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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1900)
OREGON MIST. UOVEMBEtt 8, 1000. It'i off in thousand placet. County pourt it Io session thU week. K. J. Mill, of Vernoma, u In town Tuesday. 0, what different on Wednesday morning. Ifuny voten east their maidon vote on Tuesday. Mr. L. Bradley, of Goblo, wi In town last Friday, i Dr. Cawood. the dentist, will be in Uiii Hy each Wednesday, An election every day would enliven inattere to wonderful extent. Fine, arrowing pig tor tale cheep, by P. K. Oliver, Yankton, Oregon. Benator McBrlde eame down to hie home to cant ui ballot far Provident. S. The America la again on the Slough ran and the Republic on the Kainter run. Hon. Nel Peteraon, ex-County Com missioner, was In town on buaiueaa mat Friday. Mr. John Gllmore came down from Oregon City and spent Sunday laat with berbuabwttd. Any lumber on the yard at Btanwood's mill 10 por thousaudj special order (6 per thousand. Dr. Rose waa attending to tome pri vate bueineei matter In the vicinity of Joule Monday. Dr. M. K. Hull, of Balnler, waa In the County Beat Monday in consultation with local phyaiolana. 0. E. Pbllbrook will preach next Sun day at Bachelor Flat at It a. m., and at 8t. Helen at 7:30 p. ni. Mr. and Mr. Martin White and Mr. Geo. W. Perry visited friend at Quincy laat Saturday and Sunday. By far lea Interest wa manifested in Tuesday' election than characterised the election of four year ago. For bargain In general manhandle call on Hailey A Brlnn, lfoolton. Call and examine good and price. Mr. D. O. Quick, of Benton County, lather of our townsman, K. E. Quick, ba been in our city Uii week visiting." The town wa full of people Tueeday. The people were full of enthuiiaam and the town and people were consequently jubilant. Mr. A. Davli wae down from Portland Tueeday to cat hi ballot fur President, making the twelfth time be ha voted for President. Divine service will be held at the fteepnooee Congregational church next Huroley at II a. in., and 8 p. m. ftev, K. M. June will preach. H. O. Howard, of Yankton, shipped to Portland last Friday about twenty bead of bog, for whiuh be found ready market at good price. Patrick Kolley purchased by poblle suction tart Baturday the real property belonging to the estate of Frank M. Webber, deceased, paying 1500 therefor. Mis Mollis Proebstel, of LaQrande, nd Mlae Marie Watts, of Bcappooee, bave been in tlx city few days viaiting their relatives, Mr. and Mr. Jf.U. Wati. . Mrs. 8. E. Henderson, formerly of lloulton, but who baa been residing at Kainier for some time past, haa been viaiting frionda in Honlton this week. Tua Mint's forecast of the reenltln Columbia County was nearer right than wrong. It claimed BOO majority for MeKinley and the return show ma jority of 481. , The Artisans at BcaoDooee will give n entertainment and dance at their hall tonight (Friday). Admission to the entertainment 10 cent. Dance ticket 60 cent j supper 25 cent. Hon. Norman Merrill, of Clatekanle, was seen on our streets last, Friday. Mr. Merrill rcoorted bis daughter' con dition more encouraging and hope for her speedy recovery la now entertainer. J. W. Belcher. prominent musician of Portland, wa in Ibis city Tuesday organisixlng claas in vocal music. He Hcurad a number of pupil and will be here on Monday during part of the winter. The new Northern Paciflo schedule which went Into effect about week ago but lloulton out from all stops, but through the efforts of Agent Perry the schedule has been changed and traius will atop at lloulton as formerly. v t r . -f -II.. .. I.. joajopu uunnu, ui v'oa 1 brought op last Friday from Clatekanie, vherahebad hearing before Justice Orwig. charged with insanity, lie was committed to the asylum and taken there by Uou. Norman Morrill. SlnniltlanblB alcknaH is TODOrted from itimnirhout the surrounding country and the local physicians are correspondingly busy. When there is little sickness the plaint of the physician la that the health of the community 1 distressingly - George R. Bagloy, of Hillsboro, attor ney for the administratrix: of the estate o! jonnsion I'rooraxn, uereuwsu, wmw town Monday forenoon ami sum o; Mi)l(n .iiftlnn the real estate in thi County belonging to the estate. The property was bid in by the mortgagee. At Qulncy Saturday night a box ocial .' wa given in me scnooi nm, a ...UnTi.l nnwrinima wns rendered and a - -xUlWhifuf time hud. From the aale of boxes 42.L'5 wa realUwd, which, in ad dition to f-19.75 on hand, it ia Intended to purchase a bell for the school house, which bss recently been, enlarged. 