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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1897)
OREGON MIST. iiicm cri raiMi aeani SrZGXJS 4 DAVId. . ' aesttscw ntoo. Nnf"'i lf oav? lenlbt fttucM pr " COLUMBIA OOEKTY IH RECTO KY. . ... Cowaty mmtmn. -. Je&se. Joan B loa,BSwlr t irt Juiwe aa J. K. InQiMHli Thmw . M. Wben Bt bri-ua tiKtl set.... J a 8omimm Mania atia. Ouiae arar.... W Jteservt. freleo ,....wv. a. r. mvum. , P. A. rmn, aessewa 1 .....a. B. R. MU.Blt.MM!. APBU Ma FaoK every pert ol the eouaty nod slats cos word of commendation of the effort ben to erect a new acbool building. Progressive people slwy applaod m effort toward better educa- facilitifo, thai being one of the ( noticeable things iu any town or Bob. and without which no eoaai.derM Attn of prosperity cm fee expected. Vacant koun wi3 not be 114 or new ooea erected onleee there are puLUs school for children to attend. In thrifty eonsmaiutiea "Ibe good old way" baa long since been forgotten. If the farms of Columbia county that ia tba farms in ths timbered por tion ware divided ioto twenty torty-scrs trad with a thrifty family npon each sub-diviaion thereof, the count would be much more protper- oaa and improvement woald go ahead mora rapidly. Large bokiinga of Uad in a timbered country ia not conduc ive to the greatest degree of prosperity. What that county needs moat ia the soil prepared far the plow, that it may prodoos the naceesariws of life, with family on each small tract to both produce and eonaame its prod acta. , Til president haa appointed Bens tor Wokott of Colorado, ez-Yios Presi Oeat 8tevenoa of Illinois, and Charles 3. Payne of Mastsrhnsetts. as eommn aioosrs from the United States to the international monetary conference to be held in Europe this summer. Two of the appointee, Stevenson and Wct eott, ere pronoaseed silver men and the third, Payne, is s bunetalliet by International agreement Thus Presi dent McXtnley has ahown that be is s tnmeUUist in every eenas of the word sad U endeavoring to carry oat the declarations of the St. Loom platform. Tax man who wont take n paper because be can borrow one, has in Tented n machine by which be esa esok bis dinner by tbe smoke from bis neighbor's chimney. This same fallow sits in tbe back pew in eborcb to save interest on bis contribution and is slwsys borrowing a ride to save wear and tear on his own bores flesb. Yes, we know him. He is first cousin te tbe man who never winds his watch for fear of breaking tbe spring. He is vadonbtedly relative of the man who went into tbe yard last winter to oak bis hair in water, let it freexe and then broke it off in order to chest tbe barber oat of a hair cut Ex. Tim Kentucky senatorship farnisbes another example of tbe pres ent nndetirabie and uncertain method of sleeting United Stales senators by tbe state legislature. Ia Kentucky as la Oregon a very rrnsS minority held tbe balance of power and simply tood Ut tbe way of all elss because they could not dictate to the majority, It might be a good thing, however, if each state in tbe Union were to snffer the same humiliation, as such an oh jsetlessoa at home might prompt tbe represents tiree of tbe different state to work for tbe inevitable result by enacting s eonsiitationsl amendment whereby each individual elector might have a direct voice in eboosing United States senators. The present incent ive to corruption has certainly been in VOgos long enough to condemn it. Tbxxb have been boilt in the United Slates in 1896, 33J0OO cars more than the total of two years ago, yet tbe total to still below tbe lowest of any year before 18M, for which we have figure that are eomperabl. tays tbe KorsJ rrees. These go back to 1888, and tbe lowest total in that period is ia 1893, when 66,900 ears wsre reported built, ar about Z3000 more than in 1896, But one of tbe large companies, whose