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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1900)
OREGON MIST. AUGUST 10, 1WK). Uootl fur produce nt Collin & (Jrny'a. Judge Doan wu looking uftnr ('ognty aH'wIr here Tunediiy. Cliff Harris, of Hnuvl, waa In town a dy or two tills wuuk. MrfTc. Watts, of IlueUou, wa In ttlifKGounty tieut Monday, Mr. Tliul. Coopr, of Kulunm, la visiting relative In the city. Dr. M. K. Hall, of Hulnler, wa In ttowil Wednesday alturnoun. Tliore will be au adjourned mnhIom of Circuit Court horo next Monday, Mrs. JbciI) Ueorge, of Portland, visited ruMtivui here a day or two lust week, Mr, and Mr. K, W. Conyer wore up Irom Clutakuuio Monduy on court matter. Kev. 0. K. 1'lillbrook will preach at l'erlaund Yankton at tlie uauul Injur mut Hunday. Mrt. M. C. Urav and Ml Ha Florenee lorn will tfo the count Monday for a week' sojourn. Mia Amy George came down from J'orllaiutTuemluy to vitUt relative for a I'oujilw' of weeks. Mr. Win. Hlulr, of Hnuvles, war In town Wi;lnonduy evening on routo for tlio hi I la to look after Ilia atock, Mr. E. Hall, formerly of Warren, write from liellalru, Kansas, ordering Tn a Miht and Oregouian scut to hi address. Mr. 0. I,. Ayre waa In from Peri Tuesday after a load of camper who will Invade Unit part of tli County for .several week. ' Mr. I. liuniftnrdnnr. of Balotn, waa In town Wednetday. Mr. liiiinirardnerlisd aueut about a week at III former home t Doer laland. Mr. I, H i'opoland returned to her home at Uoullon last Nuturday night iier a uroirauiea viau wun tier pareut in wim county. Koad Supervisor I'lsnk litta a force of men out working road thi week, liy the way, Mr. Plank desire the service ot a few men at preieut, . with thoir families, have established camp on the headwater of Milton creek 'lor the remaiimi-r ol the season. Ttev. Mr. McLachlan will preach at Jloulloii, Columbia City and St. Helen next Hunday at the usual hour for con lucting aervice at tlioae place. A marriage license waa Issued laat ftaturdav by Deputy Clerk Harrl to Mr. John YYalnak and Mr. Julia Marshal, formerly Minn Julia Koblutkt. Dr. Roan waa auimnoned to Clatska nie Tueadny afternoon by telegraph to administer professionally to some of the bodily-distressed of thiit community, Charley Mellingor came over from Vernonia lHsThurdny, bringing with Jilni Mr. W, A. Hurria and daughter, who hail hmn out at the homestead for everal weeks. Supervisor Plunk and hi crew are thi week rebuilding the bridge acroa Milton creek, on the Hcappoose road. A new bridge will alao be placed across McNulty Creek. Mr. Win. Bona, lirotlier of Dr. no, ha juat received the nomination for County School Superintendent of Rock County, Wi., having already served ight year in that capacity. Mr. A. A. Clevelund came up from Astoria Tuesday forenoon to be on hand to assist the Superintendent iu conduc ting the quarterly examination of teach mt which ia now in progres here. . County Clerk Watt returned Wednes day (rem Huaaide, where he had rusti cated for,two week. He ha a genuine sea-broefce-sand-beach color in hi hire, j and no doubt i much benefitted by the vacation. Mr. U. M. Heeghly, of Vernonia, came j over to this place Tuesday and continued on to Portland. Mr. llecghly report the wheat crop in the Nehalem valley an al most total fuilureowiug to the presence of the Hessian fly. Mr. John Pringlo. of Vernonia, waa In town a day or two the first of the week. Mr. Pringle say he 1 still negotiating with Eastern 'apitaliat (or the sale of very large tract of timber land in Nehalem valley. Representative Merrill was In the County Beat Monday. Mr. Merrell re port a lively condition of buainesa affair In the vacinity of Clntskanie. especially is there great amount of teaaung being done there at present. Collin A Gray carry a large stock of general merchandise. If In need of any thing, call on them ; they will be glad to how you what they have and to quote you prices. They will buy anytliing tor you that they do not have in atock, and .also hip anytliing for you that they cannot use. A letter received from Mr. II. A. Oberg, from Grants Pas, states that he arrived at that place on the 20th of July with hi family. Mr. Oberg I not favorably Impressed with that part of tlie State, and sny we can expect to see him hack here at any time, a Columbia is the best County in Oregon. Dr. Cliff will leave Portland next Wed nesday for hi Euronoan trip. He will aail from New York on the 22nd on board the steamer St. Louis. While absent he will visit his former home in Kngland, take In the Paris Exposition and other points and places of In treat and return home about the middle of October, Owing to