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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1902)
f I I LOCAL, ANU PEHHONAIj. Hhort CUranloInt of ! lJolngs of l,ot of Iy Ppl. j, J, Bstiser, ut Mist, .pat in town Wednesday. . Frsnk Meekar was Portland visitor Wednawluy. Ohrli Richardson wal down Irotn kit island farm Tuesday. Frssli fruit mid vKtiible at Collins Uray's Bt. lleUms. Bert West mid wife, of Scajipoose, wore In town Monuay. J Billon Ualttoua was up from Der Island Mouusy morning, Andrew Elliot and F. J. Peterson, of of Natal, to town .ussasy. Floyd Pussy was down from Warren Monday on a "buaiwet mission, B. A. McCall, formorly of Houlton, apandlng a few dayt In town. Mr i. J. H. Pecker and daughter, Maude, ware In Portland Monday. Superintendent ConoJand la visiting schools in ioiiuioiii vmroj iuh weo. Mm. R. Cox and Mr. 1). J. tiwiUer were shopping In Portland Tuesday. I. T. Wilson, of the Toxaa aettleraent, on nt Fork, wa in town Thursday. Mr. J. Tompkins, of Warren, waa In town Monday en route for Oregon City. II. 0. Howard, of Rainlor, waa in town Monday attending to buaineai matters. Circuit and county court both being In session this week brought runny people to town. - . . E. Beffurt and 0. L. Smith, of Deer Inland, were visitor! in this city Thurs day uiorutng. Mr. A. A. Hmlth and daughter, of Milton creek, wera paaaenger for Port laud Monday. Rev. Mr. Rreck will bold aervice In the Episcopal church in thii city next Hunday evening. County Surveyor Watt waa down from (k'appoow Wednvaday, looking after oUIcml matters. First-class good at reasonable price i an invariable combination at Collin Uray'e 8t. Helena, Or. Martin Both and 8. Kistner, the op posing candidate for representative were in 8t. Ueiena Tuesday. Rev. C. E. Fbilbrook will preach at Yankton in the morning and at Houlton in the evening next Sunday. Up to the time of going to pre Thurs day afternoon, thorn had not been a jury secured to try the Bclieivo case. Merchant II. M. Fowler, of Ooble, was in town Monday, interviewing the county court on business mattera. D. W. Freeman, of Fiauhawk, waa in town Jaat Friday tor a, few minute. He was on his way borne from Portland. A grand ball will Uk place la Red Men's hall at Ooble tomorrow (Saturday hikM, to which the public la moat cor dially invited. Mr. II. Alien accompanied her hua Iwnd to thl city thl week, where he I vngnirMl in the dlschargo of bis duties of district attorney. j Mrs. Jones will give a recital In Port land thia (Friday) evening at Calvary Presbyterian church. Keveral of our local people are to take part. Chss. Ix)vegreen, an engineer over on the Uoble & Nuhalem railroad, had his sholder thrown out of place while help ing to move a barrel of water, Thurs day moruing. Kalama Bulletin. T. A. Clonlntter came down from Sesppooee Tuesday on a brief business on the way down, his young. . frisky mission. iom im'v wim ihik" K horse almost got the bettor of Mm. Attorney Fischer, of Rainier, waa In the couuty aeat Tuesday. Mr. Fist her tine located permanently in Rainier and solicits businees in his line. Ilia pro fessional card will be found in this paper. The political meeting to be held her on the 20lb bv Mr. Furnish will be the greatest political gathering ever held in this county. People ot all political belet's are very respectfully invited to be present. . ' Mis Willie Caplea, who has been a resident of Wisconsin for several year, will arrive bere in a few days to pay a visit to her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. 0. O. Caplvs, of Columbia City, and other relative. The Ice cream social given by the Rathbone Bister in this city Wednee lv evening waa great success. The Indies disposed of ten gallou tf cream, nd th ere waa demand for more. The net proceed for .the evening wa f 25.40. Mr. W. A. Wann, democratic nominee for superintendent of public instruction, was a caller at our sanctum Wednesday. Mr. Wana feela rather at home in this connty having wedded a Columbia county belle, Miss May West, of 8cap poose. He visited the city along with other democratic nominees. Tim Bcappoose and St. Helena base ball teams crossed hats again last Sun day on the diamond at the former place, and result were quite different