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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1902)
t .. ilEGON MIST Sntewl th. fVic. M M. I.pU n. Orwrnln. wiOi1.ol'l Hull I llllMtl'l'. i COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. i - IHNI'KI) Evkky Friday Mumni.xj t'Y KKEI.KR U. OABHKHr, RniTo and TnoraiKTOK. srnst'Rirrios price: One copy mm year, In advanru. . Ri months.. I ... pKCEMBKR 12, IIM2. 1 ml " V " Tlii" paper in kept on file at tho Ovo- j (ton I'reM Awviatinn Kioiii 9. ' ihiibil-! ton buildiiiK, rortlan-1, Oirt.Mii. I . , . . .- s COLUMBIA COCSTY'S GR$ 41 lR DEVEU , ' . ' Alllioujhona of the earliest ettloJ ....;.,ninf iWmn P..ltiiii.ia .s.nntv. sit! froni Orvttth' commercial nietropolisf, i , , , ... ., ., ., ami conni-oSC'l by rapid transit rail anu Vivi-r tntiij)irtation, ie still in acorapar iitive Mate of early development. The tnflitioii is due to the fact that the log ging and lumber interests have con stantly furnished the people profitable employment, without the investment of 'capital.' Tae avenue of labor offered uch inducements that in many instances owners of homesteads were slow to im 'prove their ft ruis. It iV true the dairy iiusiness and "stock raising flourished and is still a profitable business, but the o..i.. i I : -!.. rtnomaM.! per.naoi uticiuHiun,., " with the Willamette vallev countie?. T . .... The voung orchards are beginuirsg to bear the finest cig red apples oirme boast. It is therinest hay and grass 'section of Oregon, and the exporting of treain and other dairy products is iu Creasing to an appreciable exteut. It lias already been diiiiosstrated that in bo section of Oregoti -can the quality of truit be excelled. It is pre-eminently an apple county, and all other kinds of Truit that grow in Oregon reach an ex cellent staudard of perfection. ""It too, 'has been deriionst rated that two veara in grass crops will pay the ex perse rf clearing stumps from the laud lnwaktVik ready for the plow. ' Another aid to future and more rapid develooiaent is the market facilities." in additlbn to short hauls to Portland j kad at Ibw freight rates, the lumbering! industry' creata a large local demand for j farm products. f Taking location intoconsideration and other cohdilion. Columbia county offer the best induce nienta to the email farmer from the East. While the una!, farmer U gttiiitf his scree into a proper state of cultivation, the opportunities or getting employment in road ami log ging Camps ak good wages are excellent, these conditions make it more eaay for the farmer with sniaH means to get fairly on Ma feet, bytnng7n his home place into cultivation between times. - Ilj s 3ou.e of thd boys ih STt. 'Helens are bsViftg all kinds of fun out of Mitchell, of the Kainier Gaaette. When he comes to the county seat they 11 him with all kinds of pointers to use on Tue Mist. He returnes to Rainier aud uses them, ind the boys laaglv in their sleeves. Tbev'asow have him so badly mixed ui ; .,, .. , . 1, .1 . . ttial he can t tell Mie same story t ;cei alike. Only recently he claimed that he Lid bid 2 J cents per line for printing! toe delinquent Ux Hat, and last week he I positively rtated that he only bid is f Cents a line. Not long ago he stated that the editor of this paper was Met-1 eVve't foremrn when he published the M.'kt, and only last week said that thel , . . - ,, u:-! k.'lM hail nBvar lt..l in I ilnmhia writer had never lived in lotumDia; bounty at all. Mitchell has probably forgotten that the 1'ittsBdrg .Sentinel I m. ip u, r i ; lot 7 bloc i, Culuin agreed to print the county court pro-j fen.l'y andi neVet ceedings free of charge for one year, and j t,r (pVu ""t M M i "' c:'" ' M the end of that time forced the coantjr I I'eiwity an.i interest '.. tidrttopay for the sanie. And he ha. C".S,nt ?:7 iVs "' probably forgotten that a pledge was cll.n;:lK!!'lw:k lii Verno: printed in the Rainier Uazette previous i nmiin. Tax i i .. . ., . Fenultv and interest to the Jnne election, that the printing chandler Mar) i, n!,ol Mttioq l;, ip in the county clerk's office, in the event j. m"Vi ". that the present incumbent was success. threny . K ; lot u, bio. k.5, itoa' ad. IJUI......I.I . i.mj... Exchanges are beginning to reach this .irliivt varirttia aM'tinna at th alafi I w , , Containing the delinrju.t tax K.ta for ySX. The Oregon Cit "Enteipriije has nfne pages. Each Ijt is aiVessed in dividually in that county, and thus ap .pears on the tax roll. The description i lots in Gladstone 1'ark alone covers nearly four pages. 'Vere the descrip tion of a lot in this paper usually takes three linen, four lines is required for that purpose in The Enterprise. The Tillamook Headlight has 13 columns, and the descriptions iq other counties Hover considerable space. Had the ..