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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1898)
i i run l an 60 6 t stiowu upon application I A. I 3T0RY. ....Joseph B. hnan, Rainier J. . Wain, St. Helens J. N. Hies. Clalsfcaiiie K Kii-a, H. Helens I. II. (;opi:l;iml, Wafwli Martin vt tnt, quliu ..... vu:o. Haves, feiuvt; ,Jr. A. r Mcl-arcis, Kamier P. A. I" throw, t-ennpo we ....... .rt, h. i'eteisou. Mist I-! ' I.WBEll 2t, ls!. i .rlt-a for Americans. "Long May it wave O'nr thn Home of the Free ';! the Land of the Brave." OUR FIFTEENTH BIRTH DAT, Today The Mist is fifteen yearn old, und is quite healthy and prosperous. The piper waa established in 1S83, and, like every other bueinesa.haa met adverse galea, but is yet doing business st the old aland. The paper has its political opinions and is fearless in ex pressing them ; yet it is here to do a legitimate business, and does to as nearly aa it understands how. It has a mission to fulfill furnishing the news of the county to its readers, and supplying its proprietor with ' bread end butter and other necessaries of life. The proprietor has his all in ell invented in the business, and his personal interests are within this coun ty entirely, consequently it ia his aim to champion any movement he be lievea to be good for the county's wel fare, at the same time assisting him self and each and every person who has a pecuniary interest in the county. We hope we are not a charity institu tion, but that we merit all the patron age w receive, and that we render full value for everv cent deposited in our coffers. Our space, like the merchant's' groceries, ia for sale, and we endeavor to demand an equal rate from all our patrons. Our paper ia for sale to those who want the news of the county, at $ 1.00 for fifty-two numbers, and-if you will lake our advice you will become a reader of the paper forthwith if you are not already one. As a local new- disceminater Tbc Mist baa no equal in this county, and we will supply this paper and the Weekly Oregonian for one year for the small sum of $2.00. Subscribe at once. The success with which the paper has met and ia meet ing ia highly gratifying to the pub Usher, and it is due entirely to our ef forts in behalf of home interests that ws merit the support we receive. Co-' lumbla county bas been onr home for many years, and we hope to continue to reside here ; and as long as we do Jive here and are engaged in the news paper business we will improve our paper as greatly as our means and in telligence will warrant, and wa believe we will receive oar share of patronage. At this Urns it is fitting to wish our leaders and patrons a merry Christmas, and wish them continued prosperity and happiness. Conditions warrant the statement that the year 1899 will be recorded as tha most successful busi ness year in the history of Columbia county for every enterprise and busi ness venture, and whether we share with you in prosperity, we certainly will rejoice with you in your achieve ments. IT IS K0W SOCIALISM. We have heard a great deal lately here in Columbia county about social ism, and its advocacy haa invariably come from tbe element that has been rushing practically about looking for some pretext by which to gam a bold upon the government and thua revel in the enjoyment of drawing tha sal sries. At least this conclusion ia at once arrived at from the fact that in each succeeding campaign a new issue is placed before the people by them., which is evidence enough that but one purpose prompts thorn, and that is to get into ofBce. All former efforts have failed, as a natural consequence, because they would not bear close in spection and stand tbe wash, and the lust cherished hope seems to find en couragement in the bosom of socialism. It's all very nice to love thy neighbor as thyself, 'but aa it never baa or does not work out, how is it expected to be forced to a successful termination. If we were to judge from local object les sons we would say nay uay. Failure in so many things would warrant the conclusion that failure would be the ultimate termination of this latter vie umary schnme. The system of con ducting business on the co bwraive J. ia certainly the beat wlienf-sob--mUtwl to tbe beat of logic alone, "' But ks.