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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1899)
OREGON'-MIST. February 3, 1899. LOCAL NEWS NOTES. At extremely severe cold weather ban prevailed tliii winter visited this section on Wednesday. The high wiu J from llie tntbl, auuuiupmiied Ly light, drifting enow, was extremely dis agreeable. Yet the euld weather bad better come now than later on, HQULTON NOTES. We negleoted to tneulion lust week (hat the ball to be jrlven In thi city, Friday, February 17, by Messrs. Will ninnlnirnr anil T.niiia Rvruliir mi lit lie a trand maaotierado. An aientof the thii P,ttC6' who 8r Pou"A 10 Dot Chicago Costume Co., of Portland, will Mr, Joseph Ilaybarn wae over from Warrior Rook last Saturday ebakin handi with bit numerous friends In be here during the day of the dance. uia recovery from bis recent aevere sickness which confined him to his bed ior several weeks. The people who are projecting the telephone system from Portland to As- Mr. II. A, Oberg, of Deer Island, was attending to business here last Balur ions, wnion we mentioned last issue, d,. Mr. Obera ssvs the farmers of have been sorved with an injunction hi, MoUon are lur,lim, their attention to restrain tnem from putting in the u, lowjnit inj otherwise Dreoariua to syiwrn irom uuoie 10 Astoria on some put, t10jr ur(l,a Alleged understaudinir or eonlraot. Ill Is said that the oompany will supply a inou,a no' mii D'oen lwo t,.A .0,1 r,,.i i.t, .1,. opinions. It should be the aim of " f "v , I ... . . 1 every rusiueut 01 1110 county 10 speas The publisher of oountry news- " print good words Jor the county Daner is not only w hns. but e ad to msieua 01 exerting muuence to me print anything be gets in the way of opposite direction legitimate oows, ana Hie more be gets Society people of Qoble have organ- me better it suits mm and His patrons. zot wlsistt club, and it is reported And yet some people Oiten think they tbst the club promises to be a grand re slmhted because he doesn't publish iO0u luoceM ,0(j permanent fea- some item that did not come under his ture on the social calendar of that observation, but which he would cheer-1 place, fully publish whether it concerned friend or enemy did be only know it. When know you anything you thiok will make your home paper more newsy and readable, give the editor a "tip," nothing else, and be will do the rest. Buol Lamberson, the popular seed ! dealer of Portland, has an advertise' ment in this issue of Th Mist. Visit bis place of busiuess when in need of any article he doals in. The mite party announced for Sal At the special scboolmeeting in this n7 eveuing next, to have been given district held last Saturday eveniag a under the auspices of the Episcopal special tax of five mills was levied for church, has been postponed until Sat- the purpose of maintaining the Bchool uruay, Febriury llth. ana paying me moeoieoness, wnion 11. n. n.,ril,iV.ih ow mill a. 1 mif Ti i . . 1 ' ouu ueanv ,,w. .. ecu- m(lBi , mBking mrMngeruents to start ,.,. uD ouu ui tu jhviviii UD ,i.a k: Micliiirnn mill at Vannnnver muiuut year me prwecwvo income win Xhi. h ,. ,....ail. of hnu. 100, 1 j 1. 1 1 1. . I - ' u ir nuuvt uio iiiucuiruuese mm w leave it only about f 200, after main taining the school. Year before last The regular quarterly examination there was nearly $200 paid out for I of leat hers will be beld in this city George Perry visited Kalnier Sunday last. Charier Ferry is working ths road this week. Sain Keiley was In from Howard's mill Sunday, Fred Frants vUlted the metropolis lost Saturday, Bud lienshsw vUlted Kalama last Tues day weak, H, A. Perry and wife wars in St. Helons last Saturday. Ths A. & G. R. B, bars again resumed the night run. Chas. Little was a Portland vlaltor Sstur day and Sunday, Miss Beulali Walksr wss visiting in St, Helens Sunday last. Captain Henderson returned from Astoria Wednesday it laat weak. J. K. Blakesley, of St. Helens, wss In town Friday of laat week. Lincoln Mtsserre, of St. Helens, was on our streets last Sunday. Sheriff Bice and wife, of St. Helens, were on our streets last Monday, 11. O. Howard