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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1903)
riPKPOY MIST I 1 1 1 V 1 l2J?ll;J- ... .1,- i.i,iii. H ml si. Iloliuis. ! Oregon, as 'iiil-vls luuil matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Imi'kd Kvkry Friday Morhin By KEKI.KU II. GAEliERT, Editor and Proprietor. Sl'BSl'RlITIOJI PRICI: One copy one year, in advance fl.00 Six months W) JANUARY P, mn. This paper is kept on file at the ()r-1 gon Press Association Room 9. ll.tniil-l ton building, Portland, Oregon. I OCR FORESTS A GOLD MISS. The forests of Columbia county are a veritable gold mine. The thousands of acres of timber land in this county will 1 a source of wealth for many years to come. It will take years to cut and mar ket the vast timber acreage of this sec tion, and it w ill be a means of resource- j ful rerenue that will add to continuous prosperous conditions. Already logging railways are reaching back for the moun tain forests, and more are being pro jected. As the timber is taken from tlia v. soil, it will be planted m productive crops, and dairy and fruit farms will dot every section oi the couidy. As the development of this county progress, the thubor alone will con- tinne to be a great weaitn producer, in . this respect, Columbia has many ad van- j tagesUotfer over the intending settler j over that of other eltuuties in Oregon. I The immigrant who purchases a small farm, can secure profitable employment in logging or w ood cumps at good wages, white he is putting permanent improve ments on his property. The people of the Upper Xelialeni val ley are anxious for an improved road way out to St. Helens. It is a conven ient route for the people Lo reach Port land, and a liefter roadway is urgently needed. Clatskanie, by private con tributions, dkl considerable work on the road between that place and Xehalem, fact, which the people of the hitter locality appreciate. The people of Nehalem want a rail road to connect them wi.h the outside world, and it urgently needed to o.ivey their products tD market. Tho dairy p olucts, fruit and timber need a quick haul and low freight rates to reach the markets of the Northwest. The Oregon Legislature convenes next week, and a lively session is anticipated Columbia county will be represented in the house by Hob. Mirtin Both, while Hob Alex. Sweek. of Portland, is the joint scnatorfroiu this district. A num ber of Columbia county citizens w ill be present. Governor VanSant, who was inaugur ated as govenor of Minnesota, fur bis Second term Wednesday, asserts that if i the courts cannot prevent the monopoly j ef the railroad merger, the people can. ; The powers of Europe want a million dollars in advance before they will close the blockade, or consent for the dispute ; to be arbitrated. The Old and theSew. The year of 1902 has been a very pros trous one for the state of Oregon, the county of Columbia and the city of Clatskanie. Especially has our little rity been blessed with prosperity over that of other years. There has been double the business transacted, the mer chants have flourished, and there has lieeu more logs, lumber, shingles, etc., shipped out than during any two pre vious years. In the building line much has been d ne. There lias been between 40 and 60 buildings erected ; some of the largest lire the New Home hotel built by J. W. McDonald ; the large livery stable, also a fine residence by Chris Johnson; the elczant residence of T. J. Flippin, one f the finest in the comity, and numer ous others. The citizens should feel proud of the improvements that have lx'en made the past year in this line. The large flume built by the West Oregon Lumber Company is quite an addition to ojr industries; also the dry Imu-e and planing mill put up by the nine company. Our city dads have not been asleep either, as they have made some sub-j MHiitial improvement on the street , hWh putting in Beveral new street lamps. We predict that our little tow n will piore ihan discount the past year's rec ord in 1003 in all respects. The Chiek holds out its right band and w ill assist ii it can in furnishing the wind. ( 1 r.