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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1900)
: About Thin In addraaslng Mrs Plnkham you ara com muaktatlng with A VJcnicn A woman whom axpa rlonoa In treating fammim Ills la graatar than that of any living parson, mala or femam Sha haa fifty thousand such tmmtlmonJal lattara aa wa mrm constantly puh listing ahawlng that lysSa Em Pinkhmm'a VapataAla Compound la dally - Having hundrads of suf fering woman Every woman knows soma woman Mrs. Pink ham has raatorad to hoatth. FJtm Piakhmm makaa '7-A S no suiiwnwn w www prova. Mar advloa la f reOt Ml Co., Lyo. Hut Tn Ole) Crawlers. The One .Vow, you know well nongb all women are artificial. They are never natural. The Other Bat you most remember ;ht it U natural lor them tobe artifi cial, to your assertion does not bold. Indianapolis Press. Try AlleB'e Foot Iw, A posder to be ahaken into tbe shoes. At inta K-Aon your fret feel ewolleti, nervmo and hot, anil get iire.1 easily. If Tun hvl smartm feet or tiitlit ahoea. try Alleu'a Foot-Kaae. ltcoola the feet and nui'i watkinr env. Cures iiisjmwinR inula, swoolrii and sweating feet. blieters slid callou it. lielieves rortia aul bunions of ail Msnt and rites rent and comfort. We have Ami! testimonial. Try it lodsr. miUI bv ail druvsTt.ta and ho dealers for ?". Trial a knse KIIKK. Address Alien H, Olmalead, LeKoy. X. Y. t'fcmrlty Thlwketh Ms Kvll. If we woold live in peace, let ns make tbe beet constructions of one an other's words and actions. Charity jodpeth tbe bent, and thinks no evil. If words and actions may be con strued in a good sense, let as never pot lad construction on them. Jobn liunyan. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That C'owtaoa Mereary, Aa merrury will eurely destroy tbe arose of aaneit i com ieteiy arrange me wooie ays trni wbt-uenteriite It through, to mucous aur faces. K'th artirTea aLould never be BaeueZ' erji on rfrrrifti!ona from reputable phyi ert., an toeoaoiase mey win ao is tra 101a to Jte xioi roa ran pt;blr dsrlre iron then. tfatl'a Catarrn l ure, manufactured by r. J ,netey A Co.. Toledo, o.,eontaua no mercury ni ta takru internally, setin directly uto: the Wooaatid roocooa aariace o ua aystem. In txtytnir Hall's ratarrn Care be sure you get the genuine. It i taken ittternallr, and aaac In l..if.1... Ohio, by K. J. Cbener i Co. 'lean- jnontalu (re. Kln bv ftruirgiftta, price IhR. per bottle, liall'a I sjuily fiiia are tbe beat. Street car in Germany have con tpicuonsly displayed the Dumber of pKSMetiL'ers which they are permitted to carry. When the stated number is on the car, no other passenger will be permitted to enter. HOITfg SCHOOL. with in nrw btiildinra, newly (urniahed and rum nine laboratories. Ix-autiful iur roiiminiK" and home intltteiii-es. i one of Die brat rtjuioiKti si'tiools tor the training of hoya snii young men on tbe coa.-t. It 1 in i.liarir of Dr. In (). Hoitt and is st crrdiirn at the tiniversitiea. hend forcst- slng. Truth yrsr begins August 6, IHUO. When aphides attack trees tbe best remedy is strooir eoapeads made of whale tit soap, iitrong; tobacco water is aslo attid to be excellent. Tbe use kerosene emulsion is a sure reme y, but it rliould be sprayed on tbe trees, so as to saturate all the branches, twigt and leaves. In winter painting of the trunk aud limbs with erode petrol turn hut given excellent results. Religion is the product of an im planted life; its blossom is frequent, pervading the wot Id; its fruitage is pprft-ct, atifying hungry multitudes. Tbe Gocpel does not provide exper iences which are merely pleasurable, hat the invitation is to life. Kev. 1. J. I'araous. ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mutt Boar Signature) of 5es Pac-Simile Wrapper Batow. Tawy saaatl aw4 as ar te taks aa ssujaav CARTERS ran DiQmui. "Jittle m nuouuttt. IliVFR FOI TORPID LIVER. I pi4 rOI COMTIPATIOM. I M rOIIAUOWMII. JSSJ IrOI THE C0MPLU10K . .... oauwfOfM HMTiM)y,tTvj I CURE SICK HEADACHE. 