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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1898)
S , TsiiUNtg:.- . ' i ! n '.miintiem stay in r than yon ciw Rr't a I i 1 1 ) Gil to euro it. I dniiij wfmt part it may t , imvuj . ".' to-'"-. 1 M 1 IHtt .M' .:,. li. iv In J!pi'rarlngr. hay will in thecoiirsfiof a tow c'livcri.'a biicfnno dry land, the rise ol ii.H s'ii fin'ij doing, mnre lemarkabla tiian liny other portion of the earth. Boxohec soveiod with drifiwood are found 20 IS I'.l font a'cove tha bay, and the old bar l no hat become very shallow. , f " f !. 10' how the Truth of a Weil Known Statement is Established. Hood's Earsaparilla is the best medicine money can buy. It has stood the test of tune and trial. Its great merit is demon strated by its cures of Scrofula, Salt rheum, Humor, Psoriasis, Benld Head, I nils, Blood Poisoning, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Stomach Troubles, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nervousness, etc. E food's Oarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. Price, tl. Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills. 26 cents. , 1 ," -. , '"Tra rathering thoughts of Christmas trees, Mixing Hli Drinks. I play parties, dunces and taffy pollings, There is a story told of Mr. Glad- the husking grows furious, and twice bo ston, whioh would show that the true fo noon the wagon bed is filled. Thumb meaning of the old sayilg: "Do not tails and pegs are much n de- j.i,, ... , . tum niand. The boys all around the kitchen mi yout drinks, was unknown to the , t u bjstcrwJ thumb(i n(j great statesman. It is said to have ..-., win, flnifer ot drill. been his habit to let the wines which wore served in the course of dinner mobilize at bis eblow, and daring a pause in tha conversation seise the glass er saint, hit is dat," declares the old col thafc happened to be neatest. On one ' orcd anntie. "Da's dem cookies, bu'nt to ocoaaion Mr. Gladstone, who bad re- plum crisp an' mo can't git to de oven al In hi hn.' dout trompln on somebody s corns. Das hazard way, inveighed against tha practice of mixing wines, It was re spectfully pointed oat to him that he had been guilty ot this very act; bat he explained, to his own satisfaction, that to mix wines was to fill up half a glass of champRgne from the port do cantor 1 Cornhill Magazine. . . , . To Electrocute m Safety Taalft An experiment of aoientiSa interest is to be tried in getting rid of the safety Tanlt of the old Cincinnati (O.) Deposit and Trust Company. The walls are constructed of layer of hard spring steel to a thickness of one and one quarter indies. Two operators will be placed in the vault and a wire for eacb ran in through a vent bold. The wire will be attaohed to s carbon, which will be manipulated with a heavy handle. They will pass the carbon over the steel walla, burning them in intersecting lines. TBI ALLEN'S FOOT-BASK, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. A t this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have Smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Kasa. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Believes corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cur for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it today. Sold by all d ruggists and shoo stores for 25c. Trial pacnage rtiitiv. Address, Alien b. uim sted, to Boy, N. Y. Popular 'Phone Service. 1 ' The telephone system of Paris will be greatly popularised and extended by the government mail and telegraph department. Fublio stations will be scattered through the city, where per sona not subscribers may call from or make engagements over the wire. Message will be delivered from these stations for a fee of 6 cents. No household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. Glue From Seaweed. . : A fresh use for seaweed is claimed to ti,va hn Htaeiwariul hv a Norwouinn iw .-v.:!.:t,i 1 -tu. o.i.i.i l.-lii.: . j.: 5.. 