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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1900)
! A M i t f r n i COUCJS;'f, --CROUP ,U-Mi4J KESS SORE- Af?S. aiXt.LONOSTREET SMjrat " Detldet being m good tonfc Peruam Is an ef fcctlre cure tor catarrh, f : recommend your remedy. Pent no." A schoolboy at a prise examination, say the Womau'a journal, ttirnlslittl the following biography of , the putrl arch Abraham: "tie waa the father of lot, and bad two wives. One was cuili-d Ishiuael, aud the other llagar. Ii kept one at home; and he turned tbe other Into the desert, where she became a pillar of aalt In tbe daytime aud a pillar of Are by night." J. M. Barrle'a atory of how a tele graph editor, receiving a dispatch that the Zulu had "taken umbrage," head ed tbe new, "Capture of Umbrage by the Zulus," baa been paralleled by an editor In the West Shortly after the antl-Seinltle rlota In Austria, a alight aaock of earthquake waa felt In the vi cinity of Vienna, aud a cable dispatch put It tersely that there had been "seis mic disturbances" near the capital. He beaded the Item, "Down with the Jews!" Palue: "Yon will more for a new trial I presume, Mr. Paine." Paine rose with demeanor that was paluful lu Its solemnity. "I thank your honor for your suggestion," he said, "but I am oppressed wKo the gravest doubts whether I bare the right to move for a new trial In this case. Tour honor, I hare already naked for and bave re ceived for my Idiot client the most pre cious heritage of our Ennllsh and American common law a trial by a Jury of his peers." The judge then or dered the verdict set aside. Haydn had a peculiar way of deter mining tbe time In which a piece of music should be anng. On one ow ion, a female alnger Id high esteem at court bad been appointed to sing one of Haydn a compositions. At the rehearsal Decani. 1 do not recollect paying biro Teiy much attention during Uast'a ab sence, but, then, he did not allow me he was rambling: about all the time; nor did I hear blui play before Ltsxt came back. When Llt returned, Uublusteln was Immediately Invited to take up hi rvmileuie on the Altenburg. I remem ber that there, oue afteruoon, he played may of his own coin populous. His playlug was full of rush aud fire, and characterized by strong emotional tem perament lie bad a big technic and reveled In dash and tire. His touch wa hard, and lacked the mellow aud tender beauty of .tone w hich distinguished It lu Utter years. A French statistician ha calculated that the human eye travels over 2,000 8lle od the conductor differed as to the yards in reading an ordinary sised novel. He has also estimated that the average human being read 2,500 mile of hand-writing and print in life time. UOS'T 6BT rOOTSORK. CET fOOT- CASK, A powder- At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous and uncomfortable. II you hare smarting feet or tiftht shoes, try Allen's Foot-Kane. Uresis and comforts': makes walking easy. Cure swollen ana sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of ail pain and is a certain cure for Chilblains. Sweating, 1 inmp or Froateti Feet. We have over 30, Ot testimonials. Don't get footsore get Foot-Ease. Trv it todav. Sold br all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. 'Trial package Faitn. Address, Alien 8. Olm sted. Lt Ko.v, N. Y. fit ol Tbe commonest of all trees is tbe tree; which flourishes in every part the world. TO Cms A COLD in OKI DAT Take Laxative "Bromo Quinine Tab lets.' All druggists refund the money If it (ails to care. E. W. Grove s sig nature I on each box. 25c. One wineglass of strong boras water in a pint of raw starch will make col lar and cuffs stiff and glossy. Tha Vest Prescription for Malarial ChUla and Fever is a bottle of Grove. Tasteless Chill Tonic, It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless iorm. io unre, io ray. ince ouo. The Chicago Historical Society ha a fine new building that cost 1180,000 and a library ol over 26,000 bound vol nines and 60,000 nubound volume be sides many busts, paintings, etc. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Svrup the best remedy to use for their suiMircu uurmg lob teeming period A new household implement which will delight those who have suffered tbe annoyance of putting down a mod ern carpet at home with the old-time carpet stretcher and tack hammer is a combination stretcher and tacker. By its means , the carpet is stretched in place and tacked at the same time. A Frenchman baa discovered a lerne dy instantaneous in its effects for tbe horrible burns caused by tbe use of oil of vitrol. , It is a soft paste of cal cined magnesia and water, with which the parts burned are covered to the thickness of an inch. It alleviate the pain almost immediately, and when the paste is removed no scar remain. There are never any ex ternal signs of Cancer until the blood ia polluted and tbe system thoroughly con taminated by this deadly virulent poison. Then a sore or nicer appears on some oarr. oi me ooaj; it may be small and narmless looking at first, but as the can cerous cells form and are deposited by toe uiooa near ine sore, it increases in size 'and severity, with sharp shooting pains. No matter how often tbe sore is removed by the surgeon's knife or flesh destroying plasters, another comes and is worse, t be real disease is in tbe blood. and the treatment must begin there. The poisoned blood must be invigorated and purified, and when this ia done cancerous ceita can no longer Iorm and tbe sore will beat naturally and permanently. Mn. aatmb sr. KmliiHt, Ml Windsor Ave. Bristol, Teaa.. writes : ' I am 41 jreem old, sait for three years had suttcred witb a seeete lor" 1 of Cancer oa snr jaw. which the doctors nld was incurable, and ' timA A Mia. mH. Tl. . . ,uv uiuiui., 4 ur uia 1 in was lu be settled by referring it to Haydn him self. When called on to decide he asked the conductor If the singer waa hand some, -very,- was the reply, "and a special favorite with the Prince.' "Then she is right," replied Haydn. Not long before his death Henry W. Paine, of Cambridge, one of the most brilliant lawyers of bis generation, be came Interested In a case, a a matter of charity. In which a lad of some flf teen year wa charged with arson. Paine defended the boy and offered conclusive evidence that he was, to all practical purposes, an Idiot and totally Irresponsible. Nevertheless, the Jury In the case, after charge from the court which was virtually an order for ac quittal, brought In verdict of guilty. Tbe presiding judge then addressed A plumber who waa sent to the house of a stock broker to execute some re pairs waa taken by the butler Into the dining-room, and waa beginning bis work when the lady of the bouse en tered. "John," said she, with a suspl- cious giance toward tfte plumber, "re move the sliver from the sideboard and lock It op at once." But the man of lead was In nowise - disconcerted. "Tom," said he to hi apprentice, who acompanled him, "take my watch and chain and these copper botne to my missus at once. There seem to be dis honest people about this house." Anthony Hope Hawkins believe very much In men of letters standing by each other, and he has worked tremen dously hard to help on the fund which tbe Authors' Society of London la try ing to accumulate, from which pen sions are to be paid to author whose literary merit has not brought them a corresponding Income, and who view increasing year with fear. Recently an unfortunate writer, who visited Mr. Hawkins at hi rooms in Buckingham street, by the Embankment Garden, exclaimed on leaving with something in bis pocket: "Oh, sir, I feel that Provi dence must hare sent me to you!" And the reply came with a twinkle In bis benefactor eye: "Let ns hope, how ever, that Providence will not acquire the habit of doing so. STRIKING POWER OF FANCY. Camilla Ftaiueuarloit Cite Peroral In tereotta Cases Cauiille i'ln miliar Ion, lu bis recent book, "The l uknowu," alludes to the power of Imagination. "The power which imagination Is capable of exer cising over life Itself," he taya, "ha long been established. The experiment performed In tbo last century In En gland on a man condemned to detTh, who was niuilo the subject of a study t. this klud by medical men la well known. The subject of