(. ..o.,r i I V.-.-. mjyuf -.-.i ....... urc. fn this county, the delinquent property Ill LWIUUIU.O VJt ffVUlVl UT fC 11 ClJ . iwo columns of pace. a ; - 0 D the firtt page will be found a nyn tpii of Preifi ient Iioocevelt'i meepage to congren. I: it a to'.nd, connereva- tie. clalamanJIksi .toainnn un.l . , , , . . - . , . , , thoroughly American. It deals with, the ;ariff aud reciprocity in way that .how's careful consideration, and points ' , . . out, vue uangers cuauequeniuu vcajiiiituai tinkering with such matters. ' "' - a '1 "Vis ' Tlie burning of riue'i ihhIi and door factory at Kaiuier waa not only a heavy o'to the'enterprifing propiititor, hut a looae to the wage earner, who-have lecured ateaily eoiployment in the fact. (However, it iij earnettly hoped thai the nail will be rebuilt at an early date. It it icgretted that difference! have .tiaen aicong the itockholdem of the fit iTeleM lyiitiiBer Co ispany, which pay i ue the mill to bw donet down for m n I indefinite period. The original pr(.J . p--otrs were enterpritfng, and demon-! (ttaied the fact that the mill can he rim j 'SHERIFF'S SALE OF DeiU,an..11t Tscs forth Year il)t. . . . NOTICK IS vann? oi a HKKKDY llVKV. I'M AT 'IV warrant Virili cllu Hl nU' limp i 'inn ' it llll.- oi C'.e a.-ca. tent ol lain, ni ,tie l o! ItliMil ulo. Hilt til ute.1111. uivn iit 1 ltftr ip my "d i, tu words mid t-.tiie. a I'-llou--. in-.. -. MAT.' OF nUt-iiOS t ... ! Ci.uili' lI tVUIiuI'lil. I 1 In in siiKX'.t'F in cot. din CouatY, Oat- ; utis, (.iliaMlMl: ' t i 1 1, i.uvirtf Die Si,it cl Cireirotl voil ar. .' licem cnmiu-ii led to sell 'i several .rtielca oi .'inu.vl L.iierty and parcel, oi real iwuii-1 ertv ui -w which such tnxo are respectively i hi.'ieo. iiml shovm lo hedelliuineiit, unpaid aud '. uncollected on Ihe vt 1 1 li t u and foregoing tax roll ui the manner bv law provided. i u itue-a i.v Hand mill the l of the County Court ot Cnluuilila CiHinty, Oregon, thta liiu .1... .,1 l'!yir Kill. I I cnuuiv t'mirl II. HKSPKRStVN, iiil. I of Coliuutue Cuuuty Clerk. i : Cuuuty, Or- I ego- ' Which warrant Is attached; to the llt of un- ,..l.t .,,.1 .iai n.,D,i . . I,. ihB.vaar 1IS.1 111 said coimuiii. county, Oregon, and i punue- lane of until warrant i will sell the following list of real property lor the deliiniiient. unpaid ' ani uucvllccleil u'xe on the sauie. as eppeara I on Hi dellui.ueiu tan Mil lor Ihe ald yeari dellny i (In TnpttiQV thi nth navnt Tin f! 19 7 UU 1 UUUUU J UU UViUUUI VI VUVlt v vw at iiih ir.nii iPiuiMtt nia r uiiutN i tiui k uiiir tu iitia. :iiuiut. i.mmy. stm ( Or.... ! lieuimiius at lOo cl.Hk In the lorcnoon ot naio ; ,,KV ,U(l wlt ,,Mh parwi to the peiaon whool- iVi-. to ruiv thi iMVta. roalJL mtu HOOrtltUK IK'U- Hltiws Umrron nn.l Uk certiltt'Aie at tin lM'et ra. o( .meres,. R. M, HAT TAN. Sheriff of Columbia County, Orvyi"-. STATE OF ORKt.CV ( Comitv of i'olutntw.f ! hereby cmttfy lh. Ut Ih Is tr nl r.rr4l i,w.v cti tht wlinli theriH.f o( th uritfiu! I WArrmtt (of ol di-Linqueiu tain (wP j R. 9 11 ATT AS. the riff of ColmnbU County. Or-'Koiv KAVK. MKllTI0y. TAX- P A I AL?uli?r Jvtij; oi lection t, (p 5 u, r 6 w, ud ue1 of -tcthii U. tp 4 n. r 4 ; Uts SuU 4, biotk 7, Yr- ItOlllH. las. 14 T$ I"eimltr mul iutere.t Allison Thoiu: 1)1 3 au.l ' ol ', .conou J, if a n. r 4 w. Tax fen.liv and luterest V4 , Anderson 'lohu, rtOeUud lu front of F M. Warren l I. C. tvsltjiis it. 16 ud t T, u, r 2 w. lx Fttittlty &iul iiuerriu AnOvrvou C. ri; t:oiiini?iu'ing t a poin. 25 chain auutb ul uv torur ol ombweu cTuer u! mh-uoo i-1, tp H, ii. r 4 w; thence sjutti 5 chun; thQce e-"t 40 chain!,; tliucv uorth Achaiuv: theuce u vai 40 vlitiut tu place oi b?iiutint( Tax reuaiiT and lut?rit , Baker Ann. tat; w, of avti- tioit t. tp 5 u. r4 f el-t o. t of Mtiou 2, tp A n. r 4 w ; Warn 5, , ; aul Ii. block 2: iou 3 aaU 4, Ulocfc 4, Ksto. Tax i'trtwlty and interval Bryant. Mr a. M.J ; of and nli ol e and i. 10 acre of of of ttruiion 14, i 7 a, r 4 w. Tax I'enaltv aud iutvtttat Baker 0. of aiou , 14 U. r 4 r. 'lax K natty hu-I interest Bartk-tt 1. It. ; ud. 4 3 iutrAat in ji'j of DHlt and df tut- of ectiuD 8, tp 4 u. 1 & w. iai. ........ Penalty and t merest . Btscti Victor: und. 1- tii(eret In atvSi . of wiiou tp 5 n. r 2 rf. lax.. He Orally aud mterft . Boak H L; nl4 oi of avctioo 1. tp .111, r 2 w i 4S 10 11 l uu 1 si I 1 13! 4 45 SO S7, ,l Penaltv and Interest Bouwr Mary a; lot I U.otk Columbia j udiu :.V.. ; ! Booa Auarew . tot VJ, block 1?, Vvrnuuta. ' peuniir ami TtDierest '."'.""."