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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1897)
I Am Old Swixdm.A younr rasa "wag in town two or three days this ? week working ths gold ring swindle, !: uvi the Huntington Herald. At though tht scheme If a old one sod I ought to bo known by this Unit to lavarvona. ha said thers wart mora I "suokers" In this pleos thaaone would imaglna. Each on la out 60 oanU. ia,nd la uolding tht ring, "tht ont hit ' mother gave mm juat oeiore ana mea, waiting for lilmtf rtdttm it Inside of flvt dayt. ORiaoi AMD iokby. a war ss twttn draeoa and Turkey i said by the beat Informed dlplomata to be in evitable, end that tht oriait bttwttn tht two natinna baa paaeed beyond tha point where the other powers might l wierveu' - war betwten Turkty and Oraect will f embroil tht whole, or at leaet a large : portion of tht old world. Tba Oreeka re, aed have beau very aggressive in their warlike movements for aome time, and eaoh day'a report thowa in created war aplrit. i Thi Fmbiko Qubstiok. That tht i flihioglnduatry will again bt crippled 1 by a atrikt Ihit year thtre seeme tittle I room for doubt. Tht priot demanded I by tht fishermen's union ia 4 centt I per pound, which tbt paoktra aay they I cannot pay and make a profit. Tba t situation at Aatoria and other down river points ia critical and Just what will be the outooma cannot be pre dicted. One thing eeeme certain, however, end that ia that a general etrikt will rtault in (ew daya owing to tht diaagretmant bttwttn tbt flab ernien and peckers. Thi Baoiho If itaiaatPPi. The rag ing waters of the Mieeiaeippi are aald to be receding at hut, but only after millions of dollars worth of property have been dettreyad and thouaanda of people left withont abettor. Whole plantations have been waahed away, end there b suffering everywhere. The 9200,000 appropriated by oongreea will aeiet in aome degree to provide food end clothes for the destitute, but it ia only a email amount compared with private contributions that have been nd will bt made. It will be yeara be fore the damage done can be repaired. Ovss A Fish Nr. The justice court here waa kept busy several dayt last week over a fish net case in which Michael Pirttr and Joseph Tberdich were the prlacipala. Firter, it seems, loaned Therdieh money and took his note, in addition to which Tbtrdioh also executed bill ol sale at security lor tha note, which would oomt due on April 29, 1897. Meantime it ap pears Pirter leased the flaking gear to other partita tor the summer, and whsa Tberdloh called for bit ntt it could not be delivered, at tht parties In whose potsetaion it waa refused to girt it up unless Tberdich would pay them 2o. Tht oast waa Anally com promised by Filter paying the leaeees to release the property . and turning it over to the original owner. Bnix Arotiikr ScaxDAU Another legislative scandal haa been unearthed tOlympia. It ia another populist row in which one pop (action shows up tot dupiteity ana reaoaiity ", other pop faction. The pop Journal clerk of the bouse haa been arretted for tampering with and changing the records of legislation In the lower bouse. Bpeaker Oline baa beam charged with being a party to tut crime, but hat not yet been r reeled. It diacloaee a woef til stale of affairs I With the records of tht state in the hands of ihtst pops, what assurance bavt the people that their righta and their orouertv will not be alolan from them bodily f Things are In a deplor- ble condition. It looka like tbt bun srrv none have loet all sense of honor and common decency 1 We believe the press of the etata should suppress these scandals aa much at poaaibleyj and aava our state from becoming reproach to the nation. People out aide tbt state will toon think that wtu am a eana? of disreputable heathens, V shameless, and devjid of honors Ka- jama jouueuo. Arbor Dy sit Boalton. The following it tht programme ofexerl clsss given by tlie school en Friday Ust: II Greeting song.. .Bf;hooKJ A Child's Weioorae .....stum mew Beading the Arbor Pay 8c boot Law. . . ..." Teacher EeclUllon-"Hall Arbor Day". . . ... ... , ...David Henshaw 8en "Fsrmer Boy" School "The Flower Girls''. Seven Little Uiris Bong, with guitar accompaniment Opal Oox and Mrs. Holoomb Beeitatlon-"Woodmao Honrs the Tree" .Frank Wikatrom Concert Recitation "Tha Brook" Fourth Header Class Arbor Dsy Recitation....... Several Boya Kstnsrks Mr, Kmersoa