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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1902)
Ijc (Oregon iHiot. St. 1 f cU-iiH, Ore., lice. l'.Mli, JK. TWtSTIKTll IIIHTHDAY. Willi tlilit laano the Okkoon Mist haa i-eachcd lis '.'Olh hlrtlnluy. Thl paier luia reached a litiiilitriJ u( stability, w here ilM'tiMitia Ih greater than that of lt editor mill publisher. It u long ago ealabliahed on a permanent busl. Peoplu who won; in substantial (riiiiiiU In lis early daya of adversity,; are mill It friends. Ami there urn tumiy now onca. J nut at thin lliiiu ita futuru w an never inuru promising. Hubseriplioiia are coming in al a atciidv rate, and the advertising putronage in increasing ill a muni encouraging way. Tha pretended republican, who lyly cnl out the Improitsiuu (o outside pre cinct that Tiik Mixr waa oil ilit last leg. Imrauso hu i'i mi hi not dictate ita iiollcy, wa discovered ill tho scheme. ll lold Thu UatclUi 1 1 1 it t hi; w m'Xt to the "politicians." 1.1.1- ..:..! 'ft... .1.1 fri.t.. fl.u tills station, n.ii,i.n, ..,,.. .... slough ami other nuar-hy aiding are Immense, I Drown and Jay Whila are the managers "' l'lU maatpierade ball to lie given Christmas Kve. Kov. June, ol Portland, will fill the pulpit of thu Congregational church neat Kunday. Thoiima McKay, the Hudson Uny pioneer, ha returned from Portland, whore he wa receiving treatment for IiIk eve. M. liushman ha demonstrated that patatoe can lie successfully raised at Seagpoow. Ho haa aold a part of 1800 in k product! of burbank at Ob cent per hundred. The Whit Koto fioclal Club held a acaalon Tuesdav night. The new night operator at the railroad dft la Mr, Hpauldiug, who recently arrival from Wisconsin. A att ain shovel gang ami two gravel tiuiiia are tmy flllingarourid thu cement pillara under the trestle. WARREN The Rainier fiitietui lit utterly unreli able un to iu Nliitnmenla, and il editor knew tliut he . I.-1 1 1 mt u t.-ly lied when hn slated that the new law rtiiufted the delilnplciit Mat In 1st It.t to the lowest bidder, ur Ihtit Nheriir Italian did not liulify the di-liiiiiii'tiii. I 01. (. I Mi AMI Mil.! MHKS. There i st ill c Inciting on Milton creek In a small wav. ('rouse n rr getting along fitirly well moving lga cut Hu rt) during Him punt season. The woik la no progressing in a very rnliafuetory waybill Tide creek citmp, ami lha output from their Hew flclil of operation will be. something im mense, I'erry 1'sher is allll getting out cedar txilta mid piling on Milton creek. Thoiiiiia lloUtlnc ia pulling a lot of lug lulu Milton creek, and i. I. Honney mid A. A. hinilli are each putting saw lug into llie fame stream. The continued heavy raiui and heavy raina and freahela are interfering w ith t igging operalioiii in nuiiie hs-alilies, Imt tin will not materially interline wlh the ouptut for the coming wuii. l-ogging mid milling oierailoua are niiiiNuiilly active in the Nchaloiu coon try, which will lie the act-nit of eaten aivo operations within a very few year?. The Yeon, lYItan lumpany have hern delayed by Ihu high wuler in Beaver creek, hut this wiil not interfere with the iuinictinily of their operations. There ia quite a lot of the Vaennuvur l.iimlier t'tiuipiiiiy'a lugs hvitclied across the river from M. Helena. Thev were curried out of f.euia river by the lal I eitvy freahela. Inane Kiatner