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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1899)
JaeftUs .Tamils J dittos Jacobs Jacob Jacobs Jaooba Jacobs Jacobs Oil cores Oil euros Oil onroa Oil prima Oil cures Oil euros Oil euros Oil cures OH cures Oil cures RlieonnUUrn. Neurnlgia. Lumbago, Sprains. H mints. Bareness. Stiffness. , ltacksche. Muscular aohea. Manhmillo Filling. Bosk a ublespoonful of powdered white gum nrabio In two tablespoon ful of warm water for half an boar; stand It over hot Water and carefully til until dissolved. Boll oupful of sugar and half oupful ot water to gether until they spin a thread; pour, while hot.'over the whites of two well beaten eggs, beating continuously; then add the gum arable and beftt until stiff and old. Ladio" Home Journal. That Pimple On Your Faco la Thar tt Warn You ef Impure Blood. painful consequences may follow a neglect of this warning. Take Hood's Sar suparitla and It will purify your blood, cure all humors and eruptions, and make yon, feci better in every way. It will warm, nourish, strengthen end Invigorate your wliol body and prevent serious illness. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. Price JL Hood's Pill cure all Liver Ilia. !Scnt( C. ... , . . A Yrarna Tim. Visitor (in state prison) W hat brought you here, my friend? Convict I got op a house-warmln', nd Visitor Why, that is not a crime! Convict Bat, you seo, I happened to burn up part ot the family at the same time. N. V. World. Btats of Ohio. Crrv or volbdo, I Lucas County. Prink J. Chkkcy makes oath that he is ths senior narter ot the lirm ot t. J Cmil Co., doing buainras In the City ot Toledo, Coauty and Slate aforesaid, and that Bald firm will pay the sum Ol ONK HITSKRKU HOLLARS for eex'b. and erery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ue uh ol Hall's Cuss. ' FRANK J. CHUNKY. Rwnrn to netore m and subscribed In my pneeuce, this St- day of December, A. D. 18oo 7f. W. GLKASOK, t Hctari Public Cali'i Catarrh Cure In taken Internally and acta dlieatly on the Mood and nmootts surfaces ol the system. Send for testimonials, free. t r. J. t'HKNKY A CO., Toledo, Ot Hold by dturgists, J5e. Hell's Fauulj Fills are the beak . - Hnn T Tnr-onea In I-lvnr-aoJ,, The largest workhouse io the world Is at Liverpool, and It has accommoda tion for no fewer than 6,000 inmates. It la not. however, often filled. -- When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 2US-212 Hush street. American or European plan. Room and board 11.00 to SI.S0 per day ; rooms fit) cents to tlM per day; single meals 25 cents, free coach, Cuss. Montgomery. A speck of gold weighing less than ine-millionth part of a grain can be leen with the naked eye. If you want the best wind mill, pump, tanks, plows, wagons, bells ot all sizes boilers, engines, or general machinery, see Br write JOHN FOOLK, foot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. . It has been ascertained that one of tins mountains in the moon is 36,000 (eet high, while several are upward of 10,000 feet. . A Natural Error. ' Mr. Gotham (angrily) What do you Bean, sir, by saying in your paper that while at Albany I spent my time mong the saloons? Editor' My dear sir, that waa a printer's mistake. What I wrote was that yon spent your time among the olons, meaning, of coarse, the mem bers of the state legislature. Air. Gotham Huhl That was a Itrange mistake for a printer to make. Editor Well, you see, sir, the prin ter used to live in Albany, and er I suppose it comes sort o' natural to him to get such words as solons and saloons mixed op. M. Y. Weekly. The most costly piece of railway line In the world is that between the Man sion House and Aldgate stations, in London, which required the expendi ture of close upon $10,000,000 a mile. False teeth for horses, which were inggesled by the president of a French humane society a few years ago, have actually been invented, and are gain ing favor with owners of large stables. Fish with white flesh are more easily digested than fish with reddish flesh. NO WOMAN IS EXEMPT. r ' Regularity is a matter of Importance In every woman 'a life. Much pain la. however, endured in the belief that it la necessary and not alarming, when In truth It ia all wrong and Indicates derangement that may cause serious trouble. Excessive monthly pain Itself will mettle the nerves and make women old before their time. The foundation of woman's health la A perfectly normal and regular per formance of nature's function. The statement wa print from Miss Gam TBVDC Suae, of Eldred, Pa, ia echoed in every city, town and hamlet In this country. Read what she says: " Dkab Mb. Pisebah: 1 feel like a new person since following your ad vice, and think it is my duty to let '.he public know the good your remedies Lava done me. M y trou bles were pain ful menstruation and leucorrhoea I was nervous and had spells of being confused. Before using your remediea I never had any faith In patent medi cines. 