Song "My Mountain Home" School After tbcta axeroises In tht tcboel-room, all adjourned to the gronnds where tbe trees wars to bt planted. Mr. Holaday of tbt Scappoost nnrasry had kindly con tributed to the school for this occasion an Bngllsh walnut tree, a cherry tret and a choiot rosebush, representing note, fruij end flowers, and it was decided that these three should be planted In honor of Colu bus. Washington and John O. Whltti Each member of the school and, lnd evsry visitor present took pert In filling ttf loose soil around the nut tree piancea in honor of Christopher Columbus. The fifth reader olass then recited Lucy Lar corn's beautiful poem of which tht follow Ing la tht first stents i He who plants a tree rianta a qui ante a hope up throiifh fibers blindly grope) milnld Into horlsons free. moiimu LeavMuu to man's Ilia must allmb rrom tns emus of time Unto hnvsnn sublime. Osns't thou praphMjr thou little tree, What the glory ol thj boughs shall bet Membera of tbe acbool lake tbia occasion to sxprsss their thsakste Mr. Holaday, of tha Monte Vlita nursery, Bcappooae, for furnishing the above mentioned trees, ana also to Mrs. Utile for a fine Oerman litho graph of Christopher Columbus, which she kindly pressnlsd to tha school on this eo caslon. Mas. 8. S. Wat, Teacher. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. PERBONAL ASP LOCAL. N. A. Ferry, at IXoultoa, hat a new line el atraw hats. T. 0. Watta, of Btubtn, wat In Port land Tuesday last. Jamas Sheldon and wlfa visited In tht metropolis Tuesday afternoon. .. "A Fisherman's Luck at the opera house Saturday evening, April 24. Buy a plug of 6 for 10 at Dart & Muckle's. Six inches for 10 centt. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Dolman wart pasatngtrt up for Portland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Ptrry wtrt via itors to the metropolis Tuesday last. W. J. Blot, of tht Bainitr Review, was iu town last Filday eud Saturday. A nlct line of mans' shoes at A. H. Tarbell't, Iloulton. Prices tht lowest. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Oonnell, of Deer Island, were visitors to Portland Tuet day, Mist Agnes Muoklt gavt a birthday party to a number of her little) friends on April S. Mist filsck,, daughter of Collector Black, of Portland, ia teaching tht lieu ben wAttgt,- Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dillard wtrt In Portland Tuesday, returning tha tame evening on the Shaver. The "F. D.M brand of butter can be bad by ealliug at the residence of Mr. B. Cos. 40 eentt per roll Elder Q. W. Out, of tbt Mtthoditt Episoopal church, preached in thla city last Sunday t renin. Mrs. M. J. Scott, of thla city, haa secured her spring stock of millinery. Call and inspeot the goods. The Young America waa laid np in Portland Ust Monday for Inspection. She resumed ber regular trips Tues day. Magnus Olsen, formerly of Verno nia, but now of Washington county, waa in this city Tueaday paying hie Usee. It ia said tba Potter, Them peon and Ttltphone will handle the trafflu be twten Portland and the beach this summer. Daniel W. Voorhees, for twenty yeara a senator from Indiana, and previous long terra in tht lower house, died last Saturday. Tke new eity officers assumed their duties last Saturday night, and are now prepared to administer govern" tnent ia official positions. B. O. Giltner, ef Salem, spent laet Sunday in ibis city at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Dolman. Ht returned home Sunday evening by train. When a man insure! property in hit own name that doet not belong to him, isn't it n orusl fire that would come along and burn it up right away? Judge W. W. Page, a prominent fig ure for many years among the legal fraternity of tbia stale, died in Port land Monday afternoon, of laryngitis. Judgt John F. Capita, ef Portland, wat iu thit city laat Saturday, having oomt down to attand an adjourned term of circuit court which wat not held. Treasurer W narton naa paia ine slate treasurer tbe slate tax for this county, amounting to o,mji.,s, lor wbioh Mr. Wharton holds the trtatur- j er"s receipt. The building belonging to the Co lumbia Banking Co. wat told at sher iff's sale latt Ssturday and was bid in by W. W. Blaktslty, the judgment creditor, the price being 150. Sanford does not like to have the mask torn away which hides bis cue ttdnest, but tinoe he baa begun the attack Thi Mist will see that hie character