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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1898)
I bT i t T i i- 1 ? L OT .fntjro I fin lant 'luncrtay heard tne ; i 'ji.i.'iio for fmu! nolllemanl of the tmtnum of William Kcllum, will) Cbs liiivuor. us mlininiiitriitor, and of Julin Milium, viili K. E. tJtiioU an adininio liiitor, County Sdiool Htiperlntfimleiit Cope land was I'liTM'd tt mooting of lite btmril bold lust Friday to luituit Iho inililio school iu Mil pluco for term of six niontlip, bi'ijlnnliiu on Jumituy ziia. Mr, wny wan r oiociea s tmielior of tbe primary dopttrummt. J Don't look for flaws o you go through life; aud even wlion you dud them, it In wine and kind to ba somewhat blind mid look for the virtue behind them For tha cloudiest niaht has hint of the light omewbur in it shadows hiding. It is butter Ut to bunt for star tliHn tbe spots on tbeiuu abiding An Astoria preacher Is credited with the smwrtion that hell it entirely du void of htiot, a sttUoment which suonu to require rathor more proof than the parson's unsupported word. Possibly lua stwtument ia based on experience developed from a residence in a nt Where the janitor eooKomizes on coal. Tbe Oregon Wood Company, of tbl place, closed a contract this week with the U. K, A N. Co. for 6000 cord of wood to be delivered on barges here. It la said the wood is for una by l'mt company's boaU on the Hnake river. Columbia county haa never before en joyed the demand for cord wood that is being experienced at tun time. The secretary of the Department of Superintendence a department of the Stata Teachera' Association has called a meeting of the department for Deo, 28 and 29, 1808, at 1'ortland, for the nurpose of diaeaaiitiK thoroughly the various phases of needed school ltgia lation . with a view to making reoom mendations to tbe legislature that Is to meet in January nest. Pains In the chest when fr person ha a cold indicate a tendenoy toward pneumonia. A piece of flannel damp ened with- Chamberlain's Fain Balm and bound on to the chest over the eat of pain will promptly relieve tbe nin and prevent tbe threatened at tack of pneumonia. This tame treat- nittnt will cure a lame back In a few hours. Sold by Dr. B. Boss, druggist, It causes a ripple of merriment to chase up and down on a fellow's ritm to hear these sentimental wails from persons who claim to be politician for love of humanity and not lor casn There aw hundreds of thousands of people who are politicians for principle and truth, and not cash, but we grave ly doubt that they ever emanated from the same source aa tbe man who thus f signed himself. An exchange aptly saya a news paper whose column overflow with advertitiemeuts of business) men ha more Influence in attracting: attention to and building up a city or town than amy other agency that could be em ployed. People go where there is bind ties. Capital and labor will locate where there i an enterpriaing com m unity. No power on earth is o strong to build up a town a news paper well petrooisud. Jack Payne, of Deer Island, Ua man aftor our own heart. Realising tha gen erally destitute condition of the average country newapaper man, he tbi week liecama our benefactor by leaving a large wild goose at this office, which will be taken care of about Christmas Day, in accordance witii the usual amount of space for such matter. Hat ter of that soil for publication, gener ally has tbe space at tbe top of the col umn, next to reading matter. Thank. Here is an item that should be heeded by the people of St Helens. Merchant in Foreet Grove say the people of he Nchalem valley bought over 13,000 worth of merchandise In that town during the fall of 1898. Per haps an amount equal to that wna pur chased by Kehalem people in otlx r Waahingtoo county town thi year. St. Heleti should make an effort to ocura that trade by contributing lib orally to the improvement of tbe road from bore to Pittsburg. -...' With good prospect for t thorough revision of road law, looking to an im proved condition of county thorough litres, at the next session of the legisla- fcftuPA iihilmiHtMilltf will Kn a nnn- iderableof a revolution in road