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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1902)
: .... v 1 r i TJTF. 'JQ i 8TORP, DOWN ityT.iejfyr Sawmill!- t ' Ak fjagt Kvory day in the Week tfini "ri r i'fylUCXLB STORE JIAS A REPUfA tloii a JLng (standing fvr Only t10 Best Jjt GENERAL MERCIIADISE mm Dart & Muekle, St. Helens, Oregon. (j 1 1 Si 1 S1 PERSONAL Hon. Martin llotli, of Uulnler, wa vlnltor in Ht. Helen Monday. 'Wgu Young, a well known resident of Warren, wa jn town Tucaday. W, M. La Force a Portland li.w w J ST. HELENS PHARMACY A Patronize a drug store when yci1 want pure, fresh and reliaWe I Drugs and Patent Medicines wa In town Tuesday, George A. Hall lint son ti Hill..l.. on a business trip. Attorney R. p. Graham, of Portland, wa a viator In Ht. Helen Wednesday. W. P. Tucker. left WoJ....i... ...! N..u, i t .1 " . '""" ,,,,, .,;, ne may romue for several month. MKK-imtrj'evr -W. McBrl.U and Mm. Mcliride are visitiiig at the Dol man home. Mr. and Mm. Jesse Hendricks, of 1 H nk ton. wera visitors lii uu. day. Two rn of J , 0. Porter of Ifnnllnn .. i.i.inMj nuiuiHy morning from a vx monm sojourn in Alaska. K. A. Laitlberanrl haa rill.ui frnm Portland to change the adJn of hi MlST from 2111 Tavlr tri WU -im . .. i ... . ' - ' niru street. John rlandslrom hsi written from Marshland to have he addres of hit paper changed fro that place jo Cluts- same. ('. F. FawUr hat ordered bis paper changed frstu Yale, Wash., to Colum bia Gity. lie ha been ill at the lat ter pme. iimi. ra.. Vammm m u ........ ' . . .. uoj wet imi near hi. Bepttu- ; .... I M Jimmy Con w one of a party of deer ; .!a' wrvri ooi recently in tne woojs went of 6hrial,maa town. After camp had been mmle nt a Orav. t,1.t,lt.u.,(i.. .... I I.I- I r. .u. ,..., ni.",. 111,111. flII'fUllitfini HIV Uiierrum "30 -30" and trekked out In the ailent wood lookiiiK for ''ipiKir." He walked ri!leriiildl forward Uiroiiib the wooded inlea whli a kn iye out for LOCAL I St' IIelcns Hotel preaenta at Coljin'a it. convene an IVrfmncry. t'oilt-t Articles, EtCj 1 - V . air EADQVARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS rbin and Decorated Crepe Paper, Jjjc, ki from Publisher Regular 25 cnt Novels Oalj 10 Cents -COLLINS AND GRAY- THE PEOPLE'S MERCHANTS, Dealers in Holiday 6oods!- UJftM'KUN, CHNNKI) UOODS. Hit V(1(V)IH, (M.! rHISfl, II TS, t .AI'X, H HMSIIIMi UOOHS. Itl.A.s'KKTi. CRUCKKRV, l II. AxrV A ( K, T1NWAUK. HAKUWAUK, l.KATUKH, HAU- AND si ions.... v, Oil Clotliina. Kit hi Crats. Rub- bcr Boots, Grass Seeds, Grain Flour and Feed. ST. HELENS. u OREGON. H.O. Howard haa leaiwl Jjfx tawmill, iirn. a.niiiirr mi iiib Hon anil MP w. ut. mni nun inoveu oaca to tin larm. near lUDKlOll. riiouiaa Holfitiiie, a promln -nt logger of ankton, wa In town Ham Jny. lie and Koaa Ktanwood are putting a lot of log" into Milton creek thia wiuujr. I. f. Wilson, whoae poalofflco addreea la larikUm, but who livoa on the Kat ior oi tne Nehalem, w in town Ved-neaday. J. h. Colvin, aon of County Cum mixa loner H. L. Colvjn, of Matahland, wan married lant week to Minn Ably Davia, of ClatHop county. Kred Walkim haa retried his posi I Ion on the steamer America, aud left for Keatrle the first of the week, accom panying hi., Collie Orchard. H. O. Bchoonover, of Vernonla, hat been iendiiig a couple of weeka in thia vicinity. He attemled the meetinit of Millon Uraiigoat Houlton last Thurs day iiilit. J. VI. Lane and wife. R. V v.,n Mist j J. W. koota, of ClaUkaiiiei'L. Mwe, Mra. II. Clark, I). Oarriaon, of llnulluii, and 11. P. Coe, of Kainier, were reglured at Portland hotel Sat urday. CharleMcerve, editor of the Med forj 8uree, ha been verv aick for aome tima with pleoriav. Mia Amy Ueorjre, of Portland, visited her couin, Mr. I). Havla in thia city a day or