1 I Baat Vtutm ftrmp. Tmn Gxm17 tMP f J In time rVid mi dnjjrtat. f IN THE OLDEN TIME. CELEBRATION OF INDEPEND ENCE DAY LONG AQO. Bnalaa Bead FiroUkrf ba Maalc tot tke First Official JoHiacalUat Nota la the Early laars Was Olrea Facmsdary Place aa Proarraaaaaei. N ye oldea time thry est ebrsted Hndepeadence day" aad aot the Fourth of July." Tbe ehsBf ef name earns with the chance la the celebrating iTrresry of tbe tbe decUra- liidependvoce. Many people deilore tbe present method of show fas appreciation of na tional freedom and deplore as well tbe fact that the rlainf crneratloa speaks of tbe rotnlbf "Fourth" ratber tbsa of "la- le-wtHk-iice day," a name so prrsnaot with niraning. Perhaps tbe people who deplore" are right. One of tbe signers on that fsmons Fourth of July. 1778, declared on his ieatbbed that he would like to sleep a century, then wake np to finj out how future generations were celebrating Inde pendence day. If lbs old gentleman s wish were to be granted, wbeo be heard tbe fib horns, tbe multitudinous snap ping of John Chiuatneo red wrapped in rmtiona. tbe reports of tbe dangerous torpedoee and dynamite crackers he might be willing enough to burry back to tbe Inmb. When some staid New Englander finds fsult with the present method of cele brating the nstion's birthday ths oolse msklng small boy may with good grace toll htm that New England's patron saint, John Adams, recommended that the dsy be recognised by just such a din ss young America la making. It la true, boweres. that President John suggested that the esrly part of ths dsy should be rivm orrr to solemn acta of devotion. Then be said tbe day should be eommrm orsted "with pomp, parade, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires sad illumina tion from one end of the continent to the other for evermore.' Of the first celebration of a Fourth of July by the continental congress Adams In writing tn his dsnghter said: "The people shouted snd buiu bed in a way to strike utmost terror to every lurking tory. There wss a splendid Illumination snd while a few aurly bouses were dark the show would bare given King George a heartache.' Heaalaa Band Played. On this first official celebration of Fourth of July by Congress that body se cured music for tbe dsy snd at tbe same time afforded the people a great chance for amusement and laughter by forcing tbe Hensisn band, which was captured by Washington at Trenton the December previous, to plsy in the public square sll dsy long. There Is on record a fairly full account of an Independence day celebra tion which George Waahington attended aa the guest of honor. The celebration was held at tbe Spring gardens, near AN Alexandria, Va., "with a large company of civil and military people of Fairfax County." Things were not particularly bright for the colonial armies on the Brut anniver sry of the declaration of Independence. The soldiers st Morrlstown heights, bow- ever, under Waabington s command each received an extra gill of rum with his ration In recognition of the day. Tbe third anniversary of tbe signing of the declaration was made memorable by the burning of an order by tbe commander in-chief that all military prisoner under the sentence of destb should be pardoned. Perhaps the most enthusiastic and heartfelt celebrations of Independence day did not take place on the day Itself. News traveled slowly in tbe year 177l, and It was some days before New York knew that the country bad been declared free. Wben the plessing information did reach there, however, tbe town went lid. Tbe king's statue was pulled down snd melted up into bullets for the A merl es n armies. Two or three days after New York bad given vent to its enthusi astic feelings Boston celebrated. A Brit ish army officer who was a prisoner in the hub at tbe time wrote an account of the rejoicings of tbe "deluded people." He was escorted by a band of patriots to see tbe "goings on snd confesses that he enjoyed tbe occasion aa a break in a ratber monotonous life of captivity. The crowd of Bostouians tor down tbe lion and the unicorn from the old headquar ters of tbe British Government, after ward the old Massachusetts state bouse. It was not until after tbe signing of the treaty of peace with Great Britain that celebrations of Independence day were held regularly in all places. Dinners were .avorite features of the day. Ev erbody was invltrd snd it wss seen to tbst tber was enough for all, Tbe citl cen sat down at tbe outdoor table wltb :)tit any fear that a cannon cracker was to be exploded under bim before be bad iinlabed bis