work with the coming of springtime. The bad condition of the road ha been the grcrteat menace this county ba had to' withstand. No act of tbe legis lature could do greater good for this section than the passage ot a law look ing to advanced methods for road im proving1. This make-shift road im proving is a gigantic fraud, and the sooner the system is improved the bet ter it will be for Columbia oouuty. One of the present needs of Colum bia county is an organisation for thei purpose of dealing out reliable infor mation a to our resources and busi ness opportunities. This l not sug gested for the purpose of aiding any particular part of the county, There should be no (elfish motive in an un dertaking of tbi character. The coun ty ia largo, and opportunities are plen tiful, and it should be the aim of every interested person to assist in the great work of inducing people to locate with us, no mutter what part of the county they choose to reside in. Encourage ment of such a plan might work won der in inducing people to settle bere. Prosecuting Attorney Cleeton was In attendance at the adjourned term of circuit court held bere last Satur day. Mr. Cleeton hna demonstrated liia peculiar adaptibility and unsur passed fitness for tbe high office of criminal prosecutor, and it certainly would bave been the sheerest folly to have removed him just as he became uch a thorough st.aUi guardian auuinet criminal acts, No doubt the fact of thtt presence of such a thoroughly com petent official tends largely to joaaen the rale of deviltry perpetrated, and certainly Mr. Cleeton is dreaded by the clans who usually participate in criminal iufractkma. 'J ho biuwir ooitduotad hero Mon ti iy, f t ( h and WixluOBdi!' even- iii i id l!i a wk . mm iua most huaii- ciu.'y su oi ful and thoroughly en 'jrahls at'mr evrr given l;r. Ia fact it wi.a lii'i Drat of its kind hud in this city, and the novelty of it proved a bad a thoroughly enjoyubla time each evening, the recitations and singing being of a high order.. The proceeds amount to nearly J7U.UU clear, the fancy work booth, under charge of Mrs. Muyger and Mr. Cliff, netted $15.00 clour, tha candy booth, under "dartre of Mrs. Jeancon and (Mrs. iDavm, after paying- all expenses, had f 10,00 to its credit: the literary booth, umannged by liuv. Air, Haley and Mis rf.nttti Wi1.mii .l.turml Aft oi ami t.!if Mr. II. O. Howard, the hustling pro prietor ot th Yankton sawmill, re ceived a roal nice order for railroad ties last Saturday. Tbe order is for suoh a number a to keep hi mill run ning steadily for over two months, end it was an unsolicited order, too. Under tbe most favorable circumstances the order cannot be filled abort of two months, which means that the proprie tor of the mill will not loose anything, besides employment will be given to twelve or fifteen men. Tbe Northern Pacific have bad a great many tieacut by Mr. Howard, aud bis work has al ways given entire satisfaction. He ia a thorough mill man, and any work intrusted to him always receive prompt attention. It should be a matter for congratulation to the people in the neighborhood in which that manufac turing plant exist that it is 'within their province to be afforded remuner ative employment, a a direct result of itt presence and tha business sazaoity ot it proprietor. If oue Is to judge from the number and nature of th complaint which are registered at this offloe nearly every week in regard to the matter, it would ha said at once that the nreannt mail service In this county i about a poor a it ia possible for it to be. When it la lie three day for mail to reach it ditinatioa only four mile from St. Helen it would be concluded at once that tha complaint were well founded. Week before last the bundle of Hters for Warren reached that office at noon on Sunday. The. paper were mailed bere on Thursday evening in time to start for Houlton that night, which in all probability they did, and there i no excuse for their not reaching their des tination Friday. Before the mail route from Pittsburg to Mist was established tbe bundle of Mihts for tbe latter place did not reach that place until Wednes day or Thursday of tbe