two thi wecl.r-Orvgon City Enterpriser J. H. Cameron, of Kisbhawk ; Norman Merrill, of Clatukanie: Mra. Mary Mo ler, orK Weeka, C. C. Fowler and aon.ol a ariijiland; W. K. Hteven. of ncappuoat, ana i wt ay meat lie niun't care whether liln pro rectlve victim had four nmnifli or dozen, a deer or a bear hide '"r a cover ins, ha wa after icame. bite, little, old or young, ba'r, fur or feather. Perhnp It wa thi keen (cent fur aine that lc Jimmy eatray. Anybow . alter aon iionraol walking he 'Uncovered that I wa lout. Worst "II night waa awiftly approaching, the darkening wood be gan to taktf on an unfriendly look. There 1 nothiiiK timid about Jimmv butaathedarkneeiincreaaed he began to liiatle. ''I Am Horrv. Oh Ho Horrv. 'IViat 1 (Jsme.'l For the first time too fin observed in the lighi snojr pumerou itioiprint of the leativeoougar. Jimmy admitted to himself and wa ready to admit to the cougar that there wa am ple room in the wooda for both without crowding, hut he wasn't dead aure the nougar took that view of it. So he be gan to strike matches, but the debris every where wa damp and hi efforts lulled. He began to walk. He walked for some boura in everv direction known to the compass. He ia ready to attest that aome of the couaar tracks he saw (i urine that walk would eaailv tmve -measured the siae of a wash tub. Then he eat down and vocalized in sonorous tones till morning. Talk about the im mortal Nye ''twanging his tuneful lyre" to the nijht breezes I Jimmy's ninging wa simply immense. It waa Inspired. tie hasn't aid what inspired it. At any rale the concert included such touch ing melodies as, "Oh. 1 Wish f Was Up In a Tree." Whv IH( The Kun !, I ),, ' "Home Hay I'll Wander Hack Aealn Kit f "n....r. V.,.. WL.I..I. T 111. ..1.1 fe. a ...v, l'"U I. IUU AIII1IK I ITUUiU II X Could (go home,") etc etc., fortisei mo prJscepdo, ad lib., ending up, as JJie gray of dawn appeard, with the latest rag time fayohte." Ha! Hal Ha! You May Jlamlxxizle Otheu But You Can't Bamliorizle Me." Mavllirht at hand chaiiKed. He aighled adeer, the "30 30" spoke shai ply and the venison was his. Moon he struck the Wauconda roail miles from camp and home, but tickled over the easy escape from his predicament and proud of his name. Tim Miirnimr Ktandard. JulnoT. A. McBride will I sdj.iurued term of the circuit court next i uesosy, me ih;ii. Bev. yew Usvlea, of Warren, will prcatn at nciippoese next Hnndav. ihere will he no services ut Hnulton. " A few photographs of Columbia county farm houses are wanted at this voice lor me midwinter edition. Mttil Sllljf.'rilH-r rpcxivo.l at .1.1. l. flee (at the Evening Telegraiu. Oregon's ttrestest evening paper. u,??- H' Mom wili preach at Column, ma City Sunday morning, and in tlia Methodist church in 8t. Helens in the evening. David Davis and Edward Brodie will soon begin the publication of the Hemi Weekly Kecord at Oregon City. They will no doubt make it a success. Several of tho former sawmill, have secured work on the Columbia City 4 Nehalem logging rail- Heputv District Attorney W. H, towell filed two new casea In the cir cuit court fox Clackamae cfjunty last week. Modjeska B. Butler, of Warren, has filed a suit for a divorce from Barney Butler on the ground of desertion, and awaa inai she tie permitted to re Under the Management of 0. A, AND A. M. BRINN. Has been repainted and refurnished, Board and Lodirimr. 120 iw mm.ii, Transient, $1 per day. Special Kates to parties of beveral Persons. DaRn and Feed Horses. for 9UMM0MS. Aiipie Ijhi L Fr, PJalntlB. v.. phrlm U Fare, Defendant the above-named de- To Kr.hritLinlj.Fat.. f'!! "nine ner uianlen name, Modieska B Tinkhaiu. lukveniiort. oi War- - rro rlHIB,orau ai i oruana hole; rrm Best Methods o( Gold Filling 'phis i the llit.inl most scienlillo UMlliott of tiold Pilling No lUinuieriiijiA Nu oienem irf tn tit-ih, and none of those "Stlfiil iieadurht fitRNVUtV-it.'thod of liuld Pilling. 