the Indiacerimlnate use of throngh Portland and Astoria reduced rate ticket by parties living at inter mediate station along the lino, the A. A C. R. R. Co. will place on sale at Portland and Astoria on August 8th, ticket to the point affected by the cheap rate, which will prohibit their use from any other station than the in- i itial point named on the ticket, and con ductor will have strict order to honor the ticket only from the point at which they are sold. If a man want to make atrip from Clatakanie or some other way station now, he will have to buy his ticket in the proper manner instead of asking some accommodating friend to bring it to him from Portland. There seems to be a temporary lull In timber land deals for the past fow days, eays the Oregonian, but thoso interested look for increased activity in a short time. A drought in the graingrowing districts of the East has put a damper on the demand for lumber, and the tim ber speculators of Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota are not so keen to buy timber land as they were. One man came out here from Dulutb a week ago to purchase 20,000 acres of timber land in a bodv, but he recieved a telegram order ing liim back about the time he had finished looking up the land. The deal would have amounted to $260,000, and a railroad into the belt would have cost tSO.OOO more. The anent here, however. has hope of consummating the trade later. CLiATHKAMIO ITKMIt. W. II. King, of Upper Clatakanie was In town Tuesday. Mis Lucia Oomin I a visitor this weulf iroiu Portland, W. H. Abel waa under the weather so lie coum not use his teuui, Tuesday, Borneo! our citizens went to Hcasido on an excursion Wednesday of this wecK. The city fountain la so far In the shape of a trough, but 1 lust a valuable to quuuuii thliHt. C. A. Hlmplo and family arrived last week from Nehalem and will make our city their home for the present. The Graham building I now painted and the scaObliling taken down. It is the uioat conspicuous building in town W. H. Whitton and wife of Newport, siient a few dava at the home of Prof. P. 0. Whltten in Mil city. They left the urm oi lie weux. Another city building for the protec tion of the hoae carriage and lire apiia- raiu oi uie city ia under construct on and now being roofed. An addition ia beinir built to to newlv- aujulred Page property which will give me lainuy more room ami add to tlio comfort and convenience of the building. Mr. J. V. Wendall and son, Clyde, and Mia Guasie Anderson, former resilient here, now of East Portland, spent a few day in our city recently. Tom Law I reported to have bought out Tom lleunett' interest und logging outfit at Nordby & Flippon'a and eM ail men charge of the busiuess. He will move his family from Dew Island in the near future. L. V, Maxwell and family have moved to room over Kratx'i (tore. Mr. Mc Keill, who seem to be Nackley's me ceaaor iu what is now called the Racket tore, expect to move his family into me nouse jiaxweu vacutea. The Artisan had a social Saturday evening which waa quite well attended. A literary and musical program wa followed by ice cream and cake and a few dollar realixud in that way may go Into the treasury of tlie order. Marquee Zimmerdalo got hi leg badly crushed under the leu which wa bauliiiK tlie don ko v engine at Hrigg'e ramp last week. He wa taken to the hospital at Portland and at last account it wa not clear whether the limb could be aved or not. ' A. E. Thoma wa out from the mill above Mist the first of tlie week, looking after lumber intereata. He roporte 17 teams at work Hauling between the mill and Clatakanie. and has about one-third of his mill production already on this side of the mountain. Mrs. Rosenberg came down from Port land Friday evening for a trip to Vesper. tiiie will pan her cottago some three mile out ol town wiier sue spent some year securing land on a homestead filing. The cottage is one of the land mark on the way to Mist. Nordby & Flippen are an enterprising lumber firm. A notice calling attention to ttieir lumber and prices written ill the Finn language i posted up outside the pontotllce. They are in business for all UBtionalties, and wide awake to all the possibilities ol the trade. James McDonald waa in Portland last Friday and called to see Zimmerdalo at tlie hospital. He found him cheerful and hopeful notwithstanding the un certainty about the fate of his leg. Jim consulted an ouculist about his own eye, injured about the 4tn ouuiy. lie got no encouragement about ever having a useful eye again. There is little sight left in that eye. J, J. Johnson was the victim of a pain ful but not very serious accident Tuesday of this