was doing business in Portland one day last week. Ulas Mauds Wstta, of Scappoose, cams dewn on toe noon tram Tuesdsy. jh Oarrlsun left Monday last for atrip down the Columbia suislt iiahing. Ths wind blewso hsrd here last Friday trial . a. rerrr mat bis whlaksrs. Quits a number of loga cams down the log run in Milton creek Monday last. Tbe tower of the new church l beginning to loom up, snd is ready (or tbe shingles. Messrs. John Lamberson, Fred Frsntt and Q. Kslley were St. Helens visitors last Sunday. . Mrs. D. W. Price wss visiting here from Scappoose wilh her sister, Mrs. N. A. Perry, for a few days. Honlton can be proud of one thing and tbal is to see "Old Glory" floating over the schoolhoase these beautiful spring days. Curley Kelley, Jep Walker, and Uriah Kellay, sr., lft for Scappoose last Friday, whore they will be employed st culling wood this winter. eohoolhouae repaira and last year the next week, beginning on Wednesday board expended almost f 200 for f urnl- at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. ture and eppaialue. Tbe district is in good financial condition, the building nd apparatus in good ordsr, and the instructors are as good as can be found. The management of school affairs is carefully looked after, and tbe St. Hel ena public school averages with any in tbe county. The magio lantern entertainment given in the opera-bouse in this eity last Friday eveuing by Mr, J. F. Ford, the St. Helens photographer, was wit nessed by a large audience, and ex pressions of satisfaction were beard on very band. The views consisted of a miscellaneous collection, among them being logging, fishing, flaming, and various other industries of tbe North west. Tbe scenes along the Columbia river showing vessels, the big Stella raft, etc, were very interesting pictures. Mr. Ford has some fine views gathered by himself on his trip with tbe Ma- tamas to the summits of Mt. St. Hel ena and Mt. It.iinier. Many comic aoeues were shown, and were heartily enjoyea oy me nitio folks as well as older ones. Taken altogether it was a highly interesting and instructive en tertainment. Bills are out Ibis week announcing that Mr. Ford will enter tain tbe people of Deer Island tomor row (Saturday) evening at the school- house in that place. Don't fail to ace the bear-killing. Mr, Goo, Lemoot ia now having a neat dwelling erected ou bis place on Oermany hill. Tbe structure will be 18x21 with a 12x16 "L." Joe Eversol came up from Muckle Bros', Coweeman logging camp the first of the week, where he baa been working for some time. Bev. C. E. Tbilbrook will preach at lloulton next Sunday morning and at 8t. Helens in the evening. Mr. Win Stffert was op from Deer Island attending K. of P. lodge here Tuesday. VALLEY NOTES. W, D. Miller went to Portland Wednes day. . Leopold Dupont is working at Howard's mill. M rs. Kuruliskl Is working at Mr. Bar ber's, st Scappooss. Win. Miller went lo St. Heleas Monday to altend to school business, Wiu. Karth has finished plowing, prepar atory to plautlug his spring crops. Snow is now about gone in the vicinity of Valley and ths weather ia very mild, con sidering tbe season of ths year. This is no ticed by farmers turning their cattle out to brush pasture. Miller Brothers hsvs a yoks of steers. arar three years old, which resemble each other in color and build to such a degres that they havs to put a belt around the neck of oue to know it from the other. Tbe steamer Young America made n Medicine for V Grippe. her last trip to this place from Port-1 aeo. W. Wsitt, or South Gardiner, Me , I MslVfi "1 It ws hast that, wnsat. simiaki mjyLI land last Monday. Ou Tuesday the oh'ille and grippe and have taken iois of atflmr Anna went nn thm .li.i.oh ""u m uui proni ouieyenaor, 1 uiiamoenain a Uouitn Kooicdy ia the only route to do service until Captain thing lliat has done any good whatever. I n,,, . . ,.,i.,,j j nnve used one oll-oent bottle and t ie chills Good a new boat ia completed and 0Od na Krip Hu m , i,H,gralui nulif tnr (hi run ThA Vnnnir A mnv. Inte the manufacturers of an honest mad. . , . . ... . . ieine." For sale by Dr. Edwin