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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1900)
m 11 ere Invited to writ to Plnkham for free advioa about their health HSrs. Phtkkam Is m woi men. If you have painful periods, beekaehes ,.or a.iy c A mora sertoma, SSSs of woman? write to Kirs. Plnkham $ aha bam helped muttStutles. Yea, letter witl be ' , aaoraiSyi confidential. . - lydla E. P lakh am' a Vcysta&le Compound ' Is known wherever deCzts llsh language Is spekmsm ' Nothing else cam possi bly bo so sure to help Buf fering womeam He other medlolno has helped so many Remember this when something else Is sug gosted. ' Kirs. Plnkham's ad dress Is Lynn, fJJass. Her helping hand Is always outstretched to suffering women. x . Ham Salad. Chop fine one cup ol ham; soak one cap of bread crumbs in ona-half cop of sweet milk; add one teaspoon fol each of dry custard and cel ery aeed and a little pepper. Turn all into a sance pan and heat thoroughly. Serve hot on a small platter, garnished with slices ol hard-boiled eggs. Try Allen'. In) Kaae, A powder to be shaken into the show. At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, and get lireii easily. If you have t mining feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Fool-Knse. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures ingrowing nails, .woolen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Kelieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. We have 30,000 testimonials. Try it today, fcold bv all drug-gists and shoe dealers for 2.V. trial packuceFl'.KK. Address Alien B. Olmstead, LeRoy, K. Y. A Nebraska man who saw a twister start writes about it to a magazine. It is harmless at the start bat very powerful when some farmer tries to stop it by bavug his house in its path. HOITT'S SCHOOL Uenlo Part, fan Mateo County, Oal., with it new buildings, newly furnished and complete laboratories, beautiful sur roundings and home iiirtuences, is one of the best equipped schools tor the training of boys and young men on the coast. It is in charge of Ir. Ira O. Hoitt and is ac credited at the universities. Send forcat alog, Tenth year begins August 6, laOO. The Georgia man who chained op his daughter because she married in oppo sition to his wishes merely demon strated that she was wise in marrying anyone who would take her away from him. Dropsy treated free by Dr. H. H. Green's Sons, of Atlanta, Ga. The rreiitest drone y specialists in the world. Read tlieiradver lisemeut iu another column of this paper. Experiments have for some time been made in England with smokeless coal. This peculiar fuel may be burned either in an ordinary grate or in a basin in the middle of the room with out developing any perceptible odor or amok at any time. The fire looks like the finest coal fire, and the flame is White and bine. Like the Deadly UnclerCurrent which grasps one without warning, the mucous membrane which lines the entire body suddenly becomes weakened in some spot and disease is established. It may be of the lungs, the head, throat, stomach, bowels, or any other organ, Where ever it is, and whatever it seems, it 11 springs from the same cause Hgatarrh-- or inflammation of this delicate pink membrane. The system is weakened in win ter. The delicate lining is more susceptible to irritation or inflamma tion, and thus we have pneumonia, grip, colds, coughs, fevers, etc., all catarrhal conditions which may easily be checked by one catarrh cure Pe-ru-na. That's the only way out of it. You may dose forever you will not be well until you try the true cure and that is Pe-ru-na. You may think your trouble is some cither disease and not catarrh. Call it what you will, one thing is sure, your system is affected and must be treated, and Pe-ru-na is the only remedy ' which reaches the right place and does cure. ;.... . . ..!',.'l."