317, Failing Bld'g Portland, Oregon . KNODER, MlLi I.oda-e Eleetlons. Khlnier lAnige Nu. 58, K. of P., have elected the fullowlng new officers: chan cellor, commander, J. K. Bourne; vice- chiuuellua, (Jeorgii Mayger: prelate. lienor Hollis; master of work, C. I. Hoogkirkj master of exchequer J. B. Poan ; master of finance, J. J. Braim; Keeper 01 record ami seal, J. B. E. Ikiurne ; master at arms, inside guard, James Low fi. H. K bluer. The local lodee of the Rathlsine Sister elected the following officers at the last meeting: Past chief, Mra. Ina Dem ing; most excellent chief. Mrs. I.ucv tirny; excellent senior, Mrs. Anna Rich ardsnii, excellent junior. Mra. Clara Cliff; manager of temple. Mis. May Wellington ; master o letter and corres ixindciice. Mrs. Siirnh Oniek i of linance, Mrs. Ida Harri; protector of ....... .1.. l pi: . v. .1. u,, r.iica nwiwr; guari outer temple, Mrs. May Itrigga, The Unite.! Artisan Assembly, of iiouirmi, eieeUHf the following officer 111 llll tor A tends Braxee-Meeker A pretty home wedding took ptace at the home of Lindley Meeker at Houlton last Sunday, the contarcting parties be ing his daughter, Mis Ora, and A. R. Braree, chief engineer on the steamer Tahoma, of the White Collar Line. Rev. Lew Daviee, of Warren, wa the officiating clergyman. Only a few in vueu menus were present at the cere mony. An excellent wedding lunch was served. Mr. and Mra. Brazee boarded the afternoon train for Portland, their future Iioom, followed with showers of rica. The bride I an adopted daughter of Mr. Meeker, while Mr. Brazee spent his boyhood days at the Meeker home A Timely Suggestion. Thi ia the eason of the year when the prudent and careful Jiousewife replen ishes her supply of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy. It ir certain to be needed be fore the winter ia over, and results are much more prompt and tatisfactoi y when it is kept at hand aud given as soon as the cold is contracted and Iwfor it has become settled in the svsiom. In 1, W A Fowler I "I"10' every Instance a severe cold Kt ... 1' 1 wrded off by taking this retwjiiV , out siueguarti, . frei,y goon , the nrst jujicatioris of the cold appears. There is no dangor in giving it to children for it contains no harmful substance, It is pleasant to use otn ami 1 is aim cniiaren like it. Buy it and you will get the best. It al ways cures, for sale by Edwin Koaa. The steamer America is still making regular trins despite the fact that she broke a shaft and lost the propelling wheel a lew nights aim. TI,o .rl....oi Republic leaves for Portland on Tues days and Fridays at 1 p. in. The time is now nearinif for district school clerks to send in for the lists of assessable property in their retpective districts. County Clerk Henderson will have the copying completed on the tax roil so that he can give out this infor mation by the latter part of the week. E.E. Quick was appointed receiver of the Ht. Helens Lumber Company by Judge McBride, which dissolved the at- lacnment suit oroulit by Muekle Bros lor AUW). JSo announcement of any seuiement Between the !orrance stock holders and Smith and Murray. Under the terms of the lease, the mill reverts 10 mui-icie uros., if not operated for 30 days. John Uilmore is night watchman at the mill and John Wellington day """-"1 umuui ii.Q in eiversnip. 1 he Portland creditors of the St. Hel ens l.lllliDjr (.'oninanv havefi le.l tion in the United States court askine ll.u. 4I. t . 