out put is included this year, did not re port ia 1883, so that the difference U aetoslly larger. Comparing with 1890, tbe best year for ear building in tbe last decade (tbe best for locomotive builders also), we find that tbe 1896 eutpot was not ball that of tbe earlier year, when 103,000 cars were built. Ia both 1891 and 1S9Z also tbe eon traotiag shops turned out within 4000 of 100,000 ear. Btaaigeco of tk ri. Fl greatest danger froia la grlppsbof it resulting La pneumonia. If reasonable ears fa eatd, however, aad Chamberlain's Cough Beaedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among tbe tens of thoasands who have tued this remedy for la grippe, ws bsv not yet te learn of a stagl ease having retailed la pneamoola, which show soneliislTely that this remedy it a certain preventive of that dreed dice. It will effect a permanent ear in lets time than any other treatiaeat. Th SB sad 0 cent stio lot sale by Dr. Edwin Boss, stssssassaa sssssawstsss ssttstsssststatsssasssss sststattsstsstatsastasssaaai r rRJETTT BUUftt. I TWO Tbe Kew (Seaiord. editor) latsweekea. voted a ealaanles wordy perMaeJ attack oa J. R. Beagle, and gave at iiihp jhw Ma wralhef wwrdt, wbicb aataa aetata. nitle heat wbicb appeared la Taa hint two weeks age ta eetereaee to aoate who caste bare from Wesfaiagtoa eoeaty. Bat this was not the rcaeoa tec 8aofor4 " exhibition of hia tree character, tor a aeresn withbia rapeiattoa in that eoenty weald aardlj eefead its Mottle. Waabiastoa tasty ia not ashamed of setae of the people u have cease here, bet Sealers ia net enat. bared etaong that rises. The net wax wa eerie ta thi paper two week awe trots tbe Hitlsoer Argns ia recardteJ. T. Berserfa eoadeet with a Wretf-oad girl at Billabare wet tbe real suae of Baaiurd't tirade of words. ItwiB atetabered that Becksrt it a as of the Beaford bawatbotd, ta fianrt ricbtrbswer. bis besom friead. eata and tleepe aader the aaate teat, and it a art and aarcel M tat Cotobia Oeaut Wfay ahaaM astSaaiard eetaad hw wara, lbs twe ifeesttuc st tbe eeaM aaet meet be eftbe eaaw etrbwT Bow tree It to that "bird of a feetaaraeat tareUMr." Cm f low aaerats always Sack te the cfeacbetber. . Ta Mm baa avoided atrtajr nBylhinc aboet Saaford berelafare, ksewiag aeople woald iad ktia oat at oner or aad baa. sine be eaate te this cttjr. ao eoonoaaied bin te tbe net of ariafcat taterial which bit rented ahoedSd eat taia. bet fnxa thit baa fereard wiatake the paint to kelp tbe people tmd oat tne ehereeterof tbiaercetare of depretity and of hie boteea ftirod. Beckert. waereoatt with bha. both of whom areheldiaea- pme contempt even by tbe popuIisM of Wathtaeieo eooatv. Tns Mm did not my that all or say of tbspeople who eoete tram Waaaington cooMvexedSerepoUble; mm tbe contrary good pan pit have eome (rota were, hot all aweb are made of mftereat material from Saaford and Beekert. Tbe record oftheaa two bird m Weebfaflea eoeaty are abiamg monaaieme to popolisw. o which the popoJhita of that eeantyarenet proad. Bw Saaford. aodoebt, caaMbere te get away frost hi record at printed In the HUlaboro Area only e lew month and when be toaad that bit record ta Cable te follow aim be beeente very and prat vent to hie feeling ia aboaiw word which mean nothing. Bat valgar words proclaim only the character author. Tas Mat doe not propoae et pieemi k devote mech space to soeh lew ereatarea. bet from time to tine wfllforeish furead- Bch i&toraatioa aa will bamtheir iatcreet. Ban lord, k known, it eondoet- Lag batineat which be doe net daiae hit own, for If he did Wathiagtoa eennry bualnet men might have chance te eot- hcteeme aopaid bill. Verily gaaiord aad his besom friend. Heekert, are enitahle compauloat for eerb other'seociety. Kay they atiunbar m eat other fond embrace, apart from respecta ble people, day without trad. THE f8T CHAPTKB. Is locking over oar old file of