." .!"" BiX'sJe HttxhaujK'u; ueof lot 4, blut.k 7, Veruouia. Tax Peaaltv and Interest Brad mi hrts 3 and 4, block 2. lot 3 block 7, lot 12 block It. all m Koae atd. to Vernouia, Tax fenaltv Mid tiiterett Bran iie Hartnan; loU 11 and 12 block 6, first aod, to Vernonia. Tax.. Penalty and interest.. Brumber K ; lot 2 block 4. Second add. . to Vejruoui. Tax Peualt) and Interest Brown Barnabas: e1, of iw'i of section 3. tp 3 n. r 4 w. iax Peualtyand Interest Burke John: all that ponton of H. M. , KofRhtun 0 L C lyiTis; w of N. P. K. K.Coa Ogiit of way. len k it, ai- sesaed toJ. Myrl. k in eH ifnn 4. tp4. u. r 4 w, and iu ectiou 33, tp 6 n, r 1 w. Tx , Penalty and in t e Burke t. tuUite A.; ne1 of Miction tp5 d. r S w. lax 5 ) 1 IW 6 M) i a Burke Kannyi'nw'.of iof Wtioa i'i JM ".;"! ; . I";-: ; Penalty and interest ! SI . es Penalty and Interest Bymm rred ; Iot; uu in block -'i. m Meillnser". add. 10 Vcraonie. T.x.. Fena'tj .ud interest ..... , . . 'njwwrj; lW"" . Ven.ity ind imere-t .' CI V'i tyTn. 'SMt ?T'10i;::::;;;;;-.;;:;; cliff Mm h, k ; l.t 7 n i 16 block 1; in TUafiy .n.i direct!.' !.'!!!!'.!!.'!!!'!. Col'a Vi..iK cou.pany: We Vor- bees 11 L c, mx'tioit il, tp 1 n, IZ , M-'i ol.w1. of mciiou -a, 'p7 a, r 2 w, tie!, of 111 of iM.'Clton A, tp 7 n, ' ' 5 47 I uu 18 40 2 l ") T 2 w. lax . 3T, M I'enaliy and fntiTent t Calili a 1 lllia K - in.1. ..f .1.1.: (if uM 4 1 t 5 3 V-t 10 .V, 1 W k eriiuuia. lx IVuaitv aft 1 (nurrfit .. . Clark Anna M ; nwi of auction It, tp 6, n, r 2 w. lax Penalty and i merest C j: ley JuLn, lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 iu block , -T, rec nd aid to Veruouia. lax.. 10 .'!? 1 H ' cu penalty and Uiterett r:;r uxie; wri at a point 47. r-huin tttlh ami 111 fh.iinai uvii.t of ne corner ot 'i of U M. Kulth I ton I 1, c in e. tj(,n 4, tp 4 u, rTw; j thenresiih lf;cbiiti: tfjen'-ti we-.t, I lu-chin; titeoce uorth ICi chaini; j ttience enst JIP, ciiain to place of ieK"Jiiif and contttininK li acres. Tax..;.; ,.'., Penalty and imenrat j Ci.sbiiiK fc.. J.; owl'4of cUn 21, tp6 n, j r 2 w. Tax , l'eioiityand interet-t 3 '') - m 10 00 1 'ai ; JMvey B, (;. and irurjn&: lot!, ' aud 3, ctf'in : u. i. HD.r.w, lac Pennlty ana tli?ere-t Douma H-riuan ; ut ne'4 and nw'i Mf1 ali i vl, A t;,4 of section ZT), tp 4 n, r 3 w Tax Penalty and Miitr -t Duncan J. H. : e) , oiM-ljof neof nection t 41 i M 5 SI , 'lcv l..l (nl.. Kanieii '.eorjre 11.; lot 6 block 2, Coluin- Penalty aud interest. beshler VMUIam J : ,u of and a 10 acrea of ua', of c of section , Ip n. r 4 w. la , ,,,, Penalty ami Inter.! 2 2ft 4V 1 Dlppold 34. H. ; ne4 ol tioa 11. tp n, 1 a sr. 1 as Penalty and tntere..t . II Hi zw j Donalu o. k. ; lo4a 1 wl 2, Motion 13, I tp B n. r 4 w. Tax 12 04 i M ia Penalty and interest UrHke 11 10 11 and 12, block 4S. it 4 block z, 1 oiumtiiacity. Tax... j. 'Ih.iXV. Vm y K ". , - '"' ", iha fw - 'nir: l's 1, 2. 3, 4. 'J an-1 IJ in bi'Kt t. A. D. lots 2. 4, 9, 10 and 11. block 1: Iota 7, S and J, block 2; lota , 2 and 7 to 12, 3; lota 1. 2, it. In, II and 12, Mock 4; U,ls 1 to U', bluet S. lot 1, block 27, all in Columbia Cite. Una 1 to Pi, olock XV; Una 1 to I ), block 41; lota 1 10 10, bloca w , lot, I ro lu, t,lr,elt 4:; lota 1 to JO. ),'Kk '; lota .1 Ui ii, bliH-k 47; lot, 4, j..;,, Kt Hfil i-J, niwii IS: 11K of I..:, 4,ari,t 7, bhk l; 1 to M'K.-k iu: lota 1 10 n, lil'k ol j lot, 1 m, bl.-ii jt I to 8, blocs J. Im.ltoS, block 1.1; lols 1 pi S, bioct 61; lo:, imo. Mock (A: lots t lo , k 117; Iota 1 til S. Mock a; lot, 1 to a tjock fa. Iou 1 to 4, bio k B: lots I to S, block 1, all III Uiltner s i!d, lu Columbia Cllv. All the following deai-rllied propeny: -Iou 1 10 ilia bl'K-k A; lols h and si, MocC B; lo 1 2, 3, ml 4 block filaiSin UW f lit,25, block P; lots 1 5J, block F; inta 10 In -d. block O; a frio tion of block H ; lot, 1 to 5. blos-k )'; l -lf Ho i:, block 19; lots 1 to i, biw-x . I rt, 1 1.1 12, Work 27; Iota 1 ui u, liark lots I to Pit. block 2 Utiti " .to 12. block ; lota Lto 12, Mo-1 V.' brfk 1 01 12. bltx-k 32; lols 011. to 12. . M U K). lotsl to 12. block 34; r,ui r ', 10 12, block '; .U 1 to 12 boa It f M: loja 1 2 anil . Mnek 17; lota 1, 2 lob I to W, block ! U I to U, Woi'k Oi lo: mill B, tilovk 4.1; lt ol 1H 4 ii.l Moi'k I"i I . itiW vo: lot, l ins. biookvi: lois I in vi, Work M; lot I loU. liliK-k 3. - 1 Hi It, hlm k IM; lota I Ui V l.ldk, W; lot 1 in, bl,Uv U 5 to it, bt.i ; In I to I ;, bio. k KJt loU I to T;.blovk kWi lot I tot. bltH'k Ui litt lo . b.iH'k HM: loU t In Hi blok 110; lott 1 to . M.H'k HJ; lole 1 lo block US; loin I to 10, blovk l.'V, all til Hilt uor eail.l, to Columbia: City. I ml. 1-3 J Ceplee l I. C, le Columbia Citv 1611 lte, leea alilolllil til W . II lKiimati, lew amount to N. 1. K. K, I n., lu wtloin'inil W, tpin.t iw T - l'enaliv and Intereet Edgertou W, A ; comiiiem'lua: at a point T TO 14 43 ttlioaut w oct eon i win. nm w w mul n Wilc. J mill, enrt SO (cei'fwra lie coriicr ol lot 4, block 10; Kimt ad to Cbm-kunle; thenro u W ilc. mlu wK to Icot; ihinice n S "i" 4i min. l.l ton: liieuce al ele 4.1 mln. e.i.