1 now wish to say that I never had anything do me so much good for painful menstruation as Lvdia E. Pink barn's Vegetable Compound, also would aay that your Sanative Wish haa cured sue of leucorrhoea. 1 hope these few words may help suffering women." Tha present Mn Pin -bain's experi ence la treating female Ula Is unparal leled, tor years aba worked aide by aide with Mrs. Lvdia E. Pin-ham, and (or sometime paat haa bad sole charge of the correspondence department of he great business, treating by letter a many as a hundred thousand ailing women during a single year. All suffering women are Invited to write freely to Mra. Pinkham, at Lynn, Was., for advice about their health. r i c i a. fit. fit. fit. fct, Bt. Bt. Bt. tit. fit. NEWS OF NORTHWEST Ite-ie of Oeaeral Interest Oleanod From tha Thriving PaolBa Statee. ' ' T Fmn Out AaurlouL The government measure recently enacted into law, and aimed at tha Americans in the Atlin district, pro vidos for tha amendment ot the placer mining aot, pioviding that no one who i not a British subject shall take out a free miner's lioense, and that no company shall have tha same license unless incorporated or registered uuJcr the laws ot the province. The act is not retrospective. Licenses take out previously may be renewed, bnt tinder a renewed lioense no ona la entitled to take up new claims. Beotion 6, which is tha most far-reaching, pro vides that no tree miner alter tha pas sage of this act shall hold any claim nmlor the British Columbia placer mining act or an interest therein as trustee or otherwise for any person who is not a British subject, or for any corporation not authorised to take ont a free miner's certificate. A miner's license taken out by any person not authorised to do so by this section shall be null and void. This section halt not affect free miners' licenses issued before the coming into force of this section, and such hocuses may be renewed from time to time. The only neoraaititea for a person to become naturalised are that tha applicant is a poison of good charao ter and haa re sided In the Dominion for three year a. For Upper Yukon. Within the next two weeks three river steamers constructed on the plan of Missouri river oral t will be taken in sections to Lake Bennett, where they will be put together ready for servioa when navigation on the Upper Yukon opens. The maohiuety and ma terial tor the vessels weighs 840 tons. The steamers will draw 13 inches light and 8J feet when loaded. Ths ca pacity ol each will be 400 passengers end 200 tons ot freight. Bale Via Steamship. Anthony T. Pricliard and Charles Stewart, of Tacoma. have sold to the North American Mail Steamship Com pany, a corporation organised under ths laws of tha state ot Washington: Steamships Olympia, consideration, 150,000; Tacoma, tm.500; Victoria, (340,000. These vessels were formerly opersted by the Northern Pacific Steam ship Company between Taooma and the Orient, and recently received American registers. Ta Close Dp Caaaary Combine. It la reported that A. B. Hammond has left Mew York for Astoria. Upon his arrival he will close op the cannery combine deal if It is possible. In the event of the combine being consum mated, it is said, by one who is fa miliar with the plans of thejooinbine, soma new and important features will be introduced, one of which Will be the development of the deep-sea fishing industry. Ta Bay a Sank Ship. A joint stock company is being formed at Tacoma to buy and raise the sunken ship Andelana in case the insurance company decide not to at tempt tha almost impossible task ot raising her themselves. The ship sank in the Taooma harbor during a storm recently. First or a Maw -Inn. Tha steamer Belgian King, the Brat ot the fleet of fine vessels ot the Cali fornia & Orinetal Steamship Company plying between Uong Kong. Yokohama and San Diego, Cal., baa an Wed. Over 200 carloads of freight are await ing shipment on the return trip to tha Orient. Kmbesxler Keateaced. W. H. Donaoa, the 33-year-old post master at Sweet Home, Or., who em beialed (1,257 postal funds, was sen tenced by United States Judge Bellin ger, at Portland. He was fined $1,257 and sentenced to six months imprisonment in tha county jail. Paget Sound i porta. - The exports of Puget Sound cus toms district for the month of Decem ber, 1898, exceed imports by $1,684, 464. Imports for the month were valued at $183,793, while exports amount to $1,728,257. Tha duty col