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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1900)
ORKGOX MIST. uad rj-at tb peM -la iA ariraltar , Ut year r wort a U; m4 ' Mtltlll . -- ! rs ant. im- I Tsrm 'A 3TI per rewt. Live fc-k tn fr5 gi al in al S pr et. j e4 cr. bow a terr tA 25 j-e' J Tbw pr.elsrt of Jt esoek, ift- cUkiiCf "., dairy prlte, et.. " "" Ji w . j in. 1 1 . i t i,4t lurnM per mrt . Ibw Iww- 1wmnwiu4i ewe ; eat poiat djrg i period acatalKMtevt " - - 1 ; HorsM r. irn-reae J i r. J, cst- ikriptaa fSaaeew rvV ee fMf b ad-.. t7 revt evee i. . o .. T- L.'iaor UaKiTiU, ia tamnnUo j i frpej&e-el o T ley, ar aatart faaawel Akhmlm levrreraoc. i . . Wmtrt . rv., r -...IT" ... -.mJ "r w-". atv, I.. V-t Ti-rr wit o-rer ' iB m)fU lemon Imp aaai marked IrMat ti KSo.i.t. I Ja sy doctat mm! 1 1 tartti h. iiosrwta Kr unj it oa J On th tram hmt erxnrnd ia !w uimi, txnt a4 tenj ttwbW" i Ur far lfi4 aratnA. Tte aiMrevrj.oa . I' Kmt ImL rcacbed K d ma. f v j tiii i , , TtTsw 5fU lrot 4eHtcit ia ta "- fr4 ttwm Ia.ii. as4 to ii (twrthar ; f.rn UoJ Ura ia a arkjl aj-vinj ;4tMHWf, trM fcaa s.a-i ita awr ttlflr; aul &ia am la aaaarr-, aacc. aal miaj Jrau-a ara oorarTitt- Brinn Brothers 5 CAFE tif arifKM. i t I M . - s pnAat.U, m4 tW fofcnr aa4 aawaat Coajet, r ta m:sit. th ab! eTt.. tin tn as tfca ht H rharstaci A Cr4 Tluaka. I awh to aar tbat I aJr taattnt otf:-a(kai f what tlutasWlala- ( iUwadr baa Aiat iua o (.r I We a-i it ia w ant; ram W mmgrm. sBa; irKitx ami atxwiaf enwacfa, and 11 baa aiaa.n pt tba aa.Mt "Hart aatiiriaron, t4 feai rrvat! iUvaa tea Uibrj 4 aca4 to U at. "rtMl to Um B3cs5artarr o thi 1 Kruair tl w U-a at tX4 awtith TA .r"t w TT" "P f oraata at P7t OfFICIAL COUNTY APCR. susrtxo TUt Hl'LtS. TUt 5atwfta! !(u!iicao C'.boo, irr Ua lurt tia in tt yrmtuX crtiiory, la atii ami aiarnml, and tb urk iA Utm Uttijr t aicBtMi will of a fraat naritjr th w.! t'.ia at"s. Mr. McKiniey'a ra-noniioatioa tf tfaa (tntMifrrtey u a Uirtfuats era cain o.anj' montiii l( f tbc Coo- ytolion M tailed. dkuted ad tlia pvit Je:sivl.l tbat luock. Tha eooraa o( tl aJioinitratk Laa been ooa ( Juitutent awl ULn'al atattjjantiip. stxkr vhkh principle, Cmj filiw awl lxi)(ia thrift rer re- tofad to a NaUun aliere all cutoiiHrrr.ial od labor cixtiUufit re in eham. Ti. lwa o( a few ftn ip, imbdit-J io tit mtintnj of th fmtjle ti.roagh lit to ecratic toVnbip, Im nt yat bn for- t"Ua, ami a preaent day Democratic Jr1tw.jla offra jv impr'Tnint on bu oar ei(Trietie tu Uaiht Of to regard aa dangefjo, it ia now a lurr'a eonelaaion tint cjrjd tnoah will Lw reerdd aa uiocb aaftr Uaa Uking cbaoaai. minor tuwUkea hare ba Bia-Je, bat "lo err i bamao," ttill, In U face o aitat might appear Lad tnaftaffttuetit, !aa ptint oa to a p-t pvjiitwal party that list done mora fur tiiif Nation than U JtpoMj-an party. Thm nouvifiti-.n of Qovertuit Kojaerelt lb Preaideiit'f running mate waaj aiao an act prompted y tlie apontane- cm will of tlte paopla. W ith a ibtlitary raeurd, Ute bero of Han Joan, which it bat aeeoodary ounai'leratwB ertriparad with the coftudefx the ptypU bare in tin a eutetuian, rcfUet th jodgmettt alwaya dipiayel in the .Na tional Cunrentkina of tlie freat Ameri can party. Time and eipeoae might aelj be aarwl by (atpending the rulea and elM-iing the mii.iiwa of Ue rhila delphia ConvtBtion by aeiiaoiatton, becaoee the r. u.'t of tlia ballot in No vember will be the tame thing. 