brst course. Psndemoniura had not as yet come Into general use as a synonym for tbe features of the Fourth f July. All through Virginia the public tnd private feasts on Independence day lad as a dish what wna known as Bruns wick soup or stew. The name probably i rose from a desire on tbe part of tbe Virginia householders to suggest that tbe iiingly bouse of Brunswick was "in tbe 4otip. In tbe staid land of steady habits. Con necticut, In the town of Hartford it was the custom for years to bar a great dinner "In the field." A newspaper of 100 ra or so ago gives go account f (fell - t i maaner of V.I "& stoninc. of il'L l tioa of fesft :; MTTtf'rt - jij M ri::m Lank JwtihJ READY TO CELEBRATE HIS BIRTHDAY. one of these dinners and a list of twenty toasts. The crack military companies of the section were In attendance at tbe dinner. Tbe Boston oftlcfal dinners on Indepen dence dsy were beld tn the bub's cradle of liberty. Fanenll Hall. Edward Everett Hale tells of one of tbe esrllest Fourth of July celebrations of his remembrance. It wss that of the year 1833, and on that day for the first time a great chorus of school children sang "My Country, 'Tis of Thee." Character of Celebration Change. It wss Just about this time that tbe character of the celebration of the anni versary of the birthday of American In dependence began to change. Parade were held as nsual. but noise began to take the place of speeches and In the Isrger towns of the reading of the declar ation of Independence, which hsd always been a feature of the celebration. The OLD-TIME INDEPENDENCE DAI CELE B opening of trade with China brought la tbe small firecrackers and American fac tories soon found the mean of making big ones. Noise assumed the scepter and haa reigned ever since. Tber is a strong desire on the part of many people to-day to change tb character of the celebra tion of Independence day and to make It like onto that which it once was. All sorts of plsns bare been suggested for a more orderly and solemnly Impressive celebration of tbe republic's natal day. The effort to change tbe methods of the day's recognition are being exerted In a virile way, and It may be that tbe pres ent generation will live to find something more In the Fourth of July than a picnic, the explosion of a pack of crackers under a tin pan or tbe rash of rocket which, like too many Independence day celebra tions, end In a "stick." A Bang-Up Time. Value of Patriotic Celebration.. It Is sometime bard work and a good deal of expense, especially In small and not well-to-do communities, to get up a Fourth of July celebration; but every gathering of this sort pays tbe largest kind of interest on the Investment In tbe cultivation of the spirit of patriotism and the proper education of boys and girls In the theory and practice of Fourth of July celebrations and similar observance that shall mean more than a simple good tlm. Aa Kplaod of tbe Foarth. Oh. yes, we had a glorious time, of course. We always do, W didn't begin firing till 7 o'clock, psrtly becsuse It wake people up, and partly became it ta so silly to use up all your crackers be fore breskfast, as some boys do, and bare none for tbe rest of the day, and have every on tbink you a nuisauc be sides. We bad no accidents; that Is, nothing to speak of. Polly burned two or three of her fingers a little, but we made that all right with soda and rag. and ah never cried a bit; but there wss an epi sode, and it happened to tn. This waa the way It happened: I wanted both my hands to use, and I bad a piece of punk in one of them, and there was no place to lay It down, and everybody elae'a bands wer full, too, so I well. I juat put it Into my pocket for a niiuute. It was lighted, but I didn't RATION. think It would do any barm just for a minute. I forgot thst 1 bed a whole bunch of firecrackers in tbat asm pock' et Huddenly I heard soms one err oat. "Tom Is sfirc!" and then there came puff of smoke in my face, and I flt something hot against my leg, and then- pop! snap! bang! crack, His, wblxsl crack Icty-bang! the crackers began to go off In my pocket I Everybody was yelling, and Just for a minute I dtdn t know what to do. I ran, but tbe crackers ran with me, and tbe faster I went the harder tbey popped, Then all at once I saw what to