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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1902)
Eruptions Dry, rfioist, Bcaly tetter, all forms of eciema or salt rheum, pimples and other cutaneous eruptions pro ceed from humors, either inherited, or acquired through defective di gestion and nssimilntion To treat these eruptions with drying medicines is dangerous, The thing to do is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Which thoroughlycleanse the blood, expelling all humors and building up the whole- system, They cure, Hood Sersaparllla permanently cored 1. 0. , Hlnes, Franks, Itl.,of easemn, from which bo hod suffered nmt time; and Mia Alvina Wol- tor. In 112, Algonn. Wis., ol pimple on her face and back and ehntea etiu on hot body, by which she had been greatly troubled. There are mora tretlmonlsls In favor ol Hood a than can b published. Crush. "There was a crush at the wedding, I suppose." "Crush Whv. the ushers had to form a flying wedge in order to get the bridal party up to the altar." Life, Piso'e Cure is the best medicine- we ever need for nit .flection, of the throat and lungs. w m. O. Ekmlsy, V nbureii, lud. Feb. 10, 1'JOU. Aa Indigestible Mia. Kitty But he is such an indigestible msn. Jane Indigestible? . Kitty Yes; he always disagrees with me. Detroit Free Kress. TITC Tmmm Hi DM, He trta or uwe llv eflerlirati (s?-taeorir. Kliae-sGraat Nerve lW, SB4forrBBiiv4.MtrulbctUBdtrea. lee. oa.skM.asjsa.Meu.ssi area owrauaoai Their Wives. ' How many men owe their success in life to their wives." Yes. And how many more men owe their wives to their success in life." Life. urmgoi moo a pmmmmm is rightly named, because it purities the blood ana tones op tbe txxiy. Sprint, Medicine. "I see the doctor is sending bills to all his patients. "Yes; I suppose he thinks at this season of the vear they all need bitter pills." Philadelphia Bulletin. Aak Tear Dealer Tor Allea'e Foot-Kate, A powder. It Curve 8wotlen, Rnre, Hot, Canons, AcnlQe.8wetlng Feet and IiierowlnfNatla. Makea sew or llant eliaes may. At all OrtuurlsM and Shoe stores, IS cents. Acrrpt Jio BnlMtiiute. Sample Ne Vacant Let for Her. He Darling, I love yon. w ill you not make me hsppy by sharing my humble lot with me? bhe la there a nice little house on the lot, Henry? Boston Herald. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing 8yrup the beat remedy to use tor their children during the teething period. Between Friends. Enpeck I understand your wife ill. Meeker Yes; she hasn't spoken a word for three dayi. Enpeck Good! You always w a lucky dog. Chicago News. If you want to try a sample of the finest spices you ever used send us 5 cents in stamps with the name of your grocer and mention this paper, and we will rend you a 10 cent tin of Monopole White pepper or cayenne or ginger or other variety you may select as a sam ple. We know it is only necesrary to get you to try them to make you a be liever in Monopole. Address Nad hams & Kerr Bros., Portland, Ore. Proof Conclusive. Bobbie Grandma, kin I pull out one of your white hairs? "Yes, dear." Bobbie (gleefully) There, giree! The Bible does lie. There amt no number on this one. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Till Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Cause and Effect "John," she said to her hnsband, who was grumbling over his breakfast, "your love has grown cold." . "No, it hasn't!" he snapped, "but my breakfast has." "That's just it. If your love hadn't grown cold, you wouldn't notice that your breakfast had." Philadelphia Press. Too This. Church Music Committee I thought you Baid you were a fine bass? You can't be heard ten seats from the or gan. Bass Well, isn't that a fine voice? Boston Herald. Hamlin's W'uiard Oil is an old remedy, and like an old friend may be depended on. it cures pain. Wouldn't Squander It Mr. Hardflste If I give you this penny, my man, will you squander it for drink? ion. Weary Walker No, sir; I'll use it to git a new autymobile my old one's wearin' out. f a. a e r- uousenuiu iLvnvmy. It la a false economy to buy groceries which are cheap at the exene of quality. You can't afford to tamper with your health. For that re aeon you ought to buy MONOPOLE OROCERIES The purest to be hed and very reasonable