5S were proo t beUre ia trm tiirtr ; prtaied a3,W U tim , aaditt tUi f"T- aa a paaataa Ik their ilia, arc aom ba- pdi!or wiiJ raw et&pioynieiit Uxr I a t , tetr4 and bappy an4 forwi ia the j "JnT baoda. CtMsaaaptii ia prvreecabieT rVienca tiif Uat prvuc4Ko end pjprity go ' r''t awitb of Cap Xoeaa, on j b prwea at, and ao tft negjwrt i bandia bad, and that 4 mr 1,'" rW?r 'L T"' tlT?!; TTlf , .1 , , i , s P1 W bare beea dafrovemi taaa i be tared with fcjf.h looii aiJ (Vn- . ... ... at ti orsncal rt:g rr at jbb. Urr ' "npnoaj cnre. w!l oa a puntti rndnttrUl prrrrM. j tl7 ta titm mma frr day waa taken out : rnanmlee tnt ovtt nfty yrara. Soid by i j Uurr aal tie mt m on ia earartc i i. Kdwa tbwa. Ta- Wkraisg ie the fcepQtiiraa a-i toxneaa iMstbreaka In Sootbera t tkaai pUtfuroi aa riewed frw a akepti- i '" " t-mptre aCan-e ST. BUMS, ... OitGOM. NEW PLACE. IX rea wsm amriiMe r ta ta Ua W iutr uf SHAW'S MALT Ottlf Ei&V feeHet a j coca raoet t a. ai. to m . n o-cvoca aMoatONT. THE NEW YORK STORE SOMIER SHIRTS OAPfn Vnh THREE FOR 55C. vlo. JjUUll. Summer ClotWDg at Greatly Reduced Prices IX. MOKGDS, Oooper BaiMin?, Main Stm t, ST. HELENS, OB EGOS . traU or -ileadai" eu 77 p, w print, whieb iivlvaU-a a cbronie dii t on In fiixl fo!l, bat fairiteat tsmaU to arkoowM? lai-ta, wbee tbey are indie. jnUIA. Tbe Portland Trlrgraiu aaa : Ti KapoUiraa ion ue a twap apmcn, awj wmnn . JlTiiirida, ia of eictai iaUreat rather r.iwvppy with icoocgrOMu d:aib j hTiuea and Uboring can. UUaa enraireal ia tbe dit!io.t. ocirm Li Horr Coang ran make giod bia aorj, and ', tsstp the inaarrc-rtwa. ! Tr-e aum of the State ra. C. Berg, i 4 plalWm open ovt ' 7.n r" vt ' t'rva.t i 5 The CRUISER roo am atwara encoet T TBI QUETI Nona bot tha beet ia both. Imported and lxxnemie win, lifjoora and cigar. m CYRUS - H081E WJSKET to erery the end. aa if tbey were ; M1 froia U Jatw Coort. and re- u n ine lauirtawu oaning tniMtu-aa. waa arretted tout time ajp for nhtnr witiioct a laoe, and waa fined T)w rate waa appealed oa the rruond that the licence aaa a tax on iafjDT, and waa therefore sncooatita tanai. Tni ee waa ixoogbt princi pal :.r teet the law. A CLAHCE AT HOME. Hummer, if we are to 1 favored with u:h luiury, ia d'le to arrive now any day, and the eooner tlie Utter. Upon autuuMr'e apfurarance many very im portant tnattera are reeling, which, when matured will have a great bearing upon trade conditiotta and inatU-rn of local devcloputeiit. Tlie air ia thor ough! jrueaUxl with all kinda of en couraging future trsiitaetioiie, armie 1'anging fire for want of dry weather, and other through lack of time to prop erly coniiumiuaUi the plana. No h- than two and very likely three railroad jimftoaiUonf are agilaling the public mind at the pre;nt, any one of which would mean very much to Columbia County, and aincerely xrttking, the roiecta aeeni to Imve never Wn better for the ux-i-eiful termination of 0 or more of the proposition. Tlie propom-d railroail from tjohle U Neha lem Bay, from all uppearaiieea, ha aomething more au ftw u tix I than moon ablne behind it. To my the very leant, the route adwM i a practicable one. j furthermore, the rotirce of Um coun try through which the line would trav eraeare unlimited in quantity and are tf audi variety and nuulily that the attention of capital hai been attracted in order to at leant partly