'Much 1 said by one of our corres pondent concerning the alleged prava lenceof diptherla at Houlton. Physl claoa here strenuoualv deny the state ment that diptherla exist at all. There have been a number of cases of tonsilitis hereabouts, but that diptherla exists is not considered a statement to be given any credence, ' The Bt. Helen Light A Water Co. .,.r,ioH m thi altv a new Iran- . f cbis for consideration and probable ao Vor.amA hv the flitv Council. The to be acceptable in aumt all respect and will be taken np and duly considered by the committee on ordinance at the next meeting of " the Council. A considerable of railroad accident at (ini.u Timnlav morning a south bound height w pulling up from the transfer boat, two care kii.h'" over, striking against the pontoon keep er'a mall house on the outer ide of the itructure. In this house were the two young daughter of Mr. Llndaay. Har din (Jose, Somprehendlng the danger in which the children were, grabbed them nd Jumped Into the river with them. The timbers struck the trio and the youngest child was knocked . grasp of Mr. C obb. She wa linking For tbVla.7 time when Vrort1,nto,0tte a .resident, of Gohle, '"pedi1, nd river and rescued' the drowning child. The wreckage w cleared away and no 4Uy to paiaenget; "train occurred BOAITOOBM NKWi 1T1CMB. County Clerk Watta arwnt laat Bundav at this place. Mr. Vui'll twins-, of Furt KLamri. U hereon a visit. MliS Maude Watti la uttandlno: the Parent drove university. Watts & Price now have a teleohone at their place of business. Mine Mollis ProetwUl. of Tji flrandrt. vitfiu-d relatives here last week. The Misses Mao and Mnud Blavens. were Bcappoose visitors on Sunday last. Watts A Price hava eotnmencerl oner- atious for erecting a wiudiuill at their store. Mrs. Collins and Miss Edvthe listen. of Warrun, were Bcappoose visitors last Munday. Mrs. J. A. Leonard took her children to Portland last week to have their teeth attended to. - Mis Eflle Vaiiffhn. of Lakevlew. Ur...l. is here on a visit to ber mother, t. iinii). i Milt Kt. Wickersham. Ralph Thomas and Tom Callahan were iiassengers on last Monday morn ing's boat for Portland. Mr. and Mr. Jack Chambers spent lust Hunday evening at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Frauk Tompkins. kota, have rented John Scnmitke's place and are now located upon it. . Mr. and Mr. D. W. Pi Ice and Miss Sharp went to Portland Baturday to re view the Republican parade. Tern Callahan, who is emnloped at Castle Rock, Wash., spent Bundav and Monday nere wan relatives. Mrs. F. Tomnklns and dauehter. Ella. were passengers on last Monday's boat en route for the dentist's parlors. ' We understand that Mr. Clapp has rented Will Watts' place.and also bought tits mticn cows, ina oonaioeraiion wing 11000. Will Bheffiled and wife, of Lonesome Prairie, Or., ventured out into civilisa tion on Bundav last, but for some reason or other, their stay wa very limited. The manv friend of Mrs. P. A. Frake will be pleased to learn that an opera Linn which she underwent at St. Vin cent hospital, Portland, last Sunday, wa succeisiui. The Artisans have bills unannounclng an entertainment to be given at Watte A Price' hall on the evening of Novem ber inh. The lodire ba Imported a col ored comedian for the occasion. There will also bo a dance at the close oi toe programme. A fair atzed audience erected the World Wonder Company on their first appearance at Watt A Price' Hall on Monday evening last. In the different towns in which the Company has ap- ared they bave recelvea many naiwr- oa prese notices ana oy wmcu u; E roved to those In attendance that they eartlly earned. Prof. Fait does not claim to be a spiritualist, but the many tnnniltnv feata which he parforms make it bard for one to believe that there I not oma superhuman power behind It. WARUKN ITEMS. M. Saxon wa in Warren last Tuesday, A mo Blavens spent but Sunday in Portland, Election day passed by very quietly at this piaoe. Rumor haa it that a new creamery Is to be built by the farmer ot warren. Pnnrtjutn nw arrivals arrived last week from Ksiism, relatives of Mr. and Mr. Drew.; , n t n....l1j W V fini-M and Mr. Berg, of Portland, spent Bunday at the Pattuuo farm. rh. innun ara taklne advantage of the few day