-t follnwlDK the Hue Oi Front ulrcct lent; thenca in a mnuherly nneotl'in lo plc of b' Ktuntnii, befitK a mrl ol Kirwt add. totl!-kole. Tat Penalty ami lniert KiIwhiiIk J J: lot I block t, Varnonla. 1x IVualtv ami llileret evrrvjolin, S ol iev, ol aectlou 14, tp n,rtw. Va. 9 15 as 11 H 10 W t tvj flak Jmnei, Kslete; 31 eerea In 'i ot nwl of evcilon 4. ip 7 u, r 4 w, l renatiy ami l;iter4i I to !U 111 114 IVnall and inter...!. Farnkojih Koaa; lo. 10 blovk 4, First add. M oruoiiia. Tax I vimltv and luteret Kltinerald Anna, tin.tee; besllililiis at nw-i. eoi uer of ei. of nei. ol .cctloii Itl. tp i ii. r 4 w! tnence east 40 ral; iheni'e Miltl 103 rial, more or lea lo the middle of Kock creek: theure we.ierly up middle of Kock orerk M ro t, mtire or lea. to vnl boundary lineof aaldeaat X of nald necilon; theUie llurlh'aloliK Maid weat bouu dary line SO roda lo place of beetu- niiin conlatnliic acrea. Tax Penallv ami iulere.t nujcrald J T: Will 7 and g, bl.a-k S, Ktml aU1. lo Vorutillta ..... I'eniiltv and liiteriiiK M Ftahertv K: mid S 'ul. In loia 4 and block I'M, Columbia City. Tax Penally and HHcre.t , r w A ; "'. ol necilon . Ip In. rl W, Tax Penally and lutere d runiie John : too 1 ami . blin k v and fractiou of loll II and I.' bio. k j,', all In Columbia City. Tax Penalty and Iulere.t Uirl Kelicccar coiaiuencluK al a point 4 rial, Mitith from the tie comer ol i, ol niiof areiinn 5, tp I n, ' 1 w ; thence aoiitb M'j rials; thence we-t :I6 naia: thence north w;la ro.U; thence east ;1e nal. to place of bet'ii' nliiKaml eonialiiinir. 2 acrea mora or I s,: K'tlou 5, tp ci D. t i w; ne'i of e'.olaec. .11. tpJn, ri w. Tax Penally and Imeixm Girty Ih-au; voniinencin at a taitul auutb W dec. mln. w 7.. chain, from moat nw corner of Aaron llrovle'a l l.C: thence mtb 1 dcK, ai niln eaat .TOchainv to aouib line Ql Krancea Perry', 1.1 -L C: Ihenc. weat on nld clatnr lliie a 'M chain,: thence n Slder Ulinln. w. 31 loch u a to county ruad; thence north .'ai ilea, eatt 7 .'m chain,; thence uorth Mdeir. en,t .J0 chain, to point ol bcuuitiiux aud contaiping i acre, in actlolla i aud 6, Ip4 n, il , Tax Peuallv and lutomt liranthani II U; w, of nwi,, of ,w't ol an lion 35,tii i u. r 1 w. Tax....... 13 III 1 10 1 33 2 Kl Penaltv and luierenl Gnleaii Jeremiah; ,o!. ol eeclion 7, tp 6 n. rl. Ta... Peuallv and tntereat liold.mitb Slak. lot-3 and 4. wllou 15, tp 1 n. r a w. Tax Penally and Intercl Gorilou w iliiam; of e:tiou 1. tp n, r.'iar. Tax ju Peiialtv and intore,t ...i UriiulleS f; ' ol iou 3. li t u, r 1 w Penalty and iutereat Harrt, Mr, i.ucr.' Kalale: U.ln iainl , bl M: b t S, bl.a'k 24. Columbia city. Tax Penally aud interest Hayeox Fiauk H, ,4 if ,wi4 of aex'tioD 5, ip5 11, r 4 . llax . ... Penalty and iuterett Hefnzeo K: iw1, of .w1, of aectlon tp 5 n. r 4 w; of mi1, and ,ei, of ,'., aeetlon e, tp, lax penally and lutereat Httber Henry; lot, 3 anil 4 aud al) of uw 1. ot aei'tlon i tp 3 n, r X w .... I'.ualty and tnlerem lagan lieoore M ; lot, 6 and 7 and c', of ,w'i of mction d, Ip5 n. ri , lax Penalty and tntereat Hacev 8 R; ne1. ol ! of Metlou 11, tp In.rK. Tax Penally and Inlereal.. Itaine, KM: lot 5 block I :, 5 and 7 bl 2. Ro.e a.ld. Vemimla. Tax Peualt, and tateraat Haines Aivln; lot 4 bl adE 1, lot block 2, KiMe.'i wld. 10 Vernotiia. Tax ...... kenaily and Intereal Hawkin, Ada; w'ol an1, of tecilon a tp"n, rSw. Tax Penalty and lliterct Hawthorne J C : ! ol MKtloa as. tp s n. r 4 w. Tax Penally and interval , kirhui A-lot. 7 and , block 3, Kir. I add lo Vernoilla. ' Tax Penalty and interest , Honeyuian J I); low & aud 7. block IS: lota 1 to i, block IU, Mr.t add. to Ver uouia. Tax Penalty and Interest flushes icta la: und. 1-4 Intere.t In iir 7, of aaoilou :vi, Ip A u, r 2 w. Tax I'etialty and interest. ... Huntley cii: wi,ol ae1 ol section tjiSil, r4 ar. lax:...... Penalty end Interent.. lljana Jwtn i; iiwf, of Motion ' S n, rl. fax , Penalty and Intervif , , In ina i P; sei, of wi-tion 1', Ip V u. ft w. Tax... I'etialty and Interest Iveraon r-: se4-, of n,i, ,id ml, of se and aw', of se!,of .ection W, tp 7 16. Tax:.... . , Penalty and intereal Jnhn.011 t hrl.; t, of m-Ij of and w1 of nt of ..'4 of auction U, tp n, r 8 w. lax Pemilly and interest Jones f-.ilaa C; und l- interest In na oi .ection Hi, ip & n. r 2 w. Tax Penalty and interest.., Keefe Prank; lot 4 and ,wv. of iiw- end, ') of .w'i ol sec. 4, ip i a. 1 4 w T Penalty aud interest Kemiw-ki Andrew; scj, of section Si, tp 6 n, r 'A .- Tax. .. Penalty and Intercat Keeh-y Thomas; fratrtlonal sej. ol sec- tiun a. tp 3 n, r 6 . l.x. Penalty and Interest Kelly 1. 1.; lots 7 and in block 5, Pfrst - addition t Vernonia. lax Peualty and interest... Kennedy John. Katate; aw1.,' of ia' of section 'J4 and nwVi of nw, of see lion Hi. tp7 a, r 3 ar, Tax. 4. 1,1 3 f 9 1 11 2 10 ' 441 1 M 1 tl 2 11 2 . 