-kanie Chief. Real Estate Transfers. John F CheWelln to Horace H. Irvine: I'jOf sec U. 5,5 1 600 (10 M o, K ai:ty to William McPheraon; n!of S, 5 2 1500 00 ll!a:llnpd Wiljiam C Fruh to Wil- lii.iu Mcl'herson jr, et al; Hectton 6, 6000 00 trie, to Burnh E Htnd- rii ki-; 9arr Insecllon 2 l'O 00 Mnrilvr Meeker to I u Wlkitmm; quit - (InlioJO-SOth interest; in aos.9 seres in SHiivies' Inland 11.10 00 IlioTiinii A McBriile, tnrnce, to George W Wn-Ilride: Inlerest In!ol in Co- luinliL City and adjacent lands It H and Enuos 1 Mitchell to Abraham rh.l lililila Croiine; lota 7, S, 15, 1(1, l.fai'l- 4wpt. Helena 1 00 ''.'5 1 'i i 10 A el Manila: biH ol ne t wii:tion 7, 7. 5 200 00 4t i Pfceer, at al, In Thf Goble Ktlia- Jfi Pa: lit bailway; I.Coaerea In i.-m it cd l. S, :oo oo Thumu OtA;e and Anus People, to II U Bortliwkk; tract in section 12, I a. 1 1 1 1- il flunk to Jctti'i Uucduit Utm to tide land in front ol lot 17. HvK-igp WAMS HKITER ItOAIlS, ,,t ,r , orropaudeut TUX One Hud Itoad H Made Time. i M,r. .l:i mm rv 8 Where ever vou 8, ii)i or down the valley, we always hear the cry bad roads. Now we have talked , with a great many of the settlera in this ' neijiliborliood lately regarding the build liiigo iieinmiieut romls, and tve lind ! that the majority o( lliu iieople in road I tlietr'u-l i:t, iavor a 10 mill county road tax levy, aim building wider and more solid roada. We know that a v ry dur alilu toad ean be built a, not a very great expense, a nad that when once built will require very little labor to keep it in good repair. Our road supervisor has hud a piece of such a road built in the lower part of the district, and every body is delighted with the rvMilt. The road way is llrst widened out, (cleared of dumps or roots) and ploughed to the center, llieu puncheon laid eleven or j tw elve feet long and covered w ith gravel, i We have an abundance of timber for puncheon and also an almndanca of gravel all along the river, ,,, ,he ,ji,lM,g t,f ,. H ronj fri , oneenitof the district to the other, first build the river road which is the main travelled road, and then build the branch roads in turn, accordii.g to the amount of travel or most needful, lint by all means keep all roads open for travel summer and w inter, as one set tler has just the Mime right to a way out as another. My home is out three miles on one of the si-culled branch man,y is j this district, but I am wiHiu to wait until the more travelled rotll8 gre built MoTK t W((uM eS()ei., s(H)j ..,1 j 4I1V jjoj. Yours for better roads, Amiitik Mnurv. RAINIER The rain seems to have slacked up here during the last few days, and we have had some fair weather. Ed Joseph, returned home Saturday eve, after a week .if hard rustling in the Nehalem valley, for signers to the peti lion for the relocation of the county seat. Ed says that nwiriy every one is quite enthusiastic over the question. also savs, that he saw some of the worst roads on some parts of his journey that he ever saw in his life. S.ras of those places were quite near home. Miss Myrtle I)-itz return? t Monday to school in Portland, alter an absence of two weeks. Rev. G. A. T-igirart. will prench here next Sunday evening at the usual hour. A fine musical program is being