1 lllg JIApCT gltro, MIVDOIlJg KULU UU Dunjl j from seaweed. The first establishment for this branch of manufacture is to be erected in the district of Stavanger. HOITT'S SCHOOL FOB BOYS. Now at Bnrlingame, will remove to iti beautiful new home at Menlo Park, Ban Muieo County, Cal., and re-open January j una, mm. Auuress ira u. iioiit, rn. v., Uento Park, Cat ' Flies are prevented from entering the house when the screen doors are opened pass In the distance, noiselessly, Bilhouet by a new attachment, whioh has sev-! ted against the sky like toy vehicles, erat row of brushes on the outside oi the door to scrape the flies off every time the door opens. ; BELIEF FI10M PAIN. Women Everywhere Express their Gratitude to Mrs. Pinkham. firs. T. A. WALDEN. CUtMeo. G.. wrltesi " Deab Mas. Pinkham: Before tak ing1 your medicine, life was a burden to me. I never saw a well day. At my monthly period I uffered untold misery, and a great deal of the time I was troubled with a severe pain Id my side. Before finishing the first bottle of your Vegetable Compound I could tell it was doing me good. I continued It use. also used the Liver Pills and Sanative Wash, and have been greatly helped. I would like to have yon use my letter for the benefit of others." Mrs. FLORENCE A. WOUPB, fig flulberry fit,, Lancaster, Ohio, wrltesi , 'Deab Mr. Pinkhah: For two years I was troubled with what the local physicians told me was Inflamma tion of the womb. Every month 1 Buf fered terribly. I had taken enough soedicine from the doctors to cure any one, but obtained relief for a short time only. At last t concluded to write to you in regard to my case, and can say that by following; your advice I am now peJtectly well." i firs. W. R. BATES, flaniileld, La, writes I " Before writing to you I suffered dreadfully from painful menstrua tion, leucorrhosa and sore feeling in the lower part of the bowel. Now my friends want to know what makes me look so well. I do not hesitate one min ute Iu telling them what has brought chout this great clianpe. I cannot j-vSa Ljdia E. Pick h a ta's Vegetable l .'mpouud enough. It is the greatest X i:edy of tha uge." i,J. Cat I A- FARM CHiilSXMAS. STORY OF THE DAY'S CELEBRA- TIC? J TrVt,Y TC'-O. " Momentona Preparations for the IHa ntr g( Dinner-And Finally the l'urty at Farmer Hawkins' on That Memorable Chrlatmaa Kve, ,. -t HE week before L. iji Christmas. II OK Killing is over, an the turkeys are dressed and sent to town. Suppressed n, excitement niies la- fSS s'de the bouse and tfi'if? out. Extra hands tip, are busy over the last, bit of corn- JXt ...husking. Bump, f-'S0' bump, bumnetl bump, the wagon moves sluwly over the froxcu ground. Two stalwart fellows In jean trousers, lucking coats and woolen comforters fol low the wagon, keeping up a continuous 5 re of ears of corn into the box. With ing, double In thickness and fastened on the bands securely with leather strings. Clare ter goodness hits miff ter p'voke WHEN dem dIes feet in de ashes need scrapin' deee two houahsl Git out o' beah! Ef vo des tek yosefs off. soon's I get er nun nit s peace, I mek yo fawty leven nngan italls.' As this Is what the boys have all been waiting to hear they troop out Instantly, mnkine a mental memorandum of "neck- erchers" and bandana "head han'ker ehere" which Aunt Maria wants for Christmas. By 5 o'clock the next morning, while the stars are still shining, the wagons rattle off to, the fields. The joljy face ot the country sun lights np myriads of frost diamonds hune on the sparse spears of -ellow ass. Along the roads wagons drawn bv tor horses. Inside the fsrmhouse everything 1b in hnstlina- confusion. The blinds of the spare room have been drawn np to let in a flood of bright winter sunshine. Dis trict school has closed for the holidays. The children are in the kitchen stoning raisins, helping pare apples, slyly steal ing cake dough, and watching the sau sage as it ia ground out from the sausage mill In strings. "Ho, ho!" the youngsters suddenly shout in chorus. "Yonder comes Tom Hawkins, riding up the lane on 01e Sor rel,' full tilt." Tom dismounts