the experiment wa fas tened securely to a table with strong straps, hi eyea were bandaged, aud he was then told that he wa to be bled! from the neck until every drop of his blood had been drained. After this an insignificant puncture was made in hi skin with the point of a needle and siphon was arranged near his head In such a manner as to allow a contin uous stream of water to Bow over his neck and fall with a slight sound Into a basin placed on the floor. At the end of six minutes, the condemned man, be lieving that he had lost at least seven or eight quarts of blood, died of ter ror." A somewhat simitar experiment waa also tried in England during an epi demic of smallpox. Leading physician came to the conclusion that fright waa killing almost aa many a the disease, so they applied to tbe government for permission to experiment on a con demned criminal. The criminal. It la said, was promised a pardon If he sur vived the ordeal of sleeping In bed with a person who bad Just died of smallpox. The man consented. Tbe result was that In tbe morning he waa found to be Buffering from smallpox and of this very disease he died a few day biter. Yet the bed In which be had lain and the sheets and blanket I on It had been purchased expressly for this very purpose and had never before been used. Art and Nntur. A bnlletin of the New York Zoolog ical Society reports that tha experi ment of dtxtiratlug lb Wall of tha bird-honse with paintings ot landscapes has had at lone! oue interesting remit the craue have several time tried to walk through the .1U. The Chinese situation. The cause fur the present Chinese n tmiKjenienis 1 the shiis of the Chinese iMinugrxius by the foreign powers. An other Brest revolution comes from the altiixe 01 the stoium li. Overtnisd digestion produces roiistipntiou, indigestion, dys pepsia and ttattilewy. Hostxtter's Stoiii mh Kilters is Ilia be't ntedu'tne to take. It prevents nervousness or sleeplessness. Don't full to try it. Wash mirrors in warm suds, then dust with whiting from a muslin bag and polish with chamois akin. Stopm thf Cough Work Ol t the Cold. Laxative Bromo-tjuinina Tablets our a cold in one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. IVSPiPSifl h For at years I was a victim ef 4 1 a Id Its worai mnu. 1 """"''J aot retain and dleml awn ttnil La it March twsan :AM.AHr.TK si have staadll Impriivsd, until 1 am 1 Ukl March j mi ilicn 1 1 a well ss I (I ZJ" CATHAr,T,c ' jA A rhesphoresasat Crab. There wa recently added to th aquarium at Calcutta a glgauMo orab about two feet in diamaler aoroM It ihull, and having lags three (set long, which whs captured In a disg nel la the Indian ocean about a mile from tha shorn ami at a depth ot 43 fathoms. After beiiig planed In a large tank it devoured the Ash and itnaller crust- .U . 1. I..1I...M n.l.nnM I Kite .ningrd IU lrrowln,j trouU. a. it they ,uuVt keeper aud visitors by emitting a white phosphorescent light, itraugaly illuminating tha gloomy corner where ll had eoucealed itself between two , y::,cf'iI:o That in wlir lomo puople fwj weak all tha time. They nro likuly to be despondent and it ia not Unimuivj to find tliem Plaassnt. Tslalabls. mtsnt, Tsl Good, P fiuad. .N Sluksii. Waabsii. ur Out Wo. J.H ... CUM CON8TI RATION. ... ftMtaf Sums, Mm, CMMS. asalnal. la. Ill Vn TlX Rlfl Sold and timrsniesit hr all din- bouldem. ttnouglt alreiidy. Tim fact is their kidnoyg are weak, eithor naturally or bcctiUHe of ihiknomi, exptwuro, worry or other infltiBnoos. ; "I am thankful to sv," writes J. f. raiuntiell, of Hyaaniure, 111., "(hut HimmI'i Professor Lloyd Morgan, tn a recent address, stated he had found thai young chickens, taken straight from the incubator, could swim very well, the power ot swimming being perfectly iustiuctive. . . it the flowers In your window box seem blasted, or are ot a faded, sickly color, cover the earth around the root about half an inch deep, with pulver ised oharcoal. The rosea that blossom in tbe next few day will have a fine, lively rose color. Charcoal always gives great vigor to tha red or violet color of flower. Whit petunias be come varied with red or violet tints, violet