week after they were printed, lilame attache to the servioe and not to this office. Our friend Joseph Htyburn now mourn the loss of five pet ducks, anJ from Joseph' account of tbeir nobler qualities and attachment to their owner, he ha just cause for regret. The duck acquired the habit during the froeienp of boarding a chunk- of ice iu the river, and floating back and forth op and down the river, which lastime tbey seemed to hugely enjoy, but they would return home each evening for tbeir food. But on Thurs day of last week tbey allowed their de sire for sport to overcome their better udgment, and when they drifted past Columbia Citv, mounted on a huge cake of ioe, Willi Buingarduer spied them and proceeded to end their a port by turning tbe charge of a shotgun intu them, ' Willis, perhaps, is not necessarily t blame, but the accident i unfortunate a the duott were Jo- 1. 1. . : ) ,1 . .i.:-i. u . 1 Diu m uiiiiicu ucTuwjn, riikju ug uhuj when (booting wild ducks. At the January tilting of tbecountyU conn tua designation by that body ot an official paper will be on of the duties to be performed. For two year the Mew ba borne that distinction, the first year doing the work gratis; bat with true reform as it motto, a bill for printing tbe court proceeding ba regularly been presented by the editor ot that paper.when it was agreed, specifically, that the work should not be charged for. The board had but one alternative, and that was to pay the bill. For tbe two year previous to that time Tub Mist bad printed the proceedings of the court for nothing, or to make it plainer, without charge. The work, when charged for, amounted to 75 or $100 per year, and just as soon aa a "reformer" got the job the county was charged for tho work. We would like to ask where the reform come in? lunch booth, prenided over by Mrs, A. 11, George and Mr. Cox, cleared $7.60, the whole amount being Tt'8.25. Tins amount is to be applied to the Episco pal church debt, whloh thi amount will almost entirely obliterate, and the ladle are highly gratified at their do serving success. Those in charge de ire us to thank the public for it geii' s;ou patronage, and all those who in any way assisted in tha work. Treasurer Bos is experiencing kind of a sweat-box sensation in regard to paying interest on county warrants, The lust session of the legielature fixed the legal rate of interest at 0 per cent, and the law took effect on the lltn of October last, and the question is raised whether it would be legal to allow 8 per oent on warrant issued prior to that time until oald. or whether 8 ner rent up to that date, and 6 per cent thereafter until paid. Mr. Boo has adopted the safe plan, and paid inter est at the old rate up to Uotober 14th, and 6 per cent thereafter. The eity treasurer of Portland adopted tbe same plan, and aucceeded in havinga friend' ly auit inatituted against himself to test the correctness of bis acts, and the M.(nM in Ik. .M, uwiaiuu ill .11 o viivuii uuuil T. Ult . , . tl t, ynyv D ni DVJ.i. tu. uaainal. l.ln, arliaMiinnn Iia antuiiilArvl iwati Yntiv HIiKaAri ntinn ttt fttta fluti to the supreme court, and ills thought don t mean you, of course. , J a decision will be had before the flrulK I of the year from that tribunal. Treas urer ito is patiently waiting, so he can go ahead with bis work, and be sure be i right, however the supreme court decide the matter. A niori'y Christmas. Pay the printer hikI be htipjiy. Sunday next i Chrwtnm Dny. W, II. Dolman ba rushing business these time. Largest dock and lowest price at W. II. Duhnan'a, Stock of toy are going off lively at Mr. IMmati s store, 11 We have on band a large supply of ladies' visiting card. There will b no church service in Warren next Sunday. Blank note and receipt books and legal blanks kept in stock at this ofllue. Mrs. J. It. Watt, of Soappoone, vis ited in this city a day or two this week. Frank George is slowly recovering from an attack of typhoid fever. The infant hitd of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. llioe, of this city, is critically ill. Judge Case and Louis B. Fitzgerald came over from Pittsburg Tuesday. O. Q. Mayger was in Portland