ia revealed to public gate. V Mr. Percy W. Harrison and Mies jj jM Mayburn were united in mar riage at noon Wednesday in toe par Inr nf tha Hotel Perkins, in Portland. ChM. & Locke, officiating. Mr. - .j u... Havburn were nreeent at the Uaremony. A Ten tons of salmon were shipped from here to Eureka oanutry laat Sat urday morning, that being tht first abipmtntof tbe season. Tbe second ahlnment was made Monday morning, whan aisht tone were shipped, Four! lcsnts per pound it the price paid. They ere cutting and slashing pricet in some lines of merchandise in Port land. Mr. Dolman spent Tuesday there, getting onto tbe outs, and found he could afford to meet their ouU and make a cat in several articles that Portland retailers bad forgotten to out. D. J. Switier waa attending te busi ness in Oregon City Monday. The judge related ton represenative of thit paptr that hia experieoe with the new "fast" care on tbt Oregon City-Portland run wae not of a highly pleating nature, and hereafter will be satisfied with "the old way." ' . At tbe oity election recently held in Vtrnonia the following officers were ohosen for the ensuing yean Presi dent of the counoil, Dr. O. U. Newth ; councilmen, Joe. VanBlaricom, Daniel Hm, A. Sword and A. Eaatliok: re corder, M. Davison ; treasurer, A. Beat 1 ilex ; manual, j. wauau. The Morrow county sheep-shearers have caught on te the proproced raiae in the price of wool, and want a cor responding inornate in pay for shear log, eonsequently they have held a meeting and fixed tht price of shear ing at 6 centt a head, an advanoe of 1 cent ovtr last year's prion. Amm and Bertha Dart save a party to about thirty of their Utile friends- girls end boys last r rmey evening. The little folkt tnjoyed themselves immensely, the evening being bright moonlight to tbst the ohildren could play out doors. lot cream and cake were served, and the evening wat an enjoyable ont for tht little folks. Tht comedy drama, "A Fishermen's Luok,fc in four acts, will be played at the opera house in thia city on Satur day evening, April 84, by looal talent. This will certainly afford a treat to the nubllo. The membtra art working bard to present it in a creditable man utr, tad their tffortt will oertainly be rewarded. General admission, 26 cenU; reserved state, 85 cents; chil dren under 1J yeare, 10 centa. CLATSKANIB. Mrs. Fisk and daughter are In Portland this week. Peter Dewdde brought in apart of a large salmon on Bstnrday, the first of tht ssason. An Intent child ef Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Colvla was burled In Msplswood cemetery last Prlday. Amanda Peters has left school to retnrn to her home in Nehalem valley, leaving tht first of the week. Special Raster services are annonnoed for next Sunday evening noder the auspices of ths Benday school. U. L. Warren bat taken his family to Marshland temporarily, expecting to try bis hand at capturing sslmoa. The pleasant weatbar this weak has been mads use of for farming and gardening, so ths bualneaa houses look quiet. W. 8. Miller was down with a horse and buggy 0,'iite early Monday morning to meet lira. Miller oa her retnrn from Portland. Tba drug itors window is being decorated with signs, calling attention to Easier dyes. The doctor means to have Easter sggs col ored this year, If possible. Fishing for catfish Is ons of the enter prises at present at which some oar oitlsens succeed remarkably well. Bearer creek affords tbt best fishing resort. t. Bryant Is fortunate In being able to supply good sssd potatoes for our local market The early cold snap last winter ran the community short In that Una. George Perrine moved bis family into town this week, and Isoocupjring tba house recently vacated by Isaao Bumgardner, wbo moved bis family to Marshland for tba summer. It is reported that a corps ef government enginsere are at work about the mouth of Beaver with a view to an examination and report on the benefits and expense of straightening and Improving the channel to tbla place. Persons pasting the residence of J. A. English and wife on Monday evening learned that the lively conversation and apparent good nature of tbe crowd Inaida was a part of a boslnaas meeting of tbe Epwortb League. Mo marriags notices tbia week, and really tht signs look unfavorable for any for a few weeca to oosce. The young mee seem backward, for some reason, and tha young ladles wall, there'a nothing te be said