from .those of the week before. The Bcap poose boys had their playing clothes on, and they put up a most interesting game, the score standing nine to ten in their favor. . . Last Saturday evening at Mnrger a basket social was given by and for the benelit of the school. There waa a most iunllnnenuB nroiirainme rendered, which all enjoyed, after which number of baHkots were aoia dj ," Ion nilti.'h mitt in wis realised. Borne articlea of equipment are to be purchased with ttie prooeeus. The Artisan of Houlton gave an Ice .cream ociHl In their hall Thursday jsvenintr. wliich attracted a very large number of people. The cream - was very, dolicioua, a fact tcstllled to by the way eight gallon of Ilia article dis apeared. There waa a general good time had and a considerable amount or cash waa taken in, which will ie useu for lodge purposes. Tu. T an. rt,1n tha Hathodiat PHI' trr liaa martA mnlA nhanireB In hi appointment and will hereafter preach in thl. lha flrat HllndaV In each innnlh In tha nvnnillll. lieV. L. E. Rookwoll, presiding eldor, will prcl in this city next Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Daoliua mill Kb at. Unininr next Sunday, hence he will be unable to fill his other- wise regular appointment. Tua..riin ha iniiin misunrior- standing among the election boards of the county conoorning the posting ol eleotlon notices in the several precincts. Formerly the aheriff wa obliged to post the notice, but under the new law the work devolves upon the election boards of each precinct. The notices are mail ed by the county clerk to different mem ber of the board, who are required to post the notice in conBpimioiia pluoM within their respective precinct. Chamberlain' Speech. Oeo. E. Ohainlinrtnl dldate for governor, spoke to an audi f,".08 f"lvry woH "Had the hall, In this city, Wednesday evening. A num ber of ladles attended and many Fur- man button indicated that those pres ent were not all democrats. After a few Introductory remarks, Mr. Chambnrlsln launched out on the set speech that he ha made throuuhout the campaign. All who reud the papers carefully, therefore, were fumilisr with what he was going to say bufore he ."PI; llX n ,re6 a"d easy style of duilverjPlhat Is catchy, and his nejfa- vuovy mi arKis-is-wuiiu' attitude iS CalcU atd tO ktltllvnnl. tin una mA leave his hearers Id good humor. Of course Mr. Chamberlain's onlv l,mi .. election lie In a campaign of benevolent BBimiiaiicin oi republicans. lie I any thing to be elected. Whila ha mnk strenuous efforts to uonvhice republicans umv iiium d no principle or politics involved in the campaign, he Is the nom inee of a democratic convention and all who vote for lilm must vote the rimnn. emtio ticket to do so. If elected gov vruur, biiu it iinnuia no necessary tor him to appoint a United States senator, he would send a man to congress who would support democratic principles. He Suva that he is for kMiiini tha nld flag floating wherever it has been planted by American valor, and yet he supported and voted for W. J. Brvan two voars aim on a platform that called for withdrawal of our troops from any and all the isl ands. He believes that tha eovernor of Ore gon should accept only the 11500 salary prescribed by the state constitution, and yet he ia offering to give ap an office that now pays him a salary of 4000 per annum for this salary of $1600. His plea 1 that he i a poor man ; and be ia for exchanging one honorable position for another and losing 2600 of salary a yr. ne riuiouie republican lor adopting measures formerly advocated by popu lists, and then tells his hearers that the democratic platform Issued at Port land over a weea alter the republican platform was Issued has adopted all the principle of the republican platfoim. He admits that Oregon ha been pros perous under republican state and national sil ministrations, and thst she is now on the verge of a great substan tial development which will place her foremoNt in the sisterhood of states, and then asks that the present order of thing be reversed to satisfy the ambi tion of a "good fullow." "My opponent Is a most estimable gentlemen," Buys Mr. Chamberlain : "about him as a citizen 1 have naught to say but what Is most kindly." that la to catch