become covered with irregular spot of a bluish or almost black tint hot yellow flower are insensible to its Influence. WhrOrialn Mutat Caannt Ha Cast. A I well known, some metal are unsuitable for casting, while other, Ilka imn. nan. raadilv ba east in auv i yrsra i was iroiinieii witii liacknehe. Ai desired tihnpe. The property of casting Uun j , , ,H1i , M , i i,i,i (,,; well 1 said to depend upon whether th bed or chair. I am now wll and the motul coutraots or xpaud on so- ""'''It and free l"l," What ll.ii 1 1 .i 1 1 i. i.i ',.... ' K"t MtmUclu did for liliu It hus duns foi - - I lllllllll)t inilll SOW ltUK 10I1U, 4,u, 0(flfg( . Bub your lamp ohimueyi after wash- like water, expand in aollditylug, and iug with dry salt, aud yon will lie sur- hence the solid metal may be seen ItOOu B SHrtSSl 1X31111 n,u,l .1 lh. Vo-mi.,.,.,. nf n,i I. .1.. II....M l. .lutl l mmwmfrimm ( Kov mw aaiwew HsiiiMuve wa vw- , IIUII HUH 111 HIV U W VI VM "VMS mm. light. rnrnnouriiiM lins vuivo ine. Stir m... too itawAitD a I CO, AN EDITOR'S EXPERIENCE. ARMY LIFE CAUSES PHYSICAL AND MENTAL DISABILITY FOR MANY YEARS. Rcaracd Prom Dvath br Rcadln aa Advertisement A Jaaraallst af Mate Advlsas Ills Ramdsrs ud ITrlmds. From Farmer A Dairyman, North Taklm.Waah Bow to Save School Children, In tbe Ladles' Home Journal Edward Bok take up tbe cudgel again againrt the cramming method Inflicted on school children, and urge aa a step toward a reform of the abuse "that every parent who has a child at school will send a note to the teacher that. under no circumstances whatever, wlU tbe father and mother permit any home study by tbe child. This may seem to be a very simple thing to do," be contends, "but often the simplest thing are the moat effec tive. If tbe teacher of thl country should, within the next month, receive thousands of note from parent to tbe effect pointed out, which they could-- and I can speak for hundreds of teach ers when I say that they would gladly do so hand to, the beads of their schools, it would practically mean a readjustment of tbe entire system of study. This may be better understood when it is realized that the entire sys tem of study during school hours in many of the schools Is so arranged to allow for some of tbe work to be done by tbe pupils at borne. Let this taken-for-granted home study be stop ped, and a change would at once hare to be made. Tbe studies at school can not be Increased in number, for already there are too many. The school hours cannot be lengthened because tbe tide has set In to shorten them. Hence, some stules would have to be thrown out. If home study were eliminated. And thl la the result desired." II 1 Ji that I could not live more than six months, 1 accept ed tbeir statement ss true, and hsd ivca up sit hops At MM I'll. h ...... trbeti mv drutraist. know- In ofmveondition.recom-t asendeit . 8. B. Afterts.- fiugif1 a w wnim ib, sure began to heal, to th surprise of the physicians; a t4 i a a short time made a complete cure. 1 have gained in h. my appetite is splendid, sleep is refresh uifr in fact, am enjoying perfect hesltk. , overcome this de- I structive poison and remove every vestige ot it Irom tne system, makes new. rich blood. strengthens the body and builds up the general health. If you have a suspicious sore, or have in herited any blood taint, send for our free book on Cancer, and write to our medical department for any information or advice wanted ; we v.ak no charge for thisaer Yice, Your letter will receive prompt and careful attention, and will be held ia trictest confidence. , IHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA. gA. sS-3 "3 ftrrfrlr Li tiJ l.,l&. I &t Couffb fcyrup, Tutt Good. tJM tf mi UMa'j .Ml Wlm If LISZT'S "YOUNG BEETHOVEN." A Beaalnlarence of Habinateia Half a Centsiry Ago. Dr. William Mason waa a pupil of Liszt's, and while studying at Weimar met many famous musicians, including Rubinstein. In the Century he tells of hi first meeting with the "young Beethoven," a Llsat called him. Liszt sonietiinee lert weimar for a few days in order to be present at or conduct mnslc festival. On one of these occasions, early In June, 