of fine weather by plowing nd digging potatoes. Mr. George Ramsey and daughter, Zella, were the guests of Mr. ana Mr. S. U. kynco tne nm oi vm w. SMr.Tho. Isblster and daughter, ara anatulinv a few day in Portland thi week, visiting with friends who have recently returned from trip to Bcotmna. it,. la1laa nf tha TTanmlical church lumnn that their church social will h ni..n EviHav auctdnir. Nov. 10. An excellent program is being prepared for the occasion. Mr. William Hilton, who ha been ....r.iM.nil ui tka nw barn at tne 1 at- tulio farm lor tne pasnwo iu., r tn hiahome in Pendleton last Bunday evening. . , Prof. D. C, Allard went to Portland I... T..uit fur medical attendance. He received a scratch on bia arm while playing football one day last week, which has been troubling him and it was thought that blood poisoning was sotting in. Inducement for th Boy. John Dellar, located on the corner of First and Yamhill treota. Portland, has display of twenty-Bve different styles ..4 ....La r Rnva suits, which are offered a special Inducement from 60 cents to 1.60 less than any other tore in the city. John Dellar know that the boys are hard on Shoes; tnai swny u h..f ontA. aol dones. and til 1 1 I'M ww. m . ells them from 25 cent to 60 cent less than any other store In the city. A big variety of boys' caps, regular 26 and 60 i L... ..I..a. ara nff'ered for 16c. 25c and 86c A large assortment of boy s' waists at 26o and 40c, regular ouo i" y mu. .i.l. nf awnatjira. 60c. YOC. II .1 a. Kit Th. iwtvinin in vnrv uwwi dressed for a very little sum of money by hnvinir of John Ueliar, corner u Yamhill treet, Portland, Oregon. A consignment of pumpkin that was ..iX. in man reaoects. arrived down on the Bailey Gatserl : last evening for Boss, Hlggins 4 Co., and other j ot I the local merchants. The pumpkins were from Mr, Glllihan, at "''I',nJ; and the largest one tipped the scales at one hundred and forty pounds. There were number of them that weighed over a hundred pounds. From one seed and on one vine were raised the tin immense amount of twelve hundred I A. nl nnmnk na. Th 8 beatS KH- ws, where the vines are aald to grow so iapldly that they wear the pumpkin .... ,r,.r,ln. thnm around over the wound. Thi above about Kansas is not vouched for, but the snipmons iron. Sauvie' Island I authentio and they " nn.lara and at a cent and a qiiBTter a pound the grower will make a handsome thing out of It. Astorlan. . ...- r, ; . Vail wr Slater. ' i To.,Hfi,i nnmnlpilon is an impossi billty without good pure blood, the sort that oniy exisis in " V." ' . i..:.i,hwr1 war and bowels. i.T.n. nir. wriot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect henlth. Price 25 cts. aiidfwcts. sold oy " tiATE NOTES FROM VBBHONIA. Commissioner Case and a gang of men wan work on the Ufrner Kehalem briilp-e Wednesday, and if the weather permits, a full force will be kept at work until tne image is eompietea. John Edbolm. who ha been in Port land the past month working on the docks as longshoreman, ram home Monday so as to be on hand Tuesday to vote for McKlnley and continued pros perity. . The election nassed off very quietly. Quite a number of our very best citizens lieu to swear in their votes Decause tnev had failed to register, Several old Hub Democrat cast their vote for McKlnley and Roosevelt, not being able to endorse either Hryanlsm or Populism, nor yet Prohibition or socialism. One said to the writer, "It was the only thing I could do and be true to myself and my country." J. L. Yountt returned last Friday from a week's stay at Houlton. having been called there by reason of bis sons' Orville and Earl's sickness, they having sn attack of diptherla. Orville and Johnnie Peck were roommate at the hotel, and Mr. Young wa with the latter when he died. He says there have been lomo ten or twelve cases of diptheria at the Houlton House, most of tiiem having a mild form of the dis ease, Johnnie Peck's and Ids son Or ville' twins the worst. All except the one death were doing well when Mr. Young came away. ADDITIONAL LOCAfj. We waut to secure the service of f ood correspondent at every poetofflce n this County, one who will give all the local new of their neighborhood. It will take only a few moment' time each week to prepare a news letter giving the local happening, and if you are inter ested in your locality and the County on can afford to give up a few moment n preparing item that will interest