do, and I pulled off my jacket and threw It on the grass. Luckily It was my jacket, and not my trousers pocketl Billy took It up and shook out th cracker, and then be turned out th pocket, but there waan't much left to turn. It was just a black rag, and It dropped Into little pieces. Then tber was a big piece tbat looked a If It bad once been white, and that, they said, waa my handkerchief, but I should never hay known it. Well, of course they all laughed at me a good deal, but I didn't mind much, for It really was very funny, I suppose; but my advice to other boy Is. don t carry cracker in your pocket, and if you do, dou't put a lighted slow-matcb In with them! Laura E. Richards. Onr Celebration. ' The blrda bar been practicing glee, bnt ts day Tbey gave up their concert snd flew away; And tbe. locuakvand grasshoppers, noisy snd shrill, Could not make themselves heard, snd so they keit still; And tbe bluatering wind went off In a hob, Mince nobody noticed now loud he could puff. And the clouds rolled up train tus wast la a row. For they thoaicht tbat tht sola In tb world below Was ths voir of th thunder to call tbsa together. And ao they began to make showery weather. And th Man In lb Moon, being greatly per plexed To know what would happen next, Wlahed for banda or feat, aa well as a face. To cover his eara up, or run from bli place. And th baby atara opened their bright Hit I erea. And etared down below wltb th greats surprise To see bow the rockets shot up to th skyi ui tney nersr guesssa out ii' i. . . -I, . c u,i ib ii mwui, Tbat w were Just keeping tb Fourth af Julrl Teste' Compiola, No other aid so great to the housewife, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious, pure and wholesome foods, has ever been devised. IOVAL MKINO OWDI CO., The Wtatafcy TraOJe. Henry W. Grady once, said of the whixky traMc: "It Is the mortal ene my of wace and order, the rieMiler of men and tenor of women, the cloud that shadows the face of children, the demon that haa dog more graves and wnt more sou la uu.ilirived to jtiditment than alt tbe tetilencea that have waated life since God seut the plague to I'uypt, and all the war since Joshua stood beyond Jericho." 1'ncle Sam the beat of everything. Uncle bam uaes Carter's Ink. lis knows. Life is made up, not of great sacri fice or duties, but of little thing in which smile and kindnesses and small obligations, given habitually, are what win and preserve the heart. Kir Humphrey Davy. Mothers will find lira. Wlnalow's Footh ills; Svrup th best remedy to use for their children during th teething period. Skill in tbe dairy is important, but tbe art of butter making does not de pend altogether upon skill in the ma nipulation of the milk, cre-aiu and but- ttr. Inferior cows, that are half fed, or not fed projwrly, will not furiiiidi milk of the desired cjuulily for produc ing the beet butter, tin some farms, during the warm dsrya of au tinner, the cows suffer from lack oi water. It will not do to simply water them morning and night, but tbey must have an abundant supply. The food should also be varied and of the bent quality. "Very often," remarked the long- haird man, "the printer mixes up word in my poems, thus creating dif ferent meanings aud thought from what I intended." "That so?" inquired tbe practical man. "How much doe he charge yon?" Indianapolis Son. BEST FORTH BOWELS If ros ksvcs't a rasslar. kesllSy awvaraatit of th bowata Starr day, toa re ale, or will as. Sn.p fimr bowala epfta. and b wail. yore, to lha.aapaiff violent pbjto or pill pottos, la sanaarova. The eat.l. moat perfaet way vf Seepta is Bowaia o...r aud elaaa la lo lass FlessSBt Palatable, Teat QoeS DoOood. Merer Sloaao. weskan, or Orlpe. MM. tea Writ for free .ample, and booklet oa kesKB. A4!ra.a annus aarfr imwii, aimn a...i, Mm ta. us. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN COOK BOOK FREE. A noatal addreaaed to V. O. Box 41, Portland. Oregon, will brlns you a bamlaome Ko-Nut Cook Hook. Ko-Nut la th lateat lard .iiIm.iI. lute; snd purer, cheaper snd mors economics!. For Sale by all Grocers. THE PROSPEROUS FARMEP Alwayt has a McCORMICK. Call on the Agent, or address A. H. Boy- Ian, Central Agent, 321 Hawthorn Ave, Portland, Or., for dialogue. tAttv pnnt v d.... ... r can 1(1 ve you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tsuks, pumps, nn, itii.m . IU w in,, mi hi,. . iib IW steel I XL windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS Biillrlinr or rTmMlftJlrif rcfillencti nd tores. Wtjt'Mrrr a (miiitlt'te liri of Mnt('U. (irate atxl Tillusr, Tile KluoriiiK. Tilt Wain wotlng. Andiron, Fend. HTfMm, Klwirlc, ih and ('(iintfiiiHiion Crtaiiflelluia, and all aiifi- nl)i prti nliiir to lurcinc and iiaa i.iKnuitff. Vl alo earry all kind of HHitwrle., HelU and Ihdlfatom, i'hotoirnplii chcerrn! ly nenl on apfdicallon. KltANK HOMDMH St I O. IT CLalMaNTf fun : PENSION ilnstss, II .. they will ra ,. B. th N. H. Vol.. gtaS IL Wtia ta N A ' H A N IT BIGKF0IM. Within llRMlvaauIek rault. Wt r0tpm, rroasuliuf olaAau tlao Wi, AriC-T CANOV If iLai CATKAStnC j. k . frssetkuasi assarrssi at There are Imitation baking powders, enld cheap, by nuny grocers. They arc malc trtim alum, a poison ous drug, which renders the fotxl injurious to health. 10 WIUtAM ST., NIW VO, fsraaaallly. Much is said about the supreme need of personalities in our day, luatnad of abstractions, theories and luatiimate scholarship. It is even hinted that theological study is of secondary Im portance, the personal factor lieiug the essence in the preacher. But th im perative demand of the ae in enlight ened personalities embodying th re sult of past achievement aud the best thought and scholarahip of the present. V need profound thought aud rich learning sanctified into personality. llotiiilutlo Ketvew. Terrible Kavsgvs f Optus Trte. Tbe terrible ravages of the opium trad in China are Indicated by the number of sucldea. In Yunnan prov ince there aie on an average ol 1,000 attempted opium suicidea per mouth, Tbe average for the whole of China is not Uas than 600,000 per year. Dr. William Park say thete are over MOO, 000, and that the number of death from opium poiaouiug i not less than '.'00,000 a year. 1 am attre (Men's Cure for Consumption viil my life three yearn ago.-" Ma. Thus. I!"i. Maple bireet, Norwich, N. V. Ireb. 17, IHjn. A Civil War Heroine. A few days ago Mia Liaiie Vanlew, who rendered such conspicuous service to the federal cause during the civil war, died at liiohtnoud, Va. For the aid she gave to (ieneral (iraul the lat ter when elected president made Mis Vanlew poatnilatreas of Kichmomt. Mist Vanlew also gave sulMtautial aid to olilcer who effected their escape from Libby prison juat before the clow of the war. Chicago Record. Home dairymen have measure and give each cow the same quantity of food. There can lie no uniformly in the allowance of food. Home cows con- sume more than others, and cow that are in full flow of milk require more , .nan Hie nou-proauoer. tne only m.v v 'i'u- m w gi.v mvu Ol 111 I ft much a it will eat up clean if It ia a producer. We Are Direct ..AVEMARWS (The Famous German Wood Preserver) WHICH rKltMANENTLT OKSTKOV CHICKE1N L.ICE AND VERMIN One application U all that ia required. It lasts for yean. Price, 50 cent per quart. Write for circular! and Information FISHER. THORSEU A CO., Portland, Oregon (I'AClriO CIIAT AUKTI.I Force Feed Elevator, warranted to watte leu grain than any other. Send for Catalogue. MITCHELL, LEWIS ft STAYER CO. First and Taylor Streets, Portland, Oregon Branches! Salem, McMinnville, La Grande, Medford, Seattle, Spo kane. HARD WORKING WOMEN Can Had quick and psrinanent relief lor aerloni aud destroying troublea In Moore's Revealed Remedy Thonaanda have uaed It and tliotiisnda now firalin It. ItenreaiermauanUy, II per bottle st your di unlit'.. Will Bet You $100 That If van write ua yonr nama and addraaa, wa will tend yon a botnraiih and run itaaurlatlun nr wkat ruu will pareatva to tra tb, flnr.i. inu.l nomleal aad sieuaally aarvlraakla nr. .rata evar known. It laenilraly new. Iiaa a n.w ...teia or draubta. bora, s para wlilt ai .not. In m. raaui, dui an ia. nasi in th. rumn Uauad of you-U tra sled of It. tnsjJMBH HAKaCTT VO.. ef Viral yaro.t. F.rS.., Or.,.., OIL IN CALIFORNIA. Aa Interview Will. . Well .w, ,, nifirii A well-known oil expert ha tbe fob lowing to say about tbe California oil tnduatry; Tb oil production tit California la now About 4,600,000 barrel anunally. This output I being Inurwassd very materially each mouth by tbe product of the new wells