In price. AH first class grocers handle them. WADHAMS KERR BROS., Packers. Portland. rCkih f in tin. itr ALL USE rup. Tautt Good. rV)io py oniggiw. GOOD Srt Storie$ z Gladstone once said of himself: "My mind Is like a market gardener's bsud cart, full every morning of fresh fruit and vegetables. Those undisposed at night I empty out and start with fresh atock next day." At a dinner la New York Andrew Carnegie said: "I sometimes think this would be an appropriate epitaph to be placed upon my tomb: 'Here lies a man who knew how to get around him much cleverer men than himself.' " Not long ago, two enthusiastic an' elttre imnffMl a fluMno mnfi-h ta flu. tne respective merits of the worm and the minnow as bait. For hours they aat patiently on a bank without get ting ao much as a nibble. At last the proprietor of the worm suddenly said that he had got a bite, and, Jerking hla line out of the water, discovered at the end of It the other man's minnow, which, having by this time grown hun gry, bad devoured hla worm. The other day, wbeu the Jury In murder trial lu the Louisville courts hsd retired to their room, the foreman said: "Gentlemen, this is a serious esse we have to decide. A man's life may be forfeited by our decision. How niauy Christiana are among T Nine men raised their bauds. Will one of you pray?" asked the foreman. One of the oldest Jurors said he would do bis best. All knelt, and a most earnest aud im pressive prayer was offered. Balloting waa then beaun. Several Jurors were In favor of a life sentence, end others for terms ss short aa eight years. The Jury finally agreed on eighteen years. One day last aututnu Bennet Bur leigh, the noted Kimllsh speclsl war correspondent, wss encountered a few miles outside Pretoria by the volcauic rhetorician, General Tucker, "w bat the are you doing out here with that thlug?" asked the ueu eaL Dolntlna to a kodak which was slung round bis shoulders. "'Well, sir,' nromntlv renlied Mr. Burleigh. "I wss Intending to take some photographs but had I known that I was to have the pleasure of meeting you I should have brought out a phonograph." At this audacity, it la said that eveu General Tnckera atock of sulphurous adjectives ran low. It la related that the only man who ever got even with Cecil Rhodes In the matter of personalities was a little Ger man clerk In the govern in en t office at Joh&nnenbure. Bhodes on this oeea slon bad to stand in line, and he dldn' like It He bad not been used to stand ing in line In South Africa or anywhere else. "Please attend to me at once. he said, "I can't wait." "When your turn romea. mister. rautnwea me clerk. "Confound you, sir; don't yon know who I am? I'm Rhodes." "Oh, ven. I knew that: but that doesn't wor n me." waa the unruffled reply. it you were In Cape Town, I d have you rllar-hareed in a minute." roRred the Premier. "Yes, I bsve heard that they dlschsrge people In Cape Town for do ing- their duty." answered the cieris but we ain't In Cape Town. 1 nis is a republic." A Sketching Party "I can't entertain on the lawn yet for several weeks to come." said a young woman who likes to gather her friends for a Jolly time, "and since we must amuse ourselves Indoors. I've planned a sketching party that I think will be inaf rlAllirlitrul.' Perilous It s au old Idea, but at any rate I never heard of It "I'll seat my friends in rows, nnd give Mich nemon a Denc-ll and a block oi paper. Then each will be told to draw the face, in prolile, of the person at his or her right. "The sketches will not be meant as caricatures, you understand, but tney must be as natural and true to life as the artists can make them. A great many people can't draw at all, you say? Ah, but that'll be all the more fun! Fancy me 1 can't make a crooked line. much less a stralirbt one trying to sketch one side of my next neighbor's fierce mustache, and all the time re flecting that my next neighbor at the left is trying to do Justiee to my snub nose! Oh, It'll be Interesting every minute! 