate 01 ureyou. for ihe County ol Co Ititnhiv, uMite mi ihe loih day ol lieeember, 1'c. the hrt 1'iiblicatiou being ou Hie 13th. day ol tKcetuhor, 11.I2- W. 34. L FORCE. Attoiuey for flaiutttf. SUMMONS. In the Circuit tlonrt of the State of Ore- ! gon for Columbia Cotiniy. ; Ettie iialeiieifer, plaintitf, j vs. jUus Ualensifer, IXfendant. ! To litis lUilensiter, the alave-named 1 Iieleuilaiit : !lN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF rvgon : iou are hereby not i lied t a ml required to appear and answer the ; complaint toed ugaitist you 111 the ' slxive-entitlni lourt and Cause on or I before the 17tli day of January, 1903, 1 which will be after the expiration of 1 relict iieuianilett 111 Hie complaint to 1 wit: For a decree dissolving the mar- j riiige r. iatioH now exi-iing between yen j and the li a 1 1 1 1 r, and for such other j ami further or (Liferent relief as may be jtquituhie in the preinise-e. I Ibis summons is published by order j of the Hon. J. it. IKikii, county judge of ; s-aid county and state, made ami en j tend in this cuti.-e on tile. 2nd day of f'ectii.ber, IW2, I The day ol ihe first publinalion of this j summons is DieeitiU r lit It, 1002, and ' I the last Junuurv ltitlt, 10O3. j , ' GEt'KiiE A. HALL, 1 Attorney lor Plaiutilf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. i V'Ttl'K U HKKKHY T.IAT THK UNDKIt- j - ii?tied ha tx-ii, by the lion. J. B. ioaa. l.,.l..u ,,f 111,, !-.. .,. ,'..:.- ..f Ow. l-,d ..I !.n for naiiiat.'uauiy. appelated adiulni j imoyr et lUu hatatu of Jeremiah j li.-o in. deceMseU. Any and till perens baviinc : elnitr.. ai:aiiii niii eniaieuie lisreior rcainired I i prvehl t!ie saline lo mi;, iluiv eeriaeil aceord i ins lo In-', in tho oifiie of vi. II. fowcll, at I si. Hi'leiiN un'.oi.. uiihi.i six inoniba troat : tho dale here -lr JOIIS DOI.AN. Administrator of the E uitc of Jbieiaiah Ual- Vili, (H l'l'IlM' i W. M. PtM'Ki,I Altorney far Administrator, f Itatetl leeailr Ulh, U8J, NOTICE OF LAND SURVEY. Oiliee of county surveyor Dec. 18, 1002- NOTIC'F. IS HEREBY GIVEN TUAT the county surveyor will on Junuurv 12, Hli, suli-liVide Seetion If), In 13. n r Z w. and cbIhIiIjho (he lines uiui corners of the ., of the ncl4', of the Sci, of said treciiou. W.T. W itts, county surveyor. F.stray Taken , l"p. Notice is hereby given that on the 22nd day o IX cemlwr, 1002, iherestrayed to uiy place alxiut two nitles nestol lio Ore gon, a black cow with light streaa along back, has crumpled horns, and is about three years ohl. Has small calf. The owner ot the almve deseriiied animal cull obtain posMasaioa of the same by furnishing siilKrient pnail of owiieiship and paying all e lteiiaia ami costs. JAY P. ARCHIBALD. We are still furnishing the Weekly. Oreg'iniiiii and Mist together for ayeaf j onlv 2.00. Pai.-evtibtf oww, W.wvibr lot Tjuk ,Vw,