kna aoltl hia intereat in the I ox t'rri k ahinglti mill to Arthur ltoherU. (hi Ndveml er ".'K, a (irange tooitl hehl at tho reanleliee of Henry I.arcon, iiihonurof Miaa Lillian I.nron, who waa down from I'lirlhiml for a few duya. Churlea l.arjon, returned toChemawa laal week. A large crtiwd turned out to hear the tie ha in on the lilt, "Ueaolved tiiut the Negro of America haa been treaU-il mure Ahuneively than the Indian." Alhnnntive M. S. Hhimi, Morton Tmnp kllia, I'uxev. Negative, J. II. Tolil-kitii-, I'.d Hyde, W. K. Hunaoii. The tudlnna took the Negroea analp. (l I an the judgea gave I ho Npgativea the tie- Meara. and Multlainea, M. V, Ifacvn and h. i. Kurky via ted the luutropolia Snliinlay litl. Meaa. Warner and F. K. I.aron via ited the cily via. Kteanier Kepublic. A daiieing party took Mr. and Mr. K. K. I.araon by aupriae hatunlay evening, uiul tipped the "light fanlaatic" and "aehooner" until the wee atuall houra. We aie not informed who all were prea enl. Mr. Carlaon, of Colo, riaited the Lit. rrary Society laat Saturday evening, and apoke eliHuenily on the benelita of a country hfo. Aa Warren ia faiuoua for her oralora, we welcome Mr. Carlaon, und lH-pvrtk him a brilliant future. Min Clara llegt le baa been elected aaaialant aeerelary of the Warrrn Lit erary and Ih-lmling Hia'iety. Tiik Si v. TIIK MIST MID-WIXTKK EMTIO llliiKtratwl With Half Toue CuU Hill be laaaed A bunt Januar; to. For auiiie weeka the iimnHgeiueut of thia puHT hua been making an elbirt to aitcuru autiafui'tory term for illuatra iug a aouveuir edition of Tiik Mit. Sntlafactiiry urrnrigementa have made, and the illiiHirHtetl write-up of resource ful fciiturcH, will aurpaaa anything here tofore printed in Columbia county. Aa it waa luiiaHjble to aecure "all the data iieceanary for a ajiecinl edition in time for the holiilaya, thu time for ita laauance baa been poatpotiud until Jan uary ant). Huhacribe now and get thu mid-win-U-r aouveuir edition. You can auve inoney by taking ad vantage of the MiaT'a i Tubbing ralea with other periodicala, Thia paper and he Weekly Orego nian (2 per annum. Thia puper and the Young People'a Weekly, f I -r annum. Thia paper ami the Weekly Capital Journal, of Knlein, fl 50 r aunuui; aix mouth, 76 cent. Thia oaper and the l'ortland Weekly Journal, democratic), fl DO per an num. Thia paper and the N, Y. Thrice-a Week World per jcai fl 80; aix montha, Uu cent. All club auhacription are invariably in advance. Classified Advertisements SCAPPOOSE P. A. J-ruke went ti port Towimcnd Waali., Tuemlav night w ith l'J head o tlnuoughhrcil llolMeiu cowh, which he had aold from hia held to part if there, lie alio, returned a check for flOIW), aeiit biiu f' ' tin .rung. hnil -iil lit-, being Uli able to i.o tue urih'r. Since he cuiried iiivny tin pncea nt the Yakiuui f.ilr, hi" allies have amounted to about eight thomuhhicita per month SiiippiMine Artisan Aan'inbly No. ITU has t-leeled li e following New i.llk'cra: Matter Arlinii, J. M. liunean; aupejin teudena, Itoae Walla ; aenlor culidili loi', Hi rt Wet ; j mior eomluctoi-, William Piper: ! i-l in y, M, J. F.nglcrt; treaa- nier, l. W. Price; inrpettor, Myrtle Wet;M. of ('., William Went; past imiater AiliMin, J P, Weal. The full term of the Si uppooac achtml cloned hint Friday. The leuchera were I'., S. Lviui", of I la lacy, and Mi'H Anna Smlih, of Oregon