the forepart of the week on a business mis- lion. The next regular term of commis sioners' court will couvon on the 4ih of January. Charley Gable, after a two-weeks' t untie with pneumonia, is able to be about again. - Much ice vet remain in the river. but navigation on tbe lower Columbia is now unobstructed C. E. Fbilbrook will preach at Deer Island next Sunday at 11 a.m., and in thi city at 7 :30 p. m. Tbi paper it not sent out to readers Tbe Oregon Wood Company want twenty men to cut wood. Apply to Ueorge Mayger, St. Helens. Mr. Harry Henderson, of Mayger, wa shaking bands with acquaintances in th county teal Tuesday. The subscription list of tbi paper is rapidly growing. People know where to look for the county new. Tbe Ores-on Wood Company wants a team and man to baul wood. Apply to U. O. Mayger, St, Helens. Messrs. R. R. Foster and II. M. Fowler, of Goble, were bere attending Masonic lodge last Saturday. Once it waa people party : later it wa populist : later still it was fusion, aud then uuion, and now it i social ism. What nextf We will furnish the stationery if some one will volunteer to do tbe writ ing. We want a correspondent at each postomce in the county. Fare on all steamers plying from St. Helena to Portland was raised to 60 cents one way, or 75 ceota for th round trip, last Tuesday. Ed Gore left for Eagle Cliff last Monday to engage in smell fishing. These fish are reported to bave made their appearance) in the river. One dollar a year for a county paper little enough when promptly paid. If your (ubacriplion ia not paid at all yon can draw your own conclusion. Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de pended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by Dr, K. Boss, druggist. A I bave not been able to finish the work on hand in my appointed time, I will return January lot and re main until January 15ib. J, A. Iteid. When a man invite disaster by his acta and word it usually overtake him; and Ha arrival generally brings witb it the total collapse of the indi vidual bidding it come. The present weather affords tplendid opportunities for our duck hunters. Mr. Tho. Cooper succeeded in bag ging about thirty flue ducks last Sun day on the Frakea place. The olerk issued a marriage license on Thursday to Harrison K. Shirk aud Edna M. Kandolpb, both of Vernouia ; and on Thursday to John Peterson and Ann Sovereign, both of Mist. Suooes comes by industry, prudence and frugality. People who are eter nally complaining about and never exerting themselves to better their con dition, bave no right to complain. When local politics emphatically in dicated that it had enough of come local politicians, then a oerlain local politician proclaimed that be bad enough of politics. Strange, isn't it? WAItllEN NEWS. . Chas. Clark waa a Portland visitor Mon Monday. ; Tom Baker, of Portland, was visiting rel atives at this place last week. Sim Baker and Ed Collins spent a few days of last week at Fort Stevens. Mr. R. O. Hazen and Mr. Land were at tending to business at Portland on day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Downing, lira. Kelson, and Birdie Downing spent Sunday with Cbss. Clark and wile. N Miss Mae and Maud Blavens spent a few days with their sister, Mrs. Boott, at 8U Helens last week. The Httls son of Mr. Raamussen, who waa aecidwitly shot by one of his playmates, is improviag slowly. Miss Myrtle Tarablin, who is now living at Portland, spent a few days with friends her the last part of the week. - The heavy rains of th last few days have caused the farmer to dig ditches to drain their land which lie next to the bay. If a stranger had happened tnto our scboolhouse any night last eek,wber Mr. Naugle waa holding revival meetings, he would have wondered in what kind of a neighborhood he had got into, and no doubt if he took Mr. Nanale's word for It he would want to make a quick exit. Mr, Naugle is very forcible, in hi remarks ; in fact too much so, a waa seen by the attendance which became smallar and smaller each evenlnjr. Warren is a small bat peaceful place, and has many good oitkeua who know how to behave themselves, hut Mr. Nauglo does not seem to think