1 1 , . . " J., -"iupy iie u-i:iren uankrupt. W.T. Muir. attorney for 1 lie 11 x !o., represents the Detitioner. vv Ti' Fenton, attorney for the .Southern Paci fic, is associated with W. H. Powell as counsel for the Dorrance stockholder, pjessere. Dillard 4 Day represent Muekle Bros, interests. The county court has ordered the de linquent tax list published in the Peo ples Press, the olficial organ ol the so cialist party. The democratic brethren are very much exercised over the order and the Bourbon atmosphere around the court house is quite bine. Judge i-aloier and Commissioner Springer are said to have switched over to the social ists, and the democratic leaders are swearing vengeance. Commissioner Russell, the republican member of the court, is watching the proceedings without comment as he is in the minor ity. Albany Herald. Cut this out and take it to ETwin Ross drug store and get a free sample of C hamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets, the best physic. They cleanse and I invigorate the stomach, improve the ap j 'sand regulate the bowels. Reg is-thf. name Or THIS H'fATK or OKB. X iro.i; You are hereby reulrerl to aiipeur , answer Hie Complaint Hied J,jS you In the alw-a-antltled Wt and ca" "1! w before the mh day of hemlr. MM, and It yon fall so to an.wer, f,-r want thereof ih? plaintiff will .opiy mths Coun for "B re W sryd for In the Complalat; to wlti That the bonds of iiiatriiiioiiy heretofore and now em l UK between you and the plaintiff beforerer dissolved and held for naught, ,,d the pl.l" and that plalutiff be permitied and name of Anna L uia Han dnd for mch other relief aa the Court mar deem equltal,le;iiri Ju.t. Till, .nmmon, u wrVed apon by publlianon by order of the Hon. titled Court wmie and entered herein ou the 4lt day of October, mi, aud the date of the hrst puWIeatlon of thi, summoio, b ,h" 31 .;".br.1.!W2' ttle paWlcatlna la the uth day of tieeember, 1902. rUXSH SCHI.HGEI., AiUiraey f.,r Plaintiff- Watts AJtolse, -DKAI.EK-l Iff- Flonr and Feed Choice Groceries Staple Dry Goods Best Quality Shoes Hardware and Notions Scappoose, - Oregon. ORIENTAL - HOTEL Under the management of MRS. FRED BRIGQSf Has the Best Accommodations, BOARD AND LODGING, $.8 PER M JNTH. I raiment, $i Per Day. Umber Land, Act June 3, 1S78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. PaiTzn Htates Lakd Orrit a, i . piiauce nun the provisions of the act of th"" ,", ia ?' eD"'ll "An act for . i. "if maics oi ualifor uia Uregoo, Nevada. nd Washimrton Terri tory, a exieuded to all the Public Laud giaiaa b.yndrnnf'U liT2' Bnoit VllliKer.ofl tort- Feed Barn in Conneo tion. ST. HE LEI? 8, Or. .,Sr.i " . n",l'e,vl"abl for Its timber OT stone thau for agricultural puruones, and to establi.h lua claim wi said land before the Rei ijiterand Receiver of thia office at Oregon t ity, .""'f: ou l!'t"y- the ihday;of JanuarV Frault Jl. Hoyt and Helver Olscu. of Warren Orenou, and A, L Miller, of Ore-,11 City. Auy and all persons claiming- ad versely the abpve-dewrlbsd lands ,re requested to lile their claims in this n or before said srth day of January, ma. Wlja CHAS. H JioOKts, Keiater titmi, eu-iuxi the following officer "u ",r' he meeting held Friday night : Mas- Judge J. Artiiin. 1. H. Copeland; superin- ninny tot I.tilie !W. Perry: aesrvtary, M. I shaw; jiliikir eomiiit tor, Crace L. Lauiberson-Tlmmer. Henry L. Lamberann and Cora F., two well known voiinn neonle 'j of Houlton were married yesterday at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mra. John Lamberson. County It. Doan officiated. The cere- took place in the presence of a few nuilu.1 odAul. T o..l Um T....t JJe" I son ieft o the afternoon train for a most groom is ioncer snaw ; senior conductor, Winnie Bailev ; ' short wedding trip. The bride iaa ....... v., ,v. ...,-ir.nurer. Anna -estunalile young latlv, and the grot XT V1 i"r SI1"00 ' ,iBlJ Kion of one of the' prominent pi Milton tiranee at.Honlh,,, .U.l ' of Columbia county. 