1854, I remained alone at borne on account of alight Illness. A Kllndworth had gone to London for concert-playing and piano-forte teaching, I had moved Into a suite of rooms in the Hotel zum Erbprlnzen. A a matter of Interest to pianist I here note the fact that these Identical room had been occu pied by Hummel several year pre viously. On the afternoon of the day on which Liszt left with his cortege tbe head waiter came to me, saying that a young man who had Just arrived waa in tbe cafe Inquiring for Liszt and seemed disappointed on learning of hi ab sence. "I told him," said the waiter, "that yon were the only one of tbe fam ily here. Will yon see him?" I assented, and la a few momenta be ushered In a young man about 24 year of age, of strong features and with a great shock of dark hair, who Introduced himself a Anton Bublnsteln. I explained to him that Liszt bad gone away for three or four day to conduct a festival, and that I could not say precisely when he would return; hut In tbe meantime, If I could make him feel at borne, I should be very glad. After some conversation be asked me to play. I remember very well how he Un qne Temple. Mayallpuram, India, I graced with seven of the most remarkable temple In tbe world, each of these unique places of worship having been fash ioned from solid granite boulders. The "Hevasa-Goda-Cla," the largest of the seven. Is three and a half stories high. Its outlines resembling those- of an At lantic steamship. Tbe Inside of tbe boulder has been chiseled away until the walls do not exceed eight Inches In thickness. Tbe two floor above that of tbe foundation are each about a foot In thickness, and seem as solid a the rock of age. Tbe upper stories are reached by a spiral stairway, carved from tbe same piece of granite. New Mexico the Great Sheep Country. To-day the seat of tbe sheep-rearing Industry of the union has shifted from tbo middle west to the plateau region between tbe Rockle and Sierras. Ohio Is still doing very well in tbe business, with nearly 3,000,000 bead, but she has In 18&3, 1 entered the regular V. S, Army and wa aaslgued to Co. "K," Sixth Infantry, then stationed at Fort Donglas, Utah. My boyhood day had been spent on a farm in Kentucky, but I had not been aocostomed tn manual lalwr for several years previous to en tering upon active military duties. The constant and excessive daily drills, sleeping in tents and general exposure of a severe winter, brought on a pecu liar nervous trouble, which soon inca pacitated me for all garrison work. The post surgeon ordered me to tbe hospital and diagnosed my case a mnscnlar rhnematism. My lower liuiba seemed to be dying losing all sense ot outward feeling. Th most excruciating pain made me almost wild with misery and I could not stand alone. My appetite was ravenous, di gestion perfect, lungs strong and gen eral health good except for this dis tressing dif ability. After several days' treatment with no change, tbe surgeon concluded I had heart failure, lie prescribed tinc ture of digitalis, and gave me several ounces of this without any effect, ex cept tbat I kept getting worse. In the fall of 1884, I waa dischargee on sur geon's certificate of disability, and be gan tbe difficult task ol existing and trying to regain my health in a strange land, surrounded by unsympathetic people. My condition continued to grow mora alarming. I wa compelled to nae a heavy staff to prevent tailing. AI! attempts at manual and mental labor were made under exasperating difficulties. I seemed about one-bait dead. My weight -was less than 140 pounds, though I was over six feet in height. I tried electricity with no vail. Several local physicians gave me treatment which wa not effective. Many well advertised remedies for I nervons debility were taken with no satisfactory results. ' I read all the medical authorities obtainable, and finally found my symp tom nnder the head of Locomotor Ataxia. The author said there wa no cure for the disease, and I believed him. He recommended a mixture of iodide of potassium and sarsaparilla, as a possible aid to existence, I took sev eral bottles of this formula and