so. Not nnl dill h fall 1, tliikfe m nr. All Hiwiil. f Will and Jack Prlngle came over Lluros and tha young Indies spitfires, but he Opossum for a feast is rarely if ever sen in Urei'on, but the ruu has bean brokon, and possum will be eaten for Oirinlintis dinner by pnrtiea in Port land, two specimens of th t?poum variety of quadruped were recently shipped from the East by parlies to (rifniU In Portland, and tha recipients of the generosity evidently failed to appreciate the motive of their bene factor, and the express charges went unpaid until some individual who oould appreciate feast of hoecuke, hominy aud possum fat released the animal from their uncomfortable oosition bv naviaK tbe costs and tab lug charge of them. Possum and hoe- cake i not to be sneered at. Tbe committee in charge of the Christinas boat to be bad at the Con gregaiiunal church Saturday evening desire us to say that the cburcn vesti bule will be open from 9 o'clock Satur day morning, remaining open all day, Any present delivered at the vestibule of the church will be taken in charge by the committee and properly cared (or. It should be tbe aim of tbo-e leaving presents to see that they are properly and plainly labeled, " All are invited to leave present. There will be no One admitted to the church nn til after the bell ring, about 7 o'clock, Saturday evening. Columbia county think itself badly in debt, when probably les than $25, 000 would make us square with tbe world. Umatilla county, according U Treasurer Kern's figure in last week's Milton JSagle, owes 9UY.UUU, and yet there seems to tie no particular worry over the fact. Tbe truth of tbe mat ter is Columbia county, is about as well off, financially, a any county in tha and with our uneauslled re source at hand we are bound to "bc4 something" some of these day. There is to be a Christmas tree and social at tbe Congregational church in Scappoose on Saturday evening, Dec. 24. A musical and literary programme ha been prepared, and everybody is cordially invited to bring their present and fill up the tree and eujoy a pleas ant Christmas eve together. ' Tub Mist office ha the only job printing plant in thi end of the county. We are prepared to do all sorts of com mercial job printing on brief notice and at low prices. We ean print any thing from a visiting card to a large size poster. Book work a pecialty. Leave orders with us. Tbe flower tbat bloom in tbe spring are ell very well in tbeir time, and fur nish the poets a theme to praise in uoem and in ry me. But the cats tbat come in the night, claim more atten tion from all, than all the flowers tbat bloom in the spring, tbe summer and the fall. "Mudge" McKay and family have moved to Castle Book, where Mr. Mc Kay has a permanent pesition at the W. T. Fleming coal mine. The mine is showing np excellently a work pro gresses, and the coal U a good quality. Kelso Journal, ' , AH member of Avon lodge Knight of Pythia aie expected to be present at tbe dance to be given by the lodge on tbe evening of December 30tb. Mrs. Jacob George was down from Portland this week visiting friends. from Vernonia Tuesday after a load of merchandise. The boys report tho road in bad condition, which is a nat- Irwe Would not know huw to behav our- ral consequence under the oircuin- tance. Mr. Tho. A. Bennett, at one time a resident of Pittsburg, tbi county, bat taken charge of the St. Helens hotel in this oity. Mr. Bennett, no doubt, will maintain the former reputation of that hotel. We defy competition in class of work and quality of stock used in our job printing department ; and we are pre pared to quote prioe on job printing which cannot be underbid. Leave your order with us. Dishonest methods may prevail for a while, but just a certain as time, honest endeavor will predominate. It may be slow in asserting iteelf, but, try as you may, it cannot be trampled under fool very long. 1 made the very remarkable statement that ax we had the chance to go into (rood society -a ' 9- 1 r Are rif L art "W . V .. .. v. J.cs tia feed mum ! jrctaus e.? J wholesome IVWtri, iv. , Vitl. selves. Mr. Naugla must remember that we only bare his word for tbe swell