republi cs n vote. But, beadds: "He Intends to make such a campaign aa will de bauch the politics of Oregon and bring then to a standurd of degeneration only equaled by Hanna, Piatt, Quay and Croker." Hero is a bit of liryaniam which crops to the surface to win the allegiance) of the erstwhile followers of the oecipie oi tree stiver anu anti expansion. Yemeni a Plck-l'ps. a. i i . . :... . , . O. I . JBliara, OI rai,uurj, uiaue a business trip out to Portland and other points last weex. Supt. Copvland is visiting the schools between Houlton and Vernouia and in this vicinity thia week. Tha warm weather the past week, with gentle showers almost daily, is aundinir vewitstion forward with leaps and bounds. Eddie North, of Kist, passed through )..... kl ...wl m n h 1 . auv ftlA k0Ti?illff camps on the Lower Columbia, where be expect to work for a couple of month. John Adams, with Louis Siegert and Mr. Johns, ot 1'ebble creea, as neipers, drove out sixteen bead of sheep and three bead of eattle to the Portland maraeta mis weex. T U Mim mnA MAnm Varnnn anrt Tab ter, came In from Washington county the first of thia week and took out forty hoad of sheep, which A. L. Baker has been keeping for them the past two years. e. . n . : .1 1 - ..ii . l,h I a'i ,iaAn Uivu r?' It. I I IJ M LI auuivuv " " " . of shingles to Forest Orovo lost week. Till IS almost me lirsi oi me aeasun. By the way, Otto has another son and heir at his home since Hatorday last. Owing to the fact that Rev. Jonea haa to be at conference next week and over the following Sunday, the memorial ser- IUUII will wa Alt III" .i.mi.. j at 2:80 p. m. Let everybody make a . - . a . I 1 ... 1 UQIO OI V1IIS anu bivouu. .a Iim In laat WApk with A IWVivaiti . aiv " ' T ' .. ..,) aUa.ii tn a..ll hit vttrM to a WaUU AMU .1 ' w " our people, got stuck in the mud up re nine crves wy aim uu w help before he could proceed on hi jour ney. Our roads are not the very best. The special musio by members of Mra. consisted of a duet by (Sidney Malmsteu Hid Ural cponcer, asoio uy in ion opmi i i., I... v r Ma.iK TIiaha vnnliff singers all acquitted themselves well lor tiret puouo appewBuus. t ... v T Innaa flllnit hia annoint- 1..:.. u. aa. -7i-i - ... iin.. n.. a, Lraa.av laat Hnndav. He will be at Kist next Sunday at 11 a. m., will deliver the annual memorial sermon for the U. A. R., at the churt h at 2:110 p. ro., and will preach at the church at 8 p. ni. This will close up the conference year on thia circuit. Confer ference meets at Cauby, in Clackamas county, beginning on Thursday of next i- m.isi. ttim.lav. mi a. llturallv full at timber Ills wuwia a.w 'J , , cruisers and many of our people In this vicinity are getting ready to part with gome of their timber land to syndicate or other investors, but whether these buyers intend to develop or are simply buying lor specuiauu", know. If the former, this valley will i.bin immediate cap iiiw auui" i,;..Uaa ami makfl it an attractive litu iiiiii.'"'-ui ; . , i place for new comers, while, if the latter, ixe it it will be a still Uetter piuce nym to emigrate than it lias been during the past ton or fifteen year. Deer Island Note, j.. a .T Orairs was a visitor to I'll. " " " c Astoria this week. Mrs. Susy Gragg waa a Portland visitor this week. t rr nu,i ani fumllv have moved J , IX. Iiiaui. . on the English ranch. Mr W. S. Slaughter of St. Helens was Deer Island visitor Friday last. Mr. Henry Henderson of Mayger, wa . iw. inland visitor last Friday. m Miss Hanoi Butler of YoHmd ha been visiting the past week with Miss .. . .. aa..l.l., ftiaean;i-"vw' n B. English of Long BrVw?h:' vMted with Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. English Saturday and Bunday. Mr. Clms English loft lor Uaiiiornia the third of this month to visit with his only brother, D. B. English. . Will SolHwn has sold his place at Canaan, and will move back to 0U iornia sometime this summer. .... tha Wiwklv i-we are sun iuriiw"aH r nliiaii and Ui together for a year for only 2.W. Subscribe now. ,. Another Escape. Another sensasion was created In the county seat last Friday afternoon about 6 o'clock, when it was learned that a prisoner held here In the custody of the sheriff had taken a little walk. lie hud not been gone a