..: 31 I J Beet Couum oreup. Testes Guyd. XJm f 1 lntiu, H.M br dnnnrii.. MINES AND MINING Consal McCook Says Alaska Is Do. tined to be a Wonderful Mining Cams). "Alaska is destined to be a wonderful mining country," says United States Consul McCook, at Dawson, in a letter to the state department. The Tanana district, he says, is creating a stir and is dividing honors with the Kyokuk conulry. In the Tanana region the miuera claim they can get 10 to 30 cents' worth of ay dirt to the pan, and this iu summer digging, with only two or three feet to bedrock, is equiva lent to$la pan wherw one has logo 25 feet to bedrock. "The great necessity now in Alaska," says Consal McCook, "is good roads, good camps and the prospecting of com paratively nnknown sections." Great dissatisfaction was expressed at Dawson City this vpriug after the wash up, hi says, by miners who woiked for men who had leaned mining claims from the owners. The lay men sign contracts to work so many feet of the claim daring the season, to' receive 60 per cent of the gold coming out of the claims, and the lessee agreeing that all men working the propntry will be employed under a written contract by which they promise not to hold the claim in any way liable for their wages. It has turned ont in hundreds of cases that the cost of working the claims has taken mote than SO per cent of the out put, the lessees' share. Thus the men employed on the claims have been de prived of their wages. Lay men on rich claims, says Consal McCook, can do very well, but the majority cf the claims cannot be worked on this basis at the current rate of wages. E. C. Senkel, gold commissioner of Yokon territory, has information that Canada is to introduce radical reforms in the Klondike. The royalty system is to be done away with altogether and a government assay office is to be estab lished at Dawson and a compulsory fee of 8 per cent charged for assaying gold and exchanging for drafts. The 3 per cent must be paid on all gold taken from the country, whether the government assay office be patronised oi not. -.neky Queen Hill. A rich strike has just been maJe by Corliss 4s Rash, on Lucky Queen hill, about 10 nijlea from Grant's Pass, Or. It is on the Doable Eagle claim, which was purchased last year for a very low figure. The stiike is in the nature of a very rich seam, one to two inches thick, with a body of quarts on either side. The gold is all through the seam, which is easily pounded op, and runs flO to $15 to the pan. Reviewing the Gem Mlae. The Gem mine, near Sparta, Eastern Oregon, now owned 'by Portland capi talists who purchased the property sev eral months ago, has shown exceeding ly rich ore, acording to Manager N. J. Jenkins. A depth of 460 feet has been attained and levels are being run 450, 850 and 800 feet in depth. An uprise from the 450 to the 350-foot level is being driven for air. A contract has been let to sink a prospect shaft 800 feet sooth of all previous workings. As work progresses, large ore bodies are being exposed, and there is ore enough in sight for 10-stamp mill for years to come. The old Gem was worked 80 years ago by Captain A ins worth and Captain E. M. White, but was aban doned by them. The wealth of the mine was little known, as recent de velopments anon . The property now bids fail to be a great producer. Eleetrle Line for Republic. A petition is before the council oi Republic, Wash., to grant the Republic Gold Mining Company a franchise for the laying of track and the running of steam, electric or horse cars through that city, the erecting of poles and the transmission "of electrioty for lighting purposes for the municipality and for power. Shonld the franchise be grant ed, the tramway system will be built first. The route for the tiamway has been surveyed. From this line, which will be about three miles long, branch lines will inn through the cross streets. Northwest Motes, Denny pheasants are becoming plen tiful in Ronge River valley. Klamath Indiana have sold 65 horses to a government buyer at prices from $25 to $10 per head. A panther that bad been killing goats was shot last Sunday by William Temple ton, of Crown Point, Or. Fire is destroying much valuable timber in the mountains west of Enter prise, Or. The fire started about week ago. A Chinese vegetable peddler at Spo kane cat off bis qneae to conivnee skep tical persons that he was not a Boxer, but Christian. An exceptionally large fruit crop is assured this season in the Rogue River valley. One farm will yield from 60 to 80 car loads of apples. Walla Walla's outlook for a fruit fair is good. Its soliciting committee got $1,000 from business men in three hours, and promises of much more. Charlie Linn, a boy at Salt cieek, in Polk county, Or., has caught 163 digger squirrels with steel trap since last March. He gets 1 cent each for their scalps. - Salmon have commenced to make their appearance in the Wallowa river below town, and soon Chief Joseph's gang of Indians will be here catching and drying them for winter use. The creamery at Chebalis, Wash., turned ont 10,000 poannds of butter and COO pounds of cheese during June. The Bee-Nugget estimates that with the Toledo, Browning, Centralis and smaller creameries in operation Lewis county's diary product will reach $75, 000 to $80,000 per year. John Bennett, a logger, was fatally injured in North River valley recently, by being hit in the back of the head with a grab iron, which ras pulled ont of a log and struck with great force. He died the day after the accident. The Sunset Te'ephone Company's failure to reach a settlement of the strike of its employes, with consequent poor service to patrons, has led many business houses at Seattle to order their phones removed and to employ bicycle messengers. Resolutions adopted indi cate that the business men are not pleased with the company's coarse, but jride with the girls wno are ont. FEW CHANGES IN TRADE. Humorous Favorable Peoturea la Bast eta Bltuallou. Bradstreet'ssaya: Important cliaug is in trade and speculation are notably lacking this week, but counter currents )f demand in various sections and in iustries lend a rattier more than usitul ly irregular appearance to the general lituation. Amoug the notable features calling for notice are the practical as lurance of an immense corn crop by the recent copious rains in the further West, the oontiuned cheerful reports ram the sections which have gathered and are now marketing a large winter vlinat mm. advices of continued im provement in tone to the Northwest, with reports ol renewals oi earner can celled orders for fall goods, fairly tat-i-f-ornr oaina in aroaa railway earn ings, less weakness in , prices of the country's leading cereal products, based apparently on renewed ouyiug iur ex Dort. and rather more inquiry for raw wool by manufacturers. Unfavorable elements in trade proD- ably find their chief and greatest ex position in the Iron and steel business. That industry, if possible, seems more depressed than at any time for three years past, and expectations that piice ilnollnM will he checked by the arrival of finished matter at a cost basis have been disaonointed. because thia week steel bars have been sold in some in- muni at 1 Mnt nor nonnd. which is unquestionably below the basis of the cost of raw material ana mauuiavi are. ' KxTiort business would undoubtedly expand if ship room were available. Among other metals tin is locany low er, on freer anivals, after touching the hiuliMst iirira in 20 vears. Wheat, including flour shipments, for the week, aggregate 2,803,743 ousneis, sgainst 3,09,881 bushels hist week. Rnttinaaa ffnilnres are smaller, num bering 183 in the United States, as compared with 302 last week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Onions, new, Ihio. Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate. Potatoes, new. 80c. Beets, per sack, 85c a$l. Turnips, per sack, T5o. Carrots, per sack, $1.00 Parsnips, per sack, 50 7 5c . Cauliflower, native, ?6o. Cucumbers 40(3 50o. Cabbage, native and California, $1.501.75 per 100 pounds. Tomatoes $1.60. Butter Creamery, 28c; Eastern S2c; dairy, 16 18c; ranch, 1617o pound. Eggs 24o. Cheese 120. Poultry 14c; dressed, 14 15c; spring, $3.60. Hay Paget Sound timothy, $11.00 (312.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $16.00. ; Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $25; teed meal, $25. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $20. Floor Patent, per barrel, $3.60; blended straights, $3.25; California, $3.26; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80(34.00. Millatuffs Bran, per ton, $12.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. ' Fresh Meats Choice dressed beel steers, price 7c; cows, 7c; mutton 1; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9 11c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13v; breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides, 8sc. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 65(56o; Valley, 66c; Bluestem, 59c per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham, $2.60; superfine, $2.10 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 35c; choice gray, 83c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $14.00 15.00; brewing, $18.