society that h has been In also. Because we live In the country w are not fools. To quota his own remarks, "People who live In glass bouses should not throw stones." In some remarks that Mr. Kaugte made to the young ladies, some were not fit to hear; and even the hoodlums, aa he called them, had to blush. If be wanted to talk upon sach sub jects, why did he not call a meeting for men, only f You may bs a very learned man, Mr. Kaugla, bat such preaching as you preach, which may ba the truth iu soma cases, would not convert a single per son ; and why tbe presiding elder and tbe ministers ot the Methodist church will up hold Mr. Naual lit such preaching, is a thing we cannot or never will understand. FROM ANOTHKH SOUKCK. The Rev. John Naugle, familiarly known ss Campmeetiug Johnny, has come and gone and Warrrn is decidedly the better for his Roing. His sojourn lusted a week, and during that period th people of this community wire treated to a display ot brutality, indecency and blashemy which Would hare disgraced the lowest specimen of humanity to be found In our recently acquired territory in the f-outli Paciflo. The paople of Warren do not congratulate the Methodist contereno on iha acquisition of this depraved specimen of humanity, and sincerely trust Unit he will not b-) allowed , to wander Uiia way aain. Circuit Court Frooer.dl At an adjourned term of circuit court held In tills city lat (Saturday, the follow intf lfcding were bads It. Varwlg, Jr., vs. Annie Miller; order of confirmation. California Powder Works vs, P. Lousig nont nd wl'r or,tr of eonflrmailnn. Epperly & McDoould vs. 0. V. Moeck ; general findings and judgment for defend ant Annie Nelson vs. Star Logging Co.; evi dence submitted. Matter of asslgament of B. Bnyder; dis missed for want of prosecution. Bill allowed 3.Wi baUifrilO.OO. . Two Pointed Question Answered. What Is tlx use of making a better art! cle than your competitor it you cannot get a bett. r price tor it? Ans. As there Is no difference fn the price the public will buv only tlie better, so that wblla our profits may be smaller on a siiiKle al tbey will be uuucb greater in the agprenate. iiow can you get the public to know your mime is me oeeir If both articles are brought prominently before the public, both are certitin to be tried, and the public will very quickly pass judgment on them and use only the better one. This explains the large sale on Chamber Iain's CoiikIi Kemedy. The people have been uxing it fur years and have found that u ean always ie nepennea upon, mey may occasionally take up with soma fash ionable novelty nut forth with axugu'erated claims, but are certain to return to the one remedy that tbey know to be reliable, and for coughfl, colila and cronp there is noth ing etiual to Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy. For sale by lr. Ktlwm Itoss, d: uirgiar. MAKHIf.U. Uibulke-Pkhsy. At tbe residence of the bride's parents, iu Rainier, December 1H. W, by Kev. C. E. Fbilbrook. Mr, H. R Dihhlee to Miss Anna Belle Ferry, both of iiainier. , , - n HO UN. Waits in this city, Tuesday, December 20, ww, to Mr. and M dangnter. Irs. i. O. Watts, a FOR SALE. One Rpan of hormn. harness and waron. VO: )r horse, and haruew iut, J. B. Oouraav, St. pelen. OreKon. Notice for Pcblication. JL.AKD Orncs at Orcoom City, Ob.. December l 1898. NOTICE IS HRKEBY OIVKN THAT THE fblltwinff-ntmyf Mttler hu filed notice of hl InUintlon bo make bual proof in nunport of hi claim, and that ah id proof will be m&ae be fore the county clerk of Colombia rounty. at St. Helen, Oregon, on January A, vU; ALBERT WOOD, Homestead entry No. 900S, for th south 14 of the northwest and the went W of the ftouthweat of aeciJon 27, township fi north, range 4 west. He names the following vrititeMtes to prove his Gontfuiioua rei!me upon and cultivation of ruth! land, rlx: P. Feck, WUiUin Alien. Gftorge barker and W. Wreivea, all of vernonia. Oregon. ifj27 CUAS. B. MOO KM, Register. Notice for Pcblication. Land Omcs at Oaaoos City, Ob., December 16. 