about the voting ladles. They ere aa at tractive aa aver, and aa pleasantly waiting lot whatever is In store for them. A social entertainment waa given Uat Saturday evening in Oonyera' hall, te which an admit! an os fee ol 10 canta was charged, for tbe benefit of the city band toaaaUtia paying for a new bass dram recently pur chased for their nse. A very pleasant even ing was spent In listening to mosle and rec itations, and following these, in discussing ths merits of caks end coffee from a prac tical standpoint. Arbor day was observed by the schools last Friday, not In planting trees, for the school grounds are not yet in shape for that purpose, bat by talking about tba ben- sfits of tree planting, and singing patriotic songs. A number of pupils took part in the exercises, ths dlreolere being present, sod a few of oar cltlxeoe. The oxerciaeo were qntte Interesting, sad the directors expressed an Intention to get tbe school grounds In shape for tree planting aa soon aa tba way seamsd oleer to do so. in ine meantime Prof. Wbitten and tome of the mmII. Li... 1u.h An nm Mnil an,V In nlAart.. iw 0fl the grounds, by digging out two or librae of the Urge stumps that disfigured them, VRRNONIA VARIETIES. Farmers art busy at spring seeding. Able Read, of Rock creek, baa been ssr leusly 111 tbe past week. School b as commenced in tbe Tucker dis trict with J. E. Dow as teacher. Next Sunday there will be special Easter services at the Evangelical Sunday acbool, Mra. Peck had the misfortune to be thrown from a horse last 8unday. She waa severely hurt, altbongh it la hoped not dangeroualy, A school meeting was held In the Wilkin son district last Saturday, whan It was re solved that one of the directors' seats was Next Monday Rev. MoElroy will leave for Oanby to attend the conference of the Evangelical AssooUtien. Mr. McElroy has very accept bly served es pastor of the VsrnonU mission during the peat year. A subscription bee been Uken np for the purpose of developing tbe Rock creek mines. Over 1500 bsve been subscribed In labor and material, and it la expected that tbe work will be carried on night and day until a depth of fifty feet haa been reached. The ore thus far In sight Is said to resemble tbe Cracker creek ore. Those interested are very enthusiastic over the prospects, There ought to be a stop put to settlers ( T)l proving roving np on claims tbat they never N tend to make tbelr home. Here is e chancel ... ... . n ... i - 1 for reformers to begin right at home. Or ganise e society to prevent epeculatora from living en land a few hours in each year, then making final proof, with scarcely e few. dollars worth of improvements. Thousands of aoree of XmviA nltfthta far good homes are thus shutout from the rWI .'1 una uome-seexer in mis neuawui Tau, a - it M l 11 J and a stop should be pot to such buslnesi FROM DEEP GREEK. VJ Mart Harvey is working fer Freeman at he Deep Creek Mills. School begins today et 8unnyside, with Professor Edgar Wilson iu charge. A. Van has contracted to furnish beef for several ef the logging camps aboat Westport. Frank Van, the float man, haa sbnt down bis shop for tbe time being to attend to aome ranch work. Mr. James Williams, who has e claim on Daep creek, has gone to Salem to visit hia daughter, Mrs. Alex Huston, formerly of Mist. Tony Pederson has moved op to Grandpa Libel's plaoe. Tony expects to attend to the ranch while Mra. Pederson will look after the wellare of her aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. Libel, wbo are growing old and feeble. D. W. Freeman has expended oonsidere- bis time the past winter removing stamps from his field, which Is a great improve ment to the ranoh but affords source of annoyanoe. Tbt cattle don't know the place any more and even the dog barks and looka lonely as if he ware away from hit native haunts. If tha man who imported tha Mongolian pheasant into thia country should be iden tified In thia valley ha would stand a ohance of being lynched. The bird alluded to is one of tbe farmers' worst tntmist. It's first depredations art on tba nswly sown grain and never eeaaee until the grain ia threshed and in tbe granary. It is not con tent with tbs destruction of tbe grain fields alone, it will work upon tbe growing meadow grass and there wilt be epaess of several square rods in e place tbat are com pletely beaten into the earth) and now, sines the state haa been so generous