City. Measra Walta A Price have "hipped about 1800 cold of wood this aeaaoii, ninl emiect to Put lltiOO eonls next year. Mr. Lee Duncan, haa rcturnet! from NewlH'rg, where ahe ient Thunkagiv ing with her mother. Mr. and Mra. Wiltler lrew will mxn move to ScapHMiw, where they leueiilly purchnaed a home, Alfred Hintger, a alepaou of Mr. Drew haa arriveil from the Kant with Ins family, and will re main licre for a year, to investigate tlie eondltioiis of llie country. Mra. Thouina labiater ia very ill w ith tho iiiiny. N. F. Uaker ia at l.enta, asaiating hia brother T. A. liakur to errect tho new ulimil building. Mia. J. S. ilacon expect soon to rtv moilel the olil ereamerv bulliling. The upper lloor will he tilled tip for a hall und the lower roiun for a restaurant. The new organ at the Kvaiigtdical ciiurcii la now clear m all Uetit, the pro- I't i'ilM o( the hint enlei lainnient huving hi en aninc ic nt lor tliut imrpoiD. The (irange will holl ii regular meet ing at the borne of llemy I. arson next Wediienlnv evening. It ia exiieiteil that a hall will he aeeuied for a meeting place ni an early iintr. Clmrh'H f.iirHon, the efficient leader o th" bund, haa relumed to Chewawa where he Meecplcil a nae in salary. NEER CITY We aaw our firat now I ere day. I ieorge Froater waa in from camp Friilay on buaincis. Mra. II. H. Neer, went to ! i nlay, returning Tuestluy. Mra. I.. J. Hignell went to Iloulloii Salunlny, where ahe will stay until -.he ia well again, which we all hopo will be soon. H. II. Neer went to Portland lust Sat urday returning Monday. John Candler formerly of Oler Oregon, Kin-lit Saturday, Sunday and Mmluv, with hia cotisiiia, John ami Muck Farr, then went to Portlamlou buaieeaa. Chria Fowler aya that Neer Cily ia a queer pluee, for he left hi whcelbonrow on Fohut and Neer'a dock la-l, and when hn came hack afler it the handle had dropieil olF. Sunday two of the bafchelor boy of thia place went out for a boat ride," and before they knew it they were iu the middle of the river, and it atarled lo rain reul hard, then ia the time you bad ought lo have seen them work. ' John Fnrr and wife; Mack Farr and wile and Mia Hell Neer, went to Port land Tuesday on busineaa, returning ejnea.iav. oaler and Neer are bavin? their wood picked up that i on the beach thia wee, ami are paying fl.nO per cold for picking it up and piliiug it on tlie dock. Zitar liaahnra ia still on tlie sick list. WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. ST It A YKD FROM THE FA KM OF C I., Ayr, near Yankton, a dark red, year ling bull, marked, branded anddehorned liranded on the left hip "L A" marked with crop and split in the left ear and hole in the right. Any information will be gl adly received by C. L. Ayre at Yankton, who will pay reward. Fob Hai.k The cordwood timber on 100 acre of land. Call on or address (i. W. PEKttY, Houlton, Or. WT ANTED Men to clear land ready for the plow, by the acre. Either large or amall contract let. Apply to John Johnson, Scappooic. SKND IbTJeMTS TO ALBERT TOZ ier, Portland Oregon, for the namea of voter in Apiary, Auburn, Beaver Falls, (ioble, Manhlahd, Nehaleiu, Oak Point precinct: Compete hat of Columbia county for 25 cent. the wood iqra "P 7yj Portland J Jr' & j J Mrm. Fred UnrvtK. HUDSON Yeon went' to Portland tlii STR. "BAILEY QATZERT." -Aftr mf flnat bafcy va fcoea 1 U 4 