by putting his arms around "Ole Sorrel's" neck and sliding down her forelegs to the ground. He is riding bareback. - "Out folks Is goln' to give a party I" he snnounced. "When?" shout Bob and the others, in great excitement. , "Night 'fore Chris'tnas: 'n I'm goln, 'round to tell ever'body, right this morn in'l" "Play party?" "Yep! Pa say he don't care fer 'em dancin', but ma says 'at you hare to take up the carpets, er hare 'em mint. An' then, ma says she don't know as it's right fer church members." -; Tom's invitation, delivered with many assurance that "You must be sure to BRINQ1NQ HOME .... , g ApXr - - . - ymm T"4T 1 I ffi ii' I 1 i!KV t X&J.' aT7 7Wv come; we'll nit be a lookln for yon," cri mes no small commotion nt the house. IJefore (lie day is over it Is known that the party will be a big affair, Christmas eve finally conies. The whole neighborhood is agog. In the course of ;4C i i.js-U t"C 1" the v :. homes lay out every bit ot finery to be worn to the party. The boys are not for gotten by their sisters. Their coats and trousers, white satin ties, boiled shirts, ...... JMl,' Mi1' " 1 W MO FIDDLKR L1K HIM. are all put out on the bed in easy reach. Aunt Maria shines the shoes until you can see yourself on their polished surfaces. The boys, in a home-made sleigh, are off for the girls, sometimes live or six miles away. The girls at the house wait for their beaux, who come likewise from the neighboring houses or from the little towns near by. "Zip, aip, ha, ha, hurrah," and up conies a sled with a dosen young folks bound for the party. The sled is a long one, with a wagon box mounted on the cross-beams. Three or four wagons SANTA CLAUS IS PRESIDENT. have been stripped of their spring seats to equip the sleigh. The bed of the box is filled with hay, which keeps everybody's feet warm. Away the sled whirls, taking a short cut across the bottoms, running counter to rocks and logs under the snow, and almost spilling the whole party out Out In the open road another sleigh turns in at the crossing ahead. This Is the sig nal for a race. The horses know it, and give a bound that brings the two wagon boxes abreast of each other. The party is In full swing by 8 o'clock, and supper is served by 10. Old Uncle Ben furnishes the music for "snap, "Weevilly Wheat," and all the other rol licking games. Uncle Ben begins to "tune un." while everybody shoves his chair back against the side of the wall to clear the center of the floor. "Twa-ang, scr-a-ape, tweedle, leedle, leedle, le-e," goes the fiddle, while Uncle Ben screws his face into a thousand wrinkles. Sometimes, of late, the Hills boys have furnished the music for the parties, much to the disgust of Uncle Beu. He declares that "wen dem boys gits hole o' one o' dem new tan gle gityars an' anodder one on 'em goes slap-e-ty bang on Miss Hawkins planner, hit 'em jls miff ter mek yo' bar stan' on en'. 'Tain no mo lak music dan beatin' on er dish pan." As 12 o'clock approaches everybody Is alert to get everybody else's Christmas gift. This ceremony being over, the party breaks up, the young folks race home, and big and little hang up their stockings In front of the fireplace. : Bob Is growing skeptical about Santa Claus. . He resolves to sleep with one eye open, but weariness overcomes hi bright little eyes at last. When Tom wakes up the hired man is putting a back-log in the fireplace, and soon the blaze Is crackling awav on the hearth. He prnicnes lira. "Chris'mas gift, Tim, Chrts'mas gift! What do you reckon that is sticking out In the toe of my stocking, Bob r '"Norange, I guess." "Like 'nuff. Santa always brings or anges. - ' -.' There are raisins and oranges, a rubber THE TREE. ?.Ai i Hi " Netty ninl Kosy ere no, hngslng a couple of china .dolls, dressed in white Swiss, nith pink and blue ribbons. ,. "Land sukes, chlllmi, git off yer niuht rowmN n' put on yor shoe an' stockiii'a tireckly," calls out Aunt Mnrla, putting her head In nt the door. "Pat's all truck Hob's telltu' yo.. 