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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1899)
OUKGON MIST. IhSVKO EVKBI FRIDAY JIOHSIN6 DAVIS. -..' Snbeeriptletat Katea. One enny one year In u4vaoca,...M........... tl 80 ttue copy six niumUa....n.l.H.M' i MitiHia (iotV......-.................M.....- 8 Advertising rat "'marts Known upon application COLOMBIA COUNTY PIKECTORY. Jmlsre ........ c:k-rk tfhtiri ir 'J rviiror But, of School.., Aiwaaor. ..... (Surveyor..... Coroner., Commissioners j" ... Joseph B. Bonn, Rainier J. a. Wain, St. Helens J. N. Rice, Clatskanie B. Ross. M. Helens I, H. CopelMitd, W arrcn . Martin White. Quinev tieo. Hayes, Mayger .Ir, A. P. McLaren. Kaluier ... ..P. A. Frakw. Hcanpojse ,..N. D. Peterson, Mist February 8, 1899. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. IGNORANCE Bf DESIRE. "Colombia county l behind since October, 1!&5, in the payment of county warrants. In other words, for eTery dollarof warrants is sued in 1805 we are now paying $I.3i" Co lumbia Couuty News. Here we see a brilliant display of the ; same old desire to injure the interests of the county as has always been maoi fest by that paper. There is no legiti mate excuse for such a groundless statement unless it be through ignor ance or desire. There is not the slight eat excuse on the first grounds, be- cause the treasurer of this county has at least a dozen time during the past year issued calls for warrants, and each call has appeared in print for foursuc ' cessive weeks, and at the present time there is a call for warrant up to May 10, 1897, being printed19 months later than the date stated by the News. This same statement appeared in the Oregonian Of Friday, two weeks ago, and because the News found in it a weapon with which to cripple the in terests of the county, it took it for granted as the truth, and used its in fluence to apread such an erroneous and dangerous impression throughout the county. Ths Mibt corrected the statement in its last issue by stating the facts in the case, which, by the way, fail to corroborate the statements in the above clipping. Instead of pay ing 32 cents interest on outstanding script, there is but 13 cents interest be ing paid on the same. If the facts in the case were as stated in the clipping we wonder if county warrants would be now selling at 100 cents on the dol lar T We thick not. All the script of this county that is put on the market is very eagerly sought by persons who are anxious to pay par for it. If it had been a statement that would have assisted the county in its struggles to free itself from debt it would not have been given space, from all appearances. ' A bill passed the legislature last Friday creating new senatorial dis tricts for the state. The change in which Columbia coonty feels the keen est interest is that of placing Wash ington, Multnomah and this county into a joint senatorial district with the provision that "Multnomah is never to have a joint senator." That read like a romance, doesn't it? While Multnomah may never have or never need the joint senator, Multnomah will name the man, just the same. Its representation gives it that power. At the special schoolmeeting last Saturday night a very pretty question was raised. The provisions of the new law governing such matters makes it compulsory that in order to vote t pon the question of taxation the voter must be on the tax roll and pay taxes on f 100. Many were present who were taxpayers, but were disqualified because they did not pay taxes on the required amount. The News, in defining its political position last week, omitted the import ant feature of declaring that it was in favor of the free coinage of bankruptcy at the ratio of $1098.60 to nothing. ROAD IMPROVEMENT ACT. Provide Methods by Which Taxa atlon can be Employed. An act to provide for the laying out, con structing or improving county roadt and tiie levying of assessment upon adjacent lands benefitted to create a fund to pay the same. Section 1. Provides that the county court mtiall have full power to lay out, construct or improve by straightening, changing, grading, draining, Traveling or macadam izing any couuty road or any part of such road., Bee. 2 and 3. Provide that upon a peti tion to the county court signed by a major ity of the resident landholders whose lands are within three miles of the proposed Im provement, (and designating the points be tween which the same is a-ked for) the court can grant sucli petition. Then follows (he duty of the court as to appointment