double the strength. Tbi failing, 1 made up my mind to die a soon a possible. There was no comfort, pleasure or hap piness in life which knew nothing but pain. una aay i react tne experience of a man who bad been afflicted with Loco motor Ataxia, and cored by tbe use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple. I bought one box and tried tbe remedy, following the direction very closely. This had a little effect, and I procured a half dozen boxes, and took them before I was convinced that a cure was possible. I began with ono pill after each meal, in a few days I The renters ol Hits nspst will bs pleased to fearn that there is at leau ons dreaded diMiass ihst seisues hsa been sbie to cure in M Its sik. and Ihst Isoalarrh. HaU'si'starrh Cure Is ttia only positive mire knowu to tn tneutpat fraierultjr. t'auirra twins aeouailtulhmat dis ease, requires a eoniutuitonsl treatment, Hall's Catarrh Curs Is uia tnternslly, acting dtrvetly upon tha blood and mtieous surtaxes of ths system, thereby destroying ths founda tion ol th duu-ajts, and giving Ilia patient strength by building up th eimatUotlon and aulding nature la doing Its work. His pro prietors have art mot-h faith in its eurstirs kr any ease that It fails to ours, bend fur list powers, that they offer On ilundred Dollars Kr anr "tie inal ll lautu oi tuatlmonials. AditratB . . . r J. tMIKNKV A CO., Toledo, O. -mu or nniKgisis, 4fSJ. Is family rilii Uall'i are tha beat. For the flret time soma blind fish from tbe Mammoth cava ot Kentucky have reached Kugland alive aud been placed in tha Loudon Zoological Gar den. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. To9 Kind Yea Kara Always Bought Bear tha (Signature Th rice-eating Chinamen oonld con same the present world 'a crop ot wheat aud sun go hungry. Gold and silver oontraot In cooling, ( Promise to cure and keeps the) aud therefore, art not suitable lor oast lug. A Slight Correction. Miss Lakmiido Goodness I tanned you are! You've been tin, haven't you? Miss Presyse (ot Boston ) Most a' lunxlly not. There art no ptoniiao. litln Hoott'a today. treatment with How I in the 1 yet ol transporting onesell to that' pbar. I have been merely basking 1 in tn twain wnion perouiatea turuuitn the circumambient atmosphere of At lantic City. An tugnnlous table intended lor th us ol invalid who sra cou lined to th bed, has been devised. It is so arrHiig d that it can ba raised or lownm.l. means a ,j cua Uarnwi or decreased to diameter, to overlap tha side ol the Vi 1u -.-..--I.... . I. ... . , imu. i,y v..iiik a luuu is van ue ctiu- 1 . I J .. . . 11 1 1 , vertex! tutu a rvtmiiug-mtMa, ami spring dips are provided fur holding the lead ing matter la position. Tha mechan ism ot this table 1 so easily worked that aa inavlld can operate it without assistance. This ajgnstar Is ea avary bos at ths gsaulne Laxative Uromo-Uiiinine Tablet i saasay The number of newspapers and period ical in tbe United State ha increased Irom 5,871 in 1870 to 81,178 in 1881) Health lor Tea Ceata. A lively liver, enie blood, elesn skin, brtshl yes, perfect health I'sw-arsis Csndy cathartic will obtain and securs mui tor lou. All drug gists UU, M, (WO, Instead ot an engagement ring th Japanese lover gives bis sweetheart pieoe of beautiful silk for a saab. I drt not believe Plso's Cure lie Con. sumption has an equal for rottgis and corns. J on f. liorss, inmty Bo-lugs iiiu., reo. id, iiw. me retired list oi tbe regular army Inolutles 704 ottieers on half pay, aver aging about f 3,000 each. WO a?IOW WHAT TOO ARB TAKING When you take C3rove' Tasteless Chill Tonlo because tbe formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste less Iorm. No Cure, 'o Pay. BOo. It is probable that in the future mote mot crops, such a beets, turnips aud carrots, will be grown for stock The dillicnlty ha been in the labor of slicing the roots, which 1 'necessary when feeding them to cattle, bnt with in th past tow year root cutters have been introduced, wblcb cut all klndi of roots into thin slices, bran and corn meat Deing sprinkled on tne food so prepared, which makes a meal that la not only highly relished but one that ia cheap and promotive of the thrift of tbe animals. A company in New Haven. Conn undertake to serve hot meal to rill witbiu a radius of seventy miles fix ,n its headquarters. These meals are sent ont in wagon with compartments for each article; tbe meal are placed In the different compartment (moklng hot and are kept at a high temperature nntil placed on the purchaser' table. The "elephant beetle" ot Venezuela is tbe largest insect In the world. A i u ii grown on weigns about half a pound. MMMUMMIMrrvfrrTTT i .A.m.., r rnrr , A rAHMh . I -, i . . . , n . . ""I'l' tool two, tinn nnaur used one dox a ! 