-I: s tie vuoua co-operators' are en-' dow-d k'.U Uo proiwr amount ol W- li-nl yun Uio ayaUiiii will laii, and Cii' e ..-,1 to m;a wliurcin tha movwmtmt iu our vicinity k clmiu- i piousd by tiiti wucrgotio, irugrcaaive (.Ifiifil wliirh ferula to a higher eiv i izfttion, On bulky horse etops the leatu autl obstruct I lio procession. Tim time may coma wlieu llie Atneri i people will be couteut to surrender suUieieut of their individual freedom from restraint to work iu the tiartsiwe of co-opurative systems, but we believe it will be just before tbe visit ot the fool-killer. A forcible illustration of what little faith a logical man has iu the system U exhibited in the spqeuh of Mr. Gompers, the president of the American Federation of Labor, deliv ered in Kansas City last Saturday. Mr. Gompers said : "This question involves the sincerity of the labor movement of our country, and tli trade movement Is rinht ur it i wrong. We must either declare (or lb union with out frills or lollies, or matte an admission that it is wrong. 'By their deeds shall ye know them' ; rather than that, their hon eyed words by which they seek to lurs us. If they wore to express themselves in this convention as they express themselves out side, they know they would not be tolerated tor two minutes. 1 propose to call atten. Lion to the mask and tha real face. The vary men who advocate and ask you to com mit yourselves to this movement have in the past done all man can do to disrupt trades-onions. On of tha parties referred to called a convention to form a rival to this federation. At that convention they wrote on a braad streamer, eniblasoned in letters of red, "Wreck the old trades-uutona and pull for socialism.' Thoy bavs besmirched the name of labor. They have attacked the integrity of the men who have tried to bet ter the conditions of labor. Thty have at tacked conservatism and everything that is good for our cause. "If the propositions were likely to ad vance tha interests of labor, I would give it my adherence at once: but knowing, aa I do, that every attempt at diverting onr ef forts has been followed by an era of inertia and indifference, I cannot subscribe to it. "Bather than tura our unions into ward clubs, we are working on tha line that will better onr interests and tha whole country. I kuow that progress is necessarily alow. and there is no such a thing as a short cat to the miUenium. I am sure that we are on the path of progress. Wa should he broad and comprehensive in all that we do. and the day of labor's emancipation will soon come." Ureal applause followed Mr. Gomp ers' remarks, and Henry Lloyd, of Bos ton, the conservative economist, took the floor. He went after socialists without gloves. It waa the sense of hia remarka that if the federation tied itself to any "isms" it would be useless for it to ask for legislation at the bands of congress or the stale legislatures. VEKNOSIA VARIETIES. Merry Christmas to all. Onr city b preparing for a Christmas tree. Frank Tracy was doing Clatakauie this week. '.:- After our short cold snap wa again have some very pleasant weather. J. 8. Mows has been somewhat afflicted this week with an attack of shingles. Charles Mellinger left Sunday for Oregon City to attend a contest case as a witness, Peter Bergersen and John Dallas wen in town Friday attending the justice trial as complaining witnesses. There w a social dance at the Mills ranch last Saturday evening, given in honor of Bert Mills', birthday. George Parker waa acting as mailcarrier Saturday between this city and Brannsport in tbe absence of F. Tracy. Mr. M. R. Emmons is improving his ranch by tha addition of a sheep shed, the