Koss, drug- overhauled at the machine shoiis, pre paratory to being placed in the new boat, and henceforth and forever her skeleton will be the only remiuder of ber one-time existence, save the mem ory of her trustworthiuess and fmib fulness as an obediont messenger. The old boat baa been a true friend, and while ber successor will be a , much larger and consequently more conven ient boat, a lingering fondness for ber will remain for what she bus been The new boat, which, by the way, will YANKTON JOTTINGS. Orsss is starting. Howard bss twelve men at work, Ke more potatoes for ssle In Ysnkton. J. R. Sherman is at work for H. O. How ard. O. D. Bonnsy has gone to work for Abra ham C rouse. - fi. H. Mason has a few more of those big red apples lor ssle. H. O. Howard bas bought tbe fins large draft borae, Roc, frotn Mr. tiilaou. Charlie Webber and Harry Sherman have bought (he Corliss lot, near the bridge. Van Early's family left on the Monday Igbt s train for their old home in Nebraska, J. A. Wikstrom has the contract to put la logs for I. G. Wikstrom's mill, near Ka lama, Wash, The warm winds have taken the snow completely off Bunker hill, and tbe "old road has been cleared of fallen trees. A good run of logs was madeou Monday. Ons more head will put the creek in good order for the logs from above the dam. A large part of the winter's cut are now ready for sluicing. If there has been a wood famine in Port land, as reported, it is not the fault of Mil ton creek woodcutters. About 400 oords are now banked on Ted ford and Milton creeks, near J. N. Brian's, and more read; to baul. VERNON I A VARIETIES. The Vernooia doctor is improving in aesltb. Dams Humor has It that there will be a wedding before long. Last Friday there was a very enjoyable dance given at Mrs, Mills'. There will be mask ball at Vernonia hall, February 21. Girls, stay with your part ners. Michael Pieters, of St. Helens, was in our burg last week looking after his property interests here. The people of Vernonia say i "Hurry op with the plank road ; we are willing to do our share of ths work." - Ths Parker boys are pulling stumps and otherwise improving their property. They will soon have a one ranch. Mr. O. W, Rice has gone oat to Honlton to haul wood for the Oregon Wood Com, pany. He was accompanied by Mr. Wit- lard Tucker, who baa been stopping with him for some time in ths hopes of benefit ting his hsalth. Willard says, "Nebalem against the world for good health." WARREN MEWS. Nim Baker bss guns to Fort Stevens to work for ths govsrmuent. Mr. Bam Miles was bunting strsy horses In this city lsst Thursday, Frank Hoyt was attending to business st Portland on day last week. Gus Heegle and family spent Sunday wltb Mr. and Mrs. John Downing. Will Pattullo, of Portland, was the guest of Mr. Ed McFarland on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoyt spent Sunday wltb Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (Jsrrison. Mias Kdythe Haien and Miss Birdie Downing speut Sunday afternoon with Mrs, Jiutb BueffeJd. Mr. and Mrs. Harms and family spent h'unday with Mrs. Harm's mother, who re sides at Scappoose. Will Ulsvens came down from Portland to attend the snteitainuent on Thursday evening of last week. Will Cooper purchased a tne milch cow from John Downing. Will informs us that he is going into ths dairy business. Dsd Downing and s friend spent Friday of last week fishing on tbe Scappoose. Both young men succeeded lu making a fine catch. Miss Ella Bacon and Miss Laura Pussy who for ths last four weeks have been visit- lug relatives at Kelso, Wash., returned home on Monday laat. We understand thst in tbe near future Warren is to havs one of the biggest enter. tainments ever given here. The parties at the bead of this entertainment will spsre no psins to make it a grand success, which it is sure to be. Brother Benshaw is holding revival meet ings here this week. Brother Polling and a number of other ministers will be tn at tendance later on. It is tbeir Intention to shake Warren to lta foundation. Wears willing to be shaken, but not like brother Naugledid. Brother Haley informs ns that