lected was $19,873.83. A Large Mortcage. Tha largest mortgage ever recorded In Wasco county. Or., was that execut ed recently by the Columbia Southern railroad at The Dalles, in favor of the New York Seoul ity Trust Company. The consideration is $3,100,000. Mustering Oal Volaataers. Captain Taylor, mustering officer, was given official notice to the officers and members of tha Eighth California volunteers, that they will be mustered out of the service ot the United Statea cn Tuesday next. The Badger Gold-Mining Company, of Susanville, Or., has within the last six weeks shipped 75 tons of ore to tha Selby smelting works at San Francisco, the values ranging between $160 and $300 per ton. During bis incumbency of the ex ecutive of Oregon, Governor Lord granted 65 pardons, and 63 pardons to restore citiaenship, aud commoted 33 sentences.-' . ; .,- The three bridges across Yellowbawk, on tha Wslla Walla cemetery road, have been renorted washed away, and travel Is impossible. The heavy grade a mile above Mar cus, Wash.', in the place commonly known as tha Seven Devils, has slid down on the railway track of tha Spo kane Falls Northern railway, caus ing a complete blockade of the line, and necessitating a transfer of all busi ness. It is probable a week will elapse before the blockade ia broken. Spokane hackmen have organised and have raised tha rates. They still carry passengers from any of tha depots to Howard street for 23 cents, with tha usual extra baggage charges. It the passenger desires to go beyond Howard street, however, 50 cents Is charged. About 4,000 feet of the Astoria Kali road Company's track between Clifton and Bvenson ha been torn up by slide and carried into the river. Miss Millie A. Wilson will sua Olympia for (5,000 damages sustained by falling through a sidewalk last July, PACIFIC COAST TRADE. ....... Brattle Markets, .' Onions, 850900 per 100 pound. , . JPutalowt, 80$v35. Hoots, per snuk, 75c. Turnips, per sack, 60 73a. Carrots, per sack, 4560o, Parsnips, per tack, $1. Cauliflower, 6090o per doa. Celory, 85340o. ' Cabbage, native aud California $1.00 1.60 per 100 pounds. Apples, 8S(g60a per box. Pears, 60c(g$l.B0 per box. Prunes, 60c pur box. Butter Creamery, 27o per pound; dairy and ranch, 182.o per pound. ... EBa, 37c. Cheese Native, lia 4'o. Poultry Old hens, 14o per pound; spring chickens, 14c; turkoys, 16c Freeh meatsChoice dressed beet steers, prime, 67c; cows, prime, 6H'o; mutton, 7o; pork, 67o; veal, 68c ' .Wheat Feed wheat, $28. Oats Choice, per ton, $24. Hay Pugot Sound mixed, $0.00(9 11; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, $15. Corn-Whole, $33.50; cracked, $24; feed meal, (38.60. , Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $96(926; whole, $32. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60; stralishts, $3.36; California brrnds, $3.36; buckwheat flour, $3.76; graham, per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour, $3.75; rye flour, $4. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14; shorts, per ton, $16. Feed Chopped feed, (30022 per ton; middlings, pet ton, $17; oil cake meal, per ton, $35. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 59c; Valley, 61o; Bluestem, 63o per bushel. Flour Beat grades, $3.20; graham, $3.65; superfine, $3.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 4lj43c; choice gray, 3940o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $33(3 34; brew ing. $23.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $23; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $910; clover. $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $8 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 6056o; seconds, 4550o; dairy, 4046o store, S680c Cheese Oregon full cream, 12o; Young America, 16o; new oheese, 10a per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.858 per dosen; hens, $3.50(34.00; springs, $1.363; geese, $6.00(7.00 lor old, $4.60e5 for young; docks. $5.00(3 5.60 per dosen; turkeys, live, 15(3 16c per pound. Potatoes 63 70c per sack; sweets, Sc pur pound. Vegetables Beets, 80c; turnip. 76c per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, $1 1.35 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 76o per dosen; parsnips, 75e per sack; beans. So per pound; celery 70 76c per dosen; cucumbers, 60c per box; peas, 83).a per pound. Onions Oregon, 76o$l per sack. Hops 15lJo; 1897 crop, 46c Wool Valley, 1012o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8 (318c; mohair, 86c per pound. Mutton Gross, beat sheep, wethers and ewes, 4c; dressed mutton. 7c; spring lambs, 7'c per lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.35; light and feeders, (3.00(34.00; dressed, $5.00(35.