pre pared. Messrs. Olson it Nordby, are getting their mill so that it will soon be ready for operation. Mr. Parker, N'ordby A Olsen's genial foreman, has moved his family down from Portland. They have moved into I-ast Friday and Saturday, th boom broke over on the Cowlitz river, owing the heavy freshet. The river here was black w ith lugs ami shingle bolts. S'uiie were recovered, but the majority of the-n however escaped down river, (t is a pity that eo many tint- logs and bolts should go away to destruction. The Rainier Ura natie Club, are going togive an entertainment to the people of Catldamet, by plaring "Fisherman's buck" to them next .Saturday evening' They ought to gjt as gowd a house as they did here, for they rightly deserve it, every one of them. We wish them success. It is probaWe that no new territories will be admitted as states during the p'esent session of Congress, except Oklahoma. The damage by flood in King county, Wash., caused by the recent rains is placed at $100,000, and SO0 people are rendered temporarily boinelers. The Ladies World, of New York is one of the brightest of magazines. It is filled with high class literatuie, stories and original articles by the best author. There are home talks, articles for the household, fancy work, book binding at home, etc THE MIST HID Vt'IXTEB EDITION Illustrated With Half Tone Cuts Will be I ssued A boat January 25. Subscribe now and get the uiid-win-ter edition. This paper and the Weekly Orego nian $2 per annum. This paper and the Young People's Veekly, f 1 per annum. This paper and the Weekly Capital Journal, of Mem, $1 50 per annum; six months, 75 cents. This paper hikI the Portland Weekly 'onrnal, (democratic), H per an n -n. 1. paper and the N Y. Thrice-a Week World per yeni 80; six months, 00 cents. The Chicago Weekly Inter 0.:ean and his paper one yenr fjr 50. All club subscriptions are invariably in advance. IMhIoi aleil Her Hlioulder. Mrs. Johanna Sxlerholm, of Fergus' Falls Minn., fell and iiilncaieil her I shoulder. She had a surgeon get it 1 back in place as soon as possible, but it was (juite sore and pained her very i much. Her son mentioned that he had ! seeu Chamberlain's Pain lialm adver-1 tised for sprains and soreness, and she apked bun to buy her a bottle of it, which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled lier to sleep which she had not done for several days. The son was so much pleased witli the relief it gave Ins mother that he has since recoin- mended it to many others. Kdwiu R.jsri. The 29th anniversary of the ordination of Archbihhop Christie, was celebrated in Portland Wednesday afternoon. ; There was a banquet af Et. Mary's sviico! joooojiu the eyeuii.g. CEDAR GROVE ! Auout twenty ef the young folk of the neightHirluHvl ga id iitjtbe home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Young, New Year's eve and watched the old year die. They passed away the lime in singing and playing games. At the special school meeting held in district No. -14, Jan. 2nd, a ten mill tax was voted. Also, J. E. I.indlaog, was elected director in place of ll. W. Jones, resigned. George Pitsenberg and son, of Goble, are in this vicinity on n visit. The company of Portland mill-men who bought out W. K. King, have em ployed Mr. Flippin, of Clatskanie who will take charge of the mill next week as foreman. Tueotticers of Cedar Grove Grange, were all installed last Saturday, except three. This grange, like most of the otlwr o the county, is having a rapid but healthy growth. Frank Kyser has just returned Ironi the lower Seha.eui, where be went to see his best girl. There was a large congregation 8, , Sunday school and church last Sunday, but for some