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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1900)
OUKGON MIST, JUNK lift, WOO. Puko'i got'um a goin'. J,t everybody celolirato, The weather we guess to. Probate Ouurt will convene next Monday, New toli arriving dully nt Collin A lirny'i. Net Wulnmtuy will lie Die (Jlorioua fourlli. Julm Ui'lo will visit with liU fumlly at jiouiioii lor anon unit). Do nut forgot the dunce at tliia jilaco on tue evening ot juiy nn. The etuainer Potter will make her flint trip to the coast tomorrow. Mr. and Mm. Dolman were in from their Hun kor Hill rump Tuowlay, F. K. Faxon, of YHiikton, win doing imsinena in roriianu on Monuity. Mra. Kinlly Clear epent Buiiday In thin city visiting hur parent. II. J. Wnltura visited the metropolis ou a business uilsaiou last Monduy, Firecrackers and fluga In endless var ioty and iinintity at the drug store. Mr. and Mra. Jesno lleinlric k,(if Terla, were in town Wednesday afternoon. Mr. W. It. Dlllard lius about recovered from hia recent illness and ia seen uljout un the atreet uguin. Dr. ltoaa alU-mlr-d the anaocliitlon of physicians held in l'ortlund Tuesday Mild Wednesday of tliia week. Mia. O. J. Ilryant and Miai Maggie Flak, of Chttskanie, were ia the city Wednesday en Miilu to Portland. W. II. Convent, of Clatakanle, waa attending to Fiuaineaa uiatturi In tlie County hcut on Thursday of laat week. Mr. and Mra. Elinor Wharton, who have been visiting relative in thin city for aeverai wiuka, lull Wednesday morn ing for their home at Bpokane. WiM black berriea are anid to be more lentiful tliia year than for any aeason or aeverai yeara. That fruit ia ripening about two weeka earlier than usual. Collin A (iray carry tho largest as sortment of general iiieruhantliiw in Co lumbia County. Head their ad in the upper right hand corner of thla page. George Mnyger, of Portland, waa in 8t. Helena Tueaday evening, paying taxea and attending to other mutters, lie returned home Wednesday morning. Dr. II. R. Cliff and Mr. Frank Dow "re turned from heankle Tueaday evening, where they had been making arrange uienu preparatory to taking their fauil Ilea to the Coast lor the aummer. Mr. R. W. Knitter, eiociitor of the will of the lute R. K. Footer, accom panied by hl attorney, wna in this city ou Thuraduy of laat week attending to piattera couuecled with the estate. Mr. O. II. Wilson, of Mist, waa In the County Heat Tuesday looking aftur huai neaa mattera. Mr. Wilson aaya consid erable hay waa ruined in hla part of the County by the recent untimely raina. Nearly a dozen liulioe of thla city, number of the Episcopal, church were in I'ortland yeaterday attending the twelfth annual aeaaion of the Ladlea' tiuild, held at Trinity Episcopal church, The new avhedule of tho Astoria & Columbia Klver railroad went into effect laat Sunday. The only change ol fare no far decided upon 1 12.00 for the found trip between I'ortland and Sea aide on Sundays. Dundee Reid declare lie 1 going to build a railroad to Tillamook, and that pretty loon. Mr. Hammond, of the Astoria road, i also figuring on audi an undertaking, aud from what can be learned It 1 presumed that Tillamook will aoou be connected by the iron "hoaa" with the outside wor 1. . The will of the late deceaaed Reuben It. Foeter, of Uoble, admitted to pro bnte laat Friday, name Reuben Weston Foaler a the executor of the estate, and bequuath unto three brnthera one dol lar each, to one Bister, $230, to Rcnben Weston Foster, $700 and all the roal and personal property -belonging to said deceased. Assessor White and deputy, Chae. Ulakosley. returned on Tuesday from Nelialcm Valley, whore they completed tho assessment work for the year, except the town of Ht. Helen. After about ten day work on the blanka they will begin making op the roll, which will be finished in time to itibmit to the County Hoard of Equalisation, The entertainment and social held at the Congregational church laat Friday evening waa very much of a aucceaa in every way, miles it waa financially, a fact to lie accounted for by the uncer tain condition of the weather, which, for lome time previous, wa not very inuch like the kind to eugonder burning ice cream dealre. However, something like fti or i waa realized. Mr. John Pringlo was over from Ver iionia the latter part of last woek at tending to buaincM matters. Mr. I'rin gle atated that the timber land deal which he and Mr. Campbell had been working on for so long a time had much promise of soon being consummated, a thing devoutly wished for by not only thoae gentlemen, but ninny persona who have lands contracted for sale. Help your own town and by doing so help yourself. Spend your money here as far as yon are able. This is not only good common sense, but is n rat-class business poncy. ine money uat you aenu away ia gouu out ui circu- . 