ol viewers and surveyor or engineer, who report on all changes, improvements, costs end duiuajtes, with the description of the kind of work, drains, culverts, kind of im provements, commencement and terniiuuj of the road; no lands to be assoeaeed that r)r not He within three miles of the contem plated Improvement. ' Bee. 4. Requires clerk to publtsb notice in newspaper for four weeks, giving time of hearing before the court, who can permit amendments, etc., to report of viewers. Sec. 6. Provides for the manner of re monstrance and bill for damages to the proposed improvement of road. Sea. 7. Provides lor the manner of hear ing report, remonstrance and damages; and also provides that the court may ap portion, if they see fit, from ths county fund, a portion of the expense not to ex ceed SO per cent of total cost. Sec. 8. Provides when assessments are confirmed by the county court they shall constitute a first lln on the real estate from the time of filing petition. Bee. 0. When the assessment has been ordered and the assessment confirmed the court shall let the contract in whole or in parcels, as may seem best, to ths lowest re sponsible bidder, who shall give a bond ap proved by the court for double of bid. The court can reject any and all bids. Beo. 10. All work on said improvement be done under the supervision of the road master of the county, or other competent peraoa appointed by the court, who shall give bond, eto. . Bee 11. As soon as contract or contracts are let for construction of work ths super intendent shall assess upon all lands bene fitted ratably upon the amount of benefits to said land as confirmed and adjudged by the county court such sum as may he nec essary to pay for work and all costs and ex penses accrued and to accrue, not exceed ing the whole benefits adjudged opon any one tract, and shall certify under oath a Correct statement of the amount assessed aguinat each and every tract of land bene fitted to the county treasurer. The county treasurer shall thereupon execute certifi cates which certify the sum assessed against each tract of land respectively; that the same is to be paid in 10 equal installments in 1, 2, S, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 years from date of certificate; that the whole amount of said certificates may be paid at any time by the owner of the land, if he chooees. Certificates to bear interest at legal rate. Treasurer can pay off certificates by war rant ordered by county court; or tieasurer can negotiate and sell such certificates at not less than par value, and proceeds to be applied on said improvements. Certificates are made assignable the same as promissory notes. The rest of this section provides as to the duties of treasurer in regard to the fund or certificates. Sec 12. Provides that when work is com' pleted the superintendent shall make re port in full to ths court, etc. ; also Boca. 13, 14 and 15. Sec. 16. Provides that the compensatioa of persons employed under this shall be fixed by the county court and shall nut ex ceed $2 per day; provided that the surveyor or engineer shall receive for his services such compensation as is now fixed by law for compensation of county surveyors. The treasurer receives nothing bnt his regular salary. The compensation of the superin tendent is fixed by the county court and not to exceed the compensation of surveyor, no one to receive any compensation until he shall certify under oath the number of days employed. Sec 17. Provides that when aay road under improvement begins or terminates in any incorporated city or town, the corpor ate authorities of any such city or town may, upon recommendation of the county eonrt, agree to pay in money or in bonds of such city or town an amount not exceeding 1-6 of the entire cost of said road, in addi tion to any amount that may be assessed upon the real estate of snch city or town, with proviso that not to exceed 50 cents on the 100 of taxable values of such city or town. Bee. 18. Provides for the continuation of the road into an adjoining county. Sec. 19. Provides that all roads built un der this act shall be free of toll. This act does not repeal any law now in force for the location of county roads. Howard, Look: One for Your Goata. A Yankie addressing poor Paddy Asks, Are you prepared for the funf Ob ! tell ma what is it my laddie; By hoakey, you know I'll not run. There's a sawmill-man over at Yankton ; He has goats by the hundred or more; lie is sending them in to Nehalim, And you know there's a frolic in store. Its