1(W. VrOTICE W HEREBY OIVKN THAT THK li following-named settler haa filed notice of bis Intention to make nnal proof tu snpport of nis claim, and thatfuild oroof will be mKie be fore the county elerk of Columbia county, nt St. Helens, Oiejtou. cn Janaary 2K, vis: JOSEPH KITSCH, Homentesd entnr No. 10.9Q1. for the northeast W of section 10, township 4 north, range west. Me names tbe following witnesses to provehft continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, via: Kred Floeter, John Hildebrand, Win. V. Ailama and Julius Flr-emr, all of Valley, Oregon. di)7 CHAS. B. UOUKtH, Beidater. Notice for Publication. - Land Omcs at OuaoK Citt, Ob., Deeemher 7. 19S. NOTIt'8 18 HEREBY OIVKN THAT THK followiuc-named settler has filed nottee of his Intention to make final proof ia aupiortoi his claim, and that said proof will be niade be fore the county clerk ot Columbia eountj at SL Helens, unwou. on January 14, mm, via: - CHRIBTOPH 8AUEEVEIN, Homestead entry No. Iran, for the west U of the southeast '4, and eaat S of southwest of sec tion ao, township 5. north of ramie 2 weat. He names the following witnesses to Drove hi. continuous nsideuca upon, and cultivation of said land, vis: Joseph Dupont and N. J. Dupont, of Valley, Ontnin, and M. Apachaod C. c. Mover, of Perig, Oregon. UajlJ chas. B- Hooaaa, Rexter. p. Notice for Publication. Laud Orrtci at Okboom Citv, Or , December 7. 1K9H. NOTICB 18 HEREBY GIVKtJ THAT THE followinr-namnl aottler haa filed notice nf hia Intention to moke f.ual proof In aupiort of bia claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia St. Helena, Oregon, on January 14lh, lim, vis: M. AFACH, Homestead entry No. 9257, for the west i ot the northwest of section 29. township 6, uorth of rane 3 went. He name, the follow! na: witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon, and ouhivation of said land, via: Jeeph Dnpcnt and N. J. Du ttont, of Valley, Oregon, and C. Bauervcln and S. Hock, of Peris, tlrsKon. d9jU , CHAH. B. MOORE8, Beirlster. Notice of Final Settlement NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN BY THK TJN derslirned administrator of the estate of James Cook, decea-ieti, that he has tiled tn the otlieeof the County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, his final atwount of his administration upon said estate, tOKetner witn his potnion for final settlement: and that the Hon. J. B. Iwan. Judtfeof said Court, has appointed Saturday, the aist day of December. Iy8, at 1 o'clock In tne afternoon oi saia asy, as tne time, and the Courtroom of said Court at the Courthouse in St. Hole ns. Oretron. as the ni&ce for the hear ing and settlement of said amount and petition, at which time and place anyporaon interested may appear and flic objections In writing to said amount and petition. W.I). CASK, Administrator of the Estate of James Cook, deoeased. d2d30 Skcriff's Sale ca Foreclosure. In the Circuit Court of the State oi Oregon, for the county oi oiumuia. Tub Btatb er Orkoon and thb Boabd ot Com- m1bsionkrb roh tub oa. lb ov 8chool and (inivkrhitt Lamps, and fob thb Invemt- MBHT OF FUH&S AK1BINCJ THBHSFBOM, Flalntiffk vs. John Habbib akd Ixtcy E. Habbxs, Hit Wirt, ifeienaaiiis. BY VIRTUE OF AN KXKCITTION, JFDG ment. order and decree, dulv lsniMl out of and under the seal of the above-entitled Court, in the above-entitled mednly di Tooted, and dtited the 14th day of Peoember, l&M, in favor of the shove named plaintiifa. The State of OreiroQ and the Board of Commissioners for the Bale of Jst'hool and university lamis, and for the Investment of the Fundi Arising There from, and asralnst the above-named dtiiendants. John Harris and Lucy E. Harris, his wife, for tne sum oi Three ziunarea ana nity (J) aoi lars, with Interest thereon at tbe rateofeikM percent war annum from thedihdayof Mavr and the further sum of One Hundred (hh) dollars as an attorney's fee, and the further snm of Ten and forty one-hnndredths f$lO.