dimensions of which we did not learn. Onr worthy mailcarrier, W. P. Tncker, has retired, and Mr. Wrench is now pulling tbe strings and using tha vine maple. J. K. Dow and father have in the neigh borhood of two tons of dried fruit to dis pose of, which at a low rate will repay the gentlemen well for their labor and expense, The sports are invited to attend the shoot ing match in this city next Batniday and shoot for the gold-plated watch, which is to be seen and examined at the postotfice. Each chance costs only 60 cents. Distance, 40 and 60 yards, string measures. Constables. A. Wilkinson and Deputy Al Parker brought to this city last Friday the aged couple, Ur. and Mrs. McOuilough, of Upper Nebalem, to be examined as to their sanity, justice Case conducted the exam nation on that day, they being committed to the asylum at Salem, to which place they were taken, via St. Helens, by Constable Wilkinson and Deputy Parker. We aotice a petition In the postofflceto the county court praying for 0. W. Mel linger, onr present road supervisor, to be reappointed. Wa believe this way a good one, ana should be followed by otner dis tricts, then there would not be so much patchwork dona. What we need is not some one to ose up all the work and funds in patching, but what they do to be done good and serviceable. KY8ER HAPPENINGS. Mlas Edna 8nyder was the guest of Miss Rosa Holmes on the Hth Inst. Grandpa Holmes la having a good sub stantial and roomy roothouse built that is a credit to aay ranch. Mr. linn Malcom is tbe foreman. At my last writing Mr. W. A. Young was suffering with neuralgia, but bas recovered now, having taken an application of tbe resuscitator remedy which never fails. Tbe young mailcarrier is beginning to strut. Perhaps tha county clerk might have a call soon, for he has been trying to cultivate a mustache on his -chin. (No re sult as yet.) I guess we will loose another postofflce on tbe Bainier and Kyser road. Being located in our neighborhood we think It will not speak very well for this section, especially to strangers who might be seeking a home with us, and we hope they will reconsider the matter before discontinuing the office. Our energetic rancher, Mr. C. Lovegren, bas some 600 prune trees on his place and has just recently put out 400 more. He lias a dryer and does not hare to give half to get them dried, so tbatall his home work is turned into cash. Besides he milks quite a number of cows and bas a cream separa- Others Inke stef. Mr. I,oveereu came hurts and bucked corihvouil ; lluu is hu and liis four boys, having to leave owe boy at home. Through energy and hard work they have made a very large opening in the OrtxoU fureal. We are sorry to say that Grandma Young, who la near 73 years old, la quite sick. She has been taking care of M. P. Young's poor motherless children tor about three years past, and doing the housework, also, with the help of her little granddaughter, Flora, who Is but etfihl years old. Tha most of the girts of sixteen would complain to be tied so close to the kitchen or housework Ia conclusion let us talk a little common sense In which everybody is interested. The couuty commissioners and the judge have offered to stand one-third ot the expense of putting in a hundred feet of mud sill an plank road between Selena and the M Fowler place. Now, we ought to know that if we hare good roads oar land is worth more, and if we bav-s bad roads our land decreases ia value; besides tbe danger and Inconvenience of traveling to and from Rainier. While some who travel that road are willing to contribute work, there are others that travel the road who will con tribute nothing. This is like tha inula that balked In the mud hole; he would not get out nor let hia mate pull him out. So let everyone look to their own Interest, and put their shoulder to the wheel of progress. Take hold with a will and help yourselves and neighbors out of that mud hole. Say friends, let ns call a meeting