tb Hili- boro Argue w find tb following in tbe bwee of that paper dated September 4, 18B6. from which oar reader can draw their owe eneehiaVwi: Some time in April, USB, thi Sanford, who then published a paper m Hilltboro, took oat an insurance policy ia the Oak land Home Inaaraac Company, covering what he termed "hi plant," Tb ameoat of tbe policy covering aavd plaat, wet (1900, and Sanford dated to tbe agent that the outfit was hi, aad that upon tbe state there was ao encoaibrance exceptone note, tbe face of which we $310, end asstsll amount of interest tbereen ceerwed. Shortly efter tbe policy wss leaned, the plant was barned and aa adjusts cams oa tb teene to tettle for the lot. As agreo atent wet reached whereby Sanford wet to have, for hi mppomd lot, something like 1810. sad everything appeared serene. At this juncture, a little ckmd crept shove the horizon sod slowly wafted ha wtr over tbe scene of action. A printing Supply bouse threatened an attachment. He tried to make aa aesisatent to a parry la Hilla boro, snder pretense that he owed him. de siring to have the proposed aatignee torn back the money to him after tbe company bad settled the wee, eayrag that be himself woaM pay the srmtieg house afterward. As tot party t whom the proposition was made had ao uncovered chum against San ford, tbe offer waa immediately rejected. Ia the teaatim the supply boom became damoroaa, sad the man who now poet at e martyr to the people, assigned to it, hi claim, lest the S31A note, aad interest, which ws protected by a daam in tbe policy. Thee gyrattoa excited the eorv otity of tbe mrarsnee company, and it etnt soother adjuster to look late the matter. Thie adjuster, one Herri I, by nam, too found out that Bantord had fraudulently insured over $300 worth of property which wss net hi ewe, and to which he had no right only as a leasee. After having oriria sliy told tbe sgent who wrote the poUey that the property wae unconditionally his, and that no enesmbranee existed excepting tbe note of $310. tbe man Sanford, after be ing cornered, admitted that be bad no title whatever to tbe property, bat bad taken out the policy ia ignoraac of what he wss doiagl la plain fact, h misrepresented, bed to the sgent who wrote the policy, end wbea the torn occurred tried to make a fraudulent assignment ia one instance, afterward witling aa assignment tome printing supply boo, and then to cap the grand finale, went into eowrtand proceeded to my that the assignment made was with out any eoneiderenoa I sad this, tb thing which poses as s friend to tbe oppressed paopU Shades of Jodat Isctriotl That the matter called Sanford did in sure property which wae not his own, hav ing the lorn on same. If sny, payable to bimmif esa be proven, as it is a matter of public record. Tbat bs mads an attigo inent which tb court decided void it a matter of record. That after he mad toch sangnmeat, wherein he acknowledged a contideratioe, thi 'martyr to bis country's weal went Into court repudiating hi signa ture, esa bs proven, ss this also i a matter of record. Kor ia this an thi cor ha per petrated ea the community, and at tbe proper time be shall be written ap. noth ing hot troth will appear and bs esa refute ao statement made in them columns." Saaford sever, in public print, denied tbe above accusation, consequently they stand nncballenged. Tbfs is tht character of the eif-eppofnted leader of the "reform" move- meat In tblt county. Bs it it who speaks for tbe populist party. A UOMkL LKPCft. Tbe foUewiog is what "Tb Other 8UU," the populist paper at Hilltboro, bae to sty of tb man whom Sanford imported to as sist in bis "reform" movtmsat: - "Certain parti have promoted evideaee to tbe (read yvrf eaMa provat sT trea,oe eoebtkhvJ. r. Beekert, whs was amS twosaoattoagoeeaaected with thfeyaper beaiaem steaager. to be a very vise mere! lfer aad a