1 n, ... - a. -?e, loc, per box. si 11 1 Orvn a Hot u. ,,,. Itlfflce, Hood 414 '1 hoicks jKM VaoNT hi Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist, Information and Appointments by Mail. Rooms .O and fil, WHshlngfon Hldg., Hoiillienst cor. 4lli Wash, streets, POEILAND, OREGON. Take Elevator lo Fifth Floor, th following officers last Thuradav night: worthy master, I. H. Copeland': overe.r, C. O. Clark; lecturer. Mrs. Anna Copelamr; secretary, Leota Lowe; treasurer, Leslie E. Bailev; steward. Fred Frantz; chaplain, Mrs. Winnie Bailev; htdy assistant itnwaid, Mrs, A. II. Mathews; assistant steward, Charle Bradford ; Ceres, Grace Adama : Pomona, Alma Wilkinson; Flora, Ethel Mathews; gate-keeper, Past Master I'. W. Crk. How About Your Title? I Ct RK YOt' Btiftlt It Is ll rliilit? Iteinemlier that It Is the J. KKCultli llial oiii. It is our bnslnens to search the r, reiorils and almw what tly eoumln In relation to laud tlllea. II win .niiieniiilnle Iui.vIiik land or loanlnit inniiry 1111 real e.iair seeiirltv, l.tkti 1111 tunii s word, but Insist uin knoivlus what lhr. record sllott s re, snlliu the lllle. A 11 Alistraot Is as cosenllal aa a. Iced. Insist mi lliivlns ll. W have the only s,M of iilistiaet I1..0I.S I" theii'univ All work in niill eecnteil ami satisfaction miaranieeil. II "'u have pioicrty to lusurlve usa call v are ai cuts lor the Ik-m tlie llisuratu e inni.aule 111 the woilil. If u a; have propsriy lor sale list it with us and wa 111 Hud aliujer. E. E. QUICK & CO., jaaj Ml Tf Homo, Stttro cxti rrsi rtis a-es Ai'tiroaih to Hunlurlitaai) Almuat r.v tweap. Ut!K!33itTfiR3 W If ator. Ililhl aa dsy. A-ttsirlwara hm Wii "irs Ilea rao- lumps so irsUlira " Mwi.W.nM.ftl lasM,lSitrif,JVS.'S 4Mft'i" TAt-K l-A,,'V?'.W1,1, rir.ltH. sritl KT WMS'S, Kto. V'V'' all 0B HUT. KrtsriiSs. N-Smok. o VllLV sua AT SIGH I'. V io:lvo su as'ata, unmtafon eftlus,-u asalvti. l. m Sunday-School III Have i hrlstmas Exercises. By vitc of those present, nt last Sun day's a sslonof the St Helen Son lay 1 u..h.u,l il u,a .f..i.l...l ... I ' .. it .: ' ,v nq .-viiiii uu iiNvn a V'lirial mas tree in the Congregational church. and the ntecflsary coiniuittfs were at- l . i ii i. .1. The matter of whether family nrninnia should be placed iinon the tree, or Whether they should lie confined to those purchased by the disbursing com mittee with money subscribed bv the ublic to the C ..1 tmas tree fund', wns discussed and dually, left to a vote of tho house, wbieu resulted ill favor- pf the tree tating free to leceive piesfiHs, if a suitable nature, fiiiiu the public for their fiientls and reintives. Thereiore. all persons desiring to have presents placed upon the tree are requested to turn same over to a committee who will re ceive them at the Congregational (,-hiirch the day before Christinas. The affairs is in the hands of the fol lowing cumtnittees, who will endeavor to ezvrclse tluw cure and maintain order : Uommtttee to secure ant Pao.. Maitin White, 11 1. 11. Lolt, C'diiiiiiltee to solicit funds. Abbey Black, Bessie Haitan, Ada George, iSeilie Laws, Lloyd Hattan, Willie Wal lers. Committee on arrangements and, dis I'Uiseoii'iils. lrs. M. C Gray',' Mrs. Rose While, M.'C. Gray, fc'artin White. CouiHiithe on deeorutin.-M,is. H. J. Waiu'is, Mr. J. Wellington Mrs. M. White. Mips May Chalmern, Bertha Dm I, Martin Wlre, Pearl Decker. 