at Meaerve' hall and see what eau be done. ' Bad roads are a disgrace and curse to any country Come now, friends and neighbors, let ns lay aside all selfishness -and go to work Jike men of j udgmeuL HOUIiTON NOTES. Mrs. Henshaw and sou, David, were Portland visitors this week. Mr. M. Ponieroy, of Bainier, was the guest of Capt. and Mrs. Henderson Tuesday, Work has been begun, and quit a show ing made on the new church. Mrs. Watts, of Scappoose, waa visiting her daughter, Mrs. N. A. Perry, on Monday. Miss Maude Watts, of Scappoose, waa a guest nf her sister, Mrs. N. A. Ferry, one day this week. i A Christmas tree for the Union Sunday school is now the absorbing topio here, A nice time is assured. ' Quite a number of the school children around Houlton bava been absent from school with chicken-pox during the last two weeks.' ., , .'.';,-, , Some of Houlton's yonng people went to St. Helens Tuesday evening and gave a dia logue to assist on tha programme of the bazaar. They bad to render it under diffi culties, but acquitted themselves very cred ible, Quite a number of tbe young people possess no mean talent along this line if it were to be properly developed. The basket social given by the school was both a social and financial success. After the programme the basket lunches were dis pose of, and then the young people repaired to tbe hall over tbe schoolroom and played games until a late hour. The followingpro- gramme was rendered : Song" America". ........... By all present Kecitation Opat x Recitation...". Grace Kehey Vocal solo......; ...Miss Wilson Dialonue Guitar solo .Mr. Clark Recitation. ttisa Wettle Tableau Recitation Ota Walker Vocal solo. Miss Wilson Recitation Ida Rowlev Song" Flag of the Free" School Guitar solo Mr, Clark Dialogue.. Recitation .......Miss Wettle Tableau (Three scenes) "Cuba's Story" . Mrs. Hensbaw, one of the directors, acted as master of ceremonies and ably discharged the duties. The teacher of the school feels sincerely grateful for all her kind asisstauce throughout. CL.AT8KANIE NOTES. The schools will take a vacation next week. '....,:.-'.. The familiar whistle of the steamer Shaver was heard Wednesday morning for the first time in a few days. Tbe masquerade ball.which always comes about Christmas, is advertised for Friday evening of this week. Mrs. Arthur Qulgley and Mr. R. 8. Payne were over from Quiocy the first of tbe week doing some shopping. I. H. Copeland, county school superin tendent, was in town Wednesday making n official visit to schools in this neighbor hood. W. A. Kdgerton left for Portland last week, and seems to be spending some time away with a view to a bnsiness location. He is a very practical mercantile man and will fit in somewhere all right. There was s shooting match for turkeys on Tuesday at Quincy, where some of our citizens took part for revenue and turkeys, Will Conyers was tha champion from our town, securing three feathered prizes. George Tichenor, acting postmaster, left the offloe in charge of bis brother and spent a couple of days in Portland last week. George does not often go away, but when he does, always leaves a good tuau in bis place. ; ..'- Arrangements are being made for Christ mas gatherings at the primary schools and at the church. Tbe usual Christmas tree. and a programme more or less varied, will constitute the attraction at the church on Saturday evening. Miss Benzer, of Mist, and Miss Cahill, of Vesper, were iu town Monday on their way to Portland by steamer. As tbe steamer did not come op to town they were compelled to go to Palm's mill to secure passage. The river was filled with logs that day. By tha wsy ; the business of the postoffice must be greatly increased this quarter by the number of packages sent to friends through the mails. Our people seem to have friends everywhere they wish to re member, and packages coming la show, too, that friends elsewhere do not forget them, The railroad company has kept a number of men