1 " J ...... -.. ............. ...I K.. latiua as wr u ou m wnw. n. uv what vou auend hero is sure to help in the general prosperity and that will help you sooner or later. Help your merchant and business men who pay taxes, support the city and County, and keep things moving. A steamer and barge capable of carry ing 800,000 foot of lumber is now in course of construction in Portland for the Wheulor Lumber Company. The steamer and barge will be used to carry lumber for that company's mill at Ne halem, which will bo started up at once. John E. Dubois, the big Pennsylvania lumberman, is interested in the Wheolcr Company. The reason assigned for starting up the mill at the present time ia due to the fact that a fire got into a fine belt of spruce, which mieeBaitates its manufacture at once. The spruce will be marketed in Portland and San Francisco. New Astoria is going to have a millon rlollsr drydock, and that in the near fu ture. It is learned through a reliable source that plans and specifications have already been drawn and npprovod for such a structure to bo erected by the Simpson Drydock Company, of New York, at that place. The authority for the above ia a prominent oiHcial of the Houthern Pacific Railroad Co., who was in Astoria a few days ago. Ho had not simply heard of tho contemplated en terprise, but bad seen nnd examined the plans and speculations for the structure, which have already been ap proved bv the officers of t,ho company. OVKKIIOAltli ANI DIIOWNKI). Clatsert l'assrnger Probably Com. Milled Hulolde. Reiiihard Braak, proprietor of the Arlon Hiiloon in Portland, full overboard from the summer Bailey liatzert laat Thursday night aud was drowned. At what hour or in what manner liraak lost his life can only be surmised. He had retired . about 0 o'clock and the WHhihuian noticed his stateroom door was open and that lirauk was gone about daylight Friday morning, liraak hoarded the llulhiy Cial.ert on the up trip ut 8:40 Thursday evening at Hume's. He was slightly under the influence of liquor aim went to sleep lit the forward cabin. Hliorlly after 0 o'clock Hteward Talbot woke him and nut him to bed in room U in the upper cabin. Two doors open from the room, one onto the hur ricane deck and the other into a hull way which leads to the main saloon. Next morning as the watchman uassed down the deck he noticed the outside door stanilliig open, ilniak'a hut, coat and shoes were on the floor and the room waa unoccupied. Search waa Insti tuted at mice, but liraak was not to be found. The missing man left Portland nn the (JuUtirt Wednesday mominir. He was in good spirits ami was taking in niece to tier Home at Humes, lie was of a Jovial disposition, and when he invited several members of the crew to have a drink nothing was thought of the remark that "it might be the laat chance they would have." At Kalatna he threw a handful of money ashore and requested "all hands to drink with Itriuik. He repeated tho performance at Htella. Deceaaed leave a wife and three children. His business and do mestic relations were happy. At the session of Court lobe convened next Monday by Judge Doan the bonds of all the County officers, Justices of the Peace and Constables for the various precinct will lie passed upon and the oath of office administered. The County Judge holds that all of these olllcers must appear lie lore nun personally to qualify to the ofllce to which they have been elected. This ruling applies also to Road (Supervisors, who, however, will not be required to furnish bond, but they are expected to appear before the County Judge to tuko the oath of ofllce and receive their certificate of election. A to this lutter matter, the fee for a certificate of election istl.OO, which the County Clerk is required by law to eol- I . . 1lM. -1 A1 I l.n..l.l ICVl. Alio fl .w IW Biiuuiu awuiiipnujr the application for certificates. Later: The judge has modified his ruling re garding J ustleca ol tlie reace ami (Jon stables appearing before him in order to qualify. Any administering otllcor may swear the official. An experiment is in progress at sev eral canneries on the river that may result in the development of a new fish ing industry. It is the canning of shad and the experiments so far made have proven eminently satisfactory. The flavor of shad is universally recognized as delicious and the only objection to the Ssh la the mvriad of bones that ex ist in it. This It entirely done away with in the canned product as tho ex treino heat to which the cans are sub jected disintegrates the bone and they are not noticed. The shad retain it natural flavor and oil and should com mand a ready sale if properly intro duced. During the season the seines and traps catch millions of shad, but except when they first arrive in the river, are of no commercial value. Census Enumerator Godfrey informed os last Hunday that it would be an utter impossibility for him to complete the work expected of him within the time limit designated by law governing the work. The limit expires Sunday even ing next and much of the work in