'Cose dere's a Santa Clitus. Seed 'tin wid my own eyes. Face all ovnh white, whiskah lak you gran'pa. 'Cose dere's a Santa Claua, jis es true as dere's ghoates, an' doan yo nebbe fmvgit hit." THE FIRST CHRISTMAS GIFT. Malta Your Gift aPnraOne, and Give It with Lore, "If you had the wealth of the world you could uot equal that first Christmas gift," writes Kuth Ashmore in an article on "Girls and Their Christmas-Giving," In the Ladies' Home Journal. "And you can only imitate it by making your gift a pure one, and giving it with love. You want to share, this Chrlstinastlde, your faith, your hope and your charity with those you love. You want to make your very 'good morning1 tell of that good morning that came so many hundred years ago when the little Child first wakened on tills earth. You want to think of the gifts that were brought to lllm and what they typified. You want to have your heart full ot Joy, and love, and hope so full that it will brim over and the rest of the world share It with you. You want to tell, In your speech aud in your eyes, and from your heart, of the gladness of the time. Yon want to make this gladness go out to some one who Is In grief. These are the days when you must needs give of your good things, and among all your possessions there Is nothing so good as a belief In God and a hope for the future. That was what the little Child came to tell about. Surely the Christmastide la the feast of all others that appeals to women, and as the story is told again and again by the bells as they ring, by the carols as they are sung, by the preacher from the pulpit, we know that 'Unto us a Child was born,' and peace and good will reign all over the land. Let peace Und good will be in your heart, and from you they will go and spread all over the land. It is to the wom en, thank God, that the happiness of the Christmastide specially comes. And wom en are generous, else one of them never vrnnM h.v irftAti hp Rati tn Hln fhnf nil might live. 8he gave to all the world her ! only Son the gift that meant eternal life." Mistletoe and Christmas. ' The connection of mistletoe with Christ mas is a very curious one, and far from being a general one. Literature is, per haps, mainly responsible tor it, In that allusions to a custom in a great degree purely local have made a targe number of persons Interested tn the plant. It, moreover, seems that the custom of using it Iu Christmas decorations depends on two considerations Brat, Its evergreen habit; and second, the veneration in which it was held by the Druids. The reasons mentioned have no doubt done much to secure for the mistletoe the place which In recent times it has held in Christmas festivities, but it is not so uni versally honored at Yuletide-as the holly. V- .. kn m n. ........ ,U,I, without stir mistletoe at all. hut to the majority of the people a Christmas with out a sprig or two of holly would scarcely seem to be Christmas at all. Lord of Misrule. Down to the reign of Henry VIII., and occasionally since, a "Lord of Misrule" was appointed to direct the amusements of the English court during the holidays. He presided over the festivities, prepared the games, directed the sports, and saw that the court was kept properly amused during Christmas week. The office was considered highly honorable, and the "Lord of Misrule" was generally some wealthy nobleman who was willing to spend money lavishly in promoting the gaieties of the court. It Is of record that during the reign of Elizabeth, Essex, as "Lord of Misrule," spent In one Christ mas season 3,000 of his own money on the court games. ' ; Yule Cakes, -. , Yule dongh, a kind of baby or little image intended to represent the child Je sus, made of paste, was formerly baked at Christmas and presented by bakers to their customer "in the same manner as the chandlers gave candles." They are still called Yule cake in the county of Durham, England. A Feast In Prospect. Wiggles How are you fixed for Chris' mas? Waggles Right In clover. I made a play dut I was de champion all-'roiind eat er in de