nonsince, says Paddy, you'r tellin', For Howard lives there a long time; He's up to the thricks of Nehaiem; He knows that as rowdies we're prime. ' Ould Pringle's sheep shot in the pasuture; You know he was left but a few; The goats might meet just snch disaster; Pat winks and says, Howard ven't, aca. Then Powel's sheep shot by the dozen, And others lost several shoate ; Yiss, men that is never a fussin' ; O, Howard, look out for your goats I Bill Pringle's sheep shot at the dooryard, Frank Peterson's horse in the field, And Elliott's cow at the barn; Yiss, Howard knows well we're all heel'd. But if be will act such a tally. I won at the Jnke-cack before; We'll surely feed Bridget and Hailie; We'll always have mutton goloare, McDcrr. P. B. "A PLEA FOB TOOK M'SNUFF." One bright thought his appetite tickles, Since he starved the sow and the shoats; He thinks of the coming sweet vituals When Howard comes in with the goats. School Report. The following is the report of the Houl- ton school for the month ending January 27,1809: Days taught 20 Days attendance CS4i Days absence , 47i Number boys enrolled 25 Number girls enrolled 17 Total , 42 Average number belonging 29 Average attendance. 26 Cases of tardiness... 9 Many of the students, owing to the bsd weather, did not enter until the last week or so. Those neither absent nor tardy were Lola Braddock. Jenny Spence, Leslie Potter, Clyde Perry, Manly Copeland, Hattie Wik- strom, Clarence Garrison, John Garrison, Albert Kelley, Charley Little, Walpha Kon kle, Charley Wikstrom, Guy Walker, Her man Usher, Cora Usher, Guy Potter, Uona Perry, Earl Perry, Ira Wonderly, and Hat tie Smith. Visitors were: Hr. Fred Franti and Mr. David Henabaw, of Honlton; Miss Flora Vincent, of Yanaton, and Master Lester Webber, of Vernonia, Miss Lkab Wilsou, teacher. REPRESENTATIVE HALL'S Introduced in the Lower House of the Legis lature Last Friday. Salem, Or., Feb. 1. (To the Editor.) The following is a bill introduced by the representative of Columbia county : Hmise bill No. 327, introduced b Mr. Hall. For an act to provide for the relocation of the county seat of Columbia couuty. Be it enuoled by the legislative as sembly of the state of Oregon : Section 1. At the biennial election to be held iu this state in June, 1900, the qualified voters of Columbia coun ty shall vote for the relocation of the oonnty seat of said county as herein after provided. Sec. 2. Any town in said county may become a candidate for the county seat by filing with the county clerk of said county a petition making such request, signed by at least twenty-five legal voters residing therein, such pe tition to be filed at Wast thirty days before the time for holding the bien nial election aforesaid. Sec. 3. The names of all towns fil ing petitions as heretofore provided shall he placed upon the official ballot in alphabetical order by the clerk im mediately following the names of can didates for county offices, and an elec tor in voting shall indicate the town he desires to select as the county seat in the same manner as if voting for a candidate for office. The town re ceiving a majority of the votes so cast shall thereafter be declared the county seat of said county. Provided, that if no town receives such majority, the county court, at its next regular ses sion for transacting county business, may call a special election in the man ner provided by law within ninety days after the said general election, or may, at its discretion, at the general election to be held in November, 1900, submit the question of relocation a COUNTY ROAD FUNDS. Amounts Due the Several Districts In Hand of the Treasurer. At the next session of the county eonrt which will be held on the 8th of March, among other matters which will receive at tention is ths settlement with the various road supervisors for their last year's ser vices. Reports should be In by the first of the month, and before the reports are sub mitted supervisors should obtain from the county treasurer the amount of money In his hands due the different districts. Be low is given the amount due each district on the 31st day of January, 1899: i .. $ e eo 8 2 22 6 7 47 7 77 8.. 1 24 9 14 22 10 5 84 11. 2 89 12; 2 63 13 11 83 14 7 93 15 U 40 16... 