other. ' Judge Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendle ton, who spoke on political Issues at itouiton last Friday nignt, aeuverea tne most argumentive discourse on the sub- It. ii , t . una uwu uui iui muv w uvmi . uv udge's remarks were absolutely free from abuse of any nature. His appeal to the people wa patriotie and earnest. Judge Lowell i one of the most bril liant men in the etate, ana certainly did effective work during the campaign just closed. Some monster bridge timbers are being sawed out in Inman, Poulsen & Com pany's mill. In Portland, for transporta tion to California. The sticks ara 76 feet long and 21x21 inches, without a flaw. They are sawed out of (elected timber and then planed, and are mag nificent specimens of the timber of this country. A short time ago an order for timber HO I eel long wa nuea. tver in the Orient there is demand for Ore son timber and thi mill ia filling an order from China. ; A handsome little propeller is being built on the east side at Portland to operate on the lower river. Bhe ia something: larzer than the Fleetwood, ana is intenaea to oe miner last, my the Oregonian, The enginea for her have arrived from the East, and a Para gon boiler, which ia very compact and is so arranged as to have larger heating surface than ordinary boiler, I nearly completed at the Willamette Bteel A Iron Works. It 1 unclerstooa tnai ane is being built by syndicate of steam boat owners to be used to run opposi tion to e-uerilla steamers, which inter fere with regular lines. The Dnnont bov. of Valley, have purchaaed and taken to their piece the machinery for a shingle mill. The plant will be set np by Mr. Ed. Potter, of Hnnltrm. ho haa had wide ex perience in tnat line oi Business. iu power io oe usea is waier, isaen irum Milton Creek. In the vicinity of Valley is a splendid body of cedar and the manufactured orodnct from that section ouaht to be first-class. No doubt the vantnra win nrova eminently aucceeeiui . ... . . i ...i in a financial way to the promoters and commercially beneficial to the locality in which the venture 1 launched. The Columbia River Loggers' Asso ciation held its regular monthly meeting in Portland on Saturday of laat week. Tbe association now claims to have 00 per cent of the output of logs in wis district in its membership and the ses sion wa quite fully attended. At tne meeting It wa decided to charge the man not less than 60 oents a day. each. for board after Hoverober 1, wnue a a nm ner day will be bald for labor. Any member of the organisation violat ing thia agreement will be fined B50 on being found guilty by a jury of three member of the board of directors el the association. Our local market report la about a follows: Young men, unsteady ; girls, lively, in demand; coffee, considerably mixed ; fresn nan, active anu tnppvij , 3uiet, out will probably open in a few avs; whisky, steadily going down; onions, strong ana rising, oreauBtuiia, heavy; boots ana snoe, tnose on market, "soled" and ateadily going up and down ; hate and caps, not so high as last fall, except foolscap, which is ata tionery ; tobacco, very slow, ha a down ward tendency; money, close, but not close enough to get hold of; feathers lioht anH iminv ud: iron, very firm; butter, growing stronger; opium, a drug on the market; advice, good, but no demand. Th. Rtata nf Washington is making a start in the right direction and it is thought Oregon will follow her example if the proper co-operation can be had in furthering tne won. in ouwr wuiuo, State convention waa held in Tacoma on Saturday to discuss and adopt plans lor the building of better roads, and ef fected a permanent organisation for the .niiniuiiM nf the work. The conven tion was attended by a representative class of citisens from fierce, rung. Tla Yakima. Jefferson. Island and other Counties and applications were nuaiwu4 from nearlv every otner uoumy in the State for admission to meraber hlp In the organisation. It waa an en thusiastic meeting and the discussions which were aroused were inn oi spins and showed a great Interest in the worsx, O Tea Knew rinnanmntlnn 1 nreventableT Science has proven that, and also that neglect is tulcidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Bhtloh' uougn ana yon- samption Cure. Bola on a po'" guarantee ior over nity ye., cv t Dr. Edwiu Bos. an rrlakttlul Fall-re. Six terrible failure of six different doctor nearly sent Wirt, H. Mullen, of Lockland, O., to an early grave. All al.l ha had a fatal luntr trouble and that ha must soon die. But he wa -mt tn ir. nr. Klnff'a New Disoovery fnr Pnn.i.mntion. After taking five bottlea he waa entirely oured. It is pos itively guaranteed to cure all diseases of the throat, cheat and lungs, Includ ing coughs, colds, la grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping cough. 