great while, however, when his disappearance was discovered, and a hot pursuit waa made, but with out success until after the man waa well out of the state. The man's name is V . M. Krway, and he was arrested at Rainier last Thursday by Constable Fowler, on an information made last October by tha district attorney, charged with stealing cattle from S. M. Rice. The man Is a resident of Washington, and it was necessary to nnd him In this state before he could be taken. He went to Rainier laat Thursday, and the con stable nabbed him. He was brought to this city and placed In jail over night, but Friday forenoon he was let out to roam at will about town. He conducted himself very nicely until late in the afternoon, when he wa adddenly siczed by an unrelent ing desire to see home and loved ones, and he started forthwith to trratifV hia desire. Heputy Wood had charge of the man, and when the disappearance of rway waa discovered, pursuit wa immediately begun. Krway's home is at Ladue's landing, below Rainier, and Sheriff Hut tan Immediately started for that place. His judgment was correct, for he soon located Krway on the bank of the river, near bis scow. He called to his assist ance some of the citizens and after a brief search soon ran on to Krway in the bushes, but when the aheriff wa seen by Krway he fled through the brush and swamps and made trood his escape. The sheriff tried to bait him, Dut witnout enect. Later In the night Krway tent word In bv an BccnmnlioM that ha wmild anr- render if the son waa allowed to stay at nome. The boy waa alio implicated in the trouble. There waa no mean of taking the man out another state without requisi tion papers, so the compact was made and the sheriff returned here Sunday morning with his prisoner, who bas since eaten, slept and meditated in the narrow confines of the jail, just in the rear of the court-house, which the sher iff has concluded is a very good place for auch individuals. Large stock of latest novels direct from the publishers; 2&-cent novels at 10 cents, at the drug store. P. A. FRAKES' Among the breeder of Holetein-Fries-ian cattle in Oregon, Mr. P. A. F rakes, of Bcappoose, stands easily first, owning more thau one-half of all the pore-bred animals of this breed in the state. Cor a number of years he bas been gradu ally building up hia herd of black-and-whitea, exercising the most scrnpulons care in the selection and development of the different animals, and sparing no pains to bring them all to the highest point of excellence. To bead the herd, Mr. Fralces secured some year ago, an exceptionally well-bred bull from the well-known New York breeders, Henry Steven 4 Sons, Brookside herd, Lacona, producing stock. . The former haa an official record of 14 lbs. butter in 7 days at 2 years old, and 155 lbs. milk in one day, 1610 lbs. in 30 days at the same age. f-ne ia almost perievv id junu uu wu formation, and one of the handsomest cow that ever left Brookside. Princess aln.Kil.ld finrWlA la aiint.har fine vonnff cow. Bhe has an official record, at 8 veara old oi 10 ios., z.t oz. traitor iu i days, her milk for the week averaging S 9 per cent fat. We should be (ilad, if space permitted, to call attention to other of the older animals secured in this purchase. Some of these have been bred to the great bull, De Kol 2d's What Thin Folka Nend t. . nftwap nf Hlorpntiriff and assimilating food. For them Dr. King's New Life I'ills work wonders. They a - I ....... K, I n lha HltfAHtlVA O fVH II H . WHO BMU 1 1 . T " gently expel H poieonB from the sys tem, enriuii inw mwi, ..piv.w and make healthy flesh. Only 26oat the Ht. lieiona rnarmacy. Mo Lioas of Time. . T k.... mrAA r'hamhnrlain'B Clnlic. Choi' X lia.a d. . i v. v. "" ? era and Diarrhoea Remedy for years, and would rather be out of coffee and sugnr than it. I sold five bottles of it yesterday to thresher that could go no farther, ano iney ere hi, wura. Kiu I..- I.I n Vholna Plymouth. Ok- I11UIIIIUK,. Ui - ..v.