at Quincy, boarding them on their own cars, and giving them employment in connection with the steam shovel at tbe gravel pit. A few days ago the wbole cut- tit was moved to some point farther down the road, discontinuing the telegraph office there, and giving a deserted look to tbe place. Probably work there will be resumed at some future time. Charles Snyder, of Tipper Clatsksnie. is another shingle-mill victim, and will here after go through life at least one finger, if not two, short of tbe natural allowance. It was done in a minute by a mere touch of the saw, but ibe effects are lasting and per manent. He came to town with bis broth ers on Tuesday, and spent tbe afternoon 1 I i, nndvr Ite tlortyi s-lirti-;it, aided by two or three men to hold Inui while under tlie in fluence of .chloroform. The Hrst fliiKer on his left hand is entirely gone, and the ro und so mangled that It is a IHtlo doubtful about the result, but it was not taken off, (School lteport. Report of Yankton school for month end Dec. 9th: Numher boys enrolled 8 Ntimbr girls enrolled K Total enrolled ..... Mi Average attendance 12 Times tardy . 2 Pupils neither absent nor tardy t Charlie Brown, haura Smith, Ray Tarbeli. ... Flora Vimcknt, teacher, Judging Onr Neighbor. There Is no greater source of error In judging our neighbors than the habit of attributing to them, as motives for their conduct, the mean and low instincts, im pulses or denigns that we sometimes har bor within ourselves. A man is most surely on the high road to fairness and justice when, lu canvassing tha ambiguous charac ter or conduct of others, who are bis social equals, he is ready to give them credit for being as good, if not better, than himself. And, whenever one's judgment is so lllbal anced that he entertains a morose contempt for what others do, or the pleasures they enjoy, it is probable he Is feeling the sting of nature a revenge for his abuse of some ot ber gifts, and be cannot be Impartial. ON EVERY BOTTLE Of Shilob'a Consnmution Cure is this rti ar il n tee : "All we ask of you is to nse two thirds of the contents of this bottle faith fully, then if vou sav you are not benefited return the bottle to your druggist and he may refund tbe price paid. I'rioe 25 cts, 50 cts anrt ii.ou noia oy ur. jviwin koss, druggist, St. Helens, Oregon, and N. A. Perry, Houlton, Oregon. - TELL TOUR SISTER. A Beautiful Complexion is an impossibil ity without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good diges tion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Root tea acts directly on the bowels, liver, and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 ots and GO cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. drngRixt, St. Helens, Ore gon, ana s. a. rerry, uouiton, Oregon. V DO YOU KNOW Consumption Is preventable? Science has proven that, and also that neglect Is sui cidal. The worst rold or cough can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and Consurap- , - . o . i ,j . . over fifty years. Sold bv Dr. Btiwiu Ross, druggit. St. Helens, Oregon, and N. A. Perry, Houlton, Oregon. DOES THIS STRIKE YOUt Muddy Complexions. Nauseatina Breath come from chronic constipation. Karl's Clover Root Tea Is an absolute cure and baa been sold for fifty years on an absolute guarantee. Price 28 eta and SO ots. Sold by Dr. Kdwin Ross, drogpist, St. Hekns. Oregon, and N. A. Perry, Houlton, Oregon. HOW IS YOUR WIFET Hassbe lost ber beauty? If so, Consti pation. Indigestion. Sick Headache are the Erincipal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea aa cured these ills for half a eentnry. Price 25 cts and 50 cts. Money refunded if results are not satisfatorv. Sold by Dr. Ed win Ross, drug-gist, St. Helens, Oregon .and N. A. Perry, Houlton, Oregon. iimiiiiii ' PRIZE MASQUERADE To be given by.. ....PROF. HOLST.. ST. HELENS, NEW YEAR'S EVE ....DECKMBKR St.... " 5 . ..SIX HANDSOME PRIZES.... Will be Qlven. .ADMISSION- Gents, 5Q Cents; Ladies MasMJres Lady Spectators, age. A Coatumer from Portland will be at St. Helens during the day of the dance. TOELLE'S-:-ORCHESTRA Xrunfr Jjttnvrh at 0iOO s. m. s Boats leave foot of Yamhill and Washington streets at 2.