'Perhaps It would be well to make a rule that no one shall look at a" neigh- bor's sketch until all are completed, and possibly we ought to allow Just so much time to finish the drawings. The prizes for the best and the worst like nesses will be pictures, I guess. "Card parties and dancing parties are so common that they're atupld, and be sides, many people object to them alto gether. But there can't be anything ob jectionable about my sketching bee, and I'm sure that It will not be dull!" What to Wear In Berlin. Germany la perhaps the last country where one would look for a Count d'Orsay, but one has apparently arisen, saya the London Mall. An enterprising member of the "up per circles," with an eye to commercial ism, not long ago took very tastefully furnished offices In the west end of Berlin, where he glvee advice as to correct" and fashionable dress for the male sex. ''..' Hla name Is not divulged, but bis suc cess In offering "advice to men regard ing dress and toilet" baa proved very successful, aa mauy of his clients de clare they have not sufficient time to give to such matters, and are willing to accept Instruction as to the latest fash His success hss Induced sereral la dles of position to start similar consult ing rooms for fashionable ladles. In these cases, too, no names are given. the business being done by recommen dation; To such an extent has competition grown here that many tailors are ready to attire good-looking men In the latest fashions gratis In condition that they recommend them clients. There are also tailors and costumers who dress people for a fixed sum annually, renew ing bis clothes on certain dates end tak ing back the old ones. . Short-Sighted German rUodeute. No fewer than 01 per cent of Ger man students are short-sighted, states Prof. Colin of Breslau. la Orssl Luck. , 'You've lynched the wrong man," cried the sheriff. - . nVell," replied Alkali Ike thought fully, "it's a great piece of luck that we didn't find it out in Una to spoil the fun." , Very Unwelcome. Sandy Pikes You don't look very pleasant, pard. Did yer get a hand-out at do last house? Billy Coalgate Yes, but de hand tint cum was in de shape of a closed flat. Chicago Post. . There ere Different Kinds, Newwed Are you fond Mrs. sports? of . Mrs. Coyne I love one. Mrs. Newwed Foothall? Mrs. Coyne No; niy husband. Boston Herald. Explained. "It seems to me." said the young housewife, "there a entirely too much water in the milk you serve." ' "It won't occur again, aia am," said the foxy milkman. "You see, the farmer's man has been giving the rows too much salt and it makes 'em very thirsty. The farmer's got a new man now." Philadelphia Press. Always Consistent Bhe When are you going to give me the money to buy that new dress? lie Next week. "That's what von said last week." "Yes, and that's what I say now and am going to my next week. I aint the kind of a man to say one thing one wk and another thing next week." Tit-Hits. ' A Woman's Complexion, In the spring, when the young nun's fancy b Hghtly turning to thoualits of love, the young lady of fashion is spending her Spare tiiua ever her complexion, for tht inter axmlh of close stined rooms, lata hours and the long round of dtaipation demanded by eoclety begin to tell strongly on the bloom of the feminine cheek and a thorough treatment mutt be given to tons up tha system and bring back the freshness before summer arrive. The first thing is to look well after the diet anal see that it bt wholesome end varied, snd sukeit quantity to keep up the strength. Some s!ttns in the spring of the year are subject to disliguriog eruptions and the most approved mes getting rid of this trouble is to take Vogeler'e Curative Compound, which purifies, cools sad cleanses Ihs blood from all impurities, and removes every trace oi skin eruptions. Beware of any and all external face and skia remedies, such as lotioas, powders, soaps etc., many of which are absolutely dangerous, from the fact that they contain powerful chemicals, which have been known to mark and otherwise disfigure the lace for life. Vogelsr's Curative Compound is made woolly from purely vegetable ingredients, from the formula of one of Londoa's most noted living physi. cunt, snd has no equal for beaotif ying the complexion, because it purines end cleanses the blood and makes pars rich red blood. It also tunes up the system. gives sa appetite, ensures sweet and peaceful sleep invigorates and strengthens the entire nervous oreani- satioe. It nukes people well. A free sample bottle will be sent free by applying u St- Jacobs Oil, Ltd. , Baltimore, Md, A Sleepy Job. Friend What are you going to do with the alarm clock? Salesman Taking it down for our store. Friend Out of order, eh? Salesman Not at all. I just get it to eo off at the closing hour. Our store don't advertise, you know. Philadel phia Press. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Uttle Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature) peVZ, See Facsimile Wrapper Beeew. Vesry email am. m saws- MLtakaaas FOIIUOAtnl. FOIDIHINESSe nn ftiuousiEtia FOI TORPID LIVER. ' roa CONSTIPATIOI. roatmowsMM. FOB THE COM FLUID! eevetasfafcgl CURE SICK HEADACHE. Cot a Good Start He I was once one of the Judges at baby show. She Heavens! How did you es cape? . He We handed in a sealed verdict. Puck. Lost Hair " My hair came out by the hand ful, and the gray bairs begsn to creep ia. I tried Ayer'a Hsir Vigor, and it atopped the balr from com ing out and restored the color." Mrs. M. O. Grsy, No. Salem, Mass. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara tion, . settle. All erafdsU. If Tour drnrrlet cannot enmi vou. send ae one dollar and we will espreaa yon a bottie, Be euro and give the name of your nearest express oi ziirese office. Address, J. CAY Eft CO., Lowell, Maes. toRTEKS MR, DOOLEY QN'REAPINfr. Be relate Out a Popular Mlaappre. . heneion. Readlo', ma fri'nd, ia talked about be au readln' people aa though It waa ta' on'y thing that makes a wan oetther thlu hla neighbors. But to' truth la that remilu' la lb' lies' thing thla Side IT gola' to bed fr restln' th' mind. With uios' people It takes th place lv wurruk. A man doesn't tbluk whin he 'a readtu', or If he haa to, th' book la no fun. Did ye Iver hare something to do that ye ought to do, but didn't want to, an' while ye waa wl.ulu' ye waa dead, did ye happen to pick up a newspaper? Ye know what occurred. Ye didn't Jus' skltu through th' spoortlu' InUUyglnce an' th' crime newa. Whin ye got through with thtni, y read th' other quarther lv th' pa per. Ye read about people ye ulver heerd !, au' happenlu'a ye dldu't uudherstand th' fashion uotes, th' theatrical gossip, th' a'clety newa fr'm Peoria, th' quotations ou oata, th' curb market, th' real-eatate transfers, th' mart-edge licensee, th' death notices, th' want ads., th' dbry goods bargains, au' even th' Idltoryala. Thin ye r-read thlm over again with a faint Idee ye'd read thlm befure. Thin ye yawned, atudled th design lv th' carpet, an' settled down to wurruk. Waa ye excrclsln' ye-er Joynt Intelleck while ye waa readln'? No more thin if ye 'd been whlstlln' or wrltlu' ye-er name on a pa-aper. If auny wan else but me come along they might aay: "What a mind Hla- i ...-. . n.. tMiiltn' " tiienjr una ate e eiivjw . . But I w'u'd kick th' book or paaper out lv ye-er hand, au' grab ye be th" collar, an' try, "Up. Hlnnlssy, an' to wurrukl" fr I'd know ye were loaflu'. Believe me. Illunlssy, readln' la not tblnkln'. It seems like It, an' whin It comes out In talk sometimes. It sounds like It It's a kind lv nearthougbt that looks gluooyne to th' thoughtless, hut ye can't get annythlng on It Manny a man I've knowed baa ao doped him- stir with books that he'd stumble over a carpet-tack. Century. SERVANT PROBLEM IN LONDON. Man Betas Imported to Take the Place of Women Itosneetlce, , Of late Loudon baa despaired of solv ing the "servsnt girl problem," and haa set about Importing men to take the places of women In bouaework. They are bringing them across the channel by the ahipload, and the aervant girl la rapidly disappearing, from the London household. They call these male servants "gen erals." and there Is no part of house work that they cannot do, from press ing my lord's trousers to combing my lady's hair. These "generala" get wages ranging from S50 to $300 a year. They are civil, clean and neat, and are ac customed to long hours. This fresh field of labor especially appeals to the young man of continen tal Kurope, as It glres blm a chance to en-ape from army conscription. So fsr these men have proved themselves es pecially adapted for domestic work. The experience of the different nation alities Is Interesting. . Germsns have been found the best. They generally speak two languages, sometimes