-, - -. , - lahoma. As will be seen by the above the threshers were aoie 10 aeep un iw their work without a single day's time. You should keep a bottle of this Remedy in your home. For sale at the St. Hel ena Pharmacy. Won't Follow Advice After raying for It. In a recent article a prominent phya ioian says, "It is next to impossible for the physician to get hia patients to carry out anv prescribed course of hygiene or diet to' the smallest extent; lie has but one resort left, namely, the drug treat ment." When medicines are used for chronic constipation, the most mild and ftntle obtainable, such asChauiberlRiii's tomach and Lirer Tablets, should be employed. Their use is not followed by Ik., luana tha IviWJMH in a natural and healthy condition, l'or rale at the St. tieiens rnarmacy. lleveals a Great Secret. It is often asked how such startling cures, that puxme me mm imvon-.iauo, are effected by Dr. King's New Disoov ery for Consumption. Here's the se- a Ta ,!. Ai.a Kn nhlfiffm and verm- infected mucus, and lets the life giving oxygen enrich and vitnlbse the blood. It heals the inflamed, cough-worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King's New Discovery, the most infallible remody frr all throat and lung diseases. Guar anteed bottles 60c and 1.00. Trial hot Uos free at tho St. Helens pharmacy. The Country Newspaper. After you hay read the city news paper, scanning cable dispatches that toll of hovorint war clouds, of treaties and entangling alliances, have perused a column ur wore -ueHoripuve ui uibuv ters on sea and land, have read with throbbing pule the story of the latent tragedy, murder and suicide, have skimmed over the society news, have looked at the late quotations and criti cised the editorials; after having done this is it not a pleasure to open the country newspaper? It is like a glass oi coia cream alter a repast where pato de foia eras and caviar were the leading attractions. There yon see It, all about Ben Mar shall painting the roof of his house, about Aunt bally Hopkins going to the Center for a week's visit with her daughter, about Uncle Kbenezer's rbeu- .1 xr ...... u :.L I iiinuniM. juu learn Hint jy Dtuiku una another baby daughter, and you recall the day when you and Cy fought at school and he kicked yoar shins with his copper-toed boots. You read that Viola Jonea is the new soprano at the Methodist church, and it comes to yon in a pleasant picture how yon and Vi use to go buggy riding and she would sing while you drove the old white borse with one hand. The editor tells you bow Deacon White's cow waa placed in the pound, and you remember how you did this very .trick one day and wonder how the boy looks who did it this time. And so on, through all the 'personal" which are here and there, interspersed with advs, telling of some stove polish or wall paper ia Peter's store isdvs that are even aa interesting as the other paragraphs all through thii yon read carefully, never missing a line, and what pleasure you are given! What a sense of contentment comes, for if the truth be known you have become a boy or girl again for the nonce. Yes, the country paper 1 interesting in a way that none other can be, and ail of them are pleasant to look upon even those not from our own town. For the Aunt Sallies. Uncle Petes, the Setbs and Cys are the same in villages all over the country uod bless their honest conntry heart and we can almost be lieve ourselves with them and enjoying the air they breathe when we read of their coming and goings. All kinds of commercial job printing executed at this office. . .1 We furnish Taa Mist and Weekly uregonian tor z.ou a year. HERD OF HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN CATTLE. N. Y., and later, when in need of an other, ha again placed hie order with the same firm. Both animals were car ried across the continent by express, each reaching hia destination safely and in good condition. Last year Mr. Frakes bought two heifer calves from Brookside( which, like the two animals purchased before, were not seen by him until they reached Oregon. Encouraged by hia success with these animals, and. also by the growing popularity of the breed on tbe Western coast, Mr. Frakes finally decided to secure from the East a car load of the best cattle obtainable; and, after carefully studying the situation, Butter Boy 3d, while some of the younger heifers were sired by him. This bull, a son of De Kol 2d, was sired by a son of NetherlRnd Hengerveld, and combines in closest manner tbe blood of the two cows holding for six veara the world's highest official 7-day butter records 2S.