to the sporting element la protecting what haa proven to be such a grand nuisance, it now should place a sufficient bounty on tbe scalps of this Infamous foreigner as to in sure tha spsedy extermination of Pigtail John's eblcksns. Aaoa, BCAPrOOBB. Beautiful wsather this week. Gardening Is under full blast. School lias opened In district 28, Joint, . J. Bonser Is back from Eastern Oregon. Easter ssrvlces will be held In the church next Sunday. Mra. H. West la quite ill at her home near Scappoose. Bioyolee are numerous and tbe roads are getting roled again. Tbe creameries ere doing e Urge business In spite of tbe bard times and low pricee. A large extra gang is at work in McKay gravel pit making ready for the steam ehovel. Three boy babies born in Scappoose this spring end "nary a gal." Evidently a poor year for girls. George Fishsr, the yonng man who bad his thigh broken at Hegele's farm, U get ting along pretty well. Tbe fracture wae a bad one end will keep him in bis room for e long time. ' Ralph Thomas, while engaged ia unload ing railroad steel from the ears, bad the miafortene to get both legs cangbt under a falling rail and tbe result U be is confined to bis room with badly sprained limbs. It waa a freak of good sortune that he did not get both legs msshed entirely off, aa tbe rails weigh 720 pounds each. Arbor day waa very appropriately ob served In Joint district No. 9, Miss Boyle, teacher. After an interesting literary pro gramme the school marched to tbe play grounds where several beautiful and useful trees and shrubs were planted. This school haa a record for being up-to-date in every thing, and IU treatment to visitors it to be commended. School Report. ' MocRTAra Vikw School, I Dial. Mo. 0, Jt., April 12, 1896.1 Tht following Is the report for the month commencing March Uth and ending April 0,1807: Number of dayt taught SO Number of pupite enrolled tl Number of pnplls belonging... 83 Average dally attendance...., 82 Number of absenees 17 Number tardy...... 1 Number of boys enrolled 10 Number of girls enrolled 81 Number belonging at date. 45 The following named pupils were neither absent nor tardy: Lulu Baschman, Willie Baacbman, Lewis Buscbmaa, Lena Basch man, Charlie Baschman, Katie Callahan, Maggie Callahan, Lain Frakee, Dollie Hutchinson, Pearl Hutchinson, Olive Hutohlneou, George Lousignont, Jennie Lousignont, Lala Lousignont, Sosie Peme roy, Jamea Pomeroy , Stella Pomeroy , Grace Thomas, Jeanie Tbomaa. MrLDesD Bona, Teacher. Complimentary. Scir-roosx, Or., April 13, 1897. To tub Editob. Tbe members of Moan tain Visw school wish to express, through tbe columns of your paper, their thanks to Mr. A. Holaday, oar district clerk, for tke beautiful English walnut, apple and lilac treea he presented to na on Arbor day. We appreciate the gift and extend to him an invitation to visit our school in the harvest seaaon and help na eat the fruit and nnta and pluck the flowers. We also extend an invitation to the edi tor of Tan Mist and, it be should favor na with e visit, we will be pleased to entertain him for his kindness in printing so many reports and other Items for ns. Tbaohxb so Purrxa. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Judge Doan wat in the oity on bus iness Weduesday. Mra. A. L. Clark, of Bainier, b Buffer ing from an attack of measles. The bills for "A Fiaberman'a Look" will be out thia week. See them. Mr. Jamee Muckle, jr., bat been con fined to hie house for several daya by serious Illness. Mr. William Downing, of Monta villa, tpenl Sunday in thia oity at the home of George Hall. V" t T W Timm nf Alkarnr. (Yra. . kian in tha nitv several davaR Lt;.. nnf iv. fUM wjh a view to U permanently locating here. A 1 "" ' - " ' m- .'IS Dr. xtoea naa oraerea a one euppiy of the very beat fishing tackle, and vou will find it to your interest to make your purchases from him. f Lest week waa a profitable ont for Columbia county. The collection of I - . awnjxA ,.Tn. .mn,,nted to nearly rauuu. in omd!ng the Ux of the Northern Peel DO UO Wb!Ch Was 3 .14. DIED. 1SU7. Rom. tha 14-mon th-old son Ol Mr, and Mra. Judson Weed, ef whooping oough. The funeral servioes were conducted on Sunday at that plaoe by Bev. Philbrook, and tbe interrment took place at Odd Fel lows' cemetery, near Warren. ajiily y v fTk w""l f W PSviSiiU absolutely Puree Celebrate! for Its great leavening streneth and healthfulneas. Assures ths food against alum and