three. nnd make excellent bouseservsnts. Ger many and France supply most of the demand. Italians and Swiss come next lu numbers and qualities, but for good, rough, all-around work the people who take the lead are the Egyptlana. Fori these people there Is a growing de mand, and the desceudanta of the 'haraohs are wrestling the pots and pins In many an English kitchen to the mutual satisfaction of employer and employed. Although the wagea of a male "gen- em!" In tandon run from ISO to $300 year, the average pay la $70 a year for one who Is not a cook aud $130 a year for one who la. HIGHER PAY FOR CLERGY. A Comparison Between American and Koalish Component lone. When the new Episcopal palace of the diocese of New York is raiaed upon Cathedral Heights a fund will prob- bly be provided whose Income will be used to supplement the salary of the bishop. He now receivea $12,500 a year. An endowment of slightly more than $30,000, of which a considerable portion la already raised, wilt yield the aame Income, making a total of $23,000. From the most Important Episco palian diocese In America Bishop Pot ter draws bat one-fourtb of the pay of the bishop in London. The archbishop of York also receivea $50,000 a year, while the English primate baa $75,- 000, which maintains no Inconsiderable state In Canterbury, a "city" little larger than a village. Even In this country there are many wealthy par ishes whose ministers receive aa high pay or higher than that of the bishop of the metropolitan diocese. It's an old story that the salary of the average clergyman the man In the ranks ia still miserably low, especially In the country. A prosperous congre gation ministered to In constant anxiety by a cultured man whose life one long struggle with poverty It hardly a spectacle to Inspire either pride or piety. "The laborer Is worthy of his hire," and be should receive It- New York World. tttatne of the Late Austrian Empress. A bronze statue of a woman carrying parasol It rather unusual among works of art, but such baa recently been unveiled to the late Empress of Austria. It is situated In a smsll na tional park In Hungary, in which the late Empress wss fond of hunting and tiding. At Phillip Brooks' Honse, Tbe Phillips Brooks house, at Cam bridge. Mass., now haa S00 contribu tors, representing not only tbs United States, but England, France, Turkey, Japan, China and South America. . Diameter ef Jupiter. The diameter of Jupiter, according to Professor T. J. J. See's new deter mination. Is 88.203 miles; that of Mars 4,155 miles, and that of Mercury 2,057 miles. If you should have occasion to scream for help, could you make yourself henrd any considerable distance? The writer of this had a ulghtmnre recently, snd dreamed that he wus being robbed. He screamed for help, and a boy keep ing In the next room did not h-wr him. Our Worlds A?., life to tha most favored la we always full of eunshws, out su American gtrl or woman who la obliged work ilt her living, and, perhaps to help others at noma, We la itsa heavy drag la oonsetiueBoe of u.:.. ohA work, especially thong who are constantly oa their fast, arj peculiarly liable w u". "VYJ""" it organte troubles, and should pa tloularly heed the first manifestations, ueh aa baokashs, pains la the lower limbs and lower pars oi an. ..-. irregular and patuiui uiuumij r-"""-- Vise Kixa ftasMNia, E. Rocinrrna, Oman, fhintneas, weakness, loss of appetite nnd sleep. The young lady whose portrait we publish oerewiiQ nan an wee rr Lme and in addition leucorrhoea. snd waa cured by Lydla E. Ptnkham'e Vegetable lomiwuna. sires, ne wrote a letter to Mrs. Pinkham'a lab oratory at Lynn, Mass., describing her trauma, reeeiveo in repiy s m trueUons what to do to get well, and now wishes her name used to eoavinee others that they may be eured aa aha The aame hotplng hand, free of charge or obligation, ia extended, to every ailing woman in America, If you are el ok yon are foolish not to gel this valuable advice, it coats yon noth ing, and she is sure to help yon. Don t Wait until It IS too isw writs soanv. Dsn In Harmony. "How's your mume school pronpei in, lioomitt?" "First rate. I've just Introduced a novelty that ought to take." "What's that?" "A class in harmony for married Iopk." Philadelphia