&7 lbs. and 26.66 lbs. respectively. Oerben Hengerveld De Kol 2d iB note worthy among the younger heifers se lected. Her dam, Gerben Hengerveld De Kol, won second prize at the Pan American exposition, and her sire is a son of Netherland Hengerveld, by a eon of De Kol 2d. Pietertje Josephine Ab bekerk 2d should also be mentioned. ADtmnsmroRS hoticc IV) WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: YOU WILL nun, taka notion, that the Honorable Hnnntv (Imirt of Columbia Cotmtv. in the State of Oregon, haa appointed the unileraianed the administrator oi me esiawoi aicuaoia.iauir, deceased. All persona having claims against the said estate ahould present them, with tha proper vouchers, within alz months from the date hereof, to the undersigned administrator, at the law offlee ol 8. U. Oruber, iu the city ot 8t. Helena, in Columbia County, In said State of Oreiron. Bated at St. Helena, Oregon, this April asthiWoa. i. j. SvviTZER, AUimuiniwiiir. 8. H. Oruber, Esq.. attorney for Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land OlBee at Oregon City, Oreiron, April aith. 1902. VfOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVSS THAT THE l f.ill.iwln,; nnmi.,1 anttier haa filed uotice Of her intention to make liunl proof iu support of her claim, aud that said proof will be made be fore the Couuty Clerlt of Columbia County, at St. Helens, Oreiron, on June 14th, l'.i. via: MAKIK UKAiia rtl UJlinn, IMrmerlv Maria Graca Pumev. dailirhter Of Ella Purney, deceaseil, homestead entry No. 11,B1&, for the H o '4 nu nw nd sw'i of se'-a of seclloo t, tp. 4 n, r 6 west. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and onltiration of aaid land, via: K. U. McNutt, of Portland, Oregon, aud W 0. Elohman, O. H. BitU and M. J. Johnson, ol Keasey, Oronron. ui2jl3 CHAA. B. MOOBES, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Oonrt ol the SUte ol Oregon, for Columbia County. T. Ks"s, plalntirf, vs. D. Krihi, defendant. To D. Kruse, the above-named defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OK OKEUON: You are hereby notified that the plaintiff herein haa tiled a complaint against vott in the above-entitled Coarl and cause, and you are hereby required to apiiear and answer aatd com plaint on or before the last time ot the time prescribed by the order of publication hereof, fn-wlt On or hafnrn the 17th day ot May. 1U02. You are further notilled that II you fail to ap pear and answer the complaint herein or to plead thereto, the plaintiff wilt cause your de fault to be entered and will apply to the Court above mentioned for the relief prayed lor In the finmiiiuiiit hnraln. that ia to Rnv. for a deoree forever dissolving the bonds ol matrimony that may be etliug between plaintiff and defend ant herein, for the custody ot the issue of aald marriage, to-wit: fiichard Krase, and for auch nlhar nnrt further relinf aa to the Court mav seem proper, meet and Just The date of the ni'Bl puOUCetlOU Ol tnis aummuui ia rimajr, Anrll -iiii. I'ni-2. and the last publication Friday, May I6th, lUOl, and said summons ahall be pub lish oil on the snld Friday of each week for a period ot six weeks. This summons is pub lished by order ol tno non. a. ancnrine, Indira nf aaid Court made in said cause aud Court, In chambers, and dated the 1st day of April, A. O. lisJi. st;nr asinlS At'orneyalor Plaintiff. NOTICE OF LAND SURVEY. Office ol County Surveyor, ' Ht. llr.i.ENn, Or., May 14,1902. NOTIOB 18 H KFtKBY MVEN THAT THI Pntinlv HnrvAvor will On th Btil OkV Of June, 1WI, proceed actordln to th law ot MM. to luMivlile f'i)'.n V4, HwniiMp 7 north of raKe4 went ot Wlllamett Meridian. uaieu may it, iwa r . . .., mlOiaSO County Surveyor. ?rCf FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Laud Office at Oretfon City, Or., April lth. 1502. NOTIOK 18 HKBBftY GIVe'n THAT THE Iftlliiia-fnff'niifned Hetttar haa filed notice of his Intention fo make final proof In aupportol hli claim, anil that aald proof will be made be fore the Hicltr an Kti lver, at Oregon City, Oregon, ou Juneeth, Wri, vl: AI,Hr.ttl Illl,IRIH,n, H. E. 12001, for the vi'4 section Do, 1 4 n, r 4 w. lla namaia tha following witueMea to Drove hi eouthjuoua reaidence upon and cultivation of ald land, vlx: A. O. Ilotchktse,. Horen Jepper en, Arthur Bacon, Charlie Nelaon, all of Ba cona, Oregon. CHA8. b. MOORK8, V)mi n-tsaiavcr, Notice to Building Contractor. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE (,IIn: of the achool clerk of district No. 37 . In Columbia County, Oregon, at hia borne, aeven mllen from Ooble, up U 2:ao In the afternoon of Monday, May 19th, 1S02, for the erection of s achool building ! Mid dlntrlct No. 87, in accord ance with plana and peclHcatlons now on ex hibition at the office of aald achool clerk. All blda miul be accompanied by aeertltledcheck in a Hniu equal to ten (10) per cent of bid on building completed, aald check to be for feited to aaid achool district No. 87 in eaae the lowont or accepted bidder folia to qualify with a good and aumclent bond within ten (10) daya after awarding of the contract. Tbe right to leject ear r all blda la hereby reserved. By order of the board of achool directors of school dlatrlct No. 37, April 16, 1W2. CH4e. Kbatoks. OOTLISB ASLIkSB. KODOLPH AMLIKKB. Attest: F. A. Bochib, District Clerk. alSmlS SUMMONS. In the Clrcalt Court, of the Stat oof Oregon, for the County oi uoiumoie. Grace Futoeit., plaintiff, va. Carl F. Putnam, defendant. To Carl F. Putnam, defendant' IN THE NAME OF THE bTATE OF OREGON: Von are hereby reuuired to appear and an- war the complaint filed against you In tbe aoove enuuea suit, wunin ten uayi izum uiv date of the aervice of thia aummoni npon you, If aerred within thia connty; or if nerved in any other county of thia atate, then within twenty daya from the date ef tha aerrlce of thia sum mons upon you; and if you fall so to appear, for want thereof the plaintiff will aak the court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, which ia for s decree dissolving the bonds of matri mony between tbe plaintiff and yourself, the defendant, and for coals and disbursements. This sHmmons ia published by order of Hon. Thomas A. McBride, circuit fudge, made thia 14th day of May, 1KB. 1. T. BAR1N, jii16j27 Attorney for plaintiff. concluded, in this important venture, that he could not do better than to place his order with Messrs. Stevens & Bon: He accordingly visited these gentlemen. acq minted himself with the two hun dred or more head comprising the Brook side herd, selected a carload of the clasa for which be waa looking, and baa just retarned to his home in Oregon with sixteen splendid specimens of the breed, all of which bear evidence to the wis dom of the selection made. Prominent among the animals of this purchase are the young cows, Peek-a-boo Artie and Carlotta Abbekerk Gorben, both ahow cows of unusual merit, and from large Her dam won drat prize last season at ii. Y state fair, and also at Pan-American exposition. She has a good official record, and tbe sire, too, ia bred in tiii. best lines. Every animal in the pur chase merits particular mention, but space will not permit. All are of high quality, and in breeding representative of the best official backing, and the richest and largest producing strain kaown. With such an acquisition to his already fine herd, Mr. Frakes has a let of animals that will prove a credit to the breed on tha Western coast. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ol the Interior. Land Office at Oregon Cily, Oregon, Hay J, 1902. UTOTIOK la HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB ll following named settler haa filed notice of hia intention to make anal proof in aupport oi his claim, and that aald proof will be made before tbe Register ana Receiver, at uregon uij.ur egon, on June 17th, W02, U: H. K. 1M02, lot the EU of 8W and WH ol 8E! of section 4, T 4 N, 11 W. He names the fol lowing witueasea to prove niacummuuus rea. itnau. niann and oultiTation of aaid land, vis: John w: Parker, Alva H. Powell, Albert L. Par ker and Emery J. Mills, oi ritisourg, uregon. minis vnao. 0. miwno. iwkimi, HOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court ol the State ot Oregon, In and lor uoiuroma county. In the matter ol the estate ol Frank la. Webber, XT OTIC BIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT DAVID i Davis, the administrator ol the estate ol vvanb m