week. In driving his empty wagon toward Mist for lumber the horses scared and started to run, giving him a lively ride for about half a mile. When he got pretty good control, one end of his bindinit pole struck the ground and the other new up, hitting him a tremendous i:l -i n. -j.. it. ; . . i ilea along ins siuu ami mp. ne is quite bruised and swollen in consequence. W. II. Kysor was one of the unfortu nates last week. While standing near a man who waa chopping, the exe came oir the handle and alruuk Kyaer so as to cut a gash across the back of hi hand, severing the tendons and bones, produc ing a very disabling and serious wound. Di'S. Hail, of Rainier and Clatakanie, were both summoned and put the hand in as good repair as possible, so if all goea a well a ex pocted ho may have a useful hand. A leas serious cut was re ceived in IiIb thigh at the same time. Quality as well a quanity counts when one buys good. Collin & Gray carry first-clans goods, and their price are reasonable. Rainier Kleotrlo Light Co. Salkm, Aug. 6. Articles of incorpora tion were tiled In the Secretary of State's olllce today by the Rainier Flume, & Electric Light Company, the intention being to utilize the waters of Fox Creek, in Columbia County, as a power for flutu ing wood, lumber nnd timbers, also as a source of domestic supply. Another object is to establish an electrio light and power plant at Rainier, where the principal office i to be. The capital stock is $3000, the incorporator being Dean Blanchard, 8. Benson. J. Silver, and W. L. Stacy. Examination Class. The School Superintendent is holding the quarterly examination for teachers in thi city thi week, fourteen appli cant being in attendance, a follow : MissEmily O. Brown, Portland ; Laura E. Foss, Gray's River, Wash.: Catherine J. Tracy, Clatakanie; Ida L. Morgan, Delena; Veda Lewis, University Park ; Zulla Lewis, University Park; Merle fShannahan, Vernonia; II. K. Shirk, Kist; 0. B. Wirtx, Braunsport; Mrs. I. H. Copeland, Honlton ; Misses Ollie Rice and Harriet Thayer, Rainier; Martha Green, Skamokawa, Wash. ; Mis Maude Bryant, Clatakanie. Oar Bicycle Path. It I very evident that ao fur a the cash will go it will be expended to excel lent advantage in constructing bicycle paths. Mr. 0. E. Whitney, in whoso hand the bicycle money wa placed for expenditure in this part of the County, i making judicious disposition of it, and what work ia accomplished will be of a first-class character and permanent in nature. Just about one mile of path will be completed, the entire distance being graded and coverod with crushed rock, then rolled and packed. From St. Helena to the Milton bridge cyclists can now depend on good going, over which distance has heretofore been the most difficult and tiresome wheeling. The one mile of path cost $50, but tlie work oould lie extended at much less cost per milo. A general effort, which should have the co-operation of the Scappoose and Warren cyclist, should be' put forth to extend the improvement to the County lino. The improvement would be of mutual benefit to business mennnd pleasure seekers, and the entire popula tion should co-opernte with the effort to open the way for cyclists from Portland to wheel to our city. no you knowt That the foot that rocks the cradle has no time to stop and kick for woman' right? That the official count of the United States centua will not be ready for the publio before December? That lightning played a curious prank with an Ohio man last week? It burned the image of a tree on hi side. . That the County Treasurer has a call thi week for all outstanding County Warrant endorsed prior to January 1st 1900?. , 1 That It is said there 1 a' man In this town who ate seven saucer of Ire-cream ? He must bo the man for whom the cows give milk. That the Portland Telegram unkindly remarks that "the preacher are nearly all away on their annual vacation, but the devil does business the year round, summer trie same a winter." That a book agent recently called on a fanner of thia County, nnd proponed to sell him an encyclopedia? The farmer replied "Saw, I don't want one ;my child ren are all girl and couldn't ride one." That crushed rock ha taken the place of gravel on thoroughfare of Yamhill, as it is thought to be more aervicable and conaiderably cheaper. The County owns it own crusher, and It cost about II. 2f per yard to put the rock on the roads. That the City Treasurer of St. Helens Issues a call for outstanding warrants endorsed prior to February 2. 