Bulletin. Looked Reasonable. "Of course yon Itave your furniture insured?" "No; I don't see the use of It." "Your flat Is firepnwif, eh?" "S'eenis to be. Thertj'i never the liillitest suspicion of heat in it.' Philadelphia Press. Aa Honored Name. "Romeinlier," said the iinprewive person, "that votir ancestors have loll yon an honorable mi inc." "Well," answered the titled youth, ruefully, "it is all right one visiting cant, but it inn t much at a bank." tVsHhington Htar. PRINTERS I have enough good tyje for small newspaper and job plant. No machinery. Will sell cheap for cash or trade for Portlund real estate. Addreits P. O. BOX 418, Portland, Ofm Summcr Resolution Hoeloy Cure Sure relief from tl'itmr, opium and loberoo hebits. Hendfur parttriilars to Kesley Institute Moved tn 4SO Williams Ave., i'o.tiand, Oregon w9 - ' m USriT! Getting On. A gentleman met recently a Harvard graduate of lust June. "How goee it, Harry?" said he. "0,, tilings are booming," replied the young man, cheerfully. "I don't get any pay yet, but I'm probably the beat oiler of ma chinery in New Knglund." Boston Christian Register. ITCH IS TORTURE. Menemi is caused h an ne!,l lit... I the blood coming in contact with the jam ana producing great redness and in. BammaUoa ; little pustular eruptions form and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which ones and scales off j sometimes the skin is v sou nssureo. uczctna a My form ui n tormenting, stubborn disease snd the Itching and burning at times ui slmoft nnbearable; the acid burnine humor eevme tn ... .. . 5 uu Kl lae skin on nre. Salves, washes nor other exter al sppllcations do sny nal good, ft longas tbe pouon remains in the blood it will keep the skin irritated. BAD FORM OF TCTTCt. - rot tnree years I had Tetter on my bands, which caused them to awell to twice their natural sise. Part of the time the discern wee ia the form of ran nvaf sores, eery paln ni, and causfnir me inch discomfort. Poor doctors mid the Tetter la be cured, end they k; V could nothing for It. " I Inok oaiy Three J bottles of a. a. a. sad f was completely cured. I J This wee fifteen years V-er., .... j" K, and I have never li''UxtT . ."f" of my old trouble "w.a t, . Jacaeoir, ,4,4 Mcoi St?, XmVciTvJ. .J!t S' nutrHes this scid poison tools the bloodand restores it to a health natural state, and tha .kin become. a, enrsji Tetter, Bry. sipelaa, PaoriaaU Salt lieum and all ,kw diseases due to a poi. blood Send fW .72 about your case. Our physician. h.JrJ mad. these d.sease. a llfeVudy, and Jin aeln vou bv thai- .,l.. ' n1- AUwrre conducted in strictest conSH.JUT B- vm wr specific co, aruNTa, u. UenrHol... Aaplls-ce. at -sad M Prevent Op.ratle.fc Good surgeon, are of .en , men of re. inwanultv. ami mere 9 AJlu lUPrV as. record of impurtatit and wbolljr esse, ou rwvv.- - ' . , aatisfstwry uiw oeor-..-.-rude appliances. A writer who waa with ti e Briilsh army In th. gives, 1 a New York paper, this lUue tVatlonofacleveratlaptatlunofniean. to a dclntl end: After th. Battle of Omdtirmsn wf brought back toAbadleb 121 woundaj ofllcers and men. Of this nu nil r were twenly-ou. cast of which an ac curate diagnosis could not bs ade P ordinary surgical mcaus. By the help of th. Roentgen raya. however, w. found th. bullet ' proved Its absence In twenty out of the., twen-ty-on. cases, the reuialnlni cast be ug to 111 with a severe wound In the lung that it was not considered Justifiable to eiamlue Win at the tliue. Of course we bad no steam euglnt to generate eiectrtclljr for us. and the dee ert beat hsd dissolved our speclslljr pre pared candles Into their constituents. Necessity, however, Is the mother of Invention, and we hsd recourse to a unique method. Tbe pulley of a small dynamo was connecietl by mesne of a leather strap with Hit rear wheel of a Undent bicycle. Having carefully ad justed tbe circuit with the storage bat tery, and also with lbs voltmeter and ammeter, a warrant ofUcer took bis po titlon on tho sest of tbe bicycle and commenced pedaling. When fifteen volts and fourteen amperes were reg istered, tbe twitch close to tbe handle of the bicycle was opened and tbt charging of tht battery begun. Aa the resistance became greater a sensation as of riding up bill waa ei porlenced by the man on tbt seat, and