all forms of aoul. teraUon oommon to the cheap brands. otaIi saline revpen oa, kiw i r YBE. w GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. NOTim It HKKRBY OIVKW THAT TH undoralKnea has been duly appoluleO bf the Couotr Court of Columbia Comity. Oreiron. guardian of the estate ol Ole Muiuon, an lowiie peraou, and has qualified at suoh. All persons aavlna claims agelnrt said eMate are hereof re quired to praaeut tbe same with proper vouchers to me at the office of (he County Clerk, In Ht. Helens, Oregon, within fix months from the date hereof. Hated April IHh, wn. avm.7 JUUHIN Willi, Ouanllan of the Estate of Ole kfunson, Insane. CHANGE JOT NAMES. VT OTIC It IH RBRKBY GIVEN THAT BT AH ll order and decree of the County Court of Columbia County, Btate ol Oregon, duly made and entered on Aorll Srd. 1SV7. tha naoieof -eusy Harriet rosier," was eoaogea wmhoi "Miiflv Heme Mernii." ana ine name oi -Bea trice lone raster ' wes changed to that of "ee trlre Inna Merrill." Wltneas any nana ana seal tnis etnoayot Apru, jvunun frccv. ciera. m buiiu, vwurw tonetv coobt sbsl. alrmT ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. N OTIC 18 HEREBY GIVEN TBAT I, THE nnderalKued. have been aDDolated by the County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, ad ministrator of the eelate of Benjamin r. Near, deceeaed. and have eualtned ae euch. AU per sons having claims against said estate are here- by required to present toe same, wun proper vouchers, to me at the office of "Cole A Quick," In Ht. Helena, la said county and stale, within six months from the date hereof. Dated at at. Helena, Oregon, April is. vm. E. K. adicK. Administrator of the Estate of Benjamin F. r:eer, deceased. aiomis SUMMONS, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for ixnumoia coooiy. Knberg-i unat Cigar Co. , a eorp oration, plaintiff) va. i Henry Brannlne? . defendant. To Henry Brawling, the above named defend- I If THE NAME Of THE STATE Of OREGON. You are hereby reonlred to Senear and answer the complaint tiled against you In ths above entitled action on or before the Uth day of May, 1897, aald day being the II rat day of tbe next regular term oi toe aoove enuuea uuun, and if you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof, said plaintiff will apply to the Court for i lodgment prayed for in lie complaint, to : For ludament acalnat the above named defendant for the sum of Btxty-four and 03-100 SM-osi imiiars, witn interest inereoa iron, ine iothdavof Be Member. ISM. and the coats and diaburaemenis of this action, and for an order of said Court for the sale of the real property at tached in thla action in Baker County. State of Oregon, described as lots IS, 19, and tt In block S, In Stewarts Second Addition to Baker City, Baker County, State of Oregon. Thia aummona ia Dubllahed bv ail order of the above entitled Count, made and entered In said Court by tbe Hon. Thomas A. McBrids, Judge of aald Court, oa the lvth day oi March, 1x47. VAUEK UKBENS, BriSmV Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State Of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. The Stale of Oregon and the Board of Com- miaaioners for the Bale ef school and unl rendty Utnde, and for the Investment of the Funds Arising therefrom, plainUtta, vs. Henry Hubert, Vary A. Robert, and James Dart, as Administrator of tha Estate of T. 11. Taylor, deceased, defendanta. J To Henry Hubert and Mary A. Hubert, defend enie auove naraea: IN THE NAME OF THE BTATE OF OREGON; You. and each ef you. are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Sled sgainat yon in the above entitled auit and Court by tha Drat day of the next regular May term of the Circuit Court ol the State of Oreatm. for Columbia County, to-wlt: on Tues day, the Uth day of May, 1W7, and if you fall to so answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court lor an order of default against you, and for the relief demanded la the complaint, to-wlt: for Judgment against the said defendant, Henry Hubert, for the anm of One Thousand Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per year, from the Ust day of September, 1894; together with the further anm of Two Hundred Dollars ss attor neys fees, and the eosts and disbursements in this suit. For a decree foreclosing all claims, nena or rights of each of said defendants, and all per sons claiming under them, in and to the real estate and