60 cents and l. Trml bottlea free at the Bt, Helen rharmacy. The first Grand Jurv list for the ex clusive use of the United Bute Circuit Court haa been selected, and on it are the names of 1000 taxpayers of the Btate of Oregon, who may be called upon some time to act as jurors. Ihe list ie expected to last for several year and it may be some time before the Jurors' name who appear will be drawn for the ury box. The list was maae up ny jlurk Bladen, of the United Btates Cir cuit Court. In Multnomah County he select! the names from the tax roll and in other Counties be sent to the Clerk of the County for a number of names of taxpayers, Irrespective of party. Each County baa been accorded a certain number of juror, the ratio being struck sccordlng to the population in the var ioua narta of the Btate. Moat of the juror In the Counties outside Mnltno- man are farmers or stoexmen, aunougn all the trades snd professions are welt represented. There is but one editor on the whole list, and he ought to know better. Out of Columbia County there were eighteen persons selected as fol lows: Harry West, farmer; Met. F. Hasten, farmer; Jamea Dart, merchant; Edwlii Merrill, farmer; Cha. W. Mel linger, farmer; John Dibblee, farmer; Arnold 8, Graham, farmer; Alfred K. Morgan, farmer; T. A. Cloninger, farmer; (J. W. Perry, farmer; Charles N. Gable, farmer; Thoma C. Watte, merchant: Israel Spencer, farmer; George W. Barnea, farmer; Charles L. Conyers, merchant; D. W. Freeman, larmer; I. . roster, lariner; rv. xi. Miller, farmer. Lateat Internal Rerenne Decision. "A neraon who holds himself in read iness to make purchases pr sale, either for himself or as agent, of County war wants, or fee bills, whether due or not due, presented for payment or not pres ented for payment, is a broker." Wm. H. Dolman ba paid the Internal Rev enue brokers tax, with place of business. atuolllna uray s store, com pliance with the law required. Village Blacksmith 8ayea Bis , Little Bon's tilfe. Mr. H. H. Black, the well-known vil lage blacksmith at Orahamsville, Sulli van Co., N. Y., says: "Our little son. five year old, ba always been subject to croup, and so bad have the attacks been that we feared many times that he would die. We have had the doctor and need many medicines, but Cham berlain' Cough Remedy i sow our sole reliance. It seems to dissolve the tough mucus and by giving frequent dose when the croupy symptoms appear we have found that the dreaded croup ia enred before it vets settled." There is no danger in giving wis remeay lor it contain no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a babe as an adult, for sale at the Bt. Helena Pharmacy. A for labor In editing a naoer. that is mere moonshine, save an exchange. A mere glance at the columns of a newspa nr ia enoneh to convince vou that it re- ?ulrea no labor to edit it, and less brain, t is certainly a glorious life of luxur ious ease ana elegant teieum a nm wr tbe god, filled like that of the young lover in his first dream of unrequited love with flutes and rose leaves ana moonbeams, while not a wave of trouble mil acmes hi neaoefol breast, and that all men are not editor 1 one of the (trangeet things beneath the star. A atifi.Ki-i.nLa atorv come to a of year' work don by a couple of Bloom- fleld townabip (Hansasj cunareu. not withstanding' the (act that he la an Invalid, T. J. Duncan rented 190 acre of wheat land last fall, and his children, a girl 16 year of age and s boy 14 year old, plowed the ground with riding plow, the girl harrowed it and the boy Inllowed with a drill. A roan wa hired to run the harvester, the children doing most of the balance of the work. The 190 acres yielded 4000 bushels of 61 pound wheat. SUMMONS., Ia th Circuit Court of th State of Oregon for thevonntyoi uoturooia. J. . Gilmer, PlainUn. Mrs. M. E. Bryant -and C. T. Bryant, Defend' To' Mrs. M. B. Bryant and C. P. Bryant, th above-named defendant. m n h it k i u it or TH K BTATE OF OREGON: 1 Yon are hereby required to appear and ans wer the oomplaint bled against yon In the bov entitled action on or before th 1st day of De cember, A. D. WOO, said day being the expiration a, (Mm th loth day of October. A. D. 1000. the date ordered by th Court for the first ...K n .f Ikl. nnllna. and if VnU fall to SO appear and answer the plaintiff will lake imlg- mem against juu itw wi. -" " , . " , dollars and Interest thereon from the 26th day of July. ItStt, at the rat oi ten per cem per .