north wee' and dey's got up match fur me. - She I wish Chrltttmas really was a sea son of general pence and good will. He Well, it might be If somebody hadn t . In troduced the custom of giving Christina presents. Puck, COAST NEWS Items , of floneral Interest Gleaned - From the ltii'tvlng raotllo Siatus. XCxpnrt of Hailed Fish. Japan has become a now customer for the fish of the Northwest, and last year 1,400 tons of suited fish was shipped from tho Noith Pacific, coast. The Nippon Trading Company of Seattle has gone aotlvuly Into the business of shipping salt fish, and buy in all the porta ol the Sound and British Colum bia. This year they are shipping over 600 tons, and have orders for more if they could . gut the fish. Scuttle shipped out 80U tons lust year and 'XV coma shipped the same amount, while about 600 tons wub bought and shipped from the JFraaer river. There are be sides the Nippon Company, which is made up of local Japanese business men, three or four othui firms there engaged in exporting fish. The North Japan fishing industiy Is running out and her people are looking this way for a supply, the same as they are looking to this coast for flour and other natural product. Advance In Price ef Fish. At Seattle the price of salmon has advanced from 10 cents per pound to 15 cents per pound in the last few days, the oanse being assigned to the closing of the season and consequent scarcity of fish. The demand for fish iu general is reported to be better than has been the case for some time, Bteel head salmon are beginning to run and the Tyee variety is expeoted in a few weeks, but as yet the run is rather short. Good fishing is reported in the Narrows; few miles from Tiicoma, and the run is expected to continue there until January I. The .catch now is said to be about 13,000 salmon daily, of the dog salmon variety. A tan her ring were captured at Quartermaster harbor on Saturday and it is said that they were the forerunners of the regu lar season' run. Favors San Dlega, After viewing all the ports on the Paciflo Dr. Weigand, general manager of the North German Lloyd Company, which ha in contemplation the opera tion of a steamer line from this coast to the Orient, is repotted by the Ean Francisco papers to be on hi way home by way of Hong Kong and Sue canal. As many of the stockholders of tha company 'are interested in Northern Pacific securities, Tacoma wa consid ered to have an excellent chance to be chosen as a terminus. It now seems that the Santa Fe Railroad Company having interested the Australian gov ernment in theadavntagesof San Diego harbor for a trans-Paciilo mail route, the steamship company is inclined to favor the Southern California port, Honolulu Taking Our Flonr, R. t Lillie, the purchasing agent on the Pacific coast for the firm of Theo dore H. Davis & Co., of Honolulu, is in the Northwest.. Mr. Lillie will load a vessel at Seattle with flour and other Northwestern product for ship ment to the islands. The short grain crop in California last year has turned the greater portion of the trans-Pacific demand to Oregon and Washington. Portland and Washington flonr cargoes have been discbarigng in San Francisco for a number of week past, and then reshipped by the California to Hono lulu. It is likely, therefore, that the present engagement of flour by Mr. Little for Honolulu will be but one of many similar engagements. New Floor Mill Kooning. William Kirkland, with Call and Bismark Sholl, have completed their flour mill in Walla Walla, and it ha been tinning out flour since Saturday, November 26. Mr. Kirkland, the mil ler, was with Dement Brother for eight years, and in Isaacs' mill tor five years, consequently has all tho experi ence necessary. The mill building and ground and the water power represent an outlay of 6,000, and addition to the machinery are to be made tn the near future to the vaine of from f 1,000 to 12,000. Two qualities of the fine patent process will be turned out, as '"ell as the ordinary baker's brand. The mill is one more