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 3.50(3(3.76; cows, $3. 80 8. 00; dressed beef, 6(360 per ponnd. Veal Large, 6,1.(3 7c; small, 78c per pound. 8m- Franelaoo If arkaS. Wool Spring Nevada, 10(3 He pet pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10(3 13o; Val ley, 1517c; Northern, 9311e. Millstuffs Middlings, $23(324.00; bran, $20.60(321.60 per o OnionsSilverskin, 60(3 75c per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 24o; do seconds, 21 (S 23c; fancy dairy, 22c) do seconds, 18 20c per pound. Eggs Store, 37 (3 38o; fancy ranoh, 89 (4 31c Citrus Fruit Oranges. Valencia, (3 3.60; Mexican limea, $8 6. 60; Cali fornia lemons, $3.00(3.800; do choioe, $3.50(34.50; per box. Brave Girl. "If a dreadful thing," ha said, with a gloomy air. "that ioa cream makers are getting so unscrupulous that they put glue in tha troaen mix ture to give it firmness." The pretty girl set her lips together for an instant. "That may be true," she responded, rubbing the spoon suggestively over har am ntv nlata. "bat I da not believe one dish of it ever wonld make any body stuck up. And be had to order a second allow anoc N. Y. Recorder. Stmf lea of tha Yoa-s Kind. The following arc extracts from ex amination paper presented by pupils at a prominent private school in this neighborhood: In history Q.: "What waa ths character of Henry VIII?" A.: "Henry VIII was a congenial libertine." In rhetoric (J.: "What la an epigram?" A.: "An epigram Is a figure of speech sometiraea used in a joke snd some times on tombstone." Definitions "A myth iaa half fish and half woman." "The vowels are five a, e, i, o, and n, and sometime w and -." New York Tribnne. From tha Pound. Lodger How do yon buy yoor sau sages, Mrs. Knsg? Mrs. Knag Oh, by the pound. Lodger Ah, I thought it wa some where near the pound, from the horsey flavor. Larks. It is 18 years since tha first Japanese newspaper wa established, and now there are in existence 676 daily and weekly papers, 85 law magazines, 85 medical magazines, 11 scientific and a large number of religions journals. Flenty af Cknnga. "Have von any change about jonP "Can't hear a word yc aay." "Becanset, if you have, I can pay yon that bet about the war, that I owe yon." , "Oh, I gues I have change enough for that." Brooklyn Life. Old gentleman (who haa received present of butter from one of his ten ants) And how doe your mother make all these beautiful patterns on these little cakes, my dear? Mersenger Wif our oooib, sir. Pane A STORY OF HORROR. Slavea ef a Bklp's Craw Fata by Can. ntnala en Ska Island or Naw Oulnaa. , Vancouver, B. C, Jan. ' $0. After escaping death by drowning, 11 of the crew ot the ship Manbare were cap tured and eaten by cannibal of New Uuinea. The Manbar was bound for Sydney, Australia, whet, it was caught in the toirible gala of Decembei. Near Cape Nelson it began to sink. The crew, 13 all told, left tha vessel In two boats, and soon became separated. One boat, containing 13 men, was finally thrown ashore 10 miles from the cape. The sailors were seised by native from the interior and hurried off to the village ol the chief. One man, James Greene, esoaped. The sailors were stripped and bound and killed, one eaoh day. A wild orgle was par ticipated in by at least 100 savages, who had gathered for the least. . In seveial cases the sailor were tor tured by the old women and children of the tribe. The eyes of one were gouged out The doomed men stoically watched the elaborate preparation for thnir death. A huge pot filled with boiling wator was used for the feast, which on the first day wits prolonged away into the night. In most cases the uion were beheaded, their head being stuck on polos and paraded be fore the men who were to suffer the same fate. ,, Greene was resoued by a steamer after tramping without food a day and a night to reaoli the coast. The scenes of horror he had witnessed turned hi hair snowy white. Morn BpatMshaa an Expansion. Washington, Jan. 80. At the open ing of the senate Spooner aud Rawlins gave notice ot speeches on the resolu tion opposing annexation, Spooner Wednesday and Rawlins Thursday next. Mason asked unanimous consent for a vote on his resolution, declaring it to be the policy ot the United State not to attempt to govern the people ot any other nation, next Friday, at 1 o'clock, and Hoar for a vote on bis res olution declaring the Filipino ought to be free and Independent, but Carter objected to both. - In the lloaie. Washington. Jan. 80. When the house met this morning there remained but little more than an hour of time for general debate on the army reor ganisation bill. Henderson (Rep. Ia.) was the first speaker. He opposed a standing army of 100,000 men, but was willing to