upply the ireent and proairtive future demand for net audi mi.terisl. The reaourcea ol mir Coaiit Cotintiei have forced them aelvea ttif prominence by rcawm of Uierlor fUHllIf n rid iiiiliiniUsI rjuiintity, and while wjmin hut diffivult of acce, that aection l certain U corno to the front, Willium lu-'u alao VUtH a Mllroad Into TillaniMik flitv. and aa Mr. lUrurinmd alao do algrn on the Tillamook tsouutry aa a proflUble feeder for hi Axtoria roiul, Mr. Ruld and Mr. IlauiiiKiiid may have ft climli of luturentit, which event may force the cotutruction of a roHd aooner than would olherwine take place. Hut tlie Uoble-Nelmlcm prooitiori, while llng of a more or lun anUgoninlic tilumcter to either ol the other plan", would Irnvume a aection rich in natural renourco anil r)iect wltl lan oppoeltion from lientraliaed cupital than eitlier of the other plana now under conalilera tion. I A)t ii al hope for tlia auccemof cither or all uf (lie propoaabi, for their V-om mi in iimtlon ringly or collectively incam uiiiuli for the fuliirnof lliin County. toward thrown t"gtliT ia a horry. Bat it teila orxumUmll truth, girea aoOMt fji by the Republican party tbookl be kept ia power, and why the lAtmocratie party ia both Incapable arid otberwiae unfit for goiernoieiit. In a few important particular the Ii publi can party baa redeemed proruiaea a.tule at KL ftat tout year ago. Tb coun try i prorperooe aa it waa Dot then. The Repablkan party claima all the crwlit for tbia great change, and perbape it ia entitled to iL It baa ewtaUuihfd U.e gold ttandard, and entered opon an era of great 5ationaI development. While far from perfect, the administra tion with regard to momentoa foreign affair, haa not been discreditable, and a change would be bazardou. lta latere' moat be judged by lta put record, which ia incomparably better than anything that tle Bryan Democrat would be likely to gire the cuantry. Whatever may be aaid againat it, the country, under a bepubliran adminiatration, i phenomenally bony mkI propero, and tiiia being tlie eaae trie majority of Voter view all tbeae other matter aa trifle, not neceaaary to coniIer or notice." Ir there ta anyone woo haa gained the ilea that the properity of a town, vil lage or city ia gnidod by the wealth of it inhabiunta, they are mittaken. Hiatory ahowa na that it i tlie uniform- j ity with which all citizen pull together when an important duty ia Ui be ac eompliihed, that build citie and make tiiem proaperoaa. Vote on that Amendaseata. The vote caat at tlie bwrt general elec tion on the propoaed amendment to the Conatitution haa been canraeeed by the htate unvaaning board, and tlie reauit n a lollow. The heavieet vote waa Wms, Liquors and Cigars WHIaUa.-: 1. R. Caurr. MrMla. M Cima, u4 lr Dab. at. C ait Foaoai He CM, and Iiaon he. cisB: Benrr laa roan. l Windw Himm nmxT tj rat hotkl, T. HELENS, : : OBEUOX. b Tbe celebrated Wei n hard Keer alwaya on draught. CLOaiKOCH t WWr, rVty. ..JOHNSON & OURCOORFER 0R03 a- Mtaafanarm o awi twter ia ...AN Kinds of Rough End Dressed Umber., rta-orlag... Haeit M.Ceillaa; ...tlaiaalea Lwaaawr... OOOO BOAO TO Th( MlLl. ! l'K H1 Wall, " v' ' - - - oitrrooN J .5Bi52eas5!itis !s 1 a N o ladie fornitur i rotnpleU without a new light-running m VJ in diner ..f The kalaana Mtae. Steven k Yeck are now down aev- enty-ave fet ia the Daraali mine and bare commenced to ctcmmchi, and