-80; foot of Oak and Alder streets at S:UU p. m. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Tha Kind You Hava Always Signature of CZtrfffl&&&t4 OA0TOJ1IA. Bssn tka - mm ' Ha Always BoogM - . ThKifldYw Haw Always, I Bigastars of OASTOTIIA. Bsarsflte yt ' lou Haw Always RmglB Basts tie Ifi alM Tm Haw AlW'Tt'iOlffi glhi aiad Ym Haw Alwrtl NgBatm ef . -THE-- :..':-;. HOTEL '-''"" Mia. ML J. Scott, Proprietress A strictly Hrt-twm hou, A rmm : for commercial travelers and the public. Board aud kxlgtufi at reaaouttljlt luttts. Horses Cared For. ST. HELENS, - - - OI1KGCW JQR. J. E. UAL1., PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, fn-tain..!, ir,jmM pnnnfv, Or. jQR. KDWIN K08S, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon R. H. ft. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helena, Oregon. ; Q. W. COLE, ATTORNEY1 AND COUN8ELOR-ATLAW, ST, HELENS, OREGON. : Title Abstract Books, Notary Publlo, Commls stnnerof !eel for WawhtiiKton, and su exper ienced collector tu oouueution with olhc-e. J. W, DAT ' W. B. D1LLAB1) ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse, ST. UELli.Ntt, OKLOON. General practice in courts of Oregon or Wash Inxtoii, Auatructs made directly trout oouuty records, GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Collections, foreclosures, mechanic' lelns, etc ieputy prosecuting attorney. Ottlce with T. 1. Cleeton. St. Helens, t Oregon. BANQUET SALOON 0L0NINGER& COOPER, ' PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and Other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly speut, ( Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on hand to supply tha increased trade at this very popular saloon, TH FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY 18 KEPT AT THB BANQUKT. DENTIST J. A. REID Haa Loeated In U. Helens farmanenMy, FTTH, BET TEETH ...17 50 to 110 00 FILLING t HO to 1 00 GOU) KILLINGS..., II 60 upwards Crofi'Ul Bridge Wort a U 3.00 TO 8.00 PtH TOOTH. The work that I have done In this commnnkv or the past five months is nij recommendation. All work guaranteed satisfactory. Ofllc Next Door to -Rots' Drugstore ST. RK ENS, t 1 : I OREGON Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. A' S )RIA & COLUKBIA RIYER RAILROAD COMPANY. WINTER SCHKDUE.E. East bound Dally p. m. : :2 M 8:3 8:16 7: :2S 7:00 a. m. p. m. S 60 7 W 0 IS S 10 8 90 l looo s m 10 25 20 10 65 9 AO 11 1 10 12 11 42 10 Bo ri. m. 2 IS II 10 11 20 arrive. Houlton. leave 11 00 uoiiie .... Rainier .... Maygers ...Clatskanle...... ,.. Westport....... .... Clifton... .... Kuappa 10 46 10 IS 9 M 28 t 00 a as s oo leave.. Astnrla. .arrive Trains leave Astoria for Seaside at 12 20 p. m. and 6 p. m. Boat connections at Astoria for Ilwaeo, Chinook. Fort Canbjr, Nahalem, Till amook, ajid Uarrtbaldl. Passengers for Astoria or war points must flag trains at Houlton. Trams will stop to let pas tengera off at Houlton when coming from points west of Qokle. J . C Havre), Gen. Pass. Agt., Astoria, Or. E.E. QUICK G. WCOLE Commissioner of .Notary Public. Deeds for Wash ington. ...... COLE & QUICK, PROPK1ETOK8 OF THORNE'S numerical SystejJBB Abstracts. Titles Examined and Perfected. Abstracts Furnished. Assessments Kxamlned. In surance Written. Tazea Paid and Convey ancing. T. netiEiss, OBEWOJ. STAR ---j- SALOON IV, W. IHjAKKSIjEV. Prow. Fins Winss: and . Liquors. The Famous J. W. CUTTER, MAGNOLIA aud HON K Y DKW Whisker always oa band CELEBRATED EOP GOLD BEER A lftrffe Btncll of DOMESTIC and KEY WEST Cigars ol the best grade always on hand. Between the two hotels. Mala Bt, - St. Helenm, Ore. i-, : iit oi,.iii mr m n -.xzo: :io: SI Helens MEAT MARKET. JAMES H, &H Kings cf Fresh Kssts, aTssr KSA TS h Y AT Sk'KL'IAl Main