eecSal viueia. Seaaagae cat ezfwsm the dero regret aad bamUie. boa which thorn who eeaaected wit tbe paper feel ea acceaat of the mbaaua aad keadiah ooodact of Um vfleeerpent. Ut was a seek ia tee aree, s viie deteoOer of womaa'a virtue and theeoiy ooneoleooa this oaataiaaitr bat. b. that tbry ere rid of him. aad skat the aaetk km btea sorser he now tea4t before the world tfct vb thiag that be h: A fcathteme pewM a of riliiaiiitt aad taeral eorrupaoa. W how oar bead i prufoand ragr-" BOW THKT MOVE A MO fKH Eg . . .". ST. HKLKXa. To Tas Snrroa. The elty council had sated aa evemeaea atwrtding that pig stv aboald not be maiataintd wuhia a slmnatBheeotleete'aiwtideaoa.aadre qangaU taoat wUbia earn UaaKHesm ovwd. Sew. eaooa sapcm s pea sad vie fall wittda the pt escribed distance. aad tbe oeeeoe bang a goad, taw abiding ettiaea, prepared le move the pea to tht rear of kit tot. It we a beoatsial atonang is the add spring. Tbe tat torn brilliant the Cascades beiwere Mounts fca. Mai- ens aad Hood, earring it orange rot feebea ea tbe (taoath, whit, wide Celam- bia. broJy a aseorta aaeared te very few ea tbisar any continent. Tbe deaoa gaa mueedtately after aa early breakfast, sttendiag to Snub storing tbe pea the first He pned one roof board off and carried it to tb propesed sit of psrv'i new borne, mea rrtaxaed te ooattaae mevinc it ia tbat way. Jam ta he begaa prying another board eT Justice Berwlm t along aad greeted the deacon with a cheer- ful "good asoraing," tbaa ae atquirea tae dmeen what be wee going to do. and aa beiear tuid. said : -Why net have tb whoia sea moved at 000" Tbe At thoaxht that might be done n they bad enough mem. Jest the Jo Bma aad Jim Barm caste along, and teeing that s this wa nksir t be done, atktd tbe dae- ea what he wm going to do. Oa being in formed tbat he Brat tbought of aMving the nig pea a piece et a time, bad concluded te take Justice Barwitc't advio, aad carry it away ia a body. Jim Bian said be tbought tbat if they lift it onto wtgoa they could haa! it by band to the aew site, which would btea improvement ea esiryingtt Jim Barm thought it would be better mx tber wa ae wazoa near, to lift tbe pea onto twe poie end slide t iis inal rest ing piac. All three roe expressed them selrmm mere than williag to assist the deeeoa to Baove it. Einn started to heat ap hi cow. Barm, Berwim and tb deacon disco ttid the political sitaatioa aad the prospect ef better times, and if Um Colum bia in likely to reach the It mark this year, sad if the raa of salmon was not de creasing each year. Finally the coat rioo settled dowa on tb are minister and the revival sow at fever beat ia St. Helens Bum didn't better ia "raligoe get and er exciieoaeat,"' bat the deacon aad Justice Barwise did bebere ia it,ae matter bow it was got." It was two sgsiast one, to Barss retreated to the mlooa to stand tbe barkeep off for a glass of beer. Thi left tb deacon aad J nsties Berwim alone to exchange their truly religious viewi The deacon expressed tb opinion that St. Helens wat about to be eon verted, aad the justice responded feel ingly: -Glory te the Lamb, Brother 8Hp kla." At this tin several other aen coat ing along, stopped sad inquired ef tbe dee eoa what be ws gviag to do. Oa being told that he wat goiag to move hi p pen each on had a ready cat aad dried mode of doing it to saggest, aad to fortify tb same by many arguments. Captaia Know all, mlngHag with tbe crowd, and bearing what wss about to be done, add there wss 00 am ia carrying the pig ta the pea; just tts it sad string it oa a puis sad two could carry it. Bat Farmer U. A. Seed mid: -just ti tb pig by one lei aad let it walk ; no as ia earring a pig whra it could walk. Ha had went with a whole drove of bags from the Gaaeanads to St Louis wbea be oat a yoaag man, and a few 'gin1 out the first day, but after that they got aaed to it, and so be ." Tb mill whittle bow blew for II o'clock. The crowd separ ated and Justice Barwis want to hi doml eile to enjoy a nice, warm dinner that his good wife had prepaied for her true bos- band. After dianar a short nap and t good met. Justice Berwim went out 00 tbe street aad gathered up four or fire idle mea, aad got the prom is of twice a many more Just at soon ss they doa something els that tby had toteaded to do for the part two or tare dart, sad couldn't put off aeyleeger. After a long and very com plete discussion of wbst would be tb best wsy to move the pig pen, the majority favored sliding tbe pen on two or three long poise, then one or two men oa each end of tb poll could carry pen, piggy ana all. Deacon Blipkin began looking around for tultabl poles, and after quite a bant found one that would answer the purpose but at least two more were n quired to make a success, to some of tbe elderly mea re quested two active young mn natives of St Helens to go dowa to tbe mill sod peck ap two piece that would do for carry' ing the pen, and they ttarted off themes called after them to harry beck, and they answered thtt they would. So they started off at a lively gait, sod soon meeting two or three others, were questioned as to whsrs they were going sad what for. Then one, who bad lately reed shout John L. Sullivan the great knocker-out, mad a pern at other of tbe young mea, lust to show hi deatifie boxing power. They sparred quite a while without any aoticesbl re sults. Then they talked of the next ball to be givea at Columbia City, aad 00 many tods! matter. The welcome screech the 6 o'clock wbittls sehoed sad re-echoed beck to St Helens' tired, hungry laborers Boy sad men each weeded their way home to meet at tbe evening meal. Dea con Blipkin wa left alone at tb corner of the pig pea. A thin ham of Clouds tad denly formed overhead, and a warm, soft, drizzling rain fell so softly that it mad lit tle noi, two magnificent rainbow formed at the water's edge over the liver. Deaeon Blipkin being a humane msa, brooght beck the board taken off piggy's boms in tbe morning, sad replaced it A. B. C. St Helens, Oregon, April 15, 1807. Beat Estate Transfers. Euan, Jamm, Robert and John A dim to Jamet Adam, lota 9. 10, 11, U. tWof se and of sw of see d, tp 6 n, r wmt; SL Jsura Barr to Adsm Bsrr, Lueretis Barr donation claim; $2000. John Beyer and wife to W. H. Hacker, t ol rK see 17, tp 4 n, r4 west; fsoo. Frank Dow and wife to Ererding Farrll. lot U, sec 30, lot 1, 1, 1, tec 21, f n, r 1 west; $2800. Robert Frey and wife to John Hendrick, u af mU maa tp a. 1 1 went ; r. A. Han to J. a. JHsstaw, " tp a.rSwnt;tsm. ' H. Hacker to w. a. mea, s. - se 17. tp a. r west: $wJ- Haaditokeua aa wtw o ana . awvi of w eec A to J a. r west; tsoe. W. st Jones aad wit to Astorwi aauroee Osl. lead hi em SX to a. r wast; $171. G. C. Jsquisfc to J. J. Jordaa ana ia as IA. te a, 1 1 went; gxj. W. J. Katliele Kay B. W t. wVf aad a af w ef ew). ee 8, a. ;li. C HimbaH aad wtT to Jam Adam. tot t. U. lU 1 and V ef , and e cf mK. eee , tp T a, r watt: L Saeaana Umbereo to U. U. nowaru. land in Broylea' donation claim: (25. Praak HieBeawa to Knk Matsea, nH ef swK see A to I n, r west ; m n w. McSatt. by ekenB. to I. b. watte samaadbksM ia Veraouia aad lands In nli.rl treel : VHS. I. W. IteDaaald to Ha Hie x. uneven. aermta B. W. Cmyen' doaattoa claim; tl. at. S. Pace and H. U Warren to - U labia- eiatrnmrat g-rl- T a B. B. Bee aad wife to T. J. Briak,iotA bik tt. Vemonia; $100. Joba r. Sotomoa to Aaai Tracy, i of w em K to a, west ; I iWk State of Orerea to Abram A alias w. ss af awu t west; state deed. BL 1 warrea aad wife to A. a. u ran am u of tot t. blk a. Bryaatvaie: ttfAM. Celled State to Joba S. Bennett, amu 'steer. Juliaa Wasser. I wae Toakera. 