1100? The total amount of city warrant re maining unpaid, issued prior to the in auguration of the preaeut council, amount to but $08. Of course the present council has incurred consider able expense, but no one ia complaining; tlie indebtedness created waa for street improvement, which wa a judicious ex penditure of the city' fund. That at thia Reason of the year the mountains are full of campers and it is necessary that care should bo exercised to prevent the spread of forest lire. A little carelessness may result in destruc tion of uiuclt valuable timber and pos sibly in tho loss of life. People nhould bear in mind that there are strict law reg ulating the setting of fires, and providing penalties for all who cause their aettiuic and fail to extinguish them. It is a small matter to see that the fire I put out, when breaking camp. That Kansas populist his Jerry Simpson and thrust him into outer dark ness? They are too prosperous for him, or rather for hi reputation. They want men who both wear socks ana nave a reputation for wearing them. Jerry is prosperous, too. and wear the roost expensive kind of socks of late. But the reputation of his calamity day cling round him still, and the Kansas popu lists want to be represented by men and women who have the air of blue blooded patricians or plutocrat, since they have put the day of their poverty behind them, and since their banks are loaning money to the poor railroad and banker of the East. That It Is high time that there was some work done on the Clatakanie river? says' the Chief. Perhap someone is holding back, thinking they will get a bonus to push tlie business through. It has been about six year since a peti tion wa sent to congress and nearly two years since an appropriation of $13,000 waa made for this improvement and still the river is as crooked a ever. There should be something done about the matter. Clatakanie might organize a chamber of commerce, push club or some kind of an organization that will look after the interest of the county. You will never get any improvements unless you do something of the kind. Other ton n do so, why not Clatekanie ? That the old saying that It ia no dis grace to be poor isall right? but we would add that it is mighty blamed handy to be rich these days when the roads to the mountains and springs are open, and ail one needs for the trip is wealth enougn to provide a little "grub" for the trip and some one to look after the business at home while you are away. The poor devil of a printer is just the sort of an individual who is compelled to forego the pleasure of such a trip, and stay at home and get out bis paper, even if everybody else is out of town. When it comes to summer outings and vacation the printer ia not in it, but he has the satisfaction of knowing that he will recieve hi reward hereafter. That there has been more farm ma chinery shipped to Clatskanie this season remarks the Clatakanie Chief, than in anv three years since that paper waa started, and we are of the opinion that our citizen should wake op and do something? Every town in the United States is not sleeping, but is rustling to Improve the opportunities offered them. Clatakanie has quite a number offered her, then why not take advantage and rustle for something. Our timber is almost gone. It Is far enough gone to make our citizens begin to figure on Rome other way to keep up their income and we can think of no better way than to establish a flouring mill in our midst. The Chief has tried before to impress the people of this necessity, but they listened not. rVcar. 1891 ..105,22 . ,.;il,770 ,..120,45 . . . 123,781 ...120,:iS ...129,023 ...120,950 ...130,763 ...132,388 To Use Northern Trackage. The Goble, Nehalem A Pacific Rail way Company, which i constructing a logging road from Reuben to the Neha lem, is at work. A 2000-foot bridge is being constructed. President Cannon is now en route east to look after the rolling stock necessary. The road will be laid with 50-pound rails, and timber will be tapped in three mile. The road will be standard guage and it is the purpose of the company to make cordwood of all the timber not used for sawlogs. A switch from the Northern Pacific' track will allow cars to be loaded with poles, wood, etc., and shipped direct to Portland and other points. CIRCUIT COURT. Judgo McBrlde conducted an ad journed term of Circuit Court in thi city last Monday, when the following proceedings were had : OmarJ. Bryant etalvs. E. W. Con yers et al. Motion to show authority to appear for Frank Beer argued and con tinued until October term. G. E. and Hannah Tysczkiewca vs. H. B. Nicholas et al. Briefs submitted and case taken under advisement by the Court. . State Land Board vs. W. A. Edgerton. Confirmation of sale. Gruber v. Baxter. Confirmation of ale. Armstrong vs. Harris. Set for argu