8 02 17 80 18 4 48 19 6 14 20 , S25 2t 88 22 8 07 24 6 28 25.., ; 9 20 27 26 36 29 89 30 5 17 31 4 21 32 S 46 33 60 The supervisor of district 18 has filed bis report, leaving in thecounty treasury 14.48; the supervisor of district 29 has done like wise, with 39 cents to the district's oredit. District 30 has 15.17 in the treasurer's hands, bnt the supervisor's report is filed. The supervisor of district 28 has filed his report. SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX. Amounts Yet Uncalled For, In Pos session of the Treasurer. The different amounts given below, be longing to school districts, accruing from the special tax veted in January, 1806, yet remain in the hands of Treasurer Boss: 1 8 85 4 2 05 5 81 40 7............. ............148 61 13 7 79 22 7 09 25 6 35 34 8 45 38 8 67 43 . 12 31 46 120 $3,000 WORTH OF WOOD BURNED AT SCAPPOOSE Supposed to Have Been Done by Parties with a Desire to Wreak Revenge. ScAPPOOBg, Or., Feb. 1. (To the Editor.) Unknown persons set fire to the wood belonging to Brown oV Hicks, of Portland, wbicb was ricked at the landing on the slough, near Johnson s place, about 7 o'clock Tuesday even ing, and about 750 cords are consumed. The citizens turned out and fought fire bravely during the entire night, and by so doing saved many hundred cords of wood belonging to other par ties from a similar fate. Brown A Hicks owed no one here for labor in getting out the wood, and the Motive which prompted the dast ardly act is much of a mystery, unless i f " .' Ill lrfef sill i mi GROWN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGS FREE Duel! Lambcrson 180 FRONT ST Portland, Or. -WTiaTKTra-wr few ft rr W"TT T second time to the qualified voters of the county, but the two towns receiv ing the highest number of legal votes cast at the June election shall bo the only contestants, except in case of a lie, and the county court shall cause printed ballots to be prepared which shall contain the names of the two towns aforesaid, and, if a special elec tion, it ahull be held as provided by law for holding special elections. The town receiving a majority of the legal votes cast at such second eleotiou shall be deemed the county soat thereafter. Sec. 4. When audi relocation shall have been decided as herein provided, the county court at its next regular session thereafter shall provide at the town selected as the county seal, if the same be changed, suitable offices for the various county officers, for all pub lic records, books, papers, furniture and other articles pertaiuiug thereto belonging to said county, aud shall as soon as practicable remove the same to such offices, and all county officer shall thereafter perform their official duties therein, and said court shall at the same time provide suitable court rooms, jails, and other rooms or build ings necessary fur the convenient ad ministration of the county govern ment of said county, and thereafter all the courts provided for by law to trans act business therein shall hold their sessions at the town so selected as the county seat thereof. Sec. 5. The county court sitting as aforesaid shall provide for and oause to be paid all expenses incurred by vir tue of this act as other county , ex penses of like nature are provided for and paid. Sec. 6. All other acts and parts of acts in conflict with the provisious ol this act aro hereby repealed. SAM FORD'S SHORTCOMINGS. Brother Davis in his last week's Issue at temps to whip the populist party over San ford's sheulder. We do not wish to be understood as upholding Sanford In any of his vilanies, for s more dishonest man never went unpunished, and if be had his just deserts he would be languishing lo prison instead of being allowed to go to pastures new to perpetrate his dishonest acts upon unsuspecting victims. It Is Banford and his ilk that has brought disgrace upon the name of populism, masquerading under the disguise of patriots, ingratiating themselves into the favor of the people by every artifice known to man; then when they are In a place where they have a chance to do good betray tbeir constituents in the basest man ner. It is such men that cause people to lose confidence In human nature, and be- leive that all mankind are dishonest. But the populist party Is no more responsible for the acts of Sanford than the republican party for the acts of any individual mem ber of its party. What a load any party would have to bear that would become sponsor for all the acts of each member of its organization ; what a burden the churches wonld have to carry if they were responsi ble for the shortcomings of their members. The shortcomings of Mr. Sanford should teach the populists a lesson, 1. s., not to pick up with every Tom, Dick and Harry that comes along blowing bis born in the name of populism or any other ism. Give a