addition to Walla Walla' manufactories. Big Moud Bids. The county oommiRsioner of Galla tin county, Mont, opened bids last week for 1187.000 worth of 20-year 5 per cent bonds. The premiums offered ! were the largest ever bid for bonds in Montana, and ranged from $1,713 to f 7,904. The bidders included a great m8ny cf tj,e same firm who bid for pnP,lnd bond, and the accenlahca of the bids I still held In abeyance. , Beady for Bnslneee. - Two new banks, weie opened in Ross land, B. O., December 1, and consider able rivalry exists over which shall secure the greatest number of commer cial accounts. The new banks are branohe of the Bank of British Colum bia and the Bank of Toronto. Of the former H. F. Mytten i looal manager, and of the latter A. B, Barker is in charge. , . -.. ' In Flourishing Condition. The Dallas woolen mills, under new management, has put In eight new looms. The mill is a three-set one, and when fully repaired will be getting out sample for the Eastern market. It also ha a large government contract for woolen good. Paving Honda Sold. Spokane Riverside avenue paving bond to the amount of $8,000 were re cently told at a premium ot 553. These bonds are subject to recall by the olty officals whenever there is sufficient money on band to redeem them. j, Sebool Bond Issue. Sealed bid foi the purchase of $500 worth of five-year, 6 per cent . school bond were' received December 5, by the clerk ot school district No. 26,Car bon county, Mont. ' Seenred Portland Capital. The promoter of an ice faotory and sold storage plant for Walla Walla have interested Portland capitalist in the enterprise, and a company will soon be incorporated with ample finances. A plant with a capacity of eight tons per day will be installed. William Weisgarber, a man ot finan cial standing representing a large com pany in Wilesbaire, Pa., ia visiting the Northwest, seeking a suitable location for starting a large shoo factoiy and tannery to give employment to about 76 mec, truth White on the New hlnm. If you have one. of the now dimes, you ara carrying 'In yinir pocket a very good picture ot Mihh Until While;, uf San Francisco. Miss White might have sat to Uncle bum a artist, tha ro soiuhlance i m close, MissAVhito was a member of the cunt'io oquuto Cum pany last season. The Enormous Clold Froriunt of !1H. From South Africa, the Klondike and Australia gold is being shipptid In large quantities. This year s output will nearly double that of any previous twelve months, The sale of Hosteller's Monmrh Hitters are also increasing very fast. This famous remedy will euro dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, nervousness aim weakness, w - ' A medical writer in India dooliiros that segregation of patients, the ouy effeotive way of dealing with the phigue, is so repugnant to the Hindoos that they prefer to die by the million rather than sutuiut to it. Stroiis a Steel Itnmrod. If you want ti feol your spine la a pipe stem ready to snap, just got lum bago. If you want to fuel as strong as a steel ramrod, use St. Juooba Oil; it haa magic. It Is estimated that all the gold mined in California since 1848 could be' put Into a room 13 yards long, 0 yards wide and 5 3-8 yards high. FITS PsrmanonUy Cured. Kn nwor llorTounnrs after Ui-H ily' use of Dr. Klln'. tlreut Nerve Ktwterrr. Bn.l fer IruhM ..oo vrlui butll. and trpMlra. HO. R. li. iilJi, JUil. DM AxUl hDW, i'lillmlelliUla. t'a. Australia sends oooownut oil to Eng land. ' For Lung and chest diseases, Piso'sCure is tne nest medicine we nave useu. ir. J. L. Northcott, Windsor, Out.. Canada. Thunder can be heard nine miles away. ' '' If you want the best wind mill, pumps, taukB, plows, wagons, bells oi all sizes boilers, engines, or general machinery, see or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison Street, t'ortlanU, Oregon, . Dallas, Texas, ha a colored printer' anion, - ,. - When coming ,to 8an Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 llush street. American or European plan. Room and board $1.00 to f 1.60 