at tiiia writing bare a boat twenty feet of tbe i ' 1 lli?e eipoaml running into free-milling ! "IN gol ui of it carrying aa hirh at j iNlTITl I 11 QP53 COC PJ per ton, and nataraliy tbee gentle- 1 w aVigvClwCui men feel hiirriiv e!aid ori-r tM n-wn'tj. ' . . of tbeir Ub.a. aa the aaantitv ami ! . " 5"y and pennaeent care of ! value of the ore hare been mriktl. rT; rneom and erxema, Cham : .i. .... ' oeTUun a . awl biin Ointment w Mien uwi iwj ' .i ,. . . ' . i. c l .i ' witnotit an ejnaj. It rrlM-rr th. ttf. grwp, and a!l that ia tw reanired of Jf5 ,rt,ir "P01 nt"'r an.1 them ia to take it oot of tbe eanh. Tl- ! Immanent I owner of the mina have aeenred a 7, v" J"ZITJ7 , ' TV. ' "fa i i .t- . . , arajj bead, aotw ttrrtlHi. ttz-htni. certain ttreet. and to bniid and orrte t ATl;' chroaic '1 a1 railruai and wharf. Tne ore came gold, ilver, copter, nickel awl erbalt in pay ing qnanutiea. Uolletin. a perraa arier'a I cairt on the repealing and e'jnal aaffrage tailed to a majority amendment, but tbey : i get even Munuiral indebtedness amend merit Vea, l,147 ; no, 2r;,67;j. Judiciary amendment. Yea, 15,2(jS; no, 'Jli.'M. Irrigation amendment. Yea, 1040: r.. i'. 'I ll ' ' iVpeaiirig amendment no lH.Wri. Hn 111 rage no, J,4tt. -Yea, 19,074; amendment. Yea, 25,2t; To (be Pabllc. I with to ezoreea the heartfelt thank of my wife and uiyaelf to the many friend at Hcanpooee and til. Helen who have donatei o freely of money and good to our family on the oceaeion of the recent fire which dentroyed our borne anil lta content. Jixic Htnai), 8cappooe, 0. Would Not MutTer hu Again for Fifty Time fta I'rloe. I awoke lant nivht with aevere pain in my ntomach. I never felt m badly in all my life. When I carne down to work thin morning I felt o weak I could hardly work. I went in Miller & Mo Curdv' drug ntore and they recom mended Chamlierlain' Colic, Cholera anil Uiarrhoea K;medv. It worked like magic and one done flxwl me all right. It certainly in the (Ineat thin I ever uand for Rtomach trouble. I ahull not be without it in my home hereafter, for I ahould not care to endure the uf feriug of lat night again for fifty timi- it price. T(, If, Wiiaok, Uvervman, liurgelUtown, Waahington Co., I'a'. Thia remedy ia for nalo at the Ht. Helena rJiarmar.-y. fclarlaaa Sia Cornea from Ir. I). B. Cargile, of Waahiu, L T. He Write: "Electric Bitter ha cured Mr. Brewer of acrof ula, which bail canted her great ntf-r-ing lor year. Terrible aorea would break out on her head and face, and the bet doctor rofild give her no help; lint now her health i excellent." Electric Hitter i the beet blood pnrifyer known. It'a the nufn-uie remedy for eczema. tetter, aalt rheum, ulcere, boil and run ning won-. It nimolatea liver, kidney ami towel, expel potarin, helpedige tion, bfiiH op the trength. Only SO cent, hold by lit. Helen Pharmacy. Guaranteed. flake' Foarth of Jnlr. It jrm ' thlcklng ot laiMUnx In M. Ifelco Jart 4rr., into fiekt'i place and hare a lime mile. Ta never will regret It lor n w II trt jou well; HI. tmdneM 1 on HirmaH atrett, snr tlie Orirn tn! hotel. He keep the heat ol .pliiu, aod th fuaoui Hfpft tiiM fceer; Hl el! ibe r prlti9n, JoW tt thi-m hue here He I a Joviai fallow, eoteruln )roo quite rojr- Tiiia Irteod of nln naml Welllnctim, fnim H enllMed In the Xv, and wa wimnded In trie war: My llie entire la a tout dowa on tl Kamoan hore. He tn fifhilnf