8 B. nympma, Edward Aleblom. P. B Jor dan. Ida Boater. Cart Beinneh. Olaf W'ait- aaea, Haas L Keraolm; pateata letued. rrssa Crleol Cvea, After the big fir is Cripple Crek.Itook a very error com ana tnea many rsmeu sst without help, tb cold only becoming more settled. After esing tan small bottles of Chamberialn'i Cough Botaedy, botb tbe eongh aad cold left me, aad ia tfai high si tiled tt takes t meritorioo rough ret dy to do any good. O. B. Htadertoa, edi tor Daily AdrerUter. For ml by Dr. Bo- astsaa agattatlF tTwred. After bsring been eonfined to the house for eleven day sad paying eat A3 ta doe- tor bills without benefit Mr. Frank Doerao of Ssolt St. Marie, Mich., was enred by 00 bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm costing SS cent and km not alnee btea troubled with that com plain L For ml by Dr. Edwin Bam. WairnsD Varnt r ri. Mis on wonw tt Wavsl toe retsoesl bis esisbllsb hoes ta riii.. Saianr trM aad ssDsesta. rostnaa isasa. astsrsoe. aacioas awiuj tasss m aavslese. Ibe Katloesl, star laser. Fisherman's Lnck" APRIL 24. WairrTD rrrHrrx wis ss wavsl tor iasaoealbls est ob wowra to Orates. Salarr nt see si Ml avkB. Taebtilneel, star laswf Mid. .CeJtas. SUMMONS. Ia tb Clrcnlt Court of tbe Btate of Oregea, lor the county ot voiasiDia reeaune BaadeUtaa, plateusT, v. Job a Handebaaa. eefendaet B THI NISI OV THK STATS U, UKRUvFi Toe an required te appear aad answer the eomplaim suea sssuost vwa ia ih awrs c tiiuS mil aa ttutlltli dav of Mav. Ut7. and voa fa to aaawer tba saase, Bs pialoue tnu take s iodrment sad decre aisssirtaa umar. rises eoatraet existing between tee aad tb Sluntlff, aad for the custody el tbelafaat asebter Basted "Basa." TaU tummaas ta published or eroer or bob. T. a. McnraOe, jnug. vateo aaiea s. w. s2mlt Attorney tor Plaintft FINAL SETTLEMENT. VT0T1C 18 HEREBY filVEH THAT THE i anderslsaad sdmleistrator of tbe sstat of WUllasa Adams, accessed, bs Sled In tb Counts Court at tba Mala of Oreeoa, bit naal count end petition lor final distribution of tbe renuoe of sato eswe, ana uisa u ioasv wu way, W7, as w cioca a. ja. aa vwn. mm, of aald Court la SL Helens. I sal voestT and State, aa tbe tlms aad elaes for kearla and sealinc be said tseseat aad petluoo fordietrl button, st which time aad place any person In terested ta said estate may appearand file writ, ten objections le tbe sllowaao at said aeeoent ana ia greeting 01 stst pttiuon. Administrator of tht Estate at William Aeam, ' TBBASs7BEst tlWTICB. Cocirnr Tbkasubxk's Omci, 8t. Uhlevs. Or- Annl 8. 1897 NOTICE is hereby given that all unpaid Conotv Warrants of said county. which beve been presented and endorsed "Mot Paid for Want of Fund." prior to Jan 2, Mm. will be paid upon present atioe at this office. Interest will not be al lowed after this date. K. M. WHABTOJf. 9rs7 T restorer of Columbia County, Or. TtTAJrran r.ITaTtJI MsTW OB wornm vT Mtraral lor ssasaslMessttansaea Boost laOrsfsa. asWt,( SalsrTraaa4 aspsasta. roataea Astsrsasa Coelote self ivstoee. Tb H.lloaal. War lassr- feChteaeo. WHITE COLLAR LINE -- O. R. & N. CO.. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. BAILEY GATZEET Leaves Portland dallf tinept gander AMer street :t A. St.. Asbttrt7A. M. Lsevt T. 3. POTTEB O. B. a V. CO. Leave Portlsed dsr Aider street 7:6 P. IT. Aah street P. af ; 8aturdajr Alder street .st P.., Asb street 10 P. a. Tlekst of the two Compsnlet rood en both boat. U. h. BCOUT, President. K. A. BEELET, A rent WASTED rilTHrtJL MEN OB WOMKW to travsl for rsaponslbls estsblltbsd hoot a Oreeoa. Salarr IvtoaDd etpaasst, Posltls eerssaaeBl. Kefereaea. Saslost tsif-tddrtsssS ttatspsd aaralos The MaUoaal, Am bunts. aeo BmI, CaioaQQ CASTORIA 7at lalattto asa.C3ultttWm bs Your Ilonej's Worth Eveiy Time ' Dolman's Store. . . Decker's BARBER SHOP A H. PICUI, lioprltot. ev. ale mmA aaMaMs aarbar bat kit resort lest aa altars as taa a too ad. and will sbav ye HBleriabli and eutealy lor only Uosuta. I ST.HELE53. t t OKtQOI Lumber All kinds of rough and dressed Lumber oa abort notice. Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered to any point on tbe river at toe Lowest Possible Price Oae-hsif Cash and One-half ta FARM PRODUCE. Addreaa all orders to E B. BORTHWICS, TO THE orrn tbm choice 01 Ti 0 Tnnscontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BT WT or Sooksse, Uinneapoiis Sl Paul UNION PACIFIC RY T WST or DEI7EB, OliHA, It liKSiS C1IT LOW EaTXS TO SIX EASTERN CITIE8 OCXAS 8TKAMEB8 LKAVK POETLANU EVSBY S For San Francisco. For Kail Details Call 00 or Address W. H. HCELBUBT, General trwUrht sad Pass. Aft. Fortland. m. Meaollss Proo. S Maaacer. ORIENTAL HOTEL A. B. BIAXXSLKT, Proprietor. Board by Day. Week or Month AT AKABOXABUt RaTXA Tba taM ta sTTlea wrtb lbs best tht aiartet aaTords. Cverrtiiins clean. A sbars ef voer pat. nmaseksottetud. ST. tULAMA OttCtiOM PE0FE88I0N A L. ATTORNEY -AT -LAW t Win Brsrttea Is til eonrts of Oregon or Wash loetoa. Pranpt attonitoo flvnlo eoavejraa. ins ana aoiarv s Dunuaas. Q. W. COLE, ATTOBltBT ABO OOUHBKLOsVAT-LAW, BT. HELENS, OEEGOW. Title Abttraet Books, WoUry PnUle, Connie. turner of ueeot lor watnintwn, aaa aa xpr umeee eoueeior in soaaeeuea vns vsws 8. D. DENNIS, ittsn&T ail Ccucselor at Lai. Okbbbal Law Fbacticb. CoUeetloa, Porseloanres, Msrbtnlcs' Hens, etc. Will seaette In til tht eootta of Oreeoa . aaa ssuunma. Tatix) Bmwrao, - - 8r. Htxnt, Oa. JB. KDWIST ROfW, PHY8ICIA5 AND 8UEGEON. 8t. Helens, Oregon JB. B. B. CUFf, PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEON. 6L Helena, Oregon. riB. J. B. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ClAtskaule, Colombia county, Or. -rwr M. MBbBKVB, Sorreyop and CiYil Engineer DELEMA, OEE0ON. County Borveyor. Land Snrveylos;, Town Flatting and nginriiig work promptly szeontsd. GOBLE, OREGON. Groceries, aothlng, DART & 8T. HELENS, Complete Stock , SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. ST. HELENS MEAT MARKE1 AH Kinds of Fresti Meats, Mali bw Wholesale At ioocial Rates. MAIN STrtsnOT. Clatskanie Drug Store -' Nev and Patent Medicines and Stationei7, School Books. Prescriptions Carefally Compomii'i ....ST. HELENS HOTEL.... Oor Ublee will at all time be found supplied with tbe best sdible sou delicacies the market fiord. TERMS REASONABLE Tbe hotel hiving been newly refurnished we are prep red to git wiis faclkan U aU our patron, aud eoUcil Tour uatrouae.. t..-. i J. George, Proprietor, St. HelensOr. r saKsjsi aaa Htflt "All the I v-r Vorld Loves r a Vifloer" 8 Onr 'Ninety 5eve M lb? CoasptettUaeof ' l O rTl TTlYCI srTTlWl n. iU dats I j I 1 II Ml Ml -Ti Ml II DILVtlCD 17 ff .UApiyl lwUV . . "' w f f MONARCH CYCLE MFO. CO. K i CXICAwt IXWT0BX L09C9O1 V t i ''''tMsntsaTra StSy e AjtjaaeS ate. O PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE I I A I IT' 03 rk.itfjt.- ' ""' """ "r' - ' ITPVl W1PD n VTT OTTAWV3 DL... W.iui Maian m maa vr. w ooa v xuav, svou ouaiti! uwm, Commencine Anrll IS. 1WM. will leava Portland, fnnt nf Waahlnrtnn atrmt. Toetdsfi Thorsday and eondar veriints at 5 o'clock. Retnrnln(t-Ire CUukanie. (t'd Pf r lutng), Honatjr, wednetday and Friday OUt7:Bteli7:lA; Mavrar7rl. Rainier in Portland 1:30 A. M. fbs company reaervet tbe rislit to change time without notio. HATCB THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & r- ril - , L.rrrrr:- k STTTR JOSHPH KBLLOOO FOB PORTLAND Leave Kelso Monday, Wednetday, and Fridsys at t o'clock . m. Portland Tuetdsy, Thursday and Saturday st 6 o'clock s. m. ots and Shoes MUCKLE OREGON, of Rubber Goods Hams, Bacsn and lard James H. Sheldon, BT. 11KLKNB, OltF.OON. DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. t . Select Stock. Droit's Notions. FOR REGULAR BOARDERS, ; evenlnet tt o'clock. Will pi ua Kalama O !. Ht Halana 10 1. ArrlV TBANBFOHVATIOR COM FA"' COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER