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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1900)
OREGON MIST Entered at the Poetoftiee at St. llfluus, Oregon, as second-luss raaH matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. '-m'1-1 Issued Ever Friday Morninci By DAVID DAVIS, Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE; One copy one year, In advance $1.00 riix months. .". 60 COUNTY OFFICERS. Representative.. ..-Noriuaa Merrill, Clatskanle Juutre ....Joseph B. loan, Rainier Clerli .....J.O. Waits, ft. illeu stmrlff ... ,.R. 8. Hattan. St. Helens Trriunrttr fc. ROM. W. HrU-US Suut. f School ..I. H Copeluud. Houltoa Dnrrnnr A. B. Little. HmlltOn :omner Dr. H. K. cuff. St. Helen .r. a. rraces, scapioo ...W. D. Case. 1'ittsburg Commissioner j ' AUGUST 10, 1900. Bccadhi tbe month of August, 1899, was no wiser than to make so complete fool of itself is no excuse for the pres ent month. According to the rale, wis dom should come with aire. Mr. Towki, the Populist nominee for Vice-President, has withdrawn from the contest. This, however, does not leave the Populists without a nominee of come kind. Mr. Bryan while Masquer ading as a Democrat, is the embodiment of Populism. Ir the State Board of Horticulture means business there wiil be but little fruit marketed this season. According to the law of this State wormy fruit can not be placed on the market, and the State Board of Horticulture serves notice that stringent enforcement of the statutes will be the rale, sot the excep tion. reliable character, perhaps at a some what increased expense at first. There are many bridgos throughout the County which are now said to be unsafe, and where such exist and it is possible to avoid bridging, even at a cost uf distance and cash, it had better be done. It would seem that in the past too .little regard has been manifested (or 'the future in this respect, and the newly adopted plans of some of the .Supervisors in constructing roads to avoid bridges is very commendable and should elicit the assistance of all residents desiring per manency in road-building and reduc tion of maintenance of our thoroughfares. It is unfortunate that money accru ing to the several counties from the irreducible school fund should by neces sity of law remain unused for two months, especially at a time when funds re so much needed by the districts. About $3,500 of this fund belonging to Columbia County now in the hands of the County Treasurer, and must re main there until the first Monday in October. Meanwhile the several dis tricts are issuing warrants in payment of services of tenehers and the warrants are drawing 6 per cent interest. Th ilea. .''Man Wanted.'' has super- cededihesign, 'WoMcn Wanted Today." This condition of affairs prevails throughout the Northwest at the present time. Theaemana tor moor nss not been so great for the past eight years as it is at the present time. In nearly every newspaper thronghout the State are advertisements for laborers. Tbe condition calls to mind the contrast of four years ago. Locally, the demand is abreast the times in other parts of tbe Northwest. Mills are operated short handed and logging camps are ran much in the same manner. Men are wanted for railroad work and in the harvest fields. Ranchers and steam boatmen need helpers, and the demand js not to be supplied, seemingly. Should anybody mention it to you, 'tell them that business is being done in this country, please. Principle And Practice. Spokane Chronicle. We declare strata that aU governments Insti tuted anions; men derive their Just powers from the consent ot the governed." That's good reading, isn't it? Comes from the latest Democratic platform, you know. Fine seutiment grand. One can't help indorsing it. Let's read some more: That the fovernraeat not based npoa tha consent of the governed la tyranny; and that to impose npon aiiy people a g overument ot force la to substitute the methods ot imperialism tor those of a republic" It's eloouent inspiring. And one feels such a thrill when, after reading this noble declaration Dy the Democratic party, he picks up the paper and reads news like this: Raxiiob. N. C, August 2. "White suprem acy !" has been the battle cry -of the Democrats throughout tha lone and bitter campaign Just closed In North Carolina, the result of which will be eTideneed by the casting of ballots to day. Conservative estimates made by the Democrats place the majority for the constitu tional amendment, which trill practically dis franchise the negro, at e.000. TO DKALEKS IN FRUIT. We ben to hand you appended, a codt of the law governing the sale and ship ment ol diseased iruita. This law will be strictly enforced, and no diseased or infected fruits will be allowed sold in this market. We hope you will govern yourselves accordingly. To protect the fruit industry in the btate ot Oregon. Be it enacted in the .Legislative As sembly of the State of uregon: Section V. it snail be unlawful for any person, una or corporation to im port or sell any infected or diseased fruit of any kind in the State of Oregon, Section VI. Every person who packs or prepares for shipment to any point without the State, or who delivers or causes to be delivered to any express agent, or railroad agent, or other person, or to any transportation company or corporation for shipment to any point without the btate, any trait or fruits, either freeb, cured or dried, that is infected with insects, pests or diseases injurious to trees, shrubs, plants, fruits or vegetables, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Section VII. Any person, firm or cor nnration violating anv of the nrovisiona of this act snail be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and npon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five ($26) dollars nor more than one bundled ($100) dollars. Section VIII. It shall be the duty of the commissioner of the State Board of Horticulture of the district in which a violation of this act occurs, to present the evidence of the case to the District Attorney, whose duty it shall be to prosecute any person guilty of a viola tion ol this act. Which prosecution may be brought in any of the Justice Courts of this btate, Kespectlully, Obeqos 8tae Board of Hobticlltubi. E. Li Smith, President; Henry E Dosch. Secretary; Wilbur K. Newell. Commissioner H irst District. VEUNO.HA VAKIGTIE, The Attorney General has given to the State Treasurer his opinion regard ing the collection by the Bute of interest on deferred papments of taxes from Counties. The case in question is that of Washington County, which owes nearly $8,000 back taxes, and the State Treasurer claims interest due the State. It is the opinion of the Attorney Gen eral that the amount of State revenue apportioned to Washington County was and is an indebetness from said County to tbe State, and it became due and payable within a reasonable time after au amount of taxes, due said County, sufficient to pay the same had been col lected and of said County, that the County had turned owr to the County Treasurer no legal right to divert such money or any part thereof to, or use it Tor, any other purpose than the pay ment o'f its eli are of the State revenue; and that the County is liable to the State for the interest at the lawful per cent from and after the expiration of a reasonable time to pay the" same to tbe State after it had been collected and turned over to the County Treasurer of said Countv. Obioom heretofore has been compara tively free from fruit pests and worms which destroy vegetation, but each suc ceeding year seems to bring forth some new pestilence. The advent of the army worm has been sufficient demonstration that this Coast is no les subject to the prevalence of all such scourges than are the Eastern States. While there are many earnest advocates of the theory that the extreme mild winters for two years past are greatly, if not altogether responsible for the presence of this latest pestilence, and while there is inore or less philosophy in such argu ment and reason for the belief, yet there may be other reasons which possess equal merit with the other. The scar city of forest birds is advocated by many persons as being somewhat re sponsible for the presence of so many worms, and these persons are equally enthnsiustic in their advocacy of the introduction of thousands of forest birds as a means for destroying worms and fruit pests. We do know that the spar row is an mduatriouH little fellow in his constant search for worms and bugs, and other varieties of birds are equally as ambitious, and po doubt there is much wisdom in the belief that if there were more birds there would be fewer worms and bugs. Tub good results from changing the manner and methods of road work in this County are alrpady manifesting themselves, . We believe the statement is undeniable that as a rule the roads in this County have never been in better condition than they are this year, with promise of continued and permanent Improvement. There is much work yet to be done, and assurance is given that an effort in that direction will be of a more substantial character than it has been in the past. Where it has been economy on time heretofore, there seems to be a prevailing disposition ' to econ omize in a financial way by abandoning routes where bridges were necessary, y building roads of a permanent and. REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. Oeeda Filed for Record During the Month of July, lOOO. J N Brinn to I and E C Stanwood. e of nw of sw 4 of section 30, tp 5n, r2w;T100 J JN Brinn to H L (iranthara, w w of nw H of aw M of section 35, tp 5 n, r 2w;$100. W C Cooper to Geo F Puzey, S acres out of ne of nw i,', section 24, tp 4 n, r 2 w : $1 Alice L Deitz to W J Dietz. power of attorney. Edward Hatz to A G Bachrodt, se li of section 12, tp 3 n, r 3 w ; $1 H B Grantham to 3 N Brinn, e of sw K of section 35, tp 6 n, 2 w ; $-50 EiTen Kistnerto Jos Doherty, e of s w and w of se J of section 4, tp 6 n,r 4 west; $1600. frank Merrill to A Merrell, t of Dw)i of section 35, 1 7 n, r 4 west ; $1 VV S Miller to 8 Benson, of sec tion 35, to 7 n, r 4 west; $1050. Chaa Maygar to E Anderson. 10 acres in nw)i of section 30,tp 8 n, r 3 w ; $200. Norman Merrill, administrator, to Jacob Hossa, te4 of nej of section 2, tp 7 n, r 4 west; $70. D C Morse to F J Prahl, of ne, and lot 4, section 16, tp 7 n, r 4 west, 110 acres; $400. W E Purdv to N Poston, nnd of n ofnw, w)of ne), sef of and lot 1, section 35, 1 4 n, r 2 west ; $1. F J Prahl to 8 llentson, ts of nwJi and m of ne of section 11, 1 6 n, r 4 west; $2000. W D Flue andJCy Smith, lot 11, block 36, Moeck's addition to Rai nier ; $50. Dan Stehman to VT Buck, s) of swV of swf of section 11, tp 0 n, r 3 west; $120. J N Kice, sheriff, to Smith-Wallace Shoe Co., a parcel of land in Clatska nie;$345. JCy Smith, to Fred Trow, lots 11 and 12, block 36, Moeck's addition to Rai nier, i State of Oregon to J S Millard, lots 4 and 6, section 7, tp 4 n, r 1 west. K S Hatton, sheriff, to E A Weston, swJ4 of section 27, tp 7 n, r 2 west. Charles Tarbell to G E Hyde, 30 acres in section 36, tp 6 n, r 2 west; $760. J F Timoney to Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Co., right-of way ; $2500. Hannah Tysczkiewcz to T B Lott, lots 11 and 12, block 46, St Helen ; $20. J i anordue to Kobert Suitor, seii of section 7, s) of nw and n,1 of iw4 of section 8, tp 4 n, r 5 west ; $1500. JF Vandolah to P J Smith, of nwJ4 of section 81, 1 5 n, r 1 west ; $5. iti Wilts torn to St Helen Light dc Water Co., right-of-way. united States to C C Moyer, patent. Prevented A Tragedy. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Straitsville, O., saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her ; and she writes, this marvelous med icine also cured Mr. Long of a severe at tack of pneumonia. Such cures are pos itive proof of its power to cure all throat, chest, and lung troubles. Only 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at the St. Helens Pharmacy. Tbe soothing and healiris properties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and perma nent cures, have made it a great favor ite with the people everywhere. For sale at tho St. Helens Pharmacy. E. B. Sanders, of Keaaey, was in cily Monday. Curtis Hess, of Aurora, yiaited fast week with the home folks on Beaver Creek. Fred SMIer will begin to run his stage between here and iloulton the last of this week. Clarence Palmer went to Glenco last weak where he has work. Ha did not stop long at home. The man who gave the grapliaphons exhibition is neither Carr, nor yet Care, but plain, Joe Cave. Cattlebuver Gray, of LaCeuter, Wash., was in the Valley last week picking up few hogs and cattle. G. W. Rice, Frank Wrench and Ora Lavender went to Forest Grove the first of this week for loads of flour. John Ed holm. Gust Uustafson and Omar Shannahan are all home for a few days from Peterson's logging camp. W. W. Allen will put in a chop ma chine in the near future and expects to griud feed for all who want it this winter, Lester Mowe is home for the summer. He has been at work on a fnnn in Washington County for the paH three months. Mr. O. Malui8ten was 76 years old last Sunday. He had his birthday dinner with his (laughter, Mrs. Lva vvert, ol Washington County. Grandpa Hess was In town last Wednesday. He is approaching his 06th mile mark' but is as hale and hearty as a man of only 60 summers. Miss Merle Shannahan is in St. Helens this week taking the examination for teacher's certificate. 8he went over tbe mountains alone. Brave lassie. The dry weather cut worm plague seems to be abating and our citizens are rejoicing. Except in a few patches the damage in this section is not serious. S. P. Ballard and E. E. Nickerson went to Oregon City Friday last, the former to make final proof on his claim and the latter as one of his witnesses. Parson Stroup and wife came home Saturday. They have a new surry and brought Miss Maybelle a beautiful pony, so that the whole family can now all go together. C. S. McNutt and wife and Master Gay went to Forest Grove Sunday and from there will go with others to the coast for a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, O. C. Spencer hands out the mail. A. Sonle and son. Tell, are hauling material to build an extension to their barn on their place in town, recently bought of Frank Tracy. They will soon begin to move. Tracy's will occuy the Brink property. A com Dan v of vounz men from Hills- boro camped on the river near G. W. Rice's place last week. They had a fine time hunting and fishing. By the way, the Nehalem is a good place "to have an outing. John VanBlaricora and family and Miss Lizzie Gray, of Portland, who have been visiting the Parker's, Bakers', Van- hlaricom's, rjnelly s and other relatives and friends hereabouts the past two weeks, returned Monday to their home. Wonder who is selling fire water in these parts? We have heard of two or three prettv good drunks lately. Some body had better look out a little. And yet some say "no need of working up a temperance sentiment iu this community. M. A. Wcdrick, of Pittsburg, who has been home since July 1, returned to Peterson's logging camp this week to act as ''chaser." He nets a raise of 50 cents a day and is now earning $3. These are Mckinley times. It was not so four years ago. H. K. Shirk closed his school in the Pebble creek district Mondav. He is out to St. Helens this week taking the examination, and if successful, which of course he will be, will begin the Braunsport school Mondav next. Harry is a gooa teaciier. Clark VanBlaricom, youngest son of John VanBlaricom, had his thumb shot off at the first joint, accidently, by a Ti rine tne other day. The bullet took it off as clean and smooth as a surgeon's knife could have done it. We did not learn the particulars of the accident. Mrs. I. P. Spencer, O. Malmsten, 0. , Malmsten and Miss Bertha Gillihan went to Forest Grove Thursday. The women and Mr. O. Malmsten visited with Mrs. Eva West over Sunday, and B. Malmsten went on to Oregon City to help John Baker prove up on his claim Saturday. L. W. Van Dvke. who teaches the Keasey school, has been going to and from school on his wheel all summer, but owing to the too close snapping of a "yellow pun" which has his kennel on the wayside and does not like the whizz of tbe wheel, bad to take to his bay mare last week. However, he savs a horse is too slow going for him, so this week he Das mounted tne hike again and there may be a dead "purp" laying by the roadside before the week is ended. We await results. A Mother Telia How Hhe Saved Par Little Daughter's Life. I am the mother of eight children and have had a groat deal of experience wiin medicines. Last summer my uttie daughter had tha dysentarv it) its worst form, i tried everything . could tliins of, but nothing teemed to do her any good. I saw by an advertisement in our paper that Cbamborlain'a Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recommended and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my little daughter's life. 1 am anxious for every moth or to know what an excellent medicine it is, Had I known it at first it would have saved tne great deal of anxiety and my little daughter much suffering. Yours trnly, Mrs. (J to. . Uiirdu x, Liberty, R. I. For sale at the St. Hel ens Pharmacy. It Rared His P. A. Dsnforth, ot LsGrange, Ga. suflVred for six months with afrightfu running sore on his leg; but writes that liucnen'a Arnica Baive wholly cured it in five days. For ulcers, wounds, piles, it's the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold at the St. Helens Pharuiaov. During the civil war. as well as our late war with Spain, diarrhoea was one of the most troublesome diseases the army had to contend with. In many instances it became chronic and the old soldiers still suiter from it. Mr. David Tavlor. of Wind Ridire. Green County, Pa., is one of these. He ases Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and savs he never found any thing? that would irlvn him such ouii-k relief. It Is for sale at tbe St. Helens Pharmacy. For Sale. One No. 13 Freeman feed cutter and 4 horsepower sweep, $75.00 UAK UHOV1 CBKAMCRY, BCappOOte. O Bean Iks Blgaatai or BTORIA. Tha Kind iw Haw Ktom Bfflgit , IM Ulna TOQ I What MallohV A grand old remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; nsed through the world for half a century; has cured in numerable cases of incipient consump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If yon are not satisfied with the results we will refund your mouev. Price 25 els. and 50 eta. Sold by Dr. Edwin Rons. Mkskbvk. At Delena, July 24, 1900, to the wife of Aimer Meserve, daughter. Andhbss. -In Carico Vallov, Sundav, Angust 6, 1900, to the wife of Frank Andreas, a sou. Bears tat BlgaatBTS of ivoniA. TIM Kind w Hm Hwrs m$t Btory of a Blave. To be bound hand and foe lor years ny tne mams oi disease is tne worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manvheater, Mich., says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles ol Elootrio Hitters she it wonderfully Improved and able to do her own work," This supreme rem edy lor female diseases quietly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dlzsy spells. It is a godsend to weak, sickly, run-down people, Cure Guaranteed. Only 60c. ' Sold at tha St. Helens Phar macy. Tell Taar Ulster A Beautiful Complexion is an iinnossl bility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection wiin good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Koot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect Health. J'rioe no cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Rosa. That Throbbing Headache Would aulcklr leave vou if you used Dr. King'i New Life Fills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for tick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health, uniy 5 cents. Money back If not cured. Sold at St. Helena Pharmacy. achool Report. Following it the report of the Reuben school for the month ending Aug. 3 : Number of days taught... 20 Number of days attendance S06V Number of days absence .SDH Number of times tardy. 6 Number of boyt enrolled... 11 Number of girls enrolled 13 Total number enrolled 24 Average number belonging. . . , , 20 Average daily attendance 21 Those neither abent nor tardy dur ing; the month want: Oscar Hunter. Thomas Hunter, Edgar Fowler, Jennie Foster, Alfred Hunter, Uuy Satterlee, Pearl Satterlee, Lulu Fulton, aud Nollis Wise. Visitors during the month were: tbe Misses Myrtle and Mary belle Fowler, Bella Neer and Jessie McGregor, of Neer City ; Mrs. E. Voigt, Miss Tempest McClaren and Mrs. Nancie Fulton, of Gobel; the Misses Rose aod Ida Roberts, of San trancisco, Cal., and Mrs, Annie Wever of Carrolton, Wash. Lois Wktlb, Teacher. mm iu ubo iw wvsjr tv j ocai t gum vvssso an siias 0 and h bwin made under fit aortal luporrUIon tinea IU I eucAti Allow no one to deceive yorj The Kind Ton Hare Alwaya Bought, tuid which hat beet In use fat over 80 rear, haa borne the BlHmatnre of and hM been made under hla per- i tanner., i yon In thl. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jut-a-jrood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What Is CASTOR I A Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare gorlc. Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It la Ploawtnt. It oontalns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic) substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Feverlshness. It euros Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It astdinilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep Tbe Children's Pauaoca The Mother's Friend.' CCfJUINC CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 Tbe Kind You Haw Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. To resort in the city of St. Hel- Baustiis t IM sHiO ra Haw srtayi mm of Utf7Y. PROFESSIONAL. DR.J.E.HALL, Physician and Surgeon CLATSKANIE, OREGON. J. W. DAY W. B. DILU.BD DILLARD & DAY, ATTORNE YS-AT-LA W Office next floor to Conrthotwe, ST. HKLKNB, OKJ(ON. General practice in courts of Orem. or Wash Ingtoii, Abstract made directly from county record. BANQUET. Only the very best brands of im ported and domestic fine wines, liquors and cigars kept in Block. GYRUS NOBLE WHISKEY WEINHARD'S BEER. Fool and card tables for the en tertainment of patrons. EUGENE WHITNEY, Prop. The CRUISER 4 3. H. WELLINGTON, Trnp. Wines. Liquors and Cigars WIIISKIKSl J. H. Cutter, Magnolia, Old Castle, and . , Wavetly Club. BfcEK: , Famous Hop Gold, and Export Beer. CIGAB: Henry tbe fourth, and Windsor HottM. NEXT TO THE HOTEL, Si. HELENS, : : OBEGON. Card tables and other devices for pas. time. Newspaper, and perodlcals. ED mLLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals nsed in wash' lug ana cleansing tne lace. Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD 8TAND. ST. HELENS A ST0R1A & COLUMBIA RIYER A RAILROAD COMPANY. aiaooowa Sat on-l 2? DAILY. a n r n r. a. 3:30 , (1 86 s ail s m t-AT, s at 4 01', S 88 4:07 4:1ft 4:22 4: 4:4.1 i:K :I7 t 44 to m OH 19 17 10 00 5 21 10 OK 11:3 10 M 5-60 10 311 A. M S 00 .0' t M SMi t 1H 4A. t 3IS M.5I 40 !.S.Vi 9 W W 3' 10 00 til 10 10 MM: 10 21 71.2 10 S9 I7H7 11 02 H 11 10 W.B II BA.4 11 SO TO Hi STATIONS Lt Portland Ar .... thible .... ....Rainier ... ... Pyramid... ...Mavter.... ....tluinrf .... . . Clauaanle.. . . Marshland.. .. Wmtinirl.... ....Clifton.... ....Knappa.... ... Hvenson.... . . John bay. . . Ar. Astoria .l.v asao or OAILV. 11 28 A. at. r. at. 11 10 40 10 OA IU IS) 8 3) ai s in t 80 7 84 W 1 46 S It T Sit 02 7 as 8 W 7 17 I 87 7 18 17 6 42 S 07 K2 7 M 7 48 10 Brinn Brothers CAFE i ST. HELENS, - - - OBEGON. NEW PLACE. If you want somethlne; (rood In the Hue of whisky try SHAW'S MALT Only tbe best of LiprnM Cigars Kept in Stoct OPEN FROM 6 A. M. TO 12 O'OLOOK MIDNIQHT. WHITE COLLAR LINE THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND fUGET SOUND NAVIGATION CO. POETLAND-ASTOEIA ROUTE. STR. GATZERT Landlnr Foot of Alder Street, Portland. Leaves Portland dally (except Hunday) at 7 A. af Landing Telephone dock, Astoria. Leave Astoria dally (except Hunday) 7 P. M. Bailey Gatzert tickets good on steamer Haaealo. Steamer Haasalo tickets good on Bailey Gatiert. U. B.SCOTJ, Pres. H FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. lJ BTRAMER d "America" M H H H Willamett Slough Route 11 Leave St. Helens. . .. 