ment August 13. R. Z. Joy va. Columbia County. Order for writ of review. Shearer vs. Meade. Decree on find ings of foreclosure. litany t.OTer Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with aii offonai ve breath. Karl'a Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its action on the tniwels, etn., as nothing else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. BTATH SCHOOL FUND. Largest Mam Ever Available In the State for School Purpose. The irreducible State school fund for 1000 ha been apportioned by the State Treasurer, the total amount being $207 467.34, the largest sum ever available for scnool purposes in the History ot tnii estate, ine rate per capita is also ll cents greater than ifrt any time. The total number of achool children in the Stute 1 138.181, and the per capita is $1.68. This year Columbia county draw $3,402.28,. having $2,213 children. Last Friday County Treasurer Rosa re ceived from the State Treasurer a check for the amount of school money due this County, but owing to law the cash can not be apportioned among tne several district, until the first Monday in October. Multnomah County received the largest amount of any County in the State, the sum being, $38,823, 72, show ing 24,887 children, while curry county draws $1003.92, having but 682 children. Following' i a comparative table of the number of children, the per capita and the amount of funds apportioned in the State during the last ten year, a perceptible gain being shown.; no. oi rcr Children. Capita, 1892... 1893., 1894., 1895 , 1890 , 1897.. 1898 , 1899.. 1900 133,181 $1 45 1 46 70 87 1 03. 1 05 1 04 1 20 1 51 1 50 Amount $153,151 90 102,006 60 84,431 50 107,693 82 133,281 76 135,472 06 13 ),154 24 156,903 60 199,905 88 207,457 34 "The Frenchman likes hi native wine, the German like his Hop Gold beer, the Irishman like hi whiskey straight because it gives good cheer; the English man likes his 'alf and 'alf because it makes him frisky; but they all go back on their favorite drink for Old Castle, Whixkey." All these favorite drinks for sale at the Cruiser. Warren Entertainment Programme. Following is theprogramme to be ren dered at the church entertainment to be given at Warren this (.Friday) evening: Openin Hymn... "Twilight" Prayer Kov. MacLachlan Kovltatlon, "Purplo Pansiet"... .Lillian Iibiner Koiiir, "The Kiiiyilld" Iva Grewoll H7taUun. "Them Piper Yenguns" i .....Maude WIImb Song, "Swiw riower Girl" Lena Wilwm Herniation, "Hlvier and I" Olive Kllia Hoiik, "Mountain Nymplm" Choir Kecliallon, "Tlie Tell-Tale Heart" Clifford Kills Son, letocted. Choir Fan brill and Tableau Eleven OirU DiALooua, Foo Acts "Taking k Wira." CUAKiCTIM Mr. 0 rover... Mra. lirover M n. Koaa BrldKet.i Mr. Farwell Mr. Uuntiy .Mr. D. C. Allard ..Mra. Iuea Hawkins Mr. Lilly Baker lllaaKlla Bacon Mr. Jack Cooper Mr. Frank Hoyt It Helped Win Battlna. Twenty-nine officer and men wrote from the front to say tbat for scratches, bruises, cut, wounds, eore feet, and stiff joints, Bucklen's Arnica Salve i the best in the world. Same for burns, skin eruptions and piles. 25 cent a box. uure guaranteed, mia at tne t. rieiens Pharmacy. CASTOR I A For Infant and Cbildren. Tbe Kind Yon Ha?8 Always Bought Bears the) Slgnatore of CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Orncs orCiTT Triaiubik, St. HrtH, Orein, AnglO,1900. THE CITY TREASURER OF 8T. HELENS, Oregon hereby eivea notice that all war rant of thia oity which have been presented and endorsed "Not I'nid lor Want ot Kunda," prior to February 2d, 1M)0, will be paid upon pre eutntlnn to me. luu-reat will not be allowed after thia date. DAVID DAVIS, .uy Treasurer. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Cobkty Tbiahohki: s Orncs, ST. Ill t E.N1. OR.. Aur. 10. 1900. XTOTICB 18 HKkEBV (iiVliN THAT ALL ll uiitmld County Warrants of Columbia County, Oregon, which have been presented and endorsed- "Nat Paid for Want ol Funds," prior to January 1st. 19(10, will be paid upon pre aemation at thia office. Interest will not be allowed after this date. EDWIN KOtW, alOaT Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. SUMMONS. Ia the Circuit Court of Oregon for the Connty of Columbia. Frank I. Weber, Plaintiff vs. Elisabeth Hughes. George T. Hughes and Mair nllgnes, nis wile, uenruua nuKiies auu n li- llam Amsdell Hughes, heirs-at law of Ueorge UtiirhtM iImphmiI. DeieDtlants. To Gertrude Htnhea and William Amsdell Huxhes, Defendants above-named: TN THB NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Yon are hereby reouired to appear and an swer tbe complaint hied against you in the slwve entitled Court and cause on or before the Kind day of September, 1WU. that