7 1 12 2 3 I rcitulty and luteriM I Kenyou lleury: !,ul sw1 of section 29, I aud e1, of of seV, of secliou 26, .11 in ip a 11. r 4 w. lax , rciialty and iniere-t Ken,! A : e" ol ssj; of aeellou 21, tp S n. - r 4 w ajid ali of a'i ol swj-, ol section 22. Il)u,ti. lax rCuaJly and Inlerest Knowiea 1: W; und. Interest In suj of section 22, tp r n rj,, Tax -LcHnlty and interest Kotille llarrtette; coiiiniciieluie at u ip n 1 'Si corner of bl.,e.k Iri, Udibtn a add. to aat.Hmer; tbeuce ..mtb lta feet. west M feet, north, linfcet, Ksat no feet lo iiiace of beKiumiit- in block 14, llob- bin's add to Kainier. lax A4 hattaity and Interest 15 Imont Harsh F; K A l.ainont D I. C SI0 acres, less '20 acre, in ihe Histers of Charily, less 33 acres to W. II. II, ,1 inan, less 'f a.:ri., to Cole and lira bam, lea. 21 acres to J . H Meaerve, less 17 acre, to P. M. Thorp, Mrs, 7 acres Ui ihe N. P. K.'R Co. rittht of wily in sei-tions 4 and 5, tp 4 u, r I w, and sections 32, 33 and 34 in tp 5 n, tie a lo lots 1.3, 14 and IV block 11 '. 01 i II. in t. Heltn'..: Tax renalt, aud interest Unk charies; lot. 2, 3. 1 and .1 lu block 7 " and fractional lotal lo 10, block a, .11 111 NcerCity. Tux reiialty arid Interest Link lilelinie; lots 3,4, t audi, block 4 Neer City, lax 1..... .... rcnalu and Link Willis: lots aud 10, block 4. Neer City. Tax rciiavl'y.nd Inleniat., I.awlo.i Victoria; und. 1-s Interest in n W of section 32, tp 5 u, r 2 w. Tax .. ren.lfy.nd Interest tJ Link Abe; lofs 7 aud , bliavk 4, .Neer city Tax Penalty and Interest long- Id. May; sS "I aw1, and sW of . e; of section 9, tp ft u, r 4 w. Tax. renalty and interest ; Lyons St; ,w! of section M, ip S 11, r 2 w. Tax ' f-etiulty and Interest if jjiaiiiel, M ; lols 6 aud t In section 2, ,, Ip JJ 11. r 5 w, l ax i, 1 rvtalty and Intere.t- Merrill Albert; ol 11! of actlin Zi, IP 7 II, r 4 W. 7aX ..t. ' I'snslty and Intereal . Moycr WjIilMln I.; ,n of of iec . tlon .1, ip 5 11, r 2 . 1bx m 2 21 2 32 42 3 10 12 M Hi 32 SI 6 Mi 4 S2 1 m 2 ON 2 M) 71 Macta-tli Wiiliaiui t ',',-of Di'ol aec'tioii , 31 and w' j of llw'idj aoclloll 32, Ip ' ii, r4 w. Tax..;, rcmrffy .ud Inieresi . "I Mackrni.aih Mary A ; Vf iiw'.-i a ;i n at , ). it ne4 of secliou -at, tp p, g. at roiiilv .ul lll'ro.,. 13 20 t Pmuilljr -and luvtmt. .T,.'.'.', . Mabijr Jerry, e!f of sw! and trU ol ae of section 4. tp II 11, M w. Tax.... result) and Inlerest Matitiam Julia- lota 2, , 4, 5 and t In ' block 13, lot II in hlook 8, all in gee. J !l II 30 20 anil ItitareM Maruitam'U U; wiol e ol awllnu tpa ii, il, aim lot ret Ion 'Ii, in su.rtw. Tex ronaliy and Inuiesl... IM Marsh w 1 lot 4 aud -A of iiwH anil 11 wk, of IW.V, ol aeetlon l,.ip J 11, t 6 w, lax .... trell.llV and llllero.l Marsh II W lots I. Hand 7, section i lp ti, r fi w. Tax 1 ...1.. renal iv and luli re.l Mcilraili Vlllta111; nui, of ociloli til, tp 1 s 11, r 3 w. Tax renalty and Interest Vlciliitro It I' . Kstatv; sl, of lie1 mid set, of uwl, ol MH'ilou tp n. t 4 w, 7 W I 30 93 I 30 10 ho 1 V7 and of iiw'a ol ei'UOii 10, tp it n. r4. Tax.,..,. 1 02 reua IV and lutiiresl I.. 1.. 1. 1 l. U . .,1,1 ,MC-SUtl I, It ; IOI , ill OlOVa W, 111", a aw... to Venioiita. tax renalty and intateat .. MeNittl U 1: tvS, ol secliou 10. p 4 il, t w, Tan...., renalty and lulareat :--- VeekorJ I., letll.'iaud 3 III bliwk IW, .. aecond Mdd, to Veruoiila. 1a renalty and Interest . Mewlc I,; lot 5 III block t, havond imi. 10 Veruouia. Tax reaaliy aud Internal Molten iieoi,i II: lots 3, 4, a ud 10 In l.loi'k J., .-sK'oud add to Veruouia, tax 4 renalty and Interest ... Myrlck Joseph : bus 1 and 2. blia-k V; lull and II, block I t. lols 7. 11.11, IU. 17. IS, t ', blia k l i; bus 1 and 3 block 11, lot, 3. 7. 22, bna'k n;i: bus I, 2. 3. 4. 7, 12, 13. 14. I KU, in. 10. 20 21, 22, block 42; lot, 1 to 0. block Ml. lols I to 2.'. block M; lota lto 22, block ; lot, 1 lo :.: blink 1'9: l"l 1 to ' blo.-k loo Ucta I lu 22. W. ttW: Ion I to 22. bba'k 112: -lot, I to 22. block 1 1st; lota 1 toil, block 117; lots I lo , block 11; lots 1 10 22, til-s k 120: lols I tu 2.', block l:tj; Iou I to 22, block l o, Ms 1 toe. Mock bll; lots 1 to 22, bloc. 14.'. all III M. Helena, Tax . .. Penally and Intercl Mcllallou r, ; 2-3 i l lot 1, block 27, Co. liunbla Clly. Tax renaiiv and lultresl Nicholas al It; ,', id aw.V, ol sectlott 12, ip 11. r 2 w. rax ;.. l-eiialtv and luteresl Nixon Klchard, (lime er); ll, and swl, and sc1, of e.'lliui 2: llei, and nw , aud ,e, ui ssniIoU 29, all III tp 4 11. r .1 w. tax renalty ami interest . . Osuiaii 1 hrl,; I. it 3, block 4. second add. lu Veruouia. Tax renalty and luleieal Pa) ue adieu P. a', oi ,e'4 ol section 27: nw1, u4 llul,ol section A; uc'4 01 a-i, 01 section '.a; nci, ot v,i. ol wo tiou 27, all in IP 4 11, 1 J w. 1x ranalty and Intereal Poller Kdward 1 and t-arah o; la-.lli- tittiB ! a point u cu Oca 'M nun. e. v.oa chaliia irout aw corner ot A,. run Urevlea I' I. C; thence 11 sl dec. 30 nun. e 00 chains: tlicuce n, 24 def. i-O mlu. w. 11.04 ehains: theuc. s. tat Uci. 3U uitn. w. uusi chains: llienee s. 23 dan W nun. . II 01 chains to place of beluullia and taiitakiinK 10 aeiea lu aeellou 1, Ip 4 11. t I w. Tax rvnalty and Interval..,. Patieraon li W : iij ol , and iH ol nw1, and uw1, of vw' ol eeetiou 22, tp 7 u. r 4 w. tax.... -etia!tv aud Inlerest Perciuli K; lot S aud uw', ol ', and 1, ol se', 01 section 23, ip u, r w. 