support a proposition for a force numbering from 60,000 to 60, 000. . ' Courl-Martlal O.rr. . Washington, Jan. 80 The case of Commlsaary-Goneial Charles P. Ea gan, chaiged with conduct tending to the prejudice of good order and mili tary discipline, is now in the hands of the court martial appointed to try him. Today the taking of testimony was closed, and arguments ot counsel sub mitted. The tiial lasted tbiee day and consumed less than eight houis' of aotoal sitting. A session behind closed doors of an hour or so sufficed for the court to reach a conclusion and em body its report. . What the verdict will be is altogether a matter of specula tion, and officially at least will not be made public by the trial board, mili tary regulations requiring that its find ings shall go through prescribed chan nels, and be kept secret until action be had and promulgated by the proper re viewing authorities. Valoa PaciUc Will Proflt. New York. Jan. 30. It waa stated last night that the details of the plan for the exchange of Union Pacific com mon stock for Oregon Short Line stock would be made public in an advertise ment. The directoi ot the Union Pa cific have settled the terms and the official announcement is expected to day.. It is generally believed that the ar rangement arrived at will be share for share on the $37,460,000 of Short Line stock, with a "string" to the deal, in the shape of a small assessment on tha Short Line holders. This deal should net the Union Pacific about $1,000,000. Report of Verdict of On Illy. Chicago, Jan. 80. A special to th Times-Herald from Washington says: Dismissal from the military service of the United Statea without any recom mendation for clemency, is the verdict passed by the court-martial upon Commissary-General Kagan for his recent virulent attack upon Major General Miles. The verdict was reached with in 46 minute alter the trial ended to day. Ferlehed an a Olaelar. Seattle, Wash.. Jan. 80. New ot tne freexing to death ol three prospec tors on the Valde glacier, near th moutb of Copper river, Alaska, waa brought to this city today by passenger of the steamer Cottage City, from Skag way and Juneau, Alaska. The name of those who perished are: ' ' Henry Kohn, New York city; Smith, Chicago; Emerson, Baldwin, Wia. ' ; ' ' . Flht In tha Kelehsrntta. Vienna, Jan. 80. In the lower house of the Austrian reichsrath today a disturbance arising out of racial differ ence led to a band-to-band fight be- . , JMKnI Tli m a. qVi Anatlv succeeded in separating the combat ants, but tne sitting came to a oiuee amid a seen of turbulence. Steamer Centennial Loading. Ran Francisco. Jan. 80. Th steamer Centennial, which has been chartered by the United State a a transport, ai rived today from Puget sound, and will at once begin loading with supplies for tha Ameiican troop in the Philippines. She will probably ail in company with the Ohio and the senator. ' The heart beat ten stiokes a minute less when one is lying down than when one I in aa upright position. Washington, Jan. 80. The sit na tion at Manila is regarded as ctitical, of course, but the officials see no rea on hi thev cannot command it for a time at least. General Otis reported yesterday, in connection with some matters connected with the shipment home Of some sink Bpsniah soldier, ha nonlil hold ont hevond a doubt until hi reinforcements arrive, and .Mnrl that aa tha news had reached Manila that there was every prospect that the peace treaty woo in ow auuo .-tiA1 h tha UniteI Kiatea senate. the effect on the Uv "lumout bad been satisfactory. . electricity; Hundred Cnrod by It Where All Other steinamoa ran. ... t V. T.A t.nMn Maw. lug of neaitii, and tne norrors or -nnuim disease ami Impaired vitality, we timet acooru to ir. trarritt me uiemH""" honor that belongs only to the nubleat uenemcuini 01 uur rare. i-me nwi.ij hs sends the life-currents of tliat great allavs pain, restores the strength and ,t....t.i t.l;...... ..r ni. ..!.. koMlih ntwl tha elastlcltv and jnvnusneas of uplrlt that are I.... .).'.. a,.nVi.. fast, ii iltMi.Afta nf tha WB1 " "V " -' " ...... orKana or drraiiireuieut of the nervous oeu tera. A frw iiiHtances of cure we glv as a proof positive of the superiority of eluo- trtolty over oturr memtme ui -uti; Mr. Iaaito Winters, Centralis, Wash. AKthuia of l yeora' .landing; restored. nil Miuirn. r.irtluhil. nulvUS ill th nose, 15 years j cured. Miss Lucy Moran, Monmouth, Or. Or ti eye, straightened in one mlnuts with a slight operation. J, W. llottont, Astoria, ur Money ana ltvii.nmiin!iiink for vent's : restored to per fect health. '" 8. 