premises described In the complaint, to-wit: pine norm naii ot too souin naa as aeo Uoa thlrtv-four in township number six north of range number fonr west ol the Willamette steriaian, in imutnDia uounry ntw oi ureg"u and eontaluing One Hundred and Sixty acres, together with tbe Improvements thereon, and ordering a sale of the aald real estate and an ap plication of the proceeds to the payment ol aald ludement. and for aneh other relief ss may aeem meet and enuitable In the nremleea. This summons is published by order of ths circuit court of tns state ot uregon tor Colum bia County, duly made and entered la open Court, March U, Wl. v. B. uiLiiAauina G. W. COLE, mUsW Attorneys for Plaintiffs. CITATION TO HEIRS. In tba Conoty Court of the State of Oregon, for uoiumoia uniniy. Ia the Matter ot the Estate ot Frank M. Meeker, flflOAaaed. To W. A. Meeker, Anna Smith, Anderson Smith, wiine nmltn, JLlllie nmun anu semaniiia Smith, heirs at law of Frank M. Meeker, de ceased, and to all other heirs of said deceased, unknown If any there be: IN THS NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You, and each of you, are hereby enm mandMt tn ha ami ennaar before the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon, In and for ML Helena, la aald Comity and State, on Monday tha Srri day nf May. 1Htt7. at 2 o'clock P. M.. of said oay, It being tne regular stay termoisara Court, to show cause, If any exist, why an order of sale of all the real property belonging to said estate, should not be made, aa prayed for In the petition on Die In said court; said real property being described ss follows, to-wlt: An undi vided one-fourth Interest In and to the south west quarter ol tne nortnessc quarter, anu we northwest auarter ot tha southwest quarter, of section number one. In township number two north of range number two west of ths Willam ette Meridian, in Multnomah County, Bute of Oregon, and containing In the whole tract eighty acres of land. .... . , . In testimony whereof, I, Judson Weed, Clerk of the County Court aforesaid, do hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said Court, at my office in the City of St. Helena, state of Oregon, this 4th day of Marcn, A. u. . lkn. icocbtt coubt saaki By W. A. Uabbis, Deputy. JUDSON WEED, County Clerk. (ml2a28) SUMMONS. In ths Circuit Court of the State ef Oregon, for the County of Columbia. Walter J. Burns, plaintiff, vs. CO. Cole, Amanda Cole, 4VP. Marshall, Joels SMi&SS1 cole, w. v. uenaereoa ana mousse ueauer- tfn C. O. Cole, Amanda Cole and Josls Cole, de- tornlanu; tn thi najik of tbs btatx of orsoon, Yon are hereby reouired to appear and answer the complaint filed scalnsS you In the above entitled suit in thesbove named Court on or before Tuesday, tba eleventh day of May, A. v. lev,, saia aaie oeina tne nm uay oi uie ecu,, rasrular term of said Court: and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against you, and each of you, foreclosing bat certain morurage execuiea on ine raui uy If July, 18tte. by Will W. Cole and W. 0. Hender nu, as partners under the Arm name of Cole A tTnnrierann. in one Wm. Dunbar on all of the following described land, to-wlt: Lot Number of the Willamette Meridian, oontalnlna- 11. acres, more or leas; also the West One-half (H) ol the Northeast One-fourth C4). and the South east Quarter nf tha Northeast Quarter, of Section Number Thirty-Are (86), in Township Number Seven (7) North, Range Number Two (2) West of the Willamette Meridian, containing 120 acres, mora or leas; togetoer witn mu. Hacninerv, : toffet Room. Chalna. Losraina Outfit. laoksmitlra Outfit, and all buildings erected thereon, for the purpose of securing the payment tn full of a certain prouilBRurj uuwuiwie anu iiwi,w w the aald Wm. Dunbar on said date by said Cole A Henderson, whereby the said Cole Hender son agreed to pay to said Wm. Dunbar on or be fore IB months after date of said note the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with Interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum until paid, and In case suit Is Instituted to eollect said note, or any portion thereof, then such a sum as should be adjudged by the Court reasonable as attor neys' fees in such suit. The conveyance in said mortgage being so marie hv said Cnte A Henderson to the said Wl Dunbar, and conditioned for the payment of the said sum of SISOO, and interest thereon at ths rate of eight per cent, per