-K)) dollars corns and diKbursementa, and the costs of and upon this writ, eommandinsr and re quiring m to mnke sale of the folio wing-de-scHbed mot't sited premises to-wit: The south west oue-qunrior (swV) of seerion 8, township fi, north of rant-e 9, west of the Willamette mer- Idinn, In Columbia county. Oreiron, aud Oon- taininR 100 aorus of land, with the Improve nients thereon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judtonent, order and docree, and In compliance with the commands of wiitl writ, I will, on Monday, the !rd day of Jnuuary, at the hour of It) o'clock in the forenoon of said day, t the front door of the count? coHrtnouse, m ttie (;ltv of St. Helens. Columbia county, State of Oregon, sell, at imb ue aHctmn, subject to redemption, tn the high est MOder, for I'nHed St-atea gold ooln, cah in. nana, au tne Tiam, una mk mtmest wt;i-n the alcove-named defendants, or either of them had. in and to the foreiroina-dset'ibod miirt- jffttod premiw.18 on the date of piMinuCs mort- or sum?o nan, to saury sam exeont-ion, jutU'Uient, order and decree, coals and hi) acera ttig costs. J. K. RICK, Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. IatPd at St Helens, Or., Pe!. Zi. ayji U, W. Cole, attoiuy tot pluiuUfl. i . V a o The Kind Yoa Unvo Always "Bought, and which Ux : la Q8i3 for over SO years, baa borne tito nlsnnlem of ' ' in and baa been m&do uud-r Ida per- ' jC(r$,fJ?l, sonal aupcrrlKlon sine its infancy. All Coattterfclta, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle witb and endanger the beaH'a of Infants and CbMren Kzperieuco against EjtperliaouU What is CASTOR I m Castorla Is a tnibstltnte for Castor OH,' Paregoric, Ttu-1 ,ana sootbingr Byrupg. It U Harmless hud Pleasant. IS contains neither Opium, MorplUne nor other KareotJo substance. Its age is Its gruarantee. It destroys Wonas, and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind' Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. Genuine CASTORIA ALVAY Eears the Elgxiatsro of 0 The KM You HaYG Aluajs Bougli In Use For Over 30 Years. Ttr ecsrrsvui etMsswPcr, tt mummn-v wrncvT, strwvawn vt. 9- SUp. MW UP- SJ MM MM SS KM MM- 6J -M tff- MJt 'SLil IKFSprBtTBT gt"StSST f HARRIS' CASH GROCERY? - " Keens always on hand sll kinds ot L i ; stanle and fancy proeeries and , . , , . r- ir provisions farm produce, tropical - jhOr YOtir : and domestic frnits in season, nu : QrOCCnCS teas and coffees, tobaM and eiwars. . LA line Mne of eonfettionery slso in : . stock, and various other iicUiUes. - - CORNER COWLITZ AND MAIN STREET. ST. HELENS, OR. Z1 ST. HELENS PHARMACY.: Dr. EDWIN ROSS. Proprietor. DRUGS wmvv Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles. PERFUMES AND FANCY STATIONERY. Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT. ....Cigars.... Complete Line ci Mill, 1X UlvlJ C-i..J School Books. School Supplies j$MLMj&h.M;mjfi MMmi&MM jh. jsVm sttK,wtai,jsiM. mm Mm mm um mm mm .sfm Mmj&XLM, DART & AiUCI flaln Street, - St. Helens, Oregon 4 Dealer ia.... GENERAL ..MERCHANDISE Choice Grcccrl AiwaTaott harul Flnnr. (Train, and feed. Tohaiwo and Clours, and smoker' at-uciui, uuiioiis. eK. CROCKERY AND TlNVARfi ...Dry Goods... Including a frncraj swrtmnt. of cloth in sr. ffirnltthitigs, tuid druds gooua. Aw a Jiue liuo of hoots aud ahoea DART & MUCKLE Main Street. - - St. Helens. Orcrrcn. GOOD TOOLS! LOT PRIC1 FOR NET SPOT CASH...... p 1 f Jsnnings Patent Bits'...- , (Jlark's Exitsnsion Bits Common Braces... Rah'.het lirniea... Drawinn-knivos. .............. Kiildinit Drawinff-kniT6S.,.. . Common liavr-seta Morrell's Sawwts Carpenters1 hammers . . . . . . Carpenters' hatchets Oarpenters' baodazes ..... Jack planes . Oisston handsaws Good steel handsaws ........ Firmer chisels. ....12 to 30b .JQcto$U0 ....S3 to 6Pe ,.C0o to $2.00 46e 1 20 ; 1.5c ...ftte ....25to4,5e ....3S toftic 60 to 7c bH'. 1 2." 50 to TSc ....17 to3o ICK CREAM rBIEZIRS. 1-qt. Artlo. p: 5-qt. Artie, ., 1 lit 3-jt. A rtio 1 S 4-Qaart Artie....... 1-qt White Mountain ... SS-qt. While Mountain.-; 3- qt. White Monntain 4- qt. White Mountain. .... . . . 6-ijt. White Mountain ' LAWS M0WK1.3. tit-Inch Ptiiladelphla IMnch 1'lifclnoiiutna lit-uich Phiiaut-M hia 1.-inoh Philai-it - h-.H. '-HK'h PhihulMplua Camp Cutti i'ou 5- qt. will co'ir 4-qt. with covr . . fMt, vi h i.vt-r , 6 qt. wiUi (?ovi-r .$! Si . 1 . I -t,. . I ii . 2 l- . 3 -Sft 4 ; 5 l.'i ) HI (. ' Wack Piniiiond Files-, Oil Slovii, !'ni li,'i-. used by all kinds of people, at low onces for Va Wrftm i next 9lerMll H!t UIIT 8? f