mate !! asy atiaaaje tUtomfr On (tartar tM M Ink wfckfc W caawk. nt wry isaiHir. Ut bates Wfattiag basal nhhi'tia I Wka Wax ml Caross taraasMk mmt mm K wswM do ter aas. I okf Uaa sssdkaa md was vary fraaaha ia BbmI aay ataaaftli aai kwalta dumtf ntsaahg, k Im wsakjl was saal d kailaaal laaaaaalk I tjnt M taka aaiaaaaaaaaaa. I s vary atiiai Wiaaof Cdul nisfarai thaarjrmB of (rnentioB to Us ordeal of prep BMixifmai ahildbirth. It puiwai mil oamaff. No Tomaji srbo taJusi Wine af Caniui seed w tba oonuss of her obild. If Mra. UumU had taken Win of Codai befow her babycaune ah) would not ham bean vtrnkeneA aa havaa. Hot raoid lamcmary shonJd mwamrl thia groat remedy to arery arpactant asoUwas Wise of Cardoi ragoJate the menstrual flow. I'flMITnrrAnnill -if llaaw' 1 aw Ac John week. Mlaa lorry iMorlo i (lOil hint week oi typhoid fever. Mis Morton was n member of Heaver Valley Grange No. MOO, it ml of Ihu Columbia County Po mona Orange. Mr. and Mrs. Morton have the sympathy of thu entire com munity, The ruins of tho last week canned the river to flood tho bottom, ami canned Yeon, Pellon ft Co. from hauling logs for a few ditvs. Claud Hit 1 1 za I' went to Portland to work this winter. Tony lHilun, of Portland, was down Daily Itounil Trlpa except Suu.Uy, TIME CARD. Leave Portland ... ....7 A. M. lvti Ailorta - I'. M. 'I'hroUKh puritan. I foniuftfnti wlih Steamer Nalietiita Ireiu Ihvaen and Long Ueaeh pultun. Whlie Collar Line Tlekplatnlen'hsiiteaMe with O. K. 4 N. t;o, u.l V. 1 . Co.. u.Sitn. " The Dalles-Portland Roufe. St.s. "Tahoimi" & Metlako" Between Portland, The Dalles and way po.nts. Irtily Trips Kseoi'l ftintilnj-. Stkamkk ' TmM." I.oiivw INiriltUnl Tut., Tlturs. t vuve he litiMt-s Mull., Wmi. A Farmer's Son or a townsman w ill Vie hired by nt tfiO nionlhlv and expend, or 30 per cent, commission to take older for our Farm Seeds, Fruits anil r lowers, vt e sen m grade of frnits, so any competition can tieniet. Our stock is warranted. ov do not deliver or collect. Can devote all are part time. We pay you each week. Hood chance to earn money this winter. Write for free outfit at once. Verr Snrsery Company, Kornestr, X. V. W. r. "ana. jneou ,-kii., j. ' l" " I jhi wtek visiting friends. Tone ia al aud others have hipped sumll lota from WRVI1 ttPc01UB tl Ueaver Valley, , st.. .Hrl ... "Mbtuakii." ..r A.M. .7 A. M. l'hn rvdHV. Sill. , We.lnei.hiy. I'ri... ..7 A M. .7 A.M. ! STKAMSK l.v r.irtlnn.l, Taenlay l.v. liHlit'N, Mninlay LAN PI Mi AMI HFKU'K: of AMer Slrret. Heth 'I'h.ilis.t Main SM. l'sri.ANii, uniunN. J. W. t'HU IIToN Tho Psllea. Or, A. K. Kebiisa Hiio,t lilver. Or. WeLroan A WYKas Wlnlo, Wunli. HfcNHY t HPwm, Wllh John T. T.ittkn Stevonneii, Wanti J. i'. Wy tTT Vancouver, Wnh A. J. Tvuos Astoria, Or. K. W. Cku iiton, Portland, Or. fresh fish In season every Friday, and special .Suiulav dinner, at the St. lielens Hotel. Owl Saloon BRINH B0THSBS, PS0PR1IT0SS Only Hi best of Upon antCijtars Kent iiStoc. CYRUS NOBLE And aihr ropoUr braod at whl-kie WEINHARD'S BEER on draught. "Tom Benton" Cigars. All ths ltet nwr.irs ami other pop ular rn-roiOcsN. Oregon lallv Jnurnat. a IVmocrstlu itnllv newstiaper. rluht lo SO pases. 14 a veil' S for six months. Tim Journal is a nswspaiier. Send In your subscription. Interest your nelahhor In Tho Journal. Address The Journal, Bo 111. Pottlan, PuTiscribe for Thk Mit.