-, and the further nm of fifty dollars attorney fee, and th coals and disbursements oi mis aoiiuu T'kt. .nmmnns isrjublisbed bv order of the Hon. T. A. McBrlde, Judaeof the above-entitled Court, made and tutored on the 17th day of October, A. D. lVOU. UH-inr-a. a Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In th Circuit Conrt of th BUM of Oregon, tor Th First NaUonal Bank of Portland, Plaintiff, vs. Daniel Holton, Defendant. yii Tmr K AM K mr tt H r ATKJDP ORBGOK. 1 vou an hereby required to appear and ans wer to th complaint filed herein against you in th above-entitled Court and cause, ou or be fore the 2M day ot November. WOO, that j being .v. .. j.. avu1 in tha order of Dubliaation Of tHinmons for your Appearance or answer, and if vou fall so to appear or auswerwvoewmumiii. the plaintiff will apply t the uourt lor in nA in hi. Anmnlaint. whioh la: I. That the plaintiff have Judgment against id defendant, Daniel Holton, for the sum of IU.6W.00, with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per oent per annum from the 1st day of Novem ber, 1HW, and th further sum of two attorney's fee: lor tne tanner sum oi t-i. "j tiu Iff on aooeunt of laxea aud In redemption from tax sales upon th real property, hereinafter desorjbedand for its cost and disbursement '"a."" roV'a decree forectoslng a eertatn mortgage by von exeouted to Henry Fleckenstein and 8. Julltt Maysr, partners by the firm nam of Fleckenstein a Mavar, recorded in the records of mortgages of Columbia County. Oregon. No vernber lr3, 1SW2, at pax j of book "O ', which said mortgage ha heretofore been, on the sard day of December, 18DS, sold, atwigued and de livered to the First National Bank of Portland, plainUff herein, by said Henry Fleckenstein and 8. Julius Mayer, partners a aloreeald, said mortgage being upon the hereinafter-described real property. ,..., ... nlaihtltt and for "which Judgmeut. Is a. rnr a ueiirea aujuua.iia " v - - ion uogmeut is ne herein .... ...... ,n . lin tinon all following-de- -L.. Ti.i i nmtui.i. tn-toit: The north hi to-wit: ion tw all 01 the north hall of section twenty-seven (J7), aud the roulheastqunrtor ol the northeast quarter of u. nn tofnlltv-atlrnt I'Hl. in MimiBlllU luur CM.MCWO. -.1.". ' . - i 1 1 north, rang two (2), west of thy Wlllamett meridian, Konlalnlng two hundred acres, mot or leas, ivlng and situate ia the Couuty of Co- lunlulA, Wlftto 01 urcRoii. 4. For a deoree foreclosing the right, title nd Interest which th defendant to this suit has iu A. tn tha mm.1 nmnKv hereinbefore-described. and directing me sate 01 earn reai proporn, proceeds thereof to be applied in payment of the amount due and which may be adjudged to plaintiff tn this suit: and lhat rlalntlff have judgment and execution against said defendant. Oanlol liolton, tor any uuul-mjiw? , main after applying an in proceeus 01 .u of real property applicable to the satisfaction ther relief as to the Court way seem meet and equitable. Vht. HID lltabi. his summons l served upon you by pnbllca- tlori by order made by th above-entitled Court, to-wit: the Circuit Court of the State of Oregou to-wit: tne circuit t;oun 01 me o.hi ... y"ui for th County of Columbia, on th 10th day of October, WOO, which direoU the publication thereof lnTHaOoo Mist, a newspaper of general oh-eulatlon, printed nd nublisbod at St. Helens, Oreiton, one each week for six ana eesslv weeks, the first publication of this um mons being tn the Issue ot aald paper of th Win of October, 1030, and the last publication thereof being In the Issue of said newspaper of th aard of November, WOO. POLPH, -ALLORY, 8IMON A ORARIN. r" ' ' " Atioraeyj for Plaiatlfr, CITY TRCASUmCR'S NOTICE. Orriea otCitt Tsoaa, . v Bt. llri.uNt, Orxoa, October 1, MOO. Tub crrr tkbahuhkh or st. hblumb, Oregon herel.jr lve notlc that all war rant of tiiU olty which have been prewnted ana anuuraod "Nut i "1 iur Waut of liuum. prior to Join Slb.lUOO, will ba paid upon pr nntatlon to me. tutarat will not be allowed allor this dale. DAVil) DAVlH, Olty Treasurer. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Cocmr TKnaB' Orrica, Ht II ei oxi. am.. October IS. 1900. N' OTICB 18 HKKK1SV OIVKN THAT A LI. unpaid County Warrant, of Columbia County. Oregon, which hava been presented and endorsed- "Not Paid for Want of Funde," orlor to February let, 1HW), will be paid oon pre sentation at this offloa. Interest will not be allowed ader tbl. data. KliW'IN KOriU, ol7nl Treaeurar of Colombia Comity, Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. N OTICB 18 HBBKBY . GIVEN THAT THE undtralfrned haa been, by the Hon. County Judge lor Columbia County, Stale of Oregon, appointed admiDlatrator of the etate of Maria Wert, deceased. Any and all persons narlna claims agslnst said estate are hereby required to present the same to me at my residence at Hcappooee, Oregon., witbin six months from the date hereof. Dated Notember th, 1BO0. Administrator of the estate of Maria West, de- NOTICE FORPU8LICATION. Department of the Interior. Lamd Orriva at Oaaooa city. Oa.. October 20th. 1909. XrOTICB 18 HEREBY OIVKN THAT 1'HB lH f..l'inwtnv.namd sotttar has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore tbe Register and llecelver at Oregon City, Oregon, on December ttli, 1900, 1: SAMUEL 1. RAPFETY. Homestead entry No. 11. M, for the west H of the northwest K and southeast fi of northwest , and southwest nf northeast of section 20, township north, rang S west. He names th following witnesses to prove his continuous residene upon and cultivation of said land, vli: Thos. O. Meacham, of Bado- na, Oregon, jacod ecnucnt, oamuei oijp a Wm. Gregg, of Moantain Dale, Oregon. oWiiSO CH Aa. B. MOORKa, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of th Interior. Lako Ovrica at Oaaoon City, Ob , October 20, 1900. MOTICB IB HEREBY GIVKN THAT TUSi 111 fallnwIttv-namMl settler haa filed notice of bis Intention to make Anal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore th Register and Receiver, at Oregon City Oregon, on DeeemDer t, 1W0, vis: DANIEL, D. TOMrKlHB, Hnn.ji.laad entry No. 12.13s. for th northwest ii of section 18, township 4 north, range 1 west. He names th following witnesses to preva his eonUnaou residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: John P. Miller, of Oregon City, Oregon, Albert L. Miller of Warren, Ore gon, Byron R. Nlobols, of Portland, Oregon, ana jacoo IX. lompaina, in " ' . W CHAa. u. auuue, uegistar. NOTICE FORPUBLICATION. Department of th interior. LAUD 6rnca At Oscooa Oitt, Oa Oct. S. 1900. N OTlrB fa BBRBBY OfVBH THAT THB followina-named settler has Bled notice of hla Intention ta make final proof la rapport of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore th Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Mov. lilt, WOO, vlii JOHN i. BLACK, uomestcaa ru 1 1 y . si nonheart of section 27, and west of north west H of section 26, township t north, rang t n . n . H names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and caltlvation of said land, via: Charles W. Eichman, Brick Brickson, Joseph W. Keed, Clarence Rood, ail of Keasey, Oregon Timber Laud, Act June S, IS7S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IT a mm Statu Lab Omcr, Oasoon Citv, Oreiroa, October 22. 1900. a-rrvrriK 1 HURKRY RIVEN THAT IN CUM' IN rjliaac with th provisions of th act ot Connessof June i. 1X78, entitled "Aa act for th sale of Umber Una In the Bute oi cait-fn-ni. Am. ... Nevada, and Washington Terri tory." as extended to all the Public Land Btates by act of August 4, 1892, Walter W. Webster, of BUalOn, .oail,jr OI " uiu, , v . , has this day filed in this orhee his sworn state ment No. MuS, for the nurchas of the southeast W of section 2S. In township No. 4 north, ranire Vn a t .uid will offer oroof to show that the land sought is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish bis claim to said land before the Regis ter and Receiver oi mta omoe at ureapa wir. eiron, on Tueeday, tne am aay oi jauuarr, u.n.m.ii.yiinMM: Robert T. BlmDaon. Al bert F. Webster, William B. Lonslgnont. Robert KhB,alloI Buxton, naaninaton ihjouij,- on. Any person claiming auveraeir uio a.w.w- MHhif lamta ara MamwUd to fllA their Claim in this omoe on or before aald 8th day Janu ary, iSOl. CHAH. B. MOORSS. RagiSlar. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt ot the Bute of Oregon, for Columbia CXMtntv. John Fan, Plaintiff, vs. Llbble Farr, Defendant . , . TN THB NAMB Of THB BTATB OF OREGON: v hh mmiiiImmI tA annaar and an- to i ihaia a ai rr inn annTP-nanini lr iriiuaiis . ,V.. Mmnlalnt ft 1,1 aa-ailUt VOH. SB the2&tb day of October, A. D. 1900, in Ihe above-entitled tilt In th above-named Conrt, on or before th .nf ThmmW. A. D. 1000. Which IS th time prescribed in h order of publication of this summons ior you to so appear ww -awi, and if vou fail to so appear and answer said complaint within said time, th plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint aforesaid; to-wit: Forthedisso i.iHAn r tha twtniia of matrtmonv. now and heretofore existing between yon ana tne onove- namul nl.ln.ifV MWm tha OTOUnds Of dBSeitiOn for more than one year immediately preceding the commencement oi tnia suit, 07 you w plaintiff. Tnia sammons Is published In the OaxooM mi.. nnrmuit tn u order made bv tha Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge of the County Court of said Col- umout county, Oregon, aw u- owi y November A. D. 1000, in the absence from said r-nnnt. nf tha Jn.lva of Bflid Circuit COUtt. The date of tbe flrrt publication of this summons is November Sth. A. D. MOO, and tbe last publica tion is or will be December w, a. v., two. . , 6. H. Oxvbxb, Attorney for Plaintiff. No resort in the city of St. Hel ens is near aa popular as the raTqbet. . Only the very best brands of lm- Eorted and domeatio fine wines, quors and cigars kept In stock. CYRUS KOBLE WHISKEY ; WEIKHARD'S BEER. Pool and card table for the en tertainment of patron. EUGENE WHITKEt, Prop. , asaaMaasmsjrajTMMaaV's rOR PARTI. AND. DAIaVT. P -team en "America" a ,. y .... Willamett Slos0li Route ' leave St. Helens. . .. 6:30 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:80 A M Leave Portland 2:80 PM Arrive at St. Helen. 6:00 P M FARR 6 CENTS. Will Carry Nothln but Passen gera and Fast Freight. JAMES CIOOD, Iumi. V 4y'S4t New Firml COLLINS Carry the largest stock and greatest variety of general merchandise of any firm in Columbia county, where the wants of the farmer, the logger, mechanic, business man and laborer ean be supplied. Their stock consists of , GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOIIflllG, Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, paint, oils, glasa, crockery, cuttlerj , Llaiiketa, oil clothing, feed, floor, garden seeds, orchard grass, garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. LOGGERS' AND W00DSMENS' TOOLS. Collins & Gray (Successor to W. H. DOLMAN.) THE PEOPLES' fCnCiiANTS. Goods Exchanged for Produce. ST. HELENS, OREGON. If You 'will Give Them a Trial They will Convince You that what is Said in this Advertisement is THE TRUTH Our Large DRY GOODSjlGROCERIES Consists of the Highest Standard of Quality, which we aim to sell at very reasonable prices. RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. BOOTS AND SHOES-- DART & POPULAR ST. HELENS- uilHiliTnlliiniilllMiriiinrnfr.111111111 in m in mni in in in m THE NEW YORK STORE IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN is is I Clothins r i Dry GoodsGroceries, Boots; Shoes, Etc. Cooper Building, Main Street, St Helens, Oregon. is IS St. Helens Pharmacy ... DR. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. di JMi MaaVtsWaaWW saaVasfW VJaWsfyWWra Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded at any hour of the day or night. Orders by mail for PAINTS, OILS, PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. ..St. Helens ST. HELENS. - rm!ifnr!ifnrfnf!irrfii?!irrmfnfrFii?nrr?Kir? I The Weekly Oregonian IS IS IS i CONTAINS IE IS Is OUR CLUBBING OFFER We have perfected arrangement whereby wo are enabled to fur nish The Weekly Orejmian in connection with Tub Mis lor only Two Dollar. - Tha price ol The Oregonian alone ia i.&3. THE rinW'lJ'lJ'W'iiiirM'JJMi'utiiijiiu'imjiii'n'ii New Goods! & GRAY Stock of- MUCKLE, DEALERS. OREGON. 5 4 4 Drugs, Chemicals AND ....PATENT HEBICINES.... Perfumery, Toilet Articles, School Books,Scliool Sup. plies, Stationery, Etc .... medicine will receive prompt anenuon. CLEVELAND COTTAGE COLORS. Pharmacy,, - OKEUUN una ? 12 (Mff ft WJ?t m ootumcui " , All the news well written. Articles describing Western scenes and incidents. - ' Stories oi love and adventure by well known authors. Brilliant Illustration by newspaper artista Interesting sketches and literature fur bovs and girls. fashion article an4 illustrations for women. OREGON f.!!3T Ifllf'l, !M !''. i