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $12.50 ton; mid dlings, $19; shorts, $18; chop, $14 pet ton. Hay Timothy, $1011; clover,$7 7.50; Oregon wild hay, $07 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 40 45c; store, 27c. Eggs 170 per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c; Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 8.50 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs, $2.504.00; geese, $4.00 5.00 for old; $4.60 06.60; ducks, $3.00(3 1.00. per dozen; . turkeys, live, 16 17c pe pound. Potatoes 4050o per sack; sweets, 22)4c per ponna. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c; per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab bage, lo per pound; pursuis, $1; onions, le per pound; carrots, $1. Hops 2 8c per pound. Wool Valley, 1516o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1516o; mohair, 28 per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wetheri and ewes, 8c; dressed mutton, 7(8 1o per pound; lambs, 6Kc. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.60; dressed, $5.00(36.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $4.0094.60; cows, $3.50(14.00; dressed beef, 6, 1o per pound. Veal Large, 67c; small, 10 8 io per pound. ea Vmamseo Market, Wool Spring Nevada, 18(3 15c pel pound; Eastern Oregon, 10O15c; Val ley, 18020c; Northern, 10O12c. Hope 1899 crop, ll13o pei pound. Butter Fancy creamery 23 22 He; do seconds, 21 8 21c; fancy dairy, 19c; do seconds, 16 (91 8c per pound. Egg Store, 17o; fancy ranch, 22o. Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 O 20.00; bran, $12.60 013.60. Hay Wheat $6.60010; wheat and oat $6.00 0 9.50; best barley $5,000 7.00; alfalfa, $5.0006.00 per ton; straw, 2540o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 60075c; Ore gon Burbauks, 80c O 90; river Bur banks, 85066c; new. 70c$1.25. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2.75 0 8.25; Mexican limes, $4,000 5.00; California lemons 75cO$l-60; do choice $1.76(82.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1,600 I.B0 per bunch; pineapples, nom tnaii Persia dates, 6(26)iO pet SAP BLOOD al ftr m WUi WQeMiarflii nvdlolB I fefcV oft Wijbe4 for t moj(titn piMagiu t tk d at ltvl hmi (ouwd U la OttttmNitft. Sine Uiu tunt. tuf tow oeeu puriiia ina wj entiaiiun iu ia pruvad woattarrullr am I ftfl mwU boitvr lit Trf war ' MHft. BUU-.m H. HKi.tAtta. Lam all, 'Una. , PleuMt. Palatakle. Potent Taite apod, fie Good tilTor Sloten. M enken, or tirliie. HkMlM.&M. ... CURK CONSTIPATION. ... StMftet SmmOt C.p..r. ttihvee. BMlml Yi. US Mfi-Tft RIP Sots end eiiritnre ? all ante-HU-1 U-fSAl (lata u t l! fcta 'Wmmos ILlii To fold gowns of dtlioate silk, or those trimmed with dolicate ribbons, in casings of white tissue paper seems the dainty and suitable thing. Scientists, however, advise the use of browu pa per, as in the manufacture of white pa per chloride of lime is used, and is likely to injure the silk. Live Like a Prince for a Week. Getting something for nothing is never realised in this tough old world, but yon can come mighty near it by going from Portland to San Franoliico on the O. R. & N. steamers leaving Portland every fifth day at 8 P. M. A wonderful ocean trip for only $13 each way, with meals like mother used to cook and the boat possible attendance, without being held up for a cent by waiters and others. Liquid hydrogen is traimparent, and the lightest as well as the coldest liquid known, a cork sinking in it like lead. A whitish substance seen at the bottom of the vessel on Professor Do war's first exhibition was really solid air or air ice. , Tenrlat Sleeper. The handsomest tourist sleeper that evei turned a wheel. ''The electric lighted Pullman tourist sleeper on the "North Coast Limited," daily service between Portland and St. Paul and Minneapolis. Try our "North Coast Limted." The water carts nsed in Drogbeda Ireland have medical advertisements displayed on them. A visitor noticing these advertisements thoughtfully said: "Shure it's no wonder Orogheda is healthy, whin they wather the streets with Jones' Sarsaparillal" Easy aad Cheap Vacation Trip. Just think of riding 700 miles for $12, on a smooth sea. with no dust or heat, ana getting the finest meals and every possible attention, without extra cost. The O. R. & N. makes this pos sible. Steamers every fifth day, at 6 P. M., from Portland to San Francisco. Appropriately Named. "Why are they called pyramids, pa?" asked George, who was looking at a picture of those wonders of Egypt. "They