Mr. Godfrey's district is yet unflnirhed, which, we can honestly say we believe to be no fault of the enumerator's, who seems to have been devoted to his duties aud has pursued the undertaking with xcalou interest. As we interpret the law the Enumerators must cease their work at the expiration of June 30tu, whother finished or not, but there oertainly will be provision made for completing the census. News, news, it's enough to give man the blues. Nobody married and nobody dead ; nobody broken an arm or a head ; nobody came in to talk of the "crap;" nobody got booxv and started a scrap; no one got run In for taking a horn: nobody ourled and nobody born. Oh I for a racket, a riot, a fuss I Bomeoue to come in and kick up a muss; someone to stir up the peace-laden air; some body's comment to give us a scare. Homebody thumped witliin an inch of his life; somebody run off with another mnn's wife; someone come in and pay up his dues; anything, any tiling, just so it's news. Tho horse-killing and pickling ostab llshmeut at Liunton, which is not in any sense of the word a "cannery" is running full-time and disposing of sixty usuleas eayuses por day. Over 2000 of these animals have been placed in "hor de combat" this season, nud over 3000 more are in line for the slaughter. The mild winter and favorable spring, which made range pasture good, has put the horses in tine condition, and stockmen are glad to see the ranges cleared so as to make room for cattle and sheep, which are bettor suited to the taste of Americans. The Grand Matron of the order of Eastern Star, accompanied by about a dozen members of the order from var ious parts of the Slate, paid an official visit to Mizpah Chapter at this place last Saturday evening. After the routine work on such occasions had been disposed of. the visitors and mem bers enjoyed light refreshments, which were served in the lower ball of the building. The time card of the Astoria & Co lumbia River Railway, appearing in another column, was this week cor rected according to the schedule going into effect last Sunday to remain for the summer. The table ia correct and reliable. Rev. Mr. Philbrook will be otherwise engaged next Sunday forenoon and therefore will be unable to fill bis Peris appointment. He will preach as usual, however, at Yankton in the afternoon. Mr. I. Bumgardner, formerly of Deer Island, who, several months since, re moved with his family to California, thence back to Salem, this State, wa in St. Holcna Wednesday evening. County Commissioner-elect Case of Pittsburg, was in the County Seat Wed nesday evening, and continued on to Portland the next day. Mrs. I. II. Copoland and children are spending some time at the homo of Mrs. Copcland's Willuinotto Valley. Mrs. C. If. Jones, of Qtiincy, Or., is in town visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. N. Rice. Commissioners'-Court will convene in regular session on Thursday of next ween. For firecrackers,' flags, etc, see Col lins A Gray, . Coolest beer in town at Duke's. VKKNONIA VAHIttTlt:. Camp meeting will begin on July 11th. Gust Peterson, of Mist, was in town Monday, Hiii-rali for McKinlny and Roosevelt! They are going to be winners. Miss Ida Wilson, who Is teaching the Mist school, is home for a short vocation, Postmaster McNutt made a business trip to St. Helen the first of this week. F. A. Zillgltt'a new house is nearing completion. It will be quite a nice little cottage. G. W. Rice made a trip to St. Helens laat week for a load of goods for Zill- gitt & UllllllBD. Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Shirk and little Lois, of Upper Pebble Creek, were in town Inst Saturday. The Vernoula Literary Club has aus iiended Its meetings during the busy haying and harvest season. Mi Bertha Gilllhan, with aeverai witnesses, is out this week to prove up on her claim on East Fork. Fred North ll home from Pacific Uni versity for the summer vacation. The next year will be hi final year. Uncle John Pringle made a business trip to Portland laat week. That tim ber land sale is still "hanging fire." Mrs. Mary Menke, of Crooked Creek, went out to Portland Wednesday of last week on business and to visit friends. Commissioner-elect W. D. Case is now able to "crack a joke" with the doctor, so the presumption is that he ia much unproved. W. A. Harris and family have moved onto their ranch on Crooked Creek and Mrs. Harris and daughter will remain for the summer. Sidney Mulnisten and Oscar Lind- stroin cume home from Peterwin's log- ing camp Friday last, and will bo home uruig the haying season. Dr. C. L. Hat fluid was the only dele gate who attended the Sunday School Convention at Houlton laat week. He reports an interesting meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tracy have sold their town property to Mr. and Mra. A. Boole and will give possession in Octo ber. What the Tracy's will do we have not learned. Bert llosford, who has spent the last three months in