drilled to oil tn the differ lit district. The-question most frequently asked me, esieolally by capitalist and thus lutvresled or likely to be interested in oil luvestinnuts is: "1 there not a possibility of overproduattott of oil In California?" There are two main belt extending through tb state, located on the east ern and western shore of ancient, pre historic so. On of these produce black and essentially fuel oil, and th other a green or gas oil. The black or heavy oil make an. ideal fuel, aa haa I icon proven by II) vest of experience in liuasia and in this country. In using oil aa a fuel it Is necessary to exercise considerable Judgment, aud lo know what kind of oil a well a whut kind ol burner to use. Tbe two nils, the black and the green, lie almost tn two parallel bolt Iu California extending on tbe west aide of the Kan Jou!n valley aud run. ulug north and south Into northern aud southern California. There 1 likewise a similar condition ou the east ltd ol th Han Joaquin more or lost In vt. deuce a ta shown by the outcropping Hint geological formation. The east ido of the valley, however, ha not yet been prospected for oil as haa the west aide, where development have already been, and where by far the largest amount of the oil output of California Is at present obtalued. It Is true that many far-aeelng capl tallats have eutorvd Into the oil bust uea and have reaped rich financial rs turn already, other have been too conservative and am losing opportuni ties which ar fast being taken np by Kastern capital lata, who arajrapidly ap preciating the chance California give for investments. Many wells are now under war, and new derrick are going op on every aide, aud I am satlalled that many of these uw otl enterprises will be wonderfully successful and that the financial story of Otl City, In Fresno county, with lu daxaling vistas of million already made and not under prospect, will be told and retold again and again in new field in th near future. World la Had Hill tear. This ta tb recent dertaloii of on of In prominent societies of tin world.buttb si- act dsy has not yet been fixed upon, and while there are very few tieopls who br ieve this iirnlictioti. there ar thouaantla of others w ho not only tie I leva, but know tbat Hoatettrr'a HUmiach Itinera ta the beat nmltctiie to rtire dvaiwoma. Imliseallim. coiiatitutn, billnttauesa or liver and kid ney Iron t.le.. A fair trial will csrulnl convince you of Its value. t'tarlallaally aad Tbeelegy. Ou of the moat unfortunate mis takes ever made by the Christian church wh to slid into th habit of Identifying Christianity with theology. We have had brains given us to use, and there are no tltmnes that so magni ficently challenge a man' Intellectual powni as the theme that associate themselves with religions and with th Christian religion. Hut even so, th- ology 1 nut Christianity. Iter. Dr. 1'ark burst. The most northerly city tn tbe world is Iteykjavlk, Iceland, which hs 8, UK) Inhabitant. ileep Your Blood iu Order Our bodies tlmtild be well cared for, keep clean, bolli outwardly and inwardly, aud made Irons. Th Inward clesnalnf is o j cotuplliihed by Hood's Hareepartlla. ltai prla alt bad things from ths blood and hiiia it rum anil rtib f .hm. .11 rt liuir. 0rrt of ,it h, nerves, ktdtteyisnd bowels, which, if left unchecked, would r,uw ,un-0rfnt. HootPm Saraaparllla I la tb Heat Medicine Mousy Cau Uuy. ft. Importers of CARBOUiJEUtJ, am CHAMPION BINDER .. Best On Earth Eccentric Sprocket Wheel, chain pulli on the long spoke when doing; the hardest work, which it compressing: the bundle, ty ing; the knot and discharging; the bundle. We guarantee a gain of power of 16 2-3 per cent at thia time. ITfiSUaE CUEE FCH PILESIa ITCIIINij I-He. priXioe mohilura andoau.a It''"'"; TbH form, a. well a. Illlnrl. Ill..illi( or Pretrudtaf I'll., ara cured ur Or.Bosanko's Pit "mtT'". Jar at drusal.u or nut mail. Treatlw fraa. write an abuatruurcaw Jjit, BogAMttO. fa, CURE YOURSELF i tla. Bis) for anaaliiral dl.rTn.raM,lb.ian..ll . rrrltatloaa or alirar.tlua ralulMa, aaa oat tvulOHluinii Vt a.olor sol"' Sal ifwiain. Paluleu, aaiToat aaUls- aini !(OiBaiasn,B.i o. a. M. P. X. V. no. e-iee. Watai wvlalaf aavrlr plssH v f saoaUea this i aas, Mn. i. B.i. wraaser. Illraalar anl as lHal I rsr.