man time to show himself before clasping him to your bosom, and then there will be no cause for regrets. "Prove all things. and hold fast that which Is good. "Rainier Keriew. We just wish to ask the question Why did the Eaininr Review wait un til Taa Mibt stated the facts in the case before it exposed the enssednese of G. A. Sanford? The Review is sup posed to be an "independent" paper. supposed to treat all matters of public import with an onbiased mind. San' ford's true character was known to the Eeview management a long time be fore it became known by us or the publio, yet sn unbroken silence pre vailed until Tbb Mibt forced an ex pression of opinion. We do not know of any other than the populist party being responsible for Sanford. He was brought here and supported by that party, and certainly the republi can party is not responsible for him. it was done by parties from Portland in order to square some imaginary grievance Different facts may de velop, bnt for the sake of this com munity it is profoundly to be boped that the perpetrators are not numbered among Scappoose residents. The loss is carefully estimated to be nearly 3,000. ' While the loss to the owners is se vere and direct, the indirect damage to the community is vastly greater. Such tactics frighten purchasers, and as the wood business here is one of great importance, the bad effect are at once comprehended. 1). r r WW 0 ST. HELENS 0 HOTELS BT. HELENS, OREGON, T. A, BENNETT, Proprietor ; Good Accommodations for Tran sient Custom, lingular Boarders at Keaa onable Prices. Well font T.tofirv Ram f For Cm of Uortea THE CL0NINQER 4 COOPER, Pr p. -THS fAMODS GYROS NOBLE - WHISKEY BmMs other standard brands of liquor, Is kept always on baud. Card tables, pool teblo, and billiard table for the use ol patrons. Bt. Helen. Oreato. IUDJUUVU U U I I I II ,--'.-"---""--' ' i E. E. QUICK G. WCOLE Commissioner of . Notary Publio . Peeits tor Wash iugton. ...( PROPRIETORS OF THORNFS Numerical Sjstejjifle Abstracts. Titles Examined and Perfected. Abstracts Furnished. Asuwiments Kxamlned. In surance Written, luxes FsiU and Convey ancing. NT. HELEN, OBEGO.l. STCHARLES I HOTEL Front & Morrison Sts., Portlani Under New Management 150 Booms at 25 Cents to 60 Cents. Suites 74 Cents to 11.00. Elevstor, Electric tlsbts end Bells, anu all Modern conveniences. Free Bti Mets all Boats and Xraiua. Restaurant CoDiiocteJwitu Hotel Oregon Telephone 289. Columbia leivpbone 27. MUCKLE BROS. -MANUFACTURERS OF- Rough and Dressed Lumber Dimension Ltrmber, Floorlnir, Rnstlo, Bheath luar. Casing., and a complete stoek of every variety ot iiunuer aept on nana. AT THE OLD STAND, 8T. HELENS, OB STEAMER LURLINE PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Leaves Portland everv night at S o'clock for Astoria, (except Sunday.) Saturday night at 10. Returning, leaves Astoria at 0:30 o'clock every niornlnfr (except Monday.) bun day at 8: 00 o'clock p. ta. 0.1 M. CO. Time SCHEDULES From Portland. . DsvtBT roa Aaniva raosi Fast Nail 8 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, OmahaKan sas City, 8t. Louis, Chicago and East. Fast Mail 8:46 p. n Spokane Flyer 2:20 p. m. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul. Uuluth, Mil waukee, Chicago & East. Spokane Flyer 8:80 a. m. 8 p. m. Ocean Steamships. AU sailing dates sub ject to change. For Hsn FranctUno Ball every nvedays. 4 p.m. 8 n. m. Kx.Sundar Saturday 10 p. m. Oolumbla River Steamers, To Astoria and Way. landings. 4 p. m. Ex.Bunday 8 a. m. Ex.Bundsy Willamette River. Oregon City, Newberg, Biilem dt Way-land j. 4:80 p.m. Ex.Sunday 7 a. m. Willamette and Yam hill Rivers. Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-landings. 8:80 p. m. Hon. Wed, and Frl. Tues.Thur. and Sat. 8 a. m. Willamette River. Portland to Corvallls and Way-landings. 4:80 p. m, Tues.Thur. and Bat. Tues.Thur. and Mat. Lv. Rlparla l:4oa. m. daily ex cept Bat. Snake River. Blparla to Lewlston. Lv.Lew'tna 64 a.m. dily ex cept Frl. VT, H. HURLBERT, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND . . . . OREGON r JAiHUS 18. BllfXUOM, l'roprlvtor. Fresh Meats, Hams, Alwavi kept on hand. Mr. Hlieldoii sells hams, bsnon, and lard way downf HpeolalralBsglventhosswhowishtopuruliassiueatslMlargs' quantities. Main Btreeit. DR J E HALL, Proprietor, Has lust received a large assortiswat at f resh and Pure SAlso a new and select .took of drum and rt't medicines, faiioy stationery, sohool bnnas and m lionl uiltr, ierrumry and mllut articles, aud In tact evertulii which Is usually ktd at a lirU'i drug store. t- if n p.. 1 1 .. ri.-,.nnilf.J m rrc8criiiauiis uiraiuij s.aji.iiuuuuuu i . -ATTIII PT ATSTrATVTTF MYRTTtt RTHPP f M . V-8W.A JL -A. SkJ-Ja.A -V SOME "GOOD BUYS For Sale by COLE & QUICK. 1 seres, wtth good hewed log houe 18x24, 8 rooms; barn and out houses; small orchard ; ecuoot f a mile; poct odlre W mile; 8 aerm cleared and culti vated; 400,000 (iet ot gmKi yt-lliiw lir tim ber, I'rtee IllM), H down, balance, time, 40 acres near Deer Island, all fenced: 8 acres cleared and cultivated; g04td nrrhanl, humm, barn aud outuoiues. Pttve 81000, ), down. 80 acres, 4 mile from Ht Helens, with buildings, small fruits and some cleared land. Hilton cwk runs through the premises. Price V&i. 80 acres la township 8 north, range i west; good building, and improvements, near sehoolhouae and po. (office. Price TIMBER 100 acres H of a mile from Deer Island station, on the Northern Pacttto railroad, 600,000 feet of saw timber, Llarge amount of oontwnod can be cut. only 4. of a mile haul 840 acres ot timber land In township 4 north, rauge 8 week Price 82.60 par acre. For farther inforaalion call on or address: ooisiE quick:. Main Street, - St. Helens, Oregon iW :sBi ay sy lyi W y ssrwy,-wji X TOE KIICT I BOTH PAFERS )ggg,QCP) '"PER YEAL STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. r T.nn roa Portland, foot of Washington street, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sundsy evenings at 8 aJt,a?ca o'clock. Returning lave Clat.kaiile, tide permitting, Monday, WerttifMl.v, and Friday evenings at 4 o'clock Will pa.. Onk point about 7; Bt-)!a7;lf: Mavger 7:3ft; Kaliilrr .20 Kalaioa:l6; Hi. Helens :D0. Arrive la Portland t:80 a. in. 'the Cuiupany reserves the rlgh to vuwuBjw wins wituvu, av.tvw. ...STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Leaves Kelso on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 o'clock a. tn. J, ,-y,J--r- mrnf ..I "Z: V' . , i .....Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette slough.. JST0RIA& COLUMBIA RIVER II RAILROAD COMPANY. ' vriNTEK M7lli;'tJlJB. - East bound Dally West bound 28 21 Trains 22 24 p. m. 9:56 9:25 8:07 8:SS 8:18 7:4S 7:28 7:00 JL0. . m. t. m. 8 r 8 IS 8 80 11 20 11 00 10 40 10 18 arrive. ITouUon .leave p. m. 7 m 8 10 8 2A 8 M 8 20 ooble Kiilnipr .... Meygers .... .....Clatakanle... Westport. . , . ...... Clifton Kuappa . , . , 10 00 B bit 28 00 8 88 8 00 10 21) 10 OA 11 18 11 42 10 12 10 85 leave. .Astoria, .arrive . m. 2 15 II 10 Trains leave Astoria for Seaside at 12 20 p. m. and 8 p. m. Boat connections at AHtorla for llwaoo, Chinook. Fort Canby, Nsbalem, Till amook, and Oarrlbaldl. Passengers for Astoria or way points must (lag trains at Moulton. Trains will stop to let pas sengers on at lloulton when coming from Doiula westoJUoble. J. C. Maya, v Gen. Pus. Agt., Astoria, Or. QT. IICLCr.S... l Dacon, and Lard, etc. CU. Helena. Oregon. : J-r A.W. V : m-r V m.4U . g. ssVAJr 180 seres In Carlno valley, township 8 north, range 8 weatg good house, barn and "rt lmnt; 8 mtm ntrarrd and cult!-vat.-digHd y.ll.iw 8r ilit.ber that ran be Ingitcd Into Milton ak. Price 10u0, on. lull down, M0 acres In tnwnhlp4 north, range 1 west; all fenced, 40 acre ta cultivation. Sou fruit trees In bearing, 100 aerm are slashed and seeded te pa.tur, arhnol h..iv within mile, entity road oa three sides, good buildings, barn, oat house, dryer, cblekon yarn, all farming ' implement., including mower, hay rake, plows cultivators, hay baler, .tump ma chine, only atf mile from county seat, i mlts from two railroad stations, Prtier per acre for all, or will divide plune In io.irai u'rcu.'l, hut It divided will sell only liupruyed portluu. Xtiirrcie. 180 acres of timber lend tn township 4 north, rauge Sweat. Pilcet'4.0, InOaereeof Umber land In township 8 north, range 8 west, Priest AO. Timber land In townshlnt north, ranm 1 went, suitable tor logging. Price i0 per acre. ay ay sy isjs ay sna-agnsy isji ay ajri W. SHAVER The Only Direct Route ...FROM... Portland to Clatekanie Shaver Transportation Company. Leaves Port land Tuesday, 1 hursday, and Batuidays, at S o'clook a m. i ra T7-'-,r."r, -a. White Collar Line j,,;.f.T!lV'ML'' V , sals.1 St. ?i . " -' ' ' T1IECOLUMUIA K1VKK AND PUUeVf BOUND NAVIGATION CO, PORTLAKD-AST0B1A EOBTB. ...TELEPHONE... Landing Foot of Alder street, Portland. Leaves Portland dally (except Sunday) at 7 A, M, Landing Telephone dock, Astoria. Leaves Astoria dally (except Sunday) 7 P. M. Telephone Tickets Good on Steamer Potter. Bteauier Potter Tickets Good on Telephous. V, B. BCOTT, Pres.