U,r hU ttMattj, where the Ko- n met li( late: A Kixjiai ot t,ttt will b wear, from California IHMf. fHtereM to ytm Irteiui Piike, tliT ajr yoa'rr ipfloi .w.y, To vilt ui flilWIelphla, Bear tbe rltjr oa the wim your iffiip Jr. I tdt'i raI!Iiea Pewler for ixne are tna Deet tonic, blood parifter aod vennifngw. Price, 23 cent. Sold by PR0FESHI0XAL. DR. E. ROSS, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON. DR. H.R. CLIFF, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON, DR.J. E. HALL, Physician and Surgeon CLAT.-iKANIE, OREGON. . W. DAY W. B. DUXAB1) DILLAKD & DAY, ATT0RXEYS-.iT.LA W UBIce Beit loor to Court bona, as. u klznm. oay.iMS. General Draetiee In rn n rtx a! Otearnn nr w..h Inrion. Aliatracu aitl directly lr?m eounlf oil Hod beartv welcome. nitea 'Irawitjtf nfirb : Arul rim will lel like celebrating on the fourth Ol ii llv. Vi arren. Jane 17, lsn. Cemnule. Iiet fall I (prained my left Have Their Llmiiatlon. In tbeae dar when women are dolni all airU of thing it 1 well to remiri'J tnem trial there aro no me thing they can't do. For inatance : The ad iiiMtinent of tlia female clavicle makes ittihvai- propone to j cally imioiiible for a woman to throw a iniaauo Willi either accuracy or grace Nature, douhtlenly, never intended that tihe should throw thing at the other aex. Another thing: tew women blea 'em know how to get olf Ntreet car in the orthodox fanhlon, A treet car conductor will give hi bell rope a couple of Jerk to tell the motor- in n to go ahead n noon a a man put uia loot on trie lower tp a to woman, never. Hlie 1 all too likely to get olf oBcawnrua or fliraigtit in front or any way. Even women have their limit atiourr, A Wealth l Heauty I often bidden by unxightly pi in pin, eczema, tetter, eryiiipela, nalt rheum, tU: Kucklvn't Arnica Halve will glorify the face by curing all akin eruption, alao cuti, bruine, burrt, bollg, felon, ulwir and wort form of pile. Only W, cent a Ikh. (Jure guaranteed. Hold by Ht. Hclenn Pliiirmiic.y. NXT ta ts wrga-earucr, the clrm liiont liotieflltcd by the revival of pro, jierity un'ler a Hepublii'nii al in iniat rr Hon. are the farmer. Tell Haur Klaier, A ltcaiitifiilCriuiplexioii in an InipOHHj liility willioiit good pure blood, the mirt I hut only exiNta in connection with grKl In price in all agricultural product tin t,rnforuied their induttry from Ac renloa to thrift. Expert have cti- Tlio ircnernl rle diuHtion. a healthy liver and Iwwel .....i....... i... rviin v iover uooi lea act a rect v on the bfiwels, liver and kidney, keeping them In perfpet henlth. Price 'ih ct. iuid60ct. Hold by Ur. Edwin Kom. bin while band ii rig otne heavy boxe. The doc tor I eallei on aaid at firm it waa a slight atrain and would aoon fie well, but it grew worae and the doctor then aaid I had rbeumatinm. It continued to grow worae and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug it ore arid the druggist recom mended me to try Chamberlain' Pain Halm. I tried it and one-half of a fiftv-ceitt-bottle enreu me entirely. 