are called pyramids, my son," replied the father, without hesitation, ''because, you see, they appear auiid the general desolation of the desert." Oirterl Angelina. "Angelina tells me she cuts all her shirt waists without a pattern." "She does? How do they look?" "Oh, they look like shirt waists cot without pattern." Effulgence. "He isn't nearly so bright as he thinks he is," said the young woman who discusses her acquaintances. "No," answered Miss Cayenne, "and that's a very fortunate circum stance. If he were, we couldn't look at him without using a piece of smoked glass." Shoe Clerk Entirely new toes will be seen In shoes this year. Customer Well, I guess I will be satisfied with the rame toes I've always had. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of So FaoSJnlle Wrapper Below. Tory eaaaJl aa4 ae eeey FOR IEABaCML F0I DIZZMtM. FOR IIUOUSIESS. FOR T0RP1R LIVER. FOR C0R$TIPATI0N. FOR SALLOW IKIfl. FORTNCCOMPUXIOR CURE SICK HEADACHE. Mitchell Art the best that can be made. Nothing Is or can be superior to a Mitchell Wagon, because it is made of the bet) material by experienced workmen which, cou pled with 65 years' experience in building wagons, during which lime the manu facturers have had but one aim, and that to produce the best posiible to build, is a JTi$ ' CANOY VL IJ CATHARTIC -4 t'N(W vaaes mass asaorume JiT i s taste as a CARTERS iff I guarantee of quality. If you buy a Mitchell Wagon, you get the best that can be made AGENTS EVERYWHERE.- If none in your vicinity, we will sell to you direct Send for circular. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVERCO. PORTLAND, ORECON. Branches at Spokane, Seattle Salem, McMlnnvllle, . ', Medtord and La Grande, UeatiOD this paper. ahowlnc of Ifnoraaee, By the printed reports of a recent examination of applicants for positions in the census office at Washington an astonishing amouut of ignorance is shown to exist among the applicants They are especially and funnily ignor- . aut, says the Washington Star, regard ing the famous men of history as to the time in which they lived and as to what they accomplished. Fifty-two persons entered the competition and only 14 reached a percentage above 90, while 19 failed entirely. Some of the answers would be taken Tfor jokes did they appear any whore else than in a department report. There was Jefferson Davis, for in stance, who was placed on record by one applicant as "a famous general ol the war of 1813." Another stated that Mr. Dalva "was president of the United States and wrote the declara tion of independence," The first post master general was another who wor rled the amilicant considerably. One man suggested (leorge WHslitiiKton, another Patrick Henry, and a third Wendell rhilltps. A youug southerner disposed of all argument by stating that it was "a gentleman named sell." William Cullen Bryant, whose boast was, "I am a bookman," had his lden tity mixed with that of the Nebraska orator by young woman, who stuted "William Cullen Hryaut was the Dem ocratic candidate for president, a silver advocate and a resident of Nebraska." And even Abraham Lincoln appeared to be examined in varied lights. Here are some of the answers to the inquiry concerning mm: "Lincoln was a great genoral and distinguished himself in the war of 1812." "Abraham Lincoln was a personal friend of the colored race and was oue of the signers of the declaration of in dependence." "Abraham Lincoln was born in 'Illi nois, where he worked from rosy dawn till dewey eve as a farmer's lad until be became president." , BOtri Tltltt Oe offer On Hnndtml Dollars Reward for ant earn ol Catarru that can uo; be cured by Hall's carrhty re.nitNE y co ft We the undvraisned, have known r. J.Vheuey for the net 14 reara. and believe him merieetljf honorable in all Dunn u iraniacnoni oos aiu'ialW able to ca.