6:30 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M Leave Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at St. Helens, 0:00 P M FARE Co CENT. Will Carry Nothing- but Pansen gers and Fast Freight. - AU trains make close connections at liobl with Northern Faoltlo trains to and from the East and Hound points. At Portland wltb all trains leaving Union depot, at Astoria with I. H. N Oo.'s boat and rail line la and front 11 waeo and North beach point. Pasaenirera for Astoria or war point roust Uaa trains at Houlton. Trams will sum to let pas sengers off at Houlton when coming from points west of Gobi. Gen. Pass. Aal.. Astoria. Or 0. FUN. CO. DuilT Chicago Portland Itnectal 9:15 a.m. Atlantic Kxprea :00 p. m. m. Tues.Thur. and Bat. Lv. Rlparla s:wa. m. dally Tims SCHEDULES Halt Lake, Denver, ft, Worth, Omaha.Ksn aaa City, ot. Loula, Chicago and East. gait Lake. Denver, ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, St. Louis, Chicago and East. Walla Walla, Lewis- 8:40 a.m. 8okans ton, Spokane, Minn p.yer eapolls, Ht. Paul, ( 00 p. m, Duluth, Milwaukee, Chicago and East. Ocean Steamship. . m- All sailing date sub- pI loot to change. Por Ren Francisco Hall every tlv day. Dally Columbia River 4 p. m. Kx. Sunday taamers. Ex. Sunday 8 p. m. gnturday To Astoria and Way lop. m. landing. e m Willamette River. 4:80p.m. Ex.suuilay Oregon City. Newberg, Kx.Suuday Safem A Way laud gs 7a. m Willamette and Vam- 8 80 p.m. TueH.Thur. 1,1,1 "' Mon. Wed. and 8al. Oregon City, Dayton, and Fri. and Way-landing. Willamett River. Portland to C'orvalll and Way-landing. HURLBEBT, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND No ladies furniture is complete without a new light-running J A. HE COOP, master. I H S M 1 L J til HI C Bnak Rlr. Rlparla to Lewlston. Aaaivs 4 p.m. 7:00 a.m. State Normal School nomnoiiTH, on. Fall Term Opens Sept. 15th. The (Indent of the Normal School are prepared to lake lb Mtale Certificate Immedi ately ou iraduaUou. Graduate readily secure good position. pnse 01 year irons srju to si. aemlc aod rmiMsional con Well I Ex- Strong ra new apelal de- Kuulppea parttnent In Maonat Tratnlug. Traloln UeiHirtment. Por Catalogue ooulalnlns full announcements, addrea 1'. L.CAMrlHSLI., I'r.ldnt. or W. A. WANN, Reereury of the Pacalty. ' A ! afai aw DR. E.ROSS, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON. DR. H.R. CLIFF. Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON. The Weekly Oregonian j pares a week oolanin " pairr a year column " CONTAINS All the news well written. Articles doscrihing Western scenes and incidents. Stories of love and adventure by wall known authors. Brilliant illustration by newspaper artists Interesting sketches and literature for hovs and girls. Fashion article and illustrations for women. OUR CLUBBING OFFER We have perfected arrangements whereby we are enabled to fur nish The Weekly OrpgonTan in connection with Tub Mist for only Two Dollars. The price of The Oregonian alone is f 1.60. : THE OREGON MIST e3 4:80 p. m, Hon. Weil, and Prl. Lv.Lew'ton dally at v:00a.m. OREOON SJNQER If you buy a sewing-machine why not get the liest. Sold on easy terms without interest. How About Your Title? RE YOfJ BORE It I all right? Remember thai l Is the hbihiku that governs, it is onr nnsin to sen:h the record nd show what thev contain In mlatlnn to lanil title. If you contemplate buying land or loanlni money on real- stale security, take no man' word, but Insist upon knowing what the record abows regarding the title. ABA bstract I as esMnUal as deed. Insist on having It, We have the only set of abstract bonks In the omiuly. All work promptly executed and satisfaction guaranteed, If you have property to Inauretlveusaaall, Wear annuls (or the best fire tnauraare oompauiesTn tu world. If you have property fur ale list it with us and we will sod a buyer. KK Main Strttt ST. HELENS, 0MC00H S9 r inUNenii jl niiRtnABeen nnno f mnvviiimwii w uwiiu uwnrbn n vrtjs.s. o Manufacturrt of snd Dialer In o ...All Kinds of Rough end Dressed Lumber... i Flaarlns;... Rsisils ...Celilna; W ...Dlawestslwsi I.nmker... B0APP008K, - . OOOO ROAD TO THC MILL. Mill on south fork of soappoos creek, f oar I miles from ftrappoo station. Lumber delivered at Hcappoose station e' , Johnson's landing at 11,00 pr M, extra, At I Warren atatloa, 11.60. ( - - - OKKGQN ( ... WHEN IJV NEED OF MEDICINE... Astoria P. LOONEY, Agent Oregon i sgas8s mm OO TO THC" CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE" - s, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc OH. J. E. HULL, Proprietor. CLATSKANIE, OREGON. Mtsfl4-wI)'.1i.,Wnv-s,