annum, until paid and for the navment of all taxes unen the property mentioned In said mortgage: and said mortgage being recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Columbia County, in Book K. page SW of the Records ot Mortgagee of said County; and tbe furtnerreuer aemanoea insaia suit ia mjuuir imont asrainat aald W. C. Henderson for the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with Interest there on from the asth day of July, lStte, at the rate ot eight per eent. per annum, and for the sum of Three Hundred Dollars aa attorneva fees, and eoata and disbursements In this suit; ft) that said Judgment be decreed a first lien upon said land, and that said land besold as prescribed by law. and the nroeeeds. or sufficient thereof de rived from such sale be applied te the payment of aald Judgment; and (S) that you, and each of you, be foreclosed and barred as to any Interest In said land ; and (4) for such further relief es to the Court may seem Just and equitable. This summons is published and mailed to you by virtue of an order of the Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge of the above named Court, made on the nan oay oi leoruary, lowi. - . AIXEN A CLF.rTTON, and EMMONS SMMON8. tMat Attorneys for FlalnUaT. lllm.jluir- "ANfietabklrepMalioriforAs similatlng ItjeToodandBcCula ttTjg theShiBLvfo nnd Ikywels of TiessflndlfcstContalns neither OpniutMorpuini nor i&KiaL KOT NARCOTIC. aWseVAaw , f Jkiittn I sraassraaaat kVrBkdVane&r for Cons Gna- tion. Sour StoBach.DianrtiDea. Worms jCrrvuIion3 ,f everisrt Magnd Loss of Sixer TecSisnle Signature of . KEWYDHK. ""t exact eonroT whapm. MONTE VISTA NURSERY A choice lot of Bed Winter Apple tree, such aa Ben Davis, Spitseoberg, Northern Spy, Baldwin, King, Melon, end ; Orevensteio. ITALIAN AND PETIT PRUNE TREE5 Cherry, Pear, Plum, Peach, Apricot and Quince treee, smalt 7 fruit -blackberry, Raspberry, Gooseberry, Strawberry, Wineberry and Currant. FAY'S PROLIFIC CURRANT, . as large and five times ae proliBo ae tbe Cherry Currant. TRY A DOZEN BUSHES Trees are grown on fir timber aoil, have good roots, which we endeavor to dig and ship with treee. Treee have been inspected and pronounced clean end thrifty. We are a Columbia County Concern And we would liko to do business with you. Write ns if you want trees. Price list eeut free upon application. A. HOLADAY, Scappoose, Oregon Dr. E. Ross ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in brock a Complete Line oi i ftftftftrtaaftftsTasfssflrt ftrt flsTs ft rs ii fir-" '- --- in l -fi-fVnfSftil"-! "I DRUGS, J TOILET 1 ARTICLES School An Unusually well-selected Stock oils, end tbe Beet A FINE LINE CF Finest Perfumes and Beeps....... ......nuent steoKinea THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS Astoria Ilarble Works J. H. IMHOFFr PftoraiiTOR. KAHDFACTBSBH OF Monuments MANBLK na enaMiTg AND ALL KINDS OF CKMKKBY WOBK ITAUAN MftHBW A ergeiAiTV. Fort of If emu Street, ASTORIA, OR. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. TlAMEIt Yonng America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave Bt. Helena 6:90 A. M Arrive at Portland ....100 A M Leave Portland 8:S0 P M Arrive at Bt Helens.... 6:00 P M fVAHB SS CERTS. Will Carry Nothing bat Passengers end Fast ireignt. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. SEE , ! THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE' of IS oit Tim WRAPPER OF EVERT Osstsrla is nt ss la sae-cbis settles aaly. II Is set asld ia kolk. Seat allow aayass te sail yes aavtUag else ea tbs plea at promise that it Is "Jest aa gooi" Bad "will answer verv asav pass." Bm thai vea get 0-A-T-O-aVOUL J Supplies of Writing Tablets, Peng, Pen- Ink on tbe Market. M FANCY STATIONERY L PHEaCRHmONB CAREFULLY ejj aHl AVVivnAtliUI, COMPOUNDED. ' -THE BANQUET SALOON J. S. CLONINGEIV Prop. Wine and Liquor Card tables, cool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantlv spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGAES - Baaidea other nonnlar brands, era kent constantly on band to supply the increased trade at una rerv popular saloon. THB FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KPT AT HS BAVQUKT. HUCEXE BB03. - KAirorAOTOggtS Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Bustle. Sheathing, Casinga, and e ooropliie stock of tytxj variety ot Eough and Dressed Ltmler ALWAYS OM HAKD. AT THS OLD STAHP, STHEIINS i ! 4 rat' rrr I Ml I 1 BUS Jill