cause the preacher failed to put In an appearance. W. K. Holmes, the pole man who is alreadv vardititotit poles for hi summer I hanlintf. was at the tax sale last neck!1' ot land and bought a few choice piece ami some town lots. Year before last the measles almcwt broke up our school, twenty .pupils out of a total cnrcijiiiviiv ot twenty four, havinp had the dread disease. Last year thirteen out of twenty had the small mix, and we were compelled lo dis miss school two ditl'ercnt timet on that account. This year, (and people generally get what they are looking for) we don't ex pect Asiatic Cholera, yellow fever, bu bonic p ague or anything else of the kind, not ewn whooping cough or mumps, but a good, successful school. NEER CITY The weather has been very rainy for the past week, but ilia improving some this week. Kd Fowler went to Rainier Sunday, to work in the sash and door factory. The men bants of Goble ought to be more careful w ben they take orders, to they will not send sugar instead of c al oil. for every lody does not need sweet ening. B. H. Neer's house came very near burning down last week. The fire caught in the terracotta chimney and cracked it nearly the whole length, and they called on the neigh bona for help. He is putting in a brick chimney now. Bolt Uavard is doing the work. Zait Fulton, and his fly team were in the fore part of the week. His team go( (rightened at the traiu and it took tiire or four men to hold them. Holt Uavard has taken a contract of repairing the Hues for the mayor of Xeer City. The New Year ball here was a success, as every body reported having a g'xsl time, and there was no lights that we know of. There was a fine w restling match ben last Snnday, and one of the parties found himself on his buck in a ile of dry ashes. The 128 pound man that formerly held the championship of lioble, is tio more, as be had lo give up his chainpioii- hip the first round he fought w ith a 65 year old wood chopper a few days ng:. Croup. The peculiar cough which indicates croup, is usually well known to the mothers of croupy children. No time should be lost in the treatment of it, end for this purpose no medicine has re ceived more universal approval than Chamberlain's Cough Keniedy. Do nut waste valuable time in experimenting w ith untried remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended, but give this medicine as directed and al symptoms of erotip will quickly disap pear. For sale by Edwin Ross. MIST STRAY STRAWS. Mr. Wright, since bis wife's return, steps only on the high places in roada. The New Year's party given to the young people of Mist, by Mr. and Mrs. O. 11. Lyon's, was a feast to be remem berer1. An 8gent, for the spicy paper, called j the "Mist. "passed through our berg on Tuesday. We trust the good people of Mist, will patronize this paper. Dave Lane's cork mill is now running at full blast. Aid ridge, and C. L. Kock are hauling bolts for the same. The Jones family have changed their location, and are now living opposite the old place. Mr. Jones purchased the place they are now occupying. Misses Magnuson", left for Portland to finish their education, succe IS to them. Mrs. I,ra Turner informed her friends that she was going to die on the oth of January. Some of her friends called to her on that day and she was dying, 'dying clothes," smart people are not a" ('e8'' yet. A little nonsense now and t,ien ' relished by the wisest of men, eo said Holomon. WaseTIJ A TRI'STWOKriir OKXT1.F.MAM or lady in each cou-i ty U) manage busi ness for an old established houe on solid financial Htanding, A straight, bona fide weekly salary of f 18,00 paid For sale by j by check every Wednesday w ith all ex ! pensesdirect 'roin headqua. ters. Monev advanced for expenses. Manager, 340 Caxton ildg., Chicago. To keep your hands warm these eold days, buy a r.ait pf gjoves at Collins h Cjiay'S, WARREN In the Mirt'a write up of it e Christ mas program at Wairen la t wirt tlight mistake oeciii'cd, the item should , read: Rcciuuioii by lles-le Perry, ol j lloullon; million song by the children ol Wrieu. Mrs. l.ily lUiker Is qtiile ill with, hi grippe. Timber land is changing hands quite rapidly around Wiu ieii. J. II. Tonipains, lias purchased the Markhniii, SO, in section I;l. Your correspondent des're l rrilire the effort on foot to compel the e untv to build a new court bouse. While we .... ... i 1 II ..! agree lluit me conn nouse is out of date, and lacking a great ninny of coliveneiiiTS n Horded by a uualle colli t bouse. We contend that, our county roads are more in need of attention Ihnn our county building, bast summer great dilliclilty w as experienced incro -ingcoituty brii.gv with a small steam threshing outtit, around Warren and Scappoose. In our main M. Helens Portland road, jn-t above Warren, a wagoil will sink in the mud until the hubeare suhmeiged,' Still it the county court can't purihase a rwk rrnsher, can they build a court house? A few weeks ago an an He tmm Yankton stated, that if the county would opperate a rock crusher between that place and lloulton, nuiioritv of the farmeiaol that local- ! '' would donate tortus to haul the rock for the roads. Last .spring wneu in eouit were -litloned for a rock crusher, several Warren farmers pledged Iticiu ;vic to haul crushed rock from one to six daysapiece frt of charge, in order to get mads, so that they could get, to l the old nmrt house in the winter. We I contend that it would ! better policy to get along with the old court bouse wheie it is, and as it is for a few years more, and improve the county roads and bridges. HOULTON Friday night of last week the Arti sans installed their ollicers for tho en suing six months. The dance at lloulton on New Years' Eve was a grand success in every te spect. Something Iik.."i0 nunihcis were sold. All bad a g uid time. Miss Ida Adams was a Portland visi tor last Friday. l'.dward Ibuen his U-en sufC-ring w ith a soie baud, but if ii"W gelling w i'. Mrs. Ora I'.razee was down from Port land last week, ami spent a day or two with her lather, I.. .Meeker. lloulton ccbool disti ict No SO voted a 10-iiiill school tax at the ineetii g held j la.-t week. Fred Frantz isconstrucling a K-aitti-J fill rcsi'Hrnce up on the hill alstvo t lit-1 old bouse, t red is quite a tu-ticr tor a yuiug man. N. A. Perry visited Portland last week, I returning home the same evening. John I'rio came home from Portland Tuesday to spend the day with h is fam ily. The Northern Pacific is hauling gravel to Columbia City for the new switch. I. (. Wik-itroiii and family have moved back to lloulton, after a few years absence. J. II. Uroylcs, of Westport, is spend ing the holidays with relatives at tb;s place. The lloullon sports bad a tiap shoot ing for clay pigeons all day New Year's. i Some very good shots were made. j James Row lev, our section foreman, took a spin to pie metropolis Xnias, re turning the same night. U. 1. K., one of our young men, is getting quite popular. Never mind, Hartley, they all can't shine as you can. The Misses Alma U'ilkcnsoii, Ktlud .Mathews and (iiaie Adams are spend' ing the holidays with relatives at Jin in ter. Attorney W. II. Conyers was seen on our street one evening of last week. Frank I-ighton and Walter Campbcl are going to cut wood this winter. HUDSON The K. U. T. M. gave a dance New Years eye, for the benefit of lirotber Morton, who lord his house mid contents by lire three weeks ago, and cleard 05, which will by turned over lo Brother Morton. A. (i. Haggin is petting the engine and dynamo for the electric light plant in Rainier. ' A larce stove was Imindil from T.. .