-rr out aajr obligation ujr tueir aria. Warr A Tsvax, Wholenalc Urnarhta.Tolerta,'), WlLSINO. K INNAH A M4BVIX. V.nole.ale Drue-lw, Toledo, O. Hairs JatarrB t;ur li t- sen .ncraany, aom '.aoiloi aiiea oi by aU Olrecily on the niorxl ana racous uriar ine vaicin. rriie .ocper dotuo. wh Mail a f anulr fitla r thi best. Caramel Custard Oue cup whit sugar, put on stove and brown, not burn. When well cooled add oup hot water. Keep on stove nntil sugar dis solves. Beat six eggs light, add one and one-half quarts milk, flavor with vanila, then add syrup and bake slow ly. It should be watched carefully, that it does not boil. Mothers will find Mrs. Wimuow's Sooth ing Hyrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. The state of New York has expended in the last 20 years $95,620 for investi gating committees of various kinds. A Boon for Mother! Forrorrlr children erttd wbea they had to lake medicine, now Ihey cry tor the medlclut Catcareu, the family laiaurs. All drug- giu. 10c, 2ie,6ue. As a rale, the eyesight of women it better than that ot men. Piso's Cure for Consumption Is an Infal lible nimlii iiie for roughs and roliln. V. W. SUsii:ki., Oh'enu Grove, N. J., Feb. I", 1JU0. The end of the busy little bee is us ually a painful one. Carter's Ink Is so good and so cheap that no family can arTurd to be without it. Is yours Carter's. The DUtrict of Columbia is first in the field with its census report, giving a total population of 278,718, an in crease of 20.98 pur cent since 1890, a rate that would make the total popula tion of the United States about 76,000, 000. A Wonderful Pleasure Trip. Steamers operated by the O. R. & N. Co. between f'ortlaud and San Fran cisco have been patronized liberally on every trip this suniinei. The trip down and back can be made for $34. That small amount includes meals and berth, with everything first-class, and the best possible attendance. Steam ers leave Portland every fifth day, at 8 P. M. The round trip from I'ortland to San Francisco and roturn, can be made iu eight nyK giving nearly four full days in San Francisco for sight seeing or business. Belgium's census was taken on the last day of last year, and the general results as regards population have just been made public The population of the kingdom is 6,744,582, consisting ot 8,368,436 males and 8,881,01)6 females. Officially Antwerp is the most populous town, with 883,318 inhabitants; Brus sels follows with 201,085. ' The Kln-Pau, a paper published at Pekin, has been ruuning continuously for over 1,000 years. "Old Subscrib er," who writes, "1 have taken your excellent paper since it was started," is not allowed to stai in its columns. i .i i Some farmers who broadcasted cow peas this season sowed oats with the peas. As the cow pea is really a bean and supports are not required, the oats are injurious, as the cow pea will ' thrive mnch better when given the land alone. If oats are wanted they I should always be seeded in another field. Wagons Ij - '' " VV 1 w 1 ess v n Pmelni Nature. "When I get to be a man," said the ftoy, who has a good memory tor phrases, "I'm going to strive to culti vate tin uuseltlah nature." "That's right," replied his lather. "1 low are yoo going about it?" "Well, in the first plaoe. if I havs any little boys, I'll let them shoot their own fireworks, instead of tolling them they must let me do it, foi feur they will hurt themselves." Vhllo in congress Jerry Simpson saved most of his salary and luvestud the money iu hind and cattle. He is now rated at $40,000. When he flrat went to congress he had to borrow money to buy a railroad tickut. The Amerleaa Man. Much comparison lisi been mails be t ween Ilia euduraiirs of the Chinese and the American working man. Thus with auiluiriiy say that llis average Winking until of America la a superior to the Cm iipmmi lloali'ltiir's ISInnintili Hitler la to any oilier ilvir i-ln eure. Tim Hitters ul'u ettrvn riiimlljiitltoil, indigealioil and prevents malaria. I'l.M HHA.lft ...111. t 111 llllll aiiio IHI iii.u .ti.a ky.ti..uvnai ... ai.iii before the occasion brings It out. l'ullman Htaeulna- Cars. These cars are standard the world over; well aud strougly buflt, benuti- f u 11 v furnished, service unequalled. The Northern 1'ai iHo is the only rail way running Pullmans first class aud tourist. Portland, Or., to St. Paul and Minneapolis. Try our "North Coast Limited," dully service. There is no extra charge iiiudii for traveling on this train. Irrigation is ot the utmost imnort- ance in Persia, as cultivation, depends nK)ii it, and water Is extremely dear. It has been suggested that artesian well manufacturers might find an ex cellent ononimi once that the success of these wells was assured. ! , AfCeutbkftepraUonrorA9 slmilatlng the Food andRetuln ting the StoiaacteandUowels of f Mf Mf'i fffl (J fljiSWll Ml 9pSnjH Promotes DigcalioaChcerfi ness and Kesi-conmins neitner l)jritim.Morphine noruiicxaL NotNahcotic. jfTTiTif i -i it iWa f Aperfeel Rented forConslip. lion, Sour Slotravh.D.arrtaea and Loss or Sleep. Fac Simile Signature of NKW YOT1K. EXACT COPY O" WRA"CR. 1 M The Famous German Wood Preserver) ..AVENARiUS WIIICU I'KIIM 4NK.NTI.T IIKHTUOVS ..CHICKEN LICE 0 One application is all that your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the following distributing- agents: Perfection Pile Preserving: Co., Seattle. Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co, Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn Sc Co., San Francisco, Cat. DON'T LET YOUR HARVEST SEASON FIND YOU WITHOUT A STUDEBAKER WAGON. eesejgrjr VOX- '-mxmrmrXvim lit " t v Made oi the Best Materials, thoroughly althout an equal Call on our Agent, or address STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO., 320-338 East Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. Dayton's Fly Killer t'nerl a few mlnuti-i even ing", will rid your limine of PIU' and Mon!tlieR. No mark or main left nn r-j ci-iiiiiiii or wnll,. TS Worlm like inagle. price n M Sftcenln. W rile for liook- lfA let. Dayton Hardware Mm J i;o., rortlaml,Oreguu. SURE CPE FOil PILES TCIIiNil I'iIm pniauc. aiolilura indiiiw Iti hfne l llll lorm.u well M Hllnd, lilallii( or ITiitnidliiii lie. are enreS by Dr.Boeanko'e Remedy, luipa lli hloe ami bmedliie. Alwirh. lumura. Kh '1 HT atdruaiilau or .em by mull. Tra.llMtre., w,i. in about juur caea. Dli. UOSAMto, J'b Ivlt i-i. HARD WORKING WOMEN Can find qnick and permanent relief for t-rloua and atreugiu dolroyluir trouble, la Moore's Revealed Remedy Thousand, bare nmd It and thouiandi now grille It. Ilenreapermaneatly. II per bottle at your drutfiu'e, ' ftf I hit II Sleep Your Blood Cool in hot wrnthsr, and msks It pure, rich and heultby with Hood's Snmapnrllla, which has a toning, invigorating effect on the whole system. It creates a good appstlts, strengthens the nerves, overcomes that tlrsd feeling and braces you up to resist the effects of the heat and the danger of serious Milieus. Uvmsmbsr Hood's Saraaparilta Is the lies. Medicine Money Can liny. Iliion's I'l i n eure eomtl patlon. Prlre 94 etuts. r r : -M.:. vi " From Klohinoud, Va., to Atlanta, (ia., along the Hue of tho principal railways, it seems as il it wore lm pos sible to get out of sight of new ootton mills, eitlinr iu oimrutiim or in course of oonstruotton. These mills are prin cipally the growth ot the lust duuade. for I-ailles and Uentleinen. While tho old library or smoking car hauled next the baggage oar was qultii a convenience for mou, it prao tiually shut out the best halt of human ity tho Initios. Tho observation car on the Northern Paallk'a crack train, the "North Coast Limited" gives up to the ladles the best part of a thor oughly modern car, which by the way is carried at tho rear end ot tills train. Dally service and all classes ot tkiketa are honored on this train without extra fares. - Scotch Woodoook. Cut some stale broad into thin slices and then into rounds and santo thorn iu a little but ter iu the chilling dish. Spread them with anchovy paste. Into two well beuten eggs stir two tahlospooufuU of anchovy paste; add half a cup of cream turu it into the chafing dish, and cook over the hot water, stirring ooustuiitly till thick. Serve it ou muted bread. . If) For Infanta ftnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signat In Use For Over Thirty Years 1 eiaTMia eenm. vena in, GAHBOUMEUM.. AND VERMIN.. is required. It lasts for years. If seasoned, by competent workmen. It stands Hero's a Proposition Iiii'tft ri-aaonahlt In mippoiie that a firm ol SOyi-arn uxpnrleniwcoiilil tell you the li way In set sikiiI value lor your monert If yon aru nmkliid linpriivciii.'iiu In your houna, or build Inv a new houne, no matter how ttna.ll or larea I lie mini vnu wlh te upend In eli-uirlcal or K fixturea, llraplaoi'i, mantel furniture, to., you will vc uioney and be well aulted if vou uou aillt TIIK JOIIN II A KKKTT CO., til flrat Nlreet, 1'oi tlaixl, Oreajoa. DROPSY 10 DATS treatment free. !HtT. nad. Diopay apd it """ lloationa a tpaoiiity for .era with, tKa moil woadarful nooeai. Hara ourail man J thoua- nil ah.... ss. a. B. iuiii sgau. Bos H, Atlanta, Oa. JOHN POOLK. PoariAito, Oasoon. can give you the best bargains in geii.ral niachlnery, anginas, boilers, tanas, pumps, plows, belts, and windmills. Tho new sine! I X L windmill, sold by bint, is un equalled. M. r. M. V. Mo. 8U-1SOO. W1 I ane-Uou this paper. TW1 .Si