1 now recommend it to all mr friend. V. A. Hancock Erie, Pa. it in tor aale at the Ht. Hel ena Pharmacy. A Heamter Ifevll flare Lreatroying it victim, ia a type of coiiitipation. The power of thi malady ia felt on organ, nerve, muanlea and brain. But I'r. King' New Life Pill are a afe and certain cure. Bent in the world for atomach, liver, kidney and liowela. Only 26 cent. Bold by ft Helen Pharmacy, Stallion "OTTO" w vr. Pinions VI a j .lougn ana v-A. n n si i m ni i n n l)WaBBcruBaBva ft' cure Thl I beyond geeatlon the moat aucceaalul Couxh Medi cine ever known to science! a few doaea Invariably cure the woret cae of Coucrh. Croup end llronchitia, while It won derful aucireaa In the cure of t.'oriaumptlon fa without a par allel in IbehiaUiryof medicine. Ulnte it ni.t diacovery It ha been sold on a guarantee, a which no other medicine 7,1 can ctand. If you have a Kf Courh, we earneaily aak you to try It. In United 8lateand Canada mo., AOo. and l., and In l'.nKlsnd l. W., lit. M. and 4.d. SOLE PROPRIETORS S.CWELIS VJ LEROV. N.V TORONTO, CAN. FOR SAL BY EDWIN ROSS. t.&C0J Will make the neaaon of 1900 at my place on Milton creex, or wnere conven ience way dictate. THIS STALLION I eight year old, fifteen hand high ; wa ireu ry rarwen. ' tiiauain waa "Maud," s full Morgan. Terms: Insurance, $5.00. G. C. BARGEE, Yankton, Or. ED HILLSBERRV, Expert Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purent chemical need in wash ing and cleansing the face. Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual price for work. 1KCKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS LL-,. ..J I N s 1 glNQER If yoo bay a aewtng-inacbina why not get toe ii. rnnii on eay term without intereat. C. P. LOO KEY, Agant Aetoriia ... Oregon. 0. R. & N. CO. ljar.T rhleero fnU4 Hlll 1 i a m. AtUntle V. fewe J sw p. a. TiEe SCHEDULES Melt leke. Oeuter. Ft. worth, owetu.haa Me I !. M. U.ui, Chico mud Beet. tie 1 1 lee IVnrer, ft Wonh Omaha. Kau aa City, i I. mi ia. caicefo and teat. erx'kan v;r' 00 p. aa. I f m. nelly ei Humlay p. m. Oeturdey tap. m. lam. Ei.Suuriaj Tuee.Thur. and Hat Walla Walla, brwle- ton. Ppotane, Mlnu eaprtli.. et. Paul. Iiuluih. MUwatikea, t.uicao aua BeL OceM ateem.hipa. All aalllnx duet atib- crl le rhene. for Ken Frmn.iro Kali erery day. OelumWa air teem era. To Alton and Way-Uudiuaa. WMIamett Rl.r. Oreron City. Krarbei. 4a m. Tuew. Thtir. and Met. RltHirU a 9a at. dally Willamette and Yam hill Hirer. Orisfoa City. Ihiyinn, aud War -landinga. Willamette River. Portland In CorrallU and Way land. ilea. Snaka River, Rlparla to Iwlaton. 4 pa.. 7 00. BL i The Weekly Oregonian IJ mm a week mi ettieesbe a wee a yeer toliaai - IS IS CONTAINS All the new well written. Article dtwri.'.iiig Weatera acenc and inrtdrnta. Su.rirat kre and adrrntnr by known aatitor. Brilliant iilueiratim by newer artUu Inlcmting akeulie and literature for hot ami girl. faahion articlrw and llttittration for women. I OUR CLUBBING OFFER s fc We hare re-rfo-te.1 arranfrwenta whereby are are enabled to fur- - SZZ nih Tli Weekly Oregonian in connection with Tub Mirr for - SE only Two Dollar. Tbe price of The trgioian alone t H.tW. : 1 THE OREGON MIST ! How About Your Title? 1 C. fw. YOr Kt'RE II ta ell Hrhta B.mee.k.. ik.1 X i. .w . kKtial ih.i einerue. Ii ta ear hurt i ex to aeeirk the rertd eik.1 ahow wbet Ihev euutelu In Mbiin. tttlee. 11 m rt.uieuai.ieie luvln, hu o liilu teoner oa ml Meleeaeiirttr. tone a men . ofd. hut ltt.M uakeoeln thy mod rerertlla, It.elHi.- Aa IMfKI la a eweliai aa a.lrral In.l.ton It. We he the "Olr art ot elatier U.ka In the rmiiiiy. All work pft.mtHlf .teoul and eetiewuua kuerejitiwd II .m ha.e ptomtf u Uteur ! ua rail. aar. 