It is bis ntentioa to start the Epworth League gain. We do not think it will ever have tbe support from tbs young people that it once enjoyed, but Brother Haley is a worker and may put the league upon as solid a foundation as It wss before. FREEMAN'S GRISTMILL DESTROYED BY FIRE The Fishhawk Miller's Property Laid in Ruins By an Incendiary. Fishhawk, Or., Jao. 80. (To the Editor.) In order that the public may bear the name "America "will ha rnadv Know lu0 "ma ul "w ""towing ,uul" Dear tne name America, will be ready dml(( j uk9 ,he pajnt lbrough yol,r columns to give the facts iu brief. On last Friday night I heard the alarm ol fire about midnight. I hast ily arose to find my gristmill wrapped in names. It Was Lon van who dis covered the fire at 12:10, and came with all haste, snd with the assistance of Hans Jepeon and myself managed to save the suwmill with but slight to go into commission in about three weeks, and greater speed is expected of her than was possible for the Young America to make, and as she is much larger than the old boat, great things are expected of her. Captain Good has always endeavored to supply a aplendid service to people of St. Hel- , . ... ( lil"IJ, UUI fcUO KIIP, UCI'KIIIIIDU, ens and the slouKh, and with hia new u 'a wjtl, bont a of ohop een ueuur service is prqmieeu. (eeC!, Alteon barrels of flour and about When the new boat Is put on the ruu seventy-five bushels of wheat. it is more than likely that ber time of The machinery consisted of a fan denartura from St. will h 7 .80. n,n Prator, smaller, two which will be duly appreciated by the public As a public carrier Captain Good's boat is entitled to the patron age of the people of this vicinity. His enterprise is, in reality, a home indus try. His aim is t employ only per sons whose interests are lu this part of the county ; thus he does his duty, as the money for salaries, etc.', is mostly expended at home. The wish of Tm Mist is that all the owner expects from his latest venture will be realized, and we take this opportunity of assur ing the publio that as good, and even better service, will be rendered. run of burrs, bolting ease and all ncc cssary fixtures for doing standard work in the manufacture of flour. The entire contents are either consumed ur entirely ruined. The origin of the fire ia profound mystery, but from all indioationa it was the work of an inoendiarr, at least that is the general verdiot. There were five barrels of flour at one poiut which leaves a residue in the shape of an ash pile quite noticeable, while at another point close by where there were ten barrels of flour piled, thore is no sign left to mark the place. This laot alone would lead one to suspect that there had been several barrels of flour removed from the mill before the it was fired. The loss ia a severe one, not only to the proprietor, but to the entire o. io nium ty. At present I have not de cided whether I will rebuild or not, from the fact that there seems to be but little encouragement for oue to expend his efforts for several years and have the fruits of his toil swept away ia less time than it takes to re oord the incident. D. W. Frkkmak. a v7 Makes the food more dellclou ry (! I m W 3 UIKJ VTliUiSUIIfO povai sAKma sowws eo.. arw vohk. It seems like old times to pass ths black smith shop now, after having been closed so long, but sines Mr. Uowning's return the merry clink of the anvil can be beard from morning till night. In tbe three years of Mr. Downtng's absence no change can be noticed In him whatever. To nse his own expression: "As I grow older I become younger." Mr. K. O. Haxen, with the help of Will Cooper, is engaged in elearing land on his place. In the two weeks that they have been thus employed they have blows out three acres of stomps, which were so thick that it was impossible to drive through tbe Held. When Mr, Haien has his clearing and grabbing completed, and a few other small improvements made upon bis place, be will have one of the neatest little ranches in the county. Ths young people of Warren have no complaint to make in regard to calling this a dull place. On Wednesday