being the date lixed for such appearance or answer by tbe Court in the order for the publication of thia summons: and if you fall so to appear or ao swer Plaintiff will apply to the above-named Court for the relief prayed for In his said oom- Slatnt, to-wit: that the mortgam iu form ot eed and deleasaueo be foreclosed as a mort gage; that the said premises therein desoribod, to-wit: The South W of the Southeast v and the Houth H of the tiouthwest li of seetiou 34 in Township North of Range 1 West of the wtliamattu Meridian, in Columbia County. State ot Oregon, ooutainlng 100 acres, be or dered sold according to law ana tne praauca of this Court: that the proceeds of such sale be applied to the payment of the expenses of said sale, the cost of Court, aud lstly, of the amount due this Plaintiff to-wit: Tbe sum of $437.14 and interest thereon as demanded in the com plaint and the tiu-ther sum ot $39.06, and the surplus, if any, b paid in to the Clerk of this Court: subject to the further order of Court; thut Defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under them, since the execution OI saio oeeu auu uniewmivp, barred and foreclosed of all claim, right or equity of redemption in and to said premises and every part Oiereof, and that Plaintiff have such other aud further relief as to tbe Court muv seem Just and equitable. This sainmous is published in Ths OaiooH Mist by order of Honorable J. B. Doan, Judge of the County of Columbia, State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 7th day of Aug ust, 1900. Dated August llHh , 1U0O. U. w. AliliKn, Attorney mr riaiuitu. w Karl's Cover Root Tea Beautifies the Complexion, Purifies tha Blood.giveHaFresh,ClearUklo. CuresCon stlpatlon, Indigestion, and all Eruptions at the Skin. An agreenble Laxative Nerve Tonic. Sold on absolute guarantee by all druggists at S6c, Sue and 1.0u. 8. C. WELLS A CO., LIROV. N. V. sole raopnicTOna NOTICE FORJPUBLICATION. IAMD Omca at Oasooa city, Ok.. llUh lUOrt NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler bos filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of run uiaiui, aim mat said prnoi wui oe inaae in fore the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, uregou, on August w, jisaj, vig: OtlHT H. ANDEKHON. Homestead entry No. 11,634, for the northeast i of section H, township 4 north, range west. He names Uie following witnesses to prove ins cominuou resiuence upon ana cultivation of said land, vis: Julius Fleeter, of Valley, Or., Krlck Erlckson and i. T. Wilson, of Yankton Oregon: John lilldebrand. of Portland. Or. y.'U'Zl CH AS. i). MOOllKri, Ht Ulster, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE, , NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEK THAT III PtJR snance of an order of the Count? Court of ths Stale of Oregon, for Columbia County. maoe sua entered in tne mutter or the estate ol F. M, Webber, deceased, on the 16th day of July, 1000. the undersigned administrator thereof will sell at public auction, to the highest bid der, for cash, and subject to cofinrinution by said Court, on Monday, the 20th day of August, 1H4W. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door ot the County Court House, In the City of St. Helens, said County and Btste. ail the right, title and interest of the said F. U. Webber, at the time of his death, or which bos since been acquired by his estate, In and to the following described real property to-wit: The West H of the Northwest '4 of the Sontheast of Section 7, Township 4 North. Range 1 West of the Willamette Meri dian, in Columbia County, state of Oregon. LIAV1D 11AVIS. Administrator of the Estate of F. M. Webber. Deceased J'-!0al7 Timber Land, Act Jnne t, M78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ukitsb Status Laud Orrics, obeook City. Or.. June 22. 1900. NOTICE IS HERKBY GIVEN THAT IN COM pllance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, aad Washington Territory,'' as extended to ail the Public Land States by act of August 4, WW, tiarry D. Burrows, of Van couver, County of Clarke, Ktate of Washington, has this day filed in this office his sworn state ment No. 6234. for the nurchasa of the northwest XA of section No. 18, township No. S north, range no. ? west, ana wui oner proof to snow tost tne land sought ia more valuable for Its timber or stone than for sgricultural purposes, and to es tablish bis claim to said land before the Regis ter and Receiver of this othce, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 7th day of September, 19110. He names as witnesses; John Archibald, of Ooble, Oregon, Daniel Stahmen, of Apiary, Oregon, Thomas Peoples and George Archibald, of Ooble. Oregon. Any and all persons claim ing adversely the above-described lands are re quested to Illo their claims In this office on or before said 7th day of September, 1900. JaJl CHAS. a. MOOBE8. Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stats of Oregon for Columbia Covnty. John H. Cameron, Plaintiff vs. Jennie B. Cameron. Defendant. To Jennie B. Cameron, the above-named De fendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON: Vouare hereby notified that the Plaintiff herein baa filed a eomplalut against yon in the above entitled Court and you ore hereby re quired to appear and answer said complaint on or before the last day of the time prescribed by the order of publication to-wit: On or before September 25th, A. D. 1900, Yon are farther no tified that If you fall to appear and answer the complaint, or plead thereto, tbe Plaintiff will cause your default to be entered, and will apply to said Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, that is to say, for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between Plaintiff and Defendant herein, and for such other and further relief as to tne Court may seem equitable. This summons is published by order of Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia Connty. in the absence of tne Hon. T. A. McBrlde, Judge of saio circuit uoun. granteo on the tn day oi July, A. D.. I'M), and directing the publication of this summons in the Okeoom Mist once a week for six weeks successively. w. II. uokybks, Attorney for Plaintiff. New Firm! New Goods! SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia Countv. The Board of Commissioners for the Sale of School and Univer sity Land and for the Invest ment of the Funds Arising Therefrom, Styled "The State Land Board." Plaintiff vs. V SUMMONS M. Kooser and M. A. Roeeer, bis wile, Joseph r. uncoln, E. N. Wheeler, Nlcolai brothers Co., a Corporation, Mrs. H. A. Colby, William B. Thomson and I. C. Sanford, Defendants. To Mrs. H. A. Colby. M. Boeser and I. C. San- iora, iieienasnts anove-namea: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each ot von are herebv notif ad. that the Plaintiff herein has Died a complaint against you iu the above-entitled Court and cause, and that you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer said complaint on or before the last day prescribed by the order of publication hereof, towit: August 10th. 1900. xou are lunncr uotmea taas 11 you nui to ap pear and answer tbe said complaint, or plead thereto, within said time, the Plaintiff will cause the default of each one of you to be en tered of record and will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In said complaint: That is to sav. for a iudgment against the above-named defendants, M. Roeser and M, A. Uoeser. for the sum oi sum, with interest tnereon at tne rate of eight per cent per year from August 16th. 1894. aud also for tne further sum of $176 as attorney's fees In said suit, and for tne costs and disbursements in this suit, and for a decree foreclosing all your right, title and interest in and to the real etiate described in the mortgage menUoned in said complaint and described as follows to-wlt: The north half of the north west quarter; the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter; the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section W; also the south west quarter of the southeast quarter; and the northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter ot section 82, ail being situate In township No. 7, north of range 1 west of the Willamette Meri dian in Columbia County, Oregon. Also for tha usual decree lor the sale of said described mort gaged premises, and the application of the pro ceeds of said sale in navment of said iudgment. and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem proper. Tne nate oi tue nrst puDiicauou oi tms sum mons is Friday, June 15th, 1900, and the last publication thereof Friday, the 10th day of August. A. D., 1900; and said summons shall be published on Friday of each week for the period of six consecutive weeks between said dates. This summons is served by publication by order of the Hon. Thus. A. McBride, Judge of the above entitled Court. mAde and entered on tho ith day of May, A. D., 1900. W. H. CoNYima, O. W. Col. Attorneys for Plaintiff. FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor PnlMirthla fltllltv. The Board ot Commissioners for the Sale of School aud Univer sity Lands, and for the Invest ment of the Funds Arising therefrom, styled "tha State Land Board". Plaintiff. vs. r SUMMONS M. A. Roeser and M. Roeser, her husband, Joseph F. Lincoln, E. N. Wheeler, Nlcolai Bros. Co., a