1- 1 1 , 1 1 of mutton-producing states. New Mexico Is at tbe head, with more than 4,000,000; Montana has nearly as many, while Wyoming leads Ohio by a few bundred thousand bead. , Idaho closely follows Ohio In rating. Oregon, Cali fornia and Texas each ha about 2,500, 000 sheep. A Question of Color. A young clerk at tbe Oliver-Finni Grocery Company received a alight scratch the other day, and the manager called ont to tbe negro who doe chore around the store to go and get soma flesh-colored court plaater, Tbe negro started off down the street at a lively pace, but in a few minute he came back with about three time the amount of speed be used In hi de parture, and, running breathlessly up to the manager, asked: "Do yon want white or black flesh colored Mem- looked sitting on the ofa, and the posl- i pW 8clm,tar- tlon of the piano in the room. I played. but be did not. I bad a suspicion that be wa Inveigling me without any In tention of allowing me to take lils measure. II sat there In a gruff Rus sian way, like a bear, and perhaps my imagination belped to produce thl Impression. Rubinstein wa already quite well known as a child prodigy, but of course not nearly o famous a be afterward Freight and Paaeenajer Earning. Taking the United States as a whole, only-a little over one-fifth of tbe total earnings of railway are derived from the passenger traffic, A large proportion of American railway line are conduct ing their passenger traffic at a Uhm, while others are merely paying ex penses and deriving no profit propor tionate to tbe Investment and tha vol utne of business dona. week. My pains gradually disappear ed, color came to my flesh, I could walk, ran and jump, and actually dis pensed with a cane. Word cannot portray my feeling. Today I weigh 200 pounds, am perfect ly healthy and feel 20 year younger than I did 10 year ago. Journalists and all brain workers ' are liable to afflictions such as I suffered. To all such I would advise the nse ol Dr. Williams' Fink Pill for Pale People in connection with cold water bathing, morning and evening. I will cheer fully answer any and all questions asked by those afflicted. ' JOKL SIIOMAKER, Editor Farmer and Dairyman, North Yakima, Wash. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 8d day of January, 1899. JA8. R. COE, County Clerk. A specific for all forms ot weakness is obtained in Dr. Williams' Pink Pill for Pale People. The blood is vitalized and lieoomes pregnant with tbe ele ments of life. Tbe nervous system i reorganized, all irregularities are cor rected, strength return and dlseaaa disappear. So rematkable hare- been the cure performed by these pill that their fame ha spread to the far and of civilization. Wherever yon go yon will find tha most important article inavsty drug stora to be Dr. William' Pink PUl. Two Big Pains I sera to be th heritage of the human family everywhere, vun 1 I " M'7 Rheumatism and Neuralgia bat there la on snr snd prompt can lor both, vlst St Jacobs Oil I i An attempt i being mad to reform the Mexican army, teaching the officer to stay by their men in aa engagement instead cl seeking a secure place when Giraffe skins hav become extremely danger i encountered, and tha meu to: valuable because of tbalr soarcltr. fire from the shoulder iustead of from Ten or 18 year ago It was oommon the hip. President Dtaa also intend ammgli for a hunter in Sooth Africa to to have bi army provided with the kill 40 or B0 ol the animals iu a day. b1' modern arm. U t this rate they were rapidly being While some farmer