1. Whitman, Monmouth, Or. Poaf nesaand ringing uoiavs iu the ears VI years : restored. . . . I i .. . fu..,i U.V..n Pnrtlailfl DeaF- WIBO W..1...M .....V. ...., "- ness and catarrh, H years' ataudinir;otirel. K. K. Jttalin, I lie tinnea, or.-iuacuartr-lng ear, 21 years; cured. Dr. Ihtrrin treats ail cnratiie pnvm. chronic and nervous diseases, secret blood aim BKtn tuseuses, eurce en- -viM.Ka, nervous debility, Imiiotem' and other .,f ,untt,..,il Mm (!t.rnxtl tht secret errors of youth and their terrible enects, toss oi vitality, iMiii.un.' .hw heart, loss of memory, despondency and ...1... ....1.1.,. .,f tliiil anil twMltf. Pro. vents consumption, heart disease, sofien ing of the bruin and spine, insanity and other alllivttona caused by the errors, ex- -. . .1 .1 . ...... .... f K.... . . ...t ,it,iii lta also cures diseases caused by mercury and Oilier iHiisonmiB unia; nvu . - proper inntnieii ui urnav. ' 1,1.. f. .!..... ., l,.ptlHi(l fir. OiU(.C, .uuilimni Bin. ., ..........-, Hours, 10 to 12, i to 6, and 7 to H, dally. Examination free and confidential, ques tion blanks aud circulars sent gratia to anv address; patients cured at home. Kelts and batteriea furnished with full dlrectioua how to use them. ENGLAND AND TUB CONTINENT. There are 6,400 square mile of coal fields in Great Britain. About 3,000,000 quail arc exported tiom Egypt to France every year. There are now 87 royal families In Europe, which have about 400 mem bers. Of these 87 families 18 ate Oer- sn. . . It is a popular belief in England that a holly bush, planted near a dwelling protect tha house from light ning. The Mexican are the most inor dinate smoker In the world. Even women and children are habitual smokers. The Pari Petit Journal declare that It ia in a position to assert that np to the present moment no less a sum than 837,000,000 franos haa been eipended upon the Dreyfua agitation, a great eal ot which, it affirms, baa been sup plied by England. The oldest letter In the world I in theBiitish museum. Although writ ten over 80 centuries ago, tha charac ter are still legible. Its author wa Pankeaa, a learned Egyptian, and it give an interesting picture of life in Egypt during the reign of Kamose II. Arm Chair of Solid Gold. The shah of Persia own the 'most valuable arm-chair iu the world. It I of solid gold, inlaid with precious stones. At one timosome ol the stones were stolen from one ot the legs of the chair, and the indignant shah ordered the arrest of a number ot his servants snd held the keeper of the furniture responsible for the loss, with the Inti mation that if the tlilet were not (lis- soverod the keeper wonld be beheaded. lbs culprit being eventually found, waa forthwith beheaded and his head car ried on a pole by the imperial body guard through the streets of Teheran, Queen Victoria's favorite song Is said to be "And Y Shall Walk in Kilk Attire." Moat Chinese mandarins pass the whole oi theii lives without taking a single yard of exercise. Under no cir cumstances whatever is a mandarin ever seen on foot in his own jurisdic tion. TRY A-LBN' FOOT-BASF, A powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Kaae. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Itelieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains. Hweatins, damp or frosted feet. We bave over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it taday. Hold by all druggists and shoo ctores for 25c. Trial package FRKK. Address, Allen S. Olm itcd, to Roy, N.Y. A recent Parisian law compels all tha theater to have In attendance a doctor or a surgeon during all the per formances. Trifling That Costa. There is a way of trifling that costs a haan nf mnnnv. Nealeflt rheumatism f S ' - r- ( an.l ft mav nnt Ann on nrntrdlH. with loss if time and money. St. Jacobs Oil will cure it sureiy, rignt away. A new system of sewer nndei con struotion in the city of Mexico has oc casioned a contract for 10,000,000 brick being made with a native firm. ' The heart beats ten stroke a minute less when one is lying down than when on is in nprlght position. 4MW MACHINERY ror Mills, Mines, "JopiJ3JfaXl!i???U2E lng snd HolMlnr Engines; HoaCMwl Tooth Saws, Albany Urease, etc. TATUr1&BOYVEN 7! to m First Mreet Portland, Or. USA Frcmoutatreel, nan Francisco. r A big yield of both profit and satisfaction will result if you plant mi. m t '- 1 Theranalararathakeat. f Do not avevpe aar atibett I lutebur none but Kerry', ; ia lr all dealer. Write fur J le W ben Anuual-ma. ) ..M.rERnrC0.,Dstrsn,Mlck. J i i. Preference. "My bov," they told to kl Ingly. "la'i too smooth.. She'll fool you every time. She' on of those sweet, clever little women who know lust how to manage uieu. . If .YOU marry her, she'll t the hoss." "Well," he roplled slowly, ''from what I have seen of matrimony It 1 a queatioii of being handled with