Wehhnr. deceased, haa rendered and presented for settlement, and filed in aaid ouurt his ttnal account of his administration ot aaid estate, and that the 10th day ot June, 1902, at one o'olock p. m., at the court-room In the Mnii.hniiia. tn St Helens. In aaid countv and Btau. haw bean dtilv appointed bv the judge ol said court for tne settlement oi earn sowjuui, at or before which ttrne any heir, creditor or per aon Interested in aaid estate may file objections to said account or any Item thereof. Thia no tice Is publts&ea y order oi tne nun. j. a. Doan, county judge lor said county, ol date April 29,1902. DAVID DAVIS, OlSJO MIU.M.W.. Timber Land, Aot June t, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Vnitsd States Land Orrirs, tlrenon Cltv, Oreiron, April 18, 1902. VrOTlCE IS HSRKBV GIVEN THATXN 0OM iii niiance with the nrovlsiona of the aot of Congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for tne sale ot timoer lanue in me otatea u. uuiui. nla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washinirton Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. Is!, Charlea Colean, of Houlton, county of Columbia, state of Oregon, naa this dav filed In thia otlice bis sworn state ment No. 6710, for the purchase of the nwV. of sw'-i of section No. 21, in township No. 5 n, ranSe No. 8 w, and will offer proof to ahow thai the land sought la more valuable for Its timber r stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hiaolalm to aald land before the Reg ister and Receiver ol thia othoe at Oregon City, ,. nil Hatnrdav. the 12th day Of JUlV. 1902. He names aa witnesses: Christopher Sauervein aud Alphonse Bauerveln, of Houlton. Oregon; Joseph Nitch, ol Yankton, Oregon; Autone Rnrckart, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all nAr.A,.itininir Adversely the above-destrlhd lands are requested to rile their claims iu this omce on or oeiore sain um my oirfuiv.iv.ra. 2f.jJ7 CUAS. B. MOOKES, Register. We Expect to Get It By giving you just a little more for your money than you can get elsewhere. We Eipect to Keep It ' By selling yon qnality of goods that will invariably give entire satisfaction. NOT JUST NOW A Superb Quality of Goods BUT ALL THE TIME. DART & POPULAR St. Helens, ST. HELENS A Patronize a drug store when yon want pure, fresh and reliable Drugs and Patent Medicines Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Etc. i HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS A Fine Line of Writing Supplies. Plain and Decorated Crepe Paper, Etc Direct from Poblisher Regular 25-Cent KoycIs Only 10 Cents How About I books in tbe county. Alt wore promptiyexevuaea sua sausiuvtiou - guaranteed. If you have property to insure give us a call. We are agents for the beat tire -insurance companies in the world. If vou have property lor sale ust it wun ua ana we wtu anu a uujer. E. E. QUICK & CO., a..- Main Sfmt KMKiQHeMOrr 8jTi9 Officb Hocbs. Information and Appointments by Mail. 9 ROOMS 50 & 61, WASHINGTON BLDQ., " Sonthetat Cor. 4th & Wash. Streets, 6th Floor, ' ' O PORT3A.lSri, OREGON-, g TAKE BlaBVATOB. O 0 I COLLINS THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS Carry full stock rVWVVrWWIrWyV m u vui DEY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, LEATHER, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, TINWARE, GKANITEWARE, CROCKERY. STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, E FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, HAY, PAINTS AND Goods Exchanged for Produce. i ST. HELENS, your trade: MUCKLE, DEALERS, . Oregon. Your Title? fit EE TOO -SURE It ia all rlghtt Remember that hi the leV RECORD that governs. It la our business to search the records and show what they contain in relation to land titles. It yon contemplate buying land or loaning mouey on real eatete security, take no man's word, but insist upon knowing what the record showa regarding the title. An Abstract i as essential aa a deed. Insist on having it We have the only set of abstract ST. HELENS, OREBON ffl 'Pmohm i0ffice' HooD 414 j?HOB jEe(J Fr01it 147 Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist & GRAY ol stspls and fancy irr irfTTTirri iin -i--,- -- t OIL MEAL, LIME, GLASS, OIL8, ; SIMILAR WARES. OREGON. o - SI