-n:Li. lor inviiew grange linn. i. v, Alton hauled it but. Heaver Vully Orange No. 300, installs its ollicers Saturday, the 10th. lirotber Young, of Cedar lirove, will lie tho in stalling ollicer. There was a grand party at V. P, Burns Monday evening, tho young folks enjoyed themselves in dancing until 12 o'clock, at w hich time, a grand supper was served, ami then dancing was re. a i . .i... , ..II . et sumed until a late hour in the morning. ! Tomy and ho Lett Julia of Portland and the two Misses Dalin's are visiting with the Danzcr's. A nice little crowd of neighbor gath ered at A. C. Alton's Saturday evening, enjojed themselves in playing gauie. ( and singing songs, until one o'clock in the morning-, when an excellent lunch was served, and the guests departed for their houiea knowing they had a good time. N. II. Captain Ibdjinsoii, iiumiiger of the I Oregon Raft Company, uccompanled J. i W. hhallord on a trip up Mil. on cieck ' Sunday to inspect the timber and the I proposeil route of the logging railwi y. The people alung tile promised line ol the railway uiu receiving the project with open anus, and are anxious that il shall be built.. Do your Children ASK QUESTIONS? Of course they tin. It U tlioii way of learning mul it in yon r tint j to nitswer. You may need ft lio tiouiwv to ttiil von. It won't un- snrer evrry quoai ion, lint there nroB tlioiiHtimis to w hich n. tvmgivu you true, clour (toil ilolliitlo Himwors not ubont woi'iIh only, lint about tilings, lliosiin, nmclmiory, ttion, lilrtoos, sloi'lon ftinl tlio liko, Tliun, too, tho children citn Hnil tlioir OTfti ftiimvoin. Moino of our greatest won lutvu iworibml tlioir jiowor to l inly ot tho iliclionary. Of cotirsoyon want tlielKwlilio tionaiy. Tho most critical jnofor tlio Ken ami Knlargoil Edition of webster's International Dictionary. j-yv yen Am iy (fiiM f XZM ' hIdhI it mil . LnmJLja & C. MERRIAM CO. VSKiMun ruaLisnint, S erniNOSULO, mas. For Saik The cordwi'id limber on ! Ilk! acres of laud. Call on or mlibess G. W. PICKKY, lloulton, lr. I Can't Afford A Tailor-Made SUIT. This i a common remark, but we !i . vei b w I cutty, for we have hundreds of uii. l,iiiin-il tail' mailt, -n". half tln-ir orninal price. These aie sums m:n.t l -.u throimhiiiit the I'acitic northvvCNt mid for vim ..H '.i called lor, 1 sl Snit and I erca's made for f 20, no fT .'.o I TViil Suit- and OmtcouIs made for jjft, now $1.' !S 700 Suits and Uiercuats made for tM and .ti, n f 10 .5 We also have a line of Iroo-eri in tb t im.vot an I brighteit pito-i :m Iomi V-.SO up. Send for .'ample", pries and in.tritrtioiw b-r self iiieaireioeol. Mail orders receive prompt alter. lion. The mamigi'iiieiii ha j isi lo suited line line of I Scut i' Furiiltli o,J Hi extremely low pric.', Farnsworth-Herald TA.IIiOFf:lJNrG COMPANY WASIIIXOTOX Street gWfiLo. FOPRrT1J,A.iSriD, ORE. Classified Advertisements STRAY Kit FROM TllK FARM OF C I.. A vrra. near Y snklt.n, a mrk led, inn Inn hull, inatki'd, brandi d ind d. Inn ne I liranileil on the left bip"L A"uinrked w ith crop and split in the telt ear and hole in the right. An information will ! gl Hilly received by C. 1 Ayrc at Yankton, who will pay rewaid. OklliNTAL - IIOTKL ri.dcr the niHiingi mcnt of MRS. FRED BRIGGS, lias the Bod Ai'eouiiinulat'.ons. HOARD AND LODGING, $iH I'hR MONTH. Iran .Mt nt, $i l't-r Day. Feed Barn in Connec tion. 11. HIIIKS, Cr. MR.S. L. S. ADAMS, Of Ualmtoii, Tana. Wlnc oi Cirdul Is Incud a bltatlnaj to