of last week we had J. F. Ford's stereopticon ; Thurs day night we bad Miss I. Mae Bride, elocu tionist ; Saturday night we bad a B. V. A. A. Club entertainment, with two more en tertainments In the near future; and It is whispered among the knowing ones tbst "Two aoula with bat a single thought, two hearts that beat as one." etc. is soon to take place; also a big party is talked of, besides a dance for next Friday night. What more can we ask forf When the Epworth Leagas is placed opon a solid basis again it ia tbe intention of the league to give an entertainment, and we are informed that the proceeds are to go toward building a church. Quite a few have al ready signed to help ia the work, and it ia almost a sure thing that the project will be carried through. We understand thst ths sight bas been chosen and donated to ths Methodist church. Brother Haley visited the different families in the neighborhood in regard to a subscription to help build here, snd his report is very encouraging. A most interesting entertainment wss given at the selioolhouse on Wednesday evening of last week consisting of J. F. Ford's stereopticon. It was not a large crowd that turned out to witness Mr. Ford's efforts, but wbat it lacked in numbers was made np ill enthusiasm, Soma of the views are grand, especially his mountain scenerv, The pictures showed so plain upon the can vas mat wtien be tbok ns a trip around the snow-capped peaks of Mt. St. Helens many in the aodience drew their coat collars aboe their ears snd shivered, Mr. Ford showed us many of tbelargeat things In tbe world down to the Irish servant girl who served undressed tomstoes, not tossy any- tning or tne monkey. Mr. Ford is a good entertainer and kept his audience in a roar of laughter from the start to the finish, and If he ever visits this place again be is sure of a hearty welcome. Quits a crowd gathered at the school- bouse ou Thursday evening of last week to bear Mias I. Mao Brlds, who faithfully did all the bills claimed. Miss MacBride makes a fins appearance and has a very winning way which draws her sndience toward her. Her work Is of such a nature that it is not always our good fortune to witness. Her imitations of ths bells and the birds must be heard to be appreciated. Her imperaoii stion of the old darkey and her baby and the dog was a fins bit of work. Msx Berg presided at the organ ; and, of course. Max got his share of ths applause. At the end of Miss Mao Bride's entertainment she ren dered, in a masterly manner, that beautiful piece, "Bock of Ages." As she finished Mrs. Ruth Hoyt played the piece with such feeling that she oarried tbe large audienoe witb ber, and as tbe soft sweet strains died sway it was fully a minute before the audi-1 snce realised that the eutertainment was at an end. It is not generally known that Abraham Lincoln was tendered the governorship of Oregon, but it is a fact. President Taylor offered him the governorship to succeed Governor Lane, but be declined the honor. ON EVERY BOTTLE Of Bblloh's Consumption Cure Is this gusr antee: "All we aak of you Is to nse two- thirds of the contents of this bottle faith fully, then if you say you are not benefited return the bottle to your druirtdxt and he may refund the price eaid. frice 25 ccs. fib eta ami si.uo Mold bv Dr. Uiiwlri Koss druggist, til. Helens. Oregon, and N. A ferry, lloulton, Oregon. Gen. Shatter recently ssid of the Cabana 'Why, those people srs no more fit fur self government then gun powder is for hell HOW 13 YOUK WIFEf Has shs lost her beauty? If so, Cousti- psiion. Indigestion. Hick Headache are the irtncipaf causes. Karl s I lover Koot lea ma cured these ills for half a century Price 26 eta and CO eta. Money relunded i rAMiiltii ArA tint Mtiiiffttirv. Hold b Dr. R. win Boss, druRicist, bU Helens, Oregon, and . A, ferry, iiouiion, uregon. TELL YOUK SISTER. A Beautiful Complexion la an Iwposstbil Ity without sood pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good diges tion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karri Clover Boot tea acts directly on tbe bowels. liver, ana Honeys, seeping meni in