'tax.. I 90 1 SO 20 HO 4 al t 12 I .0 71 an 13 34 21 J 4 t 3 40 42 t ts I .3 t 74 t 70 I renalty and Interest.., .... reiuliy 42 renins K aiii tMisaneiu; uuu. in- Iterest in in", ol secliou 10, tp s u, rl. Tax , rV-iialK and Inlereal j Poole l.e .re W ; Una 2 lu blia k . lid I, 111 VI I bliaia IK; lot 1. block 34: lols 4, o ami 3 ..I j , blot k -6 lot, 7 to 12. block 41. all I tu riecuud add. lo Vciuoina, lax..., t' fenalty and Interest t Pracl II P. aw ' ol aeetluu 3b, Ip 1 11, r t I w. Tax a. 2Ti f Penally and Interest Im Roberts William. ', ol sevtiun J, Ip 3 n, ill, lax IS l Penalty aud llilereal 2 32 Rudeilo.uh i.eorte. lie', ol ,', and 3 acrea iu n' ol wl, -.f aeellou It, tp 3 Hrl n,r3w. Tax..........: 7;, te nail y aud iulere.l Kuaa l iliiam J : lols J and In section . 7 27 lp7n, raw. Tax.... 1 -4 renaiiv aud lulareat .. Koss Martaret; lots 4 and 1 and uf nw', of seiilou V. Ip 7 11, r A , lax 794 toenail)' aud lulere,!.. 1 49 Beialus' JoMrpii K. u' .-I tie', of secliou , 3e. tp 7 11, r 3 w. lax.... 10 44 fenall) aud llilereal 191 Reynolds William K; Iou 1, 3 .ad I, block 32. eccoUd .dd. 10 Vl-ruoUla, 11 s T.X 2 A) feualty aud tutere.1.... Klppertou earah r.; ue', and n? of S 44 section ID. tp e H, r U. Tax tv feualty ami lu'.cresi. Km kwcli Cornell rt oils soil I did 1 60 !, of nw1, aud ei-) 01 sw, .ud w','1!.! 11 ac', ol secUoU I, ip 4 n, r 3 w. lax feually ami Inlereal 39 Hchmldlin l.iia; uw', of ,',', ol seetinn ? lvo 2 i II X t Ml 14 20 2 01 A 91 I II S 1.1 1 13 6 U I 00 7 M I o3 I-, 2 a 'Ji if, aUti li', UI se , aim lie',, 01 of section a, all 111 tp 9 ll, r t W lax S M I .'10 : 02 feualty ao-i luierest 1 io i.:hnildilii Aminos, sw', of nw', 01 sec tion 3 ami w-)Oi ne-, aim se , M ol ne', ol aaiiou 6, all 111 tp 4 a. I t 2 60 lax....... 60 I ..I e-eri.ny aim luxereai... Shetui.n Harry A: lots and 9 or wi, of of .wl, of secliou 31, Ip j II. r I sr. Tax.. ., a-rlialty and luierest 7 ro t 41 44 Simpson Hooeil r; Iraclional ue', 01 sec- ji lion . tp 3 a. 1 li w lax I feualty and lltlereat.. .... 10 ' Sutler l.eorxe W. (K.iatel: se1, ol ,', 37 j of section II. tp 7 11, r 4 w. I'aX . feually and interest SO lialdreu I.; a', uf sw', of section II; II'., 74 t of uw1, uf ,ecliou l4: n1', wild 01 I section II. alt in tp 7 11. r e . lax.,-,. p 1 feualty and Intereal ;o ; "ibnildiin Albert, Ms 8 4 and A and sc, of nw1, ol aectior a, tp 3 o, r 4 w. Tu. w ! rcuauv and iiitere.4 24 i Hchuii Aliairt; sw!, ol sectlou li, tpr) 11, III. Tax. ... f fcnally and Interest Pi ' Mtilldler I., lot 12, hl-ak 4, netolid add. jo 10 a cruoiiia. 1.x ;( lcnatly and Interest.. Mhutuakvr Prank M . lot lo, blui'k ti, V ernonla. lax S6 feoail) and inlerest ... HUuubriuKe I. 11; lot 2, bus k 17, Veruo- 10 in., lax j? fenalty and interest , j rHarr A h; und t Interest In sw', of 9f : aeclloll 20, tp 0 u, r I w. lax bf fen.,!) ami Inlerest J H. Hdciis Jfra II I; '. of nw', and .19 1 nw', of ., and s1, 01 sw'., ol sec- 13 ! Hon 1. Ip ' r 4 w, fax j feiiall and luiuiesl KH , HtllsoU Mathllila; und. 1-A Inlerest 111 uw 211 of section -2, tp .i 11, r 2 w. Tax . .. , j t'eualt) and Interest . 35 Stopp.tibai:h lleieu ii; sw,',' of secliou e, trt j ip 3 ii, r 2 w. Isx I'.oulty and Interest I Htrode V k; s'.7 of ue' and se',, of uw W ! iJi ol seclluii ,0. and ' t uw', ol 40 i ees-lpm II, all lu I I'll 11, r 4 . fat I fenaty ami llllere.t The oolie Improvement Company; lot K0 12, bbek 4. lioule Tax 2 : I'cusliy and llilereal j Tracy A una; Iou 1, 2, 7 ami n In block li, ileltitiKer's add. lo Veruouia, 'lax uv Feualty and Inleicst 02 : Taylor Marie P; n',ol nwf. and sw', I of nw;-, of section TJ: lie!, of tie!-, 01 7 '0 1 Si VI 7 lu ,.7 7 3: 1 .'si A 01 9, 12 Hi 2 27 2 10 37 S W IS Iri 3 sictioo jo. .11 111 ip f 11, row. lax 11 as i 21 Peiialtv interest.. I lie Kwjiy Kfttut ('oiiiuauy ; -e,' uf nee- tl"ii 2. l 4 it, r 3 w. renalty anl Interest , Tryn M II; unlnif at a pliit on (lie mcan'ler tine n. 1 chain ami e. 16 rliainff from nwiii'ier corner tM'tacen secti' n ) mu 2C. tp N , I w; t he (ire n. tfitifg. w. 2..U fhmUiB tu hii(h tile line; ttu-wce n. 7i w. K'.,j6ctiln; tnence it. W !.'