'he l-Mi tire tnufne e(wilee In the world II ton beve rNty lor aale lut it with ua aod wiU lad a bo jar. COLE QUICK, Tar Strf tr HtltHt OKICO W. H. HURLBERT, (lcnerl Paatenger Agent, PORTLAND i D. m. LfrWrrc: 'ZZ nieede. A .iu MM rrJS&rWtPt&Wt P KlfS in Wi Vjiwg q In) nClL We ewe an eeeaer the telleet mereaetlla bolldlof la th world. We here Ljtj ir,. 1 ever . auaio are. Biair.n hundred alerka are ceaMaatly 11 ) fti- anaed nllin out-rf-towe re.e. fjaf M""ir,' Wl 0U 0H"Af. CATALOOUB la th book of the -eeela-K qeete. VfJ and rn. Wholeeal Price M Brerybody, kea ever l.oee pa, It.oea lllualfalieaa. and llij I J O o deecrlptios f article with price. It o yt tenu la wrtM d aiall jf'tl i CvTW Mk Pr. We want yen to hare ene. IINI) rifTCKN CBNTt leakow (JmI aiTyt" V' to4 f"h' " w'" ,m 'rr t. with all chare., prepaid. I Jf arv. iifturkAiirKuuiian m mm ia.e,nia 1 . 1 ORKGON STOMA & COLUMBIA RIVER il RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. 24 M r. a Mr ( Si 20 1 n 4t s a h m 9 m i V S7 17 10 00 i in m Hi III -JO r io M 39.4 4fi. m 05 it 40 j6. v w t.'ir.n: 10 00 WiX 10 10 Ml 10 21 171.2 IN .'19 I7 7 1 02 W. HI 11 10 MI H II 22 vA.4 i m w aTATIOr. I.r 1'onl.od Ar .... Oooie ....Rainier ... ... Pyramid... .... Sfayirer.... ... Quiiiey .... .. Cialekaule.. .. Mnraliliuid.. .. WiKilnort.... ....:lum.,.. .,..Knnj).a.,.. ... HveiiMin.... ...John bay., . Ar. A.toria .l.v DAILY. 21 23 M. II 10 10 OA f2 W, i m 20 12 02 A2 a n 17 a 07 7 M 7 4S r. a. 9 40 a ia It 20 N 00 7 M 7 4 7 W 7 aa 17 7 M 6 42 2 20 II 10 &taf-faf-t- afw affc afw afti afa wV dg t'OH fOKTIAlrO. DAILY, ht H M M M M H H H -TEAMgR- "America" Willamett Slongb Route r Ieave St. Helen. ... fl :.T0 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M lavo Portland 2 :30 P M Arrive at St. Helens. 0:00 P M fA uk ta VF.n i n. Will Carry Nothing but Panseii. gcr and Kant Freight. J.DIj I.OOD, Itlaaler. X Alt trains make cloee cnnnecliona at (lolile tn Northern fee no train, m end In. in thu Kant and Hound colnta. At Portland with ell treina leeriii union depot, at Aalorl with 1. l fi. Co. 'a lxt end rail line to aud from II. waco and horth Oeach point. Paeaenitrri tor Aatorla or way point" mnat flea, train at Houlton. Train will auip lo lot a erurert off at Houlton when coming from polnla x if r i r at if it'll nv ir tt rr ritrv J. CI. Itlavw. Oen. I'a... A Kt. Aalorl. Or WHITE COLLAR LINE r IWl I 9 I. ' Ii is kw- THK COI.UVMIA RIVKR AND I'UOBT BOUHD NAVIUAT10.V CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. GATZERT handing foot of Aider Htrcet, Portland teeves Aatorla dally (uirept Buudy)7 P. M. heavea Portland dally (oiciiHuridiiy)et7 A. M LaiKiniK ioiepnon uock, Aaioria. -QO TO- THC. CLATSKAN1E DRUG STORE Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc DH. J. I. HALL, frcpriiler, CLATSKAXIE, - 0REG0X. ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Portland and Kelso Route via Columbia River .STEAMER G. W. SH AVEFL wfr wt- ar eMg at-, w-lw -iB aaw -r aa, Jfgj Htillftv OfitMfrt ttfikpti rood on itfimer Hmmtnlo, Hlearoer IIu-mIo tlckutjt good on Hniloy Uauert. I U. B. SCOTT, Pres. v J DELL SHAVER, Master. Will leave Portland, foot of Washing; ton street, each Sunday, Tuenlay nd Thursday afternoon at 6 o'clock. Be turning, leave Olntnkanie each Mondayi Weilncmluy and Friday aftornoon t o'clock, tide permitting. . Th comptny reeervea th rlh to chans Urn without notice. Shaver Transoortation Comoany.