periect health. Price 25 eta and 60 eta. Hold bv Dr. Edwin Koss. druneiitt. Bt. Helens. Ore gon, and n. a. ferry, ilouKon, uregon. DOES THIS STRIKE YOUf Muddy Complexions. Nauseating Breath come from chronic constipation. Karl's uiover Koot tea is an absolute cure and bas beeai sold for fifty years on an absolute fuarantee. r rice 25 cts and 00 eta. Hold y Dr. Edwin Ross, drugKist. St. Helens. Oregou, and N. A. Ferry, lloulton, Oregon. SICK HEADACHES, Tbe enrse ot overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl s (Jloyer Root Tea, the great blood puritierand tissue builder. Money refunded if not satisfac tory. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Hold by Dr mwid kmi, aruggist, ou Helens, and JN rerry, lloulton. FOR SALE. A good two-seated spring hack for M. 1. B. Uonraar, St. Helena, Or. TAKEN VP. White eonr (mare). Owner ntoaae call, mt uubio. iwi utu, tier . wni , j. tf. i'bojk. uooie, ur. TAKEN VP. Black hetfer calf, a short venrHnfir. wbitastar in iae. vwner pienee can. Drove property. Daf caarges anu rocuveriMtuiv. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Coohtt TiteifCBsa's Orrica, St. Bklens, Ob.. Januai OTICK 18 HERKHY GIVEN THAT ALL unpaid County Warrants of Columbia County, Oregon, which bay been presented and endorsed: "Not Paid for Want of funds," prior to May 10, W1, will be paid upon presen tation at this office. Interest will not be allowed after tills date. EOW1N Rods, n12 Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Orrica or School 8orainTKKDfT, uoultok, uregon. January 17, 189V. OTICB IS HEREBY OIVBN THAT. FOR the purpose of maklug an examinatlou of ail persons woo may oner memeetves as canal dates for teachers of the schools of this county. the county school superintendent thereof will hold a nubile examination at Bt. Ueteus, Oregon, beginning at 1 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, Feb ruary S, 18US. State oniten will be attended to at tne same luss. , . it. ujribiBu, conuty school Superintendent. Notice cf Final Settlement N OTICR IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, THE nndernJsnied drainistrmtr!x of the estate wt niiiiaiu uskiunvii, vevvoflVU) aiaavsj uiCM I" the office of the Clerk of the Cmmty Court of the State of Oregon, in end for Columbia County, r nuei acoouui ot my MmmiHrauon upon id efttele. toeeiuer with my vetitfon for final distribution of the residue of said estate, and that the Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge of said Court, haa a j -pointed Tuesday, the 7th day of Febru ary, lHyir, at 2 o'clock p. m , as the time, and the Courtroom of fuud Court, In Bt. Helens, in said County and State as the place for the settle ment of aaid account and hearts. of said pe tition for distribution in said estate, at which time and plaoe any person Interested in said estate may appear and file written objections thereto. LUCIKDA, WIUCI'SON, Administratrix of th estate of WUUaia WilVin- son, aeceassKJ. )M& Ko Mcs Fnmlliirs is Complete Wlthaut a New LIGHT - RUNNING BINGEE SEWING MACHINE. Bold on Easy Terms with Interest. C. P. LOOSE , Agent. .aVatoria - - - Oregon. ORIENTAL HOTEL Krs. M. J. Scott, Prosrietress BT. HELENS, OREGON. . A Btrictly Frst-Claaa House. A Home lor Commercial Travelers snd the Publio. Board and Loiicr- itiS at Most .Reasonable Rales. A WELL KEPT STABLE For Care ot Patron's Horses. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and wMcI lias been in use lor over 30 years, bas borne the signature of """" Itas becn made nntler bis per onal supervision since its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the bealth of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.) What is CASTORIA Castorla is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric," Drops ,and Soothinjr Syrups. It is Harmless and Fleaaant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic' substance. Its agre is its guarantee. It destroys Worms' and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind' Colic It relieves Teethingr Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. " CEriUIHE CASTORIA AL17AY Bears the Signature