are dttptoriii. ??!22.a!,;i!l T...l"1l-aak, the loss of profit on wool, the knowing I " """" "Jll ltl'u " ones are raising "hothouse" or early It I a great mistake to make a large lambs, and make more profit front one tea biscuit Properly speaking, a tea owe than they formerly did with halt biscuit should not be more than U. a doaen sheep kept for wool. They Inches in diameter an t proportlnDutel ate the mutton breeds, attach bnt lit- thick when baked. This gives a deli, tie value to tbe fleece, aud make larger cate, moist, flaky biscuit which U profit Irom beep than they have ever, be cooked through before tbe otitaid done before. crust has become hard or over brown. DOU YOU WANT YOUR SON EDUCATED FOR A BUSINESS LIFE? T A at HILL AND KLkVBNTII ITMKITt, roTI. AXH, OttKOO. WriKna. gaud for our Nw Iltu.trated Cetalogne. (Tha Fstnoua German Wood Prenerver) ..AVEMARiUS i- GAnBOUUEmi.. JPwrmnnmntly 0sVoysM .CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN.. CtTOne Application it aH that is required. It lasts lot rear. II your dealer cannot supply you, write for circular and Information to the following datributing: agent. Perfection Pile Preserving- Ccs, Seattle, "Wah4 Fither, Thorsen & Co Portland, Oregon. Whit tier, Coburn & Co San Francisco, CaL y a t - mi laiiiirrn NOTHING BETTER MADE Yoa can't mas. a mlslak 11 you eel a ..Mitchell.. Mitchell, Itecuis & Staver Co. PORTLAND. ORCCOH. II AMERICA!! WATCH 4095 i U K. SaM s-Mrlalet w M .. .( -li, eu.rav4,kahai aiaae, state vita a r r ,m 1 '01 AMERICAN MOVEMENT JtrWtaM, HleaMl UN Hk, pwfwilittsfft, MM SJaJ Mint! (fl ( I MsUrft laRstreieffSMeiiairi 1 tbe ! esvavd iOYEARGUATANTEE r.T hu bdihi ama ar.ka -...- a n . - aa Mi l -iprnKhasra. p'I'il.,. w ! staBISiVUls mm .'.(an0lilt.M4 Chain Wnrtti tin. loltar K M K P If .l,enilu,e,4.r. .. K . . i4. V JTiT: U Mbl iu mrM aa4 saa IU a. ,.... Id 0STtTfi?il! pi ll " -i Z K 3 kr - 17 - - rrZc mm i- lel Hill B r H 1 iialiiPill Il!ii!si.!!i:ililllij i S :: M i l sosls's l.arslrr C 0.sUS 11 km, CMiMiQ. FINE OLD .WHISKY Oln, Brandy, Rum ... is luu quarts, Per ri rum u hiiuk Per rsllon. K.SO. Hi, I Ltd. XXX ALL OUOO OOOOI . Orders for kift.otl and n,.,rf 4.n. H.n.l O , t 1 . 1 llW i-...V.i if J nuini, mans LOUIS CAHEN & 80N Established H Years. bah BANCiaco, oaLiroBKiA. E at . . nal EliiiMl liif-ialiiBg Gas Lam ; -s" -aw kuaooaior hrt. alns or o-mimoo sas. , isa Imm IS hour. slvlnalSoJX power llstatt a.orsthansil.Ktrtabm,, . m mamwoiq JMIVIieSMr ISntD, A llf. mr S"1 I" l earrl'd snrand or linn snrtrherst perfecitlr ov una , Vaii, m. s;i.7irpi' KUIUJAJIT OAD lAattX tl Htau Ba. flka . lira YcsiHaf?? in eases et OCArNVfie or Haers.uaaaiain araowCf-SlBl.Ebrour saw llr.Bt.lrm; only tT i bora d-atf are iaesrabla. SIlD laaorltts foot ease. Exanlaatloa and adrlos tree. Tea aaa ours jou-aalf at iioiaa si s sornUal eoS tatonutioaaliarsl Cliole. 1Ur I1IC1.P Wiara,. ' """ J ' . Ala Uleae. (wnTlnns n will ,n.i7I.'m. .'T "'"'tSea, T. OBANkOCO. . - uw ueatrtfimtM. maoliinsry, snirlnes boilari ti,!i. n uallscf i,""ni11. "7 him, 1."'" iililliiii lUiil '! i ,3 i I 3 if ai H l l '.lsiiii PS . "1 8CIAJI youSN The Only Sure Cur. ir-srnnrsnsous APlrl Rllf for nuriiiiaTinii ii cu . n o NillStl nil Ha MESS. OYS-FPfila. HA MSI. 114 SVHH. veil I ' n. fm C. LA naSllssaa. MlLltll. HEART' Wrinais ' r.oi t ai 7 NUMBNItf. sio. Ilujr k bonis today and nave it ill lha h.iiiaa. II will aiiva atirr.rh.i, and diMrtor's bills. Harmless for tfilirireu'e uss. Ton-. lalns no oplats or ullier haniKul liiarsllrnia. Annuliltl'ly uurs aud m,lliwl,lralatl. lti'tfM iMtllla er WO iliHtes for l, praiisid by msll or expreaa. or s will send jrmi a trial bonis for at nenta. Aaenla wamail liuui mmt m mtm, w tiki it, (, w. COTLES'SCiEiUTEcflCllllE A BtmrmiitiMsd l!iir (nr fsitaLi-rh tkiid Comumptlon. II. wi. b Lock Bo I4A. W.B. laiTM 1 CO., luffala, I.T, hop's. K eMVHS' i .DROPSY 10 OAH THtATatUT rfltU Eavs mads Sronirud itsoosi- ll(nalUn. a IllulUfl tat tSaStV 1 I f srs whb, tlfs rnoul vosiisifal i to isoosas. Hav. cured man; tliuns-Ksud-.., Box 1, Atlaata, Oat m, r. M, v. Km. 4 B-1410. YyUBtr writing; tn advartls.r .K - - mmmmmmt ... , a i payer.