a olub or with taffy, and foi my part I piefor th taffy." t . And tholr engagement was announoed shortly afterward. Chicago Pot. To Cure a Void In Ona Day Tnk Laxatlvs Ilronio Quinine Tahlets. All druggists refund money If It fails to cur, gac. ; It has been proved, a tha result of experiments, thatth circulation ot th blood I affected by mnalo. No household Is complete without a bot tle of tli famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant roo omineiided by all pbysiulsus. Don't lis gleet this necessity. ejM, latMnt una nf -lass Is instead ol gold as a material for stopping deouyed tooth. My doctor said I would die, but Tito's Cure for Consumption enretl me. Amos Keluer, Cherry Valley, 111., Nov. 23, tatU. Cashmere ahawJJs aie made of ths hair nf a diminutive goat found in Little Thibet. rivn FermanemUy CtirtHl. Ho fltear nerroiisiies r 1 1 a alter Sim (lay's una or I'r. Kiiue's imel Nerve HmU'rir. newt for FKKM ps.oo lti.1 bottle aiut .ratine. In. a U. MMUM, Ltd., SK At strwt, f ii-vlcliaila. fn. A French statistician baa calculated thnt the human eve travel over 8.000 In Aa,llnir an ordinary aiaed novel. The average human being is supposed to gel inrongu s,ouu tunes ui reading in a life lime. After- Effects of the Grip In trcuherout 1 cured And tht tlldhttu cold bring, on 4 rclAB.t. lu victims trt AlvtAyt Itft In i w.kencd Conditlan blood import nd impovcrl-htdt nerves httered. PncumonlA, hc&r dise4Sfl and nervous prostration r often the result. Or.Williamf PinK Pills drive every trce ef in ayaiam, oung up knd strcnotrten tne prove this. Reed the Whan ta trip last visited mis section Herman R. Kvsler, elan W.MalnKL, Jederaua, Mo., awell kaownoonlraeuir and bill lijer,aaa one uf tnavletitns, and lie has slucebaaa troubled with Hie alr-e!(cl ol tliadiaaaaa, A year ao hla bcellh l. rian to fall, and lie was obliged u dieeonuaue work. 1 1ml be Ivea lo-dar Is alinoet a mtracla. Ha aayai "i was troubled Willi shortness ot breath, palpitation ef tha baart and leneral debility. My back also palurd nie aavaraly. '1 tried ens duetor after auoltiar suit numerous remedies sttftaslad or my frlenda, but wllbout apparent benant, and besaa to five up bona. Then I saw Dr. Williams' I'lnk fills for t'ala People extolled in a Bt. Ixiuls paper, aud after Isvae Ufallon decided to lve tliara a trial. "After usiug tbe Brst boa 1 (alt wonderfully relieved and waaaatlailad tnat tue pills ware putting- me on the road to re covery, bought two more boxes and rontlnued using them. -After lacing roar boieenr madtclne and any ona surferlng from the sfter-efrerte of the (rip will And that these pills are the per.tno." II. II. Mr. Evelar will gladly answer anr Imiolry retarding this II stamp Is enclosed. JVomCWs CU Zwmeerut, Jtjtrwn VUu, Uo. Look tor tht full asm on ths psckaft. At oWgttw or direct bom th Dr.VUlisms Wsdklns Co, Sdw-f ctdy, N.Y. 50c per boa. i box ilM. (gWfc d( rtl ieffc 0 aw Ma' taker e a5 0 0 0 CI CI () () ) o () () o () () o c o o n ci o ci ci ci ci ci ci ci n ci ci ci ci ASK The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, "J. T.,M Cross Bow, Good Luck and Drummond Natural Leaf- will pay for any one or all of this list of desirable and useful things and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. Every man, woman and child in America can find something on this list that they would like to bave and can have FKEEI Write your name and address plainly and send every tag you can get to us mentioning the number of the present you want. Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above will be accepted as follows; 1 Match Bos, atielal deaiga, ha- ned Iron Japan . ac bUde, gml steel. .,,, SciiMirt. 4 H .inch, good steel 4 ChiM's Stl, Knife, fork sad Spooa s sell and rapoer, ene each, aua rupw piawaa white esctal.... Rasor, hoUvw ground, fine Kagtuh aicel.. ,. V Butter Knife, tripk piste. bM t)uaL S SugwKMI.IitpUpW.Deatituauty S Sterne Itox, eterling itlver 10 Knile, "Keea Kuitn," two t.Udn 11 Butcher knife, "Keen Kullcr," aioch buule. 15 11 Shears &sea Kuttet," Such, nickel ............ TS IS Mm Set, Cracker and Picks, aitver 80 14 Nail lilt, sterling lilvef, ajoethjn at, miji 100 15 Tooth Bruth, aterling silver, ama- thytt net, 4-inch 100 IS Paper Cutter, Marling surer, aoe- thytl let, T.inch 10A IT Base a,"Asocisuoa," bast quel. IIS) 1 Watch . neat wind aad art. guaraa. tcae good time tier per goo . This offer expires Kovambir 33, 18S3. CI , Address all your Tags and the correspondence about them to CI DRUMMOND BRANCH, St. Louis, Mo. j at ra. ass as 0 i a. efc 1 sa aw. t faa . aw pas Www - ftf -a''aif-"iijr-ta-'W W-lm tu e w kte Blnoe tha passing of the first vflcoli tion act In Enlgsnd, in 1841, the death rata from smallpox has fnllon from 670 par million to 30 per million. Cut Rate Drug Catalogue ... FREE. WoodardiClnrkeSCo DEPAnTHItNT S. ;poirrANi, oh. YOUNG MEN I to Um ONI.y niMluitn whl- h will cur oh nd vry ma, HO VAHK known u tiM ever fUxl to aura, no DiMr bow .wrlcru or of how kitf UJi1ln(r, konilw from It am wilt Mlunlah yoa. It fg aitittlr mt rvul. iiriii,ura. ncl etut 1m tRltoji without I noon v. itnem nd ilt-ttit4n from tniirtfivm I'hH K, .uo, Ft m Uf all rttliald rtrtifririata, ur cut vtaUd kur li !! LU-ftiAi wi-iud, cm m-iui of pri.