Btrent, CLATSKANIE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has Inst received oi rntsa Drugs and Chemicals Also a new and select stock of drugs and patent medicines, fancy statlonety, ashonl boost usuanyke'iaTl'aX'te '0 U ""4 Prescriptions Carefully Compounded - AT THB . - . CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE 'W aaywysvsars) WVVVVVVVVVVTtVVVVVVVVVVVV I ' - '-.' .',. ' . i Groceries and FLOUJR, GRAIN, AND FEED. TOBACCO AND t CIGARS, NOTIONS, ETC. . t T, C. WATTS' STORE. : ' Reuben, - - . .JSarW A A Jsar aaftat aafc -aarV sat Aa ssfW ssa- jfa, STEAMER "GANBY" Commencing Monday, October 10th, " the Ilwaeo Kallwar A Navigation Co.'s steamer "CANBY" will make round trips between RAINIEST PORTLAND Leavlns; Rainier at ( a. m. and Port land at p. m. dally (exoept Sunday). We solicit a share of the public petronafrt, and In return will nlve quick service and a clean boat. A'iijF'VYe- have com. to stay and want your buaiueas. Iht I, R Ac si. Co. fSrftll THE COLUMBIA RIVER ANDPUGET BOUND NAVIGATION CO. P0RTUSD-1SIOEIA EOOTE. ..TELEPHONE;.. Landlne Foot of Alitor Street. Portland. Leaves Portland daily (exceptSuaday)a 7 A, M . Landlne: Telephone doek, Astoria. Leaves Astoria daily (exoept Suuday) 7 I. M. Telephone Tickets Good oa Steamer Potter. Steamer Potter Tickets Good on Telephone. ' ; U. B. SCOTT. Pres. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. TEAMER - I WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helens .. 6:S0 A M ..10:00 A M .. 2:30 P M 6:00 P H Arrive at Portland. . . . Leave Portland. .... Arrive at 8t. Helens. . . ' FARE SS CENTS. - Will Carry Nothing bnt Passengers and Fast Freight, . . . . JAMES Gf OD, Master. STEAM ER G. . . '' ' r"V f Young America DELL SHAVER, Master. T,aivao Portland, foot of Washington strset, Tuesday Thnrsday.sjnd Sunday evenlnirs a JJlOVOO o'clock, Keturnlns Leaves Clatskanle, tkte permitting, Monday, Wednesday, Friday evenings at o'clock. Will past Oak Point about 7! Btella7:15; Mayger 7:25 Kalnler Su Kalnma It AC; M. Helena Arrive la Portland 1M a. m. The company reserves tbe righ to U.US blUI W1HIUUI UU.IIW, ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... LeftVftH Koldo on MmMlayfi, Weil ii end y i rid Krldnya at & o'clock a. m. KHK1.1)0N, Pltop. Hams, Essen, end teri1 WHOLESALE T KAUS St. TTe-le)ns, Oregon. ll li II DRUG STORE! a large assortsasnt ana par ay V Mr1y'aloVr y y 'V"Ci Provisions Oregon -aavaW a aavW att sar HUCKLE BROS MANUFACTURER OF Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Rustle, Sheath In. Casings, and a complete stock of every ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HANO j AT THB OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, OR 01M.C0. D..a.T Time SCHEDULES a...v a Fram Portlan. ' 'Fast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Fast Mail Worth, Omaha.Kan- Mail (p.m. . saa City, tit. Louie, 7:20 a. at. Ohteatju and East. Siokans Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane Flyer Aiinnea,olls, St. Fly.r 2 p.m. Paul. .Dnlulh, Mil- 10:06 S.SA. waukee, Chicago A East. ... . Osean ateamshlpa. All sailing Mate, sub- p,tt' jeet t ohanire. For San Franvlsoo Ball December a, a, 13, 18, . at. mh. 7a.m. To Alaska an. a. Sail Sept. 17 tp.m. Columbia River 4f.m. Kx.Sunday Steamers. Xx.Suuday Saturday To Astoria and Way 10 p. m. lauding. Sa.n. Willamette River. s:W.. Ex.tfuuday Oresron City, Newhers;, Ex.Hunday , Salem A Way-land fs 7 a.m. Willamette and Yam- T&Tnar. M?.Wd. and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Frl. aud Way-landiugs, Sa.m. Willamette Rivar. 4:tap.m, Toea.Thur. Portland to Cnrvallls Tiies Tlnir. and Sat. and Way-landings. and Sat. Lt. RIparla Rnaka River.' Lv.Lew'toa 1:411a. m. 6:4Aa.m, dally ex- Mparla to tewiston. dally ex- oeptBat. eeptFrl. W. H. HUBLBERT, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND .... . . OBEGOlf W. SHAVER The Only Direct Route ...FROM.. Portland to Clatsfcai: Shavsr Transpartsticn Company. htnvn I HH(unty. o i'loeis a, i