per day ; rooms 60 cents vo ii.uu per nay; single meats xo cents. Free coach. Chas. Montgomery, The aristocracy of China and Spain will agree that it ha been a very hard year tor boy monarch. " ' ; BEATNVSS CANNOT BI CITRBD By loeal applications, as they cannot reach tin diseawd portion ot the ear. Thure U oulv one war to eure deafness, and thai is by constitu tional remedies Deafness la caused by an ia fiiiineil condition 0! the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this lube gets la flamed ton have a rumbling sound or Imper fect hearing, end when U is entirely elowd deatiiens Is the result, and iinlesn the inflamma tion can be taken out and this t.ibo restored to H normal condition, hearing willbedcMroyed forever: nine esses out ol ten are caused hi ealarrh, vhlrti is nothing bat an tnilauud eonilttlon of the mueons surfaces. We will (ive One Hundred Dollars for anv easeol Dealnessloaused by catarrh) that nan not be eured by llall's Catarrh Core. Send lor Ovulars, ire y nN & rola0 Bold by Drnggtits, 760 ...,. flail's Family fills are the bent Massachusetts claim to have more different kinds of native tree than any kingdom in Europe; the number ex ceeding 50, among them being nine large oaks. Sinking of tbe Merrltnao. ' The oomplete story of the linking of the Merrimao and the capture and im prisonment of her crew at Santiago, will be graphically told in an article by Osborn W. Deignan, TJ. 8. Navy, lute helmsman of the Mcrrlmac. in the Jan uary Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, now 10 cents, and to be published De cember 34th. The story will be fully and richly Illustrated with authentic portraits of Hobson and all the crew, besides many new drawings especially prepared under Mr.Deignsn's personal upervision. Other feature promised for the Jannnry Frank Leslie's are: Bret Harte'i new story "Jack Hamlin' Mediation"; Joaquin Miller's "In a Klondike Cabin"; and Thomas R. Dawley'a "Campaigning With Gomez." DR. DARRIN, SPECIALIST. Submits a List of Special Diseases lie Tre ate With Xleetrleltr and Medicine. PRIVATE DI8EARIC8-l!eet. Gonor rhea, Stricture, lis, Weakness of Organs quickly cured without pain or de tention from business. L08T MANHOOD and vigoi quickly re stored; varicocele, weak and undovekied parts fully restored. LAPIfc'S who suffer from apathy, indif ference, nervous debility or diseases pecu liar to women, can consult the doctor with perfect confidence. DLADOKU, Inflammation, Cystitis, Ca tarrh of the Bladder. These diseases in variably vield to this treatment. VARICOCELE, Hydrocele, Piles Fis tula, Swelling and Tenderness of Glands, and Shrunken Organs treated with unfail ing success. , KIDNKY8, Inflammation of the Kid neys. Diabetes, Congestion uf the Kidnevs, Uraemia, Gravel, Stone, all scientilicslly and successfully treated. , BLOOD AND BKIN Diseases, Bores, Spota, Pimples, Scrofula, Syphilitic Taints, Tumors, Rheumatism, Eruptions, etc., promptly cured, leaving the system in a pure, strong and healthful state." YOUNG MEN, If you are troubled with tired feelings, gloomy forebodings, palpi ViLLAMET MANCrACTL'IlKUS Of Caw L.lll and Lllnlng Machinery. Dealer In Flour Mill and Grain Cleaning Machinery and Supplios. Repair lngr Promptly Attended to. WORK THE BEST. PRICES THE LOWEST. IF W 1 Hill Don't nKt?ct yournelH It in tbt IHTfcot rittltig trtiHu applied in ttvuiwm wiilcU effeta eure; tha impfcrMJfc Dover; a,WM) ty lento wleut irom 6utb)vn to (fuar nttlife ft fit, or bo ehurfze; if your '.nifotlttt dout not kep thnm Jwrim ui for direction for naif- "f BU'jifmrt'Ttitjiil; correspondent:! coiiiidimU&l and trnnwoB sent ne euro from obwrv(tlon, to nny nMrftwi; money rfjiumied If not iAi,lfaw:tory. V. H. WoonUr-1 A Co., Export Truss Fitteri1, 114 bvcouJ Bt,f i'ortiAM'i, Or 1 F JiltiUos feho Mtiole ftwueg. From burn work orexcewjivo exorcise, snienees uud slid iiess Kola in and h.ya up. tit, Jacobs Vii will cure it n!ir a ftiv applications and make the iuuhcIos Itiii bur mid Btiong. lUlalit t'reviini, ttatliig. According