((, luti. w. "chnltiki: ihent-e n ;,Uti-K. ;to rnln. w 2 y.' chsltin; ih.n. n. t4 1k, lf mln. w. l.J6(rmiint; thmce n, 4'imln. e. .31 cliaiiiN Ut luw wauir mark Mne; thence , dea. 4ft mill, a. 6.30 chain.; thent-a , ft, -th I, titi . l"i chain; theme 71 1k. e,A.W.:halii;theiwa. fnicx. . ItV) rhalnx kV IiIkIi tide line ami place uf hettiiKiltiK KiidrtiutainliiK i.'.A a Ten, Al) bitndiiK at a fNditt on V. H. iiimul4 r Ititu ar. Hclmiiw and n. 17. lorhaina from irieandar miner Im tvreeu nectioiiaaitnil a, tpM n, r8 w; thenca ii. Ml ties;. Jftinln. w, 4 f0ii'ns; theme n b rieK, IS mln. w. l,;iUi!h'ni thfws n. 7(id 4'j mln. w. iOrliHln; thed'-ati IV! tk'K. w. lOchftltin; thence II. WH:hi-itiri; tlii'Iit e H. 7UdeK. 1'iiilltl. H. L'udi I ui; thenee s, V d?j(. ft mln, e. 1 .'K.fh'ifits; tliiMtre 1SU dee. l.'.iiiln, e 416 chant; thi'iu:c a 4U chiiltu to hlich tide line and nliu'enf leiiliiMiiii; and (mm. tal Hint 2 '.M ni'res. Tax 4eimlt mul (uteres!. Tha InveMinrs Mut)Ki"g Herurliy i.'mn panr Umltwt; ltu 2, 3, I, ft and 6 In net-Hull ltf;st!nf ut sedtlnii 17; ltif 4, 6,0, 7attdl ttiKl ui tA in and H "f m4 and that psrt at lot V! ivlmi it. uf BuIliMir, ..ijthrle A Cu's ImimI M!rif,n Ji: tV.t l sect ton '21: I'd I und w 'H Mifaj and nf o( mm:i(iii , m I-Ih t. 4 n, r 1 w Tajt. teiiHtyandinterpt West J i", ltand kh4 of nw'4 and n w'i ul sw4 und thitt artof lots 2arul lo i ifiK wi'tnf rti'Hii.Ka orftek see- 12. tp it. r 2 w. Ta,., Vttmlir and Inttin-M Watts' William (helraoO; lol9hlo k M. it Helmis. Tax J Viitalty and fnUtriittt " Watarm John I'; v 4 ne'4 aiideU'of e ofiwrtlniifi.luil, rf W Kenalty atid liilerd-t , Wehse rAJhert K; frnrtlnnal n'-'ofjoce lloriMnari, 6 w. TAX... 12 42 2 m 17. 1 M 144 f2 27 23 12 W) 12 14 70 I SO'i 7 M 1 41 V'iUy nnd lalt-rVst. .;. Webter Waller W; frfTti(iiial hw' if etloil it t)9 ft tr. 'Jan., ...A,, , HeilHlty and liiVreat....,,,. 1 Wek h i J B; Ini9, Wm k iand ip y n.j V, 7 J 41 Needed In Every Hqme THE NEW AND JCNLAKOE.D " tniTioN or WjEBSTER'S iotednational Dictionary A Dtotl.n KNOLIftH. BloaraphyiU.wraphr,riolln."C Nw rial Throunliovil 25,000 Now Words Phraa.a and D.flnllUna Proiiarctl tinder H10 illinct miiwr vision of W. T. IIAHPIN, Ph.D., I.L.D., Villti'd Slnlea ('.iiiiinliniicr of 11.1 il eal ton. KHsislciVVjr nlui'),'iuiiii"i'f com pctclll aMH'lllliaU lllld c.hliil:!. Rich Blmllna a J4 Ouarl. P.... 90UO llliislr.lluna HT7'n ilfrl'Hill'niltW (llM.tfiW tH in ..'', (nicrrriiiit tli ""ini'Ti'ifirif." 7'Asi Aei'r '' .'iiiii'if"l Wiwi of Me luternalionitl 'ii t-wunf t' (A'.ifC, IMfjji, Oft Hit I ilrtt ''' O ll'sO lOlllttsIl W.balar'a Coll.alal. with tlkasaarr of; (toil llali Wwnlsn ud Phiaswi II Ml rasas. IIW liliMlralSMia. Miss T l"t a. Is.saa, "Pirat cwjn 'pmtlfv., ewnd clnsa 1 In airo.' Hs Iiiicii lion s, rtlo. of tad h iTv tnaika iwint uu pplluntiuii. fsvj 'a j - uvaniAVl fr t s.s.ns, 1 . ,, . lV.a.iiMM. Sprlogriald, Ma as. I wnsta IlKlreaarssuu.J tvtaawar I Can't Afford A Tailor-Made STLJJLT. This Is a cHimmmi remarkj hut wo show? ymt how to t.hv th Jitiffl. dultv fur we have on hand lnindroda of unclaimed lailiir-niade aulia ami overltwta at hall their iiriinal prun. Theae are .11 Us mado at our l 1 If. n nl stores throiifliimt Ihe Pacillc .Northwest and for various taaii have tml been called inr, llUk) SniU and Overcaala iiia la fur 20. now I 7 Art 12.H1 Suits and Overcoat Vpads) for '.'A, 110 li l 700 8uiu and Overcoats made fur X and ;ft. now M :f. V also have'a line of Iruiiaert In the newest and liriflitoet patierus from $2 AO tip. " Kind for samples, price ari'Miislruclions for !( iiiruroinrnl. Mill onlera receive prompt attention. Tli) maiiaifoment litis just (natalUM a Hue line of tleiil.' Kiirtii,liiii at ext'emelv lu rr.t. ' I - .a. ws, TJ 1 Farnsworth--lleralQ TAILibjRIjNrC3- Jrey. ' ri I7 AT 2 TT- "- ' -.M'. V Jt J 1VF 248 WASHINGTON Street POfiTLANP, ORH': " penalty ant lutere-l wtiste 11 r , 1 , of Rtvrtl'lti 7, t ? n. t . Tat - imI Iu rfrt , . . . , , It i. h-, ... tln.ta. lit Itinlitmallital. 10 ajtjl .4fl4j"'lMr It., 1 1 4 , t , TE .ti avnai t siKitnu-resit I WUiii'iit Aiaiuir. tttta k it. tan 1 uir aM. t.t olniiit.ts Uj. Tu .... 'JS! 1 msi.aM)r iniert,.. ." r frt 1 hunk ii umnrrt ii.t.i tt IMiimliim 11 y ...... . . txiliv atirt tmrre! . WlU' lltitma. l-JtnnluMail a fotnt otttht lltitj tf"lve'i wt'iit)iii y atiil 77. Ij4n.r4w, Vt'-j , tl(,,' "'V1"' tr iw:ilfn nttiie tni al lint; tttem-e at riiiht ut.l t 4t ititia, tii. ttt e . and I" ittiil ttcetlon line, tlu tice n ' haliis Tu j'tare iU isniiiit atnl tnntiulni( 'i ud a're li rif (Alt 7 ml luterrttt , , imrtott u K I rua!rr); ImT 3, ttl'N tt S, t.uhu Taa . ... pMiiftlr, aiil uiTwrt-air Wrinlit A N: l"t 1 Murk IV Mrrt MrUt Vernutita: luTa A. 7 mwl RrtHk 27, HrvtMul a lit- I Vnru.Mi.a. T etilry sttU )nTrr W.Mi'1 t hariultr. I. -t 111, UUd ,!. t i'ltnii' tii a my Ut , ... . itriiAltY aiM. ililf,t . ... of r1 4.11 -W1, of mp' t tu1 wyl nw' , I Im'.iI.iiU1) i(i''"l litt ' 4 il '4 ( I. fiuti 1 1. 