'I'.ed-nri'r, Mdi tiu" White. - V . The Biiliciiiiig oommlHee will soon start on its iiifs,sion and matteia vtill le greatly, facilitated if the generous public will buy the solicitors who will also act us colled How to Prevent Croup. It will be good new to the mothers of small children to learn that croup ran he prevented. The first sign of croup is hoarseness. A day or two before the at tack the child becomes bourse. Thia is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy freely ts soon aa tl.e child becomes hoarse, or even after the rough cough appears, and it will dispel all symptoms ol croup. In this wav all danger and arxiety may be avoided. Thi remedy is ueil I liv iiihiiv thousands of motheis ami has never been known to fail. It ia. in fact; the only remedy thit can always t lie depended upon and that ia pleasant i and sate to Hike, l or sale bv t-Jivi-t Tm.A? will be a grand Christmas ball lu the 8t; vlleieuB opera honae Christ. ma night, Thursday, December 25th. Ticketa, including aupper at the St. Hel en HoUl, il 26. Greweii Bros.; of Warren, will provide excellent music mi Miu.sssiuu. me general coui mittSe con't of John Lamberson, of Houlton; jKiiits D. Mcivay, of Kcao- poose, an I K. . Kobinson, of St. Hel ens, and the floor managers will be Len Detkeraiid Gas Boss. There will be trap shootrtig all day Christmas under the auspices of ipe St. Helens Gun Club; also targets with rifles for rews and turkey. Prize for the best shot. f as- A Liberal Offer. The undersigned will give a free sam ple of Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets to any one wanting a reliable lemedy for disorders of the stomach, biliousness or constipation. This is a rjew remady and a good one. Edwin Ross. PETITION FOR JLIQU OR LICENSE. To the Honorable County Couit of Co- luiiiuiH voumy, uregon : We, the undorsiirneil le-nl enter, ra. siding iu Goble precinct, Columbia County, Oregon, would respectiuliv pe tition your Honorable Body at its next regular session, winch will ru hold ,.n the 6th day of January. liWS. in the Court House, in the City of St. Helena, vuiumuia vuuujy, otate ol uregon, that a license be granted to O. E. Hunter to sell spirituous, vinoue and malt liquors in quantifies less than one gallon in Goble precinct in said comity and state, and that said license be granted for a period of six months, for all of which your petitioners will ever prav: Signe ' : G B Foster, H Beahe. J. Burbee, K E Duiauey, . ii cpencer, U M Leonanl, Thomas Peoples, J M Fowler, H M Fowler, Geo i'ilzenberger, Hosea Black. W ill Kelly, A J VanAlatine, C P Ander son, E W Fowler L. Bradlev, J Martin. F Huasbaum, Walter Hunter,- Bert Mackinster, J L Archibald, W M Brad ley, Ira L Withrow, J E Conbov, Robert Link, Peter Hoesch, John Fair", George Foster jr, Will Meacham, B Hayard, C H Ehlmger, John Metritks, Earl Hutchinson, John MeFa'land, W H Bishopp. Z A Hvde. C Link. R S ICen. ! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. r MfTICK f HERKltY THAT THE UNDKR J ' slKued has been, by the Hon. J. B. Ooau Judie of the County tiurt ot tho .-lutte of Ore son for Columbia County, appointed edtnlnla- ,-n',t"-r ,he K"ute Jeremiah Oalvin. deceased. Any and ail per sens havlnc claims against said estate are hereby reunired to present the same to me, duly verified accord ing to law, at the office of w. H. rowell, at II. Helens, orecoii, within six months from the date hereofr Administrator of the Estate of Jeremiah Ual vlu, detaed; W. H. PuWELL, Attorney for Anmlulsjratsr. Dated December 121h, 1802, Estray Taken I'p. Notice is hereby given that on the second day of Decern tier, there atraved to my place at Yankton, County of Co lumbia, SUtte of Uregon, a yearling steer; color, red, with white tail and slit in left ear. The owner of the above described animal can obtain possession of the same by famishing sufficient proof of ownership aud paying all ex penses and costs. J. A. WIKSTR0M. ey, J W Bomell, C C Fowler, P 11 Piper, C W McFarland,' George Link, George C Fowler, Frank C Cleaver. O Mmrinn Joseph Lawrence, Jiuimie Kennedy, R S Kinney, B W Dtxlge, Arthur Rilev, J M Young, Frank Degonda, Samuel rorbesi Joseph Cardinell, D L MeDer mott, R A Lawrence, M Link. J C Mon roe, Victor Furer, E E Hufstaker, Rob en B Lipton, J Alfred Johnson. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY api Backache CURE All dtssasea of Kldnava. maaaer. urinary Usgana. A la., Bh.nnl.tlhn TIb.V eha.Reu-tDissaae fcravel. ropsj, teuiai Troubles. Ross. Blir Fire at Rainier, Fire which broke out at Baiuier Fri day morning destroyed the sash and door factory of W. D. I'lue and a lodg ing house owned bv Joseph Silva, en tailing a loss of i'8-0 with tt2,0UO in surance. The tire was discovered at 6:15 a. m. In the drv kiln at the sash and door factory, destroying the entire plant. The lodging house that burned was occupied by Mtrj.-.0. W. 'Herman. Tho town fire brigade .turned out and succeeded in saving the adjoining prop erty but the tire at the factory was ao far. advanced that it could not be got under control. Theblateutis a riorce tl put troe in (one and the heat wasnuliearalde a block J Wallers I away. V. D, Pine's loss is estimated at 1 M,i)00 wilh tti.OOO insnrame. The loss on the null htiilding, which wits owned by Dean Blanchard, waa If2500, with no insurance, while the loss pti the lodging house was (5(1(1 with no Insur ance. Mr. Plue had heretofore arranged to build a plant in addition to the one that was destroyed and hail already se lected the site tor it. A new plant with larger capa,c.ty will probably be erected. dors. A Li'tMio-y program Is being prepared. ".J .,,.' A.' 3d. Ditt'KKH,' ft, ti.gupt. lVfi Collins A Gray's jmas goods be talc! vmi make your puichasea. , ' -'. , 1 i. l'l".- --t Itet'cr Than at Plaster. A piece, of flannel dampened., with Chamlierlahi' Pain Ralftf'and bound on the affectwl parts, i hetter than a plaster for a lame back and for pains in tti side or chest-. Villi i Balm has no superior as a liniment for iha relief of deep seated, uiuscnliir and rheuuiatiu pains, For sale bv Edwin Ros. tton't bscoma dlscourased. There 1 a oure for you. if uecessnrj write I)r. Feuner. Ho has spent a life time curing Just such cases as yours. All consultations Free. Dr. Fenoer's Kidney and Backache Cure la the cause of tuy being alive to-d&y. I bad suffered greatly of kidney disease forjear and reduced hi weight Ui IM pouuds. I now weigh ItiS pounds. W.B. MoOCGIN, Olive Furnace, O.'' nrugjjlsts. 60c., fh Ask for Cook Book Fres. ST.viTus'PAKCEiruerreteir For sale by Collins & Uray, t, Helens, oliants nt Houlton. DOWN- tvajQAArslaa satsatUWrfs. swasASV COUNTY PEOPLE SHOULD I 9 Glatsknnie Store Drug -roa Tttaia Drugs and Medicines --CIIOICX loM Arti4fl5xand Perfumery Dr. J. g. 0AL Proprietor Ci.,sTsKvm : j - Okkoos. The St. Helens under the nuinageui M. rstiun. HoteSl take euieuli oi G es the lead A. auJ,A SUMMONS, In tho Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Columbia County. Edie Baleusifer, plaintiff, ,7 Gus Baleusifer, Defendant. To Gtt itleuifer, the aliaye-nam i Deieiidant : ? IN TH.E NAME OF THE STATE P Oregon: You are herebv mniflmi and required to appear and answer the' Complaint tiled against yon in the j a buve-en titled Court and Cause on or , b the I7lh day of Jantmrv, ia3, 1 which will lie after the expiration of' six weeks from the date of the first I publication oi Hits summons; anil if you fail (o so appear and answer on or before said 17tU day of" January, 11)03, the plaintiff will apply to the Court lor relief di niiinded in the complaint to wit: For a decree dissolving the mar riage relation now exuding between vou and the plaintiff, and for t-tich oilier and lurther or iliitcrent relief as may be quiuttile in the premises. This summons is published by order of the Hon. J. B. 1Vii, county judge of said county and state, made and en tered in this cuue on the 2nd day of