cf if ' The Kind You Haro Always Bopght In Use For Over 30 Years. TM eeMTAWM eMKNT, TT WWfMAV .IWlKt, Rnmn erTV, tVA kJS,- J! Jr wV A- ir)Ar iV A - ir V jrV r -V it i 0 0 O 0 0 ST. HELENS' POPULAR STORE. -fcf g DARTS MUCKLE; 0 0 Keep always on band a complete stock of-GENERAL 0 0 0 IMIM!M;OIICUTL!Niri!i;t 0 'i 0 n 0 TNCLTJDING a general assortment of Clothlni?, Furnishinrs. and Dress Goods X We naake a specialty of Loggers' outtita. We also carry a fine line of Boots it and Shoes. Rubber Boots, Guui Coats, etc. 0 0 0 0 f" EOCERIE8, Flour, Grain, and Feed. All the leading brands of Tobacco, i ? VJt Cigara and smokers articles. Notions, etc. Paints, oils and (lass, i i lane assortment oJ Hardware. Tinware and ( rackery. V Main Street, St Helens, Oregon. eaa "Sr- aj epr SF g- ay- iai SS fi sfe 9 TSjT Tjsr jfr" TT" Tfa : TVV'V'y'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVo'CT This store keeps always on band a fine assortment of con fectionery, tobacco and cigars, etc., besides tee siieives are always kept welt filled with A C3R?p!ete assortment cf fancy and stap!a GrcccrSss, Bntter, ears, and proyisions of all kinds, domestio and tropical (ruita in season. CORNER COVIilTZ AXB MAI.SI STBEETS, ST. BELEXS. Datngers of the Grip. The Kreatest danger from La Grippe is of its resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain s Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. A rnona: the tens of thousands who have used lliia remedy for ia grippe we haye vet to learn of a single oasa haying resulted In pneumonia which shows conclusively that this remedy is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. It will cure la grippe in Teas time than sny other treat ment. It is pleasant and safe lo take. For aale by Dr. Kdwiu Koss,druggiat,Ht.Helens. For La Grippe). Thomas Whitfield Co., 240 Wabash-sv., earner Jaokson-st, oneof Chicago's oldest snd moat prominent druggists, recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy forlagrippe, as it not only gives a promt and complete releaf, but also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia. For sale by lr. fid win Ross, druggist, Bt, Helens. tlSl.sVSirrVftaVAAaW K& FOB PORTLAND, DAILY. M H H M M H H H H M -8TEAMEI- Young... America Willaioett Slongh Route , Leave St. Helens 7:00 A M Arrive at Portland. ...10:80 A M Leave Portland. ... 2:80 P M Arrive at St. Helens... 6:00 P M FAKr.50 CENTS. r Will Carry Nothine but Paxsen gera and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, natter. 1,aafkajajat,jtVsB..ilai wVafS ST. HELENS PHAMIAGY Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. VyTvVwmn 00000t000s DRUGS TVrlTWVyVV Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles. PERFUMES AND FANCY STATIONERY. Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT. ....diicXrs.... Com pi t Un of 2S School Books... and.... School Supplies iluaV t alar tf'm..iS'BT urm mil nth Ik i y nrW nit wfa m jfcjf GOOD TOOLS! LOW PRICES. ......FOR NET 8POT CASH...... Jennlng's Patent Bit 12 to 30c Clark's Expansion Bits...' 70c to $1.10 Common Braces .. .85 to 60c Ratchet Braces.. , GOo to $2.00 Drawing-knives 4SC Folding Drawing-knives ..Jl 20 Common Saw-seta lAc Morreil'e Saw-seta 60c Carpenters' hammers ......25 to 45c Carpenters' hatchets 85 to fiOc Carpenters' handazes 60 to 70c Jack planes 5oc Disston handsaws. 1 25 Good steel handsaws 50 to 75c Firmer chisels. 17 to 35c l ot. Artie. 5-qt, Artie. 3-qt. Artie. lea oasASt rxssxsss. ... 85 .... 1 15 .... 1 80 4-Qnart Arttc. Si m l-ot. White Mountain 2- qt. White Mountain, 3- qt. White Mountain. 1-qt. White Mountain. 6-qt. White Mountain. LAWS MOWERS. 12-Inch Philadelphia 14-ineh Philadelphia id-inch Philadelphia... 18-inrh Philadelphia 20-inch Philadelphia Camp Codes Pota..,..i ORAMTS CAMP KSTT1.SS. 8-)t. with eover.... 4-qt. with cover..... 6-qt. with cover 8-qt. with coyer, 1 00 1 45 1 7S 2 00 2 45 t M 5 Ui , 8 M 6 50 ..... 7 m ..too Black Diamond File, Oil Stoves, Pinchers, W renchi-s, and manv other rn! fJ used by all kinds ot people, at low prices for Ihe next 30 days. Open evrmi.j Seennd and kia IIUIITIIAIID" t 4 si iS- .'-.-4