1, tn. r i w. "It.., atiaHiit2 iti inifreur . 7 91 1 Ztjjli r A I , rt f ut rli uf I I itmt l.,ti. ii, r 3 w 1 us . , , ill I I'enttlTjf iil inTt-rctvi . ... , , 21 j This will save your Life. By Inducing yon to m Dr, King's Nej.v Discovery, Consumption, Coughs ist. Colds. The only Cusrenteed Cure. a 0 Cure. NO Pay. YourDrr t will warrant It. r ABSOLUTELY Cl!78 Grip, Influenza, 2nthmn, JlrorcliHii, Whooping Couch, I' or an Affection ot the Throat and Lunr". TRIAL BOTTLES TP.i'E. Bgvil4U SIm SO osvnta and )..00 00 : It hti. Ix-on di'iriiitialratod iu (Murka mas, Miiltnoinah nnd Clalsop rouiilii-s tht virit i. tho onlv pnwder that can he unci I profitable iu hlaatinK stump.. Head thnir advvrtiaoinftiit iu another column. 3B JB S lf t-'.dliarlallr: .'carlo.. 4'nnalalen II FliiUbl Irani. tiemu from all the world Well wrillen, (iri(liial storioa An- wurt to lucrip Articles on Health, the llnuin, New Rooks, and on Work Alxmt thtt i'st iil and fiiinlcn, 27 The Weekly IntefOcean Is a mcnilwr of tho AiH'liitcd Pri'ss'i tho oi'ily VViwtcni Ncws pnpor rucclving the on Li re ti'lu Ifritplili! no as Sorvlco of th Now York Kuii nud spmtinl cabin of the New York World-Aliiily' im ports' from ovor 2,(JpO apccialj coriesKiiiiloiili throughout tho CoiiiHi", ' YEAR ONE DOLLAR 'reMbarrlliie far The OHM. OH MUT and the tkl Inter ' ican , .. ... . -a...,.Mi.s s-..a a nan W.M l!niln 'VI'" A e '4 Shoe ( -rSB ' 11 V m$i4r ' Opposite Perkins Hotel. 5th ami Wash injfton Sts.. I'oit la 11 J, Or, SOLE AGENTS. Walk over c $4. 1 IlCl5CSt2llOC OttllC'Ai ' I - 1. - L. JL .two. X .ifti Timhrr near Thi;-;,: FAILING B 1M C.RUHKK, ' 4 Willi . klr. . iiaki.ui sss.ual allamlon Mall latal ma W HI piactli. fn all rni cTNa"T. XjLt a T IMi , SW, 1 AVIiU., 1 i()A 1 ) A fi r 7rt, Mailisun flrrrl, I THE N F : I li 2U i aE eys - at - Fall :: Ilat. Puril.tH Uresa. ,' 11 .7 I M a w ill S li bl B. Dry roiwls, Groceries, Hoots. ! K. MOKGUf ('iM)iM r Kiiililin-r. Main tStrt. Sf. I X STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER li RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. aa.u rr OAiLV. 21 ! 23 aasbitnwaj a TTltia ! r. a 7 oil t OA S -TI s : t 44 S 'at I a w. ui 9 0 I" t 3A t III 9 VI III HO 10 III 10 21 iii m 10 ;,7 11 iw II is ll :m IN I ll I'lirllultd Ar II 10 10 O'l : 9 :ij t '. ! 9 '27 ; 1 17 W I i . iioliie . . . . , . Ualtuar . . . . Pyramid, , .. M.ii -ar . . liulncy ... , Clai.krttile . Mnralilaiid WcstiaOI.... ..I lltoll ... . , , Knaiia ,. . . ., ia eii.oii,. ...John liny.. Ar, Aalorln .l.v So, MA tit. M 3 tilt 71. l! 77 all) WIS; Uo.4' '.r,i h S M 9 U 9 It : 7 10 UU to un HI 20 III Ml 9 in irj : t It in 7 AA 7 4i All inilii, inska ctoao eonnecttoiis .t . olde attli Norliintn pACifie trains to and irnin th. Knsl and loiiiul points At Pinitawd with all train, Irtmni Pnnui dapot. , Asii.iia ltli I, K. at N t.o.'s boa! and rail line ami niemunr I J. Poller lo and ftuin ll'vsi-o .ud Ninth lleaeh pidula. . . . . I'asseiiters for Astoria or way points mii.l fluj trains .1 II, lull. hi liailil will sloi lo lei nas seu.eis off nt llou'lmi when i'mimiiiu irnin polnia wesioliloble. J 4', Tla,, 'left. I'.-s. Aal.. Asiorla. Or Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG larevea I'urllaiid on Taesil.e, 1 hunaUy and Mat ur.lay .1 7 a. n, lor St. Hhn$, Kulamq. Cai-rell i Point, Hainitr h fil AV:b, ' ArrlvliiK.t pintl.tul HtmiUi, wait nesdiiy mul Krtdsv nl 2p. ui, - Steamer NORTHWEST 1,1'ftves I'ut tlsud Monilay, Wc.iiipsdtiy ami if'ililny nights nt at 10 p. in.', lor Ihe name points ini-n tioiitl hIkii'o anil Tt lodo, ri'u.'hiiiK the luttcr plum pt 1(1 a. in: on the Inlliiwlliii iImv, Knturni lliu hunt It-nvi's Toli'do at "' HitH'lo HmM nt 6:.'I0 in Tiffidiuys, ' ThurailH' ri'iichiiik? rortliiiiii, Wh.i a.bnon Or, ton i iniiy juiip mull, 12 for six -Jouinul, 11.60 mul year. Tim Joiiii Dittriociulli newsi- toream of Dm p. Hi ureayin." P -.As dsaiisr'arMaJiaff!!? W$A?lt A rmt .. - - 1 "a) W .i)a. ''-;'- ' v. I n ' OXJL I q nrf t? CMs1 TZ ma uu., ORK':,M mm irot ' I OU'tS. nc von . rift t'-jr-Ltw rtua.ti . (Ifca'i.oV j) A l , rilaiul, Sot., i risLic mntoiwtw kTOr OUKtiON. T. J. Cits rim. Uw. nesllts wusaai s Steai. C . thegliliiri. K Ul HiiA l.ase, R. Inter daih f, land, al A, U du, sru ocbak adninine. law, .. arrlvla. al at. Ilebus Pacscaaers and W)KTI.AM) LAMiIM: ; t . W 11 4 1. il s no 7 In 7 M 7 IS 7 2s, 7 17 7 lJ 42 : 2 t 20 10 pvjraajrvv rut roit ra.i.s,u -TtAMia- uAniericrj Willamctt Slouch , I.oavi Kt. IIi'U'ii . .. f', i Arrlv at I'ortlaml. WH i Iphvo Poj-lludd .Iflfif A,rriv nt Bl. llt li'iisMf! , rAMsl Will Carry Nnll.iim 'f't-, Hi r. and Kl Ptiajeik; ' J tTtl i i i i i i uo . nar. m; iota 1 to 10. bla i, 1 una auu vf 1 ernnnf.. Tat.. 1 17 t,lpla nrtpln R CI. Box 1:1 :) Both paper, for l,o, ; $ a: .. a . wjisaa.e-ap.