December, 1902, The day of the first puhlination of this summons is December 5th, PJCti, and the last January 16th, 1903. GEORGE A. HALL, ' Attorney for Plaintiff. Iisysssssajaispt , I .i... . hi ii. . SUMMONS. fa the Circuit Court oi tn siaia tl Oreson. for the Cumnty of Columiua. J. B. Kce.'er. Plaintiff, vs. Mary E. Keei'er, Defendant, To Mary 1. Keeier, the above named Da teudaut: ' IS THE NAMK OF THE STATE OF ORB X rn; you are hereby notified and required u aiipear and answer the couipiniot filed against tore December 2ind, U, which will be after the expiration of six weeks from the date of the licit itubticatiun of this summon.; and if you fa 1 to so appear ad answer ou ur before said 2ind day ot December, laoa the plalntlfT will apply to the Court for the relief demanded ia thucomplaint to wit: For a decree diasoivina the nuuriase relation now exUtiu be tween yon and the plaintiff, and for audi other and furtnar or didereut relief aa mav ba proper. ' This summons Is published by order of the Bon. Thomas a. McUride.Jndare of the above eutuled Co ik, mle al Cuambera on the 4th day of .November, laui The dayof toe n.-si publication of thia eura mou ia November 7th, 1U02. BOHKRT O. MORRQW. Attoruey for Plaintiff NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY a the undersigned administrator of the estate of Charles L. Melis, deceased. ini.iie use iiieu in me otnee ot the County Court of Columbia County, Ora. egon, bis tiual Hivotint of his adminis tntion upon said estate, together with his final report and petition for final sets tlement, sml that the Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge of said Court, has appointed Fri day, the 9th day of January, 1S03, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day as the time, and the courtroom of said Court at the Court House in St. Helens, Oregon, as the pla of hearing said ac count and report and of settlUg the ad ministration of said estate, at which, time and place any person interested may appear and file objections in writ ing to said account or report, or any portion thereof. ... A, R. MELIS, Administrator of the Estate ol Charles L. Melts, deceased. V. H. Powell, Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE fOR PUBLICATION. H. Morgns has received a stock o the finest loggers Bhoes ever brought to the city. They are of the celebrated A. A Cutter make, manufactured at Eau Claire, Wis., aud are going like hot cakes on a cold morning. They are most substantially made of the heat material, nd aaie so constructed as to be easy on the feet, and pprfeut-tiiting Department of the fnteriot laud Office at Orenon City, Oreend. November 14, 1D02. YTICE IS HEREBY G1VK.N THAT TUB foiloyrtnt-aamed settler has filed noHe of his internum fo milke fi,nat proif in 'support of his clsiui. and that M proof will be mails be' foie the County Cleik of Columbia County at St. Helen. econ. on Deremer 29, lsej. via- I.EWH ft. FITZUEKALD. H. B. No. IS, 77f-.r the soli of section IS. Isls . - - ..n uauim (tie I01IOW1IIK WllneslttS I prove his continuous resilience noon mil i.i: vuliuu of said laud, vis: E. ."bilier, of Yiriio- uia, ureKon; t aarlea eickrnan. of Xeasavi Tra aon; Ueorste W. Auamsand Alosuo Kmniona.' at ernotia. reson. 2ld2 CHARLES p. M00RE8, Regtstar. ESTARMSHbD 1ST3 JOHN A. BECK taALfta tK Wife Diamonds, Si?TOr& ...JEWEUY..,, Repairing a Specialty. Morrison St. Be. Frout ik First, JPQftT LAN SJk We are still furnishina? the Weekle Oregonian and Mist together for a yeaa only 2.00. Sutiscribe now. Greatest Clubbinsj Combin a H-t!011: TWO WEEKLY PAPERS For, THE OF O.NE GREATEST BARGAIN US GOtiD BEADING Bv a special arrangement we are able to furn iah T- and THE WEEKLY ' ' bing price for both The P' w ei pi f "sDa, dillVKlHii.TCU.. CHICACS.