to the Australian Htanilnrii and Diggers' News, a scare has been, created numng the natives In Durban by mi ill inn id idea they have got Unit in vacui nation against imwillpox the throiU is to he operated upon, which, as they put it, will provout tlioni eat ing. The result is that a good nmtiy hava suddenly loft for thtiir kranla, a many as 400 depositing their badges in una, day.. ' . . Tu Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund money II' it lulls to cure, 2iiu. , Letillior money circulated n Russia so recently ai the ti.uie of Peter, the Ureut. ,r::fei TUB EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP CF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity ot the combination, but also to the care and skill with whioh it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Califohnia Fio GrRUP Co. only, and we wish to Impress upon all tho importance of purchasing tha true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Califohnia. Fio Svhup Co. fily, a knowledge of that fact will assist one In avoiding1 the worthless Imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cu roBNiA. Fio SYitup Co. with tha medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance ot all other laxatives, sa it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get It beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. aari rHascisoa, Cel. LecuriLLK. Kt. new vork. t.t. A big yield of both profit and satisfaction will result if you plant They are alw.T. tht beat. Ho net aivufii; nor iitmik lure buy none iai i-'erc , Bold hy ail Wrlu lat IU. w Hd Annua"- hM. 0.M.FERRVSCO. Dj!olt.lV ck. J YOUR LIVERS Moore's rtevealed Remedy will do it. Three doses will Make you leel better, dot U boa your drinorlit or any wholesale dm noose, or Irom Btewart di Holmes IrrugCo., Seattle, Cut Rate Drug Catalogue FREE... Woodard, Clarke Co., I i si PORTLAND, OR. tation of the heart, hot Hushes, blftod rush ing to the head, ringing In the ears, wan dering mind, weak memory, dark circles under the eyes, dltness, poor appetite, stupidness, despondunev, loss of energy, ambition and self-confidence, which ahi'o lutely unlit you lor study or business, vou should take treatment before It is too late, MIDDLE-AGED AND OLD WEN. There are thousands of you troubled with) : weak, aching backs aud kidneys, and other unmistakable signs of nervous debilitv anil premature decay. Many die of this'dilti culty, Ignorant of tbe cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. The most obstinate cases of this character treated with unfailing success. HEART, BRAIN AND NERVES. Dif ficult breathing and suffocating feeling, fullness of the head, a tired, irritable, dis contented feeling and fear of Impending danger or deat h, a dread of being alone, or the reverse desire to be alone, if your memory Is fiiiling, and you are gloomy and despondent, or if you dream much or 'often and have an aversion to society, you are stiflerlng from a serious disease of the nerves, brain and heart. You have no time to lose. Call at once on Dr. Darrin, at 2!5 Morrison street, Portland. Hours, 10 to 6; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, to to l'J. Examination free and confidential. Cir culars aud quentm blank i sent free. No cures published of a private nature, flat teries and belts furnished when necessary. Patients writing plea'e mention this paper. $40 CASH, $45 INSTALMENTS i839W BICYCLES 'Beet Wheels on JCarth.". 1890 Ideals 122.50, 125, l;. Send lor catalogue. Live agents wanted everywhere. rilKl) T. MKKHILL CYCI.B CO., PORTLAND. 8P0KANB. TACOMA, IRON WORKS BOILERS ....PORTLAND, OR. CURE YOURSELF! .f i IIHKr X. f In I U 4 day, aiRchrirsoa, tijltaiijjiiHtlnott, irriutloiig or lr(,riloiis of mil com Bn.iiibrft!ii, ((narautisd sat a slrleiuro rHEvH8 0HllICII flu. " r 'so'soeoui. rifuu atUB.f.ton, aiM0iHSn,a ,l 1 r rasciaa, U.S. k, a pr enl In plain wmppsr, 1 I). SO, or Imtilo,, 2.7. CiroBlar soul ou nwiatt. tl. P. N. 17. no. aa-'ea. SKt wrHln to advert!iar )tle.if (Utl JflJM-