-?. bj H . . 'A "MT CUtMiCAL tXt,. Chfattf. m. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Koala Crowned. Itrldeos Made. 1'ahilass Ulllng and astrantltin. Dr.T.H. White, Fr- RUPTURE CURED. a a gnsrantea to St srery case wa unilerlsk. Iion'l put it u writ for psrtlcnlars at oiioa. I'. H. WIMIIIAKI) rJo., Bsaart Tru liters, lus beuond (ilieel, Portlsnd, Or. ja wen my t"Aiy istt'oti; w r.... ?- talnttiK Jowela wortli llfitl.WO, sint iimohii l , .i i.m mu.1i in I liu The liu. health la Isr mine surtoua than the !! Jewels, end yet It sen 1 raeovemd wlihoui laying lllg rewerun. e. ...'. i",, j .i.,.-n..i, .i II iietetui 'a tituuiac- lllttxra will reatort atrengili to tia . mui' t l;.uJ, -"'" ,. r i...i.u .f tin. lutumt- u.itt In. In lli. Mmnaeh to nreperly dlgeal the tuud takut lutu It. A method ot producing lodofoim h iha al.l nf elnctrloltv has lust llMun in vented, and it 1 said to yield satla faotory result. A attdden Turn. By a sudden turn we may give t twist and bilng on liiinbiigo. lly prompt usa ol Bt. Jacobs Oil tha twlsl lots go and th muscle Oouoiu straight and strong. Guarding Against Twin Uarma. A village clergyman tell this sloryi 11a wa walking through the otilsklrti of hi parish one evening, when he one of his pailslionor very busy while, washing hi cottage, f'lcuael at then somewhat novel signs of cleanliness, h called out; "Wall, Jones, I sea yoi) ate making your house nice and smart." Willi a mysterious air, Joiins, who hat) recently taken the cot tun, tlesoundeil from tho ladder, and aloly wulkud t th hetlge which Sflpnrnttid tho gur.loi from the road. "That' not 'xactlj tha teason why I'm a doing this 'ert job." ha whispered, "hut th last tw couple as lived In this 'ra eottag 'ad twins; so I snys to my miasm, I'll takt an' whitewash tha place, so as thsrt mayn't be uo lnfuotlon. Ye see, sir, a 'ow we got ten children already." Cornhlll Magaiin At an auction of old coins In Frank, fort a gold piece on which wa the por trait and Inscription of King Ptolemy IV, brought 1500. ' . l dlsciM. Yv thlnK it for Pale People will the poisonou oerma from ana cnritn mi oiooa nerves. A tnsi win evidences Ir. Williams' Plna I'lllstorraie jfk sr Sl la ir t0 it. 'W TMs 0 t lltfir 0 1 ' CI everybody you know to JJ save their tin tags for you 1 1 o Ci (I ( o 1 1 CI ( o CI (I CI o (I o (I o (I o o Ci CI CI CI (I vans If Alans Cloth, nickel, war rant. d . . sue 50 Carvers, buckhora haadte, goad steel jra 11 Ma Hotter.' Teatpoone, bast qaaL M it Kaivea snd fork a, ns each, buck. horn handle 130 Ml Oock, ShIv, Calendar, l henwaa. etcr. batianeier SOD 51 Stove, Wuaoe Hour, sua No. M or No. 40 SO 1 Tool tiet, aot ptaythinge, but real loola , gAO M ToUet Set, dacorated porcelain, . ... "andauroe an 17 Wstch, solid Klver, full Jeweled . IllUO S Sewias Machine, r claae, with all aluu hmtnta 1M0 t Revolvar, Colt' a, heel quality ..... tna) at) Hide, Wiecheaier, le-tlim. cl lauo SI Shot (iue, double barrel, hamuVT,. lesa, aluli twiat ; V .'iOU St Guitar (Wediburn), nwwol,i.f Uul wiik moth -ot-peeri f)oB M Bicycle, itsndsrd auke, UiUes' er tents'.., ,.! BOOKS-SS choice aelactwaa-aeaM aa last ysara hat, Ml tags each. If ("CD alr dratgists Vm? Dr. Kartell, lIC V French female Ptlla In m.ial tms "" wlurrenobrsonbilnltliie.wiiita v" S- snd Red, inatat on bavins the gentnna, I4 1 f "HallrrrnrWnmen "nisll-dFRKK In plala aaaaai letter with telionnlelBaniliiertlrulara MINCH DhUQ CO., IS I eo Pearl hi.. Men Hers. Women, Why Quffcr When you can buy for ono dollar a noslllva and quick ours lor dlstraavs iKJcullar to your sl MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY Will mtre you-three dnans -111 glv relict. II contalna no sloitml, or otlisr sirlts, mi qnh nltta or tMtlstindHS drtiKS easy and pleaaant ts take, file dollar pur bottlv at your drugglat'k CURE YOURSELF! Um tflf fr unnatural ntrharca, ItiAattimalloaa, Irriuiiuita ot ttl-iailou Of aunaa t.assi.tis-at.e-a- reu aiaafc rinleaa, and hi Mirlo OitioiM4Ti.o,f j km jr rntla v. a. i " rB'n wnpi-r. y aaprM, itropaid, (of circular i . P. N. V, NO. fl- 'trW. VyMBEt wvltliif to advwUitrf iflDIESSr r-UtK" f I te I w i 4ara. f m m Oarae4 eg lei hh .trlatera.