tired women. Having suffered for seven years with weakness and bear-big-down palna, and having tried aey sral doc n and different rtmtiiltJ wHh no i icccm, your Wine of Cardul wai fhs 'ily thins; whicJi helped me, and even'ually cured m It lecmed to build up the weak parts, itrtntthen the ryitem and correct krcgularlUei." By "tire.1 women" Mrs. Adams means perrous women who have disorderd menses, fallinn rf ih wouib, ovarian troubles or any of 6 theso ailuinnts that women harm. B You can cura yourself at home with thisjrreut women's remedy, Wina of Can ii. Wino of Cardul has cured thousands of cases wliirh doctors have fai led to benefit. W h r not bf' i to get well today? All druggist have 11.00 bottles. For any stomach, liver or bowel diaor der Tli dford's Ula;k-lranght should bo used. rirM-VatUKl lU"nfBn.m1Sn, atrlna "! 1 ll' A.llTr itmrf. limnL T'i Cliltiiw. U,Llm Co.. Cliuuwiws 'Inr.ii. ' WlNEoCARDUl A LSSil iHAT is built to fit its counterpart in the human foot The lesson taught us by experience is that a woman once perfectly fitted in Sorosis never changes. She is more than satisfied; in fact has practically her own private last Sorrwi itorrt: New Yolk. Brooklyn. Hlila hhi. Tittv burg. Wa-hingt.m, Mainmort, l' l-aticiM O, tic. b'urrigu hopi: IluuiiiiKliaui, Pans, llribn. TKe Sho Thl Sellt Till' KN'KIIIT COMI'ANY, hvl He tbo ililli ii'i I over 'ot at dill renl Morn-l IwlVt,' ud U'VO ST 1.7 Ml 1U A I ) 170, M.ldiMtll Si reel, Mm i ML, A ST I N(i, AVOUK A N 1) I N ( i . ITHE NEW lias jm-l M i-elvl r at-' I Win i mi IIllUBi Dry :oods, (iroieries, Hoots, Shoes, lite. XX. MOKGUH, ('iroju'i' Hiiililin, Main Street, Sf. Helens, Oregon. pa DOWN-COUNTY PEOPLE UO TO rM Clatskanie Drug Store -roa thih Drugs and Medicines! Toilet Articles and Perfumery! Dr. J. ('l.TtiKNIK HALL, froprntor jw.i Owl Saloon 1 tti w nnirt.t o -inaiy, hHOMItTOItS (inlr Ilia Irt'm of Lianors art Cigars Kept ib stock CYRUS NOBLE Ami mliar oulir liranfla of i al)a luaiiKk. 1,1-U,. WEIMHARD'S BEER mi UrMulit. "Tom Benton" Cigars. All th liiiy-l ni'.,,i ,.r. n,l -iiiiur imp iinir M-rill-ii 1-. Srsas a fit In an ordi nary shoe is not a fit in Sorosis; they do not stretch. The shoe is M, Iuii.. ( Imago. iritvrr. l-ondon, Ituhlin, t iU-'Ko . I .red. , lUtuliurc, rranaiort-on irie .M.nn.cic. Ke W Id Around.' I'll. ltl.t. I . fiJ VKJDRJT I'OWDI'RCO. (Vcrufocturers of impkovhi) niAsn.(; towdhk RAIL- a 1 I N - I'ordaud, Orejon. YORK STORE a large isvoicc ol Goods, Shoes, l.WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. "BAILEY QATZERT." tll) lliii.n l lrt ri.,t Hiin.lar, TIMt CARD. I.Piivr rif11illi . , u la-avr- A.loiia '". I"'.!,""" J H m' -1 lir..rl l' pf,...u' H,h"'mfmM .Nahciiliu fun,, ,(1,n,, , ,. ImiIuu. W' 'IW.r l.iiia Tlrkylaliilrrrhan Bllh ii, II .V N i ,,, ,, y i The Dalies-Portland Ruie, " Sis. "'Tahonm- Metlako" I'ally TH. Kir, Hiitiilay. Hinaiia T4iin4," f.rava t';.rtlnii Thh., 1liti,,i 7 1 u Ui Ilia li .ll,-, m VK,.,Vrt 7 A M. ' "'" M ' iti...l,iv. Krl ... 1 A. M. UM'IMI AMMiniCK: K.inti.f AH,, Hlr. r-t. II..II, h,,,,,,, M, w, I iillll.lSI,, llu. ,((. 4 J. W. (111. in,, h A. K, K1UUI.11 iitit.iiin ,1 l IlKHhV liuy.-i, ("lis T. Tin iiw. I I U I U I . A. J. T.n tttm ... i t Tli ill, Or, li.. liner, Or. WI1II11 rt t tn 1 . Wont!. rari, U hIi ... Slrvriiciili, WmhIi Vfillmim-lr, M a.l A.ii.rU. Or. V.. W. Chi, in.. si, I'.irllnnil, Dr. fcslm Tulisu I n. ir.n .a U',:,r,,,ir Kivnn Unit on Ilia Hiiol In tin 1'? M H'd, with wU sin. t i Hunk; ,, ,nrkH , , , yiin n ilrvi''1'" ''1'11'1'''''''''' , . . ' n, il"!'l''"'i olitaiu i.,w.i,.i,l ',' ' ' yy ""niHi,in sum, ), nlllt'lmit irit ... "M,.,.mi in,, 1 ivn 11 lid costs. I'uyinif all expenses 3 3 m I'V- Aui;itiuAyi,