the services of an additional orderly were requisitioned for the front teat of tbe tandem. ' As this bicycle preettre ws. generally Indulged In In a temperature of 110 de greet In tht shade, ths orderlies wart not sorry when, at tht end of a half hour, the twitch was turned off aud tbe machine brought to a standstill, flijh Art Mist Oush Isn't her romplesiun lovely? It', like a beautifully tilitml china cup I saw Miss Host mte tee; it certainly is a beautifully painted mug. Philadel-. phia ftecord. othtr Polat sf View. I Miss Elderly Never In all my life have I lost my self pnasession. . Miss Hvpp But if some msn nsu askt-d for it doubtless It would hsva been different. Curious te Knew. The Bachelor Why. I've just reached niy prime. She What di-Iayed you? Mmart Pet. -Mill'! BUOQIES. Uitm rwitar ai.iiafW.trsn ih wyUtlof nn ihn market l ftiiVlMli l' lit Itrltw. bsw cmttf th-jr ant ttnuim irf tna ttitittif in), to t at ml (,rts,,n rtwwU" iwt retrntsft on tMkllMl, brstHi nn att.ft. hfstVf tertHHl- RrMWIlt arrw rtm, lr Vmi w.nt ftmlmtr tttui eirtt mr fwtiinf ymt motv ry wnrth. wk f m H$m UnH or ft Mlh hllrf iirlutr) Utttwr. WflatW aVilf tlinm, MHohmtl, Uwlm Btmvmm Oa. Meatus, Spokane, llotse. fonlaod, Or. BTRONOKK AK0 HKTTER THAN COSIMON IlAl.IXX'K't OR ASf OTUKB HliRkV BOX NUW PATCNT FOLDINO BERRY BOX. KoHispk-s. No Tack. iim llhe a imfsir bos, raly tot Use. SAMPLE BOX FRHH. toe rreisa Seaieeim assises. Mali. Me ffTm0 ts-Sete Has. J. Iiiiwen, toa.t,, For 7i YtM McCormlck for barvating the I ' The McGirmick ( O. K. ) Line of Headers, Mowsn, Bindsrs, F.ka a Kssper. b described hi the FINEST CATALOGUE EVER PRINTED, Send for one FREE to A. a BOYLAN, General Ag-ent, Wf t.e. it . im o-if.-J Or. a ArnuM HOSPITAUECRETS, NurilSiyiiPi-ru-ni I. Tonic of Efficiency." 1 W.SlU I MRH. KATK TAYI.0K. Mri. Kata Taylor, a graduste4 nurse) of promlrteiKt, gives ber t. perls net with Ptruna In sn opts letter. Her position In society tni proftaalonal standing combine to give special prominence to her utterances. CHICAOO, M.U., W Monroe R. "A. far aa ( have observed Permit Is the fluent tonic any man or woman mn use who It weak from Dm .iter fTe ta of any serious illness. "1 have aeon It used In a nnmW ol convalescent east., and have mvB eral other Ionics used, hut I (imiij that (how who used I'eruns had Wie quirk, est relief." Paruna aeema ta restore vitality, Increase bodily vigor and renew health and strength In a wonderfully short tlmn."-.-MRS. KATK TAYLOR. In view of the great multitude ol women suffering fmin some loitn ol fe male disease) and yet unable to Ami any cure, Dr. Ilsrtman, the renowned spn. rlaliet on female catarrhal dlMNiaee, IU announced his wllliiigttesa to direct the tM.lniKtll ..f M . H.MtlW " . n.L. - - mm iiiase application to him during the summer mouths, without charge. Addrea. Tim I'crtina Medlclna Co., Columhns, Dhle. Ttvstr Om fault Fond Mother There, my soul, I have spent all t!i morning making yu Mime cook ice like Aunt Mary's. Yes like hers so much. What is the nmt. lerf PlasppnltileKl Boys You never cut 'em out with a pail cover! She Didn't Mess It i Clara 1 had an a fill time n lien I refused him. - Maud How do you mean? t lars by, he ttiok it in earnest, and I had to eiplaitt Hist I dhlu'l mean it. SCHOOLS m COLLEGES, OKhUtlti. Hmri.AKO. SL Helen's School for Girls. Thin third year, eammudlonslwld. In.s. Mwtera eiipaieni. Sralrnns od rYJlieee nrenarafory i-oiifves. Sw elal cniirMS la asw and art. Hlua tralexl eatalxwu. All dearlH-IS Kill reopen Sei-teatb IS. sfimt si.sasioa Ti.Bsrrrx, i-iinriM) i d list e s,i'in .miJs. 170 4 Ifasaia twtftml iW ary amaf mammmi Trmtmhtm tWr rW MfsstWesWawf OaVarwmm) ""P.f.'f"' E ssTsc-ltts. KM Wrlttew teiejdeevtleers aleaae en M Sstlt , LAMBHRSON, TORTLAND. OR. a CURE Yottr MOUSE of HEAVES COU(i4 Hstemper or Hlnk Hye with Pnt Wssvi .VU,rT fown.a. They Alt a tttAT ILtet rtilintl AS COrlDITlOrlti. a .are care lot all atlwenls from srUkb ariM. suns as unssta Ikave mi seat SvwaMaa Hmvs rmkn ua hj eleM smhiMm ss. Is urn MSM.ka.s eamil hmmiml bela IMiMM,ul.gll'liUUm aave .uses sew riiii lasamertLs. . TsMaaf saaaiiga Sswsra. Seef M furlUofl, Ore., ! sVallls, Wasfc. hat manufacturtd machioa crop of the worli. Harvester jOm, rortin -' - w s a- . ea j.' s a ar r.