Eastern Oregon hand ling the shepherd's crook, came over the mountain on Friday last, and will be at home for the summer. T. W. North and John Dallas, of Kist, with their families, attended the Child ren's Day exercises last Sunday, as did several other families from Upper Rock Creek whose names we did not get. ' The Children's Day exercises were held as announced heretofore, at the camp ground. The people, notwith standing tne uownpour ol rain, witii true Oregonian spirit, came in large numbers so that the tabernacle was full. A most excellent programme was ren dered by the little folks, assisted by the young people, with Borne very enjoyable songs. The only thing that marred the pleasure oi tne crowd waa toe constant patter of the rain on the roof, which made it hard for those in the rear to hear. After the exercises many fami lies hod their dinner together in the tabernacle and this was enjoyed by everybody. At 2:30 p. in. there was preacluug by Key. U. nl. fcstroup, witn which the day's services closed. WAKIIKN ITtiMS. Miss Musette Grewell is riding a new bicycle, a recent purchase of hers. Mrs. Mollie Sundby spent a few days with friends in Portland this week. John Slavens, who is working in Port- laud, spent Sunday with his parents. Mrs. G. W. Baker, who has been seri ously ill for the past week, ia slowly improving. Mr. Arthur Ellis and wife, of Port land, spent a few days with relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Puxer were the ?;uests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McKay a ew days this week. I Frank Hoyt and Marion Slavens spent a couple of day last week in the Bunker Hill district. AM. UlllUU. DUJJDIIUWUUOUVUI Wt, i struetion, of Portland, was a visitor at u. irsiinn o,i..:.i.i.i .1 Pa. the l'attullo farm last Sunday. D. C. Allard returned from down river points last Friday and proceeded ou his way toward Portland Saturday. Mis Ella Bacon accompanied her sister, Mr. R. A. McKay, to Portland and spent a few day the first of the wecR. H. W. Larson, who ha been working at Shoalwater Bay for the past four montha, returned home last Thursday evening. Mr. C. Carlson and children returned to their home in Astoria Monday morn ing, after spending a week with relatives in Warren. flimwlnaa mill V... li ..1.1 f 4.a Maiilanxa . . . . ..... U .. 1 1 . w . . v ' V. .. V V..V IW1UV.IVU of Heury Larson next Sunday, July 1st, uy iiuv. uauaniyne. .everyone cor- uauy mviieu. Three Eastern Oregon cowboys passed throuith Warren one day last week with a band of horses which they were try ing to dispose of. Mr. Dobbins, who is in the employ of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co., spent a couple of days last week with his mother, Mrs. Frakes. G. W. Weatherlv, manager of the Sunset creamery, was down from Port land this week attending to business connected with the creamery. The school house i undergoing some much-needed repair thia week. The house will be treated to a fresh coat of paint, whicli will add very much to the Improvement of the place. X- niv i.-i.J t":. luaib u it n vii miu ,aba Cooper are making preparations to leave Tin 1 a CAmtA TLf .. . , f-2MAn,n11 n ...1 TbaV lor tne waua waiia country, tne ooys Intend to go by rail as far as The Dalle and the remainder of the trip will be made on their bicycles. A social dance was artven at Mr. Adams' last Tuesday evening, which was a most enjoyable affair. A large crowd was in attendance and dancing was kept up until a late nour, a very pleasant evening was spent by all. The many friend of Col. McFarland will be pleased to learn that he has been offered a position with a largo firm in I'ortland and accepted it. we all join in wishing Mao all kinds of success and hope he will prosper in his employer's favor. Goods exchanged for chickenB, fresh eggs, vegetables, fruit, etc., at Collins & Gray's, iriany m. Lerer Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable trirl with an ouensive breath Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its action ou the bowels, etc., as nothing else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts, and 50 cts. Bold by ur. dwin Koss, AIIOUT THK HAIIiltOAD. Proposed Route 1 from Coble to Nehalein Bay. Tillamook and nearby places may have railroad communication with Port land sooner than anticipated by the residents, Articles of incorporation have been filed with the Clerk of Mult nomah County for a railroad from Goble to Nehalein Bay. The incorporators are Edward Cannon, president of the North west Engineering Company; Thomas Day and K. C. Bell. The proposed route, it Is understood, is through Columbia County, across a corner of Clatsop and into Tillamook County. It is intended to strike the Nehalein River in Columbia County and follow it to it mouth. With small ell'ort the road can be continued south to Tillamook City and Bay, and to mints further south, if trade is thought to warrant the coat of building. It is said that only