Corporation, Mrs. H. A. Colby, William R. Thomson and I. C. ftnnfnrri. Defendants. To Mrs. H. A. Colby, M. Roeeer and I. C. Son. mm. uarenuanu anove-nsmea: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby not! tied, that the plaintiff heroin has filed a complaint against you in the above entitled Court and cause, and that you and each of you are nereby required to appear and answer said complaint on or before tlie last day prescribed by the order of publica tion hereof, towit: August 10th, 1900. You are further notified that if you- fail to appearand answer the sld complaint, or plead thereto within said time, the plaintiff will cause the default of each one of you to be entered of record aud will apply to the Court for the relict prayed for iu said complaint: That is to say, for a judgment against the above-named defendants, M. A. Roeser and M. Roeser, for the sum of 1, with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per year from the 16th dsv ot February, ikh, auu tne lurvner sum oi w attorney's fees, and the costs and disbursements of this suit, aud for a decree foreclosing all your right, title and interest in and to the real estate descrihod In the mortgage mentioned in said complaint and described as follows to-wit: The northwest )i, and tho south M of the north east quarter and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 2; also the south west quarter of the southeast quarter ot section 2. all situate in township 7, north of range 1, west of the Willamette meridian, In Columbia County, State of Oregon, and containing 3N acres. Also for the usual decree for the sale of said described mortgaged premises, and tlie ap plication of tlie proceeds of said sale in pay ment of said Judgment, and for such other aud further reliel as the Court may deem proper. The date of the nrst publication of this sum mons is Friday, June 16th, 1900, and the last publication thereof Friday, the 10th day of Aug ust. A. D., 1900; and said summons shall be pub lished on Friday of each week for the period of six conseoutive weeks between sold dates. This summons Is served by publication by order ot the Hon. Tboa. A. MoHride, Judge of the above-entitled Court, made and entered on the ith day of May, A. D. , 1900. W. H. CoHYaas, O. W. Col. Attorneys for Piaintl. COLLINS & GRAY j Carry tbe largest atock and greatest variety of general merchandise of any nrm in uomiubia connty, wtiere tne want ot tne larmer, tne logger, mechanic, business man and laborer ean be anpplied. Their atock consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cnttlery, ; blankets, oil clothing, teed, nonr, garden seeds, orcnard grass, garden implement, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. LOGGERS' AND WOODSMENS TOOLS. Collins & Gray (Successors to W. H. DOLMAN.) THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. Good Exchanged for Produce. ST. HELENS, OREGON. wVwVwV AwVAAjI 1 Zr VsVsA Money Refunded if not Satisfactory NO DOUBT YOU ARE ALL IN NEED OF Clothing and Shoes! Before taking chances on some unreliable hoes, why not have a sure and square deal by seeing . JOHN DELLAR,. Where be recommend every article ; price accord ing to its value. NOTE A FEW SPECIALTIES Kens' Belts, Fancy Worsteds, Cheviots. Brown tf ft Checked or Striped, with Double-Breasted Vest.. V I J U Boys' Silts, Three Different Patterns 1.25 Boys' Washing Softs ,40 Boys' Shoes, Satis Calf, Lace 1.25 Ladles' ac Misses' Shoes, Vicl Kid, Tan or Black, I) ft U Vesting Top, 13.00. Values for John Cellar, COB, FIRST AND YAMHILL, PORTLAND, OBKGO.N. If You will Give Them a Trial They will Convince You that what is Said in this Advertisement is THE TRUTH Our Large Stock of DRY GOODEGROCERIES Consists of the Highest Standard of Quality, which we aim to sell at very reasonable prices. RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ..-BOOTS AND SHOES.... DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. THE NEW YORK STORE 1 IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Si I -Clothino I I . I Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. E Cooper Building, Main Street, St Helens, Oregon. 5 fvvtvvv St. Helens Pharmacy DR. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. 1 Drugs, Chemicals AND ...PATENT MEDICINES.... Perfumery, Toilet Articles, School Books,School Sup plies, Stationery, Etc .... Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded at any bour of the day or night. Orders by mall for medicine will receive prompt attention. PAINTS, OILS, CLEVELAND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. J COTTAGE COLORS. ..St. Helens Pharmacy.. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON, i