two places on the proposed route will require any consid erable engineering skill to surmount. The road will tap one of the most exten sive timber belts in the State, and a fertile farming and dairying district, so that no doubt remains regarding sum cent business to pay for the building and operating expense. Some time ago the Board of Trade took up the matter of the building of a toad to Tillamook with the Southern Pacific. The members corresponded with President Huntington, who said be would build a road just as soon as it would pay. He did not think that would be this year. But it seems others now believe the investment will pay. Merchants in Portland have heretofore depended upon getting their goods to Coast points via boats, a very unsatis factory means, ine greatest narusnip rests upon the Coast residents, who bnvn a difficult time in reaching the outside world. To go to Tillamook via Coast or overland take half as much time as a trip from Portland to Chicago. telegram. Paste This In your Hat. Beginning Sunday. June 24th. the Astoria A Columbia River Railroad Dut into effect a tram schedule by which passengers can leave Portland daily at 8:00 a. in., arrive at Seaside at 12:30 noon, remain at the beach until 5 p. ni., and reach Portland at :40 p. m. From Astoria to the beach trains will run dailv at 8:15 a. m. and 11 :86 a. m ; leave Seaside at 'i ;30 p. m. end o:uu p.m.. connecting at Astoria witn rortianu train. Arrangements have also been made with the I. R. A N. Company for daiiy boat to connect with the morning irain iroiu ironiuuu, ienvuig nnwuw. 2 :00 d. ut.. and makine direct connec tion as llwoco with train for North lteach ooints. Also boat to leave llwoco in afternoon to connect with evening train for Portland. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. In the County Court of the SUte of Oregon lor rnltlmtila frnlltitv. VTOTK K 18 HfiRKBV GIVEN THAT TH.B i michTsIirneil wiu annotated by the Honor- bMa I'mmlv ili.urlnf the Hmte of OreaoD. for Col ii mhia County, executor ol the entaloof R. It. FoMor, rteca.ved, ami lute of Goule, (Kcubenl Oregon. All persons having claims agaiDtt said estate sre hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me at No. 101) Third Btreet, City of Porllmul, Multnomah County, SUte of Ore gon, within six month? irom title nereoi. imteu a.i j-oniunu, vruguu, juuv vui, im R. V. FOBTKR, Kxecutor or the estate oi k. k. rosier, oeceasea. n Frank B. Grant, attorney for said executor. FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVES TO ALL WHOM Itmsvconeern. that the undersigned. guar dian of the estate ol (K'ora K. Frakes, a minor, has hied Id the County Court of Columbia County' State of Oregon, his final accoantaud report as sucn guaraian oi aaia estate, ana mat B.tnnUf ,h 7th Hav nl .Inlv lllfll at lhA hour of 1 o'clock P. M., ol said day. at the Court House in t. Helens, Or., has been appointed by said Court aa the time and place for hearing of objections to said final account and report, and for the hearing and settlement thereof. Haled June 7, 1900. v. A. raiaita. Quardiauol the estate and person of George E. Frakes, a minor. NOTICE FORPU8LICATION. Laud Orrica at Oaaooa City, On., May 51, 1900. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followina-named settler has Died notice of his intention to make final proof In support of hia claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Aug. 4th, 1900, via: Homestead entry No. 10,401, for the W. of N W. !- section IS. township 4 north, range S went, and the B. hi of N. E.ii section U. lown- sh ip 4 n orth. range 4 west. tie names tne loiiowingr witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of eaUland, vix: 8. P. Ballard, Otto B. Malm sten, bavid F. Early, aud Squire W. Early, all of Vernoula, Oregon. JBJ13 chas. B. Moorkj, Register. Timber Land, Act June 8. 1878. NOTICE FOR JPUBllCATION. UNITsn States Land Orrica, OHBoost City, Or.. June 22, MOO. NOTICE 13 UEKKHY GIVEN THAT IN COM pliauce with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1X78, entitled "An act for the sale oi umrjer lands in uie mates oi i auioruia. Oregon, Nevada, aad Washington Territory,'1 aa exteuded to all the Public l-und States by act of August 4, 182, Harry D. Burrows, ol Van couver, Countv of Clarke, State of Washington,, haa thia day tiled in thla office his sworn state ment No. 5234, for the purchase of the northwest of section No. IS, township No. 6 north, range no. v west, aua win oner prooi to snow tnat tne land aounht la more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud toes- tablisn nis Claim to saio tana oeiore tne Regis ter and Receiver of thla office, at Oregon citr. Oregon, on Friday, the 7th day of September, 1900. He nainea as witnesses: John Archibald, of Goble, Oregon, Daniel Btahmen, of Apiary, Oregon, Thomas Peoples aud George Archibald, of Uoble, Oregon. Any ana all persons claim ing adversely the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims In this office on or before said 7tn dav of September, 1900. J2VaU VHAS. B. MOOBES, Register. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon, (or PitlHinlila Clmintv. The Board of Commissioners for the Hale ot school ana univer sity Lands, and for the Invest ment oi the Funds Arising therefrom, styled "the State luid Board". 1'lalntln. vs. I SUMMONS M. A. Roeser and M. Roeser, her nushand. Joseph r . Lincoln, &. N. Wheeler, Nlcolai Bros. Co., a Corporation, Mrs. U. A. Colby, William B. Thomson and I. C. Aunrorri. Defendants. To Mrs. II. A. Colby, M. Roeser aud I. C. San- lorn, ueienaanta aDove-namen: IN THE NAME OF THK STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby notltled, that the plaintiff herein has Hied a complaint against you In the above-entitled Court and cause, and that you and eaeh of you are ncrcby required to aonenr and answer said oomnlaint on or before the laat day prescribed by the order of publica tion nereoi, town: August iom, lww. tou are farther uotllied that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, or plead thereto within said time, the plaintiff will cause the default of each one of you to be entered of record and will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In aaid complaint: That is to say, for a Judgment againat the above named defendants, M. A. Roeser and M. Roeser. for the mn of tl'JOO, with Interest thereon at the rate of eight por cent per year from the 16th day of February, 1801, and the further sum of 'JOG aa attorney fees, aud the coats and disbursements of this suit, and for a deeree foreclosing all your right, title and interest In and to the real estate described in the mortgage mentioned in siiidoonuilalnt and described aa follows to-wit; The northwest W. and the soath t of tho north east quarter and the uortheaat quarter of the northeast quarter of aootlon fci; also the south west quarter of the southeast quarter of section 29. all situate in township 7, north of range, west of the Willamette meridian, in Columbia County, State of Oregon, and containing 820 acres. Also for the usual decree for the sale of said described mortgaged premises, and the ap plication of the proceeds of said sale in pay ment of said Judgment, and for sueh other and further relief as the Court mav deem proper. The date of the first publication of tills aum mona Is Friday, June 16th, V.m, and the last publication thereof Friday, the 10th day of Aug ust, A. D., 1900; and said summons shall lie pub lished on Friday of eaeh week for the period of six oonsooutive weeas oetweeu aaia aates. This aummona ia served by nublioatlnn by order of the Hon. Thos. A. MoBrtde, Judge of the above-entitled Court, made aud euteredon the JSth day of May, A. 1). , lwo. W. H. Conysm, Q. W. Coli. Attorneys for lUalutilf. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Couwty TasAStiaaa's Orvtca, Ht, Hxi.kns, Ok., June 22, 00O. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL uupald County Warrant of Columbia County, Oregon, which have been presented and endorsed' "Not Paid (or Want of Funds," prior to Oct. 1st, will bo paid upon pre sentation at tills oflice. Interest will not be allowed after this date. KUWIN ROriM, yti Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. NOTICE FORJPUBLICATION. Lamb orricc at Oksoow City, Oa.. June inth, 1900. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE foliowlng-nained settler hae filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August , 1900, vix: OUST H. ANDERSON, Homestead entry No. 11.51. for the northeast ol section S, township 4 north, rangeSwest. He names the louowiug witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon -and cultivation of said land, via: Julius Floeter, of Valley. Or., Krlck Erlckson and I. T. Wilson, of Yankton Oregon: John Hlldcbrand. of Portland, Or. J22J.7 CHAS. B. MOOREd, Register, NOTICE FORUBLICATION. Lamd Orrica at Oaaooa City. Oa., May 29th, 1900. N'OTICB IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followine-naincd settler baa filed notice of his intention to make Anal proof in support of his claim, that said proof will be made before the County Clerk ol Columbia county, at St. Hel ens, Oregon, on July 16, 1900, viz: 'VILLIB A. HARRIS. Homestead entry No. 11,179, for the N. of rj. E. hi, S. w. of 8. E. 'A and . E. M of H. W. of section 1!, township north, range 4 west. rie names the following witnesses to prove hla continuous residence uuou and cultivation of said land vlx: C. W. Melllnger, 8. A. Wilkin son, U. M. Beeghley, and A. 11. Mathews, an oi Vernoula Oregon. jl Jig Chas. B. Hoobcs, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lard Orrica at Oaaaoic Citt, Ob , May SI, 1900. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler haa filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said oronf will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City Oregon, on Aug. 4, l'JOO, vis: Homestead entry No. 1033, for the W. M of B. E. y-i aud H. E. V. of H. E. of section town ship 4 north, range 4 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John D. Baker, E. H. Nicker son, F. II. Parker, and David T. Early, all of Vernonla, Oregon. Jsjll Chas. B. Hooan, Register. CITATION. In the County Court of the State ol Oregon, In and for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate of Frank M. Webber, deceased. To Ellxnbeth Webber, Mrs. I. G. Wikatrora, heirs of said deceased, and all others whom it may concern. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereliv cited and required to appear before the Jndee of the Countv Court of the State of Oregon,' (or Columbia County, on Mon day, the tilth day of July, WD, at 1 o'clock in tne aiteruoon oi -saiu oay, at tne tnnn wwra ui the Court House, in the Cltv of St. Helens, in Columbia County, Oregon, to show cause, If any there be, why an order should not lie made granting to the said Administrator permission. anu airectlng him to sen tne real estate m imia deceased, at public auction, according to the pe tition of the Administrator on file herein. That the following is a true description of the real properly described In the petition, belonging to said estate, to-wit: The west (4 of the north west W of the southeast hi of section 7, township 4 north, ranee 1 west of Willamette Meridian, in Columbia County, State of Oregon. witness, tne lion. i. h. tioan, 1 Judge of the County Court of the SEAL 1 State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, this 11th day of June, A. D. 1900. Attest: J. G. WATTS. Clerk. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To the Honorable County Court of Columbia County. Oregon. We. the undersigned legal voters, residing In Oak Point Precinct, Columbia County. Oregon, would respectfully petition your honorable body at Its next Regular Session, which will be held on the 6th day of July. 1900, in the Court House, in the cltv of St. Helens. Columbia Couuty, State of Oregon, that a Liquor License De granted to w. t,. ruiitam, to sen spirituous, vinous and malt llouors. In Quantities less than one gallon, in Oak Point Precinct, In said Coun ty ana btate, ami mat saia license ee grnniea for a period of six months; (or all of wnlch your petitioners will over pray: W H Heed, Jaa U Gambert, O M Swing, W A Paslev. James Coaklev. Carl Stockenberg. James Stockenberg, L 8 Mason, R U King, Geo W Knlck, Henry Henderson, en as ericason, l. Blamqubt, Wm Anderson, David Hunt, William McCollam, G H Crandall, A L MeOalre. George Armstrong. Joseph Powers I S Graeg, C R Dil- lev, J E Black, J w Turner, I J Davis, Wm Rob erts, Charles Msyger, Simon Kaspar, Frank names, a e, Miuoaugn, r w rtuurer, b mo Barnes. L Stockenberg. G W Barnes. C G Pul- 11am, A Wadln, F E Williams, C P Syverson, C W Lovegren, J B Lovegren, Edgar Quigley, G W Walling, L W Ball, F J Qulnn, J G Tompkins, Ed Carlson, Etnll Peterson, M A Kogel, Ed Love greu, A J Qulgley, R Henno, C M Jones, Chas Itermo, R s Payne. Harry Russell, H Syverson, E J Smith, E Lovegren, F Mieilermeirer, S R Norgren. J8) PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE ToThs Hoi'orablb Coukty Cooar or Col ombia Coukty, Stats or Oasoon ; We. the undersigned lenal voters, residing in Goble Precinct Columbia Couuty State of Oregon, would respectfully petition your Honorable body at its next regular term, which will be held on the Mb dav of Julv, 1SM0, In the Conn House in the city of St. Helena, Columbia Countv, stale of Oregon: That a license be granted to O. E. Hunter, to sell spiritioaa, vinuous and malt liuuors in Quanfties less than one gallon, in Goble Precinct, in said County ana mate, and mat saio license oe grantea tor a period of one year, for which we ever pray: Dated this 25th. dnv of May 100, at Goble Oregon. U. C. Jaquish, E. W Fowler, F. A. Huenor, j. m. rowier, victor rurrer, Amoy lll.nn Mb rHnbOld... laiv.H 7alnol( J. W. Lord, Fred Koble, Frank Welter, J. M. Payne, John Gilligan, G. M. Farr, Thomas Paw son, T. H. Blackcter, L. Bradley, M. W. Bradley, Charles Link, J. C. Mouroe, H. Stehman, John Farr, Jay P. Archiloald, Donald Bate, John Munsou, C. W. McFarland, G. S. Foster, F. Drucka. Henry Blake, James Blacketer, H. Ward, U. 8. D'Spain, A. H. Roberts, James Kennedy, sr. James Kennedy, Jr. Thos. Burgess, George Foster, jr. F. W. McKlnster Peter Hoescy, Ube Yroxalral, H. M. Fowler, M. W. Brown, Jos. Lawrence, Thomas People's, G. W. Farr, U. Anliker, Walter Hunter, Peter Wicks, Win. Burdick, R. Anliker, C. P. Anderson, 8. E. Butts, A. Neer, J. R. Madison, E. A. Smith, W. D. Satterlce, Fred Woodham, J. M. Spencer Christopher Maginn. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia Countv. The Board of Commissioners for the Sale of School and univer sity Lands and for the Invest ment of the Funds Arising Therefrom, Stvled "The State Unit Hord." Plaintiff vs. 1- SUMMONS M. Roeser and M. A. Roeser, his wife, Joseph F. Lincoln, r.. pi. Wheeler, Nlcolai Brothers Co., a Corporation, Mrs. H. A. Colby, William B. Thomson and I. C. Sauford, Defendants. Te Mrs. H. A.Colby, M. Roeser and I. C. San- lora, ueienaanta aoove-nauieu: IN THE NAME Of THE 8TATS"OF OREGON: You and each of vou are horeby notil ed, that the Plaintiff herein haa filed a complaint againat you in the above-entitled Court and cause, and that you and each ol you are hereby required to appear and answer said complaint on or before the last day prescribed by the order of publication hereof, towit: August 10th, 1900. You are further notltled that If you fall to ap pear aud answer the said complaint, or plead thereto, wlihln said time, the Plaintiff will cause tne deiautt oi eacn one oi you to o en tered ot record and will apply to tne Court (or the relief proved (or In said complaint: That is to say, (or a judgment against the above-named defendants, M. Roeser and M, A. Roeser, (or the sum ot 11000, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per year (ram August win. lest, ana aiso lor ine tuituer imu ui ,uu as attorney's tees in said suit, and (or the costs and disbursements in this suit, and (or a decree foreclosing all your right, title and interest in and to the real e-t ite described In the mortgage mentioned in said complaint and desoribed aa follows to-wit: The north half of the north west quarter! tho southwest quarter ot the northwest quarter; the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 8.1; also the south west nuarter of the southeast Quarter: and tho northwest quarter of the Nurthoast quartorof section bj, all being situate in lowusmp no. , north of rauge 2 west ol the Willamette Meri dian in nniiimhiA Oountv. Oreiron. Also for the usual decree for tho sale of said descrllied mort gaged premises, ana tne application, ot tue pro- ruuwlM nf BMiri sale In ftavmeut of aaid Itldgment. and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem proper. The date of the first tiubltcatlon oi this sum mons Is Friday. June loth. 1900. and the last publication therool Friday, the lotli day of August, A. ti., itaiu; anu gam summons snoii oe published on Friday of each week (or the period oi six consecutive weeas oetweeu snm uutes. This summons Is served by publication by order ot the Hon. I'hos. A. McBiide, Judge ot the above entitled Court, matte and entered ou tho Uh day ol May, A, D , 1R). W. II. Comybrs, . W. Colb, Attorneys lor Plaintiff. kwwwwUww1rnwV1 New Firm! COLLINS & GRAY I Carry the largest stock and greatest variety of general merchandise of any firm in Columbia county, where the wants of the farmer, the logger, mechanic, buninesa man and laborer can be supplied. Their stock consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Furninhini? goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, Klaus, crockery, cuttlery, blankets, oil clothing, feed, flour, garden seeds, orchard grass, garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. LOGGERS' AND W00DSMENS' TOOLS. Collins & Gray (Successors to W. H. DOLMAN.) THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. i i t j nn Anif'A&i v uwuo .cj At; imi j gcu iui a iuuuo 9 niBlliilvl wniaiViVivi fUwwwwVwwwlKwwwww AAsVAIA Money John ill yayav VVVVIrVVVI IT1 If You will Give Them a Trial They will Convince You that what is Said in this Advertisement is THE TRUTH Our Large Stock of , DRY GOODSIEGROCERIES Consists of the Highest Standard of Quality, which we aim to sell at very reasonable prices. RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ..-BOOTS AND SHOES.... DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, - OREGON. St, Helens Meat Market KELLEY & GILS0N, Proprietors. BEEF. MUTTON, PORK, VEAL, Breakfast Bacon, Cottage, Picnic and Westphalia Hams. Pure Lard. Highest Cash Price Paid for Stock., St. Helens DR. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded at any hour of the day or night. Orders by mall for medicine will receive prompt attention. PAINTS, OILS, PAINTERS SUPPLIES. ..St. Helens ST. HELENS, - New Goodsl Eef unded if not Satisfactory NO DOUBT YOU ARE ALL IN NEED OF Clothing and Shoes! Before taking chances on soma unreliable thou, why not have sure nS square deal by seeing ..JOHN DELLAR.. Where he recommends every article ; price occord " ing to its value. NOTE A FEW SPECIALTIES Mens' Suits, Fancy Worsteds, Cheviots, Brown tf Lt Checked or Striped, with Oouble-Breastt'd Vest.. $,JU 1.25 .40 i nr. Boys' Silts, Three Different Patterns.. Boys' Washing Salts Boys' Shoes, Satin Calf, lace l,6J flies' and Misses' Shoes, Vicl Kid, Tan or Black, 0 f ft Vesting Top, K.00 Values (or A, J U Cellar, COB. FIRST AND YAMHILL, PORTLAND, OB.EUOJJ. "Ws BOLOGNA, PORK, SUMMER SAUSAGE. KELLEY & GILSON, St. Hslens, Okkuon. Pharmacy Drugs, Chemicals AND ....PATENT MEDICINES.... Perfumery, Toilet Articles, School Books,School Sup plies, Stationery, Etc , . . . CLEVELAND J COTTAGE COLORS. Pharmacy.. OREGON, i